#maybe I’ll go back for my next bday if I have the misfortune of seeing it
deityofhearts · 6 months
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you WISH you were me (I have cookie dough tea and it’s delicious)
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
A/N: To be honest, I had wanted this to be a Diana-centric fic, from Diana’s perspective. I struggled to find a concept, and had a little help from a friend who sent me a random generator. (Thanks, Kate :>) And when I thought I’d just choose from a randomly generated idea, I came across this video on youtube which was actually a compilation of a tiktok series of the story of two neighbors. Of course, I changed bits of it, and obv the end so if you think you know what the source vid is, dw. I won’t hurt y’all like that ;-; And I’ll just link it at the bottom so no plot spoilers for those who don’t know what it is. Eyyyy.
This fic has a few song recs for y’all to listen to if you haven’t heard them already, lol. ;)
I had been looking for something... “emotional” for Diana’s bday fic. And I think... this works. At least for me, it does.  It’s not from Diana’s perspective, but... I think this works. So without further ado, Happy birthday Diana and...
oh, thank you to @tracedinairlwa​ for some help with the music :> that y’all will see later in the fic :’>. Without further ado,
~Shintori Khazumi
 It all started with a sunset and a few familiar notes from a piano.
No, it isn’t Akko’s piano. Her piano has been sitting in a corner of her room, collecting dust- untouched for months. And that is just the thing. Unless her piano has somehow become cursed and has decided to ghostly play on its own, then there had to be some other source.
The source of that gentle sound, Akko eventually pinpoints, is her apartment wall- or more accurately, what lies beyond that separator.
As she sits on her couch, admiring the expressive tones, her mind has decided that it wants to capture this special moment, and keep it stored lest she never experiences it again.
Making a quick dash for her bedroom, she opens her bedside drawer and fishes for her old camera from her university days in film club, back when she was an actual student of the Arts and all that creative jazz. She has tried to maintain it, but being under lockdown allows her few chances of seeing the outside world, and the few corners of her home don’t exactly spark ‘inspiration’ for any project.
Dusting the device off gently, she takes it back to the living room, placing it on her coffee table facing herself. She clicks the record button, thinking of making an introduction; but she quickly abandons that idea as she realizes it may take away from the sounds she wants to ring more apparent on tape.
Maybe she can just edit a few captions later on her laptop. Yes. That sounds good.
So she sits.
And the notes kept playing.
[Video Diary(?) Diary? Is this a Diary? Day... Day 1. I hope it’s only Day 1. I hope there’s a day 2. And a three... and a five.
So anyway, Akko here. And uh... I got a new neighbor, I think. He/she plays the piano. I do too (kinda. Haven’t done that in a while, hehe).
I don’t know why I recorded this... this must seem like I’m being a creep, but... They just... played Chariot’s Melancholy from my favorite show and... it felt sadder than usual. The sound felt sorrowful. I don’t know...
I’m... moved.]
She does not know what compels her today, to slip that message under her neighbors door; but before she can even think about her actions, they’d already been done.
A simple, “can you please play ‘Ease My Mind’ by Ben Platt, maybe?” haphazardly scrawled on a piece of notebook paper is delivered with the anxious feelings of an interaction-craving Akko, starved of a social life since all this pandemic misfortune began.
She is sure she no longer knows how to string a proper introduction together after nearly a year of being by her lonesome.
This is about to change however. Starting today.
She counts down the hours ‘til sunset.
[Day 2! Yey! So uh... I kind of... went on the attack- no! I didn’t attack anyone! I just... You know how I have a new neighbor that plays the piano? I sent that neighbor a note.
And you might think that’s all fine and cute, but... I’ve never even met my neighbor... but...
I love his/her music. So much.
And I told them. On the note, of course. Duh, Akko.
I asked them to play ease my mind and... they did.
As you can hear in the video... I guess it was a yes. :>
 ...They eased my mind...
She wants to try something today.
She has been thinking about it the past few days after continually being blessed with such beautiful music. Music that had attracted her like moth to a flame. The piano’s daily sunset singing compels her to come reunite with her own.
She had wiped it clean earlier in the morning and now sits awkwardly on the bench, punching down a random note here and there.
What a nostalgic tone.
The C major scale then the G. She plays it. A few arpeggios to warm up. F sharp major doesn’t sound too good, with her fingers tangling up as she traverses the scale. What was the fingering supposed to be like again? Right. Start with the fourth and second finger on the left and right hand respectively.
That sounds much better.
She hums a few tunes, choosing from a playlist arranged in her mind. She settles on something gentle and sweet. A Yiruma song. Just to get the feeling back in her hands.
A river flows as notes along the plain that is her silent room, adorning the quiet flourishes and curves, bringing color to her atmosphere.
She misses this. This tingle in her heart as music fills up her entire soul, not allowing her to think of anything else but this exact moment.
This... This is nice.
And Akko plays until the sunset comes.
She can’t wait for it to come.
[Day 6. I... I haven’t played the piano in a while, and I’m a little rusty. But brave ol’ Akko here thought it’d be great to ask for a duet from the virtuoso across the drywall, haha. I left a note...
And I though we had something going. I was excited... I said that they could play once I stopped my part, but... did they forget? Or I guess they didn’t hear me.  
It’s okay... I can try again tomorrow.
I hope. Tomorrow...
-This has been Akko.]
She excitedly videos this weekend ‘meet-up’.
Akko still doesn’t know who lives across the wall, but she sure knows his or her favorite songs by now, hearing it daily at the same sunset hours.
She admires the music, as usual, but this time it’s different. This time, they had sent her a note. An apology for missing out last time.
They request a duet with her, to make up for it. Of course, Akko accepts. And now she starts it off, praying and hoping her sound is heard through the barrier that keeps their music apart.
She ends her part of the duet, waiting in the most agonizing few seconds of silence. She briefly worries that her neighbor had forgotten their proposition; or maybe they couldn’t hear her once more.
