#maybe one day on separated post along with more info...one day...nobody knows..
akq96618 · 4 months
Imagine Gira's son inherits his dad's "EH?" reaction. Two confused red pandas in the same room X"D
Uncle Yanma or Rita-san probably fighting the urgent to pinch the smaller red panda's cheeks
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really tempted to draw gira with ponytail bcs of @cows-quack 's art ;;;-;;;; now i'm dying bcs I REALLY WANNA SEE HIM WITH LONG HAIR AND PONYTAIL GRRRGGGGHHGHF-
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regarding volo
I wrote most of this out in like, spring 2022 when I was still reeling from the Legends Arceus playthough and then just. Forgot to post it. But I feel like it’s about time I gave some context to the whole “Volo exists in the modern day and might be involved in the next gen plot” thing I keep not-so-subtly hinting at so... more info under the cut since this might get long!
The brief TL;DR regarding modern day Volo is that he’s essentially a Faller. After the events of the game plot, Rei/Lucas (the “canon” PLA protag in this timeline) slowly starts remembering details of his life back in future Sinnoh. He becomes depressed and incredibly homesick, to the point of desperately trying to come up with a plan to try and return to his original timeline. Eventually, he opens up about it to Ingo, who’s been experiencing something similar. They manage to piece together enough information to realise they came from the same timeline, and decide to team up to make it back there. 
Volo ends up involved in this plan, as Lucas manages to track him down and persuade him to help them get back home, due to his knowledge and because he was the one who originally opened the spacetime rift. Although things are still frosty between them after the events at Spear Pillar, Volo agrees, in part because he initially thinks, well, maybe he’ll get something out of it on his end and at least those pesky sky-fallers will finally be out of his way if they leave Hisui… but in the midst of all this he ends up getting transported through space and time as well, winding up in the present day. 
Separated from the others in the rift, Volo wakes up alone on a beach in the Alola region, having lost his Pokémon and most of his memories along the way. He’s briefly taken in and interviewed by Interpol’s UB task force and Aether Foundation, but Fallers from timelines as far-flung as Hisui are pretty much unheard of, and nobody’s quite sure what to do with a guy speaking in what sounds like an archaic Sinnohan or Johtonian dialect. However, Gladion gives him one of the Type:Null being cared for at the facility, as Volo currently has no Pokémon of his own and shows a fascination with the creatures for reasons he can’t explain.
As a Faller, Volo retains his interest in history and myths, and some snippets of lore that feel important for reasons he doesn’t understand. He also remembers he was some kind of merchant before, so he just… keeps doing that, travelling from place to place collecting and trading rare items and unusual artefacts, as well as studying whatever interesting historical sites he comes across on his journey. He’s a bit of an aimless drifter, travelling from place to place without staying anywhere long or getting to know many people too closely; he does make a few friends, but tends to be seen as a somewhat lonely, mysterious figure who never talks about himself much. Occasionally people will tell him he looks like the Champion of Sinnoh and ask if he’s her brother or something, but that doesn’t mean much to him… the name “Sinnoh” does ring a bell though, maybe he’ll have to pay the region a visit sometime… 
I could probably say more about Volo (in terms of his true motivations in my PLA storyline, whether his “accidental” spacetime journey was really 100% an accident, where he originally came from/whether Hisui was even his original timeline, how whatever spacetime rift he, Lucas and Ingo fell through might have something to do with the next gen plot shenanigans I never talk about, and his relationships with other characters/how he factors into the next gen plot overall) but a lot of that is still WIP so I will save it for a future post… although if anyone wants to send me asks nagging me to talk more about it perhaps I will oblige :)))
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
With you, he wants it all.
Part 2!! You can find all the info about why this is such a mess in Part 1! Also, I totally meant to post this earlier but Taylor Swift’s new album wrecked my plans. 
Summary: Reader is a famous singer with a murderous stalker. Spencer has to go undercover to protect her. 
warnings: mentions of murder, anxious reader, stalker
Word Count: 9972
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The next time you wake up, the room is significantly brighter. You feel around in the cold bed, realizing Spencer isn’t there anymore. You have to force yourself to open your eyes to combat the overwhelming urge to roll over and sleep for another twelve hours. The clock reads 12:07. You can’t help but think you deserve more sleep as you force yourself into a sitting position. Once you finally sit up, you hear someone shuffling around, whispering in the other room. It’s too quiet to try to make out the voice, but you definitely heard something. Without too much thought, you quickly jump out of bed, grabbing the only thing you can find that even remotely resembles a weapon- the bible from the hotel drawer.
Slowly, you push the door open, getting ready to make a break for the door to the hallway at the first sign of danger. Remembering everything from yesterday has you on edge as you move toward the kitchen area, looking for anything out of place. You duck around the pillar separating the kitchen from the living room only to find it empty. As you finally let your guard down, you feel a hand on your shoulder. Without thinking, you turn around getting ready to slam the book into whoever is touching you.
 Spencer catches your arms before you hit him. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. It’s just me. You’re safe.” You breathe out a sigh of relief, dropping the book and hugging Spencer.
 “I’m sorry! I just heard a noise and you weren’t in bed anymore and I wasn’t sure where you went and I wanted to make sure nobody else was in the room, but I-“
 “It’s okay. Just breathe.” Spencer is rubbing soothing circles on your back as you cling to him as if your life depends on it. A few minutes pass, before you calm down enough to pull out of the hug. You run a shaky hand through your hair, moving to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee.
 “I put the coffee on so you can grab some when it’s done. I’m going to get dressed so we can figure out where we want to go for inspiration today!” You wink at Spencer before heading back into the bedroom to shower and change. You throw on a pair of jeans and a light sweater after squeezing the extra water out of your hair. You like to let it dry naturally on days like this.
 You make your way back into the kitchen only to find Spencer has already changed into a navy and white plaid button down, khakis, and a navy cardigan. He is sitting at the table drinking his coffee when you enter the room. You immediately put the kettle on, reaching into the cabinet to pull out your tea collection.
 “No coffee for you?” Spencer asks, gesturing to the half full pot on the counter.
 “Oh, nope. Not for me. It’s only palatable if I add way to much sugar and then I get all antsy. I only have coffee if I have a really good reason to stay up.” You chuckle as you add the teabag to the mug you set on the counter. You sit on the counter, swinging your legs as you sip your tea.
 “So, where do you want to go?”
 “For what?” Spencer pretends to not know what you’re talking about.
 “It’s time to start writing silly!” You grin at his deer in a headlights expression. “Spencer, I told you not to worry. We are just looking for general ideas right now. Anything that could potentially lead to a song. It’s more fun to observe others during this part of the process because the ideas are less specific.”
 “I don’t even know where to start!” He actually seems nervous about this.
 “Spence, let’s just go to your favorite coffee shop. And don’t tell me that you don’t have one. You’ve already drunk half that pot of coffee.”
 “Why my favorite?” He actually looks taken aback at the suggestion.
 “Well, for one because I’m not from here, so I don’t know where to go.” You try to backpedal, but you’ve started a list. Something he is all too eager to point out. “And two?” He’s got his brows furrowed, a look of pure confusion adorning his face.
 “If it’s your favorite, then you’ve been there before.” You say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Well yes, but your point?” The confusion is still present, but his words are laced with exasperation.
“You might just be comfortable enough in your surroundings to suggest a song idea.” You shrug as you say it, trying to make it feel more casual.
 “You considered whether or not I would be comfortable?” He seems genuinely surprised now.
 “Of course. I want you to help me, so I gotta butter you up.” You try to cover up your blush with a joke.
 “Thank you.” HIs words seem surprised, but the two of you move on. Spencer grabs his satchel, and you your jacket, as the two of you exit the hotel to head to the café. You opt for walking since the weather is not too hot. You don’t say much during the walk. After the moment in the kitchen, you feel a bit nervous. A few fans stop you along the way for a picture or an autograph, but mostly you just enjoy each other’s company. Nobody pays much attention to Spencer, rather opting to ignore him to get your attention. Every time someone comes up to you; you make a point to say excuse me or smile at him before addressing the fans though. You just don’t want him to feel left out or like he’s not important.
 You finally make it to the café. Spencer opens the door before guiding you in, again placing his hand on your back. You thank him as you make your way up to the counter to order. You order a chai latte for yourself, gesturing for Spencer to order his when the barista asks you if you need anything else. You make sure to add two scones to the order before sliding your card into the machine before Spencer has a chance.
 “It’s my fault you’re here with me, so please. My treat.” He shakes his head slightly, a small smile forming on his face.
 “How many times do I have to tell you, none of this is your fault?” He gives you a look as you two move to find a table after accepting the scones.
 “I know.” You don’t sound sure as you take your seat. He doubles down the staring as you continue. “I promise. I know. It was just a joke.” You sound more sure of yourself that time, earning another smile from Spencer.
 The barista brings you your drinks as you settle into the corner booth. You set your phone up on the table, pulling up the recording from yesterday. You pass Spencer your headphones from your purse so he can listen to what you’ve already come up with.
 You take this time to really study him. The sun’s rays are streaming in through the blinds on the window, causing slight shadows to drift across his features. You take in the sharp lines of his jaw as he turns to look around the café, listening to the various melodies and lyrics you sang for the team. His brown locks appear golden as the sunlight reflect off the highlights. He’s sporting a slight stubble from not shaving for a few days. His hazel eyes drift across the faces of everyone in the room, not settling for long on any one person.
 You shift your attention to his hands. He has one draped across the table, lightly tapping along as he listens. His long fingers are mesmerizing. You begin to recognize he is tapping out the melodies as if he were playing the piano. The other hand is wrapped around his coffee cup. You bite your lip as you think about all the things those hands are capable of. Your mind wonders as you stare. You are staring so intently at the way his hand grips the cup, you don’t notice when he removes the headphones.
 Spencer clears his throat to catch your attention. “That was incredible. How do you come up with ideas so fast?” He looks like he knows exactly what you were thinking, but is too kind to bring it up. He’s just doing his job, and this isn’t a date. 
 “Oh, um thanks. I guess the BAU is just full of inspiration. The song writing process is a little different every time, but sometimes I can think of random lyrics and melodies.” You try to smile as you force yourself to focus. “Think back to a time where you felt an emotion really strongly. It can be whatever emotion you want. Then, try to put it into words. I like to use common phrases or metaphors because it can be fun to twist it into something new.” You close your eyes as you think back to how you felt the moment you understood there was a man out there killing people because he is obsessed with you. Maybe it’s a little too soon to write that one out. The idea does give you another way to explain it to Spencer. “It’s kind of like therapy. You can talk out your feelings and share them with people. It’s just a bit more public.” Spencer looks like he’s contemplating his entire life as you sit in this coffee shop.
 “Spence,” you say it lightly to draw him out of his own thoughts, “don’t worry about it. You don’t have to share anything you don’t want to. I just wanted to get the ball rolling. Why don’t we try something else?” He looks grateful as he nods. “Great. Pick out someone in the coffee shop, preferably part of a group.” He looks around before his eyes settle on someone.
 “Okay, now tell me what they’re thinking about.” He looks confused, like a lost puppy. “It’s called people watching. Just make up a story about what they might be doing here.”
 You and Spencer discuss ideas for the next few hours. He picked out a young man, maybe about 19 years old. He was clearly here with friends trying to catch a break from studying if the backpacks on the floor were any hint. Spencer noticed all of that immediately of course, being that he is a profiler.
 His story sounded just like the profile Hotch told you yesterday, although much less horrifying.
 “White male, late teens to early twenties. He is likely a STEM major. This is the first time he has let loose in a while, normally choosing to forego the party life for studying. He likely has immense pressure on him from his family to succeed and do well in school.” You nod along, not having any idea where this information is really coming from. He sounds so confident, you can’t help but ask how he knows all that.
 “You’re incredible. How did you figure all that out?” You stare in wonder at the man across from you. He doesn’t meet your eye, but responds nonetheless.
 “His age is fairly obvious to observe. His bag is fuller than the others, indicating a major that requires more coursework. He keeps checking his watch, almost as if he knows he is wasting time that could be spent working toward a goal. The family pressure can be inferred by the other behavior. It is more likely a young adult is studious due to a strict upbringing with a focus on work ethic and goal-driven activities.”
 “Amazing.” You sigh as you look around the room. “My turn.” You point to a couple sitting a few tables away from you. “Those two are exploring the possibility of taking their relationship past that of friendship. They obviously like each other and are too nervous to say anything.” Almost as if to prove you aren’t a profiler, the two lean across the table for a kiss. You laugh it off, knowing it’s just a game for you.
 “Or maybe not. Either way, their song would be about new love. Something slow and pretty.” You smile as you turn back to Spencer. “Your turn again!”
 The two of you go back and forth a few times. His stories were really just profiles, but after a few tries he leaned into the fun, game-like nature of people watching. Of course, his last story didn’t stray too far from profiling, but it was much more dreamlike in the way he presented it.
 “The woman sitting by the window,” he said, subtly pointing to an older woman at a table alone, “she’s waiting to see her grandkids for the first time in years. Of course, she’s excited to see them again, but she’s nervous. What if they don’t like her? What if she can’t patch things up with her… I’m guessing daughter?” You smile brightly at the story. Family moments were usually the most inspiring for generic song ideas.
 “Good job, Spence! What would the song be about?” The question clearly caught him off guard. For the past few stories, you asked how he came to those conclusions. It was so fascinating to hear how his mind works. This time though, you thought he could really be on to something. You give him an encouraging nod, as you set your phone up to record again.
 “It could be about- about family.” He states it so firmly; you know he wants to say more. “She is sitting there thinking about the memories she has with her own parents and grandparents, so the song could be a reflection on days spent enjoying their company. Maybe future memories they can make together.” He smiles, albeit shyly.
 “That is a really good idea! It fits with the vibe of the lyrics I came up with for Rossi.” You see the moment it clicks in his head. I don’t know why all the trees change in the fall, but I know you’re not scared of anything at all. Don’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far away, but I know I had the best day with you today.
 He actually seems pleased with himself now. “We could work on that one tomorrow. We should get up and walk around though, we’ve been sitting here for hours.” You reach for his hand as you scoot out of the booth, pulling him along with you.
 You stuff your hands in the pockets of your windbreaker as you head outside. You feel an overwhelming desire to be close to him, but you don’t want to overstep. The early evening crowd is out and about, bumping into the two of you as you walk back to the hotel at a leisurely pace.
 “Why don’t we go order some room service and just hang out for the rest of the night? All that people watching was exhausting.” You turn to grin up at him as you continue walking. He hums in response, looking down at you in return. You swear you can feel the mood shifting, but the moment is broken by a tap on your arm. You turn to examine the source of the interruption only to find a little girl who couldn’t be more than 10 years old.
 “Hi there!” You squeeze Spencer’s arm before ducking down to talk to the little girl. “Are you parents here?” She nods turning to look at a couple a few feet behind her, slightly out of breath, as if they just chased her down the street.
 “Carly! Honey, you can’t run off like that! You could have gotten hurt!” The man scolds her, but is clearly relieved she didn’t get away from them.
 “Sorry daddy! I just wanted to say hi to Miss Y/N! She sings my favorite song ever!” You wave at the parents before turning your attention back to the little girl.
 “Hi Carly, it’s nice to meet you! You really do need to be careful though. You should always stick with the adults so you don’t get lost.” Your voice is playful, but your expression is serious. The only way to truly convey that message to a child you have no parental claim to. She nods in response.
 “Mommy! Take a picture!” You pose with the girl as her mom takes a picture.
 “We’re so sorry for interrupting your date! She just saw you and took off down the sidewalk.” You blush at what the woman is implying about you and Spencer, not daring to look at him.
 “No worries at all. I’m always happy to meet a fan. Have a good night!” You wave goodbye, linking your arm with Spencer’s as you start to walk. He gives you a curious look, but you just laugh before joking “What? It’s so I don’t get lost.” He chuckles at your childlike behavior, but shifts so you can hold him closer.
 The rest of the walk is peaceful. You don’t see any more fans, which is good because you aren’t paying enough attention to anything at the moment. You keep picturing the look on Spencer’s face right before the little girl interrupted you. What was about to happen?
 Before you know it, you and Spencer are back in the room. He steps into the kitchen to call Hotch while you call to order dinner. You change into the FBI sweatshirt from yesterday and a pair of sleep shorts before settling on the couch to wait for Spencer. A few minutes later, he joins you on the couch after he hangs up. “The team has ruled out all the performers. It’s not surprising as the unsub wouldn’t be brave enough to perform for a crowd. They are still working through the lists of vendors and crew members.”
 “Good. That’s progress. Progress is good.” You nod to yourself, trying to convince yourself everything is normal.
 “Talk to me, what’s going on inside your head?” Spencer reaches out to take your hand while you stare at the ground.
 “I don’t know. I guess it’s just hard. It’s hard to have such an amazing day and then think about how it only happened because people are being killed. I guess I feel guilty.” You keep going before he can interrupt you. “I know it’s not my fault that this guy is out there doing horrible things, but I still feel bad for enjoying myself while it’s happening.” You don’t have any tears left to cry. You look over to Spencer to find him staring back at you.
 “Y/N, you are such a selfless person. There isn’t anything else you can do right now. We haven’t had any more victims, likely because nobody has posted about how excited they are for your shows since we still have 13 days before the next one. We are going to catch this guy.” You form your mouth into a soft smile before nodding at him. “What movie do you want to watch?”
 You smile at his attempt to distract you. “You pick. Anything that will take my mind off things, but not require too much thinking.”
 Spencer is racking his brain for a movie that fits your description when you hear a knock on the door. “Must be the food, I’ll get it.” When you return with the food, you find Spencer still thinking over movie choices.
 “Okay, how about this. What do you like to watch when you really need a pick me up?”
 Again he looks surprised that you would take his opinion into account. “Um, usually Doctor Who, but that’s not a movie it’s a-”
 “TV show. Right. Is that the one where they fly around in a telephone booth?”
 “First of all, it's a police box, not a phone booth. Second of all, Doctor Who started a quarter of century before Bill and Ted even went on their bodacious adventures. So really, they should just call it Bill and Ted's excellent rip-off, I mean at least then...”
You listen as he rambles about why people always think it’s a telephone booth. You can’t help but smile at how cute he is when he’s talking about something he’s passionate about. You don’t realize he asked you a question until he clears his throat with a confused expression.
 “Sorry, I was rambling again.” He looks dejected, and you would do anything in the world to make him smile again.
 “No, I’m sorry!” You scoot closer to him to convey your point. “I was listening at first I promise. It’s just, you looked so happy I got distracted. Let’s watch Doctor Who.” You turn to face the TV before you say anything else that makes you feel like a complete moron. He sorts through the food as you find the show online, setting it up to play on the TV. There’s random free episodes on demand, so you end up staring with the 11th doctor.
 You are completely captivated by the show. Every so often, Spencer would comment on a theory about what one specific prop could mean only to have you cover your ears and warn him about spoilers. During an episode about creepy angel statues, he goes on a tangent about how Amy could have avoided the whole situation. Once he starts mentioning characters you haven’t met, you actually have to reach your hand up to cover his mouth to get him to stop talking. His words putter to a stop, eyes widening in shock as he stares at you.
 “Spence, I absolutely love how passionate you are about Doctor Who. But it doesn’t matter how adorable it is when you ramble on about something. If you spoil one more thing before I can actually watch the whole show through, I will not hesitate to smack you.” You stare right in his eyes the entire time, watching as they widen with each word. You had to get a lot closer to him to actually reach his mouth. He had moved forward, animatedly waving his arms around as he talked about various plot points, so you were basically sitting on his lap to avoid being smacked in the face.
 You drop your arm from his face slowly, as if any sudden movement would break the spell you were under. You lean forward, connecting your forehead to his. You take a steadying breath as you close your eyes. Your about to close the gap when his phone rings. Again, the moment is lost. You only move enough so that he can reach into his pocket for his phone. As he answers the call, you shift in his lap to cuddle into his chest.
 “Morgan, what do you need?” Maybe you’re imaging it, but he almost sounds the slightest bit annoyed. You can just make out what Morgan is saying on the other end of the phone.
 “Calm down, Pretty Boy. We might have a lead, Hotch and Emily are tracking it down now. I’ll meet you at the hotel in the morning to go over it all with you and Y/N.”
 “Okay, thanks for the update.” He sounds so normal now, you think you must have imagined the annoyance earlier. He hangs up the phone, tossing it next to him on the couch. He wraps his arms around you before shifting so you’re both laying down.
 “Let’s just relax and watch more Doctor Who. Morgan is stopping by in the morning to talk about the case.” You nod in agreement, turning to face the TV. A few episodes later, you and Spencer are drifting in and out of sleep. Neither one of you really wants to interrupt what you’ve got going, instead opting to just fall asleep on the couch.
 You hear the faintest knocking noise that pulls you out of your slumber. It takes a few minutes for you to recognize you are on the couch, wrapped up in Spencer’s arms. He must have pulled a blanket over the two of you last night after you fell asleep. Before you can get up to evaluate the knocking, the door opens and Morgan comes rushing in. The concern on his face is quickly replaced with a knowing smirk. You blush, jealous that Spencer is somehow still asleep.
 “Hi Morgan. Sorry to alarm you. We must have fallen asleep watching TV last night.” At the sound of your voice, Spencer slowly begins to wake up. He smiles sleepily at you before realizing your attention is elsewhere. He practically throws you off the couch in his effort to sit up when he realizes Morgan is in the room.
 “Sorry!” Spencer looks at Morgan, then back to you. “I’m so sorry!” You laugh as you stand up.
 “Don’t worry about it.” You settle yourself in the chair, gesturing for Morgan to sit next to Spencer now that he isn’t sprawled across the entire sofa anymore. Turning to Morgan, you ask about the case “What did you want to talk about?”
 “We have been focused on going through the people who work for the tour. It makes the most sense for them to travel with you, otherwise it would require a lot more planning.” You can feel the nerves growing in your stomach. “Garcia found a name we wanted to run by you.” He hands you a picture before saying the name. “Ryan Moore. He works-“
 “On the instrumentals. I know. He usually runs the sound booth during the shows. I don’t know him that well, but we’ve talked a few times.” You think back over your past conversations. “It couldn’t be him.” You are 100% sure he is not the unsub, and the agents don’t fail to notice the conviction in your voice.
 “What makes you so sure?” Spencer is flipping through the case file Morgan brought with him. He doesn’t even look up when he asks the question, too focused on memorizing every detail about this man’s life.
 “Well, Hotch told me the unsub wouldn’t be able to talk to me right?” You look to Morgan for confirmation.
 “Yes. He wouldn’t approach you or seem confident when talking with you if you approached him.” Morgan confirms what you’re thinking.
 “Great. So it can’t be him.” You smile to yourself for actually contributing to the case. “Last week, right after the Columbus show, he asked me out. The unsub wouldn’t be brave enough, right?” The utter joy in your voice startles Spencer enough that he finally looks up from the file.
“Alright then. He’s likely not the unsub, but we’ll finish the investigation into him just in case.” Morgan settles back into the chair he’s sitting in, making no move to leave even though the conversation is clearly over. There is an obvious smirk on his face as he looks at Spencer.
 “Well, I’m going to make some breakfast, feel free to watch TV or something.” You smile awkwardly at the two men, unsure of why there is suddenly a strange tension in the air. As you move into the kitchen, you connect your phone to your Bluetooth speaker. Listening to music while you cook has always been calming for you. You honestly prefer baking, but eggs and sausage with toast sounds perfect right now. You pull out the ingredients, humming softly as you dance around the kitchen. You can just barely hear that Morgan and Spencer are talking in the other room, but not enough to make out what they are saying. It just sounds a bit more intense the conversation you just had.
 You choose to ignore it and give them their privacy instead focusing on cooking. You end up making scrambled eggs the way your mom taught you, by mixing in some chive and onion cream cheese. You pop some English muffins in the oven under the broiler while you place the eggs and sausages in dishes. After turning the music down, you move all the food to the table. You’re about to invite Spencer and Morgan to have some food when you hear their conversation.
 “I’m telling you man. She likes you. You should go for it.” Morgan is clearly trying to encourage Spencer, but he won’t hear it.
 “Morgan, it’s not like that. It’s probably just transference because I’m here to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. Plus, you saw the smile on her face when she talked about Ryan asking her out. She was beaming.” He sighs, almost wistfully as you consider what he’s saying. Surely you are capable of separating your feelings for him from the situation. Would you like him if you had just run into him on the street? Plus, what does Ryan have to do with this?
 You move back to the stove to remove the English muffins before they burn, putting them on a plate as well. Ultimately, you decide to try to straighten out your feelings for Spencer before making a move. You want to be sure. If there is even a shred of doubt in your mind, Spencer will surely be able to see it on your face. Stupid profilers.
 Their conversation died down while you were dealing with the muffins, so you walk back to the other side of the room. You mumble out “I made food, you’re both welcome to have some” before returning to the table. You have a lot to think about and the last thing you want to do is lead Spencer on if you aren’t sure. He deserves better than that.
 The conversation over breakfast is nice. Nothing too heavy or serious. The three of you are just talking about your lives. Morgan asks you what it’s like to be famous. You ask him and Spencer what it’s like to be in the FBI. You realize just how different your career paths are. The only thing you can relate to is travelling. Neither Spencer nor Morgan have family in the area, but they mention how hard it is for Hotch and JJ.
 “That I can understand. The travelling, I mean. Of course, I travel to perform, not to track down killers.” The room is quiet for a few minutes as you think about what to say. Morgan and Reid being profilers know you haven’t finished your thought, so they give you the time to think it over.
 “Thank you.” You say it softly, but firmly at the same time. This is the first time you’ve seen either of them look surprised.
 “Wh- for what?” It’s Morgan who speaks up. Spencer has a familiar expression on his face. It’s the same look he got when you asked his opinion for coffee shops and movies.
 “For everything. For protecting me. For catching bad guys. For giving up so much to do this job. You two, and the rest of your team, you all sacrifice so much to keep people safe. I mean, I’m sure the people you save and the families you give closure to are grateful, and you deserve that. But, you also deserve to have everyone be thankful for what you do. You get into the minds of these people. It must be exhausting to have to think like that all the time. I’m barely dealing with it now and it’s only be on my mind for 2 days! I just can’t even fathom the number of people you have saved, people that you’ve never even met, by doing this. So, thank you. For being strong enough to do it. For being you.”
 You spoke every word with every ounce of sincerity you could muster up. You were looking between them as you said it. The shock on Morgan’s face slowly morphed into a small smile. Spencer’s expression didn’t change, but somehow looked more sincere when you were done.
 Neither one of them knew what to say. Morgan rose from his chair to pull you into a hug. Patting you on the back, he uttered a soft thank you before saying he should get back to the office to help the rest of the team. You locked the door behind him, turning to see Spencer staring at you from the table.
 “Spence? Are you okay?” You were nervous that your impromptu speech made him uncomfortable. He rose from the table, slowly making his way across the room to you.
 “I’m, I, I just… that was… thank you. You amaze me.” He barely says the words, practically breathing them into existence. You reach for his hand, squeezing it.
 “I meant every single word. Promise.” There is nothing more you want to do than kiss him right now, but all you can hear in your head is Spencer talking about transference. You hug him quickly before pulling back again. Without some distance between the two of you, you won’t be able to control yourself. “Do you want to go to another café today? Or somewhere with a piano so I can finally see you play?”
 “We can do what you want today. You let me pick the café and the show yesterday, so it’s only fair.”  You grin, knowing exactly where you want to take him.
 The two of you get ready in near silence after that. Both of you want to calm down a bit before spending another day together. After you’ve both showered and changed, you drag Spencer down to the SUV. The weather outside is perfect for where you want to go, but the park is just far enough away that you want to drive. You pull up directions on your phone, hiding the address from him. Spencer protests the entire time. He keeps mumbling about how he would know how to get there if you just told him where you were going. Then something about how mobile phones are a distraction, so it would be safer for him to drive anyway.
 You just let him ramble on about the many DC streets. Your grip on the wheel tightens when he starts listing off statistics about car accidents.
 “More than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. The U.S. traffic fatality rate is actually 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. An additional 4.4 million are injured seriously enough to require medical attention. Road crashes are the leading cause of death in the U.S. for people aged 1-54.” With every passing word, your knuckles get whiter, your heartbeat gets faster, and your breaths get shorter. Spencer is too caught up in reciting the statistics to realize anything is wrong until he turns to look at you, his next sentence dying on his tongue. “Seatbelts reduce the risk of dying by…” His brow furrows as he takes in your appearance.
 “By what Spence? Don’t leave me hanging?” You try to joke with him to calm yourself down, but he obviously sees right through it.
 “45%.” He continues before you can even comprehend the number. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
 “Nothing. I’m totally fine. 100% A-Okay.” You try to take deep breaths to calm yourself down. Having arrived at your destination, you pull into a parking spot.
 “Y/N, talk to me. What is it?” You take a steadying breath as you turn to face him. Honestly, you are embarrassed more than anything else. You were the one who decided you had to drive.
 “Spence, really it’s not a big deal. I just get nervous driving sometimes. I don’t have to do it a lot, and I’ve never felt like I was particularly good at it. It doesn’t matter though, we’re here.” You move to get out of the car, but Spencer reaches across the car to stop you. His face is only inches from yours as the realization dawns on him.
 “And I was rambling on about how dangerous driving is.” He says it more to himself than to you. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you stop me? I really need to learn how to shut up. I just get so caught up in the statistics-“ “Spencer. I love when you ramble. I’ve already told you how calming it is… normally. I’m fine, I promise. You just have to drive us back to the hotel later. Deal?”
 “Deal.” You’re both smiling as you get out of the car to walk around the park you brought him to. He doesn’t ask why you picked this place and you don’t offer up a reason. He’ll figure it out soon enough. You talk about random things from childhood as you lazily stroll through the trees. There’s something so calming about wandering through so many trees when you know you’re in the middle of a bustling city.
 Before long, the two of you have crossed the park. A few feet away stands an upright piano in front of a park bench. You glance at Spencer as he looks at the piano, realization gracing his features as he discovers why you chose this particular park. You beckon for him to sit down next to you, asking him to play you a song.
 He blushes as you whisper pretty please in his ear. The cherry on top does him in. Soon enough, you are hearing the beginning notes of Bach’s Prelude in C. You just sit and listen, watching his fingers gracefully move above the keys. He’s not the most passionate of piano players. You can practically see the gears turning in his brain as he moves his hands efficiently across the instrument, as if he really is thinking about the math behind it all. Still, you lose yourself in the music, swaying lightly. You find yourself leaning on his shoulder, closing your eyes as you think about everything you’ve been feeling.
 You studied music for a few years when you were young. That’s how you started writing, with lessons to learn to play both the guitar and the piano. You took to the guitar more than the piano, but you remember learning about the emotion behind every classical piece you were taught to play. You can’t help but think back to those lessons as you listen to Spencer. This song is always reaching forward, yearning for the next note. It plays into the idea that life is simple and pure. Even good at times. But there is something lurking just below the surface. It’s weirdly fitting of your current situation, but you choose to just be glad he chose the major over the minor.
 You feel the breeze in your hair as Spencer finishes the song. For a few moments, the two of you sit listening to the leaves rustling in the wind. Eventually, you look around the park once it is quiet again. It’s mostly empty given that it’s 2 pm on a Tuesday, so there aren’t many people around to witness this moment. You slip your phone on the piano to record before you take over, playing that all too familiar melody that reminds you of Spencer. Neither of you say anything as you let the music and your emotions guide you through the song. You can tell it’s not perfect, but it just feels right.
 After that, you and Spencer brainstorm lyrics for Rossi’s song for another few hours. The park begins to fill up as school lets out and the workday ends. A few fans recognize you, asking for pictures. After a particularly strong gust of wind, Spencer drapes his cardigan over you as you walk back toward the car, both of you blissfully unaware of the figure watching you from behind the trees.
  The next few days pass in much the same fashion. Spencer takes calls about the case, trying to narrow down the massive list of crew members on your tour. You and he work on lyrics for Rossi’s song, as well as JJ’s. She’s just so pretty, the words flow right out of you. You can tell Spencer agrees. You believe him as he swears up and down that the two of them are just friends, but you can’t help teasing him just a bit.
 “Honestly, it would be weirder if you didn’t think she was pretty. The woman looks as if she were sculpted by Michelangelo himself. A living embodiment of Aphrodite.” He nods in agreement, a faint blush on his cheeks.
 No matter how much you try, you just cannot come up with anymore good lyrics for Spencer’s song. It could be that he is sitting right next to you all the time and knows the song is for him that’s causing the writer’s block, but it’s still frustrating.
 One night, he’s working through the case file for the third time in a row when you interrupt his thoughts with a seemingly random question.
 “Spence, can you tell me a story?” He looks up at you, brow furrowed and eyes confused. “I just need inspiration for the lyrics. Everything I come up with sucks.” You pout until he finally gives in. “Yay! It can be anything, even a memory. Just make it overwhelmingly happy.”
 Spencer stops looking through the file as he thinks back on his life experiences for an overwhelmingly happy memory. The faces of his team members instantly flood his mind as he sorts through the many good times they’ve had. He keeps circling back to one event, ultimately deciding it is happy enough to fit your standards.
 “This is actually the story of JJ’s wedding.” You lean forward, a wedding story could be just what the doctor ordered. “Will wanted to marry her for a while, but she was hesitant. She said everything was perfect as it was, she didn’t feel the need to change anything.” You were honestly a little confused as to where the happiness was at this point, but you let him continue anyway. You could listen to this man talk for days on end without complaint.
 “We ended up working a case with Will. It was a bank robbery turned hostage situation. It was a rough case for all of us; bombs, secret partners, kids at risk. I won’t bore you with the details,” he chuckles at your thankful expression, “but it all worked out in the end. Will, he could’ve died. When JJ went to see him in the hospital, she told him to ask her again. She wanted to get married then and there in the hospital chapel. Will wanted to wait until he was actually out of the hospital though, and not wearing a hospital gown.” You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of loving someone so much, you were instantly ready to marry them.
 “Rossi, he overheard everything. So, he started planning. He called JJ’s mom, told her to fly in and to bring her wedding dress. We threw her a surprise wedding the next day. It was such a beautiful moment, to have such a joyous event after everything that we had been through. JJ looked wonderstruck as her mom walked her down the aisle. The lights were sparkling. It was enchanting.” He spoke with such awe about the whole event. He told you stories about doing magic for Henry and Jack, who you came to know as Hotch’s son. It was so easy for you to picture the fairy lights and purple flowers. The team seemed like such a close-knit family, it only made sense that they would share this memory.
 The chorus of the song hit you like a ton of bricks. You didn’t even warn Spencer as you jumped from the couch and ran to the piano. He followed behind you, curious to see what would happen. He watched with wonder as you placed your phone to record on top of the piano and started playing the family melody you first hummed while thinking about him.
 “This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go. I’m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you.” The verses didn’t pour out of you in quite the same way, but the general storyline of the song came to you in the next few minutes. You rushed to get it all out, speaking directly into the phone.
 “The first verse can be about feeling out of place in a room, faking laughter, forcing smiles. Then it all changes when she sees him. It’s as if they have a conversation with only their eyes as they float across the room to each other. Then the chorus. The second verse can be about her wondering if he felt it to. 2 am who do you love? Chorus again. Then the bridge can be about hoping that the one night wasn’t it for them. That she’ll see him again and hoping he isn’t already in love or with someone.” You’re so pleased with the song idea, you don’t notice the shifting expressions on Spencer’s face. After your explanation, you turn to him, the biggest smile he’s seen yet on your face.
 “What do you think?” He’s so shocked he doesn’t know how to respond. After a moment of silence, your face begins to fall. You can’t stop your brain from thinking the worst.
 He must hate it. Oh god, he’s just trying to find a way to let me down easy. Why do I have to be so stupid? Sure, go ahead. Write a love song about the man who’s sitting next to you. That won’t be weird at all. Oh god, oh god…
 Suddenly, Spencer is pulling you into a tight hug. “It’s beautiful. It will make a wonderful song.” He’s whispering in your ear. The feeling of his lips brushing against you is too much. Everything you’ve been pushing back for the past few days comes roaring to the surface. You can’t stop yourself.
 You pull back slowly, only to pull his face to yours so rapidly you’re surprised you didn’t get whiplash. In less than an instant, his lips are moving gracefully against yours. His hands slide down your body to your waist as he pulls you even closer to him. Your arms move up around his neck, your fingers running through his hair. The hunger and passion is slowly taken over by the need for oxygen, the two of you separating just enough to pull air into your lungs.
 He kisses your forehead, and you kiss his nose. A few minutes later, and you’re still standing there with your heads pressed together, arms wrapped around each other. Every so often, one of you places a light kiss on the others mouth, just to make sure this is real.
 “I know what you’re thinking.” You are still out of breath from kissing him, but you can just tell his mind is moving a mile a minute.
 “I’m not sure you do.” He sounds nervous.
 “I think I might surprise you.” You can’t help but tease him a little before continuing. “You think its all transference. That I only think I like you because you’re here to protect me. Some sort of white knight bullshit.” You can’t stop yourself from sounding mildly annoyed about it. Although, the look of shock on his face helps. “I heard what you said to Morgan.” He sighs before moving to pull back.
 “No, Spence. Listen to me. I heard what you said to Morgan.” You wait for him to follow your train of thought back a few days.
 “But that was four days ago?” He looks more confused than ever.
 “I know. I wanted to make sure that what I feel is real. I didn’t want to lead you on if I might not actually want this. But I do. More than I’ve ever wanted anything before. Spencer, you are a light in my life and not just because you’re here to make sure I don’t get murdered. Although that certainly doesn’t hurt. I feel like I can tell you anything and you won’t judge me for it. That I can truly be myself without worry of letting you down.”
 “Y/N you could never let me down. I just don’t want you to wake up one day and regret anything. I don’t want you to regret me.” He looks crestfallen.
 “Spencer Reid.”  You move your hands to his cheeks to gently push his head up to make eye contact. “I could never regret a single moment spent with you. I have loved every single one. I loved watching you listen to the songs about your friends. I loved listening to you talk about things you love, like Doctor Who and statistics. I loved sitting next to while you played piano. I loved talking to you about anything and everything. Spencer, I love how I feel when I’m with you and I know for a fact I would feel the same way if I met you walking down the street.”
 “Y/N” the way he says your name is music to your ears. “I love how I feel when I’m with you too. I loved listening to you sing about my friends, capturing the essence of who they are. I loved watching you experience the things I have grown so accustomed to doing. I loved the feeling of you leaning on my shoulder while I played Bach. I loved hearing you come up with an entire storyline for one song in a matter of minutes just based on one story. I have loved every single second I have been with you since I first saw you 7 days, 2 hours, and 32 minutes ago. Even if I didn’t say a word to you until after you woke up in the hospital.”
 The two of you laugh as you pull him to the couch to cuddle. You put on more Doctor Who, sitting with your legs across his lap and playing with his hands. It’s nice to just be close to him without having to worry. You find yourself getting wrapped up in the show. Spencer is quieter this time. You think he might have something on his mind, but you decide to wait for him to share. Between the third and fourth episode, he speaks up.
 “Y/N, are you and Ryan… are you together?” You look up to see a nervous expression once again on his face.
 “Ryan who?” You are genuinely confused as to who he could even be talking about.
 “Ryan Moore, the sound booth guy.” You look even more confused than before.
 “Not even a little bit. I politely declined his offer to take me out. Is that what’s been bugging you for the last three episodes?” You smile at his pout.
 “Maybe. You just seemed so happy when you mentioned that he asked you out. You were practically glowing with how big your smile was.”
“Spence, I was happy because I could actually help you with the case. I only have eyes for one guy.” You shift to straddle his lap.
 “Yeah, who’s that?” He pulls you even closer.
 “Matt Smith” You say it with the best deadpan expression you can manage in the circumstances.
 “Wow, your standards must be pretty low to settle for the 11th doctor. He’s not even in the top three best doctors!” He plays along with your joke, although he doesn’t have to act incredulous sat you preference for the 11th doctor.
 “Well, my number one doctor isn’t really on TV.” You bite your lip, leaning in until you connect your mouth to his.
 Right as you’re both about to take it one step further, your phone rings. “Fuck.” The word is barely a whisper leaving your mouth as you pull back from Spencer trying to catch your breath.
 “Hello?” you don’t hear anything on the other end of the phone. “Hello? Anyone there? Hello?” Suddenly the line goes dead. You turn to Spencer. “Well, that was weird.” Spencer frantically moves you off his lap as he stands up, taking out his phone. Without telling you anything, he is frantically dialing a number, mumbling under his breath.
 “Garcia! I need to you to figure out who just called Y/N’s phone.” He waits a minute, presumably listening to her reply. “Yes, it just rang and when she answered nobody said anything. Thank you.” He hangs up, swiftly moving back to the couch to pull you into a hug.
 “What just happened?” You can feel your heartrate speeding up.