It’s fine, she thinks... It’s okay. She scratches her cheek, wondering if she should hold on until next time again-
There it is. That beautiful sound, so personal to the one living across the wall. A sound of emotion that could only belong to whoever it was living there.
Akko had never heard anyone else play the way her neighbor did.
She laughs, she feels herself tear up a little. It hurts so sweet in her chest. It’s a fizzy, bubbling excitement. It’s a stretched-out joy across her cheeks.
A success!
A beautiful one, indeed.
[Day 8: Akko here. My wish came true. I... got to play with my neighbor! Yay!
... Maybe I should go meet them now...]
They do it again.
Akko excitedly bounces in her warmed piano seat, listening to her neighbor go first this time around. She listens intently. Once the wall music stops, she starts. This was their agreement, their deal.
The river’s flow stills a moment, and that’s Akko’s cue to pick up the current’s pace once more.
She plays with shy gusto, caressing the keys in a way that shows how she’s fallen in love again. With the piano? With music? Yes. With- ...
Love, huh. It’s such perfect timing too.
Today is Valentine’s day.
Akko doesn’t know whether or not her neighbor has anyone special in her life like that, but if they share the same situation, all alone in their apartments, locked in by the pandemic, she just wants them to know she receives the message their music is trying to get across to one another.
Her heart feels it. It translates it.
It cherishes it.
[Day 13.
Dear Neighbor,
I just... wanted to share the words we’ve exchanged, not through any verbal means, but through the sounds that reverberate against the very foundations of our connected homes. Thank you for this message.
I know that music is... our way of simply saying
“I don’t know who you are ... But I’m here. You’re not Alone.” This is for you too.
-Sincerely, Akko.]
It is a challenge.
For Akko or for her neighbor, she doesn’t know. What she does know is that tomorrow is going to be the big day! She’s finally going to see the face behind the songs that have embraced her tenderly throughout the lonely struggle she hadn’t realized had weighed down on her so heavily.
The interactions they’ve had, the conversations, they brighten up her everyday, and Akko is somewhat afraid she’s gotten attached; addicted- if you will- to this unique bond she’s formed with another she has never actually met.
Her mind strays from her current piece, body autopiloting a song called, “Mind Conductor” that both of them just so happen to like, apparently. Another fact that makes Akko feel all giddy as they seem to share a taste in other media outside of music.
She feels herself vibrate with nerves and excitement.
It’s tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day.
[We’re Finally Meeting.
Akko tells a story.
She’s met her neighbor, not knowing what to expect. Despite having a lack of said expectations, she could confidently say it was better than anything she could have anticipated.
She rolls up the sleeves of her flannel shirt, readying herself to write the melodious response to the already playing tune in the background of her video.
Though she tries to listen intently, waiting for her turn, she is distracted. She knows she is.
After meeting someone as wonderful as her neighbor.
Blonde hair and blue eyes invade her recall, flashes of a soft smile and calm voice playing over and over in her head.
Her neighbor is the most gorgeous woman she’s ever met. Breath-taking. Akko says this with utmost objectivity as her lungs struggle to function after first meeting the lady.
Hailing from Scotland, the twenty-five-year-old had introduced herself to Akko. They exchanged a few pleasantries, some questions and information.
Akko had asked how she’d never known she had such a talented neighbor, to which the response was an admission from the woman that she had just moved in and was only staying in the adjacent apartment temporarily while awaiting for a relative to come for her after selling their old house back in their hometown.
Her mother... rests. Having had a certain heart disease for a while, her immune system had proven very susceptible to the pandemic reaper that had claimed her life for its tallied count. She never knew her father, it seemed.
Akko’s heart breaks as she remembers these things.
“All I have left is the piano.”
That’s what she’d said to her earlier.
Akko’s fingers glide across the keys, playing her role in this drama for two.
“I play at sunset because my mother came home at that time from work... she was always stressed.
...I wanted to be of help to her. I was happy she loved it. As I grew up, it became a habit.”
Akko fumbles with a few keys, making a slight mistake. She hopes her neighbor can forgive her for being so distracted at the moment, and right after they’d finally met too.
“Thank you, Miss-”
“Akko is fine.”
“Thank you, Akko. You’re playing has, in truth, kept me motivated and less lonely.”
Akko remembers having promised before their parting to their respective units that she would keep playing with her until she moves out.
Akko blushes upon remembering the stunning smile she was offered afterwards.
Her neighbor had been camera shy and so Akko didn’t get the opportunity for a picture. She hopes for the best in the future. She’ll try again if ever the lovely lady was ready.
They have time, anyway.
They do.
[Day 20, folks! Akko here, writing another video caption entry, Diary, thing... haha. The song playing right now in the video is gorgeous right? It’s... her favorite song. It’s called, ‘In case you don’t live forever’. She said it keeps her loser to her mother. It keeps her in her heart.
She plays so beautifully...
She’s just as beautiful. She’s amazing.
She’s... a special soul.
I feel goosebumps.
I’m glad. For her. Her music doesn’t sound as sorrowful as when I first heard it. It’s still every bit as emotional, though. I could cry. Really, I could...
...I’m so happy she’s healing.
It’s a process, but... I’ll be here. I’ll be here for her.
I’ll be here for you,
There are times when Akko thinks she’d like to get to know her neighbor more, a little more chatting, a few more minutes talking. 
However, it always seems as though there’s this unspoken rule. This... ‘don’t-get-too-close’, ‘don’t-ask-more-than-you-should’. It’s like a boundary that keeps Akko from learning more, discovering more.
Neither of them purposely meet-up outside their closed doors either, this lockdown and what-not all up in their face.
They see each other around the building sometimes, wave a hand, shake a plastic bag of groceries, but building protocols don’t really allow loitering in the halls, and Akko feels she’d be crossing a line in inviting the girl over, and she doesn’t see herself getting invited instead either.
Despite this longing, she isn’t all too dissatisfied with the current standing of their relationship. Peculiar as it may be, she rather likes this.
A relationship built on a communication based on raw emotion delivered through their music.
If Akko ponders it deeply, it’s quite an intimate relationship, what they have. Thoughts and feelings in their purest form- unspoken, but not hidden.
She might not know too much about Diana. She may not know much of her past, or even her present, or general objective facts about the woman.
But what Akko does feel she knows is Diana’s heart. 
And Akko knows its utterly beautiful.
Moonlight Sonata has never felt so sad to her; its sounds reflecting something they both felt, Akko believed.
Akko feels her heart clench and ache in her chest, her face a little hot and her palms sweating.
Only a week left before the clock strikes twelve and the magic is broken.
Diana is finally moving out.
It is... their final duet.
How unfortunate.
Akko sighs, thinking about the pain she’ll feel later as she edits this portion of the video. Compared to the happy tones and build ups of all the others, this... is something she doesn’t know if she can do.
Maybe she can ask Amanda for a favor this time around?
She’s actually shown some of her closest friends her video logs, and they all had sent kind messages to Akko’s new friend, who in turn, felt worlds and worlds happier.
Akko feels happy as well.
Diana’s joy is contagious. It shows through her expressive music that gives away the feelings her face doesn’t show.
Speaking of Diana’s face... she still hasn’t agreed on showing her face on camera. Akko supposes it’s still too early. Maybe before she leaves? Oh Akko hopes so. She wants to have something to look at physically to remember Diana by. Not that she’d ever forget.
Still, a little memory help never hurt anyone.
Diana’s turn comes in smoothly through the wall, Akko unable to keep her smile from forming.
She’s going to miss this. The playing; the sometimes awkward, but unconventionally amazing duets; the letters shoved underneath door; and the very rare hallway meet-up where Akko can only smile at Diana as they exchange a literal word or two.
Akko reminisces.
The past... two months now, have been amazing. Incredible. Life-changing. Akko wonders what the future has in store for them both after they part.
Maybe they could meet again. Someday. Somehow. Somewhere.
Akko knows she’ll keep playing still. At the same time, on a weekend, as the sunsets. For Diana. She’s promised she’ll keep making the video logs. She’ll send them over to her so that they can still keep this music alive in some way.
[Day 62.
Hi, Diana. It’s me, Akko.
I... wrote you a song...? Or well, I started to... I’m not quite done yet, hihi. Got a little too ambitious and all... thought I could add some other instruments besides our- the piano... aha..haha...
When you first told me your story, I started picturing it out. A life dyed with all the colors of the spectrum. From the vivids to the grays, it was such a lovely imagery in my minds eye. A painting I could not get out of my head.
And so this song is... yeah. That.
A story.
A story about this wonderful twenty-five-year-old woman who so happened to move next door to this uninspired artist. She’d lost her mother to a stupid virus, and she’d never known her father. Her house got sold, and she had only one distant relative she knew of left.
She spends her days along in a box of white walls and empty silence. That is, until the sun decides to rest for the day, and it sends its golden rays of energy to the girl and to her piano that she thought to be her sole companion in this tragedy.
She plays her favorite songs, filling the emptiness with her own emotions; making the intangible manifest itself and cause a dumb girl next door to one day slip a scratch of paper underneath her door, asking for a song.
A note with a request... and with a message that she’d heard her feelings- her loneliness; and that she’d never let her be alone anymore.
And that’s how they became friends, huh, Diana?
Two pianos, Two people, and a wall that keeps them apart.
They didn’t know who was playing on the other side. But did it matter?
In this dreary, blackened time of the world,
‘You can be the light of somebody else’ darkness, so keep shining.’.
Dear Diana,
In case my playing isn’t as emotionally expressive as yours, I hope you at least know this now. Through this video.
That you were, and are... my light.
P.S. I hope I finish the song and give it to you before you leave.]
 She feels herself hyperventilating, her vision bleary. She can barely stand. She feels like vomiting, and dying, and screaming all at once.
Her anxieties run rampant all over the room.
If this keeps up, she may as well hurt herself beyond help.
She trudges over to the one thing that could ground her at the moment.
The piano.
Her hands are shaky as they do multiple attempts to turn on the keyboard, hitting the wrong buttons and turning the volume knob up too loud that when Akko accidentally leans against the keyboard, hand pressing down on many keys, the sound almost blows up her eardrums.
She curses, smashing a hand against those same keys, the cluster of notes echoing through her apartment walls.
She allows the scream to tear out of her throat; emotions, wild horses finally released into the open.
She falls face first onto the keys, now ignoring the loudness of their noise, momentarily thinking it would be better to allow her ears to bleed out so she’d never hear a thing again.
She wants something, anything, to drown out the pain she feels right now.
She sobs against the keys, head lifting as she apologizes to her piano, wiping off the tears that are quickly replaced by fresh ones.
Akko gives up and plays a note. Then two.
Then she’s playing ‘you’ll be in my heart’ and she’s crying more.
She lets herself cry as she plays.
Today, she was supposed to see Diana off. She had left a final note the day before yesterday, asking if she could do so. Help Diana carry her things, maybe swap numbers, and just... maybe keep this connection going for years to come.
Last night, she’d said good night at Diana’s door.
The girl gave her the sweetest smile, an almost unnoticeable blush on her features.
Oh, but Akko noticed anyway.
Of course, she would. With how shamelessly she stared at Diana at that moment.
Diana laughed, stepping closer and patted Akko on the cheek- kissed her there- before turning about to shut the door, along with the lights Akko saw go off from underneath it.
She was excited for the morning.
But when morning came... Diana was gone.
Akko had been thrown into confusion and a frantic state that she’d bolted all around, searching for signs or a left behind message.