 “It might be nothing, but that might have been the unsub. Garcia is tracking down the number that made the call right now. If it’s possible to figure out, she’ll have it done by morning.” He rubs calming circles on your hip with his thumb. “Why don’t you go to sleep? Try to get some rest?” You nod, rising from the couch.
 “Spence, will you lay with me?” Your voice is small and scared as you ask the question. He simply nods, both of you changing into pajamas before meeting in the bedroom to lay down. You snuggle up close to him, trying to breathe in the same pattern as him until you fall asleep.
 When you wake up, you can hear Spencer in the living room, talking on his phone. You want nothing more than to go back to sleep, but not if you can’t cuddle with Spencer while you do it. Throwing the covers off of you, you get up so you can actually see Spencer. He’s got his back to you when you open the door, so you sneak up behind him. He jumps a little with a surprised gasp when you wrap your arms around his middle.
 “What? Oh, uh… I’m fi-fine. Everything’s fine. I was just surprised.” He spins around to hug you, giving you a slight glare. “By, um, a beetle. Yeah, there was a beetle.” The lie is so obvious you can’t help but laugh as you bury your head into his chest.
 A few minutes later, he finally hangs up. “What did they find out about the phone call?” You mumble the question into the fabric of his cardigan.
 “Less than we were hoping for. It was a prepaid cell, so Garcia can’t trace it back to the owner.” You squeeze him tighter, glad to have him with you through all of this. After a few minutes of standing with him, you reluctantly pull back.
 “Well, we should get to work. These songs are not going to write themselves!”
 You and Spencer retreat to different parts of the suite to get ready for the day. As much as you would love to jump his bones, it doesn’t feel right to take up his time with that when he could be working. At least if you were working on songs together it was part of the cover.
 You ultimately decide to just sit in the park across from the hotel today. Normally, you wouldn’t even leave your room at this point in the writing process. You just don’t completely trust yourself to be alone with him at the moment. At least in public you can control yourself a little bit. Yet, the many people walking around the park do nothing to stop you from grabbing Spencer’s hand and playing with his fingers while thinking particularly hard about a certain lyric.
 A bright flash of light draws you out of your reverie. You already know how the picture is going to look. You are laying across a blanket, knees in the air. Spencer is sitting beside you, reading messages from the team on his phone. His other hand is still between yours as you run your fingers over his knuckles. You are absolutely sure there is look of complete adoration on your face. You can’t bring yourself to care that the paparazzi took the picture. You have nothing to hide.
 After the shock of the bright light fades, you notice a familiar face behind the few photographers in front of you. The shock of seeing someone for a second time floods your brain while you try to remember the profile Hotch told you that very first night. Without thinking too hard, you fling yourself into a sitting position. You gather everything you brought with you to the park, dragging Spencer along with you. He clearly doesn’t understand the shift in your behavior, but he’d gladly follow you anywhere.
 It’s not until you reach your room that you look at him. He can see the fear in your eyes before you even open your mouth. “Baby, what is it? What happened?” He begins recalling everything from the moment the first flash went off, trying to figure out what made you so scared.
 “I saw him.” You can barely hear yourself over the sound of your heart beating in your chest. “I saw the unsub. I mean, I think I did. He held the door open for us this morning when we left the hotel, and then he was in the park when the paparazzi were taking pictures. Hotch… he said to tell you if I saw anyone more than once in a day.” The words escape your lips in a hurry, trying to keep up with your flying thoughts.
 “Okay, breathe. I’m right here. I’m going to call the team. Did you recognize him from anywhere else?” You try to picture the face in your mind, and suddenly you are seeing him everywhere. In the coffee shop that very first day. Behind the trees in the park with the piano. If you and Spencer were there, so was he. Just, normally you only caught a glimpse of him for a second. Definitely not twice in one day.
 You rush to tell Spencer what you’re remembering. At this point, you don’t even know if it’s true. Maybe your mind is playing tricks on you. Just filling in this man’s face on other people’s bodies to fit the story that he is the one behind it all. Nonetheless, you give him the description of who you saw. White, probably 35ish, brown hair. You didn’t see his eyes, but they looked evil. The expression on his face just screamed serial killer. Maybe that’s in your head too. Who knows?
 “I know I’ve seen that face before, I just can’t remember where. God, I’m useless. This man is hurting people and I can’t even remember where I’ve seen him before. Think. Think. THINK.” You’ve started pacing the room, trying to figure out who it could be. Spencer doesn’t say anything else to you until he’s finished the phone call. Even then, he’s more so humming and shushing you than really talking. He pulls you into a hug, trying to calm you down yet again.
 “Y/N. You are anything but useless. You noticed he was there. That’s a step in the right direction. We are going to find him, and he is going to go to jail for a very long time.” Somewhere, deep inside, you knew Spencer couldn’t guarantee that, but you also knew it was better for you to listen to him than to force yourself down a rabbit hole you couldn’t dig yourself out of.
 A few calming breaths later, and your asleep on the couch, wrapped up in Spencer’s arms.
 It’s still dark when you open your eyes. You can hear someone moving around, but it’s too dark to see. Spencer isn’t with you on the couch, so it could be him, but something feels wrong. Why would Spencer be up in the middle of the night wandering around in the dark?
 “Spencer?” Everything goes still at the sound of your voice. Yeah, that was not the best move you could’ve made… Before you can say anything else, you are knocked out cold. The sound of a lamp smashing over your head is that last thing you hear.
tag list:
@mac99martin , @wecouldbreakthedistance , @spencerhotchner , @girloncorneliastreet , @itsametaphorbriansblog , @moonshinerbynight , @meowiemari , @justanotherfangirl  , @im-so-wonderstruck , @eevee0722 , @raining13lemonade​ @dilaudidwinchester​ , @silverdagger69 , @thatsonezesty13
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infinitegalahad · 3 years
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Summary: You and Dick, after years of indefinite separation and depression, have finally reunited. Dick can’t wait to start a family with you. You love Dick, but you soon realize that you cannot bear him a son, a daughter, or a child.
Word Count: 10.9k (i’m being generous)
Warnings: Infertility, period typical sexism, Loneliness, based off of a mitski song what did you expect, here comes the angst train *sad choo choo*
Notes: Female reader. and title (literally) taken from Wife By Mitski, which I rec listening too for the extra painful experience. So I’m back from the dead...ish. I wanna apologize for going AWOL for two-three months, guess Iw anted to focus on other works and I feel like x readers are not my strong suit. But that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna write them! I can’t promise anything, but I am planning some stories. Not as long or as painful as this is, of course!
I’m not gonna lie, I cried while writing this. Not only because it’s Mitski, but infertility is something that hit’s close to home for me and my family. Was this story just me projecting my generational trauma into this fic? Never! Anyways, hopefully I won’t go AWOL again, atleast not for that long. It’s really hard to find the motivation to write, but I’ll do it. For you guys ;)
Taglist: @easy-company-tradition​ 
When Dick Winters had left for the war five years ago, he had made a promise to you the night before he was drafted. You were nineteen and naive, planned for college and he was twenty-seven, a post-graduate and Business Major. Your father was his professor and one of his best students. You would see Dick every Friday Night. As you would pick at the leftover peas on your plate, he would turn to look at your father to talk about something business-related. His eyes, you could never tell if they were a light shade of blue or green, would meet yours. It would be for a brief second. Those brief seconds would make you drop your fork and your cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
You had a small crush on Dick Winter’s.
It took you a few weeks to catch onto his eye color. They were a beautiful mixture of blue and green, reflecting a mint color. The taper candles would always lighten his eyes up. The reason you finally found out this eye color was because each dinner, you’d catch Dick staring at you. You were naturally oblivious to it, keeping your head down as your father talked a business deal. But whenever he mentioned Dick’s name, you would look up, see Dick’s dilated mint pupils looking right into your eyes before he swiftly turned his head to your father, acting like he was listening to every little word he was saying.
Dick had become a family friend. Instead of dinners once a week, he would come by your house more frequently in the summer months. The summer you had met Dick, there was a three-month-long heatwave. From what you understood, Dick had been doing an internship with your father along with extra studies, extracurriculars, and even more. It sounded like a lot for a young man. He was over three times a week, always in your father’s studies or the porch, drinking lemonade as he and your father discussed business. You’d sit on top of the porch, lazily slumped in a chair in your floral dirndl, reading And Both Were Young as you watched Dick Winters, in shorts and a tight white shirt with his strawberry blonde hair a little messy. Every time he spoke, your heart would skip a beat.
“Two jobs?” You cried, skipping ahead of him in your flats that you had slipped on in a rush, the heels hanging out of the back. “And an internship? How do you do it all?”
Dick looked down at your tiner figure, his lips curving into a subtle smile at your question. Whenever he smiled, his cheeks would wrinkle. It was a small detail you caught into about Dick that you adored. “I don’t go to parties a lot. Not worth the time that I’ve got. I work these jobs so I can get through school and support my family.”  
“That’s very admirable, Dick. Not a lot of guys my age would even consider that.” You remarked with a compliment. Dick walked beside you, hands behind your back with a straight back. His gaze lingered in you as he scanned your figure. Now that Dick was around more often, you always made sure to wear your best outfits. You wouldn’t have considered yourself very vain, but with Dick, something had changed. You started wearing the pretty pastel dresses your mother approved off, fine pearls, expensive cologne, and even the short rompers that your mother didn’t approve of. When wearing makeup, you felt like a woman more than a girl, which is what you wanted Dick to see you as.
“Thank you, y/n.” The strawberry blonde politely thanked with a curt nod. The two of you had a little routine now. While your mother would make dinner and your father would smoke a cigar in the back with the dogs, you’d take Dick into your backyard and down a little cobblestone trail to a hidden lake. You liked to go there to read to escape, and Dick needed a small break from working in the burning heat. So it was idle. “Do you have plans now that you’ve graduated?”
“Yes. I’m starting classes at Franklin and Marshall since they’ve allowed women. My mother prefers I stay home and learn how to be a lady instead of reading,” You explained with a sigh. The only woman in a class full for men. Times were changing, and nothing was going to stop you from working. “She cares more about her grandchildren then her daughter’s desires.”
“Well, it is your choice? Not your mother or father’s. As long as you were happy, then they should be happy for you. I think you’ll like it,” Dick kindly reassured, “You’re a very nice young lady, y/n. I’m sure you’ll do great things.”
The two of you arrived at the lake. The sun was setting over the sky as it shined on the lake. There was an orange and pink hue in the sky. Dick and you stood besides each other. The strawberry blonde shut his eyes and let out a long sigh, feeling a small breeze in the night. The air got colder in the nights, which felt like a refreshing treat after a long day of work and unbearable heat. The sun made his strawberry blonde hair and skin glow like he was some kind of god.
You admired Dick as he stood there, biting your lip and hands playing with the belt fabric on your skirt.
“Dick?” You managed to choke, your voice cracking.
He opened one eye and looked at you, worried. “Is everything okay, y/n?”
“Can you please kiss me?”
Dick looked bewildered. It took him a second to process the question. His expression was that of a high school student stumped on an equation in math class. He hadn’t been outside much, maybe the heat was getting to him. “I don’t think I heard that correctly.”
“Can you please kiss me?” You reiterated, biting your lip in vexation. “I haven’t met a man like you, Dick. None of the boys my mother is setting me up with are like. They aren’t as intelligent, hardworking, cordial. When I tell these boys I want to read and live my life, they put me down-call me insane and ill. But you don’t do those things. You just stand there and listen to me. I may not make sense since I am probably just some young immature girl who knows nothing about being a proper lady. You even give me kind words of advice. No other boy would do that. Only a man would do such a thing.” You vented, letting your words spill out like vomit.
Dick wasn’t reacting at all. At Least it wasn’t obvious. He turned his figure towards you, eyes glued as his lips puckered against each other’s. He seemed taken aback by your honesty since you were someone who was reserved, only speaking when necessary. That didn’t mean adding your opinion to one of your father’s at dinner. Dick wasn’t obvious to your “rebellious” nature. Your mother would always scold you for interrupting the men. Your father didn’t mind your info if, and so didn’t Dick. He was interested in your perspective, and would always ask for further intake since it was the gentlemen thing to do.
You looked at him and shook your head, turning to walk back. “Forget it,” You sighed as you walked past him, your shoulder brushing against his. Dick got a smell of your perfume, a lavender and vanilla, it was definitely expensive. He liked y/n’s armora, especially after a long day of being in a stuffy room full of whiskey and burning cigars. “You probably think I’m just a mad woman-“
Dick thought about his decision for a second. He had to think thinkly. When he made up his mind, he sped walk towards you. “Wait,” He called. He saw you turn around with your silky (y/h/c) (y/h/t) spring right behind you. He scrunched up a fist feeling a lump grow in his throat as he looked a few slow steps towards you.
“You’re not a mad woman. I think you’re wonderful to be around. I always enjoy our conversations and our midnight walks,” Dick commented. He was at a loss of words for the kiss. When you had asked, you sounded like you were begging, but hid it.
It took him a while to realize that the two’s of you had a fair amount in common. You both were soft spoken souls, friendly but quiet. You distanced yourself from large crowds and were usually confident in each other since you both had a trust. You know how eachother worked like nobody else did-a small, intimate detail that only the two of you would watch into.
“You’re also growing into a beautiful young woman each day. Being a lady doesn’t mean being all prim and proper, it means being mature, kind, and respectful to others. That’s what you are.” Dick was only a few steps away. You listened to every word he said, your hands restraining themselves from touching his chest. He could once again smell the cologne and see the moonlight shine on your eyes and hair-the gloss you wore sparkled as well.
“But I couldn’t kiss you. You’re father wouldn’t approve of it.”
You couldn’t hold yourself back. Your hands met his chest. You were so caught up in the heat of it that you didn’t realize that your hands rested on Dick’s Ivory collared shirt. Dick, however, didn’t protest at all.
You gently scrunched the fabric, “He’s not here. Just one. Before my mom tries to marry me off. Just one kiss and I won’t ask for anything else of you, Dick.”
Dick put his bigger hands onto yours as his thumb finessed the small part of your soft, [y/s/c] skin in between your index and thumb. “I…”
You gave him those eyes. They were begging. One kiss from a real man and you would be content.
Dick let out a defeated sigh, “...will. Just one. For you.”
So he did. In the moonlight, Dick Winters held you close and became your first kiss. Your lips were like a sweet treat. It felt miraculous after a long day of work. It was meant to be quick, but he was obsessed with your cushion lips and sweet lip gloss. His hands firmly rested on your lower back as his fingers scrunched with the material. It wasn’t his first kiss, but it was yours, so he made sure to be gentle with you, even though he struggled. The whiff of your perfume, your shirt showing off your abdomen, the silliness of your hair. It was hard just for it to be one kiss.
Dick walked to you, your arm slung in the hole of his elbow. The two of you didn’t speak any words once you arrived back for dinner. It was a typical dinner. Your mother always made Salmon, rice, and peas on Saturdays, which occurred to be Dick’s favourite meal. Your mother raved about boys who could “tame” you, your father spoke of a new business deal in the news, you picked at the leftover peas, and Dick looked at your father with his weary king eyes, attempting to look interested in the conversation.
What kept him away in the dinner as your bare ankle, brushing against his trousers. It was a little bit distracting. Thank god he was a good pretender. It felt so wrong to be doing this, yet so right. You were unlike a lot of women Dick had met. You always caught his attention, watching you each day as you grow into a young, educated woman.
To tame your foot, Dick wrapped his ankle around yours, tenderly holding it down until the meal was over. After dinner was over, Dick wished your family a goodnight.. He gave your mother who adored him a kiss on the cheek, your father a firm handshake,  and you apart on the shoulder. His fingers struggled on your bare shoulder for what seemed like forever, brushing against the edge of your neck.
And with that, Dick was gone into the night. You headed to bed and changed, not washing your lips. You had a smile on your face as you twisted and turned. It was a one time occurance, but it felt like your fantasy had come to life.
But before you knew it, it would all be over. Dick would be back on Tuesday, and the two of you would act like nothing had ever happened.
But what Dick and you didn’t know is that it wouldn't be the first time of hushed kisses, lingering fingers, and limbs grazing passionately against each other.
The US had entered the war overseas. Most of the boys in your class were putting a pause on their lives to go fight in Africa, The Pacific, or Europe. Anybody who was over the age of eighteen was required to draft, so town was a shit show of crying mothers, lanky boys who could possibly never come home, and military trucks. You wanted to apply to be a combat nurse, but you weren’t of the age requirement.
Dick was going to war.
Ever since the night at the lake, you and Dick kept a closted relationship. He still came over in the Summers. Some days you wouldn’t even see him. But the small moments you had together, whether that be watching the twinkling stars on your walk on the lake hand in hand or cuddled reading books on a rainy day in your isolated greenhouse porch, mattered so much. If you had a bad day, he'd sit there and listen. He wouldn’t judge or give any advice. You didn’t know if he understood your struggles, but it made you happy to know that someone would sit there and listen. For comfort, he would take the book out of your hands and bookmark it, slide off your dangling flats, and pull you into his chest.
Dick’s language of romance wasn’t grand or romantic. Although reticent, his tranquil actions were nothing but idyllic. It was the little things that counted, whether it was fresh perennial’s picked from the field or even a hug. Your relationship didn’t have to be based on gifts and what others thought of you. It was the little things that counted.
The night before he was drafted, Dick invited your family over to his farm. It was at the edge of town and down a long dirt road, leading to a little white house and large red barn. It was picturesque, a cornfield and trees for miles on end. There was no constant chatter, horns blaring, or pressure-it was just quiet.
When your parents and Dick’s parents were distracted in conversation, Dick requested to take a walk with you. As much as you enjoyed talking to the bubbly Anne, you needed a small escape. You followed Dick to the back of his tiny kitchen. Being the gentleman he was, he held the door open and let you walk ahead of him. The only noise that could be heard were the chirps of crickets and the wind gently blowing. You held a hand down on a dress your mother forced you to wear. It was a Jade summer frock, but Dick had complimented you. So it made the frock somewhat bearable.
The two of you walked in his backyard. You had no clue where he was leading you. You turned to Dick to ask. He didn’t respond with words. His fingers edged on your as you unruled your fingers, letting his hand sink into yours. His hands were worked, and you felt awful so you gently caressed the upper skin with your thumb.
“Where are we going?” You questioned as you looked left and right, clinging onto the shawl that hung from your shoulders.
Dick looked down at you. He had a subtle smile on his lips as he looked down at you. All of the anxiety he had felt about being drafted, work, and the war faded away when he looked at you. Dick didn’t need to kiss you to know that you loved him; he could tell from the gentle look of your stunning (y/e/c) eyes. He watched you look into the never ending field ahead of you, the wind blowing loose strands of your updo. You wore a little bit of makeup. It was always subtle. He knew you hated wearing makeup and did you want to do it to look “presentable”. Dick didn’t care what you looked like, whether it be in overalls or a dress, he was infatuated with you.
He should have known from day one that y/n, the mischievous daughter of his Economics professor, had been yearning for him. He attempted to get lost in the papers and speeches of your father in his regal office with the shades closed and the whiff of smoke, earth paper, and Whiskey. Even when he was trapped in the office, you were still on his mind with your elegant perfume and book in hand.
“Here.” He announced, overlooking the cornfield. The colossal, green plants waved in the wind, in front of a hazy smoky dull sunset. You didn’t respond and simply looked into the sunset, slowly watching the shining sun set into the ground. “The cornfields, they remind me of you.”
A smirk curved on your gloss lips as you squeezed his bigger, worked hand with your tinier one. “Is that so?”
“They're wild. No matter the season, they are always growing. They're not the easiest plant to manage, there...unruly.” Dick explained, still a gentle smile on his tringale face.
“Are you comparing me to a bunch of crops?” You teased as your head landed on his shoulder. “Not a lot of women find that very romantic.”
Dick leaned his head on top of yours as he, your thighs brushing against each other.
“I’m going to miss you a lot,” You broke the silence.
Dick didn’t move and had an eerie stoic expression. He tightened his grip on your hand before looking down to let out a soft sigh.
The sun didn’t shine anymore, the corn had stopped moving in the wind, and the stars didn’t sprinkle. You felt your stomach drop as goose bumps appeared on your exposed arms and legs. You froze and looked down at the grass, seeing your feet nestled right next to Dick’s.
The possibility that this could be the last time you saw Dick, held him, read with him, and kissed him haunted you. As a child, you had made it official that love was off the table. But when the giant gentle with red hair and mint eyes waltzed into your kitchen on that fateful night, your world had been turned upside down. Trying to be logical, you could live if Dick died. He was far too old to marry you, and most likely showed no interest. You could've been just a pretty face for him to silently hold before acting like you never shared tender moments in the moonlight. If he died, you would move on, marry someone your mother chose out for you, and start a mundane life of cooking, folding laundry, and having children.
But emotionally, if Dick didn’t come back to Lancaster, something would be missing from your life. Something important.
“I can’t promise anything. You know that, sweetheart.” Dick cautioned you, whispering into your hair. At Least he was being honest-better than sugar coating a sensitive subject. He tried to make you look at him, but you refused. You were being stubborn, pushing away the emotions and trying to think logically. But in all honesty, it was catching up to you know. Tears stung at your eyes as your mouth quivered.
“I know, you don’t have to tell me, ” You sniffled, “I’m not an idiot. I prefer it if you be straightforward with me.” Dick looked at you with his thin eyebrows knit together and narrowed eyes. After sharing such a kind moment, he most likely wouldn't wanna break news that would tear your heart to pieces.
You preferred if he’d just spit out the words and get it over with. Make it easier for both of you to handle.
He moved on his hands to your cheek to wipe the incoming tears, but you refused. You turned your head and swiped the tears with your shaky palm, red lipstick and mascara staining your skin.
You scoffed in frustration, “Just say you want me to break up with me. It’s for the better. I’ll go to school, you go to war. We act like nothing ever happened. For the greater good. It was fun while it lasted..But I...nevermind.” You looked down at the ground, refusing to look at Dick. One glance and the next thing you would know, tears would be streaming down your face as you ran into the night.
Dick turned and followed after you as your footsteps increased with a few mumbled sniffles. “That’s not what I wanted to say-”
A pained sob escaped your mouth as you walked forward, a red face with tears streaming down your cheek. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Please, for the better of us. It’s better to use your mind over your heart and not worry about some young, naive girl who had a crush on her father’s best student!”
You continued to walk forward and ignore Dick’s pleas, but your stomping slowed down.
Dick was creeping up behind your. Your speed walking slowly turned into slow, sluggish steps. Tears streamed down your face as your hands slung at your sides. Dick was now right behind you, watching you as you sniffled. You slowly turned your head to look at him with mascara running down your face.
“Oh, Sweetheart..” Dick softly sighed. Your whole body turned around as you fell into his arms, letting out a loud sob. Small sniffles turned into wails as you cried into his chest, staining the ivory collared shirt. He stroked your hair as he ran reassuring circles on your back. He wanted you to get all of those pestering emotions out. After a few minutes of sobbing and Dick comfortingly holding you close, he broke the silence.
“That’s not why I brought you here,” Dick cooed into your hair as he traced mindless figures into your lower back.
You looked up with your big (e/y/c) orbs, letting out a little sniffle. He had a soft smile on his face as he wiped a stray hair from your face, slowly tucking it behind your hair. “Then...why did you bring me here..?”
“This cornfield holds a special place in my heart. I come here a lot. It’s peaceful, but lonely.” Dick explained as he grabbed your hand, holding your tiny one in his own. He looked down at you, “After working with your father, I’d come home and run here. I’d stop midway to look at the wind and the way it moved the corn. It was so relaxing, so that’s why I brought you here.”
“To not feel lonely?”
“Yes. I felt alone, until I met you.” He admired, “I was surrounded by people, but I still felt alone. But when I spent time with you, I didn’t feel alone at all. It was a highlight to see you, even if it was sitting across from each other at a table or seeing you, laying on the porch. I looked at you and I got happy.”
“Dick, I…” You were speechless. His words wanted your heart, but his message baffled you. “Appreciate your kindness, but what do you mean?”
The gentle strawberry blonde held your hand. He didn’t hold it tight, but used both his hands to hold them up. He slowly backed up and lowered himself on one knee. From the books you had read, you knew what this way. Initiatively, you would’ve said no and ran away. But Dick had courted you with his gentle hold, reassuring words, and sheer presence.
“I couldn’t keep it any longer. I know there’s a chance that this will be the last time you see me for a while or at all. I said I couldn’t promise anything, but I..can’t hide it. I love you, y/n. I don’t care if you want to start school and make your own money, I don’t care if you wear pants, I don’t care what you do. I care about your happiness. I want you to live a long and happy life. You’re the most beautiful and intelligent woman I have ever met. I understand you’re young, and you can turn this down if it’s too much. Dick announced as he pulled a velvet box from the back of his pants, he opened the box to reveal a golden Celtic band. You put a hand on your mouth in joyous disabelif. “I want to be with you, but only if you want to be with me. You’d never be alone...Will you marry me, y/n?”
“Dick, this is…” You chuckled in disbelief. One minute you were crying, now you were laughing. Dick in one hand held a beautiful ring, and the other hand your delicate hand. “Wonderful. But my parents...they…”
“I talked to your father. He said pick out a white dress you want.” Dick replied. “You’re mother cried. I thought she was upset, but she was beyond happy. She told me she knew you had an eye on me since I started coming over for dinner. They approved...but if you don’t want this, I understand. I just couldn’t hold it in, even if I don’t come ba-“
“Yes, Yes, yes, yes, yes…” Your words started low, but then turned to loud cheers. You squealed, nodding enthusiastically. “I will, Dick. I’ll marry you. I don’t care. If something does happen, I'll be happy knowing that I’m yours. Even if you don’t…” the three lettered words struggled to come out your mouth. It was such a rough word. Unable to bring yourself to say it, you chose to leave your pessimistic side for something more optimistic. “I won’t be alone, even if you’re in Europe, The Pacific, wherever. I’ll just know you’re here, in my heart and dreams.”
It turned out that this whole dinner was a setup by your family and the Winters. It just had to be Anne Winters that she found about your relationship with Winters. Being sixteen and sassy, she casually shrugged it off and stated that “Dick was a horrible liar”. It should have been obvious with Dick’s favourite meal, the fact that you were placed right next to time, Anne’s teasing, and your mother pestering for you to look presentable. It all made sense now.
But there was one ball in the air-the ceremony. Dick would be leaving for Toccoa the next day, the afternoon. Your parents wanted a big ceremony for the morning. The Winters didn’t care-they just wanted the two of you to be happy considering that Dick was going to be away for a long time or forever.
You and Dick had to come to an agreement. You announced at the end of dessert that you would wait to be married until Dick came back from the war.
Obviously, this caused a bit of uproar. But with Dick leaving tomorrow, they chose not to make a big deal of it. As long as you and Dick were happy, your families could be nothing but be happy for you. Even if it was a short amount of time.
After the storm that settled, you and Dick had left his house. You hopped in his truck and drove to the local chapel Dick had attended with his family every Sunday. In the middle of the night, the two of you eloped. He made sure to pull over and pick out a group of Perennials, all kinds of your favorites. You even stuffed some into your messy updo which had turned into a half updo.
After your quiet ceremony, the two of you drove back to your estate. There, the two of you spent your first, and poetically final, night together in your childhood bedroom; making love, cuddling, and cherishing every moment you shared with each other.
The variety of perennials’s Dick had picked out were placed into a blue and white ginger jar. It was meant to be a memory of Dick. He wouldn’t be there psychically, but spiritually, he would be right there.
Dick was surprised to learn that you weren’t a virgin. He was raised a Mennonite, waiting for marriage. You, being a curious young woman, had experimented. It was once, and an unpleasant experience. Before, you had felt indifferent about sex. It was something that women were meant to desire. You were told to be a virgin and wait for a man to take control of you. Hating those words, you chose to do the opposite. Nobody knew of your little secret, besides Dick-your husband.
Dick was nothing like the boy you had lost your virginity to. Unlike that boy, he was a man. Not because he was masculine and tough, but because he treated you like his equal. He never treated you any differently from your father. Dick had morals and integrity, he was compassionate, quiet but polite, open-minded, and used his brain and heart. That was what you defined a real man as.
Dick treated you like you were made of glass. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you. He didn’t care about his feelings, he only cared about yours. He wanted to make sure that you were enjoying yourself. You aided him in some areas, but the two of you were on a ride after a rocky start. Dick always asked how you were doing, if you wanted him to stop, go slower, or if you needed to break. He left sloppy kisses all over your body and had his hands wrapped around you like a young child with a bear. Dick didn’t let go of you once.
That night, the two of you held each other close as you chatted for hours on end. That was what you had looked forward to, not the sex. Sex was still a big piece in your marriage, but it wasn’t the most important. You looked forward to the long and mindless conversations the two of you had. Dick held you in his warm arms, toned and muscles from the workout’s he did year round. He would hold you close to his body as the two of you discussed life after the war.
It didn’t matter what the future held. If Dick was gone for one year, ten years, or forever. What mattered was the two of you had each other in your little moment of peace before all hell would break loose.
You and Dick had chatted the whole night away. The next thing you knew, you would go from the bedroom to the train station. It was a moment you dreaded, but it had to be done. Dick once again had a stoic expression. He kissed his mother, your mother, and sister, shook his father's and your father’s hand, and gave you a long sweet kiss on the lips. Dick struggled to pull away, but he knew it was for the best. Before climbing onto the train, he promised to write to you at every opportunity he got and tell you about Europe, the war, and anything he desired to tell you.
The next thing you knew, you were alone again.
When you arrived home, you kicked off your shoes and walked up the stairs. Your mother asked if you were okay, to which you silently nodded your head. Your father had noticed your unusual silence. He had offered to take you shopping, thinking that money would make you happy. All you did was politely decline and retreat to your bedroom.
Your room was stuck in time. The sheets were all over the floor and Dick’s tall figure that had been imprinted on the left side of your bed. The dress your mother forced you to wear laid on the floor, along with your flats and pearls.
The sun shined through the curtains as you crawled onto the side where Dick had laid. You closed your eyes and sunk into his pillow, holding onto the disappearing scent of your husband.
On Top of the books, you had been reading were the perennials; lavender, daylilies, and stonecrops. You looked up from the pillow, your nose buried into the pillow and a blanket loosely covering your legs.
Suddenly, you didn’t feel that so alone anymore.
One year turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into four. You kept the calendar’s from over the years in your room, neatly stored under your bed. You found it funny how time flew by. You could remember the first day of walking in your classroom and the day you walked off the podium with your diploma. The pretty perennials that Dick had given you from what seemed like a decade ago had died. They were withered and derived of the bright colors they once had, hanging on the side of the blue and white ginger jar. The perennials reminded you of yourself. Once you had been a fiery young girl, and now you were an exhausted graduate student who was bound to become a widow.
Around the time you had found work at Lancaster, BBC announced that the war was over in Europe. That should have phased you and made you jump up with glee, but in all reality, it didn’t. The optimistic side you once had was long gone, turning into a pessimistic bitterness. The war was over in Europe, but not in The Pacific. Dick still wouldn’t be coming home, and you learned to accept that.
Sure, he had sent you letters in the beginning. Lots of them. He would talk about his adventures in training, his dreadful drill sergeant, his friend who was a “one of those city folk”, and so many more things. He expressed his boyish pride in being a patriot for his country. His little letters used to make your day. But as the leaves fell from the trees and the years passed, his letters would slow down. The last one you had received in January, written in December. It was short and sweet. The letter rested  in your drawer. As the days passed on, a small part of you broke. You had been married for five years, yet you felt like you weren’t even married. No Dick kissing you, holding you in your arms, or comforting you in your darkest moments.
When the flowers had slowly withered, so did your hope.
But that all changed on a warm September day. Your mother had called you from your room, not specifying what was awaiting for you at the door. You grumbled and got up, taking off your glasses as you walked down the stairs, expecting to see another colleague trying to woo you.
You didn’t expect to see a tall man with a soft smile, strawberry hair, and a neat military uniform. Your husband-Dick Winters.
It was like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. You dropped everything, running right into his arms. You buried your face in his chest as he pulled you in close, his worked hands resting on your lower back and hair. He smelt amazing, and his uniform was soft. You missed his tender touch and soft words. It had been forever since you had seen him. In that moment, nothing mattered. No words needed to be spoken. In all honesty, you never wanted or needed pity from others. You just wanted someone-Dick-to be close. You thought of yourself as a coward, but all you wanted to feel was alright.
“Sweetheart, I missed you. I’m so sorry,” He apologized, stroking your embrace. His voice was stoic, as usual. It really was Dick. He was home and in your arms, at last.
“Don’t. Just stay. Please.” You softly cooed into his chest. No, you couldn’t let go now.
Dick let out a soft chuckle and stayed in the embrace. War was a strange beast. It stripped families of their children and caused mass discussion. Dick thought he wouldn’t come home and see his wife who had married the night before he was drafted. As the years had gone by, Dick began to regret his choice. What if he had left you a widow?
But that was the past. It was gone-nothing to waste tears on. In your extended embrace, the future didn’t matter, it wasn’t worth stressing. Dick and you lived in the present moment and made it beautiful.
Nothing had changed after Dick had come home. Life was still the same, except you weren’t as alone. Dick was still his stoic self. He was a doting husband. You expected him to struggle when he returned to civilian life. He wasn't used to homemade dinners and a bed much-the flashes of exploding limbs and artillery flashing through his eyes. Both you and Dick were independent. It wasn’t a bad thing. You could spend hours reading as he did a puzzle in another. On some days, the two of you would do activities together. You’d lay your head in his lap as he’d did his puzzle. On other days, Dick would be needier. Originally, he wasn’t vocal about it. It took you a while to catch onto it. He held your hand more in public, pulled you closer as you slept, and whenever he was in a mood-he’d come right to you and just give you a look. You knew the look all too well-and knew how to cure it. Dick would wrap his arms as you snuggled into his chest and talk about anything your minds came to. Sometimes you’d talk, but other times the two of you would close yours and fall asleep. Dick wouldn’t have any nightmares if held you close for comfort.
Without you, Dick didn’t know what he would do. How he could return to the simplicity of life.
Somehow, he returned. And every day he made sure to thank you for making him feel like a human and not a machine-whether that be through a gentle peck, a cuddle, or even a literal “thank you”. He loved you more than anything in the world.
Shortly after Dick returned, the two of you moved out to New Jersey. His “city-boy” friend (his name was Lewis Nixon, but Dick called him Lew) had offered him a job at his parent’s nutrition company. So off the two of you drove from Lancaster to the suburbs of Haddonfield. Haddonfield and Lancester were virtually the same; small country bumpkin towns isolated from the big cities.
You and Dick had bought your first house (which was given by Nixon was a “late honeymoon gift). It was a small colonial house in a tiny suburb, pristine white with red doors. The decorations in the house were limited, a few photos of your and his family with elegant furniture gifted from your parents. It was a little big for your liking. It was a nice gift, but in Nixon’s words, it was for the “incoming armada of redheads”.
Babies. Children. Of your kin.
Dick had mentioned having children. When he was still adjusting, he’d hold you close as he talked about his plans for the future. Buy a farm in Pennsylvania, build his own business, and start a family of his own. He had told you that anywhere you would go, he would go. Anything you wanted, he wanted. He was about thirty two and you were close to turning twenty-five. It was expected at your age to have young children, but with no husband around and a job, it was difficult to settle down. You would gulp and smile, looking down as you held his hand.
Dick didn’t want to pressure you. He knew that were siginactiatly younger. Times were changing, you had a job and life of your own. He never wanted to interfere with it. When you would get insecure about not being the “ideal wife”, he’d reassure you that you were his wife and didn’t have to do anything you didn’t want. Dick wasn’t a man who put fear into others to get what he wanted. He was a patient and gentle soul.
You had tried a few times here and there. As much as you tried to enjoy something that was pleasurable, it was painful. You hid it from Dick, but Dick wasn’t an idiot. Dick wanted you to enjoy it. You could his mint eyes, hungry yet soft, as he laid on top of you, both of your hands restricted as you did the deed.
You weren’t making any noises, looking to the side. Something was wrong, you knew it. But you couldn’t break it to Dick. How would he react?
Dick catched onto his. He pulled himself together and pulled out. You looked at him and gave him a stubble style as he scooted closer to you, his breath heavy and gelled hair a mess.
“Hey,” You smiled awkwardly, clenching at the sheets.
Dick looked at you, a smile curving as his lips as his hand caressed your cheek. “How is my wife doing?”
It was a private nickname. He called you it after the war, especially when he was feeling vulnerable. Sometimes it was “my little wife”, which could be sweet or driven by lust. The little nickname made your heart skip a beat. You were proud to be his.
“Good. I’m tired,” You yawned as you held his hand close, playing with his big fingers.
Dick looked at your face as he admired your natural beauty, a pearly smile, your hair loose on the pillow, and your figure covered by a thin sheet. His hand moved from your cheek, your nape, and eventually your stomach. He drew slow, soft circles around your tummy.
“My little wife with our baby,” Dick remarked, his fingers dancing across your bare skin. Any girl would’ve fallen head over heels if a man had said that. You should have been happy, you wanted a family.
But how could you tell him?
There was a long silence between the two of you. All you did was look into his mint orbs, stroking his hair out of his face.
“I hope he, or she, looks like you. So they get their mother’s beauty.” Dick looked down at your stomach and planted a kiss.
You gulped, thinking of a response. A pretty white lie. “And there’s dad’s redhead and kindness. If you’re a little guy, I’ll tell you that it’s hard to find a man like your day.”
“And it’s hard to find a woman like your mother. She’s a firecracker,” Dick jabbed as he playfully ruffled his hair.
“Dick…” Your words were low as you held back a sob. You plastered a smile, it hurt to lie. “We don’t even know if it’s a boy or girl. I don’t even know if I have a baby there…”
“Well…” Dick laid his head on your stomach, gently finessing the skin under your breast. “If It was a girl, what would her name be?”
You hated the feeling-naming a baby that wasn’t in your stomach. Dick believed that you were pregnant, or at least he believed you were. In response, you bit your lips-looking like you were deep in thought.
“Margaret,” You announced, “Molly for short. After my grandmother, in her memory.”
Dick tilted his head up and nodded, “For your grandma,” He planted another kiss and rested his head once again, “A boy?”
“Lewis? You like that fellow a lot.”
Dick shook his head, “No. I can’t look at him and our child the same way.”
You let out a chuckle before shaking your head. An image of a little baby flashed between your eyes. Mint eyes, dimples, and soft red hair. You wished it would occur.
“I can’t think of a name. You?”
Dick was silent for a minute as he laid on your stomach, your fingers entangled in his locks.
“Thomas. His name could be Thomas,” Dick proposed.
“Why is that?” You questioned.
Dick let out a sigh before crawling up to you, pulling you into his arms,“He was a C.O, to replace Sobel. I didn’t know him for long since his plane was hit. He’s listed as missing in action...but,” He froze on the words, unable to say it. You looked up at him Dick, who looked to the side with guilt tugging at his heart. You planted a kiss on his chin.
“He was twenty-two years old, just married. He sent a letter out to his wife to tell her that he was coming home. She still believes he’s out there, lost in some forest, finding his way home..” Dick looked down at you. Just like Meehan, he had been freshly married, sending out a letter. While Dick had kept his short and sweet (he didn’t want to promise anything), Meehan was too big for his britches. He didn’t show his fear, confidence in the face of adversity.
“Okay, Thomas it is. I like that name” You expressed.
Dick saw your face glow up, and so did his. He smiled, nodding along. “Thomas and Margaret,” He looked at your stomach once more, running his hand across your flat stomach. “I like that too.”
You nuzzled into his chest as he planted little kisses on the nape of your neck, holding you close for warmth. The two of you remained there, the only noise being your breathing.
Pulling your head back, Dick moved his hands down to your lower back to pull you up, closer to his face. “Y/n?”
“Yes, Dick?” You looked into his mint eyes, the candle in the room glittering in his orbs.
Dick held your cheek as he admired your face, “I love you, my little wife.”
You looked down before looking at your husband, moving slowly up to his face.
“And I love you two, my big husband.”
Maybe time stopped when Dick’s lips had met yours, but the flutter only intensified. Your heart pounded in your chest as your knees went numb. You could only focus on how soft Dick felt against your mouth, how addictively he invaded all of your senses.
It wasn’t clear if you had dreamed this all, but the raw emotion in the way Dick’s fingers curled against yours. Dick kept his eyes open, sneaking a guilt peak every time you took a breath for air, just to make sure you weren’t a product of his imagination.
You weren’t sure if nature rooted for this moment, but it distracted you from everything. You just laid there with Dick, draped each other's arms as you sloppily kissed. Dick pulled you in once again, gently placing his lips onto yours until your knees had once again gone numb, overpowered by his. His other hand rested on your stomach as he murmured Margaret and Thomas, talking about how excellent of a mother you would be to your babies.
By the time you became aware of this, you froze, letting Dick kiss your body. You looked at the ceiling, hands in his hair as he decorated your skin.