She had then run down to ask the land lady, and that’s where she’d found out.
The heart disease Diana’s mother had was hereditary.
Diana had had an attack, and with an emergency alerting device, she’d been able to contact her only family, and had been taken to the hospital.
That was good.
That gave Akko relief and joy.
...so why is she despairing now?
...She didn’t know.
No, not the reason for her despair. She knows that.
The reason she was in this state is because she didn’t know.
She didn’t know what had happened.
She didn’t know Diana had suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night.
She didn’t know where she was, or where whoever took her.
She didn’t know that Diana had that heart disease too.
She didn’t know because she never got to ask.
She never got to learn more, know more.
... Did she not know Diana then?
Her mind taunts her, her heart hurts her.
She doesn’t know a lot about Diana. Not as much as she thinks.
That’s what they tell her.
For all the emotions they’d exchanged through music, that was the extent of it. Had Akko been too presumptuous in thinking she’d known Diana so deeply because of what they’d shared?
When in reality she may as well be a random stranger playing her show tunes and disturbing her neighbors.
Akko almost believes it.
But no... no. She can’t do that. She can’t assume those things. Not about their connection. Not about Diana.
Because Diana had told her once upon a song that she- that Akko had been her light. Her comfort. Akko believes in Diana. So she believes these feelings as well.
Yet these feelings of her own were so conflicting, so daunting. They battle in her mind, questioning and justifying every little thing. All things relating to Diana. Diana and... Diana.
Akko coughs out a few more sobs, throat incredibly dry.
She stops playing for a moment, dragging herself to the kitchen for a glass of water.
Then she goes back to the piano.
She... doesn’t feel like playing again.
What should she play anyway?
What song does she want to play? What song... Song... Song... Diana... What was Diana’s favorite song?
Diana? Song? A song for Diana? A song about-
Akko falls off her piano bench as she scrambles for her coffee table, sighing in relief as the papers for her composition are still there.
With shaky hands, she takes the sheets and a pencil and brings them over to the piano.
And she writes a few notes, then a few bars.
Who is Diana.
What does Akko not know about her. Her other struggles? Her sickness? Her trials and her fears? Her past?
That melody... sounded too sad for a parting gift. Akko doesn’t want Diana to feel more sorrow when she moves out...
What does Akko know? About Diana?
“Diana is...”
Expressive, emotional.
Diana is intelligent, an intellectual.
Diana is sincere and sweet.
Diana is talented and tasteful in music.
Diana is... her neighbor, her... new friend,
....Akko’s... what?
What was she to Akko?
“You are my light.”
-Akko ends up writing as a title.
But that’s a little too embarrassing to give to someone who was just your neighbor and a new friend... right?
And maybe it didn’t exactly represent the whole thing Akko had written.
So she erases it, biting her pencil as she tries to come up with a new name, a new caption for this creation.
What could it be. That describes Diana in her entirety; her life, her struggles, her joys.
Who is she? Who is Akko’s neighbor?
Akko scratches her head in frustration, wracking her brains even more.
With a sigh, she replies to herself aloud, the simplest, somewhat plain, and stupidly obvious answer.
“Well, she’s Diana.”
And it clicks.
That she is.
She is Diana.
And Akko throws on a jacket, a mask, and some shoes and thinks no more.
[Dear Diana,
I know very little about you
But you’ve changed my life.
Really you have.
You gave me back my passion, and a little bit more of that even. Maybe aroused a new passion within me.
I’d say, “You’ll be in my heart”, but that sounds too much of a farewell, to be honest.
And I’d rather not say goodbye just yet.
Not like this.
Music... Is a powerful thing. Despite the rampaging emotions I’d felt as I found out what had happened to you today, I- I kept playing. It grounded me. It helped me.
Diana, you once told me I was your light.
And you know I’ve told you already. That you’ve been MINE.
Diana. This video might look incredibly shaky and chaotic.
But please forgive me for that, and know that it is because I’m running with all my might to find out where you are. I got a hint for the hospital you might have been taken too.
It kinda seems like I’m a stalker now, huh?
I’m sorry. I just... I-
I can’t say goodbye to you....
Not just yet...
I still... have a song for you.
So... wait for me?”]
Eyes blink, bright white melting into color. They scan the room, looking for hints to identify her location.
Her body aches, her chest hurts. Her throat is parched. Her head is throbbing.
What is that annoying beeping sound-
Ah. Of course.
The hospital.
She hates it. She hates the smell of antiseptic and sterile sheets. She hates the taste of badly prepared hospital meals, and too-dry food.
The water has this strange quality to it when you’re in the hospital.
She knows this well.
She hates that she does.
She sighs, sinking into her pillows. At least those are comfortable.
What bad timing, really. For an attack.
She was supposed to move out today. She was supposed to meet with her aunt- who actually has probably met up with her by now, seeing as Diana is in a hospital and her usual alert device seems to be charging within reach beside her. Also she sees Daryl’s purse on the seat.
Maybe the woman had gone out temporarily for something important.
That was fine.
It just meant Diana was left alone again. If only for a short while.
...Alone, huh.
These past two months, she hadn’t been that.
All because of one girl, one Atsuko Kagari that she’d met by chance through a piano and through a wall. The sound quite literally carrying over through a wall.
Diana can’t believe she used to be so skeptical of thin-walled living spaces, wondering how people kept their privacy.
Now, however, she feels blessed that that was the case.
Else she’d never have met... her light.
That’s right.
When everything, her vision, her hopes, her heart had steadily been dying out, through her dim came a glow. That glow was the connection she’d found through her neighbor across a wall.
It had surprised her the first time she realized someone was playing alongside her one sunset session, months ago. She would have thought it creepy had the person’s music been any less captivating.
There were just so many colors in the music, there was just so much warmth. It sounded a little rough, a few hinges rusty at first; but it came along after a few pseudo duets, and then Diana had found these duets to be a staple in her life.
Then she met Akko for the first time, and more warmth and color came into her life.
Diana found herself enjoying the musical conversations they had, intrigued by thoughts that they were actually able to communicate in that way and understand one another to that extent, no words attached.
And she enjoyed these nonverbal bonding moments.
But when they actually wrote to one another, or when they’d have their short greetings when they’d meet up in the hall, Diana found herself wanting to draw even closer, to get to know Akko even more.
And when Akko asked if she could do the same, Diana had found it so easy to open up.
She’d loved to know even more about the girl.
But how would she do it now?
They didn’t have the chance to exchange numbers, and Diana was probably moving as soon as she left the hospital. Her things were already being shipped to her new home, after all. There wasn’t much reason to return to her apartment, really.
“Idiot. Stupid, Diana. Not asking her sooner. What are you supposed to do no-”
Two knocks on her door.
It doesn’t open right away. It doesn’t seem to open at all.
Diana deduces it’s not a doctor or nurse then. And it might not be Daryl either because the woman would have already called the attending nurse to open the door already.
So then, who could it be?
Diana tries not to let her mind wander and get her hopes up, because there is no way- just no way- it’s who she hopes it will be.
The door opens, and her breath is unexpectedly bated- and she releases it, seeing it’s just the janitor.
Trying not to let disappointment leak into her tone, she greets him a good mor-
“I’m glad... I was right.... hah... hah... You’re here... Diana.”
And Diana really shouldn’t just assume things such as being wrong, and that maybe her neighbor was a creep two months back.
Because now her neighbor, all frazzled, sweaty, and out of breath, is right there in front of her, a bunch of papers crumpled in one hand as the other is held over her heart, trying to calm herself.
“You... hah... didn’t let m-me... Sa-ha-y goodbye... so... you’re not allowed... to leave me waiting in silence and never respond...” Akko huffs. “There’s no more wall preventing you from using words now.”
Her breathing finally slows, and she manages to look up.
“I still have a song for you, after all.”
Diana doesn’t realize, nor does she feel the tears flowing down her face.
Akko doesn’t either.
“L-Let me know what you think... It’s my first song and all...” She becomes this shy blushing school girl as she approaches Diana’s bedside, awkwardly handing over the worn pieces of paper, all wrinkled up from whatever adventure Akko had been on prior to arriving here. “... then maybe we could play a duet again or something...”
She mumbles it so quietly Diana almost didn’t catch it.
She smiles.
She doesn’t think about the reality that was supposed to occur today had she not been taken to the hospital.
Virtual duets aren’t really her thing. She much prefers hearing sound in person, in real-time. She prefers the ability to adapt and adjust to play alongside someone; to feel expression and emotion first hand; to experience a duet in full.
So it’s a simple reply that she has ready, along with a smile on her face as she takes Akko’s hand in hers.
“I’d love that.”
 Diana has told her many times that it’s thanks to her that she was able to recover as quickly as she did, and be out of the hospital in only a week.
Akko sheepishly denies that every time.
They’re both just glad things seem to settle to be alright now.
Diana leans her head against Akko’s shoulder as they share a pair of earphones, listening to the composition play on the latter’s laptop.
“I love it.”
“I know. You’ve told me that the past 4 months, everyday.”
“And I will continue to.”
Akko tries her best to hide the smile that had grown on her face, but it’s impossible. It comes out in laughs and a few soft tears, and she rubs her head against Diana’s.
“You have all the time to, it seems.”
“Yes, and I won’t waste it.” Diana quips, turning her head up to look at Akko with the tenderest of smiles. “Care to play?”
Akko simply smiles, before wrapping Diana up in a hug so deep, and warm, and tender. Without a word, she stands them both up, walking them over to two keyboards now positioned side-by-side.
They take seat. With eyes meeting, and a small nod, they begin.
They don’t need words to figure out the rhythm they’ll fall into, or what they should do, or who plays what part for today.
Akko’s colors seep out, her warmth embedded in her music. Diana’s expressive emotions tell Akko all she needs to know, and they play in harmony.
Together, they tell a story.
A story that began with a sunset and a few familiar notes from a piano.
A story about its music and what lay beyond a wall.
A story once called, “Diana”.
“Diana and Akko”.
  A/N: ....  Hrmmm... I didn’t like how i ended it, tbh,,, hahaha. I just... lost my thought process now. I’m tired and lost.
Based off this story
The follow-up to this won’t be now, or anytime too soon. Or tbh, I could just end it like this. But there’s this ache in my heart that wants to know what happens next as well. Or more things such as how Diana ended up staying. But well,
...who knows.
Bye for now.
~Shintori Khazumi
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justpeachyshua · 6 years
good luck
pairing: hoshi x reader rating/warnings: teen+ for language; no warnings au: college au??  word count: 4,045 summary: “Ever since my first date, I’ve had the absolute worst luck when it comes to relationships. Bad dates, lying, cheating - I’ve seen it all. So, I decided to give up dating completely. It’s just better that way. No hurting, no heartbreak. I’ve strictly stuck by this rule for years now. That is, until I ran into a particularly spunky dancer on campus.”
note: so uhhh, I should definitely point out that I haven’t posted in months and that this was supposed to be for hoshi’s bday but it’s.... definitely way past that. but it’s done ya know! I’d like to believe that the quality maybe makes up for how late it is. It’s worth noting that over the summer I was on kind of a hiatus since I was in japan for a month and, now that school’s going on, updates are probably gonna be even slower, at least for longer fics like these. that being said, I’m gonna try branching out and making shorter imagines, maybe even some bulleted ones? just so I can post more often without my content being actual shit lmao. anyways enjoy the fic <3
I've never been the type of person who was good at dating. In fact, I'm fairly confident that some force in this universe was entirely dead set on making sure that every single relationship I entered ended in disaster. It all started in 6th grade when a classmate of mine asked me to watch a movie with him. I was all done up, wearing an outfit I had bought only the day before, and yet halfway through the movie, I felt something come up my throat and before I knew it I was vomiting onto the floor in front of me due to the sheer amount of caffeine, sugar, and nerves running through me. In sophomore year, I got my first real boyfriend, but that relationship lasted about a week before he revealed that he asked me out as a dare and couldn't bring himself to break up with me until then. This pattern of misfortune only continued through high school with various failed dates and boyfriends who lied and cheated. At some point, I got sick of it and, after graduating, I vowed to give up on dating completely.  