It was like a car had run into you, throwing you down to the side-a rude awakening. As much as you denied it, it was creeping up on you.
There was no Thomas. There was no Magaret. There was never going to be a Thomas or Margaret.
Your stomach was flat, nothing moved. There was no life in your stomach ever. No matter how many times you tried, wished, prayed, there was only one conclusion.
There would never be a son or a daughter in your stomach-ever.
From that point on, life was slow. You woke up, gave Dick a kiss goodbye, worked from home, cooked dinner, read with Dick, fell asleep at an ungodly hour, and repeated the mundae routine everyday. With Dick being a general manager, he would work late hours. At some points, the only time you would see him is late at night when he’d crawl into bed giving you a kiss or early in the morning. Still, in his weary and stressed state, he’d always kiss your stomach every night and morning.
With your irregular cycles, constant negative tests, and pelvic pain becoming more evident in your marriage, you decided it was best to see your Doctor. As much as you didn’t want to know the possibility of what could be wrong, at least you would have an idea of what it was and how to make it better.
It turned out you couldn’t make your problem better. The doctor had a sympathetic look in your eyes as he listed off possibilities. You just sat there and looked at your stomach; your cold hands pressing against your stomach.
You were infertile.
There was never a Margaret growing in your stomach, nor was there a Thomas. There was nothing in your stomach.
How the hell were you going to tell your doting husband this?
It was another Friday night in September. The leaves fell from the trees, the radio softly played in the back, it was peaceful in your little white house. Dick still hadn’t come home yet. You attempted to act like everything was normal as you put on a nice dress, pearls, and a fake pearly smile. It was all fine.
Nothing was fine.
You stood at the edge of the cliff, looking down into the haunting abyss. This feeling of dread and tightness became background noise as if it were traffic on an unseen road. There were times where you could handle it, and times where you could not. This was a day where you couldn’t handle it. Each day passed, and the more you repressed it-it hurt. It hurt even more than it was supposed to.
You were faced with a dead-end, a terrifying one, with thoughts of temptation and contemplation. You felt even lost in your own home and marriage, feeling helpless and scared. This wasn’t supposed to happen. In the partial society you lived in, a woman’s identity revolved around the ability to convenience. As a girl, you laughed it off, saying you’d do what you’d please. But you were no longer a fiery girl, but a broken and bitter woman. Bitter at the world for forcing the idea that women were baby machines. You, as you typically did, pushed it away.
Stuffed it into a closet, but it was now pouring out. All the baggage that you had repressed was right in front of you. You never felt like you belonged in the parthricaral society you lived in with their white picket fences and predictable lifestyles. That didn’t mean you didn’t want a family of your own. You had a husband, a job, a house, everything seemed perfect. But one thing was missing-a baby.
The older you had gotten, the more it affected you. Going to those parties for Dick’s job and seeing all the wives with their babies and fumbling toddlers. You didn’t feel anything towards them at first, but they eventually grew on you. Dick’s first few days home contained long conversations about what your lives would be after the way. You would chat with him for hours about it to distract from the nightmares that flooded his mind, holding his hand.
“A nice little farm near Lancaster, one or two kids, my own business, and the most important thing...you ” Dick would say, his words full of love. “My wonderful little wife, Margaret, Thomas, and me, on our farm. We’ll have each other.”
The kettle boiled in the water, the loud noise screeching in the kitchen. You dropped the knife and heard it clack onto the ground. All you did was stand there with wide eyes and shaky legs, looking down at the ground as your nails dug into the counter.
You couldn’t bear him children-you tried and tried and tried but to no avail. If you were not Dick’s, then what were you?
Dick had taken off his trench coat, sliding his shoes off as he neatly put them right next to yours. He let out a sigh as he loosened his tie. Work had been stressful once again. All he could think about was seeing you and his growing little babies. Of course, he never told anybody. But knowing the thought was between you and him made it special-something so personal and beautiful. He couldn’t wait to see your face and hold you close, talking for hours on end. Anything you said or did made him head over heels, just like it had done to you five years ago. You had been distant and not your usual self, and Dick was worried. He knew of the insecurities you had, feeling like you never had fit into a certain mold.  
He had walked into the kitchen and instead of finding you, he found a dropped knife and kettle that was overflowing with boiling water. It looked like you had left in a hurry. He made sure to check all of the doors to see if you had left, in which you had no. In a calm manner, Dick cleaned up the kettle and put the knife back where it was. He wanted to help so you wouldn’t stress.
The pitter-patter of the shower coming from upstairs alerted Dick. He walked up the stairs and down the dark hallway, seeing the bathroom light creak from the bathroom. Creaking the door open, the all to familiar noise hit his ears. The bathroom was foggy as the shower ran. Looking down, Dick saw the water come to his feet, staining his wet socks. Your flats were spread on the ground along with your knit cardigan, soggy from the water. Inside of the shower was you, clothed with your makeup running, hugging your knees as you looked down.
Dick let out a soft sigh as he looked at you, his shoulder slouching down. It was paining him to see you in this state, “Oh honey..”
You didn’t move, only your eyes did. He walked towards you, into the shower. He wore a white suit and dress pants, which were now we're stuck to his skin. He put himself right next to you as the hot water warmed his cold skin. You adjusted yourself to lean on his wet shoulder. Dick said there as you leaned on him for comfort, listening to the white noise of the shower.
“I tried,” You mumbled as your fingers ran circles in his arm.
Dick looked down at you with his strawberry hair sticking to his forehead and drips of water rushing down his face. He frowned, tiping his head to the side.
“I tried and tried, time after time. I tried so hard and I…” You lamented, grasping onto Dick’s arm. It was hard to spit out the words. You had already said the first half of it, you needed to say more. “I just can’t. I can’t do it.”
“Do what?” Dick questioned, his fingers lifting your chin. Tears streamed down your cheeks, your mascara coming down along with it. His thumb wiped away the incoming hot tears. He was too kind to you. His mere presence reassured you. “Don’t cry, my little wife. Let me help you. Whatever it is, whatever you need, I-”
“I can’t have children. Not now, or ever.” The words came out your mouth. It felt like you were spitting fire. It felt strange like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. Even though it was gone, it still lingered. “I went to the doctor last week. I’m infertile, Dick.”
Dick just sat with a frown on his face. You couldn’t tell what was going through his head. His free arm had wrapped around your shoulder was slowly falling as he let go of your chin, making an “oh” noise.
You looked at him and let out a sob as your face fell into your hands. “I didn’t wanna tell you. I know you’ve wanted children, every man wants that for their wife. You want a son who looks like you, and a wife who can provide that for you. I can’t. I wanted it too, but I watched my dream break. I’m supposed to give you a baby like a normal wife should...” Through the sniffling and sobs, you refused to look at Dick. He seemed disappointed, but you could never tell what he was feeling. “If you want a wife who can give you a child, then, by all means, do so. I’m worthless.”
You could feel it. Your relationship was over. Maybe it was for the better. Dick could start his family, and you could work a job in Philadelphia. They did have an opening in Philadelphia. It was better to have nobody-so you couldn’t get hurt and hurt others around you.
Slowly removing your hands from your face, you turned to Dick. You scooted back, not able to tell if he was upset at you. “No?”
“No. You’re not worthless, y/n.” Dick attested, “What would make you think such a thing?”
“We’ve always wanted a family down the line. You would kiss my stomach every night, talking to the...” You looked down at your flat stomach, your hand gently squeezing the skin. It broke your heart even more just feeling what Dick assumed was Margaret and Thomas. “Just didn’t want you to get mad at me. I know you're upset with me.”
“Don’t give me that malarkey,” He growled, crawled closer to you as he grabbed your cheeks with your foreheads nuzzling towards each other. You could feel the warmth on the top of your forehead, “I’m not upset. You didn’t have to hide this from me. I should’ve known, I’m so sorry sweetheart.”
Dick tenderly grabbed your shoulders and leaned you back on the white subway wall. He was gentle as he wiped the sticky hair from your face for a clearer view. He had a soft smile as he caressed your cheek with you leaning into it.
“But if I can’t give you children, what good use am I?”
“The reason I married you wasn’t that I wanted a family. At that moment, in that cornfield, I wanted you to be my wife. If I didn’t tell you, I don’t know if I would’ve died content with my life,” Dick complimented with a kiss to your wet hand. “You're not just a pawn used for children-my little wife. Just because you can’t have children doesn’t mean I won’t leave you. I wouldn’t even consider the thought. It’d be hard to find someone like you, y/n. Nobody as hardworking, beautiful, and fiery”
A chuckle escaped your lips, “Like a cornfield?”
“Like a cornfield,” He assured. “I don’t care about children, the past, the future, anything. I married you because I was in love with the beautiful, growing woman five years ago, and I still am. All I care about is my little wife, y/n-you. I love you.”
You nuzzled into his shoulder, “I..love you too, Dick.”
Silent communication was your and Dick’s form of romance. You didn’t need big gestures and materialistic gifts to feel comforted, sometimes you just needed someone right next to you, or in your arms. The silence was nice and the warmth was needed. Dick’s warmth felt like a little touch of heaven, warm, together, cozy. You wished that you could extend the night just so you could stay in his comforting embrace, relived in his hold. In his hold, you believed that there is nothing to fear, that there is all sunshine and love. Dick was the cure you needed, a lone star in an otherwise empty sky, he was the morningstar that you prayed wouldn’t disappear.
“I’ll make us dinner,” Dick said as he got up. “I’ll even run you a bath. Does that sound good, my little wife?”
Your fingers held the tip of his hands. Your (y/c/e)‘s met with his mint ones that shined in the pristine light. He gently helped you up with a hand resting on your waist.
Resting a hand on his chin, you looked down and shook your head. “I want to make dinner with you. I feel clean.”
“Are you sure?” Dick questioned, pulling you closer to his body. “I know you haven’t been sleeping.”
“Well I’m not tired. I haven’t felt like we’ve talked lately. You’ve been gone and I’ve been distant.” You confessed. The brutally honest was needed now. You tipped your head to look at Dick. “I wouldn’t mind a helping hand.”
“Fine, if you insist,” He placed his hand on your upper back and swept you off your fear. You let out a little chuckle as you snaked an arm around his shoulder for stability, “You said you needed a helping hand.”
Once you and Dick changed out of your wet clothes and into your matching silk robes (gifted by Lew, the man even had your initials engraved into the pocket), the two of you headed down to the kitchen to cook. The radio played in the back and the kettle silently brewed as you sautéed the chicken and Dick set the small table in the tiny dining space.
“Hey, y/n?”
“Yeah?” You looked behind you as you washed your hands of the greasy oils and spices.
“Did you grow up with dogs?”
You nodded as you dried your hands, “Two-a Westie and Cairn terrier. Your point?”
Dick came over the counter as he leaned on it with a smirk. It wasn’t condescending, but it looked like an idea had popped in his head. You loved it when he smirked or smiled; the dimples on his cheeks would show.
“I know you get lonely when I’m not around. Lew knows a lot of good breeders in the area. How do two dogs sound?”
You were lonely. Loneliness was a feeling you knew all too well. It haunted you as a child and adult. Except when you were a child, you thought it would disappear. But in truth, it did not.
“Two dogs sound nice, Dick,” You confessed. The kettle began to make a shrieking noise. Walking over, you grabbed two cups and poured hot water into them. The water from clear to a darkish brown. You let the bags settle for a few minutes before taking the two cups over and handing one to your strawberry blonde husband.
“There breed? Are we sure Lew won’t try and steal them?”
“Well, Lew wouldn’t steal them. He and Grace already have enough animals to take care of,” Dick put his two big hands around the mug. “Two terriers, a boy, and girl. Just like the ones you grew up with.”
“Ok,” You smiled, raising your eyebrows. “And their names?”
Dick took a sip of his tea before smacking his thin lips. “I was thinking of Margaret and Thomas. Do you like that?”
You finally knew the answer to why Dick was asking about getting dogs. Not that you were in protest. Dogs were like children-just easier to take care of.
“Yeah, I like that a lot.”
Dick put a hand over yours, giving it a reassuring squeezed. He smiled at you, and you smiled back.
Within the week, Lew had come over with the cutest puppies you had ever seen. He had also brought over all of the necessary supplies for two puppies, and even two sweaters with their names. One was a feisty and quiet Westie named Thomas and the other was a sweetheart with a sour side named Margaret. You and Dick loved them more than anything in the world. They were fed Filet Mignon from the table, slept in between you and Dick, and always for what they wanted. Even Dick gave into their puppy eyes whenever they got into trouble. The reason he wanted dogs in the first place was for his little wife; y/n-you. Not only did he want to make you feel a little less lonely in your little colonial house, but protected. Dick wasn’t always there to look out for you, even though he knew you could handle yourself just fine. Still, it was the thought that counted. Knowing that you would have two little balls of energy to keep you entertained made Dick content, and so did you.
Lewis Nixon was right all along. He never saw you and Dick having children. In his wise words, dogs were “far superior” than children. Dogs didn’t cry as much, they weren’t as needy, and they didn’t wake you up in the middle of the night. Mostly.
You would see the way the dogs would interact with Dick, and how Dick would interact with them. He’d treat them like children. From rocking Margaret in his arms to having long conversations with Thomas about why he shouldn’t bite you his mother while you peacefully sleep, it made your heart skip a beat, seeing Dick be so gentle with the two puppies.
Every night before you would head to bed, Dick would always remind you that his dream had finally come true; buying the little patch of land in Lancaster for the farm was within reach. He’d give you a kiss and pull you close as the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
You broke away from the terrifying cliff that you had looked down, heading towards your morning star, Dick, with hope that it wouldn’t disappear.
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lees-blogs · 4 years
thanks for allowing us to ask questions, I’ve actually been looking for someone to help me so hopefully you can. I’m writing a story with a character who has ASD, and as I was doing some research, I found two things that stuck in my mind: I found a post that tells people how to write authentic autistic characters and one point they highlighted was, “don’t point out the fact that the character is autistic” and I noted that. but then a few days later I found a completely separate post with a different person telling people how to write authentic autistic characters and this person said, “state plainly that the person is autistic, don’t jump around it” and now, it is confusing me. should I point out my autistic character or not? or should I just give a few visible signs in the character and just hope it’s enough for the audience to tell that this character is autistic? I’m not autistic myself, so I cannot tell the difference between the statements these two people are making. or maybe I’m just bad at comprehension, I really don’t know. but if you have any tips on how to maybe address an autistic character in a story, it would be of much help.
I want to say, first off.. it’s very awesome that you are going to write a story about us or at least a character. That truly means a lot, especially with all the ableism we receive.
secondly, my advice to you is ( and I’ll try to give some helpful tips after this! ) try to figure out your character first before determining what those people are saying. Are they diagnosed? Or undiagnosed? What kind of autistic traits do they have? And if so are they sensory issues? Because sensory issues can be a very dodgy and difficult thing to work with in real life. If you need anymore information after this, I know a website and also this one account I really like! Also those people are correct, but as I asked.. if they are undiagnosed, then the character would be masking unless you choose to have them be open about it. If they are diagnosed, I’m sure the character will be more happier but also have anxiety if it’s correct or not ( thought wise! ) due to either being diagnosed late.
What some of us would like to see in representation for us or at least me, and this is me vouching for myself.. I don’t know who else would like to add on.
• Executive dysfunction.
Executive dysfunction can happen within whatever reason, or at least for me. It’s very difficult to manage ( for myself ) and it’s basically hard to identify when I’m hungry, need a shower, or need to brush teeth, etc. We want more representation of this especially when it gets so bad that we sometimes can’t even move. ( if you still don’t understand this, I will be happy to help! )
• Repeitive movements.
So I feel a lot of people may know this, but not every autistic character will flap their hands. Along with not being happy on top of flapping their hands. You can have the character express their emotions within these movements, because that’s basically what we do with them. For me, I flap my hands but it’s not something I caught on till a while now. I wasn’t born with it sadly, but I did have rocking and twisting. Along with this weird chugging motion like a train when I’m happy/enjoying myself. On top of that, this one is very concerning apparently to people. But mine is bopping my head. ( rocking it. Either side to side, or up and down. ) So please, if you want.. try to be original or maybe show something different that the character expresses.
• masking.
Masking is typically when we hide our autistic traits. Basically can lead to dissociation ( note: dissociation would have to lead to traumatic events more then multiple times before the person can be that way. ), and it’s very harmful for us. This is only when we feel a sense of discomfort from words of others, or we start to dislike this sort of behavior that others aren’t displaying. I used to be very open about my autism as a tiny bean, but as I grew older and nobody else did the things I did or received backlash. I stopped doing them in public or around people. I became more cautious, self aware when it happened, and scared that someone would think I’m crazy for still doing them. Of course I also thought I was alone in this world until my aunt surprised me with this word. But I won’t go into full detail of this, but please.. if you need/want more information to help you better understand. Please message me privately!
Ah yes, the sweet info dumping as you have seen in this commentary! Basically we info dump so much that it’s basically on a few of our special interests. For me, I love info dumping about autism! I may be a little hesitant in some areas, and I’m not extremely smart on the way they happen/work but I try! That’s all that counts. But this is honestly so much information to comply on. For me, when I info dump. I info dump my brains out! My dad gets upset when I talk about Marvel typically because I should be doing other things but.. 😆 heh, you can’t stop someone who likes to info dump. Typically because I have to start over and explain the beginning of marvel, the heroes, and eventually the character. I even throw in science ( in the beginning sometimes if I have to explain that. ) which is something I like as well! I say like, but I actually mean love. Ha!
• the difference between special interests and hyperfixations!
Special interests are basically what bring us comfort, what helps us in times of need. They can be old special interests, or new ones. Basically like a change in your liking. For me, I used to like watching boy shows ( preferably legos, or generator Rex, Ninjago. ) and disney. I also played with dolls, but it varied! Now those are typically my old special interests and I still hyperfixate on them every now and then.
Hyperfixation can last up to a week, maybe a week and a half or a few days. I actually had hyperfixation for a while ago, and my friend got me Netflix. It was so nice, because I could binge some of my old shows there! But now my comfort lies in comics, science, video games, and Greek myth!
If you need anymore tips, anymore guidance, or anything else. I’d be happy to help, and please remember, we all vary on a different scale!
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spirit-shroud · 3 years
what are some roles that have been largely changed for cityrune? since you said queen was an influencer now :]
hi ty for asking me im vibrating. havent gotten to talk about this au now for three years and now that chapter 2 is like real and this time i can like........draw occasionally and i have more understanding of nuance...... [grips table] [screams]
this isnt quite what you asked but heres what's everyone from chapter 1 has been Up To with a little bit of context (and under a read more bc it got LENGTHY):
kris - professional stay at home teen (they live w/ asgore n help run the flower shop sometimes. this decision was entirely bc i dont like toriel). was wrongly diagnosed w Sudden Soul Rejection when they were incredibly young and given an experimental transplanted soul as a replacement. it works for them fine, give or take having to see gaster once a month for checkups. but sometimes the soul makes them skittish n decides they're going to sit in front of the pc and play 30 consecutive hours of a certain simulation game and not even let them drown people in the pool. if it were entirely up to them, they'd be like. passing out on the sofa to documentaries about bigfoot. or practicing cool knife tricks to impress their friends at their next tabletop meetup
- EDITED IN: the soul is kind of their friend. they are wearing a hypothetical get along shirt. most of the time, they agree on actions and things to do. tends to refer to themself + their soul as we/us which originally was just something they did in their head but they kept slipping in speech/text n just became a Thing of how they talk. switches to 'I/Me' whenever smth is wrong.
- also edited in: they believe the soul they have is their original soul bc nobody has told them otherwise. whenever theyre like 'oh yeah we think about our soul n view it as a separate entity to us like. all the time. it likes to hurt if we make too many choices it doesn't seem to like and kind of forces us to be a toned down version of what we want to be but thats just how souls are haha' and everyone is like.... 'Hey Kris That's Really Not How It Is.' theyre like. 'huh. gonna ignore that for now' - this was going to be a plot point
toriel - head of H0MEWOR1D (H01)'s department of education; kind of lost her roots as a simple math teacher as she was pushed into a lot of power she didn't even really seek out. divorced asgore over some miscommunications in their relationship; also loosely as a result of grief from asriel's death
asgore - the same. runs a lil flower/gift shop. people come in more to talk with him than to buy flowers most of the time, though
asriel Flowey - he's back in flower form, thanks to the government an accident. causes a lot of technology glitches wherever he goes, and wants revenge. isn't sure how to go about it. asriel "died" around 8 years before the story takes place and kris still misses him and refuses to even THINK about even the IDEA of calling someone their sibling after what happened, just in case it somehow happens a second time
susie - more of the same really. she spends most of her time either at grillby's (she's sort of become his assistant n helps with opening/closing. it just happened) or getting into low-stakes trouble w/ kris
noelle - she's in the city's equivalent of college and shes so tired. shes So Abysmally Tired n got kinda pushed 2 follow in her mom's footsteps. she's rarely around anymore except through text or on monsters & mages (dnd) night. (however.........she will come back w/ a long break n hang out w everyone again)
berdly - tbh i didnt even consider berdly when i made the au initially. idk what he's doing. probably in a similar situation to noelle??? canonically got kicked out of the M&M group due to clashes w/ other players but lurks in their group chat to posts memes sometimes
didnt rly think of any other of kris' classmates (+ their families) after ch1 and probably will continue to not, until chs 3-5 come out and i gotta whip up roles and histories for like. a lotta guys all of a sudden. i also forgot about noelle's parents
sans - runs a convenience store that everyone kind of thinks is a front, but also it has really cheap snacks and the local teens make a point of stopping there after school. so essentially, more of the same papyrus - similar to ut. is a very polite and sweet boy but you'll know when he's coming
grillby - he's back. he runs a bar like back in ut but the cozy vibes and weird-for-a-bar hours keep attracting kids who need parents, so half of his menu is comprised of overly sweet mocktails. usually only frequented by monsters
QC - same as usual. has a "rivalry" with grillbz but, theyre besties and have a book club
mettaton - he's real and he's back. he's similar to how he is back in ut w/ his EX body. likes to hang out at grillby's and talk to unsuspecting fans. has a show for everything
napstablook - similar to how they are in ut. helps mtt with making music sometimes. doesn't leave the house too often, but spends a lot of time posting on undernet
undyne - unfortunately. more of the same. she is a cop in the monster district. i am also upset by this but couldn't think of anything better for her
alphys - a doctor studying under dr. gaster in the hopes she'll one day take over his research. she spends most of her time as a nurse with a bigger title, though, and blocks out the weirdness of her job with anime.
gaster - weird guy. H01's top soul researcher and resident House wannabe. trying to manufacture the ultimate soul that can be controlled with simple internal switches, but so far he's only had 1 (very limited) success with a certain human. monsters just melt, and darkners just sorta......get weird... he's onto Something, though.
ralsei - lonely boy with some very strange hobbies. popular on UnderNet for poetry, baking videos, and general cryptid vibe. is the DM for the monsters & mages group (also seems to think everything is actually very fine in H01 when it is very much not)
lancer - about the same. professional Round Boy. lives w/ rouxls full time. follows susie around like a lost puppy and calls himself her "underling."
rouxls - runs a hotel/casino kind of deal where the objective Bad Guys hang out, and usually ends up doing any of the spade king's paperwork.
spade king - mafia godfather. kind of a dick. don't play cards with him
seam - works with the spade king as his right hand cat more or less because they have for a lot of years and are in that 'sunk cost fallacy' zone. thinks of retiring to a quiet life in the monster section of town like, daily
jevil - used to work with the spade king, but got imprisoned for Crimes. got weird after The Accident (separate from asriel's accident)
temmies (all) - dont really get mentioned except offhandedly but they run the monster space station. so far, are the only monsters who have ever been to space.
as far as chapter 2 goes:
yeah i dont have much so far for characters. in the original version of the au i accidentally made darkners as a whole just kinda..... not great? like all sorts of weird organized crime ties n sort of going out of their way to be A Problem to the city (not even in like. a revolution way. in a working against them but with the same goals kinda way). with the whole context it worked At The Time, bc i just had the spade king to look to as a villain, and also in this au the darkners are just trying to survive a world that ultimately was not built for them (that humans think they own, and monsters sort of... seeing this and wondering what it'll mean for them whichever one wins), but w/ new info abt how the dark world works n more guys to work with i want to kind of. edit the vibe a bit. like yea darkners will ultimately do whatever it takes to take over H01, but maybe in a better way than like. idk. all this. it doesnt have to be peaceful or anything it just has to be more adaptable as we meet more kinds of darkners
however yeah i thought up 'queen as some sort of childless mommy blogger/influencer' and that completely revived all memory i had of this au. she should be on mtt's talkshow. also she sells collectible wine glasses w/ her likeness
spamton is another one of gaster's failed soul experiments, but he hasn't melted yet, and seems............fine? sort of. so he hasn't gotten decommissioned yet. he does want to give you malware tho. hot monster singles in your area n all that
im blanking on the rest of the guys but i hope any of this was comprehensible
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nelllraiser · 4 years
the kids are alright | adam, ariana, athena, blanche, connor, nell, orion, & winston
TIMING: a few days before the full moon. LOCATION: connor’s beach house. PARTIES: @walker-journal, @letsbenditlikebennett, @athenaquinn, @harlowhaunted, @connorspiracy, @nelllraiser, @3starsquinn, @danetobelieve SUMMARY: just a truly wholesome and youthful time.
Connor didn’t know what everyone liked, so he tried to get a little of everything; chips, dip, beers, spirits (no pun intended), and a few takeout menus scattered around in case they wanted to order. The house wasn’t huge by any means, but one thing he prided himself on was having a bloody good entertainment system, complete with several consoles and a massive telly. They’d have some fun. Watch some shit movies, play some Mario Party, forget that the world outside was shit, at least for a few hours. As the first knock at the door came, he headed over to answer it. “Hey, welcome. Come on in. Make yourself at home. Telly and consoles are obviously in here, but we have this bit of beach as well if we decide we want to take it outside.”
While Ariana wasn’t sure of who all would be in attendance tonight, she knew she hadn’t wanted to leave Athena back at the apartment. Especially with everything that had happened recently, she knew they could both use a fun evening. When she knocked on the door, she smiled brightly as Connor greeted them and introduced him to Athena. “I think I’ll skip testing my luck with the beach, I’m more interested in seeing how I can build a new entertainment system for ya anyway,” she turned to Athena and said, “This is my friend Athena. Athena, this is Connor. You may have seen some of his YouTube videos.” She held up a bag and added, “We brought some extra snacks, too.” 
She wasn’t entirely sure that she was up for a party, but she also knew that she didn’t want to be all by herself with her thoughts. So when Ariana had offered to bring her along to the party, Athena had quickly agreed. “Hi.” She waved to Connor from where she was standing behind Ariana. “I don’t watch a lot of YouTube outside of some videos about baking, or science, or one of my sorority sisters has a vlog channel, so I’m subscribed to that… but still! Nice to meet you.” She grinned, and it still didn’t feel entirely comfortable, but she knew that she had to get back to the usual routine to some degree sooner or later. She nodded over at the bag Ariana was holding up, using that time to look around the house. Her fingers, bare except for one with a golden ring that Amanda had gotten her for her birthday, found her cross necklace and she twisted it around, a bit out of a nervous habit. “Thanks for letting me come, it looks like you have a really nice place.”
“Always love a good snack,” Connor teased. “That’s why Adam’s coming.” Pity that boy was so painfully heterosexual. “Hi, love,” he greeted as Ariana introduced Athena. “Nice to meet you. Nobody else is here yet, but come on in, have a drink, let Ariana check out my furniture…” He gave a little chuckle, helping himself to a beer. 
Nell and Blanche had arrived in tandem, sporting their matching ‘burn your bra’ crop tops in a yin and yang color scheme with Nell in black, and one of her best friends in white. As she walked through the open front door, an amused grin cracked her lips as she saw Blanche and her hadn’t been the only ones to have a similar idea. “Well I’m glad we all got the memo,” she said with a nod towards Athena and Ariana’s complimentary jerseys, knowing full well there had been no such thing. Then she was raising a hand to wave a group greeting towards everyone, and presenting the plate she’d brought. “I brought these- they’re brownies obviously, but the kind that might make you astral project a couple planes over.” Probably stuffed with enough homegrown pot to get an elephant high, they were a staple when it came to party favors.
Orion had been to Connor’s on quite a few occasions now. Since the two had first met up at the old haunted house that Rio had grown up learning about, the two had hung fairly often while Rio helped film and edit videos every now and again. He was still clearly a beginner, but either Connor was desperate for the help or just enjoyed Rio’s company. He came hand in hand with Winston, overly excited for the night. Ever since his birthday, people seemed to walk on pins and needles around him and he didn’t know how to convince him that he was completely fine without potentially coming across as a sociopath. “Connor’s place is nice! He has a really cool set up for editing videos. Maybe you two can geek out about computer stuff together?” Rio grinned as the two made towards the front door.
Connor took a look at everyone’s outfits. “Well, if you brought bras to burn, I already mentioned we’ve got the beach for a little campfire,” he teased. “And Nell, maybe we let people settle in for a bit before getting high on brownies, yeah?” He gave her a playful grin. “But I like the way you think.” There was another ring from the doorbell, and he momentarily excused himself to go answer. It was Rio and his roommate. Holding hands. Cool. “Hey, you made it,” he greeted, smiling over at Rio. “Did you know we were supposed to coordinate? Everyone else has come dressed in pairs,” he teased, then looked to Winston. “Hi. Nice to meet ya. I’m Connor. Come on in.” He led them inside to the rest of the group. Now that almost everyone had arrived, he made sure everyone had a drink and knew where the snacks were, and where the bathroom was. “Just waiting for Adam then. For movies we’ve got pretty much anything that’s on Netflix, Prime, Hulu, or anything I can illegally download.” 
Glancing around the room, Winston shot Nell and Blanche a knowing smile before keeping their hands tightly interlaced with Orion’s. Things seemed to have relatively blown over with Athena, the fact that she was here with Ariana was a separate matter. “Thanks for the invite, if I’d known we were supposed to coordinate I’d have joined in but I guess we’re always the last to hear about these fun facts…” Winston gave a gentle smile before continuing into the house. They were about to mention that they were pretty sure they could connect Connor’s place up to the database in their home, but they weren’t sure that they wanted to potentially share any info that was not entirely secure. “Adam’s coming too? This really is going to be a party.” Winston just hoped he wasn’t armed with assault rifles and grenades this time.
 “Hey guys,” Blanche gave a wave. She hadn't expected Athena to be here, but then again, she also hadn't expected Rio either, especially after… everything. But she wasn't one to judge when people needed to blow off steam. “I would highly recommend the brownies. Once, you know, we’ve all settled in.” She nudged Nell playfully. “I have a 12 pack of beer too if anyone wants a drink.” She set it down on an end table, before curiously eyeing the TV. “Alright then, why don't we focus on picking a movie while we wait for Adam -” would he roll in with kegs like he did at Nic’s party? She fought back a snide internal comment, reminding herself that she promised to rewind for the evening, and honestly… she was so tired of being angry. Not just at Adam, but with everyone. “What genre are we feeling? Horror?” she asked, hopefully.
It seemed like she and Athena hadn’t been the only ones who showed up matching. Ariana waved to Blanche and Nell appreciating their crop tops. She stood up to grab some drinks for her and Athena though she was pretty sure she’d be skipping out on the brownies. She’d never tried them before and wasn’t sure a big group of people was the place to start. “I’ll take you up on one of those beers. Did you want one, Athena?” At the mention of horror movies, Ariana shrugged. “Sounds a little close to real life, but I’m down.” 
She figured that her brother was going to be here. Athena gave a small, half-wave to Rio, though she didn’t look over at him for too long. They hadn’t been together since everything and she still wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. The idea of the brownies wasn’t especially appealing, even if part of her wondered if Nell’s addition to it was a bit more magical than most. “Uh, sure.” She said, looking at Ariana. “If there’s cider I’d prefer that but beer can do.” She waved at Nell and Blanche. “Nice matching.” It didn’t hurt to at least appear pleasant, and she could only do so much to calm down her nerves - getting into an argument wasn’t going to help with any of that. “What horror films? I can’t say I’m super expert on that genre.” Ironically enough.
There was the sound of a large truck pulling up and a loud bawdy conversation on the street about someone being manscaped with a weedwacker, only for said someone to shout back an incoherent taunt about some physically impossible things Adam’s mother engaged in last night. More voices joined in the from the truck until it was unclear where mothers, weedwhackers, body hair, contortionist sex positions, chocolate fudge, and lighter fluid all fit into this. However all involved seemed to part even more cheerful than before and the car departed. 
Sporting a letterman jacket and a red baseball cap with faint stains of a deeper scarlet,  Adam burst in smelling faintly of lock-room soap and the lingering grass scent of the football field. 
Still flush with post-practice endorphins, Adam vaulted over the back of the nearest free couch as if it were a track hurdle and crashed down into the open seat. 
“Sup my bodacious bastards?”
"Horror is good by me. Blair Witch or something? Could always go with Scream. Classic slasher." Connor grabbed a cider for himself. He had bought enough so that nobody needed to bring their own, but it was a nice gesture. It wasn't long before Adam turned up. You really couldn't miss him. "Life of the party, I see," Connor greeted. "The loud-mouthed jock of my dreams,” he teased, his grin flashing all the way up to his eyes. “Want a beer mate? We were just deciding on a movie." 
Nell abandoned her pot filled brownies on the coffee table, grabbing a few drinks after waving a welcome to Winston and Orion, and first offering one to Blanche with a “For you” before taking another. Then she plopped herself down on the same couch before also handing one to Adam should he want it. “And here you go, ‘bodacious’;” she said with a slight snort. Nell couldn’t pretend that she wasn’t a bit worried to have the two of them in the same place after Winn’s death, but maybe alcohol was another key factor in glossing all of that over for the moment being. She popped open the top of her own bottle with a household spell, realizing she’d forgotten a bottle opener before taking a swig of it. “I’m right here,” she joked at the mention of Blair Witch, even if she knew it was less about witches and more about general spookiness.
Swallowing a mouthful of beer, Winston watched Adam enter the room. This was not your classic set up, hunters, werewolves, exorcists, spellcasters and god knew what else. But they were their friends and Winston was doing their best to be more normal in their endeavours and their life. “Not everything is about you Nell sweetie,” Winston reached down and plucked a brownie from the plate, tentatively nibbling on it and smiling. Thank God they weren’t driving tonight. “I’ve heard that Midsommar is meant to be really good, Heritage too. Not sure if any of those appeal to you. They’re meant to be more nordic or something? I don’t know. I read something about them a while back.”
The place was full of familiar faces, and maybe for the first time Orion found himself at what could basically be considered a party surrounded completely by people that he considered friends. Or at least, friends plus one very odd addition in the first of his twin sister. She stuck close with Ariana. The pair still baffled Rio, seeing them together and matching was even more jarring. Coupled with Blanche and Nell wearing the same thing maybe Rio and the others really had missed some sort of memo. Athena’s small wave was maybe a step, but not much of one. Rio returned the wave, both of them turning their backs to each other as Rio made his way to the kitchen, pondering whether or not he was going to drink. He decided to go for it after a long moment’s hesitation and picked a cider, “It’s someone’s job to make sure I don’t get drunk. I have an embarrassingly small tolerance.” He said aloud to no one in particular, only sort of joking and then found his way to the couch where Adam had just leapt over, “A cult movie may be hitting a bit close to home, don’t you think?” Rio laughed, but shrugged the concern away, “It looks pretty though. I’m down for anything.”
Connor was pretty indifferent to any drama that might have existed between anyone in the group, so he didn’t pay any mind to Blanche’s reaction to Adam. "Yes, Nell, you're our White Crest witch, very different," Connor teased. Since everyone was here, it wouldn't do any harm to grab a brownie. He'd just have to pace himself. "Oh shit, if we're talking 'high brow' horror," he made little air quotes around the words, "Hereditary and Midsommar would be sick. Get Out, too. I just figured we'd probably want something we can get pissed and stoned to and not pay that much attention," he snickered. "Oh, there's also Happy Death Day and The Babysitter if we want newer Netflix shit." He shrugged, sipping his drink. “I’m not fussed though. Whatever anyone else wants to watch.” 
It was good to see Adam in seemingly better spirits than the last time she saw him. Ariana still felt a twinge of guilt that her trust in others had nearly led to his death, but he was here now and they were all going to have a good time. “Hey, Adam,” she greeted with a wave as he swung over the couch. She looked back to Athena with a small smile and said, “Cider it is.” She made her way to the kitchen and chimed in, “I’m not sure Winston, I’m pretty sure Nell took a DNA test and she’s 100% that witch.” She grabbed a beer for herself and a cider for Athena. It dawned on her that she hadn’t seen any of the movies mentioned but she laughed a bit over the cult part. “I’ve seen like none of those, so I’m good with whatever.” She slid back into her seat by Athena and handed her a cider. “Here you go,” she said brightly. She knew Athena was still down over everything that happened and she wanted this to be a nice night for both of them. Hell, she was pretty sure everyone in this room needed a break from White Crest being White Crest and she wanted that for all of them. 
She gave a small wave to Adam as he arrived. At least he seemed to be in relatively good spirits, which was something. “How’s it going Adam?” She raised an eyebrow. “This feels a little different than our usual sort of party, doesn’t it?” Athena nodded at Ariana’s comment, watching as she went over to grab the drinks. “One of my sisters is a sociology and film double major and wrote a paper about Get Out - she had us all watch it so I actually have seen that, but I can’t say I’m too familiar with the others.” She did know that if anything was too full of jump scares she might react poorly, but that was what fiddling with the hem of her shirt was for, wasn’t it? She accepted the cider from Ariana and took a sip. “Whatever everyone else wants to go with.” She couldn’t help but sigh when she noticed that her brother had the same drink as her, though only a small smile covered her lips.
Connor had a big grin on his face as they drank and chatted. It had been a while since he'd had a proper group of friends like this. He had friends, of course, but high school and college he'd still been coming into his own as a medium and starting up his YouTube channel. People thought he was kind of weird. In White Crest, he wasn't weird at all. He was probably one of the most normal. "Okay, we're gonna have to take votes on the movie," he snickered, smoking his vape. "Probably something on the less serious side of things, yeah? We've got enough shit going on. Happy Death Day or The Babysitter are both on Netflix." He got a feeling there was a little more going on with the ‘serious’ side of things than he knew about, but he didn’t want to stick his nose into other people’s business. This night was about relaxing, not rehashing the bad shit.
Adam had once been taught that he’d been born to stand apart from humanity, amongst but not a part of it. The preservation of mankind’s destiny required forsaking anything that’d inhibit neutrality or cause a Hunter to become entangled in disputes between human beings. Thus Adam had grown up play-acting, his life during the day just a pleasant cover identity for who he really was. 
Now it was all he was. 
This reversal tugged at Adam as he watched his friends banter and meander on the way to actually choosing a movie. All his life Adam had been told to focus, remain vigilant against the inevitable return of the old gods. Was that why he lost his powers? Focusing too much on enjoying humanity’s company instead of protecting it? 
These and other thoughts whirled behind Adam’s grin as he accepted the beer. “Glad my beach body lives rent free in your head Con,” Adam replied with a wink to Connor at the mention of being the jock of his dreams. 
“Dunno about Happy Death Day, I’ve had about enough dead chick drama for a while.”
Adam ‘thought’ for a moment, which is to say he took a few glugs of beer like a man dying of thirst in the desert and went with the first idea that popped up in his brain when the alcohol hit his system. 
“Let’s do truth or dare while we decide? Bet that should be a trip with well...us”
Blanche had a hold on the remote, somewhat zoning out while people debated the choice in movie. She was doing that more, lately, but she had always been easily distracted. That was more because ghosts though. Only at the mention of Truth or Dare did Blanche snap out of it. Leaning against the armrest, she took a sip of her beer, glancing over at Adam. Considering it a moment, she put the remote down. “I'm down for a game of Truth or Dare,” she said, glancing around. Was this what all parties were like? She looked over at Nell, almost a little unsure for a second. “Sounds like fun?”
In all honesty, Nell much preferred the concept of Truth or Dare in comparison to a movie. At this rate with all the strangeness that made its home in White Crest, horror flicks were nearly laughable at times. Besides- Truth or Dare was probably something that demanded more attention, which was a welcome distraction from current stressors. And that was the whole point of this get together, wasn’t it? Giving Blanche a reassuring nod, Nell sat straighter on the couch as if readying herself for the game. “Let’s do it.” She took another draw of her drink before looking around the circle with a new and challenging glint in her eyes. “Who wants to go first?”
“Truth or Dare? That’s on Netflix as well,” Connor said, flicking through the horror suggestions until he found it. Only a few clicks in did he realise that wasn’t what Adam had been referring to. “Oh, did you mean the actual game?” He laughed, just switching to a music playlist in the background and folding his feet under him while he made himself comfy on the sofa. “Wait a minute, I’m down and everything, but someone’s gonna have to explain what rules we’re playing by. Everyone does ‘em different.” 