From then on, I avoided romance like the plague. If anyone seemed to like me or even asked me out, I would gently let them down. I made sure that close friendships were just friendships and that I never led anyone on. At least, I tried. You see, for the first time in my life, there was an exception to my rule. Towards the beginning of my freshman year of college, Kwon Soonyoung stepped, or rather crashed, into my life.  
I was a few yards away from the entrance to the dorms and I was rushing inside to retrieve a textbook from a friend, when someone ran right into me, knocking me down. I fell against my bag with a thud and, looking up, I saw the small wheels of a... Razor scooter? The person riding the scooter – a young guy with floppy black hair – had fallen, too, and I could see that he had scraped his knee on the concrete.  
"Are you okay?!" The guy crawled up to me, still on the ground. He looked me over, checking to see if I was injured with a comically concerned face.  
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it," I assured him. "What about you, though? Is your knee okay?"  
I pointed to his scraped knee which was already beginning to bleed. He looked down, noticing the wound and, to my surprise, laughed. "I'll be okay! It happens all the time when I'm practicing." Before I could ask him what he meant, he added, "Which reminds me!" He shoved a flyer into my hands. "You should come see the dance team's performance tonight!"  
I turned the flyer over, revealing a hand-drawn night sky with a large star in the center, containing the information for the performance. It was endearing. "Did you do this?"  
"Ah no, my friend Mingyu did, actually. He's an art major so we asked him to design the flyers for us. I'm just the leader of the team," he explained, a large grin ever present on his face.  
"Oh." I folded the flyer and stuffed it into my bag. I stood up, offered my hand to the guy, and helped him up. "I'll see if I can go." My eyes landed on his scooter again. "Uh, what’s the scooter for?"  
"It's a faster way to get around," he said matter-of-factly. "I'm pretty new with it, though, so I need to get better at riding it."
"Well, good luck with that. Try not to run into anyone else today," I said, turning to enter the dorm again.  
"Oh wait!" He called out. "What's your name? I'll put you on the VIP list. For, you know, accidentally running into you."  
"It's Y/N. What's yours?"  
"Soonyoung! But when I'm performing, call me Hoshi!" His grin grew wider and spread to his eyes, which shut into half-moons. The brightness in his eyes was captivating and his happiness was infectious, so much so that I practically forgot about our little crash entirely.  
"See you later then, Hoshi." I waved him goodbye and finally went inside the dorm as I planned.  
After I finished my last class that night, I decided to attend the performance and, to my amazement, Soonyoung was spectacular. He had kept his word of putting me on the "VIP list," though I found out when I got there that I was the only one on the list and that there wasn't really a list to begin with, just a simple promise. Before the show began, someone from the team (who I presumed to be a long-time member) brought Soonyoung out on stage, after which he gave a small introduction and revealed that he choreographed the whole show. I seemed to be the only one in the audience that was shocked at this and I was only further impressed when I saw the choreography itself. As soon as the team stepped on stage together and began their first song, my eyes were locked on Soonyoung – Hoshi in this setting – who was front and center. His moves were simultaneously fluid and powerful and unlike any dancing I had seen before. I began to wonder if he was secretly a professional choreographer masked as a college student.  
When the performance ended, I was the first to approach him and congratulate him on his job well done, going on and on about the quality of the show. He seemed ecstatic, his face lighting up ten times brighter than it was earlier in the day.
"So, you'll come to our next performance, right? It'll be a couple of months from now." He asked with the widest smile on his face.  
I nodded. "Sure." I pulled my phone out of my bag. "Here, put your number in my phone and let me know about the next performance." He took my phone and quickly typed in his number before handing it back to me. I noticed he had put it in as "Kwon Hoshi ☆" and I couldn’t help but laugh.
"I'll make sure I remind you of everything we do, don't worry!" He beamed. "You know, I think we're going to be good friends."  
"I think so too."  
That was years ago and, in the time between then and now, we really had become great friends. He convinced me to become the manager of the dance team, though that just meant giving them song suggestions and feedback when they practiced and lounging around with them when they hung out outside of meetings. Through that, I managed to make a ton more friends than I was anticipating, including the other "founders" of the team, Minghao, Jun, and Chan. The five of us became extremely close and, before I knew it, we were drinking together, spilling secrets, and having movie nights every week. Soonyoung especially became my best friend with him often spending the night at my apartment off-campus and even exchanging clothes with me sometimes.  
He was a grade ahead of me, so I had to watch him graduate a year before I did. Admittedly, a lot of tears were shed, but he came back the very next year to cheer for me as I crossed the stage with my degree. After that, we decided we might as well become roomies as we figured shit out and he officially moved into my tiny apartment, taking what used to be the guest room. We've been living together for about a year and a half now and, over the course of this time, I've come dangerously close to loving Kwon Soonyoung.  
What used to be small, cute mannerisms when we were in college have become all too alluring now that it's just the two of us. Before, neither of us would really cook when he was over and instead just order chicken and pizza, but now that he lives here full-time, I've noticed how he talks to himself as he figures out online recipes. When he styles his hair every morning, he always asks how it looks and I always push a few stray hairs away before I tell him he looks cool. Often, he'll wake up and walk straight to the kitchen without his pants on because he took them off before sleeping and forgot to put them on again. I don't stare, of course, but I can't ignore it either. Of course, the other guys do come by and make it feel like the old days again, but I can never shake the image of him falling asleep on the coach after a long night of watching anime or him dancing around the living room as he brushes his teeth. Everything he does totes the line between goofy and charming and it has me falling for him harder than I’d like to be.