Truth or dare sounded like the worst idea possible. Orion did not consider himself to be a very daring person by nature. But at the rate life had been going the last month, he wasn’t exactly keen on the idea of answering any truths either. Not that he was far bound to answer truthfully anyways... unless that was a thing in White Crest. Regardless, the result terrified him. But the Rio here tonight wanted to be the okay version of Rio. The one not bogged down by the death of his parents. So he took a long drink from the cider and wiped at his mouth, making the gesture overly dramatic to try to hide the soured look he gave from the taste of alcohol. “Me. I’ll go first. Dare me.” This was absolutely a bad idea, but Rio had gotten pretty good at those. “Oh. Rules?” Rio heard what Connor questioned, but had never played the game before. “Cool. Well explain the rules and then dare me.”
This was just about the last game that Athena wanted to play. Even if she chose truth, which she wasn’t planning to, she could still omit certain aspects of it. It came along with her training and she didn’t trust most people here enough to reveal any deep secrets. So dares it would be - and it seemed like her brother was following the same path. “I mean, different versions are different but you get asked truth or dare - if it’s truth, someone can ask you any question about anything,” she raised an eyebrow at him, “and if it’s dare then you have to do whatever they ask. There’s sometimes consequences for not completing either.” She took a sip of her drink. “But dare? Since you’re new at this, we can start easy. I dare you to drink the rest of your cider in under a minute.” She crossed her legs. “Whoever’s up next, I also choose dare.”
Orion was surprised that Athena had been the first one to dare him. She had even been pretty lenient, daring him to just finish his drink. Easier said than done to a complete lightweight who had no experience drinking, but as far as the things he could have been dared to do this felt like he was getting off easily. “Done.” He had seen the movies before, so Rio kneeled down on one knee and tipped the bottle against his mouth, chugging as fast as he could. The drink instantly turned bitter against his tongue and he thought it would never end. But if he could survive his birthday he could finish a cider. He finally finished the thing off with an explosive coughing followed by him falling back on his butt. “I’m totally not going to puke.” He wasn’t sure if he was telling everyone that or trying to convince himself not to.
Adam stood up from the couch and strode to the far side of the room, gingerly stepping over and around people so as to not crunch knees or beers. He took an empty solo cup and placed it on a piece of furniture. The footballer knelt next to the door and produced a small grip-exercise ball. He offered the little squishy ball to Athena with a grin.. 
“I dare you to close your eyes and try to throw this call in the cup. Take a shot each time you miss.” 
Adam performed another one-handed vault over the back of the into his seat, but the alcohol and post-practice endorphins in his system caused the Hunter to land far more ignominiously in a heap of sinewy limbs and cushions.
“Easy-peasy.” Athena smirked, before standing up. She handed her cider to Ariana and grabbed the ball from Adam. “I’ve got this no problem.” She took the ball and closed her eyes, concentrating on the location of the solo cup before rolling her shoulders and giving a small toss, eyes flickering open as she heard it hit the inside. She turned around, walking by Adam before bending over to whisper in his ear. “I do have excellent reflexes, just to remind you.” She found her space back by Ariana again. “Feeling rather successful right now, I think.”
”Wow, nice!” Connor enthused as Athena hit the shot. “I’ve got a truth,” he blurted out, feeling the effects of his drink and Nell’s magic brownies, a pleasant tingling sensation overtaking his body. “Have you never done anything even the slightest bit gay? Because honestly, only the most heterosexual guy ever could have not understood those sword crossing comments,” he laughed at the memory. Ah, simpler times, when he didn’t know that half these people were murderers and there weren’t freshly resurrected evil spirits out to get them. Then again, Connor was starting to get the impression that stuff was common in White Crest. Best not get too comfortable. “And you can truth or dare me all you want. I’m not bothered, mate.” 
Ariana watched somewhat in awe as Athena performed her dare. It was definitely impressive to watch and she couldn’t help the small grin on her face as Athena came back over to take her seat by her. “That was awesome,” she said as she gave Athena a small pat on the back. There was another dare to be dished out so she quickly chimed in, “Connor, I dare you to do a dance challenge as your next YouTube video. I’m thinking the In My Feelings Challenge.” She realized that meant it was her turn, so she added, “I pick dare for myself.” 
“A Dance Challenge?” Connor snorted, waving his hand, affectionately dismissive. “That’s not my style, babe. Oh, I could definitely do it on TikTok though. You didn’t say which platform it had to be on.” He whipped out his phone, looking up a couple. “I can probably film it right now, since I’m tipsy, but you’ll have to hold my phone.” He looked up a few examples then got up, only a little wobbly on his feet. “I have no fucking idea how to do this shit,” he laughed, looking over to Ariana and handing her his phone. He’d watched a few versions of the thing he was trying to recreate. “Ready?”  
Adam hadn’t been raised with particularly strong feelings on different sexualities other than that they existed. Really, Dad had been far more concerned that his sons knew the proper masculine values of honor, wilderness survival, coordinated squad tactics, and the domestic arts of building explosives from homemade materials rather than getting hung up on what dangly bits were going where. 
“Uh,” Adam thought about Conner’s question. “Was never really wired that way, but after I pledged I was curious bout what I was missing,” the footballer acknowledged with a shameless ease. “Talked to some frat brothers who were all about that life, and they uh…showed me around…in the showers.” 
“Was kinna funnish-awkward,” he admitted with a shrug, “but not really my speed…. not sure that lgeit counts as gay though. It was just educational, y’know?”
Nell saw her opportunity as it became Ariana’s turn for a dare, and leaned forward on the couch to set down her now empty bottle on the table, feeling a nice, warm buzz as the alcohol began to do its work. She hummed for a moment, as if taking her time to come up with a suitable enough dare for the girl. Ariana knew how to go big or go home— which admittedly was something the two of them had in common. “I dare you to....” Then the idea came to her. What was the most horrendous thing that White Crest had to offer? “Match with a mime on Tinder. Match with the mime- and have at least five back and forths of texts.” Then Nell sat back, satisfied with her work to say, “And I’ll take a dare.”
“Educational and gay,” Connor nodded. “Sorry I missed it.” He made sure Ariana was ready to record and then going into the routine. He pretty much nailed it. Although he was a little drunk, it was evident that the experience and intent behind the moves was there. “Did I forget to mention I did ballet and theatre for years?” He winked into the camera before grabbing it for Ari so he could edit and laugh. “Aw, that was sick. Sorry, what was that?” His expression changed when he heard what Nell’s dare was. “There are mimes on tinder?” 
Ariana whooped and cheered into the camera as Connor finished showing off his moves. She tilted her head surprised by his revelation. “That explains the moves,” she said with a laugh, “Gotta respect a guy who knows ballet, right?” As Nell took the chance to dare her, she looked to her with a raised brow that was practically challenging her to do her worst. She burst out laughing at the thought of mimes on Tinder. “Oh god,” she said through laughs, “Blanche get over here and help me mime-ify my Tinder.” It was only a few back and forth messages. Hopefully, the profile update wouldn’t ruin future matches, but she found she was losing interest in it anyhow, especially with her current roommate. “I’m thinking more dramatic and artsy to go with the mime vibe?” 
“Nell!” Blanche said, “That's cruel!” But she was laughing. She pushed herself to her feet, though, and carefully made her way to grab Ariana’s phone. “Artsy, got it.” A Connoisseur of Mime. Don't talk to me if you don't mime. And if you do mime… you know what to do ;-----). Blanche read over what she wrote, before she grinned, hanging the phone back to Ariana. “Happy swiping!” Which meant… Blanche turned to Nell, a mischievous smile on her face. “In order to get revenge for poor Ariana… I dare you to call the Stripe Club to inquire about employment opportunities and if you get an interview, you gotta go.” Blanche said proudly. 
She paused, considering her own options. “Truth. For me, I mean.”
“There are definitely mimes on Tinder,” Nell confirmed with a grin, having seen some of them for herself during perusals of the app. “Maybe Ari will find her true love with a mime, who knows?” It was disturbing to say the least, though sometimes she’d match with a mime just to troll them for a while. After all— every mime was guilty by association. She should have expected the mimery to be turned back on her, but still pulled a revolted face at the thought of going anywhere near a mime establishment. “If I die- it’s your fault,” she pointed an accusing finger towards Blanche all while googling the number for the Stripe Club. She wasn’t sure who exactly it was that asked Blanche her truth while Nell began her job search at a mime strip club and Ariana commenced her swiping. Someone was leaning over to watch the dance video Connor had made, and another person was getting up to grab another drink from the fridge. The air was warm and bright as the night stretched onwards, and it seemed that against all odds the youth of White Crest had finally managed to find a single evening where they were allowed to exist only as themselves, and not the people the world forced them to be. 
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seadragonjade · 4 years
Chapter 3: A Shadow’s tomb
I am so sorry that this Chapter come in so very late guys. I got distracted by other things and kept putting it off. So again so sorry about that. I will be posted chapter 4 but not for a a bit of time but it would be as long as this wait was hopefully. Pictures will be posted along with Chapter 4. Also this has be reposted since I freaked out when I didn’t know how to put read more but thank you to the person that helped me. 
Words: 22739
*Next Day: July 19 Tuesday* 
*Beep* *Beep**Beep**Be-* The alarm got cut off by the young Jaden-Drake Etheren hitting the snooze button. He groaned as he got up. “God! I hate getting up for school!” He groaned out as he got up and went to his closet. “Too bad you gotta.” Draco the bearded dragon said as he crawled out from bedding that was right near the tank. 
Drake sighed as he turned his head to the smirking dragon. “Don’t give me that look or I leave you behind.” “Wait, no!” The dragon was a little bit shocked when the green-haired teen said that. “C’mon already sleepy head. It is best for us to not miss the subway.” Xander said as he pokes his head in his friend's bedroom right when Drake was putting on his uniform. “You do know we can take my car right. Traffic ain’t that bad during this time.” Drake told his friend as he turned to face him. “The early bird catches the worm.” He shrugs as he walks away. “That really doesn’t answer me.”
After Jaden got fully dressed and got his shoes on he grabs his bag with Draco in it and heads out the door with Xander. “You do know I’m not a crazy driver like Tanner and Randy. I was the only one who was allowed to drive when Draco is in his jeep form. Sooner or later we’re going to drive in my car.” The shorter teen states as they head to the subway. Xander just shook his head as they got in the crowded subway and headed for Shujin. As soon as they got to Shujin they headed straight to their respective classes. 
*Time skip: Lunchtime*
Once lunchtime rolled around Jaden headed to the board where it showed everyone's grade in their own year. Jade sighed as he looked at the board. “Huh, not bad. Got to remember that their grading system is different from America's.” Drake muttered to himself. “I see that you got that you passed all your exams. Great job Drake-kun.” He heard a male voice say from behind him. The green-haired boy turned around to see Akira standing right behind him. “Oh, thank you Akira-kun.” He told him with a small smile and a pinkish tint of blush on his face. 
Akira chuckled at how Drake acted. “Oh, yeah. Awesome job on getting into the top tens by the way.” He told the taller male as they walked off to go find Ryuji. “Hehe, Thanks.” He said giving Jaden a smile. Once they were down the stairs they saw Xander, Ryuji, and Mishima waiting for them. Once they got to them they began to have a conversation.  “We were busy. It’s not like I could focus on studying.” All the boys looked at Ryuji. “Hey, it’s not my fault my scores suck, right?” Ryuji said, looking at them. Akira just shooked his head at Ryuji. “Mate...I’m not even going to say it.” Drake stated as he shook his head. “What?” Ryuji asked. 
Drake again shook his head. “Alright, I get it is my fault. Anyways, there’s something more important here, Mishima…” Ryuji said, looking at him. “You want to ask me something about the internet, right?” He asked looking back at the blond boy. “Yup, I’m gonna be straight with you here, do you know who Medjeb is?” “You weren’t kidding about being direct.” Mishima states. “Well, I suppose the news about Medjed and the Phantom Thieves has caused quite the commotion…” He continued. “They started out as hackers of justice but now they only look out for their own self-interests. That’s all I know. They were the group I texted Kurusu about yesterday.” He tells them. 
“Nobody’s sure actually who belongs to Medjed. Well, it looks like things’ll be the Phantom Thieves’ word debut, no?” He finishes off with a smile. “Dude..” Ryuji said as he put his hand on his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll be rooting for the Phantom Thieves. I’ll get the forum mobilized as well.” He smiled. “Now if we’re done talking here, I really must be going. I’ll see you guys later.” Mishima walked away. “So that was fruitless…” Morgana stated as Mishima walked. “Agreed.” Xander said as he shook his head. “I second that.” Drake said cracking his neck a bit. “Wonder if anyone else got any info.” Ryuji said as he took out his phone. The others did the same. 
Ryuji: Mishima was pretty useless, you guys get anything?
Makoto: I tried asking my sister, but it seemed as though she didn’t know very much about them. 
Makoto: She doesn’t specialize in cybercrime, after all.
Drake: I tried asking my brother over the phone but all I got was. “Why the hell you worrying about some dumb system. Worry about you and your friends.”
Ann: I tried looking into them too, but I didn't come up with anything.
Ann: There are really just no leads.
Xander: We are up against an enemy that we don’t know of. It would be difficult to use the Nav.
Yusuke: It seems so.
Yusuke: Hm, our opponent is truly elusive. 
“No luck.” Ryuji sighed out. “Medjed, hm?” Morgana pondered. “It seems we won’t be able to deal with them by ourselves”  “I wonder what they could really be.” Draco sighed out. 
*Time skip: Afternoon*
“I know summer vacation is due to begin next week, but I have an unfortunate announcement.” Ms. Kawakami began looking at the whole class. “We’ll be holding an emergency assembly on Monday the 25th. Please come to school that day.” She finished. Everyone began murmuring about the whole situation. “Great.” Drake signed out, flopping onto his desk with his arms sticking out. “Settle down.” She scolded the class. “We’ve had many strange incidents: the psychotic breakdowns, students being dragged into crime rings…” She explained. “Hence, Principal Kobayakawa has instructed all teachers to caution the student body. This is inconvenient for us too, you know? Having to find things to warn you about so suddenly.” She explained. Once she was done explaining Akira, Ann and Drake took out their phones. 
Ryuji: How’re we gonna find Medjed?
Ann: I’m not sure. No matter how hard I look online, all I find are unreliable rumors.
Yusuke: They have carried out corporate terrorism, yet they still manage to elude arrest somehow.
Yusuke: Kaneshiro was a lot of trouble, but this is turning out to be a much greater ordeal.
Drake: That sounds like a lot of famous people back in America.
Xander: We would just have to wait. It is difficult to attack someone if you can’t see them.
Ryuji: Did we bite off more than we can chew?
Akira: They're too big.
Makoto: Yeah…
Makoto: We don’t even know whether it’s a single individual or a large conglomerate of people.
Makoto: And even if we do manage to get a lead, what do we do from there?
Ryuji: Damn, this stuff’s really not going so good...
Ryuji: That’s prolly why my exams’re going to shit.
Ann: You know those are two separate things, right?
“‘Damn, this stuff’s really not going so good…’ Mwehehe…” A young teenage girl said as she read off the group's texts. “Clues on Medjed, huh?” she smirked.  
The school bell ranged and all the students started to grab their stuff and get ready to leave while some got left behind to chat with friends. “If we can’t identify who it is, there’s nothing we can do. Let’s wait till they make a move.” Morgana stated to Akira. “Although I would love to stay and chit-chat with you I gotta go. I have stuff to do with my older brother and I got to meet him somewhere. If you see Xander tell him I got to meet up with my brother.” Jaden sighed as he began walking away. “Alright. Do you also want me to let Boss know that too?” Akira asked, looking at him Jaden nodded as he headed on. He went past many students on his way out. 
He sighed as he walked off the campus. Was it a good idea not to tell Xander I’m going to see Taka… He thought to himself. He walked past Xander who was looking around the area. It seemed like he was looking for someone. Jaden didn’t pay any attention as he walked past his friend. “Hey, Xander.” Draco said, causing the green-haired boy to stop in his tracks and turn around to see his friend. “Huh, oh didn’t notice you guys there.” He said walking up to them. “Don’t worry, I didn’t notice you either. Draco did though. Anyways, what are you doing?” Drake asked his friend. “Well, I was looking for someone. There was this person that I knew online from awhile ago. We were pretty close; she apparently goes by the name Alibaba. She is an excellent hacker so maybe I could ask her to help us.” The taller out of the two explained still looking around. Jaden looked at him. 
“Well, first I don't believe you face time together so you don’t really know what she looks like. Second, she might not even go to this school. Third, she was probably a grown-ass man that was catfishing you. I mean she could be real and fourth, that’s most likely not her real name.” He explained to him with a long sigh. “That would have been true but aren’t you forgetting something?” Xander stated after looking at his friend. Drake looked at him for a minute then realized. “Shit, yeah. Thanks, oh also want to meet him?” Jaden said to his friend. “Yes but that is not what I meant. I was talking about my eagle sense.” He sighed as him and Drake began walking. “One of the games that we played involved voice chat. Since then I have been using eagle sense since we arrived here trying to see her unique tone. From the sound of her voice, she appears to be a girl mostly younger than us.” He sighed again. “No, I didn’t forget about your eagle sense. I’m just saying be careful. Japan isn’t like America. I mean look at the law for the age of consent. 13. So she could be an adult.” He sighs out. “But age can be revealed through a person’s voice. It is rather difficult to explain but whenever I hear people speaking, a younger person’s voice tends to not have voice cracks of different magnitude, some noticeable others difficult to hear. And with Alibaba, her voice was girlish with voice cracks that I can see.” He explained to his older friend. Drake shook his head and sighed. “Whatever, mate. I can sense you’re not lying about this situation. But still...do be careful.” He told him with a sigh as they headed on.
Once they got home they dropped off their bags and quickly left with Jaden grabbing his car keys and them heading to the car. Jaden-Drake’s car was an impala 67 Chevy black. The car was big but from what the inside looked like it could hold up to six people if needed. They got in, Jaden in the driver seat, Draco in a bag next to him, and Xander in the shotgun. They got in and headed out the parking lot and then to the street. The car ride was full of silence between the three of them. Being sick of the silence Jaden turned on the radio and put it on a station he thought was good enough. “...I am not scared you're going to tell me. I’m not scared of the beast and the belly. Fill this cup with ambition. Paint this town with my very own vision.” Xander started singing. Drake just sighed as he heard his friend start singing. 
Man, it’s been quite some time since I sang in front of the others...Maybe I should start singing in front of our new friends...He sighed again as they pulled up to a white building that looked strange to Xander. “Woooaah, I've never seen a building like this before.” Draco stated as his head was out of the bag looking at the building. “It’s a studio building. Meaning where they have photo shoots and movie scenes.” Drake stated as he walked towards the building. “What a building, talk about a skyscraper?” Xander said looking at the building while following his friend. “Wait, a studio that is one building?” Draco asked. “I’m used to seeing multiple buildings being a part of a studio place.” Xander exclaimed. 
Once they entered the building, both the tan boy and dragon were amazed to find a longed area and a receptionist. “Excuse me, but I don't thi-” She was cut off by Drake showing her his I.D. “Don’t worry he’s with me. Can you tell me what floor Takato Saijo is on.” He asked her while he put away his I.D. “Oh, Right. Sorry, Ethren-san. I didn’t recognize you. I give you the floor Takato-san is on.” she stated as she began typing away on the computer. Xander and Draco both stared at him. “What?” Drake asked his confused friends.  “The receptionist seems to know you.” Xander pointed out to Drake. “I’ve been coming here since I was a baby. A lot of people know me here...I also just realized I could have texted him which floor.” He’d facepalm. “That would have been wise.” Xander responded. “Here’s the floor he’s at, have a good day young Ethern.” The lady stated as she gave him a piece of paper with writing on it. 
“Thank you, follow me mate.” Drake stated as he walked away. The three of them entered the elevator and Jaden pressed the button. “Alright, I’m going to tell you guys something. There are going to be actors in this room and some will assume that you're a fan of them. If you want to talk to them and they are rude to you, you have my permission to be rude back. They know me because of my brother and know I don’t take shit. Trust me when I say they won’t do anything to you. They know how my brother can get.” He explained with a sigh. “Oh, and Draco you can’t talk to us in front of them. I'm fine with you talking when it’s with my brother. Also fair warning he does know about the whole Metaverse thing so if he asks you anything about the Metaverse, you can basically say anything about the situation, but don’t talk about the times I get hurt. He is really protective of me.”  He finished explaining to his friends. 
“Don’t worry I will be careful with what I say.” Xander smiled at his friend. Drake smiled. “Thanks, mate.” Once they got to the floor the doors opened to reveal another lounge area with a vending machine. Jaden walked out and headed right. Xander followed him as he entered the door. Upon entering it, Xander and Draco saw a whole staff of actors, carmamen, and dictators. “Cool.” Draco hissed out. Drake chuckles as he walks in further with Xander following close behind. They walked past people not even batting an eye at the three of them. 
Once they were at a table with one of the actors sitting there with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. He had black hair and was wearing nice, dark clothes. “Hey bro.” Jaden said looking at him. “Hey, Drake. I see you brought a friend with you.” The black-haired actor said looking at Xander. “Yep. Xander, this is my older brother Takato Saijo.” Jaden said. “Hi, Takato. I am Jaden’s best friend. It is a pleasure to finally meet.” Xander said as he bowed a little. Takato smiled a little as he nodded. “Hmm, nice to finally meet you as well Xander.” Drake smiled as he watched the exchange. “That kinda reminds me, how's Junta doing?” The teen asked his older brother who sighed after that. “Clingy as ever but we’re working on that. Thankfully.” He answered his brother truthfully. He smiled at his brother's comment. He shifts his attention to the set in front of him, where the director was giving orders. “Now I must ask you two, since I know you’re good friends with him and of course, are like brothers. How is Damien?” Takato asked as he closed his eyes again. Jaden froze on the spot as Draco and Xander looked at each other. Xander looks down with a sigh. “...He..He’s no longer with us.” He tells him while still looking down. 
Takato opened his eyes and brought his attention to the both of them. “Oh...I’m sorry to hear about that…” He paused for a second, then looked at his younger brother. “I knew how close you were to him. Just remember he’s in a better place now.” He said with an awkward smile. “Yeah….”Drake sighs. “Can we just change the topic, please?” He said softly. “Yeah of course. Um...Oh, how's working in the Metaverse?” The dark-haired male trying to change the subject quickly. “Kind of good, besides that incident. Have been helping people out here and there.” Xander explained. “Well, that’s always good to hear. Hey little bro, do you-” Takato was cut off by the director telling him it was his part to do. He sighed and shook his head. “Well, I’ll see you guys later then, I have my part to do.” He said as he got up and walked away. “Welp, that’s our cue to leave. Come on, mate.” Drake said as he headed for the door with Xander right behind him.
*Time skip: Evening*
Jaden was in the shower while Xander was in the living area when he got a text.
Yusuke: So I looked.
Ann: Did you find anything?
Yusuke: As you know, Medjed is a god that appears in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Ann: Huh?
Yusuke: Its name apparently means “the smiter”.
Yusuke: It seems nobody is actually sure that Medjed is a real name.
Yusuke: On top of that, almost everything else about him is unknown.
Yusuke: Even his form is unattainable.
Xander: An enemy who is unseen.
Xander: It’s going to be rather difficult to get them
Yusuke: Right. An unseen god that flies through the sky and shoots from his eyes...
Yusuke: He truly is an elusive being.
Ryuji: Dude.
Yusuke: Everything about his existence is shrouded in mystery
Ryuji: Wait. 
Yusuke: Fundamentally speaking, ancient Egyptain art always depicted gods drawn in a side profile.
Yusuke: However, Medjed is facing straight ahead in all depictions of him
Yusuke: Taking all of this into account, he seems to be quite the alien being
Akira: Well done.
Ryuji: Hey, there’s nothing to be impressed about.
Drake: Well unlike you there are people who would love to hear what Yusuke has stated.
Drake: Fuckin’ dumbass
Yusuke: I hope that information was at least somewhat useful.
Makoto: Indeed it was.
Yusuke: Should I look into more?
Makoto: That’s enough, thank you.
“Well, I know who I’m going to talk to when it comes to mythology.” Drake said as he walked out with a towel around his neck. “Do you mean Inari?” Xander asked his friend as he watched him sit down on the couch. “Yep.” He smiled.
*Time skip: 7/20: Early morning*
“And here comes another hot day at school.” Jaden sighed as he waited for his friend to get in his car. “Yay and boo!” Draco said with a smile. Jaden chuckled as Xander got into the car and they drove off. As soon as they got to the school, Jaden parked his car in the student parking lot and they headed inside the school building. Once inside there they heard conversations about the Phantom Thieves versus Medjed. All three boys rolled their eyes at the comments. “I wonder who is going to win. The Phantom Thieves or Medjed.” The boys walked away not wanting to listen to more. “I hate that this is what people are talking about nowadays.” Draco hissed out. “They are people bored out of their minds there's nothing we can do about it.” The green-haired teen stated. “We just plan out our next move.” Xander said as they headed to their homerooms. “Right.” 
*Time skip: After school*
The Phantom Thieves have a meeting and Akira shows them the text messages that Alibaba sent to him. “Considerin’ he mentioned stealin’ hearts, he knows, doesn’t he?” Ryuji said. “Seems so...” Makoto. “First of all she is a young female and second of all how do we really know it’s her.” Xander stated, getting a little huffy. “Wait what?” Ann said. “That’s his old friend and he gets defensive when someone talks trash and, or doesn’t know anything about his friends, just continue.” Drake said with a small sigh. “Anyways, how were we found out?” Yusuke said with a hint of anger in his tone. “I wished I knew…” Drake said as he sighed. “Well, he may have traced our chat log…” Makoto stated. “How careless of us.” Yusuke said “It’s not really our fault. Hackers are hackers, we can’t really stop them.” Drake explained. “But how would he have known these details with just that?” Makoto asked. “Do you think that there is another cause?” Yusuke pondered. 
“Yeah. I’m not sure why, but that’s the feeling I get.” Makoto told them in a soft voice. “Hey, is it that easy to look at someone’s chat log?” Ann asked them. “Normally no. But unless they’re hackers or just really good at technology.” Draco said looking at Jaden for confirmation. Drake nodded his head at the young lizard. “I don’t know much about it myself, but...it’s probably not impossible, I think?” Makoto sighed out. “How’s it done?” Ryuji asked her. “Maybe they extracted our phones’ data?” She answered. “It’s a lot more complicated than that, so it’s a lot harder to explain than you think.” Xander told them, shaking his head. “Why’s Akira getting an error when he tries to reply?” Ann asked. “Perhaps the receiving end doesn’t exist.” Makoto stated. 
“That’s possible?” Ryuji asks in surprise. “Don’t ask me everything. I told you that I don’t know much about it.” Makoto told him. “Wait. Might this be, from what Jaden and Draco kept on telling us, is referred to as hacking?” Yusuke asked, looking at the green-haired teen and yellow bearded dragon. “Yes. Again it’s a lot harder to explain then it is to show, and I’m not much of a hacker myself. I just knew people that did this sort of thing.” Drake sighed out as he explained. 
“Then, does that mean this guy’s a hacker!?” Ryuji asked. “Yep. Like I explained, mate.” Drake said. “I don’t get high-tech stuff! What does this all mean?” Morgana shouted. “An unknown hacker contacted us!” Ann told him. “I see. I don’t really get it.” He said. Akira shook his head a little bit after the cat said that. “Then is this person Medjed?” Yusuke asked. “I doubt it, considering he says he wants to “deal” with them.” Makoto said. “That is, only if we take his words for face value.” “True…” Yusuke agreed. “Hey...Wouldn’t it be great if we got this guy on our side?” Ryuji pondered. “That’s...not a half bad of an idea.” Drake said. “But we know nothing about his identity at all. We can’t trust him.” Makoto said, looking at the both of them. 
“I don’t think it’s a bad deal though…” Ryuji said. “I see where both of you are coming from.” Drake sighed. “But I agree with Ryuji. An enemy of my enemy is my friend as the saying goes.” The green-haired boy pointed out. “Even if Alibaba turns out to be a criminal? I am not helping anyone of that sort.” Yusuke stated. “Oh, right. That wouldn’t be good.” Ryuji sighed out. “We have no other choice though. Alibaba is our only way of beating Medjed.” Xander explained to the group. “I have to agree. It goes to say don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Right now we’re judging something based on second-hand information. Aren’t we a group that’s the opposite of that?” Jaden stated to them. Everyone nodded in agreement. “Although, the ‘I’ve prepared the necessary too’ part makes no sense either.” Morgana stated. 
“Could this be a prank?” Ann asked. “He knows an awful lot for it to be a prank.” Makoto responded. “If he knows who we are, won’t we get caught?” Ann asked. “No. If he wanted to report us, I think he would’ve done it already.” The brunette stated. “He must have some sort of objective of his own. He did offer us a deal, after all.” Yusuke said. “I’m certain he’ll contact us again.” He finished. “There’s no telling when he’ll do so, though…” Makoto said. “It’d be best if we stay together if something happens, we can act at once.” She told them. “I have to agree with that. Who knows what would happen if we don’t.” Drake sighed. “Yeah. So, somewhere we can wait and hide for long hours…” Ann stated. “How about Leblanc?” Makoto said watching everyone nod. “Alright, let’s go then.” Akira told the group as they walked off.
 *Time Skip: Evening*
The group walked into Leblanc to see Sojiro leaning on the counter holding a note looking at it. Akira looked puzzled as he walked up to him. Once he walked up to the black-haired adult he put the paper down and looked at him. “...Oh? What’s with the big group?” He asked looking at the group. “Good evening. We were thinking about putting together plans for our summer.” Ann told him. “Hm? Well, I don’t see why not. Just don’t cause too much trouble.” He said to them. “This old man’ll get going and leave you kids be. All right, the store is all yours.” He said as he walked towards the door then leaves. Once he left, they ordered food then sat down at a table. Their food arrives and they set it up at the table then just start talking. The T.V was on which was airing a news channel. 
“We have late-breaking news on Medjed, whose notoriety rose since their statement the other day.” The T.V.’s news reporter said. “Just moments ago, a new message has been released on their website. They have announced their victory over the Phantom Thieves. Medjed also warns any Japanese citizens who praised the Phantom Thieves to stop doing so. We will report any further actions by Medjed as they arrive.” He finished off. “Oh, come on! It’s in English!” Ryuji shouted as he checked his phone. Drake just chuckled as he shook his head. “Let me see. ‘The Phantom Thieves remain silent at our questions. This proves that we are just.’” Ann read out loud. “‘People of Japan, wake up. You must not worship the Phantom Thieves.’” She continued. 
“What!? That’s bullshit!” Ryuji shouted. “Keep listening.” Yusuke told him. “‘We will discipline any who worship them. The punishment is the confiscation of possessions. We are Medjed. We are unseen. We will eliminate evil.’” She finished. “That’s what it says.” She told them. “What does that all mean!?” Ryuji yelled. “They’re saying that they’ll target sympathizers of the Phantom Thieves.” Makoto stated. “For someone that wants to get rid of evil they sure are punishing that they will hurt people that don’t follow them. Sounds just like a cult.” Drake signed out. “Confiscation of possessions, hm?” Yusuke said. “Perhaps bank accounts or personal information...Either way, it won’t be anything pleasant.” Makoto stated. “Why the hell are we being singled out!?” Ryuji yelled out. “Like hell, I would know.” The green-haired teen huffed.  
“Perhaps all they care about is labeling the Phantom Thieves as crooks.” Makoto stated. “That all this wouldn’t have happened had the Phantom Thieves not existed.” She continued. “That’s complete bullshit.” Ryuji stated. “Talk about a troublesome organization that we’ve been targeted by…” Morgana stated. “Isn’t there anything we can do?” Ann questioned. “I don’t really think so.” Xander sighed out. “It’s certain we can’t do anything about this on our own…” Yusuke said with a saddened expression. “Hey, so what’s this letter about? We don’t need any more trouble.” Ryuji said to Akira. “It’s rare for you to get something like this.” Morgana said. Akira picked up the letter then took out the card. He then observed the envelope. 
Nothing seemed strange about it.  “What could it be?” Xander pondered. Akira put down the red paper. “A calling card?” Morgana asked in confusion. “Anything else in there!? Who’s this from anyway?” Ann said. “No, there wasn’t anything else in the envelope and I don’t really know.” Akira sighed out. “There’s no stamp on it. Someone must’ve directly dropped it into the mailbox…” Makoto said. “Could have been Alibaba?” Yusuke asked. “That reminds me, he did mention something about preparing the ‘necessary tool’...” Morgana stated. “Don’t tell me..Is this what he was talking about!?” The blue-eyed feline asked. “What the hell’s goin’ on here?” Ryuji said. “All we can do at the moment is wait for Alibaba’s orders.” Makoto said. “Let’s brace ourselves and stand by...in case anything comes up.” 
“I’m going to repeat this: an enemy of my enemy is my friend. So I guess we’re allying it up with them.” Drake stated. “Oh dear…” Ann sighed out. 
*Time Skip: At Jaden and Xander’s apartment*
“Man, I don’t really like this Alibaba person...Oh, no offense mate.” Drake started as he looked at Xander with a sheepish look. “None taken.” Xander sighed. “Kay, anyways. I wonder if they're just using us to get some recognition.” The short teen sighed out once he plopped himself on the couch. He thought for a bit while sighing again. “Man, this reminds me when we first formed the Hidden Ones. Heh, man, we didn’t understand who to trust and when to trust them.” Drake sighed. “Man, I miss those days.” He sighed again. 
He closed his eyes as he started to remember the days with the Hidden Ones. To him, it seemed like a lifetime ago. He sighed again. Draco looked at him with a knowing expression. “We can’t change the past. All we can do is look towards the future as you always tell us; The past is in the past and the future is in the future.” He told his human friend who chuckled at him. “Yeah, you’re right, I always do say that.” He agreed. “Just think of the friends we have today.” The dragon smiled. Speaking of other friends I wonder what Akira is doing. Drake blushed as he thought of the Phantom Thief leader. “The sight of love. Rather funny to see in your eyes.” Xander chuckled as he sat right next to his friend. 
“S-shut up, and what do you mean by that?” Drake asks him while his face was turning red. “My eagle sense is getting stronger and every time it is always to see your vivid feelings towards Akira.” Xander smirked as he watched his friend become even redder. “W-what?! Dude?! N-no, I don’t...” Drake stammered trying to think of a way out. “You are digging your own hole of embarrassment.” He continued to smirk at him. “Fuck! I can’t help that he’s just too freakin’ cute. Or the fact that everything about him is just so hot. Or how kind he is...He’s just...great…*sighs* I’m helpless aren’t I?” Drake asks as he flops a bit on the couch. 
“Yes, yes you are.” Xander told him. The shorter teen huffed a bit. “*sighs* What makes it worse is the fact I don’t know if he feels the same way.” He said as he bites his lip a bit. “You will just have to wait for the right moment.” The tan male told him. “Yeah, you're right. Anyways, we better get started on our home, god knows we have to before summer break.” Drake explained as he stretched. “Shall we begin?” Xander asked as he grabbed their bags. Jaden chuckles as he grabs his and gets his homework out while Xander does the same thing. 
*Time Skip: 7/21 Early Morning*
They were in Jaden-Drake’s car on the way to school at a stoplight. “Man, I hope today’s not going to suck.” Draco sighed as the two teens were looking out of the window. “Same here. I just hope nothing bad happens. Let’s face it we already have enough stuff to worry about.” Drake stated with a sigh that showed how tired he really was. “I also wonder if everyone’s alright. Learning we have to listen to Alibaba must be hard on some of them.” He huffs out. “We are basically pawns to her right now.” Xander explains to the two of them. 
“*Sighs* I feel bad for you the most mate. You two must have become good friends.” Drake said as he started the car again since the light turned green. Xander looked at his friend then sighed. “Heh, it will be fun when she realizes that it is me that she messed with.” Xander chuckled. Drake smiled and shook his head. “That’s going to be fun when we see her face to face as she realizes who you are...Did you ever give her your real name, mate?” He asked, looking at Xander. “No, my username was either ScarcenXD or Scarenknight.” He explained. Drake nodded as they made their way to the school.
*Time skip: Morning*
Akira, Ann, and Jaden-Drake were all in their class doing what they would normally do. Ann, listening to the teacher, Akira, somewhat listening to the teacher, and Drake, taking a quick nap. Everything was quiet till Akira's phone buzzed. Upon hearing this Morgana popped his head out of his desk. “Hey, your phone’s buzzing!” He told Akira. Akira checked his phone. “*sigh* It’s just Ryuji.” The cat said. The bearded dragon ignored the whole thing as he made sure Drake was still asleep since he stayed up too late the night before. Akira read the text messages to himself and shook his head a bit. He put his phone away and went back to doing what he was doing. While Draco tried walking Drake up to no avail.
*Time skip: Afternoon*  
They were back in class listening to the homeroom teacher. Thankfully Drake was fully awake and listening to Ms. Kawakami. Akira’s phone buzzed for what seemed like the fifth time that day. Drake shook his head while Morgana sighed. “Ryuji again? He just never shuts up, does he?” He huffed out. “Sounds like someone I know.” Draco mumbled as he curled further into Jaden’s desk. Said teen shook his head as he watched Akira check his phone. This time Akira kinda seemed a bit surprised by what Jaden could see. “So, it was really from this guy…” The feline said. 
Drake quickly understood what was going on and shook his head. I’ll learn about this later from Akira. He sighed to himself as he went back to listening to the teacher. “Tell him. We need the name of the target.” He heard the feline say but choose to ignore this time. He started nodding off to sleep until he heard Morgana speak again. “So he threatened you, then just took off!?” What the hell? He thought to himself. “And Sakura..? I feel like I’ve heard that name before…In any case, we should let everyone know about this.” The blue-eyed feline stated. 
Drake nudged Akira a bit. Akira turned his head a bit and saw the green-haired teen looking at him with a confused and worried expression. “You okay, mate?” He asked the fluffy, black-haired teen. Akira looked at Jaden and nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. Just, Alibaba texted me again. See.” Akira said as he showed Drake without the teacher noticing. “Huh, geez. We better watch out then and find out whoever this kid is.” The young teen sighed as he leaned back into his seat preparing to fall asleep. “And whoever this person is, that needs a change of heart, I hope they're ready for that.” He yawns as he falls right to sleep. 
Akira watches the other male for while he is falling asleep. He chuckles at his friend’s continues to keep falling asleep in class. He’s adorable when he falls asleep in class. I wish I could help him fall asleep better at night. The black-haired boy said as he smiled at the thought. I wonder how he would look in my arms. He smirked to himself. He continues to watch him for a few more minutes before going back to what the teacher was talking about.
*Time skip: After school*
“We’re gonna get reported if we don’t do this? What the hell…” Ryuji said after being shown the text messages from Akira’s phone. “‘Futaba Sakura’?” Ann questioned. “Wasn’t Sakura…” Makoto started. “It’s Boss’s last name!” Ann finished it for her. “Does he have any family?” Yusuke asked. “Boss has a kid...that really doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.” Drake said with a heavy sigh.  “Does he?” Morgana questions. “I don’t really know.” Akira said as he put his hand on his chin. 
“For reals!? How laid-back are you!?” Ryuji snapped at him. “Hey, it’s not his fault for not asking Boss in the beginning if he had any family. I mean it is kinda rude to ask that.” Jaden stated, glaring at Ryuji. “Wouldn’t you normally be introduced at least? I mean, you ARE living at his place.” Ryuji said. “Well, his situation does make things difficult…” Yusuke said. “True, why would someone trust a kid who has a criminal record, it is only us that know that the charge is fake.” Xander stated as he looked towards each member of the group. 
The teen green-haired right next time to him nodded. “If I was a parent in his situation, I wouldn’t want them near my kid. Ah, no offense Akira-kun.” Drake said, looking at Akira with a blush of embarrassment in his face. “None taken.” He said as he chuckled a bit. “Anyways, the calling card was delivered to Boss’s house; it’d be more natural to assume this is all related.” Makoto stated. “One of the reasons for that is because Alibaba mentioned nothing about “which” Futaba Sakura. Perhaps he thinks that the name alone is enough.” She said to them. 
“That makes sense.” Morgana said. “I believe it’s adequate for us to think that this is the doing of someone close by.” Makoto said, looking at the group. “I see.” Ann said looking at her. 
“I don't know how Alibaba got a hold of Akira-kun’s smartphone information. However, since he’s ordering us through chat, I do feel as though he’s taunting us.” Makoto explained with a sad expression on her face. “You mean, this might just be a prank?” Ryuji asked, looking at her. “I mean, look at his demands.” She pointed out. “Pay me if you don’t want me to leak who you really are-that I’d understand. But he’s telling us to steal someone’s heart without explaining why.” She explained to them. “So we’re being tested?” Yusuke asked. “I don’t really believe that we are.” Drake said. “Regardless, I think we should ask Boss about Futaba Sakura once.” She said. 
“That’s probably for the best. There’s nothing else we can do at the moment, and Chief might have an idea on what this is about too.” Morgana said. “I’ll check the school’s roster just in case.” Makoto said. “He will probably be mad at us if we were to ask about his family member.” Xander explains to them. “We don’t have a choice in the matter, mate.” The green-hair teen explained. “With that aside, we must make sure Boss doesn’t figure out who we are. We’ll have to go about this cautiously.” Yusuke said, looking towards his friends. Everyone nodded. 
“Well, I guess we’ll see you later. Also, good luck Akira-kun. I bet you’re going to need it.” Drake said as he patted Akira. “Also, boop.” he said as he boops Akira on the nose then left with Xander shaking his head following behind him. Everyone just chuckled or shook their heads as they left. Aside from Akira who stood there blushing a bit. Holy shit that’s adorable. I want him so badly. He thinks as he grabs his bag and walks away. 
“Don’t even think about it Jaden.” Xander said as he jokingly glared at his short friend. Drake just chuckled. “What’s the point when I know you're going to dodge it.” He told him. Draco just shook his head at the two human’s banter. “You two are strange people, but I love you two for that.” The bearded dragon smiled. 
“And you are a strange pet, but we love you for that.” Xander said with a smile as well. Draco looked at him and stuck his fork tongue out. Drake shook his head at the two of them. “You two are ridiculous. But will be my good friends no matter what.”  He states as the trio walk into the school parking lot and get into Drake’s Impala and drive away to their shared apartment. 
*Time skip: Evening*
The two teens were doing their homework when they got a text on their phone.
[Phone convo]
Ann: Oh, I just remembered!
Ann: Akira, were you able to ask Boss about Futaba Sakura?
Akira: I tried…
Yusuke: So, no results. Could there be a reason as to why that was?
Makoto: Hm. Alibaba might be our only hope of defeating Medjed.
Makoto: I wish we could get some info about Futaba out of Boss.
Ann: But trying to force it out would probably have the opposite effect.
Yusuke: To be honest, I owe a great deal to both Boss and Akira.
Yusuke: I don’t wish for this to be a source of discord between them. 
Drake: I owe Boss for allowing me to work for him and Akira whenever he needs it. 
Drake: So I got no complaints with finding out the hard way. 
Ryuji: Yeah, I know just what you mean!
Xander: We have no other choice.
Makoto: It’s probably best to wait for Boss to bring the subject himself. 
Jaden-Drake yawned as he laid on the couch a bit. “This is going to be difficult for us isn’t it?” Jaden sighs. “Most likely.” Xander said.
*Time Skip: 7/22: Morning.*
“Summer vacation starts the day after tomorrow, but don’t forget…” Mr. Ushimaru started up. “There's an urgent assembly on Monday. We’ll be taking attendance. There’s been an unusual number of strange incidents this year. Don’t do anything stupid over break. Got it? Don’t someplace shady like the red-light district, and don’t go to the beach after dark.” While he was stating this all, Drake was dead asleep on his desk with his arms crossed and his head to the side laying on them. “I wanna go to the beach...I wanna jump in some cold water…Seems like we won’t be having fun on our summer break for a while…” The blue-eyed feline said. “That’s true. But all I want to do is take a nice long nap under a shady rock under the sun.” The yellow lizard said as he responded to Morgana's statement. 
*Time Skip: After school*
Drake went to hang out with his older brother, Takato, while Xander was at the school's front looking for someone. He didn’t notice a certain red-haired girl with a ponytail behind him. “Audiotori-Senpai!!” She yells as she jumps a bit. Xander jumps a bit out of surprise then turns around to meet her. In his left eye was fading from its blue glow. “Ohh...what a pleasant surprise Kasumi-san.” He states looking at the redhead. 
“Hi, Audiotori-Senpai.” She said with a sweet smile on her face. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today?” She looked at him. “Sure my schedule is open for today.” Xander said with a smile. “Awesome, let’s go.” She said as she walked away with Xander following her. They both walked to the subway and had a nice chat about their school work with Xander cracking a few puns like he usually does with Kasumi laughing from them. Xander smiles as he watches her laugh at his puns. He appeared to have been more relaxed at the moment. 
This whole exchange was making him more relaxed from everything that was happening recently. He smiled a genuine smile. They made it to their stop and got off and continued walking towards the beach. The beach was thankfully not as crowded as it usually was. “Come on, let’s go Audiotori-Senpai.” Kasumi said with a smile as she walked towards the sand with a skip of joy. 
Xander chuckled as he followed her. “Alright, wait up.” He said as he walked behind her. They continued until they got to the sand. “Do you just want to sit and talk some more or have our swimsuits on and have fun in the water?” She asked, looking at him. “Well, the choice is up to you.” He told her. “Well then, let’s just sit and talk more.” She walked towards one of the tables then sat down. 
Xander followed her and sat across from her. “So how long have you known  Etheren-Senpai?” The red-haired girl asked, looking at him. He looked at her and smiled. “We actually go a bit, I think it’s been two or three years now. We didn’t know each other at first but when our other friends knew that both of us liked similar games, they decided to introduce us to each other.” He explained to her. 
“Wow, that’s so cool. You guys seemed like really good friends so I just wanted to know a little bit more about your guy's relationship. Also, how long are you guys going to be here in Japan for? Also, why did you guys transfer to Shujin?” Kasumi asked, looking at him with a smile. 
“Well...For the first question: might be for a year or three. And to the second it’s a bit complicated.” Xander said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh, it’s all right you don’t have to explain to me right now if you don’t want to. It’s kind of the same situation for me as well.” She said with a little sad expression. “Which...I guess you kind of know a bit of it.” Xander looked at her and sighed. “Hey come on now.” He smiled as he put a hand on her cheek. “Smile my dear, you are never fully dressed without one.” He closed his eyes and smiled some more. 
It took him a few moments to realize what he was doing when he opened his eyes to see a little blush on Kasumi. He chuckles awkwardly as he takes his hand away from her cheek with a barely noticeable blush on his face. “Whoops, my apologies.” They look away from each other for a little bit. “I-it’s alright. I-I don’t really mind.” She said while she was still blushing. 
They sat there in an awkward silence not knowing what to say after that. Why did I do that, I was blinded by her cuteness. Why?! Why?! I am such a fool. He thinks as he starts blushing a little bit more. Why did he do that? Was there something on my face? Oh god, why did he have to look good when he did that. She thought as her blush became darker. Before any of them could speak or make the situation even more awkward Xander gets a text on his phone. 
Drake: Hey, I’m heading back home from Taka’s place. Do you want me to pick you up from wherever you’re at or do you want to take the train?
Xander breathed out of relief as he picked up his phone. “Uh Kasumi, I need to check something real quick.” He states as he looks through his text messages. “Oh, it’s fine.” She breathed out as will. 
[Phone convo]
 Drake:  Hey, I’m heading back home from Taka’s place. Do you want me to pick you up from wherever you’re at or do you want to take the train?
Xander: Go on ahead and pick me up.
Drake: Kay, where are you so I can come get you?
Xander: By the beach.
Drake: Kay I’ll be there in a few.
Xander: Kay.
He puts his phone away and looks at the redhead. “Sorry, but I have to go right now. Jaden-Drake needs help with something.” Xander said as he gets up and grabs his bag. “Oh, okay. I need to get to my practice anyways. So, I’ll see you later.” She states as she does the same thing. What a relief, probably won’t tell Jaden-Drake what happened. He thought with a sigh. 
“See you later Kasumi.” He said as he began walking to the parking lot to wait for his friend. His face was still red from embarrassment. Calm down already, just concentrate. He activated his eagle sense trying to find the green-haired male’s car. Meanwhile, Jaden-Drake had just parked and threw his head back with a grunt. “Shit, Taka worries too much.” He sighs out. Drake looks around trying to look for Xander. He sighed to himself again. He sometimes hates waiting by himself for his own personal reasons. 
He grabbed his phone to text Xander he was there when there was a tap on his driver window. He looked to his left to see a strange-looking man looking in. Drake already knows where this is going to go. He ignores this man and texts Xander.
Drake: Hey, I’m here.
Drake: Find me fast. There is a strange man at my door and you know how I can get.
He puts his phone down and rolls the window down so he can speak to him. “Yes. Can I help you, sir?” The confused but straight face teen asked the man who was over his window. The guy smirks at the short teen. “Well, hello there little lady.~ Why yes, you can help me.~” The guy said as he leans down so he can get more of a good look at Drake. 
The green-haired teen can smell the smell of beer on him. Great, this is a drunk dude. Just great. He thought to himself as he sighed and looked at the older male. “Okay first. I am a guy. Second what type of help do you need?” He asks as he grabs his metal knife just in case. “Well, you don’t look like a guy. You look like a very pretty girl. A girl that needs something to fill her.” He smirks and it clicks in Jaden’s head what he wanted. 
The young teen cringed as he looked at him. “Mate, I am male. Dick and all. Also, I’m 16. You can’t just go and when someone asks you for help to tell them that they need to have something fill them. Also, you're drunk so I’ll be calling the police.” The short teen said as he began to grab his phone to text Xander to hurry when the man grabbed him. “I don’t think it’s worth the time to bother the police.” He said with a smirk. 
Jaden smirked as he opened his door. The man thinks that the teen has finally agreed to do what he wants. He lets go of him so he can get out of the car but once the teen does he punches the man right in the face then kicks him. The man grabs his face and looks at the teen with surprise. “Don’t try to touch someone that can easily kill you. Well, don’t try to fuck someone at all.” The teen said as he watched the man get up and began to run. 
He smirks to himself as he sees a small dagger fly right past his head and hit the guy in his baggy pants keeping him from running. “Don’t worry it isn’t my Spear of Leonidas. This one is not lethal, it will just make him stop.” Xander said as he smirked when walking up to the car. 
Drake shrugs. “I know. Anyways, let’s get out of here.” The teen huffed as he got back into his car with Xander following to the shotgun. They backed out and drove away. “Well, to get the nasty-ass man out of my head. What were you doing at the beach anyways? I don’t remember you being a beach person. I mean, hell, I have asked you if you wanted to go but always a no, so why did you go now.” The teen asked his friend while he looked for an album to listen to on his phone but kept his eyes on the road. 
Xander did not look at his friend, instead he blushed and looked out the window without the other noticing. “Well...The sounds of the ocean is something I always find soothing.” Xander lied to his friend without really thinking. The green-haired teen sighed when he heard that. “I get it but you don’t have to lie about something but if you're uncomfortable with telling me then you don’t have to tell me.” Drake stated with a huff and left it at that.
*Time skip: Evening*
They made it home and went to their rooms without saying another word to each other. Drake sighed as he dropped his keys on his bedside table then went to his desk to start on his new animation project when his phone buzzed. He opened up and saw it was from the group.
[Phone convo]
Ryuji: Yo, how’d it go?
Ryuji: You find out anything about Futaba Sakura?
Ann: I’ve been wondering about that too!
Akira: Tell you tomorrow.
Ryuji: Woah-ho.
Yusuke: So you did learn something. Fine work.
Ann: I knew we could count on you
Makoto: Akira-kun, thank you
Drake: That’s great mate.
Drake sighed as he sent that text. He really dislikes the idea of going into someone's personal life without their permission since it wasn’t any of his business. He goes back into his project without another thought. He was about to call it quits for the night so he could get some sleep and do something else when he got another text. 
He checked if it was a scam when he saw it was from Akira. The green-haired teen blushed and almost fell out of his seat. What!? Why is Akira texting me!? What time is it?! He thought as he checked the time. His phone showed it was 8:15. He looked relieved but still confused. 
[Phone Convo]
Akira: Hey, Little Dragon, how are you feeling?
Drake: Little dragon?
Akira: Well…
Akira: It’s my...It’s my new nickname for you. 
Akira: Do you not like it?
Drake: No no. I love it, it’s just that this is my first time having a nickname that wasn’t from my family or a shorter version of my name.
Akira: Haha. Okay, okay.
Drake: Anyways, to answer your question, I’m feeling fine thanks for asking.
Akira: It’s alright. I just want to make sure you are feeling your best.
Drake: Aw, that’s sweet, mate.
Akira: Yeah, I know. Anyways, I have a question to ask you.
Akira: Would you...Would you like to have a sleepover at my place? Or would mind if I stay at your shared apartment?
Drake: Um, sure. I wouldn’t mind at all. I don’t really mind where it is as long as Boss knows I guess.
Akira: Great. I’ll have to talk to you in person about the time and place.
Drake: Alright. 
Drake sighed happily to himself with a small blush on his face. Akira had just asked him to sleep over at his or the shared apartment. He sat there rolling on his bed a little bit with joy. He doesn’t remember being this happy before, besides getting to see old family he loved or getting presents as a kid from anything. Drake and Akira texted until 10:30 where Akira convinced him to go to bed. 
Drake smiled and chuckled at his friend’s concern with his sleeping habit. He smiled at the thought of being next to him when sleeping. I would love to be in his arms cuddling up to him and feeling his warm body against mine. He thought to himself as he began to fall asleep.
*Time Skip: 7/23: After School*
Everyone was at the hangout to talk about what Akira knew. “A woman was threatening Boss?” Makoto asked. “Yeah, she was going on about domestic abuse and taking the case to court and stuff…” Morgana explained to everyone. “I don’t know how it is in Japan, but when you want to do that you need a lot of legal evidence, not just the basic information. So, in other words she can’t do that without evidence.” Jaden explained to them. “That is true, you can’t take a case far without solid evidence.” Xander agreed with his friend. “....” Makoto sighed to herself as the three of them made their statements. 
“What’s up?” Ryuji asked Makoto. “It’s nothing.” Makoto said as she looked at the male blond. “So to summarize what you told us, Futaba is Boss’s daughter, and he’s abusing her?” She asked looking at the feline and the fluffy black-haired boy. “I don’t know him very well… Is he really the kind of person who would do that?” He looked at her and sighed. “There’s no way.” Akira said. The brown-haired girl nodded. “I would like to believe so as well, but we don’t have any conclusive evidence, do we?” After she said that Akira’s phone pinged. “Is it Alibaba!?” Morgana asked the messy-haired boy. Everyone gathered to watch the text message. 
[Phone convo]
Alibaba: I’ve given you a calling card and told you the target’s name. You should be ready for this.
Alibaba: Why aren’t you doing it?
Alibaba: I told you I’d help you if you stole her heart. What seems to be the hold up?
Alibaba: I also said I’d report your identity to the police if you didn’t help me.
Alibaba: Are you OK with that? I’m serious here.
Yusuke shook his head with a sour expression. “What a selfish person.” He stated. “Well, he does have information on us…” Makoto said. “Anyways, this Futaba he’s talking about have a Palace? If so, we’ll need keywords to get it. Try messaging him about ‘em.” Ryuji told Akira. 
Akira: Tell me her keywords.
Alibaba: Keywords?
Alibaba: What are you talking about? 
Alibaba: Are you just saying random stuff to dodge the issue?
“What’re we supposed to do about this?” Ann asked with a worried expression. “We'd be able to figure out Alibaba’s identity if we could just meet with him… Try asking him if there's any way we could meet up.” Morgana said to him.
Akira: Let’s meet somewhere.
Alibaba: Meet? With me?
Alibaba: That will be difficult.
Alibaba: I have reasons for not being able to go out.
Alibaba: That’s why I’m contacting you like this.
“He can’t go out?” Morgana asked
Alibaba: Wait I get it.
Alibaba: You steal people’s hearts directly… That might make things difficult.
Alibaba: Extremely difficult.
Alibaba: One moment.
Alibaba: I’m thinking…
Alibaba: Ok. It’s a shame, but I’m calling this deal off. Stop looking into Futaba Sakura.
Alibaba: Forget this ever happened. I won’t report you to the police either, don’t worry.
Alibaba: Sorry for taking your time. Now if you’ll excuse me...
Akira: Wait a second.
Alibaba: I said the deal’s off!
Alibaba: We’re never going to speak again. Don’t expect me to contact you anymore either.
I can’t find an account to send a response to. All I get back is an error message...Akira thought while they still looked at his phone. “Huh…? Did he just shut the whole operation down?” Ann asked shocked after what she just read. “This doesn’t make any sense… Not only can Alibaba not go out, but he won’t let us meet Futaba either?” Morgana said. “Well, it’s none of our business now. We can’t contact him anymore.” Ryuji stated. 
“But...what do we do about Medjed? We won’t be able to get Alibaba to help us with them now.” Ann said. “I don’t know. It seems that we’re on our own for now.” Drake sighed as he shook his head. “Seems like it.” Xander stated with a sigh. “Maybe they were just prankin’ us.” Ryuji shrugged. “They made that huge declaration, but they ain’t done nothing since. I bet we got ‘em freaked out.” The blond stated. 
“You mean they backed out because they’re afraid we’ll change their hearts?” Morgana asked. “Yup. And now it’d just make ‘em look lame if they came out and apologized.” The blond male stated with a smile. Drake shook his head and sighed. “But-” Makoto tried to explain but was cut off by the blond. “I guess with Alibaba and Medjed outta the picture, can we just say this case is closed.” He smiled out. 
“...You do have a point. I guess it is safe for us to relax a little” The Makoto sighed out. The short male shook his head “I don’t think so. I get the feeling that’s not it. I believe there’s more than meets the eye here.” Drake explained to the group. They all looked at him. Ryuji shook his head. 
“Oh yeah, remember Kaneshiro’s Treasure? Prepare to have your minds blown! We got one hundred and fifty thousand yen out of it.” He shouted out. “Holy shite.” Drake said. “That’s awesome! We can really go all out with that kinda money!” Ann said happily. “Yeah! Let’s make up for what happened at the fireworks festival!” The blond smiled. 
“We gotta go eat something fittin’ for the Phantom Thieves’ worldwide debut!” He declared. “Where would be good?” Ann asked hungrily. “Ooh, how ‘bout sushi? I could really go for some eel too!” Ryuji suggested. The green-haired teen’s stomach growled out. Signaling that he was hungry. “Heh, I guess that works with me. I'm kinda starting to get hungry with all this talk about food.” He stated while rubbing his stomach. 
“The best method is to fill yourself on ginger before beginning to eat sushi. That is my master technique.” Yusuke said. Everyone looked at the blue haired teen. “You don’t need to do that this time. Actually, definitely don’t do it, okay?” Makoto told him. Drake shook his head. “Yusuke please don’t do that cause ginger is used for cooking different dishes and you’ll get sick if you eat too much of it. Hell, that's what happened to my family on Christmas.” He explained. “Yeah… probably best not to do that Yusuke.” Xander told the taller male while he looked at him. “I’m all for sushi! You’re okay with that too, right?” The feline smiled. Akira just chuckled and nodded. “Sushi’s fine.” He said. “Then it’s decided.” Morgana meowed out. “All right! We’ll go tomorrow night!” Ryuji said. Everyone nodded in agreement. 
*Time Skip: Evening*
Jaden and Xander were in the living room watching a random movie when they got a text on their phone.
[Phone convo]
Makoto: I wonder if that Medjed business was just a prank.
Makoto: Now that I think about it calmly, it’s strange that they haven’t actually done anything yet.
Makoto: If their goal is to target the Phantom Thieves, they should want to be acting now, given our fame.
Ann: Huh. When you put it that way, it kinda makes me wonder too.
Ann: Especially after they taunted us theatrically like that.
Yusuke: Yes, however, it would be best for us to come up with a countermeasure regardless.
Yusuke: For now though, we should cautiously enjoy the sushi. That is all we can do. 
Akira: Yeah.
Drake: I have to agree but, still…
Ryuji: But that’s no fun…
Makoto: Hm, Yusuke is right.
Makoto: I’m sorry for bringing this up. On the day before our celebration party too…
Ann: Cheer up, Makoto! We’ll be eating sushi like kings tomorrow!
Yusuke: I hope one person in particular is on their best behavior. I’ll refrain from saying who though.
Drake: I second that.
Xander: I third that.
Ryuji:...You better not be talking about me!
Jaden just started laughing after the text message was sent. “Damn, That’s too funny.” He said as he shook his head. “Well...who else would it be?” Xander mutters to himself causing Jaden to laugh even more. “HAHA, damn it dude why do you have to do tha-HAHAH!” The green-haired teen stated as he continued to laugh while trying to calm himself down. “Because I can.” Xander said with a smirk on his face while he watched his friend calm down from laughing. “Damn, it’s very rare to get me laughing like that, fuck.” Drake sighed. His friend shook his head at that statement. “I have done it several times.” Xander said while he looked down at the green-haired teen who was sitting on the floor by now.
*Time skip: 7/24: Daytime*
The next day, two people were standing around talking in what looked like a common area for a police building. One was a female wearing a black business suit and the other was a young male that was wearing his school's summer uniform with a striped tie. 
“You seem quite busy, Sae-san. I take it you’re stuck in the middle of everything?” The young man said. “The Phantom Thieves made a mockery of us when they brought down Kaneshiro… And to make matters worse, Medjed, who has been dormant for some time now, just declared war on them. How much more can they screw us over?” The woman, Sae, stated to the young man. “Stress is bad for the skin, you know.” The young man said to Sae with a smile. 
“Did you come all this way simply to be sarcastic?” The Sae young woman stated. “How about you listen to my deductions for a change of pace? You may think it absurd… But don’t you think the case you’re pursuing and the actions of Phantom Thieves overlap somehow?” The young man asked with a calm voice. “What are you basing this off of?” Sae asked, looking at him. “The one point of commonality across all cases is how those involved have an unforeseen change of heart.” He explained to her. 
“I’ve suspected that myself, but those suspicions are unfounded.” She told him. “I told you at the beginning that this was only a deduction. These ‘just’ Phantom Thieves are riling up the public. However, that is a disguise. Their true goal is terrorist action by way of psychotic breakdowns… Is that too much?” He asked her. “There’s nothing at the moment that falsifies that claim. Have you mentioned this to the police?” Sae asked him. “I’d never tell them such things. The only value I have to me is in their mobility and organizational capabilities.” The young man explained. The young woman turned and fully looked at him. 
“Hm, it seems having you lend me a hand has paid off.” She said to him. “I’m glad to hear that. What about your case, Sae-san? Did you learn anything from the guardian of that mental shutdown victim’s daughter?” He asked her. “Nothing at all.” She sighed out. “I see. Now, what should my next action be for our victory?” He said. “Handle the Phantom Thieves. Without remorse. Use any means necessary to win. That’s how I would deal with them.” Sae told him. 
“*Chuckle* Very well.” The light brunette said with a smile. “This seems to be fun for you. Are you on to something?” Sae asked him. He shook his head. “No, not all. Well then, to our victory.” He told her. The young light brunette male waked away leaving the young woman to herself. 
“*Groans*” Drake makes a noise as he is on the phone. Draco jumped in confusion. “Is Drake okay or...?” He asked Xander, who was sitting on the couch waiting for him. “Isn’t this him on a day to day basis?” Xander asked looking at the bearded dragon. “Well…” “Taka-kun, it’s fine. I’m just going to be with friends eating sushi.” Jaden-Drake told his older brother. 
“Well, I just want to know where you're going for the fact of Medjed. I’m worried since you're a part of the Phantom thieves, I just want to know that you're safe. Look, I know you're 16 and you’ve been here before, just be saAAAAfe- CHUNTA!!!” Takato yells through the phone. The three of them tried holding back laughter as they heard the black-haired male yell. “Make sure you're safe, kid. I don’t want Takato-sama to worry about you too much. You know how he can get it.” Junta said as he held Takato. 
“Hey. Don’t talk to my brother like that when I’m on the phone with him.” Takato yells a bit. “Huh, what are you talking about? What did I do wrong?” His lover asks. Drake chuckles at the two’s banter. “Okay, okay. I love you two bakas.” He chuckles as he hangs up on them. He sighed once he did so. “Man...Every day is getting harder and harder for him to worry less and less about me man.” He said as he shook his head. 
“Is he always like this?” Draco asked the green-haired human. “Most likely.” Xander answered for him. “Well, with that out of the way. Let’s go get sushi!” The short male shouted. The others chuckled and shook their heads. They all walked out of the apartment and to the parking lot to get in Jaden’s car. 
*Time skip: Evening*
The Phantom Thieves were at the sushi bar eating their favorite dishes. “Man, the flounder is outta this world! That texture…” Ryuji drooled as he spoke. “I-I don’t see any prices listed here…” Yusuke said all worriedly. “It’s called market price. Don’t worry ‘bout it; we got the cash!” The blond male told the blue-haired male with his mouth full. Drake chuckled. 
“Man, I have never been to this type of place unless it was a buffet. It’s more cooler than I thought. Any thoughts, mate?” Drake asked his friend next to him. “This restaurant is nice.” Xander said as he ate. “Sooo gooooood…” Ann drooled while she ate. “Hey, is the fatty tuna ready yet?” Morgana said, wanting some fish. 
“Hold your horses. And don’t talk!” Ryuji told him. “Hey, he and I want our food.” Draco hissed at him. “We get it but you're not supposed to talk to you, butt.” Drake told the dragon off. “By the way, Akira-Kun... Is Boss really the kind of person who would abuse someone?” Makoto asked, looking at the black-hair male. 
“That again?” Ryuji puffed out. “I can’t get it off my mind. Especially if it means he could be taken to court…” The young brunette explained. “I understand and get what you're going on about but it’s something we can not help. Boss isn’t someone that seems like he would abuse someone.” Drake explained to her. “It’s very hard to be a bystander in a situation like this.” He sighed out as he continued to eat. “What kind of person is he? Do you truly believe he’d do such a thing?” She asked Akira. 
“No chance.” Akira shook his head. “He doesn’t seem like the type.” Drake nodded in agreement. “I have to agree with Akira with that. Even though I worked with him for almost about a month I don’t sense that he is a bad person.” The green-haired teen explained. “If it’s really true about the abuse, he’d be a no-good jerk pretendin’ to be a guardian.” Ryuji told them. 
“Maybe the chief is the one who needs a change of heart…” Morgana meowed out. “Ooo, I agree with that.” Draco hissed out to the feline. “Wait, it might be too early to jump to conclusions about Boss’s behavior.” Xander said, putting his hand up, stopping the group a bit. “*sighs* We are.” Drake nodded. “Hold on a sec! About that… I actually got curious after our conversation… and checked his name in the Nav.” Ann explained. “Sounds to me like there wasn’t a hit.” Makoto said. “Right. Anything beyond this is his family’s problem. We probably shouldn’t get any more involved.” Ann explained. Drake nodded. “That’s basically what I’ve been saying this whole time.” He said as he put salmon sushi in his mouth. “Wait… You think Alibaba could be Boss’s ex-wife!?” Ryuji stated. 
Everyone looked at him with questioning looks. “He musta cheated on her, and that’s where Futaba came from.” Ryuji explained his reasoning. “Doubtful.” Ann said. The green-haired teen slowly looked at him. “This is one of the reasons why I question a lot of men’s brains sometimes.” Jaden states while shaking his head. “Your imagination has run rampant.” Makoto states with closed eyes. “How foolish.” Yusuke says agreeing with the two of them. 
Akira nodded in agreement while Ryuji looked away. After that, they all went back to eating their food. “Still, this is delicious. I’ve never experienced anything quite like it before.” Yusuke said with a small smile. “Hmm, I’m going to agree with you, mate.” Drake said. “Man, and it’s all thanks to us bein’ the Phantom Thieves-” Ryuji was about to finish when he cut himself once he saw everyone looking up. 
Drake tried to hold back his laughter. “Crap.” Ryuji said. “U-ummm… Ph-Phan… Fantastic! This sushi is delicious!” Makoto said, trying to make a quick save. “Y-yeah! The fish is so fresh!” Ann said, making a quick statement to save her. “Hmph. Everywhere we go, we hear about these Phantom Thieves.” An arrogant sounding woman said, looking at the man right next to her. “What rubbish.” The haughty man that was sitting next to the arrogant woman said. 
“Think about where we are, Ryuji.” The light blond female scolds at the yellowish blond male. “Sorry, it just kinda slipped…” Ryuji told her. “Think before you speak, boi.” The short, green-haired teen explained. Xander looks towards his friend. Drake looked back. “What?...It’s true.” He defended himself. Xander keeps on staring at him. He hints for the fact that Jaden also does the same thing. “Oh, wait hey!” “My apologies for bringing up Boss again. We should just enjoy the food.” Makoto said. Everyone went back to eating their food.
The group finished up their meal and went out of the sushi place. “Xander and I will meet you guys at Leblanc, seeing that I don’t want to leave my car anywhere.” Drake told them. “Unless you want to go with them, mate, then I don’t mind.” He said looking at Xander. “I will tag along with you.” Xander told his shorter friend as he shrugged. Drake nodded with a statement. Akira looked at Jaden and smiled. “Alright, we’ll see you at Leblanc text me when you get there. So we know that you guys are safe.” Akira said to them. I really don’t want anything bad to happen to you. He thought to himself. 
Drake chuckled and walked over to pat his head. “We’ll be fine. It’s not like in America where a lot of people were shitty drivers...Well, I can’t really say that.” He mumbled to himself as he patted his taller friend's head. Akira blushed as he watched Jaden pat his head with a bright smile on his face. Akira chuckled as he watched Jaden mutter to himself. 
He grabbed Drake’s hand so he could stop patting his head. Drake stopped talking to himself when he felt a hand on his hand. He looked up and saw Akira holding his hand and blushed. Akira still held his hand as he put their hands down to their sides. They stayed like that for a few more moments. “Um, dudes?” Ryuji said after a few more seconds of the two of them holding hands. 
Both teens realized what was happening and quickly got their hands away from each other blushing while doing so. “Um, Well...See you at Leblanc...Bye!” Jaden blushed as he ran straight to his car leaving a blushing Akira behind with a very confused group of friends. Xander smirked to himself seeing that he now has teasing material. “See you guys later.” He waved off as he grabbed Drake’s bag with Draco in it and followed the blushing Drake. 
The rest of the group were at the subway station when they heard a young male’s voice. “Niijima-san! What are you doing here?” A familiar-looking pleasant boy approached the group. “Akechi-kun…” Makoto said, turning to face Akechi. “Akechi?” Ryuji stated as he turned to look at Akechi. Ann and Akira followed after him. “You’re the ones from the TV station...Could it be that you’re friends of Niijima-san?” The young man asked them. 
Yusuke turns around to face him and the group. “Do you know this guy?” He asked the rest of the group. “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Akechi. Glad to make your acquaintance, Yusuke Kitagawa.” He told the tall, dark blue-haired male. “How do you know my name?” Yusuke asks Akechi. “Well, because I’m a psychic, of course.” The light brunette told him with a smile. “Haha, I’m only joking. In truth, I’m a rookie detective. You’re a former pupil of Madarame, right?” He explained with a small smile. 
“I have actually just recently joined the investigation team looking into the Phantom Thieves. Did you see that Medjed has declared war on them?” He asked the group. “War?” Ryuji asked. “Their website was updated just a moment ago.” He stated to them. “For real?!” The vulgar blond asked. Ryuji took out his phone to check the website. “English again…” He groaned out as he checked the website. Ann took out her phone so she could read the post. 
“Wait what!?” Ann shouted as she looked at the post. “What’s it say!?” The blond male asked her. “Hm? Why do you seem so agitated?” Akechi asked the two of them. “Oh, um…” Ann started to think of something to say. “She’s, uh… a huge fan of the Phantom Thieves. A total nutjob for ‘em.” Ryuji quickly stated saving Ann at the last moment. 
“Hm, I don't know how wise it is to be a fan of groups like them.” The light brunette male said. “What is with these comments?” Makoto asked, looking at him with a stern look. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to butt into your conversation. But I must say, this is an interesting group. Prosecutor Niijma’s sister, an ex-pupil of Madarame, and a few Shujin Academy students… It seems you’re all connected to the Phantom Thieves. Perhaps you have better intel than I do. Ah, yes. I wanted to ask you something.” He said looking at the group. The group looked at him right after he said that. 
“Regarding this whole Medjed commotion… If you were one of the Phantom Thieves, what would you do?” Akechi asked them. “Ignore them.” Akira told him with just a single answer. “That is unexpected… Only a small minority of people believe that is the best decision.” Akechi said. “Sorry to disappoint, but we’re just normal high school kids. If anything, we wanna hear what you gotta say, Mr. Detective.” Ryuji said in a condescending tone. 
“...My profiling of the Phantom Thieves has led me to believe they are a group of juveniles. They have a relative amount of free time after and a hideout to slip away to.” Akechi explained to them. “Furthermore, considering Kamoshida was their first target, it seems they began activity around April. In a way, all I’ve said about the Phantom Thieves coincides with the group you have here.” He finished off looking at the group with a strange face. “What, you gonna report us? This isn’t even the full group, the rest are waiting for us.”   Ryuji said but regrets saying the last bit as soon as he said it. “Shit.” He cursed quietly. “Ryuji.” Ann quietly scolded at him. 
“So you have other friends that are part of this group. Interesting. Also, I didn’t say I was being suspicious of you.” Akechi said. “Good to hear.” Akira told him. “Hahaha, it seems you’re not perturbed in the slightest. You really are an intriguing one. I lack your calm mannerisms… but don’t you think my deduction is an interesting one? I bet we’d make a great team if we worked together.” He chuckled out with a wink. “What!? The hell’re you sayin’!?” Ryuji snapped at him. 
“Well, this has been a valuable point of reference for me. I hope to see you all again. And I wish to meet those other friends of yours.” Akechi stated. He then walked off leaving a very confused group behind. “What was that about?” Ann asked as soon as the group turned around to look at each other. “Do you think he’s ascertained our true identities?” Yusuke asked them. “Nah, couldn’t be. Right?” The blond male said. 
“I’d like to say that it’s simply us overthinking this, but… it may be best to be cautious from now on. We shouldn’t forget that Alibaba was able to discover who we are.” Makoto explained. “True, but it’s not as though he had tangible evidence to prove that discovery. Just keep acting normally.” Yusuke said. “More importantly, things are getting serious with Medjed!” The light blond female stated. 
“Oh yeah! What’d they write!?” Ryuji asked her. “Here I’ll read it… ‘We are disappointed in the people of Japan and their belief in the Phantom Thieves’ false justice. Hence, we shall proceed with our plan to cleanse Japan. This process will commence on August 21st. As a result, the Japanese economy shall suffer devastating damages.” Ann finished reading that part of the post. “For real…?” The blond male said. “Keep going.” Makoto told her. 
“‘However, we are magnanimous. We will give the Phantom Thieves one final opportunity to repent. As proof of this repentance, we demand that they reveal their identities to be public. We will attack if these demands remain unmet. The future of Japan rests with the Phantom Thieves. We are Medjed. We are unseen. We will eliminate evil…’ That’s what it says.” Ann finished. “Sounds bad…” Ryuji said. 
“In other words, if we don’t unmask ourselves, Medjed will attack Japan… correct? It seems they are quite the attention seekers...” Yusuke stated. “What are we gonna do about this?” Ann asked. “If only we could get in contact with Alibaba.” Makoto said to her group. “Our only clues... are Boss and Futaba. Anyways, it’s too damn hot out here. Why don’t we head to Leblanc already? We can talk more over there.” Ryuji explained. They all nodded as Akira texted Xander to explain to Drake and Draco what was going on. 
Xander and Jaden-Drake were very close to Leblanc. Joking around in the car when Xander got a text. “Well, this is bad.” He stated as he looked at his phone. “What? What is bad?” The green-haired teen asked as he looked at the road. “Medjed is claiming that if the Phantom Thieves don’t unmask themselves the future will be very grim.” He explained to him. “WHAT!?” Draco and Drake shouted in unison as Drake quickly slammed on the brakes as soon as he heard that, causing Xander’s seat belt to tighten up on him and Draco to almost fly out. 
His face was shown with shock and was as white as a ghost. “Be careful. Dude.” Xander shouted at Jaden. “Yeah. Sorry, but what the hell...This is like America all over again.” He sighed as he hit his head on the steering wheel. “Just don’t act as aggressively.” Xander sighed as he fixed his glasses and seating position. “Yeah...You're right...Geez” He sighed as his friend shook his head. “It’s just, how the hell are we going to handle it this time?” He begins with his eyes on the road again. 
“Last time we barely made it out cause we ended up turning their heart around. This time though we don’t know who they really are...Man...this is going to be tougher than what I was really hoping for.” The old Hidden Ones’ leader signed out from the memory of stress that the team and himself endured. “I don’t know what to tell you. We just have to wait to see what happens.” Xander explained calming his friend down. The other nodded and sighed. 
“Yeah...yeah you're right...sometimes I wonder why you didn’t become the leader of the Hidden Ones.” The green-haired teen sighed as his other friend chuckled. “You know that I like working behind the curtains while you enjoy the spotlight.” He smiled at him while Draco chuckled. “There is also the fact that you have more experience with being a leader than anyone that was a part of our group.” Draco smiled at Jaden. Drake chuckled after hearing that. “Huh, that’s true.” 
Once Drake and Xander drove up to a parking spot and headed towards Leblanc. Drake sighed as they walked in to see the group was already there. “We went through all sortsa options on our way here, but… Looks like we got no choice but to ask for Alibaba’s help.” Ryuji said to the others. “Question is how do we get in touch with him?” Ann asked with a look of defeat. “He cut off all contact with us after that misunderstanding. Then again, if we manage to steal Futaba’s heart, he may attempt to reach out to us once more.” Yusuke explained. 
“But we don’t have any clues on what her keywords are.” Morgana stated. “Dammit, Alibaba! Where the hell are you!?” Ryuji yells out in frustration. “Actually, he may be closer than we think.” Makoto said. “Huh?” Ryuji questioned. “How so?” Xander asked, looking at her. “Hypothetically speaking, even if we stole Futaba’s heart...How would Alibaba know that the deed has been done? Would he truly be able to discern that just from cell phone messages?” Makoto asks. Everyone looked at each other. “You mean he’d have to meet her in person?” Morgana asked. 
“Alibaba was able to deliver the calling card here. On top of that, he can check on Futaba’s condition. However, according to the circumstances he put forth, he’s unable to meet with us. This leads me to believe that if it would be bad for him if we were to see the two of them together. It seems to me that...Alibaba may in fact be Futaba herself.” Makoto explained to the group. “For real!?” Ryuji asked in shock. 
“So she’s asking that we steal her own heart!?” Yusuke asked in surprise. “I’m going to say this...I am not surprised one bit.” Drake signed out with a huff. “Maybe she wants us to save her from the scars of her abuse? That would be hard to ask directly.” Ann said. “I’d like to meet with Boss… He lives nearby, right?” Makoto said. Drake and Xander look at each other. Draco shakes his little head a bit. “I know where his house is.” Akira said. 
“I agree. It’s real late though. What’re we gonna tell Boss when we get there?” Ryuji asked her. “We’ll say this take-out sushi is a gift for him.” Makoto said. “But my fatty tuna…!” Morgana shouted. Draco hissed a bit. “Don’t give him any of my fish.” Drake sighed.  “I don’t think this is a real good idea. I understand that we need to help her but going into Boss’s private life. Now that is just wrong on so many levels.” Drake shook his head as he looked at the group. 
As much as he knew it was true that they needed to know, it just didn't feel right to him. He can’t really describe it, but something was telling him that something bigger was at play. He sighed as he heard Ann speak up. “No complaining.” She looked at the three of them. “Let’s all go together. Boss may get the wrong idea if Akira-kun and I show up alone.” Makoto said to them. Everyone nods. 
I still don’t think this is a good idea at all. But what choice do I have in the matter anyways. Drake thinks to himself. Xander notices his friend's concern. “This is our only way of knowing Futaba, like it or not.” Xander said to his friend as they walked out. Drake sighed and shook his head. 
*Time skip: Boss’s place*
Yusuke rang the doorbell near Sojiro’s door, but nobody came...again. “Nobody is answering, but the lights are on...” Makoto stated. “Maybe he thinks we are marketers.” Drake joked to the whole group. “Think she’s nappin’?” Ryuji said. “Even Boss would’ve woken up with how many times we’ve rung this doorbell.” Ann said annoyed. “I would think Futaba would have answered by now if she were here too.” Morgana sighed. 
“Ah, the gate is unlocked.” Yusuke pointed out. “Dude, you can’t go openin’ other people’s stuff like that.” Ryuji stated to Yusuke. “But look. The door seems to be slightly open as well. I wonder why. That’s rather careless...” The brunette said with confusion. After she said that a thunderous noise was heard from the sky. 
The Phantom Thieves looked up at the sky a little. “Whoa, it sounds like it’s going to rain...We should get inside!” The black feline stated with a serious voice. “...Do you think that’s okay?” Makoto asked. “Prolly?” Ryuji asked. Drake just shrugged. “I used to do this with abandoned houses when I was still trainin-AH.” He was cut off by Xander elbowing him in the gut. 