Which brings me to a very important day: Soonyoung's birthday. See, for as long as we've been friends, Soonyoung and I have always made each other's birthdays as stellar as possible. One year I took him to paint a giant mural with me; The next year he took me bungee jumping. Generally, we tried to one up what we did the year before or at least do something equally as spectacular This year, however, I did something different. For his last birthday I had taken him to a SHINee fansign and had already planned to take him to Japan the next year, but I ended up changing my mind. This year, I instead decided to go on a simple picnic with Soonyoung. This decision came partially from the lack of funds for plane tickets and partially from one desire: To finally tell Soonyoung my thoughts on dating. For as long as we’d been friends, I had never quite opened to him about my fear of dating and, even considering how endearing and comfortable he was, I had to set some sort of boundary to prevent misfortune. So, it was decided. I would have to make our relationship clear – just friends, no feelings. At least, I hoped.
When he woke up that morning (wearing his pajama pants for once), I was already awake and making breakfast for the both of us. He sniffed the air and instantly became more alert. "Pancakes? You're spoiling me." He rushed over to sit at the island counter. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"  
I placed the last finished pancake onto a plate and carried it over to him, setting a bottle of syrup in front of him as well. "Well, I was thinking we could just have a chill day and maybe go on a picnic at the park nearby?"  
He looked up at me, scanning my face for any sign that I was joking. When he saw that I was completely serious, he silently nodded. "Awesome! What time should we go?" I could tell he wanted to ask why we weren't going all out this year, but he probably sensed that it would've been an awkward thing to pry about. I didn't want to disappoint him, so I hoped that he would at least enjoy today's activities.  
"Maybe around 1:00?" I checked my phone, seeing that it was only 10:28. "That gives us about two and a half hours before then."  
"Sounds good, then." He smiled before digging into the pancakes in front of him. He let out a long and satisfied sigh. "God, these are so good." I only grinned as I watched him eat, slowly picking at a plate of my own.
Within a few minutes we were both finished, and I took his plate to put in the sink. He padded over to the couch and I soon joined him, plopping down in the crevice I'd made from sitting in that exact spot for over two years. "By the way, I'm going to need you to leave the house for at least an hour before we leave."  
He whipped his head towards me. "Aha! So there is a catch!"  
"You're planning something special for me, aren't you? That's why you want me out of the house, right? So you can bring a whole bunch of people in. Or better yet! You're bringing a dog home!" He exclaimed.  
"I’m- I’m sorry, Soonyoung. No, I just need the time to make the food for the picnic and to get some things together. It's a surprise so I don't want you to see it.”
He became visibly more disappointed, albeit by just a bit. "Oh. That's okay. I'm sure I'll love whatever we do." He gave me his usual toothy smile. "I could see about hanging out with Chan for a bit to give you time."  
"Thanks. And let him know he left some socks here the last time he stopped by."  
"You got it," he said, already messaging Chan and beginning to get ready. "I'll be out of your hair in a bit. Just let me know when you're done!"  
Within a few minutes, he was out of the door and I was left to begin my plan. I had already gotten a few recipes from my mom on a terribly long phone call the night before and cooking it took about an hour on its own, so the rest of the time was spent gathering everything else such as fruit, chips, drinks, and of course the crucial basket and blanket. At that point, I still had about 40 minutes remaining, so I found myself scrolling on my phone and becoming increasingly worried as my thoughts roamed. What if the food spills in the basket and we don’t have anything to eat? What if he has a secret allergy he never told me about and he goes into anaphylactic shock because of something I made? What if he ends our friendship after I tell him how I feel? The whole point of my plan is so I can avoid ruining our friendship, but what if that’s exactly what happens? What if he has feelings for me?  
My phone pinged with a new text, snapping me out of my thoughts.  
Kwon Hoshi ☆: hey! you almost ready? I can start heading back anytime you want~
I was relieved to be pulled out of my mental spiral. Looking at his message, I smiled at the squiggly he so often used when texting. It was cute and somehow evoked the exact tone he spoke with in person. I wanted to be able to hear that for a while, especially after today.  
Me: hey, yeah I’m all done. you can come back now. just meet me at the entrance to the park, ok?
Kwon Hoshi ☆: you got it!!  
The walk to the park took only a couple of minutes and, once I arrived, I sat on the neartest bench and waited for Soonyoung to walk up any second. Twenty minutes passed by, then thirty, then fifty, and soon well over an hour had passed and I was still sat there. No messages. No Soonyoung. Plenty of people had passed by – families with small children, a few groups of teenagers looking to play some sports in the open fields, and couples walking along the path, hands intertwined. I tried not to watch.  
Finally, once I was about ready to give up and just head home, I heard someone shout my name from a few yards away. It was Soonyoung, out of breath and jogging towards me.  
“Soonyoung, are you okay? Where have you been?”
“I was,” Pant. “In the car with Chan,” Pant. “He was driving me back.” Pant. “And I-”
“Okay, you need to sit down and catch your breath, you’re breathing way too hard right now.”  
He sat and took a moment to calm down. “There was a huge accident that happened right in front of us. Someone completely swerved out of their lane and crashed into another car. So, for a while, we were in shock. At that point, my phone was dead because my charger stopped working while I was at Chan’s. Anyways, traffic was so bad that we were there for like twenty minutes just waiting to go past this super busy intersection that was all clogged up. In the end, Chan said I should just get out of the car and walk to the park since he’d probably be there a while. The walk took me a while, but I’m here now.”  
“Sooyoung that’s- that’s crazy. I’m really sorry that all happened.” I had to take a few seconds to comprehend all that he had recounted to me. There was a very visceral, very unnerving feeling within me at that moment. Something was telling me that this wasn’t going to go well.  
“No, I’m sorry. I’m super late and you’ve probably been sitting here for so long after you went through all the trouble to make food and everything.” But then again, with Soonyoung’s radiating optimism, I’m sure I’ll be able to get over it.  
“It’s all good.” I gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m just glad you’re here now. Now come on, we should find a good spot to sit.”  
We walked, gazing at the various photo-esque locations and quickly finding their flaws: a cute spot under the shade of a tree (too many bugs), a spot with some breeze by the stream (uncomfortable rocks and uneven terrain), a spot on the stone in front of a water fountain (as cute as they were, too many screaming, jumping kids). Yet finally, as we approached the far end of the park, we found the quaintest, quietest, most peaceful spot in the grass. It was sunny and warm and surrounded by yards of bright flowers. We agreed to settle there and placed our blanket down, beginning to unpack our lunch.  
I found my initial bad impression begin to fade as we calmly ate, going in and out of conversation and generally just enjoying the other’s presence. Despite the simplicity of the meal, Soonyoung continuously reminded me how much he loved it. I was pleased to hear his compliments even if I did deny them. Soon enough we were finished with the food and I was reading the newest novel I had bought, picking back up from where I left off. In the cool and comfortable atmosphere, it almost felt as though we were one of the many couples in the park that day, enjoying a nice day out in the sun together, in love. I could see how a random passerby could glance at us and think, “Ah, what a cute date.” After all, with Soonyoung’s head laying on my lap as I read out loud to him, he did sort of look like my boyfriend. The entire time my eyes were fixed to the page as I focused on following the story and adding voices to each character for entertainment’s sake, but I took a pause for once to look down at Soonyoung. He was looking directly at me, eyes peering into my own, and I suddenly felt very vulnerable under his gaze.  
“Soonyoung, I have to tell you something.”
Plop. Right in the middle of Soonyoung’s forehead landed a drop of water. Plop plop plop. Quickly, the rain began to fall and spiraled into a thunderstorm within seconds. Soonyoung jumped up as I rushed to throw my book and all our containers into the basket and run for cover, using the picnic blanket to shield the both of us. The other parkgoers also hurried to find a spot to stay dry and, evidently, we were left with nowhere to go.  
“Let’s try to catch a bus home!” Soonyoung suggested. I nodded, and we sprinted to the stop outside the park entrance, dodging the rain under a couple of trees along the way.  
“You have got to be kidding me!” I shouted. Just outside the gates was a bus, empty and unmoving, with about ten bus drivers with varying degrees of intense protests written on picket signs.  
“Shit, how could I forget? Bus drivers have been on strike all week, there’s no way we’re gonna convince them to bring us home.”  
By now we had been out in the rain for at least four minutes and we were drenched despite our efforts to protect ourselves with the blanket. I should have known. Soonyoung being late in the first place was the first red flag, but I chose to ignore it. I chose to ignore it because I knew I was enjoying what we had, pretending we were a couple. It was so incredibly selfish. It was selfish the way I let myself get caught up in the moment. It was selfish the way I let my bad luck get in the way. It was selfish the way I ruined Soonyoung’s birthday by making it all about me.  
I kept my head down in shame. While my body was freezing cold, my eyes began to burn with tears. I willed them to stay back but I couldn’t stop them, and so they fell and I heaved.  
He turned to me and began to rub my back. “Hey, are you okay?”
I sobbed then. “I’m sorry, Soonyoung. I wanted to make your birthday nice, but I just ruined it.”  
He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Don’t worry about it.”  
“No, this was supposed to be your day. Today was supposed to be special. I was supposed to take you to Japan and instead we’re stuck here in the rain, freezing our asses off,” I choked out.  
Looking up, I saw his brow furrow into an unreadable expression. “Maybe we don’t have to be.” He shrugged the blanket off his shoulder, wrapping it around my head, and gently grabbed my hand. In a spontaneous burst of energy not uncommon to Soonyoung, he took off in a run with me trailing behind. He dragged me to the nearest store awning and plucked an umbrella from the bin beside the door.  
“Soonyoung, what are you doing?” I asked.  
“Just follow my lead.”  
With a flourish, he pushed the umbrella open, held it over his head, and sprang out onto the street with a splash. He motioned back to the bin, urging me to grab an umbrella for myself. I hesitantly pulled one out and opened it before joining Soonyoung on the street. He grabbed my hand once again and led me into a simple dance. As we moved about, we kicked up large splashes of rain on the street below us. We spun around, making large strides from side to side and twirling the handles of our umbrellas. Once we were both completely out of breath, we returned to the store awning.  
I regulated my breathing before starting. “Now what was all that about?”  
“I wanted to show you that this day hasn’t been completely ruined. Even if it’s pouring, we can still have a good time if we’re together.” He took my hand in his once more, this time clasping both of his hands around it. They were comfortably and unusually warm considering the current weather conditions. “I say we head home with these umbrellas and make some frozen pizza. What do you think?”  
“That sounds pretty good.” I couldn’t help but smile. “But I still feel pretty shitty about today. I- I don’t exactly have the best luck with these kinds of things.”  
The corner of his lips tugged into a sympathetic grin. “Don’t worry about it.” He gingerly pressed a kiss onto the top of my head. “This is the best birthday date I could ask for.”  
And in that moment, I came to accept what I had with Kwon Soonyoung, my best friend, my roommate, and the object of my affection. After all these years of letting guys into my life and repeatedly getting knocked down, I found the one boy who could quell those worries. I found the one boy who could step up to the universe and tell it to fuck right off as he danced away in the middle of a thunderstorm. I found the one boy who I finally felt lucky to have.  
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