“Gonna rain for quite a while. Might as well go in.” Xander shrugged, then glared at him, who’s tempting to flip him off. “My apologies, Boss!” Makoto whispers. Six of the Phantom Thieves walked inside quickly while the other two fell behind in a slow walk. “WTF! Why did you elbow me, mate?” Drake whispered so the others wouldn’t hear.  “Would they not be suspicious if you were in abandoned houses?” Xander scolded back at him. 
The green-haired teen shook his head and sighed. “Whatever.” He mumbled while rolling his eyes. “Hello, sir?” Makoto said. They waited for an answer from him only to get nothing in return. “He’s not out, is he?” Makoto asked. “The door ahead is open, and I can hear the TV.” 
“I hope he didn’t pass out or something… I mean, Boss is kinda old, ain’t he?” Ryuji told them. “I’m a bit worried. Should we go in and check on him?” Ann asked. “I have no clue if that is a good or bad idea considering the fact we did enter without anyone’s permission, but might as well ‘cause if we don’t, I know for a fact that I will later regret it if we don’t.” Jaden sighed out. For the fact that I have morals of making sure everyone is alright and well. He thought to himself. “Please excuse us…” Makoto stated nervously. 
They walked further inside the house to look for any sign of life. The group continued until they heard the sound of thunder, the lights turning off following afterwards.  “AAAAAA!!!” Both Ann and a young female screeched. Draco, Jaden-Drake, and Ann jumped a little after hearing that. “Meep.” Drake meeped. “A scream!? What was that!?” Makoto questioned in fear. “H-How should I know?” Morgana scarcely asked. 
A few seconds after the black feline said that and the grouped calmed down, just by a little bit, they heard a thud coming from somewhere near them. “Did you hear that!?” The brunette asked the group in a scared voice. “H-Hai…” Drake said in all but a whisper rubbing both of his two arms. “What could it be?” Xander asked, looking around. “Let’s get out of here, please? Can we just go?” Ann the others terrified. “What’re you freakin’ out for?” Ryuji asked her annoyedly. 
“I-I-I’m not freaking out!” Ann said with a stutter at the beginning. “W-well it’s either this or the rain. I rather choose being freaked out a little bit rather than being soaked.” Draco hissed out at her with a beady eye glare. “Could it be Alibaba? I mean, Futaba?” The blue eye feline stated. Right after Morgana said that Ann ran back down the hallway past Jaden, Xander, and Draco who all shook their heads as they walked down with Yusuke and Ryuji. 
Drake sighed as he started calming down from being freaked out. Maybe I can ask Akira if I can just stand behind him or next to him at least? He thought to himself. “Um, sorry… Can I hold your hand?” He heard the older female ask the taller male. Drake froze in place when he heard that. He turned around to see Makoto holding on to Akira’s upper arm. He sighed as he shook his head. 
Man, I wanted to do that...Great... Drake pouted with a soft sigh. Can’t always get what you want, I guess. He thinks as he walks next to Xander. Next, they heard a door creak opened. “Eek!” The brunette screams screeched. Jaden, Xander, and Draco shivered a bit. 
“I can sense someone’s presence…” Yusuke said. “I have to agree.” Draco said. “Who is it?” Makoto asked with a hushed worried voice. At first, she looked at her leader then to another side of the room. “Who’s there!?” This time she was even more freaked out. “I can’t take this anymore! I’m leaving!” She yelled out of fear. 
After she stated that there was a noise coming from somewhere that they didn’t know. Makoto slipped down after hearing that. Drake was looking everywhere for the noise while pulling out his kunai slowly. Xander looks around as well and pulls out one of his daggers. Makoto tried getting up but she couldn’t get up. “N-No… My legs won’t move..” she stated out of fear. 
All of a sudden Makoto, Akira, and Morgana felt a presence behind them. They slowly turned their heads to see a dark figure with big white refelted eyes. The next thing everyone knew, lightning flashed revealing a girl with black-framed glasses and orange-colored hair. Even if that was the case, it still terrifies the living daylights out of Makoto. “Aaaaaah!” Both the brunette and the girl screamed causing the girl to run back into the room. Right when Makoto screamed she fell onto the floor and held onto Akira’s leg. 
“Alibaba! Futaba!” Ann yelled to the girl while Makoto quivered. Drake put his kunai away so he can cover his ears from all the girls yelling. Thankfully I’m not freaked out anymore...but I am now going to go deaf because of the screams. He sighed to himself. “Hey! C’mon, where are you!?” She shouts at where the girl once stood. Xander shakes his head as his shorter friend takes his hands off his ears and checks if Draco was alright. 
The poor bearded dragon was curled way back into the bag thanks to all the yelling by both girls. “You’re a hacker, right? Just show yourself!” Ann yelled again. “I’msorryI’msorryI’msorry! PleasesavemeSis…” Makoto stated in a whimper. Drake saw the situation at hand. Fuck, I got to do something to calm the girls down so that way Draco isn’t scared. Poor little guy. Before the green-hair teen can say anything to try to defuse the situation there was a voice that came from behind them. “Are you okay, Futaba!?” The voice of Sojiro yells through the front door. 
“Crap, he’s home!” Ryuji said. Both him and Yusuke ran down that hall with Ann following right behind them. Drake, Xander, Akira, and Makoto stayed where they were with Drake facepalming as soon as Sojiro opened the door and ran partly in. He looked down the hallway, seeing a group of shadowy figures. Unaware of who they were, Sojiro becomes defensive. “Who the hell are you!? Don’t move!” He yelled at them.
“You hear me!?” Sojiro yelled again. Drake and Xander were just shaking their head at the situation, as Boss turned the flashlight that was in his hand. “I’msorryI’msorryI’msosorrySis...Somebodypleasesaveme…” Makoto kept on repeating. She hadn’t yet noticed Sojiro, who had entered the room. 
Sojiro realized who they were and calmed down. “You? What’re you doing in my house?” He asked them. “Ah…” Makoto finally calmed down and realized the situation that they were in. Drake just sighed as he mentioned Xander that they stay put. “You’re…” The older man was trying to find something to say but was interrupted by Makoto. 
“Oh… G-Good… evening, sir… We… didn’t mean… to intrude.” The brunette stated. “Niijima-san!” The black-haired adult said as he looked at her. “Wait, are you two dating?” He asks the both of them. Drake looks in between the to and tries to hold back a bit of laughter. Xander watches and does the same. The young brunette shook her head. “W-We’re j-just friends!” She exclaims. Akira nodded and agreed with her as he slid glances to Drake who was still trying not to laugh. 
“Friends nowadays get that close to each other?” He asks them. Drake just loses it and starts laughing a bit at the whole situation finding a funny story to tell his mom later. “That’s not it! This, um...Things happened… and..” She tried explaining the situation as she was getting up from the floor. As she did so Drake started laughing at the situation. Drake calmed down once the others walked in. “You kids are here too!?” He asks the rest of the group.
Ann was the first to speak before Drake had a chance to after he was calm enough to speak. “Um, we brought you some sushi, but nobody answered when we rang the bell… The door was unlocked too.” The blond female explained quickly, continuing as she continued explaining. “We could hear the TV though, so we got worried you might have passed out or something…”
After she finished Sojiro looked at them confused. “The door was unlocked?” He asked them. “Yes.” Ann told him. “...I do that sometimes. Guess I’m getting old.” He sighed. “Aw. Don’t worry about it. My family is like that sometimes as well.” Drake explained with a smile. Xander nodded in agreement with that statement. “Well, that makes me feel less old then.” He chuckles at that. “Um, excuse me. There’s something we’d like to ask.” Makoto said to the gray-eyed adult.
Sojiro turns his attention to the young brunette again. “Hm? You wanna ask me?” He asked her. Makoto looks back to where the girl once stood. “There’s someone else living here… isn’t there?” She asked. “Yeah…” The older man with glasses paused for a moment. “My daughter” He finally said. “Could she be Futaba Sakura?” Makoto asked.
“You told Niijma-san too!?” Sojiro asked Akira a bit loudly in front of the others. Akira was looking down the whole time while Jaden had moved next to him and put Draco near Morgana to calm him down. “U-Um… is there any way we could meet with Futaba-san?” The brunette asked the adult. “I think we may have frightened her earlier, so we’d like to apologize if at all possible…” She explained. “Well… that’s…” He crossed his arms and closed his eyes trying to think of a way to explain.
Everyone was looking at Sojiro. “Is she sick?” Makoto asked him. “No, it’s not like that.” Sojiro stated, answering her question. Everyone stood around for a short moment as he shook his head and sighed. “I don’t want you all getting the wrong idea…” He explained to them. The older male sighed again. “I shouldn’t have kept this a secret from you.” He told the group of teens in front of them. “Let’s talk at my shop. She’ll hear us if we stay here.” They all nodded and followed him to Leblanc.
*At Leblanc*
Everyone stood or sat around Sojiro who had pulled up a cheer that was at his bar. “Now, where do I start? Futaba’s mother and I knew each other long before Futaba was born. Her mother was a bit of a weird one, but we got along well for some reason…” He explained to them as he continued. “She was sharp-witted, somewhat stern, a little socially inept, but always carefree… She truly was a great woman.” He smiled to himself as he explained.
“I see…” Makoto said. “When something piqued her interest, that’d be all she focused on. She always worked deep into the night. I thought that’d change after her kid was born, but after having Futaba didn’t do much.” He explained. Drake chuckled a bit after he heard that. “If I’m going to be honest here that sounds like how my mom gets when she finds something she's very interested in.” The green-haired teen explained with a soft smile on his face. Sojiro chuckles a bit after hearing that. “It sounds like Her and your mother would have gotten along just fine.”
Drake nodded after hearing that. “I’m sure they would have, sir.” He smiled as Sojiro continued. “Even with that, she always took good care of her.” He finished that off. “Working and watching over a child at the same time sounds rough…” Ann said, sounding sorry for Futaba’s mom.  “I guess raising Futaba alone turned out to be tough on her in more ways than one…” Boss explained. “What about her father? Didn’t he at least try to help her in all of this?” Akira asked him with a few side glances in Drake's direction as he asked that. “There wasn’t a father.” Sojiro bluntly told them.
“Do you mean…” Yusuke asked while Jaden looked at him with a ‘Really, that’s the question to ask him right now’ look. “Well, there probably was one. I didn’t know him though. She never said a word about him, either. She was single when she gave birth to Futaba, and single when she raised her. They were an ordinary, loving family. You could really tell how much she cared for Futaba.” He sighs after stating that.
His face expression became more upset after he sighed. “But one day, she left… leaving Futaba behind.” Sojiro said to the group. “Did she die…?” Akira asked him with a sadden expression. The older adult male took a deep breath before speaking again. “Yes. She committed suicide.” He said softly but still loud enough for everyone to hear. “Suicide...!?” Ann said in shock. “Holy crud.” Drake said with a widened upset expression.
“Threw herself into the street, right in front of Futaba’s eyes…” Boss explained the upsetting news to the teens. Drake froze in thought for a second right after he heard the fact. “Shocking doesn’t begin to describe that…” Makoto stated with her jaw dropped. “That’s gotta be devastating for a kid.” Ryuji stated. “Yeah, the death of any family member is devastating, especially to a kid.” Xander sighed. “So…” Sojiro began, thinking of something else to say.
“Well, a lot happened after that, but I ended up taking custody of Futaba… First, she was so depressed she...she wouldn’t even talk to me.” Sojiro explained. “Was that because she couldn’t get over her mother’s suicide?” Ann asked him. “I kept talking to her though, and she started opening up to me little by little. That’s when I found out… Futaba blames herself for her mother’s death.” He explained to them. “What!? But why!?” Ann asked in shock. 
“That part she’s never told me. I wanted to know what led her to believing that, but I decided not to rub salt in the wound.” He explained. “Then, a few months ago… She started getting real scared, even when nothing was happening. She’d say things like, ‘I hear voices…’ and ‘Mom is looking at me…’” He told them.  “Visual and auditory hallucinations… Have you taken Futaba to a doctor?” Yusuke asked Sojiro. “I wanted to, but she refused. Even when I had a doctor come, she locked herself away in her room. Since then, she’s become what you’d call a shut-in.” He explained to them.
“She won’t take a single step outside the house or even try to see other people.” He stated. “What about you?” Yusuke asked standing up more and turning to him. “She doesn’t even let me come into her room.” Sojiro tells them. “That’s pretty harsh…” Ryuji said. “Futaba is, well, a unique girl. She’s so quick-minded that conversations with her tend to jump from one topic to the next… It seems like she’s always coming to conclusions in her head. There’s a lot I don’t get about her...” He said. 
Makoto nodded to Boss’ statement about his daughter. “So yeah… her situation is why I couldn’t let you in my house.” He explains to Akira while he turns towards him. “Don’t worry about it. You had your reasons, so I understand.” Akira explained to him. “Thanks.” Sojiro smiled at the black-haired teen. “What Futaba needs is a safe where nobody will threaten her. Somewhere she can be at ease. That’s why I won’t do anything she doesn’t want. I don’t make her do anything she’s unwilling to either.” He states as he gets up to stand from his seat.
“Then again, I know that’s no way for her to live. It’s all I can do though…” He said with an upset look. “What does Futaba want?” Akira asks him. “I’m going to agree with Akira on this. Do you truly know what Futaba wants from her point of view and a parent’s point of view?” Drake asks, looking at the older male. “I don’t know. She just asks me for things that she wants, like food or these complicated books… Well, that’s that. So can you just… leave her be?” Sojiro asks the teens around him. They all nodded in agreement. Well not all of them. Drake sighed as he heard Sojiro’s explanation. 
Like we’re going to... We need to help her… No teen should be shut in to believe that they were the cause of her mother’s death. Drake thought as he looked to the side of him. “I’m gonna head back then. You all had better head home soon too.” He tells them looking at each of them. He then walks past Akira, Makoto, Jaden-Drake, and Xander. Once he left, Akira took the seat that Sojiro was just sitting on and sits down. Drake walks up and stands behind him leaning in just a bit.
“I feel awful for prying into his personal affairs…” Makoto stated. “No way in hell he’s abusin’ her.” Ryuji stated. “The reason why Futaba wants her heart stolen must be related to what happened to her mother.” Ann claimed. “So, she’d like to discard her feelings of pain, but can’t do anything about it herself.” Yusuke said, adding to the conversation. “Will changing her heart really help her, though?” Ann asked looking off somewhere. “If we can help her, we may be able to stand up to Medjed.” Yusuke stated, standing up. 
Drake sighed as he thought about it. Not everything is easy to fix. “Maybe changing her heart will help her out, but having her help us out right after helping her is kinda of a dick move if you think about it.” The green-haired teen explained. “It makes us seem selfish.” He sighed out. “But we are in a tough situation, we do need her help.” Xander said. “Still…” Drake sighed out while looking at everybody. “It’s possible, but I believe we should have a better plan.” Akira sighed. “Hold on a sec. Do we even know if she has a Palace? Let’s check.” Ryuji said.
Akira took out his phone to the Nav to see if Futaba did have a Palace. “‘The Futaba Sakura that lives at Sojiro Sakura’s house.’ Is that gonna be enough?” The blond male. “Candidate Found” The nav said after Akira put the name in. “What the…?” Yusuke asked in shock. “She’s got one...” Ryuji stated with widened eyes. “So someone can have a Palace even if they’re not evil?” Ann asked with shocked confusion. “Hmm, yeah. We knew someone that had a Palace but they were the nicest person you’d ever meet.” Drake started as he motioned between him and Xander. 
“Oh... that one.” Xander said, remembering the Palace. “Hey Morgana-” Ann was about to talk to the black feline but as the group looked around themselves, they didn’t see him. “Where’s Morgana?” The light blue-eye female asked as Mona was nowhere to be found. “I haven’t seen him for some time.” Yusuke stated. “So, ever since we went inside Boss’s house?” Makoto asks. “...Somewhere ‘round there. He’ll be fine though. He’s a cat after all. The trains’re gonna be shuttin’ down for the night soon, so we should prolly be headin’ home.” Ryuji said.
Everyone nodded in agreement to Ryuji’s statement. “We have to go to school in the morning, after all.” Makoto told them. “Ohhh, right. The urgent assembly.” Ann groaned. “Tomorrow is going to suck then.” Draco said with a sigh. “Now I wish Morgana was here. Hmph” Drake rolled his eyes at the dragon. “An assembly? What about?” Yusuke asked. “Shujin has been garnering a lot of attention ever since Medjed called out the Phantom Thieves.” Ann sighed out while explaining. 
“So, they need to remind us not to say arbitrary stuff online and add more fuel to the fire.” She finished. “We’ve gotta meet up for every goddamn little thing. Talk about a pain in the ass.” Ryuji stated, annoyed. “I mean, it is our fault.” Ann said sadly. “It really isn’t. They’re just trying to find the littlest excuse to explain to us what we should do and shouldn’t do. I understand that the rules are different from an American public school but they’re still looking for an excuse to explain what we already know.” Jaden explained with a heavy sigh.
Xander just shrugged and shook his head. “Might as well go with the flow… I guess.” He sighed out. “Anyway, let’s contact each other afterward.” Makoto said.
‘No way in hell he’s abusin’ her.’ The recording of Ryuji’s voice stated. During their discussion the orange-haired girl listens in while typing on her computer. ‘The reason why Futaba wants her heart stolen must be related to what happened to her mother.’ ‘So she’s like to discard her feelings of pain, but can’t do anything about it herself.’ ‘Will changing her heart really help her, though?’ ‘If we can help her we may be able to stand up to Medjed.’ ‘Maybe changing her heart will help her out, but having her help us out right after helping her is kinda of a dick move if you think about it.’ 
‘It makes us seem selfish.’ ‘But we are in a tough situation, we do need her help.’ ‘Still…’ ‘It’s possible, but I believe we should have a better plan.’ ‘Hold on a sec. Do we even know if she has a Palace? Let’s check. “The Futaba Sakura that lives at Sojiro Sakura’s house.” Is that gonna be enough?’ ‘What the…?’ ‘She’s got one..’ ‘So someone can have a Palace even if they’re not evil?’ ‘Hmm, yeah. We knew someone that had a Palace but they were the nicest person you’ll ever meet.’ 
‘Oh... that one.’ ‘Hey, Morgana-’ Right after the recording of Ann saying the feline's name, he jumped out from behind the computer, causing Futaba to yell and Morgana run out the door. 
Jaden-Drake, Xander, and Draco were all in the front seat of Drake’s Impala. It was silent at first while they were getting home from Leblanc. “Alright... So you guys never told me why you guys can’t tell the others why you're so skilled and know a lot more than you're leading on…” Draco paused biting his lower lizard lip looking for the right way to put it. “You're also keeping the others hidden from them including Him… You need to open up to them...they're really nice to us.” Drake took a deep breath and sighed.
He looked over at Xander. “He’s right, mate... We told each other we wouldn’t keep secrets from them but we are...so why are we?” Drake asked, fully looking at him after he stopped at a red light. Xander looked out the window for a bit before he spoke. “It’s rather difficult for us to be open right away, we have only known them for a few months. I am just trying to be safe.” Xander explained to the both of them. “It’s not right man...they give us so much trust so far and what have we given them...little to none. Hell, we can’t even tell the people we like that we like them because of it... We have to tell them!” Drake yelled as he looked back at the road and drove since the light was green. 
Drake's eyes were starting to water due to the fact that he wants to be with Akira so badly. Xander looked at him full view now. His eyes flash from his light brown eyes to a brownish gold eye color to back to his original color. “It just… people are too unpredictable, you could have your arms open to someone and a few days later they could stab you in the back and take everything from you. I had that happen to me and I… I…just don’t want that to happen to any of us.” Xander shot back at his friend.
He was met with a dirty glare as they made it to their parking lot. “And you think you're the only one. I had that happen to me twice. TWICE!! And you already were a part of the second one...So do you think I don’t know or don't understand. Hell, I had my cousin because of this whole same situation. I don’t want that to happen again.” The green-haired male told him, reminding him why there wasn’t a third person. He was getting really upset. He stopped the engine of the car and grabbed his bag with the partly scared bearded dragon in it.
Draco went deeper into the school bag to avoid the two humans arguing. Xander huffed as he got out as well and shot a glare at his short friend. “I… know… such a thing… experiencing… hell.” Xander said, starting to act differently than from, his usual self. Drake looked and rolled his eyes. WTF is going on!? Drake thought, not realizing what was going on. “Well, it’s not like you’ve experienced it twice in your life or even have your own clan brother, who was supposed to be the leader, backstab your trust when he knew that he could trust your family here. But no, he wants you to continue your training in New York than to follow your late Sensei’s last wishes.” The multicolor-eye teen snapped back at them as they walked into their apartment building.
Once they were inside, they went into the elevator as they continued to argue. “I… know. We…all experienced things that we didn’t want to…” Xander stated, struggling to keep himself from switching. Both of his friends noticed this as they got to their floor and headed straight towards their shared apartment. “I get it dude, but you're making it about yourself and that is not a good thing to do seeing that we both transferred here for a better start and a better life.” Drake states as he unlocks the door.
“We need to let go and find a different path in life.” He put Draco down on the kitchen counter and turned towards his friend. “I mean, it’s not like we’ve killed anyone we really care about in the past. It’s just that we-” With a blink of an eye Xander had a dagger at Jaden’s neck. “Didn’t kill anyone we cared about you say? Anyone we cared about you say?! I ENDED UP KILLING MY OWN SON!!! I WATCH as his eyes started to go pale. Do you know how it feels? As you are trying to kill someone in order to protect your son. As that man pushes you into sinking a dagger into your son’s heart!? DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS!?!?” 
Drake's eyes widened as he fully realized that his friend wasn’t there in that moment in time. He wasn’t fully scared, seeing that this has happened before with others including this man, but never like this. He raises his hands up to where his head was. “Bayek please calm down. I didn’t know that you killed your son but please that was in the past and I am sorry for bringing it up like this.” The short teen stated calmly trying to reason with his friend's other personality. 
“You don't know how it is to have your own family’s blood spilt by your own hands. I had to KILL every… single… one of those bastards that breathed that day in Siwa.” The voice of Bayek said looking at the teen straight into his eyes. The teen sighed a bit and looked around to find a way to escape until his eye landed on the bearded dragon on the counter. His eyes widen in fear of what they just did. 
“Listen, I know how it feels to lose a family member but you need to let go of me because we are scaring someone very close to us.” Drake stated as he motioned to the terrified creature on the counter. “What are yo- oh… it is happening again. Why do I feel…so…lighthea-” Right after Xander regains control he drops the dagger and faints onto the floor. “Wha-Wha-what was that?” Draco asked, still shaking in fear.  
Jaden-Drake sighed as he fully looked at the shaking creature. “It’s something that we didn’t want you to know...and by we I mean them and I.” Drake sighed as he shook his head. It was something they hoped wouldn’t come to this. “Them? What… What do you mean by that?” The black-eye bearded dragon asked the calm teenager as he picked up his friend and led him to the couch.  Xander was starting to fall asleep as soon as he hit the couch. “I…will expla-” He started to snore right after saying that.
Jaden sighed as he grabbed the little creature and went to his room. “So… What happened out there?” The dragon asked again as Drake set him down on his desk and he sat on his bed. “ Listen, we, well Xander, really didn’t want you to find out this way. We were waiting for the right to at least talk about it with you…” Drake bit his lip trying to find a way to describe what the lizard just saw. “What... What you just witnessed...was one out of three different...personalities that Xander has..” Drake signed out. 
Darco looked at the human with his head tilted. “Three personalities...like one of the personality disorties that you were explaining to me?” He asked Drake as he sighed. “Not really. Xander hates this side of himself. He is going to have to explain to you when he wakes up. I can’t really-” He was cut off by his phone ringing. “Who’s calling me at this hour?” The green-haired teen grabbed his phone. He checked the caller ID to find that his grandmother was calling him.
Drake's eyes widened and he cursed under his breath. “Damn it, why now?” He asked with a sigh. “Look, we’ll talk about this later. I have to take this call.” The green-haired boy looked at Draco, who was still sitting on the counter. He is then moved by Drake and placed on his desk while he hits the answer button. “Hello?” “Jaden, Jaden, this is grammy.” His grandmother states through the phone receiver. “I know grandma. I have you on my caller ID.” 
This isn’t the first time Drake’s Grandma had told him that it was her and it wouldn’t be that last. “Well, how should I know that. Anyways, how are you and Xander holding up in Japan?” His grandma asks him. “Good, good. The school work here is hard, but hey I’m getting the hang of it.” He tells her with a small smile. Here it comes. He sighed out. “How are you doing in math?” There it is. “Drake?” “Yeah, I’m still not good at math. I mean, I’m not failing but I’m not getting the best grade either.” 
“Really, Drake why aren’t you great at it. Your father is a mathematician, why can’t you be?” His grandma tells him. Drake just stayed silent with a sigh. “Hello, Drake, are you still there?” “Yeah, grandma I am. Look, I will get help for math. I know a few people that can help me. Changing the subject though, I have a friend that is into art as well as I am and is really giving me inspiration that I need to continue wanting to take art as a career.  I am really happy about that.” He explained with a grin on his face.
Drake’s smile fell as soon as he heard what he’s been hearing from her for months “Oh, that’s nice to hear but shouldn’t you choose a different career path. I know that you want to but I believe you should go this root.” His grandma explained. He bit his lip as he tried to think of a response. “I’m sorry, but I want to be an artist and this is the path that I want to take.” He sighed out as he tried to hold his tongue back from snapping at her. I’m not dad. Stop comparing his past with my present. He thought “I know but listen, I don’t feel like you're going to get anywhere if you-” She was cut by her grandchild sighing out. “I’ll talk to you later grandma. I have to get some sleep because the school has an assembly tomorrow and I need to get up early for that.” 
Drake could tell his grandmother was surprised at this news. “Really, weren’t you supposed to start summer break tomorrow?” The eldrly woman asked him. “I do, it's just that we have an assembly explaining to the students not to be stupid ‘cause of what’s going on in Tokyo right now.” He sighed out. “Well alright. I will speak with you later, bye sweetheart. I love you.” “Yeah, love you too, bye.” He hangs up and groans. 
He puts his hands on his face and falls to the bed. “Goddamn it.” Drake sighed out. He stays like that for a few minutes then gets up and grabs his motorcycle helmet, jacket, and keys. Then, heads out the door without a word to anyone. The green-haired teen goes down to the parking lot to his motorcycle. 
Drake starts the motorcycle up and speeds out of the parking lot and into the quiet city streets. He was going to drive through the city to clear out his thoughts. Having done this time and time again he rides through parts of the city that seem lively during the day but are so quiet during this time. He doesn’t know where he is heading, all he knows is that he needs his head cleared. 
He stopped at a place where parts of the city could be seen from far away. He proceeds to take his helmet off, watching the city. “The city always looked so beautiful from this view, huh?” He smiled not expecting any answers. “This isn’t really you get to see.” “It sure is. Now speaking of sights that are rarely seen, what are you doing here Jaden-Drake?” A voice of an adult male said right behind Drake.
Jaden turned around, about to throw a shuriken when he saw who was talking. “Whew, you scared me, mate.” He sighed out as he turned to the male that was right behind him. “Please don’t do that because I can hurt and or kill you easily like that and I don't want that.” He chuckled. “Yeah, wouldn’t be a good thing, huh.”
*Time skip: 7/25: Early Morning*
“Man, I wish we didn’t have to go to this dumb assembly.” Draco hissed out as he stuck his head out of Drake’s bag. “Well, it’s cause of the stupid school wanting to scare us into following its rules. Like usual.” Drake stated as Xander and him followed the other students. “They just want to make sure that the students don’t say anything dumb to the press due to the whole Kamoshida and Kaneshiro incidents.” Xander said as they moved a head. 
“That too, but still it’s not like the press would want to ask some of the students. It’s not like we have any relation towards the Kaneshiro one.” Drake stated. “Anyways, are...are we not going to talk about what happened last night?” Draco asks the two teens. Drake bit his lip and looked at Xander. Xander rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Tis, not the time for that. Too many people could be listening.” Xander explained.
Drake nodded in agreement. “Hmm, I agree. When you're in our line of work you don’t know who you can trust outside of your group. That’s a fact that is true.” The green-haired teen started looking around. He goes into a whisper where only Xander and Draco can hear. “Trust me when I say you don’t know when an enemy is hiding in the shadows.”
Draco rolled his eyes at Jaden-Drake as he made his statement. “Well can you at least tell me where you ran off to last night?” The bearded dragon asked. Drake sighed and bit his lip. “There is a time and a place for everything now is not the time.” Xander stated. Draco huffed and nodded as they entered the school to hear murmurs of students compiling. 
*Time skip: Daytime*
After the assembly, the Phantom Thieves sat around Akira’s room eating lunch. “Man, that assembly had me bored to tears.” Ryuji stated. “I basically fell asleep through the whole thing.” Drake sighed out as he put his head down on the chair. “Huh? Did you have school too, Yusuke?” Ann asked him. “I’m doing laundry, so these are the only clothes I had to wear.” Yusuke explains. “I can relate.” Drake said, raising his hand.  “You really should buy a couple more outfits…” The blond female stated to Yusuke.
“Come now, we didn’t gather here to make small talk, now did we?” Makoto asked the three of them. “Let’s get to Alibaba’s case.” “Well then, I’ll start. It looks like Futaba was listening in to Leblanc.” Morgana stated. “But, why would she want to listen in on the cafe?” Ann asked. “I have no idea.” The feline stated. “It’s just like Boss said… She’s a tough nut to crack.” Ryuji said. “In any case, her hacking skills will be absolutely necessary if we wish to stand up to Medjed.” Makoto stated. 
“Going by what she has told us, we may even be able to identify who they are.” Makoto continued. “We’ll have to trust in her skills for now, then.”  Yusuke said looking at the table. “Anyway, we found out that Futaba has a Palace… but someone who isn’t evil have one?” Ann asks. “That does not matter. A Palace is the materialization of distorted cognitions brought about by strong desires… That’s all.” Morgana stated. “It just so happens that a lot of warped people turn out evil.” 
Makoto closed her eyes out of worry. “She’s so young though… The pain she’s gone through must be the cause of her distortion.” She stated. “Maybe that has something to do with why she calls herself Alibaba.” The blond female stated. “According to the chief’s story, Futaba has auditory and visual hallucinations, right?” The feline started up. “There’s a chance those are related to some important memories she’s holding. It’s hard to explain… but those memories may have been warped by the distortions.” Morgana tried his best to explain with what he could.
“Basically we just gotta steal her Treasure, right?” Ryuji stated. “Well, yeah.” Morgana stated. “So do we all agree about taking on Futaba’s Palace?” Ann asked. “She asked us to do so. I don’t think that part is an issue.” Makoto began. “If we heal Futaba’s heart, it will not only help Boss, but she can then assist us with Medjed.” She stated. “I agree.” Yusuke said. Xander and Drake nodded in agreement. “Likewise, mate.” Drake said. 
“I’ve been wonderin’ about how Boss said ‘a lot happened’ after Futaba’s mom died too.” The yellowish blond male stated. “Hold on a second. Our investigation of her Palace may not go like anything we’ve done up to this point.” Morgana explained. “Why’s that?” Ryuji asked the feline. “Having an individual ask you to steal their heart is an extremely irregular case.” The feline started. 
“There’s no telling what the Palace ruler’s disposition will be like, or the distortion that’ll be there. We may run into some unforeseen situations. Do you still want to go in?” Morgana questioned all of them. “Yeah, let’s do it.” Akira said to him. Drake nodded in agreement. “I agree. I don’t believe we really have anything to lose for.” The green-haired male said. “All right. Let’s just make sure we’re cautious.” Morgana told the group. “Well, let’s get crackin’ on those keywords, huh?” Ryuji said. 
Makoto pushed her hair back and looked around the group. “The ones we have at the moment are ‘Futaba Sakura’ and ‘Sojiro Sakura’s house’” She explained. “We got the ‘who’ and the ‘where’ so all that’s left is the ‘what,’ right?” Ryuji asked them. “That would be correct.” Drake shrugged. “Let us try going to their house first.” Yusuke stated. “Boss is busy running the cafe, isn’t he? We should make sure he doesn’t suspect anything.” Ann told them. 
The rest of the group gets up and heads for the stairs. While Akira and Morgana stay behind a bit to talk. Drake just looks at the two then heads down with the rest. “Speaking of important memories. Do the two of you think I’ll everything back if...if I was like you guys?” Draco asks. “You know besides being human. Being confident, strong, and not afraid of taking a risk?”
Drake and Xander looked at each other then back at the bearded dragon. “We have to just wait to see.” The tan teen tells Draco. “I’m going to have to agree with Xander. We really don’t know what the future holds, for right now we just have to sit and wait.” The green-haired teen explains. Draco just nods at the two's reasoning. “Anyways, hey Xander, how do you feel finally meeting your online friend in real life?” The dragon asked. “It will be fun.” Xander smirks as Drake just chuckled.
The Phantom Thieves made it to Sojiro’s house. Ready to go into the young Futaba’s Palace. “Now, the last keyword…” Makoto muttered. “She’s a shut-in, so we just gotta figure out ‘what’ she thinks her house is. If she can’t get out, maybe a prison?” Ryuji asks. The nav stated it wasn't correct. “Perhaps a labyrinth with an unknown exit?” The dark brunette suggested. Again the nav stated that the answer was not correct. “Hmm… Maybe an oasis?” Ann pondered. The nav stated that it wasn’t the right one either. 
“Nothing so far. In that case, how about hell?” Yusuke asks. Drake looked over at the slender man. “Dude.” He states. Akira shakes his head as the nav states permission is denied. “We don’t have nearly enough clues…” Ann sighed out. “If only we could ask her directly…” Yusuke stated. “We can. C’mon, let’s go see Futaba.” Ryuji declared. “But what will we say to get in?” Makoto asked. 
“Whaddya mean? We’re sneakin’ in.” Ryuji said. Which causes Jaden to smirk. “I like your style.” He tells Ryuji as he wraps his arm over Ryuji’s shoulder. The blond male chuckles at the shorter males action. Xander just shakes his head. While Akira side glares Ryuji. “You both have to be joking.” Makoto stared at them in disbelief. “Won’t the door be locked for sure this time?” She asked. “I’ll take care of that. Oh, and I figured out where Futaba’s room was when I snuck in last night.” Morgana said. 
Makoto looks up at the feline. “What if we run into Boss, thought? There’s no way we’ll be able to avoid his questions.” Makoto explains. “He’s at work now, so I think we should be fine.” Ann explained. “Gettin’ cold feet, Makoto? Don’t worry, it’ll be nothing. We’ve gone through loads of shits like this already.” Ryuji tells her. “Yeah, just remember I’ve done this stuff before loads of time. It gets easier the more you do it.” Drake explained. “Ditto.” Xander said. 
Makoto looked around the whole group then closed her eyes and brought her hand up to her chin. “...This is our only choice, right? I suppose Futaba did get in contact with Akira-kun… Perhaps she’ll at least be willing to speak with him…” She said. “...Very well. Let’s do this.” The brunette sighs out. Everyone nodded in agreement. They all walked inside Sojiro’s house and followed Morgana to Futaba’s room.
The group stood in front of a door that had a sign and caution tape around her door. “This is Futaba’s room.” Morgana told them. “Futaba-chan? You’re in there, right?” Makoto stated as she knocked on the door. “There’s no answer…” The blue-eyed feline states. “Futaba-chan. Are you there? I’m sorry for being startled and screaming yesterday. It was so dark that O got scared.” The brunette tells Futaba through the door. 
“No reaction whatsoever.” Yusuke states. “I mean can you blame her this is most likely the first time in at least a few years she heard other people’s voices besides her caretaker.”  Drake explained while looking straight at the door. “This is gonna be hard…” Ryuji sighed out. “You're listening, right, Alibaba?” Makoto tries to reach out for the fourth time. Right after that knock, Akira gets a text on his phone. “Is it Alibaba?” Makoto asks Akira while he pulls out his phone. 
After Akire checks the message on his phone, Makoto turns to the door. “You’re Futaba Sakura, aren’t you?” She asks again. “She’s not responding again.” Yusuke says. “Does she not like us saying her name?” Ann asks. “We don’t have time to dally around. We need her keyword before dealing with Alibaba’s identity.” Morgana snapped. “We want to learn more about you. If we don’t do so, we can’t steal your heart. The reason why we came here is because we need the keyword to enter your Palace. That’s why we want to talk with Futaba Sakura herself, and not Alibaba.” Makoto explains to Futaba.
Drake lets out a sigh. “She’s right, chickareta. We really do want to help you out here.” He tells her. “You don’t have to show yourself. Just answer some questions for us. Chat messages are fine.” Makoto adds on. 
Futaba/Alibaba: Ok
“All right then… Our leader, the guy who lives in Leblanc’s attic, wants to speak with you. We’re counting on you, Akira-kun. Try and get a keyword out of her.” Makoto tells Akira. 
Futaba/Alibaba: What do you want to hear?
Akira: How's living in this house?
Futaba/Alibaba: It’s painful…
Akira: Why not go out?
Futaba/Alibaba: I can’t leave this place
Futaba/Alibaba: I’m going to die here.
“Wha… Die?” Ann asks
Futaba/Alibaba: Is this going to continue? 
Akira: Die?
Futaba/Alibaba: That’s right. I’m definitely going to die here.
Futaba/Alibaba: This place is my tomb.
“Tomb?” Makoto asks. “You think that’s it?” Ryuji asks. “Try entering ‘tomb.’” Morgana tells Akira. “Input accepted. Searching for route to destination.” The Navigation voice stated. “We got it…!” Morgana smiled. “Yay.” Draco cheered.
Futaba/Alibaba: Was that enough?
“Yes. It was plenty. You haven’t forgotten your promise of helping us if we complete your request, right?” Makoto asks Futaba.
To be continued... 
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 188
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 39 - “Terror! Despariah Appears!” Date watched: 17 May 2020 Original air date: 11 November 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5RTfmuM Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Shall we dance?
I’m not going to beat around the bush, the title and thumbnail tell the whole story. Despariah fights the Precures in this episode for the first time. It’s intense and really shows how strong both sides are.
The Plot
It’s a quiet day at Natts House. The store is closed, and therefore the girls aren’t helping at the shop, and there’s also no school. Milk comments that it’s on quiet days like this that major events happen, but Coco dismisses her as being too paranoid. Just then, Nozomi bursts into the shop, exclaiming that she found a Pinky, and wants Coco and Nuts to come with her to catch it, so they join her. However, the Pinky is nowhere to be found now. Since it’s a nice pre-winter day, Coco suggests they enjoy being outside and go wander around town. Nuts tries to leave them alone to make it a proper date but Coco is afraid of getting too close to Nozomi, so he drags Nuts along.
Over in Nightmare HQ, Bunbee is crunching some numbers on his own in the otherwise empty boardroom, as it is apparently Nightmare’s day off as well. Suddenly a very frazzled Kawarino appears and asks Bunbee if he’s seen Despariah, which he denies. Kawarino frets since Despariah almost never leaves her office. Meanwhile, on a street, a mysterious hooded figure is seen...
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you do not get a prize for figuring out their identity
Karen, apparently having nothing better to do, decides to pop into Natts House to pay a visit. She’s surprised when everyone is gone except for Milk, who complains that she’s lonely, so Karen decides to stay and keep her friend company. Similarly, Urara pays a visit to Fleuriste Natsuki where she admits to RIn that she’s bored and goads her into suggesting they also drop by Natts House.
While all this is happening, Coco, Nozomi, and Nuts are palling around town, with Coco at one point defending Nozomi against a nosy photographer. They find a large tree and decide to climb it, while from far away the hooded figure sees the tree and decides to approach it as well. The view from the tree causes Coco and Nuts to reminisce about life in the Palmier Kingdom, when they got up to some mischief and landed in trouble. Coco thinks it was fun, while Nuts recalls it less fondly. The hooded figure approaches the tree, but at this point they’ve already left, and Nuts once again tries to leave the party against Coco’s protests. Coco admits his fear to Nuts: if he gets close to Nozomi, then both of them will hurt more once they have restored the Palmier Kingdom and have to return home. However, Nuts points out that Coco has always been the type to live by his own rules, and takes his leave. Nuts runs into Komachi on a park bench, working on her novel, and decides to leave her to her devices, but she’s happier being with him and decides to accompany him back to Natts House.
Nozomi and Coco’s not-a-date continues through the park where they admire the fall colors, but Coco still feels guilty about deepening their relationship and proposes they head back to Natts House. On the street, the hooded figure finally catches up with them and reveals herself to be.... Despariah! (nobody could have seen that coming.) Nuts picks up on her presence and dispatches all the other girls.
Nozomi transforms to fight Despariah, but rather than fight directly, Despariah summons an army of shadow figures while she targets Coco. She reads his mind and infers that he has conflicting desires to revive his kingdom and stay with Nozomi, and she tells him neither of these will happen as she tries to whittle away his hope and drive him to despair. However, Dream flies in between Coco and Despariah, beaming at her friend before turning her gaze on the enemy with eyes that have not lost hope.
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now kiss
Nozomi’s friends show up and transform into Precure as well. Nuts is surprised to see Despariah in the flesh, and Milk is not happy that her premonition came so true. Rouge, Lemonade, and Mint battle the shadows but they just recover from any damage. Aqua realizes that separating them from the ground destroys them and shouts this advice to her teammates. They tackle the shadows while Dream faces Despariah, who is intent on bringing her to despair. Dream attacks with Crystal Shoot, but Despariah just absorbs it and continues trying to talk her opponent into depression. It’s futile, though, as Coco encourages Nozomi to keep pressing on because the good times they’ve had will stay in her heart forever, and she says that she’ll never regret her memories with him. Essentially they are each other’s hope. Despariah questions the point of fighting for the dream of another, and the other cures chime in that helping other people builds understanding and powerful bonds. The surge of encouragement causes Dream’s Pinky Catch to glow bright with the light of hope, and it badly burns Despariah. She tries again to beat them down with threats of the world ending and their dreams being crushed, but they won’t be deterred, saying that fighting their hardest is the best thing they can do, and with Milk’s help they perform Five Explosion against Despariah. However, she summons a huge shadow to take the attack, and she awes at the power of hope before disappearing back to Nightmare. As she sits in her office, she looks at her shriveled hand and realizes she can’t match their power of hope until she obtains the Dream Collet and becomes immortal, so she orders Kawarino to redouble his efforts.
Nozomi, Rin, Urara, Komachi, Karen, Coco, Nuts, and Milk all take a moment to reflect on what just happened, but the girls have a surprisingly positive outlook. They managed to hurt Despariah and drive her away, after all, she’s not so tough. As they head back to Natts House, Coco tells Nuts that he’s decided to live in the moment and treasure his time with Nozomi, rather than worrying about what may happen in the future, and the episode closes on a filtered still image of them all walking down the road.
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The Analysis
I’m glad they’re exploring Coco’s hesitancy to bond with Nozomi, because it seemed like they weren’t giving it its due earlier in the show. They touched on it in the movie, and here it is again, Coco is afraid to take the next steps in their relationship because he knows that soon, he’ll have to go back to the Pamier Kingdom and never see her again. It’s a good dilemma, do you invest in a relationship and enjoy the time you have, or do you keep your distance and reduce the heartbreak once you have to leave? There’s no right answer..... but it is kind of undercut by the insinuation that Coco has never had a problem sneaking out before. I wish they had explored this idea sooner in the series, maybe around episode 26 when they were on the island would have been a good time to first bring this up, and then they could have explored it a little further in subsequent episodes, with each new pinky they catch making him worry about the reality that he’ll have to part from her. From Nozomi’s point of view, she just seems to enjoy the company and doesn’t really seem to realize yet that making his dream come true will mean saying goodbye, at least not until the Christmas episode. I wish I could say this disconnect creates an interesting dynamic between the two of them, but Nozomi doesn’t notice that he’s troubled, so there’s no conflict. On the other hand, Nozomi’s unambiguous support for Coco in contrast to his internal conflict of interests is what keeps him from giving into Despariah’s scheme, and that cannot be understated.
I love that Nozomi and Coco’s strong feelings of trust, confidence, and support for each other forms a bond of hope that Despariah can’t break. Nozomi is the Pretty Cure of hope after all, she’s the one who’s able to find room for positivity in any situation, a reason to stay motivated, and this is going to become more important as we approach the finale. Her confidence is boundless but she does need Coco’s support, which was well-demonstrated in episode 24. Nozomi can push forward because she wants to make Coco’s dream come true, and Coco keeps going because she’s the one who saved him when he was at his lowest point, and she continues to fight for his sake. No matter what Despariah says, Nozomi doesn’t despair because Coco is her light at the end of the tunnel, and she’ll also protect him from the same fate. It’s so good.
Despariah is wonderful as a villain. First of all, she’s physically imposing, towering over a normal person, and she has an unconventional body shape. She has exaggerated hourglass curves and extremely broad shoulders with long arms. Rather than looking sexy, she appears intimidating, and her expressionless mask and giant hair spikes make her more scary. Sure, it’s not the first time we’ve seen her, but it’s the first time that the Precures have seen her aside from a monitor when they were in Nightmare HQ. Seeing her in the flesh, squaring off against the heroines, it puts her in a new light. She is stronger than her subordinates, as one would expect, and true to her name, she is very good at getting into your head and causing you to despair. Every word out of her mouth is meant to crush your dreams and sap your hope away, and she’s also able to summon an army of resilient shadow monsters that will keep regenerating until separated from the ground, which is cool. She was able to block and absorb Cure Dream’s attacks, which is a feat none of the other villains have accomplished. Given that her attack strategy was to let her shadows do the grunt work while she tried to talk Dream and Coco into despair, there’s not a good metric of how physically strong she is, but clearly she can hold her own better than most of her subordinates. I thought it was clever how she was able to conjure a giant shadow monster to tank the Dream Attack for her, making her the first villain to survive the team finisher. Clearly though, she knows her limits, and it’s obvious that their power of hope is only going to grow, which is why she feels the need to obtain the Dream Collet and drag them into despair so they no longer bother her. All in all I’m just jazzed about a villain that relies on emotional manipulation rather than brute force or even tricks to achieve their goals.
I think the setup for the episode is pretty good. It’s the closest Nozomi and Coco ever get to a proper date, and there’s a couple really sweet moments during the day where you get to see small, simple gestures of affection. My favorite is when Nozomi, Coco, and Nuts are sitting at a cafe, and a magazine photographer asks to take a picture of the two hot men, but tells Nozomi to step aside for a moment. Coco gets indignant and walks away with Nozomi, upset that the woman said she was “in the way,” which is rude to Nozomi, and of course she’s super important to him. Nozomi wasn’t particularly bothered by it, but she smiles to herself when he explains how he was defending her.
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Nuts gets a similar moment like this, as all the women in the park ogle him until he walks over to Komachi and they disperse. Beyond that, I appreciate his scene with Komachi, because it shows his soft side and gives her a tender moment of her own. When she explains she’s working on her novel, he says he’ll leave her alone, and she acts a little upset at him leaving so suddenly, before hastily covering her mouth out of embarrassment about her little outburst. I make it sound mean but it’s cute.
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The way the four girls wind up together is a tad contrived but I only found it annoying because no sooner have they all congregated at Natts House before they have to run out and fight Despariah. Just one more shot of them all hanging out together in between Komachi’s arrival and Nuts detecting Despariah’s presence would have helped the episode. Aside from that, I appreciate that everyone’s idea of a good time is just hanging out at Natts House even on their day off.
The last thing I want to focus on is the art in this episode. There’s a lot of still frames with a soft focus filter over them.
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Their main purpose is to conserve the animation budget for the fight with Despariah, but they are aesthetically nice on their own as well. They enhance the carefree mood and imply the passage of time, and for Nozomi and Coco’s closeups they give us a moment to pause and see how happy they are in each other’s company that wouldn’t hit the same if these shots had to be continuously animated, however limited. It’s a nice artistic touch.
There is a lot of middling to poor quality art in this episode, though. That’s not unusual, it’s late in the series and they’re saving their remaining budget for the finale run, so quality control isn’t the top priority. That doesn’t change the fact that there’s a lot of vacant faces and slightly off-model characters scattered throughout the episode. There’s very little shading on people’s faces and expressivism is limited to close-ups. I wish this episode, as a big episode, could have had a bit more care put into it. I would gladly sacrifice episodes 40 and 42 to this end, but it is what it is. Despite some dodgy art it’s a solid episode about hope and hard decisions.
Next time on Precure Daily: the girls finally get to the bottom of the principal’s true identity. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 kettei!
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yo-namine · 5 years
Okay, I’m not done with this idea, so...
To start off, Riku and Kairi's relationship post-KH3 is a little, uh.... strained. After everything that happened in the Graveyard, Riku really doesn't trust Kairi to hold her own at all. They both want to go search for a way to revive Sora, but Riku's pretty dead-set on Kairi staying safe at home while he does all the actual work. He's already lost one friend, and he's not risking losing another. Kairi argues that if he's going to go chasing the Lich, he needs someone like her who can bring him back, but her argument kind of falls flat because her PoH abilities have been pretty shaky ever since Sora died because, well, her heart's broken. So Riku doesn't budge, and Kairi's left feeling useless and powerless to help her friends. Again. Also, Kairi can tell that Riku does sort of lowkey resent her for being a liability back in the Graveyard. Riku knows it's unfair of him, but he can't help how he feels. And while Riku really does want to keep her safe, Kairi feels that he's also shutting her out as a way to penalize her for costing them Sora's life. Angst ensues. Basically, instead of working together on a way to bring back Sora, Riku and Kairi end up pushing each other away and doubtlessly making things harder than they need to be. 🎉🎉🎉
Obviously, Kairi isn't going to just stay home. She thinks that if she can fully regain her powers, she may be able to restore Sora like she did in KH1, or get some kind of tether on him from the Realm of Light like she did in KH3. So she decides to sneak off on her own to first go find the other former Princesses of Heart to see if they can teach her more about her abilities, and then hopefully get her powers back and use them to revive Sora or at least help Riku. And admittedly, there’s a small, petty part of her that just wants to prove to Riku that she's not useless.
Naminé catches on to what Kairi's planning and wants to come with her to help however she can. Kairi kept her alive for the last couple of years, so Naminé is basically RIDE OR DIE for this girl at this point. If Kairi wants to go save Sora, then dammit, they’re gonna go save Sora. That said, she probably feels guilty enough to leave Riku a note or something just telling him that she and Kairi left together and everything's fine and to please not freak out. Riku reads it and is like "for fuck's sake," decides to go look for them (on top of everything else he's doing).
I'm... not really sure how Xion gets involved tbh. Maybe she initially wants to help Riku find Kairi and bring her home, but then switches sides once she realizes that Kairi's just trying to prove herself? Anyway, Xion is a total badass and (in this story, at least) has some of her Days boss battle abilities still in her arsenal, so after she joins the other girls, they're able to venture into more worlds that they'd had to avoid before because the combat level was too high they were too dangerous. During their journey, Xion gives Kairi lots of pointers that do her way more good as a keyblade wielder than whatever Merlin had her and Axel doing in that time chamber.
There's initially some tension between Kairi and Xion because Xion is supposed to be "Kairi as Sora remembers her," and in this story, Xion's clearly much stronger and (now that she's free of the Organization) cheerier than the real Kairi. So Kairi feels like she's hanging around a better version of herself all the time, and it takes effort to not let her bitterness over it show. It also doesn't help that Kairi's spending most of her time with two people who are like embodiments of Sora's love for her (Naminé being the Nobody that was created from Sora housing Kairi's heart in his, Xion being made up of Sora's memories of Kairi). Theoretically, that knowledge should be comforting, but it really just ends up rubbing some extra salt in that "Sora's dead and it's all my fault" wound.
While they're off on their journey, Riku tries to call Kairi almost every day, but she never picks up because she knows he'll just try to talk her into going home. Eventually Axel calls her, and it's fine until she realizes he's trying to weasel her whereabouts out of her so he can pass the info along to Riku. After that, she keeps her phone off.
Kairi, Naminé, and Xion start to work really well together after a while both because of their skill sets (Xion being the powerhouse, Naminé the healer, Kairi the warrior-still-in-training), but also because they have a lot in common. Xion can empathize pretty strongly with Kairi feeling like she's just a liability. Naminé knows how it feels to be used by people more powerful than you to hurt someone you care about. The trio develops a pretty deep understanding of one another, and they help each other rationalize and work through their problems/insecurities (like Xion has a tendency to get irritated/overly defensive when her judgment's questioned because, well, she also isn't sure if she can trust her own mind sometimes thanks to the Org reprogramming her in the past. Naminé has some pretty deep-rooted abandonment issues that are part of the reason she clings to Kairi as much as she does. Kairi has survivor's guilt in spades.). Character development ensues.
Naminé does Not like combat or just hurting things in general, hence why she sticks to healing. She does still have her heart-shattering ability from CoM, but she never wants to use it again (especially considering whose replica vessel she’s inhabiting these days).
Meanwhile, Riku thinks the other masters will help him with figuring out how to either find the Lich or contact Sora somehow, but nope. Yen Sid and Mickey don't want him going after the Lich or "chasing hearts," potentially costing them another valuable wielder getting himself killed. Aqua's more inclined to let him do what he thinks is right, but she's also doubtful that Sora's heart is even salvageable at this point. She tells Riku what she knows from her own training just because she feels he has the right to that information as a master, but that's about it. Beyond that, Riku's basically on his own. Without any real leads, Riku decides to visit different worlds to learn more about their differing concepts of death/the afterlife (so like the Underworld in Olympus, the Locker in the Caribbean, etc.). A lot of worlds have legends of creatures similar to the Lich that ferry the dead and all that cool stuff, so he makes note of that while also scouting the place for Kairi. He might also run into Maleficent at some point and learn something from her (since idk, she commanded the Heartless for a while, so maybe she knows something about the Lich)?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The trio runs into Riku once early on, and it... doesn't go that well. Riku's still not keen on Kairi running off (plus he's probably kind of annoyed that Naminé and Xion sided with her over him despite them both being his friends for way longer, oop), and Kairi's still frustrated that Riku has 0 faith in her and won't let her help him. They basically have the same argument they did back home, only now there's been more time for resentment to build. On top of that, they're both grieving over Sora without really knowing that they are (because neither's willing to even consider the idea that he may not be savable), and both feel like the other's abandoned them when they need them the most. Anyway, their fight doesn't accomplish anything other than hurting each other further. They split up again after Riku tells Kairi to just answer her damn phone every once and a while. She doesn't.
So Kairi meets up with the former PoHs as she travels worlds. She's lucky that Riku's on bad terms with half of these ladies and is gonna steer clear of Wonderland, Agrabah, and Beast's Castle. Kairi gets advice and some training from each of the princesses on how to tune out her own self-doubts and focus her magic on what she wants to accomplish. Her biggest help is probably Belle just because that lady spent SO MUCH TIME in Hollow Bastion's library in KH1 probably reading everything about light/darkness. That, and I think Belle kind of uses a tethering ability in KH1 to bring the Beast to Hollow Bastion (or at least, the Beast says he got there just by ~believing~, so maybe it's a two-way connection or something), so she may have a better understanding of her (former) powers than the others. Anyway, Kairi slowly starts regaining her powers, and they only get better as her confidence/faith in herself improves. Eventually, she starts working Faith/Holy into her combat moves and "tethering" to the other girls just to see if she can. She's able to use the latter ability to sense out where exactly Naminé and Xion are whenever they're separated from one another. Connecting with people in the same world is easy enough, but doing it across worlds/realms is trickier, so she practices reaching out to Riku occasionally with mixed results. She gets to where she can figure out where he is, but she can't communicate with him, and she's not sure if that's due to her abilities being too weak or if it's because she and Riku have been shutting each other out (spoilers: It's mostly the latter.).
The trio has another run-in with Riku later on. He and Kairi have another argument, but it's more constructive this time around. Riku starts to call her out on leaving him to go on this journey (because unlike her, he's been going it alone this whole time, and it's really starting to get to him), but she points out that she only left him before he could leave her. Everything kind of starts to click after that. Riku eventually apologizes for trying to leave her behind, Kairi apologizes for shutting him out for so long. There's still some tension between them, but it starts to ebb once they finally start working together on a plan to bring Sora back.
Kairi finally turns her phone back on to find approximately 34978593487 missed calls from Riku. She also sees that he left her a few voicemails, and while Riku says she can just delete them, she keeps them to listen to later when he's not around.
....I'm not sure how this ends? Part of me likes the idea of Sora just... staying dead and everyone moving forward with their lives because that's all you can do, really. But another part of me really likes the idea of Riku and Kairi finding the Lich and figuring out a way to split the price for Sora between them. Maybe they have to give up a fraction of their hearts or cut time off their lifespans to give to Sora's. And they both agree to just not tell Sora about that once he's back.
I realize I'm leaving a TON of characters out of this story lmao. I don't know what everyone else would be up to. tbh Ven could probably save Riku and Kairi a lot of trouble just by introducing them to his magic cat that apparently knows all about the afterlife, but.......................... whatever.
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kellanswritingblog · 5 years
What the Ghost Hunt UK
When Ghost Hunt UK headed into an old, abandoned jail for an evening of filming, they thought they were alone. Instead, they stumble upon Georgie Barker and her crew, and - begrudgingly - agree to work together. However, as the night wears on, the professional courtesy between Melanie and Georgie for the sake of the cameras starts to bleed over into something more real. Perhaps they could make a crossover out of this after all?
Continue reading now or head on over to AO3!
They should have been alone.  Melanie had staked out this spot for days, and nobody came or went.  One security guard patrolled the outer gate a single time, then drove away to check on some other abandoned locale, leaving the old jail unoccupied.
“You heard that?”  She asked Peter, who kept the camera focused on her despite the disturbance.
“Yup.  Coming in loud and clear.”
“Alright, let’s go see what’s making that sound.”
Melanie led the way around the corner and practically ran headlong into a perfectly corporeal being.
“Whoa!”  They cried, stumbling backwards.
“Who are you?  What are you doing here?”
“I might ask you the same thing.”
“Wait a second…” Melanie pondered.  “You’re Georgie?  Georgie Barker?  What the Ghost?”
“And you’re Melanie King?”
Professional courtesy aside, this was Ghost Hunt UK’s site for the night.  They’d planned it all out, done the research, and made sure to let other aspiring ghost-hunters to steer clear of the jail for the evening.
“Yeah.  Again, why are you here?  This is our shoot.”
“Didn’t know anyone else would be here,” Georgie admitted.  “Thought the noises we heard seemed a little too mortal, so we came on down to check it out.”
“You’re going to have to leave.  Come back later.”
“I don’t think so.”
Both women had their hands on their hips; neither was backing down.
“It’s not like both our shows can release an episode at the same location at the same time.  That’s not good for either of us,” Melanie insisted.  “And we were here first.”
Peter cleared his throat behind her, causing Melanie, Georgie, and both of their crews to turn toward him expectantly.
“Why not a crossover?  Do an episode together?  Might appeal to both our fanbases?”
Nobody said a word.  Melanie moved her jaw as she struggled for words and Georgie fidgeted.
“That’s not a terrible idea,” the latter said quietly after a long moment of thinking.
“It’s still a bad idea though,” Melanie snapped.  “This is our spot.  You can come back later.”
“I’m not trying to step on your toes, really.  But your camera guy is right – if we combine forces, we combine viewership.  Plus, we’ll totally be able to cover all the ground here.”
Melanie wanted to swear and put her foot down and insist that this was her night here, this was her find.  But, as Georgie explained, it would be a plus for the show, even if it personally got on her nerves.
“Fine.  I trust you’ve done your research on this place, then?  Know what we’re looking for?”
“A whole load of ghosts.  The warden is supposed to be pretty active, along with a doctor they kept on staff who has been known to attack intruders.”
“Broad strokes, yeah.  We already filmed our intro-”
“-Us too.”
Melanie grumbled under her breath.  “Do we want to just go check this place out then?  The solitary confinement cells should be down this way.”
Georgie nodded and gestured for Melanie to go first.  “Lead the way.”
“I will.”
Despite starting off in the lead, both their crews insisted that they speak to each other and discuss the history of the jail as they went.  For the sake of the show, Melanie kept telling herself.
For what it was worth, this Georgie did seem to know her stuff.  She’d never watched much What the Ghost? but their methods weren’t particularly different from their own, so the filming style meshed well.  And with the way Georgie explained the jail’s backstory, even Melanie couldn’t stay too mad.
“Wait, you think Evan Silverman was The Butcher?”  Georgie interrupted as Melanie laid out a theory regarding one of the jail’s more notorious residents.
“Yeah.”  She nodded.  “It fits.  Every one of The Butcher’s murders took place while he was out of jail and known to be in those locations.  His method of savagery is consistent as well.  He just managed to get caught on a minor charge and moved into a more stringent prison only because of his poor behavior; attacking wardens and other inmates, the usual.”
“I… hadn’t pieced that together,” Georgie admitted sincerely.  “That does make sense.  Well done.”
“Thank you, Georgie.”  She turned back to the camera, changing her real smile to the stock pose for the screen.  “And maybe, just maybe, we’ll manage to catch a glimpse of The Butcher here, in the location where he met his end.”
The solitary confinement cells offered a small number of ghostly phenomena, same as the rest of the jail.  As the joint forces proceeded through the dark hallways, the banter between Melanie and Georgie grew more lighthearted, the stiffness abandoned as they accepted each other as equals in knowledge and skill, as opposed to enemy combatants fighting for the high ground.
“Now, for the most haunted location of the jail: the medical wing.”
“Dr. Edward Jules was brought in to provide medical care for the many inmates and wardens who were injured in these vicious halls.”
“However, his methods were significantly more brutal than the violence he was meant to heal.”
“He ran morbid experiments on his patients, and few survived.  Perhaps tonight we might hear from one of them and find out what they suffered at the hand of this doctor.”
“Or, maybe we’ll find Doctor Jules himself.”
Their cameramen nodded, and Georgie and Melanie pushed their way into the first operating room.  Nothing much remained, save for a gurney and a medicine cabinet with a door that swung ominously in a breeze coming through a hole in the wall.
They continued through the rooms, finding more surgical equipment and the beds where recovering patients would have rested.  Eventually, they reached a door that Melanie couldn’t open on her own.
“Here, let me help.”
Melanie leaned against the door beside Georgie, and together they slammed their whole weight into it until it flew open to reveal a grimier surgery than those they’d found before.
“This must be where the doctor performed his less legitimate operations,” Melanie posited as their cameras scanned around the room.
“Something’s not right.”
“It does feel eerie, that’s for sure.”
“No.  Something else… look out!”
A tall cabinet which held decayed instruments suddenly tipped over toward them with an ominous screech.  Georgie threw herself at Melanie to push her out of the way, and the heavy slab of wood barely missed the pair as they thudded into the ground.
“Are you alright?”
“Are you okay?”  They asked each other in unison, breathing heavily.
“I’m fine,” Georgie answered.  “You?”
Melanie nodded and her eyes scanned around them with haste.  “Thank you.  That would’ve… really hurt.  Do you think that was the doctor?”
“Dunno.  However it happened, it was a close call.”
“You’re telling me.”
It was only a few moments later that Georgie realized she was still lying on top of Melanie, though she hadn't seemed to notice either.  Georgie scampered backwards and crawled to her feet, offering Melanie a hand up, which she accepted.
They joined their crews as they took to examining the collapsed shelf.  Empty bottles still rolled across the floor while the sharp point of a brown and rusted saw sparkled in the dim light.
In the end, they didn’t find any supernatural explanation for the falling cabinet nor any more ghostly phenomenon.  As they wrapped up their filming and the two crews began to head their separate ways, Georgie found Melanie and pulled her aside.
“You okay?  That cabinet thing was… freaky.”
“Hardly the worst thing that’s happened to me in this line of work.  But, still, thank you.  Again.”
“You’re welcome.  And I know neither of us really wanted to do this, but it was really good working with you.”
Melanie smiled.  “It was.  Maybe we can do another episode together some time?”
“Sure.”  She paused, then fumbled in her pockets.  “Oh, before I forget, do you mind if I film a video real fast for our social media?  Get people psyched for us working together before they’ve finished putting all the editing?”
Melanie took her place beside Georgie, positioning the exterior of the jail behind them.  They rattled off their own little commercial before getting ready to head out again as the sun started to rise.
“I got your contact info from James, so we should be good.  I’ll keep in touch,” Melanie said.
“Are you sure you don’t want my personal number too?”
With a quiet chuckle, she turned back to Georgie, who wore a smug smirk.
“I suppose I should find a way to appropriately thank you for saving my life from cabinet doom.  I know there’s one way that immediately comes to mind…”  She stepped closer.
“Oh yeah?”  Georgie leaned in until her lips were centimeters from Melanie’s.  “I think what you’re suggesting is more than suitable.”
“Then what are we standing around here for?”
Melanie awoke with a start as a weight slammed down on her chest.
“Ah, you must be the Admiral.”  She said, scratching the cat’s ears as he sniffed her hand and started to purr.  “Where did Georgie get off to?”
Once she could extract herself from the Admiral, Melanie climbed out of bed to go find the other ghost hunter.  The fuzzy cat led the way to Georgie, who sat at a small desk with her computer in front of her.  The midday sun shone in through the windows and Melanie winced.
“Can’t stop working, huh?”  Melanie asked as she stepped up beside her and pressed a kiss to Georgie’s cheek.
“I only woke up a little bit ago,” she admitted.  “There’s coffee and food for you in the kitchen.  I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“And here I had planned to make you breakfast.”
“Well, even if you felt you still owed me after the cabinet thing, I think we’re more than even after last night.”
They both chuckled and blushed.
“Oh,” Georgie continued, “I posted that video too, about our shows working together?  People are going crazy.  Though, half of them seem more interested in whether or not you and I are dating rather than the actual ghost hunt itself.”
“Really?”  Melanie’s eyebrows shot up.
“Yeah, see here: ‘You two make such a cute couple!  Are you dating?’  And another, here: ‘You two have great chemistry I bet you’d be a good couple.’”
“Ah, social media.  Where the adoring fans can pry into their idols personal lives.”
“I mean, they’re not wrong.  We do have good chemistry.  And I’d… certainly be interested in going on a date with you.”
“Really?”  Melanie giggled and bit her lip.  “Then, uh, what are you doing for dinner?”
“There’s a nice place down the road.  We could do lunch, or whatever meal you have in the middle of the afternoon.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“You can use my shower and just rummage around in my closet for clean clothes, if you want,” Georgie offered.
“Thanks, babe,” Melanie said without thinking, causing them both to laugh before she trotted off, embarrassed.
She returned after taking a quick shower to find Georgie in the same spot at her desk, this time with the Admiral sleeping on her lap.
“What do you think?”
Georgie turned to look at Melanie, who was wearing one of her What the Ghost? shirts.
“You can’t wear that!”  She cried, laughing.  “That is crossing too many streams.”
“Nah, come on, you’re the one that was all about a crossover!  Fine, fine,” she added as Georgie struggled to find words through her laughter and slunk off to reexamine the wardrobe.
After they had both cleaned themselves up and put on appropriate attire, they headed out to lunch where they talked of ghost hunting and real-life escapades.  When they outstayed their welcome at that particular restaurant, they headed to a bar down the road, where they stayed until the sun went down, enjoying each other’s company until the bartender literally forced them out because the place was closing.
Melanie found herself staying at Georgie’s place again, though this time was much less eventful.  The next morning, they posted an update for their adoring fans.
Georgie wore Melanie’s Ghost Hunt UK shirt and Melanie donned one emblazoned with Georgie’s What the Ghost? as they posed for a selfie together.
‘To all those who asked if we were together – yes we are!  You’ll be hearing a lot more from the both of us.  And keep your eyes out for the first ever episode of What the Ghost Hunt UK, coming soon!’
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Dear sweet lord. Ajw has just casually suggested that Darren and Chris have struggled with depression over their “closeted relationship.” Now, they could both struggle with depression, they aren’t exempt from mental health just because they’re rich/famous. Anyone can be depressed. But you don’t just go around making those assumptions about people you don’t know. What in the hell?
Ajw didn’t write the post but she did reblogged it and she only reblog what she wants to convey as truth. 
The post is essentially masterpost of what convinced justcantgetenoughcc’s that Chris and Darren are married. Every single piece of evidence is more  juvenile and asinine than the last. She “saved the best for last” and just wait...
This post proves how little the cc fandom needs to believe anything they want to believe because everything CC is made up in their heads. If you are writing the story, you don’t need much to prove it is true. They live in a world of baseless nonsense. 
I will admit, I am shellshocked at how absurd this is. I’m used to their cruel and baseless attacks on Mia and their petty criticisms of everything Darren, but to be confronted with proof that the foundation of “CrissColfer are married” trope is nothing more than air shook me. 
So...let’s look at it...(my comments in parenthesis).
One of the WHAT IFs that has been haunting me…
We know they got engaged over the 2012/2013 NYE holidays. 
(”we” don’t actually know)
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(Wait...this goofy joke between Chris and Alla is what they are basing the engagement on? Chris telling his publicist that she would have to cover up “lots of stories, per usual” is it? This is clearly a joke because Chris NEVER does anything crazy...that’s why it is funny. Why would he Tweet that if it was true? He is smarter than to Tweet “don’t forget we have to hid the body tonight”. 
(The bird reference... I know I once know what it means= but I can’t remember. How is it a reference to Chris is engaged to Darren?). 
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(This is the “ring” they have sold their souls swearing is on his finger and that it indicates he is engaged TO Darren. I don’t even know if there is a ring there and he clearly never wore a ring after this blurry photo SOOOOOOO...NOPE)
(I know someone told me about where Darren went during this same Glee hiatus and where Chris was returning from in this pic.  If someone can fill in the details of this trip and I will edit this post. Maybe Chris went to South Africa? Maybe? And Darren went where?)  
And yet they went ahead with the FAKE encage in January 2018.
I always believed Chris and Darren were married. There were a lot of serious hints in that direction from the guys themselves.Like the wedding in the woods and Alla’s hints to name a few. (Here we are seeing them once again hang their hats on their TLOS theories. The wedding in the woods is related to Darren and Chris exactly how? Alla’s hints to name a few? What few? You showed one Twitter exchange. This is a case of you wanted it to be true so you just believed it was true and then filled in “proof” to suit you and since you don’t listen to anyone who disagrees, you didn’t need to make your proof very  foolproof)
Offering this as an admission that we weren’t always told about their personal lives. So marriage could fall under this category of sometimes true rumors? 
(Um...yes? So Chris saying this in an interview is what you are using as your proof? ok?)
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We even noticed and speculated that Chris wore his actual engagement ring in the Glee “The Proposal - 5.01” episode. I mean that’s the ring that Darren/Blaine slipped on Chris/Kurt’s ring finger and they switched it back to the Glee prop ring later. Many of us noticed the rings were slightly different after.
(Ok, this is nuts. Chris did not suddenly pull out his ring- after NOT wearing on for 2 full years- in order to wear it for some of a scenes in Glee. Many of you “Noticed”? Ugh)
***WHAT IF NOLA was just a FAKE wedding if you take into consideration… no rings, no wedding bouquet to throw, no real ceremony, no real family stepping out with the couple and other inconsistencies… It was funny that Darren’s recent casual pap-walk outfits were more dapper than his wedding suit in NOLA. There are several posts out there laying out all that in detail.
(So, here we are... Darren says he is straight for 9 years, he says he loves Mia in several interviews, says he is lucky to have her in several award speeches, he says he is engaged to her. He let us see small glimpses of their life together- at their home and their bar, a bar which he said he owned with her and he called it their “bar baby”. On the day they are clearly getting married- I can tell because their family and friends are all there, Mia is wearing a big white wedding dress and Darren is wearing at tuxedo, there is a photographer and several wedding attendants=wedding.  On the day there is an obvious wedding YOU believe it is a FAKE wedding based on some untruths you refuse to stop repeating- namely that the paparazzi photos were taken after the wedding simply because ENews- had NO insider info- speculated they were coming out of the wedding because they saw a bride and a groom. You also believe that those photos were somehow representative of the entire wedding rather than just what they are- the bride and groom headed to the car that took them from the cocktail party to the wedding. They took pictures while they were in that gorgeous care. So after Darren told us that he and Mia were engaged and he spoke about their wedding many times in the press and we saw photos of lots of people attending the reception and we know their best friends were there and Vera Wang was there but you believe the wedding was fake because they didn’t share photos of the actual ceremony. You believe however, that Chris and Darren are married because you have a grainy photo of Chris you claim shows a ring that he wore once, a satirical exchange between Alla and Chris about covering up his bad behavior, another joke about untrue rumors, a joke about a bird and a made up story about 2 rings during the Glee proposal scene? Cuz that is all perfectly logical and exactly what a grown up would surmise from this evidence. Simply for the sake of the truth I must say: The photos of Darren and Mia we have seen of them coming out of the hotel were taken  before the wedding. ENews were wrong. We know this because they now have rings and because the wedding was held at the Museum. It’s funny to me that CCers can’t accept this fact when you listed some of the reasons yourself :No rings, no bouquet, no family... not that you have to have any of those things to make it a real wedding.  A real wedding is simply a vow which can be a simple as “do you promise to take this person in sickness and in health blah blah blah” and an officiant has to sign a marriage certificate. That is all it takes to be a real wedding-everything else bells and whistles. I got married 24 years ago and didn't throw a bouquet because the tradition is outdated and tired. We will never see the vows or the family “stepping out” whatever that means- because that is private and for them and not us)(I don’t understand the comment about Darren’s causal pap walk is more dapper than his wedding suit...please don’t tell me they are claiming that his zebra pants and Dalton sweatshirt are “more dapper” than his beautiful designer tuxedo because that is beyond juvenile and petty. That is something a 10 yo would say. You might not like Darren’s wedding style, but the wedding was for Darren and Mia and not a fandom of haters)     
They were so young and so ill-prepared for the harsh bearding and constant separations they were subjected to. Not to mention the pressure both the beards put on them. They may’ve broken up a couple of times - with all the cruel and intense contrived situations and beards/bearding that played out right in front of our eyes and quite possibly other behind the scenes nightmarish scenarios thankfully hidden from us… 
(Now we get to the fantasy portion of the show...the fanfiction he/she is writing as they go along...this kind of speculation where strayers are victimized is never a healthy way to think about someone you know very little about. This is a classic rescue fantasy)
Chris and Darren don’t seem to be the type who will run out and get divorced at the first sign of any discord. They were too in love and they thought they were “IT” for each other and no strangers to being under PR pressure. Depression even. Both of their parents have/had solid marriages and no one needs to be told of Chris’s childhood circumstances. I don’t think either one would cave under pressure of any kind or over a few spats. 
(Here we get into absolute fanfiction. Nothing is rooted in any sort of reality...this is their fantasy playing out in their heads in minute and inappropriate detail. It is NEVER Ok to fantasize about someone else’s mental health or to put a diagnose on a stranger. Depression isn’t something you use to justify your concern. We know nothing about their parent’s marriages. Nobody ever knows what happens behind closed doors).
Translated, that would mean their marriage is still very much intact, despite the storms they had to continuously weather. (ugh)
It wasn’t just me spinning a tale with my vivid imagination. A lot of the fandom believed CC to be married. 
(You are right about this-it is the entire fandom spinning a tale with a vivid imagination...that doesn’t make it any better). 
There are so many CC hints out there that are so adorable.  (I can’t wait)
Just like Darren’s touch or the sweep of his hand over Chris’s back EVERY SINGLE DAY… as he was leaving the stage after their Klaine routine at Glee Live. It wasn’t done for anyone else’s benefit - BUT JUST FOR CHRIS… as the stage lights were turned down or off completely. The cameras caught it in the subdued lighting. And we, the CC fandom ran with it. 
(I never watched Glee Live and wasn’t aware of the CC fandom’s bananas back then- so I have no idea what this is even about...anyone? anyone.. Bueller?). 
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Glee Live was in 2011 but Hedwig on Broadway was from APR - JULY of 2015.
One of the biggest CC hints for me was the Chris Col-FUR that Darren introduced into his Broadway show, specifically on Chris’s birthday - May 27, 2015 and kept it going all the way to the closing show on July 19, 2015.
(riiiggghhhttt because a funny, clever joke -on stage- about a former costar is PROOF they are married.) 
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In 2015!!!
(The leap in logic here is astronomical and scary. Why did he tell the joke? Because it is clever and funny. They were friends. The joke doesn’t need for them to be anything more than friends for it to work. “I know a guy”. It wasn’t “I’m fucking a guy”)
Look at this set of tweets from Belasco, from the same day - Chris’s birthday.
(aaannnd here we see how gullible the fandom can be when it suits their needs. Anyone can tell a story and as long as it proves CC is real, nobody questions it. it doesn’t matter if it is stupid-like the one where Max Adler saw a girl wearing Darren’s merch sunnies and asked “are you a fan of Darren’s” and without being asked, he proceeded to just unload about how awful Mia is, how everyone hates her, how Darren is such a pushover he doesn’t know how to get rid of her. The story is basically Max sees sunnies, asks if she is a Darren fan, and then speaks for 10 minutes straight about the evil Mia, they wrap it up with small talk about the area and everyone leaves. There is DisneyPrincessModelWorld who has been trolling them with “insider stories” and “the ghost” for years, and now we have this nonsense...)
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Darren looked up on many days and you don’t need me to offer any clarification here.
I have trimmed the pictures to get past the new rules.
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(Yes, Darren TOTALLY looked to the rafters where Chris was often hanging from his bat wings. He would spend the show sending heart eyes down to his lover- and Darren, who is so terrified to breach THE Contract that he married a woman he detests, couldn’t help himself...he had to sing to his man and look up, giving away Chris’s hiding place show-after-show. Risking being caught was worth it to sing to his man and to gauze longingly in to the darkness where he just KNEW Chris was hanging) 
(oh look, the BEST is last....)
Keeping the best for last…
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(Oh, another lie posted to social media that the CC fandom ate up because CC Confirmed. Damn, I was expecting something concrete...some real proof...this was the “best” after all. Instead we have a completely absurd fabricated quote written either BY a CCer or for a CCer) 
And YET…
We are being asked to believe that Darren ran off and married his beard… - who was supposedly in a relationship with another man (there are rumors about beard being married to Hudson) the best part of 2014 - 2018. Give or take… as I don’t follow them or track them.��
(Yes, you are being asked to believe that because that is what happened- there are photos and a hundred or so guests who witnessed the entire 4 days of events leading up to the wedding. There are candid photos of the reception inside the museum posted on their friends’ social media). (This might be my favorite statement “There are RUMORS about beard being married to Hudson”, who could have started those rumors? and of course, rumors make it true so this is a slam dunk)  
Now, if it was all in our imagination, that would be one thing. 
(It absolute is ALL in your imagination. Everything here- including “the best you saved for last” is just your imagination, but I’ll play along...whatchagot?)
Pic courtesy - Just Jared
My apologies for posting her picture. Forgive me for not masking her face as I need to make the point below.
(You are NOT forgiven, it is Darren’s wedding day after all and you claim to be his biggest fans so posting his bride shouldn’t be a problem) 
Why do they all (including Ashley Weston) look like ‘deer caught in the headlights’ immediately after?  
(Oh, THIS is your Proof? Proof that Darren and Mia didn’t get married? a picture of a bride and a groom and some of their groomsmen. You aren’t doing very good here. Your “proof” is a photo of everyone looking shellshocked coming  out of a building on their way to their wedding ceremony?  Well, let’s think really hard...thinking... thinking.. why would they look shellshocked? Maybe because they were ambushed by paparazzi they weren’t expecting and didn’t want)
As if they have no clue what to do next.  I have never seen a newly-wed couple with that same expression.
(Yes, I would imagine that is exactly what they are thinking...worrying that the paparazzi just spoiled their opportunity to get married without the world knowing. Worrying that they might get ambushed by multiple paparazzi at their reception creating a nightmare. Worrying that the paparazzi might get inside the museum and catch the wedding itself. I actually believe you- I am sure that you have never seen newlyweds ambushed by paparazzi. I think this is the first thing you have said that is actually accurate and credible)  
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Now we have ajw’s tags: 
#i always though CC was married as welli don't want to make any firm statements yetbut i lean it was staged and not real hence why the did it in NOLAI am sure however there will be more pics of the sham ceremony and suchthey fucked up the encage royallythey need to at least make this seem a little more real
(I am shocked that she actually believed they were married. I thought she just said that to convince her minions. I mean on Saturday night I figured out she meant it. Watching all of them go right back to the very techniques and beliefs the led them to such a meltdown on Saturday is interesting. They have no adaptation skills and no self preservation instincts. I love that she keeps stringing people along like a good narcissist. “I will be announcing my pick for _____(insert some swamp dwelling bottom feeder) for _____ Cabinet position). I love the rationale the it was in NOLA was because it was staged....because Hollywood isn’t perfect for staging a fake something. I can’t believe she said “fucked”. I didn’t know she had it in her. So she’s back to doing everything she did before she decided she needed pull back some. She’s back to harassing Mia, victimizing Darren, claiming she is his biggest supporter because she will rescue him from the horror that is Ryan Murphy. blah blah blah).  
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thewitchqueen281 · 6 years
Experiment 808 AU
Hey so I did actually have someone show some interest in this AU, but I’m awful at formatting so I'm just making a separate text post. Read about each character under the cut. A bit about the setting. It’s pretty distant future, this big lab in the middle of the city was commissioned to make a ton of super soldiers. Not knowing where to start they just... started kidnapping kids. Like from their cribs and everything. Not legal but they can like start from scratch there. By the time most of them are ten they’ve been tortured and beaten and do not want to be there. So they just escape. Because like what are they going to do to stop a bunch of kids with powers.  They run free into the city. They stay hidden in bunkers and hideouts. They are all about 15~16 ish. I haven't decided whether or not Al is still a year younger or if they are twins so, for now, its up too you. 
Anyway, enjoy these stupid teens.
Has gills on his neck and sides, and dragonfly wings.
the wings are red and while he can fly fast can’t fly for a very long time. 
Instead of his traditional black tank top and coat, he wears one of those knit sleeveless turtleneck things with his red coat that ties around in the front.
Anyone with gills is bioluminescent underwater, he glows red in his face and all around his arms.
he wears a different outfit because it hides his wings and his gills. 
still kind of a little shit. 
knows all the other kids, is friends with most of them surprisingly. 
lives with his brother, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeyes, and Denny Brosh in an abandoned library on the west side of the city. Because they are the kids he trusts the most.
he would live with Ling, Lan Fan, and Winry. But Ling and Lan Fan don't really live anywhere and Winry travels between all the kid's hideouts making sure they didn't break anything.
Likes knives, like really really likes knives
has like twenty on him at all times. 
he actually meets Ling by throwing a knife at him and getting really pissed that he missed. 
Roy Mustang 
Has a salamander tail, sometimes breaths a small bit of fire. 
Doesn't really like people at all. 
is four ten and has a lisp and you can pry this headcanon away from my cold dead hands. 
frequent all-nighters, whether playing video games or trying to master fire breath. 
Wears really baggy cargo pants, he likes the pockets. 
has a haircut with two very long pieces of hair in the front and kinda shitty bangs. 
he regrets this haircut. 
he’s best friends with Riza and Ed because Riza and Ed are also wild kids who won't stop him from jumping off really high places or putting bugs in Al’s tea. 
Likes lollypops, no one is sure why he just thinks they taste nice. 
huge crush on Jean Havoc from the group uptown, The others make fun of him. 
Riza Hawkeye 
Has a cheetah tail and likes to R U N
She's a very fast girl, for a long time everyone thought that was one of the abilities given to her during her time in the lab.
it's not  
she just likes to run. 
despite being a wild teen is the second most sensible one in their group. Has had to drag Roy to bed, but almost everyone has had to do that once or twice.
cant cook for shit. like really. she hates cooking shes so bad at it. 
everyone expects her to be the mom for some reason like they think she cooks and cleans. 
shed rather die, Ed cooks, they take shifts cleaning.
loves long skirts and horror novels. 
likes to think she can talk to ghosts or summon demons. 
or maybe she can. 
nobody really knows. 
Talks to herself on occasion. 
Has gills like his brother. Very small antlers as well.
glows blue underwater near his ears and around his legs. He and his brother have matching symbols on their backs.  
wears a blue hoodie to cover the antlers. 
The actual Mom Friend TM 
Enjoys tea and not having to deal with his brother and CO’s bullshit. 
for once would like to sleep in. just once. 
Would be a wine mom but he is responsible and doesn't drink while underage, unlike almost all of his friends who really don't seem to give a shit.
Sassy, like, really sassy. 
bad at hiding his emotions. 
you will know when he thinks your being a dumbass.
*looks into the camera like he's on the office* 
“Al me and the others are going to jump off the top of the building and see with we can stop ourselves.” “Good luck brother.”
Is friends with everyone and really he loves them all but goddamn. 
One time Ed dated a real shit head and you don't want to know what happened after he dumped Ed. he isn't dead but he won't be walking anytime soon.
Denny Brosh
Has Squid tentacles under his arms and fins on his legs. He glows a bright yellow underwater. 
Knits, like a lot. Every one of them has a homemade sweater from him. the others he lives with wear theirs all the time. Because they do gross things like care about one another in this household. 
Is still really good friends with Maria Ross, he wishes they saw each other more. 
can and will shock you with his tentacles, especially if you make jokes about them. 
Meme dream team leader. 
Al doesn't understand memes and Denny hurts every day because of this. 
has a bright yellow sweater that he knitted himself and then had every single one of his friend sign.
Thinks Kain Furey is super cute. Roy thinks he's super gross because Furey is an innocent Denny!
wholesome meme some days sex jokes on others. 
pretty much all the kids have pretty severe mental health issues, but Denny is one of the few who has tried to help his. 
takes anxiety meds. 
while he doesn't have any sibling this timeline he has his friends and honestly they are pretty close to siblings. 
has called Ed big brother but like everyone has once or twice. Ed doesn't really give a shit and has accepted his fate as the oldest and apparently the most brother like. 
Maria Ross 
Lots a scales, like all over her body. 
has wings but she isn't sure what animal they could be from.
they are big and scaley like her. 
Lives with Olivier, Mei Chang, Sheska, and Winry Rockbell when she's around. They live in an old dinner on the east side of town. 
Would date Sheska 100%. 
Sorta has claws, doesn't matter she enjoys painting them. 
Good friends with Olivier, actually best friends. This is a problem in some ways because Olivier and Denny don’t get along at all. 
Has a gun, only used it once or twice to protect her friends. 
she hopes she never has to use it again.
Sometimes wonders what her family would be like if she hadn't grown up in a lab. Wonders whether of not her family sold her or if she was stolen. She wonders for the other kids as well.
Breaths and cries ice. 
prefers if her friends called her Ria 
Olivier Armstrong  
This bitch got bat wings
they are fucking huge. 
she can’t really hide them so she only goes outside at night. 
she has become a cryptid. 
blurry shitty pictures of her crouching on buildings wings extended, her eyes glowing are all over forums. 
Batgirl strikes again?? 
she thinks its super funny. 
Doesn't really try to hide how she's feeling. 
most of the time she’s Arragont or amused.
Anime character tch. 
Her list of people she dislikes is bigger than the list of people she likes. 
that's a lie she loves all her friend's
she’s just bad about showing it and claims to hate them. 
everyone calls her Livi. 
she hates it but nobody cares. 
keeps her hair in a ponytail.
Mei Chang
has a cat tail, and night vision.
Please don't make any jokes. 
she doesn't want this.
People sometimes pull her tail. they only pull it once though. People learn from their mistakes.
wears a big pink coat with lots of pockets. she keeps both dead mice and her kunai in the pockets. 
Is Winrys assistant when she's around.
loves to help. is crushing on Al from the west side library. Everyone knows but Al. Ed and Ling think that is hilarious. Like it didn't take them months to get over themselves. 
Ling is her half-brother. She isn't sure how trustworthy the info is because it’s something she heard from lab technicians. 
Wants to learn to fight better but nobody wants to spar with her. 
Sit’s up at night and stares at her coffee. 
it’s cold now but she can’t get to sleep. 
Winry Rockbell 
Has butterfly wings, emperor butterfly wings. They don't make her as fast as Ed but it is faster to fly than to walk and she can fly for pretty long periods of time.
automail isn't really a thing. So Winry does general doctor stuff.
she goes between bases and makes sure that everybody is healthy. 
most of the time that isn't the case so shes pretty much always working.
Thinks Mei is a wonderful helper.  
Wears her signature tube top. doesn't travel through populated areas and definitely doesn't by day.
Butterflygirl isn't as cool as a cryptid as Batgirl so she doesn't get much coverage. 
Will still hit you with a wrench don't test her. 
She carries it and her entire toolbox because she’ll be damned if she loses time for her machines while helping out these idiots.
Dating Mothman. 
Mothman is actually Lan Fan. this joke doesn't make a lot of sense to her because Lan Fan doesn't have moth wings. Ling and Ed tell her to shut up and go with it. She rolls her eyes fondly. 
Kain Fuery 
Has ant antenna. he can send messages across radio waves because of this. makes it easy to keep up with his friends. 
Lives with Jean and Rebbeca in what they think was once a club. It's unused now but it does have an underground bunker for some reason.
He is an innocent 
(He isn't) 
keeps a picture of some dog in his pocket. 
he needs it to keep up morale. 
yes, it is just a stock photo of a dog that he stole out a picture frame at wallmart a couple years ago.
He really likes animals. Ed and Roy hate going out with both him and Al in a pair because both of them insist on stopping to pet every dog and cat or whatever animal.
Functional Bi 
Jean Havoc  
Has fins he thinks. they are like spiky and help him swim better. they are all over his back and wrap around his arms. Has gills, and he tends to glow a bluish purple.  
he lives in the club but prefers to be near the docks. 
Loves to swim
Just call him Jean
Please god just call him Jean. 
Olivier and Maria butchered his last name so bad when he first meet him that he is permanently traumatized. 
he’s being dramatic but like, that's who he is??
Disaster Bi 
Pinning? His constant mood?
Ling Yao
Red panda tail and claws. 
Loves sweet things, like so much.
Can see in the dark, loves his night vision
Thinks Ed throwing knives at him is super hot
Ed is Concerned TM 
Doesn't really live anywhere. 
bounces around the bases with Lan Fan. 
Lan Fan is actually his twin sister but they haven't told Mei that yet.
he doesn't know why people don't just know.
Climbs in Ed’s window in the middle of the night. 
freaked Ed out the first time it happened but he got used to it. 
spars on rooftops in the middle of the day. 
For some reason, nobody seems to freak out. 
Kink is love and appreciation
doesn't actually know most of the other kids. Sometimes there will just be a different kid at the base and He’ll be like cool.
Everone knows about Ling though. 
Lan Fan
She has lunar moth wings. Although Winry seems to think they are from some type of butterfly like her. Ed and Ling know the truth and call her moth man. 
She flicks their faces for it. 
loves food. thinks it must be because lunar moths cant eat, that side of her wants to eat E V E R Y T H I N G. 
Or maybe she just has a huge appetite because Ling eats a ton as well. 
has night vision as well.
Is her last name Fan? Not even she knows. 
Everyone calls her Lan Fan though. 
Spars with Ling but prefers fighting with Ed because Ling holds back. Ed doesn't.
tries so hard not to scream at her friends. 
god, she tries so hard. 
This took so long. If you want to hear about specific characters request it and I’ll make another one of these. If anyone wants to write a fanfic send it to me, I’ll be the first one to kudos that ish.  
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thebookrat · 6 years
A quick note: joining us today is Margaret Peterson Haddix, one of the few (there were a grand total of 2) authors my non-reading sister has ever enthusiastically read and pushed on me. In addition to this guest post and giveaway, Margaret will be hosting a Twitter Takeover on @YoungEntMag on April 23rd, from 7-9pm ET. Margaret will be discussing some of her “firsts” and answering reader questions about her books, so make sure to stop by and check it out!
Welcome to Day #2 of The Summer of Broken Things Blog Tour!
To celebrate the release of The Summer of Broken Things on April 10th, blogs across the web are featuring exclusive content from Margaret Peterson Haddix and 10 chances to win a copy of the book! 
Atocha Memorial
My daughter and I were lost.
We were holding a map of Madrid in our hands, and we knew both the name of the street we were on and the nearest intersection. So our problem wasn’t exactly that we were geographically lost, but that the landmark we expected to see before us—a memorial to the victims of train bombings in 2004—was nowhere in sight.
So maybe the problem was that the memorial was lost?
It was the hottest day of our August 2015 trip to Spain for me to do research for my book, THE SUMMER OF BROKEN THINGS. The two of us were already sweaty and thirsty and exhausted from hours of walking around looking at other sites I intended to use in the book. 
“Maybe the map’s just a little off, and it’s actually in the next block,” I suggested.
“If we ever find this place and then your editor makes you cut that scene from your book, I’m going to be so mad,” my daughter groused.
And… that made me give up. Because I didn’t know for sure if I was going to mention the Atocha train station memorial (also known as the 11-M Memorial) in my book. I wasn’t entirely certain which of the sites we’d visited would find their way into the first draft of the book, let alone stay around for the final version. That’s the nature of research trips, at least the way I do them—I never entirely know what’s going to be important, so I try to see and do as much as I can.
But that afternoon I decided it was time to be kind to my daughter and go get something cold to drink instead of continuing our search. She was along as my combination tour guide and translator, since her Spanish skills are far superior to mine and she’d actually spent a semester studying in Spain only a year and a half before. And amazingly--given the pace of our trip and our jet lag and all the other things that can go wrong during travel--we really only had that one moment of grouchiness with each other.
That evening back in our (air-conditioned) Airbnb apartment, I doubled down on my internet research, and re-convinced myself that the Atocha memorial could end up playing a vital role in my book. And the next morning, better rested and less grumpy, we walked right to it.
The secret was that it was mostly underground, which I saw as a perfect metaphor for both grief and the underlying problems my main characters, Avery and Kayla, have in THE SUMMER OF BROKEN THINGS. The only way to get into the memorial is to first walk through the train station. And I really do not blame the people who run the train station for not having a lot of signs directing visitors to the memorial—I took several trains in and out of Atocha station myself that week, and I didn’t want to be reminded every time that it had been the site of a terrorist bombing killing 191 people not that long ago.
But I found myself in awe of the memorial itself. In one sense, it is only a dark, empty room, sealed off from the rest of the train station by thick, mostly soundproof glass that makes the ordinary scene outside seem surreal. Isolated in that room, I wondered if that’s what it might feel like to be a ghost, to hover near the living but not be able to reach or speak to them. 
The main light in that memorial comes from above, from a funnel of words on translucent plastic. The words are the expressions of grief in multiple languages that flowed into Madrid after the bombing. They make a twisting spiral of sorrow and condolences, woe and comfort.
The morning we were there, my daughter and I had the memorial to ourselves; nobody else visited. I wondered if that was a sign that, after more than a decade, the grieving survivors of those who died in the 11-M bombing have less of a need for the memorial.
But the room’s stillness and condolences might still serve as a beacon for others who are lost or in pain.
And s of course I ended up placing the Atocha memorial in my book. It becomes an important place for Kayla at a time when she’s also lost and struggling and in need of comfort. And then eventually Avery finds solace there, too.
Some lost places are worth searching for.
Blog Tour Schedule:
April 16th — BookhoundsYA April 17th — The Book Rat April 18th — Book Briefs April 19th — Parajunkee April 20th — A Dream Within a Dream April 23rd — Crossroad Reviews April 24th — I Am a Reader April 25th — Page Turners April 26th — Once Upon a Twilight April 27th — Tales of the Ravenous Reader
Buy: Amazon | Indiebound
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Follow Margaret: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
From New York Times bestselling author Margaret Peterson Haddix comes a haunting novel about friendship and what it really means to be a family in the face of lies and betrayal. Fourteen-year-old Avery Armisted is athletic, rich, and pretty. Sixteen-year-old Kayla Butts is known as “butt-girl” at school. The two girls were friends as little kids, but that’s ancient history now. So it’s a huge surprise when Avery’s father offers to bring Kayla along on a summer trip to Spain. Avery is horrified that her father thinks he can choose her friends—and make her miss soccer camp. Kayla struggles just to imagine leaving the confines of her small town. But in Spain, the two uncover a secret their families had hidden from both of them their entire lives. Maybe the girls can put aside their differences and work through it together. Or maybe the lies and betrayal will only push them—and their families—farther apart. Margaret Peterson Haddix weaves together two completely separate lives in this engaging novel that explores what it really means to be a family—and what to do when it’s all falling apart.
About the Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix is the author of many critically and popularly acclaimed YA and middle grade novels, including the Children of Exile series, The Missing series, the Under Their Skin series, and the Shadow Children series. A graduate of Miami University (of Ohio), she worked for several years as a reporter for The Indianapolis News. She also taught at the Danville (Illinois) Area Community College. She lives with her family in Columbus, Ohio.
One (1) winner will receive a finished copy of The Summer of Broken Things
US only
Fill out the Rafflecopter to enter
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Ends April 24 at 11:59 EST
Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway via The Book Rat
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dantelaw21 · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 299
Click on the video above to watch Episode 299 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
All right, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 299. We’re one away from big Episode 300. I’m gonna call this episode where everyone is getting old and wearing glasses except Chris. I just realized all of us are now wearing glasses except Chris. Yeah, well, you guys spending too much time in front of your computers. There we go. Yeah, gotta change it around. This is the year we try to get ourselves off to the computer. So anyways, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. We’re gonna say hi, real quick catch up with everybody. And then we got a couple quick announcements before diving into the questions. So I’ll start on the bottom here since it’s cloudy weather element Marco. How you doing today? I have my lights on. That’s why it looks so bright. Yeah, it’s raining. It’s supposed to be raining. So finally got me with the lights on. But I can’t complain this nice a warm, actually. I’m kind of trying to hide trying to blend into the background. So Google doesn’t see me.
It’s all good man. I’m gonna
Having a good time.
Outstanding All right. Well, let’s work our way around. Hernan you got those new glasses what’s going on with you?
Yeah, man, I’m just trying to trying to blend in. I got I got glasses and now you got glasses. I mean yeah man we get rid of this and have a beard and growing a beard. Damn it. You’re doing the 50 K I might do the 50 now, so good man these are blue light blocking glasses, you know? Because there’s one this one guy show me one this really nerdy yellow like super like
orangey glasses and they make you look stupid. I know I won’t be wearing next week.
Yeah, do you don’t think the big square bc birth control glasses make you look stupid though right now, man. No, I can’t I can talk like this. Nobody will.
But a lady repellent. Yeah, exactly. say wait a second. Are you wearing those or are you being forced to wear this?
What this one glasses. Yeah, I’m just kidding.
You look good. I was just wondering maybe you’re making you know this light and blue light blue light blocking. I’m still confused. Why are you wearing blue light blocking glasses in the middle of the day or now? Yeah, well, it’s time. 5pm So, five 6pm So, all right. Well, before we tell everyone all about our AI problems, let’s see Chris, how you doing today? Man? Doing good, man. I hit the gym for like, I don’t know, like after another two week break for the first time again. Sore all over again. Hit the leg so hard. So yeah, like, I’m pretty sure you’re gonna feel the same way. Next week?
Yes, definitely. Yeah, I’m headed out. Taking a couple of weeks and hitting the road literally going to be gone for a couple of weeks and doing some trail running. So for those of you in the northwest, you know what mountain trail was? Yeah. We’re going to be doing a run around Mount St. Helens, as well as doing some visiting up there. Go to some campgrounds and stuff. So, Bradley, how about you? How are things on the East Coast today. Good. Happy to be here I’ve been trying to
do I’ve got a bunch of lead gen projects I’m working on. And so I’m trying to spend as much time on those as possible. But I’ve had a really good month in real estate flipping land and I’ve got a lot of deals coming in right now. So it’s kind of hard because I’m, I’m conflicted, the real estate money is really damn good. So I have to do I have to pursue that when it comes in. But at the same time, I’ve got other projects I’m trying to work on. So it’s kind of difficult balancing right now, but I’m happy to be here and got a lot of stuff coming up. So that’s the end. Well, we got a few things I want to mention to everybody real quick. First of all, is kofu. Live as we’ve been saying that is still on, we got a lot of cool,
cool stuff we’re going to be talking about. You can find out more about that at Boku live.com not just the cool stuff, but also what you can get. So head over there, check out the VIP ticket, I highly recommend it. We have priced it accordingly. We really want people to grab the VIP ticket and get
The most out of this. But if you want, you can grab the VIP plus as well and get some one on one time with us, which if you were going to book that separately, I mean, we know roughly what each other charge but I didn’t sit down and like calculate it out, but it’s a hell of a deal. So if that’s something you want to take advantage of, go grab one of those. There are limited number of those because we can’t just sit around talking to everybody all day. Unfortunately, we do have our own businesses and agencies to run. So go and check those out. We got some more information coming out later in August about the guest speakers and exactly what they’re going to be covering. But we got some great stuff. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again and we’ve got two more agency owners along with Rob Beal and dedhia is going to be giving a case study to so tons of stuff and more. More to come. So again, poku live.com. Now, something else I want to talk about and Bradley, maybe you can share some info. I just got the link to this. You’re going to be talking with Jeremy from Press Advantage on Monday. Correct.
Yes, Monday at 3:30pm.
We’ve got another webinar with Jeremy, one of the CO owners of Press Advantage, which is the press release service that we’ve been using. I mean, primarily for several years now I’ve been with Press Advantage for six since. They’ve pretty much since they launched, so five or six years, maybe even longer than that. But anyways, he only opens up the subscription offers that he’s done for us. Rarely, let’s put it that way. Very rarely does he open up those subscription offers. And he’s, um, he’s prepared or planning to do that again next week. There are some new features that are been rolling out for Press Advantage and it’s just a good time to do so. And we’ve been asking him to open that back up again for some time. So he’s, he’s actually doing that for us next Monday at 3:30pm. So be on the lookout for the link. If you don’t, if Adam doesn’t post it here, you’ll get it via email plus in the groups and sign up for that any of you that are using press releases consistently for your marketing, whether it’s for clients or your own projects, we highly recommend them. They work incredibly well. I use them a lot. And so if you’re doing a lot of them, it’s probably best in your best interest to have your own subscription. And next week’s a good time to get it. So be there. Definitely, yeah, so that’ll be Monday. 3pm Eastern, and I thought will be Say that again. I believe it’s 330 Let me double-check. No, it’s 3 pm. I’m sorry. Yes. 3pm. Okay, so 3pm Eastern, and we will be sending out an email about that. I did just post the link. So stay tuned for that. But if you are interested in what press releases can do for you, then I highly suggest showing up plus Jeremy like Bradley said it’s gonna have a very special offer going with that. Yeah, real quick, guys. If anybody you know, before you even go on the webinar for that if, if you want to see how to use press releases in a way that just works incredibly well. Just go to our YouTube channel and search for press release SEO, and you’ll find
The webinar that we did, it’s also at MGYB. If you look in the webinar section on MGYB, the store, you’ll see that there’s we did a Marco and I did a webinar about how we use press releases and PR silo stacking. So essentially siloing press releases together. And it works really, really well. And I would highly recommend it if you’re on the fence or considering getting your own press release subscription that you go watch that webinar first so that you have an idea of how powerful they are and how to use them the best way. Definitely, will Bradley beat me to it. I was going to say speaking of MGYB and a lot of you guys took advantage of the awesome Fourth of July sale we had last month. There’s still some good stuff going on. If you had some updates coming so go check out mg y v.co for your done for you services. But yeah, as Bradley said up there, you’ll see the little webinar button click on that. And then there’s a bunch of the best practices webinars which is just basically free, great training information. So go check those out. So here’s a bit of something Why don’t we bundle the Press Advantage offer with Local PR Pro I’m just throwing it out there we don’t have to decide right now but I mean it just it goes hand in hand let’s let’s work it out and make them an offer they can’t refuse so they get results right away the way we do that. And one more thing before we go I don’t want to set any hard dates because it’s a work in progress. But there’s something coming for Syndication Academy. Yeah, look new flavor.
We’re working on it. We’re working on it guys. Let’s say sometime towards the fourth quarter of the year sometime. Look for it. It revamped updated when I bought properties. I don’t know how you can make the best better but we are.
Yeah, yes. Yeah. And I was gonna say I was gonna turn into t test I’ll keep this one short because we can’t really say much about it. But yeah, the webinar go get signed up for that. Keep your eyes and ears peeled about Syndication Academy and Bradley’s going to be doing some testing for some additional link building based stuff. And we’ll just leave it at that for now and say that, should that go? Well, that’s definitely something we’ll be letting everyone know about. Yep.
Cool. All right, guys. Anything else before we dive in? We’re good. All right. Let’s do it. Grab the screen.
You guys are seeing my screen correct?
Yep. So yeah, right.
What Phone Number To Use When Setting Up The GMB For A Local Lead Gen Site?
jump right into it. So olana says, Hi guys. Setting up a local lead gen site. Haven’t got a phone number for it yet. Would you wait until after you have the number to set up the GMB? Yes, I think you have to actually you have to have a phone number. As far as I remember. I haven’t set up a GMB in quite some time, but I’m pretty sure you have to have a phone number. Also, which of the following Do you use for lead gen an 800 number, a one 300 number. I’ve never even heard of that mobile or local landline with a reader.
I prefer using call rail. I still use call rail. I’ve used call fire in the past and I’ve got a ton of numbers in call fire comm that I would like to port over to call rail is a better platform. It gives you a ton more features. It’s inexpensive, but it takes it’s a long process of porting numbers. So I just have two accounts. I’ve got call firing call rail. I prefer using call rail. Again, I use call rail for several of my lead gen assets as well as my own real estate business. Because I use a lot of phone numbers for tracking marketing purposes and stuff. But I really, really like call rail. Does anybody else have any suggestions?
Call rail. I can’t say anything else. It’s what I use. Yeah. And no, not an 800 number. All right. So if you’re going to work local, which your car it no matter where you go, you don’t want that 800 number you want that local number you want people kind of like that local numbers I’ve seen better results with a local number than an ad hundred number unless you’re widely known for having that 800 number. Does that make sense? Or did I lose everybody? So 100 works when you’re widely known like like, something like roto rooter, let’s say or plumbers nine one, that kind of thing. But if you’re local and you want people to you to want to create that familiarity it really helps to have that local number.
Yes, I agree. I use answerconnect.com to send phone calls into a call center so that the phone always gets answered. It screens the calls there’s a ton of benefits for using a call center. And I have been since 2013, the same account, answer Connect comm I really can’t say enough good things about them. And so they give you an 800 number but you can forward or redirect local numbers to the 800 number which is what I do. That way. You know, I can have multiple lead gen assets all funneling into that with their own separate local numbers, but all funneling into the same call center if it’s for the same service provider, essentially.
But there’s a lot of really cool things. And by the way, guys, I’m working on a lot of lead gen stuff right now, and I’ve got some case studies I’m working on that I’ll be making public, not just within our groups. And I’ve also got some things that I’m going to be introducing to everybody when I do make that case studies public that I think will help a lot of you with your lead gen business. I can’t really talk much about it right now, but I just kind of wanted to tease it. So there you go.
How To Generate Quality Content For A Niche Blog If You Don’t Like Writing?
The next question is, Hey, guys, I want to set up a niche blog, but I don’t like writing How can I generate the quality content myself for my niche blog? Will the generated content be good enough for niche blogging? Thanks, Content Kingpin.
When I first started in SEO and local lead gen way back in, you know, 2010 timeframe. I was actually doing blog posts. Right after, I’d kind of developed the Syndication Academy method, and because it was just working like crazy good, I knew that blogging was going to be the way to populate the networks and get results. And so I was actually blogging for industries that I knew nothing about. I was actually writing the posts myself. And it was incredibly time-consuming. And it’s frustrating because I had to learn a lot about the businesses and the topics and such. And I, fortunately, I got introduced to content curating, and I don’t remember who introduced me to it or whatever, but I kind of started reading about it. And then I bought a couple of courses about content curating, and some plugins and all kinds of stuff. And I started curating content and I got much more efficient at generating content. And he also I didn’t have to know as much about a topic because you can just find subject matter, you know, find articles on the web or content. It doesn’t have to be articles. It can be podcasts, videos, infographics, slide presentations, it could be a number of things that are based around the topic that you are writing about that are written by or produce the contents produced by subject matter experts or SMEs. And you can get really good and really efficient at producing content by just being able to find and locate content developed or produced by subject matter experts. And then curating it and creating a unique post based upon using, you know, snippets of content from the subject matter experts, it’s already been published. So that’s, you know, been my preferred method. And I was actually doing that on my own. I use some tools and some plugins at the time. But once my business got to a certain level, it was just way too time-consuming. Even with using curated content, I was too time-consuming for me to produce it myself. So I developed training and hired a virtual assistant and handed it over to them and she’s still with me today. By the way, her name is Esther she’s still my primary number one blogger that works for me right now.
But anyway, long story short, I ended up training multiple virtual assistants or bloggers or curators as what they are really, with that training. So I kind of polished it up a bit. And that’s what Content Kingpin is, which is one of our training courses. And it’s the same process that my bloggers all use today, I talked about a couple of tools, but we still primarily do everything manually. Just using like a like Feedly. For example, to the group and categorize content feeds that we know like and trust that then we can use to all So a quick glimpse my bloggers go in for whenever they’ve got to produce or publish a post, they’ll go in and just look at Feedly select that particular category or folder for the project that they’re working on. And it will show all the content that’s available than the recent content that’s available around that particular topic. And then they can choose a topic to blog about to curate a post about and then pick and choose a few articles that will either reinforce that the idea that they’re trying to convey with their posts, or sometimes they’ll do like argumentative posts where they’ll try to show in a different opinion from what perhaps others are saying. So they’ll show two sides of the coin, if that makes sense, as two different competing opinions about the same topic anyway, it’s great, it works incredibly well, it also creates co-citation. And so we highly recommend you check out Content Kingpin, it’s one of the best ways to do it. Not only that but if you were to use that site type of the system, the Content Kingpin method, then you can get away from doing it yourself. So you don’t have to publish I mean, I would learn it first. You know, learn it and understand how to do it first, but then you can actually put a virtual assistant that you hire through the course and have them do it for you, and you can kind of just managing and guide them until they get up to your standards. But that’s the best way to do it. Guys. I call it hands-free content marketing and it’s a great revenue source too because it really is simple.
Once you understand the topic concept is really, really good to anybody want to comment on that Content Kingpin doesn’t get enough credit for does what it does. People don’t understand it, I think because they get all the all this different information about unique content and duplicate content and all this bullshit that’s out there. That’s nothing. Really if it were so places like Huffington Post’s would not exist. Google News would not exist unless curated content was okay. But not only Okay, whether it was good I’d be how much traffic does it get Bing, Yahoo. All they do all day long is republish story. Huffington Post is a collection of republish story that all it is and all you’re doing with Content Kingpin is republishing the story. You’re summarizing them right taking power, whatever it is that you do it. And you’re adding your own commentary and proper attribution and it’s a done deal. I mean, it’s so simple. And yet people try to make it so much more difficult than it really should be. But yeah, totally Content Kingpin for the win. You know, and it’s interesting. I’ve just pulled this up because I did this and if you guys remember masterclass, we had a, we had a kind of a middle-tier webinar coaching program that we had called masterclass for a number of years. And I did this as a local case study, Gainesville home pros, and I’ve never done anything with it since I think that was back in 2015. Oh, look at that. It says account suspended. That’s interesting. That’s one of my Okay, well, anyway, I would sure like to show you that blog because that was curated content, the same method. My blogger Esther, who was the first one I trained using that method, produced all the content on that site using curated content, and they were beautiful posts and unfortunately, it looks like that account has been that hosting account perhaps has been suspended. I have done anything with it years. But I would like to show you guys some examples of that. But I don’t have anything that I can show you right now off the top of my head. But anyway, it’s it works really, really well the posts come out beautiful if you do it right. I would highly recommend going through Content Kingpin.
No, because there are a few things that you have to do in order to not infringe on copyright. So for example, you don’t want to curate images that can get you into trouble, asked me how I know.
Because you’ll get extortion letters from like Getty Images and other you know, asshole law firms out there that are just looking for people that have republished images without copyright, without rights to it. So there’s like a lot of things. There’s not a lot of things, but there are a few things that you really should do to make sure that you’re covering your ass when you’re curating content. So again, I highly recommend you go through the product, it’s through that program. It’s a really, really good program. It’s the same that we use today. You know, there are a lot of tools out there that can help you to manage content curating, but we’ve already.
He’s found that it really just is just as quick and easy because what happens with a lot of these tools is they stop being supported over time. We know one of them was Curation Suite that we actually promoted. And fortunately after promoting it, and after a year or so, like the support just stopped and it kind of fell off the face of the earth. The same thing with a bunch of curating plugins that I’ve used over the years, they just eventually fall off the market and they just don’t get supported. So we’ve learned to just stick with the manual process and it’s you know, once somebody becomes efficient with that process is really is a very efficient way to produce content. So you don’t need all the additional tools and plugins and things like that. So that’s why I recommend that product because it’s a Content Kingpin because it will teach you how to do it manually and then you can teach a VA how to do it by just putting them right through the same training. It’s a great question though.
What Training Do You Offer In The MasterMind That You Can’t Get In The Syndication Academy?
Jason says I’m currently in the Syndication Academy 2.0 and I was wanting to know all of the different features and benefits in the mastermind that you don’t get in the Academy. Is this all of these different training you offer in the mastermind if I joined the mastermind, can I get a discount for the cost of the academy? Okay, so first of all the mastermind you have direct access to my partners and me, as well as all the other members of the group, which we have a lot of really savvy marketers and agency owners and CEOs and such in our group. But you also have direct access to all of us to where you can ask us questions in the Facebook group at any time. We’re in there answering questions often. Plus, we each host our own separate webinars inside the mastermind. They’re bi-weekly webinars. So every two weeks each one of us hosts our own webinar. So you get to come to ask us questions at length during the webinars. Like you can post questions ahead of time for the webinars, we’ll do site audits, we’ll you know, look at your, your SEO, your you know, on-page stuff off-page stuff, we’ll help you with projects if you need it. Plus, as I said, you get to you know, come to ask me stuff, or Marco stuff or Adam, or Hernan or Chris any one of us. So there’s a lot of benefits in there that we don’t provide anywhere else we’ll go as deep into, whatever subject you want to go into, you know, and that’s one of the things that we can’t do on a free setting like this or any in any of our other groups. So the mastermind is definitely where you want to be if you want to get all that, as well as Syndication Academy is included in that. So you can cancel your Syndication Academy account if you join the mastermind because it’s included in that as well as all of our products under $300. Anything over $300 you get a significant discount. So there’s a ton of benefits to be in the mastermind. Anybody else wanna?
Yeah, I would just say Jason, if you just started Syndication Academy, if you’re just getting into it, then contact support and we’ll refund whatever you paid for Syndication Academy and you can or you can apply it towards them. However, you want to work that out, we’ll work it out for you. We always do. Why because membership has its privileges. So that’s why we do things the way we do and yes, I mean, above all else is this group of people like-minded people who are working towards what we call POFU position of Fuck you, where you have the kind of power and money where you can pick and choose your clients, your clients come to you instead of you going knocking on doors on $500 clients who are a pain in the ass. So rather than doing all that you getting all you get all of this training, you get the mindset training, you get the how-to get all of the collective knowledge, and then you have five, almost six years of webinars. Now some of them of course are dated, but we do we’re not doing webinars every week. It’s either Bradley or me like we take every other Thursday. You got Hernan, you got Adam. Yeah, Chris, everyone is giving you their perspective and their take on things so you get all of these different points of view, all of this all of these different experiences coming to you and helping you in whatever it is that you’re trying to do whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve. So it’s not just what you get as far as training. It’s the people and the relationships, the networking that you can do inside the mastermind like I know people who are working together in different projects, and we tell people to become the big fish in a little pond. But then some of them go on to and I’m gonna mention his name, for example, to dominate in the Fort Worth area. And you got another one in Minneapolis, St. Paul, the Twin Cities you got someone in the Dirty South, right South Carolina, Georgia area, who are Domini who may have started as the big fish in the little pile or becomes the little fish in the big fish in the little pond. But then they move to a bigger pond. So that we’re always pushing. We’re always encouraging people. That growth means you go to make more money until you reach a stepping point where you say, Okay, I met, hopefully, this is where I want to be, this is how I want to do it. And if I choose not to work tomorrow, I can do that because the process and the systems and everything else that I’ve gained through being in the mastermind, will take care of me not being it, the system is there, so I don’t have to be there. And I mean, just the way that this happened and how this happened, and how people finally are able to step away and say, Man, I can spend time with my family and I can relax and I can do the things I want to do, rather than having to do the things that I have to do things that I must with no other choice. So I think that that’s just one of the greater things about the mastermind is that mindset that awful, you’re going after that poof hopefully you get on that path. And it’s it becomes your magnificent obsession. I thank you CTF letcher for that. But it becomes your magnificent obsession. You’re going after that and there is nothing that can get in your way of achieving that powerful, that’s when you know that you’re there. And that’s what we’re there for. So, just because you brought up CT, and we don’t have a lot of questions, so I know we got time when we did the interview with CT Fletcher, I’ve created this text document. It’s been on my desktop ever since. And hopefully, nobody gets offended because CT Fletcher likes to cuss a lot. Say but here’s a lot of here are the quotes that struck me when we were at when we really were Marco interviewing him. I was on the webinar, but it was really Marco interviewing CT Fletcher, who’s a powerlifter. He broke a ton of records for a while. But anyway, some of these are really funny. I’m not gonna read them out to you, but you remember these Marco? Absolutely. I love them so awesome. I still watch them. Will will is king. Yeah, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. He’s so good. You ain’t pretty motherfucker. Yeah, you ain’t that birdie.
So funny. I mean, that one right there cracks me up too. I laughed out loud. Anyways, I just thought that was funny because I happen to notice it on my desktop the other day and I giggled about it. You just brought it up.
Would You Recommend A Subdirectory Or Subfolder On The Same Domain When Creating The Blog?
So anyway, Jason, next question says, Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce website using WordPress with WooCommerce. Would you recommend a subdirectory? Or folder on the same domain and load a new WordPress and create a blog? Yes, that’s what we’ve always recommended. I mean, I don’t do any e-commerce stuff. But I mean, in the past, I have done some SEO for some e-commerce clients. But it’s not something I’d like to do. So I got out of doing it, but we’ve always recommended it. So do you have control over like essentially a content distribution engine, right, and that’s WordPress is great for that? So you can either put it in a subfolder or directory of the root domain or what we always recommended was to put it in a subdomain instead. And that’s because a subdomain is still treated as content have a separate web entity or separate site, I should say, a separate website than the root domain. So that if you’re in your content distribution, you do something spammy, which if you follow our methods, you won’t have any trouble, at least, we, you know, as it stands right now, but Google could change everything in a moment’s notice. But we’ve never had any issues. But if you put in a subdomain, and you were doing something spammy or something, Google changed its rules, all of a sudden, and something became spammy, they wouldn’t affect the root domain, which is where your e-commerce site resides, it would affect the subdomain only. So we always prefer, like, you know, you could put blog as a subdomain to whatever your domain is, or whatever you want it to be news or something like that. And that’s what we prefer to do. But you could put it in a subdirectory. But yeah, that gives you the opportunity then to do all your content marketing. Remember, if you’ve got an e-commerce site, and you’ve got product categories, for example, you can mirror those same categories. We talked about theme mirroring all the time.
If you don’t know what that is, you know, it’s essentially duplicating or mirroring your site structure on other assets. So you have if you have product categories in your eCommerce site, you could mirror those same categories as content categories, or you know, in WordPress, just categories are the same. You could title them and everything the same as what they are on your eCommerce site. And then you can publish posts, blog posts, or sporting posts. That’s kind of a link building method that in place them within those particular silos or categories in the WordPress site, distribute them out to a syndication network, mirror, all of that stuff on a G site, and our ys drive stack, press releases, all that kind of stuff. You mirror all of that together, and it works really, really well to push power to your, you know, your ultimate destination, which would be your e-commerce product pages. So you want to comment on that. Yeah, we used to recommend going to a subdomain because we wanted to protect the root cause we were doing. let’s admit it, we were doing a lot of evil stuff yes to the subdomains, we were blasting them to the point where if we had them connected to the route, any penalty would pass to the root. What we’ve done is we’ve taken a step out, because now everything goes through our SEO power shield. And so now the route is protected.
And so in order to push even more power, by all means, put it in a subdirectory because then you’re accruing everything inside the root when you go into that subdirectory rather than stepping in a subdomain, which is treated as a separate website, so you’re one hop away from your root domain anyway and you’re losing link equity. When you’re anytime that you’re one hop or more away, you lose link equity at the top. When you’re in a subdomain, you don’t lose that link equity is even when you’re in the root. You don’t lose that link equity when you’re in a folder inside the root. You don’t lose that link equity because you’re not a hub away. You’re in the root, now if you do want to protect it, then you just install in the dub dub dub. So that’s where you would do the root because that’s a subdomain anyway.
So that’s how you do it. But we have the SEO PowerShell it’s not necessary anymore. Because everything that we do goes through our SEO power shield, which amplifies and protects. That’s why we call it the SEO, power shield. It powers it up, it amplifies and it protects it shields it and so that my recommendation would be totally totally unless you’re planning on doing a whole lot of evil stuff to that subdomain go with a sub but with it should be with a folder inside the root.
What Type Of Brand Property Link To Use In A Press Release?
Awesome. So next is BB BB. Look, you’ve gotten better, buddy. Your questions are a lot shorter and not quite as many. So I think we’re finally getting through to you, man. And I’m just giving you our time baby. It’s we’re always like having you here but he says Hey guys, number one does that the link to a branded property in the press release should be to the property or to one of its pages that were syndicated by RSS. Well, it depends on what you’re doing. But so, my strategy and again, it’s covered in the press release SEO, or piece PR silo stacking webinar that we did Marco and I did. Again, you can find that at MGYB or just go to youtube.com slash semantic mastery use the channel search feature search for press release SEO and you’ll find it you know, right at the top go watch that. Because what I prefer to do is we you know, we’re constantly blogging for clients or for projects period. So that populates syndication network, right, we’re building topical relevancy and depth to our silos, right depth to a particular topic. And then they syndicate out to syndication networks, right. And within every single post, within the proper silo architecture, we’re always linking back up from the post back up to the top of the silo page, which is the page that we’re trying to drive traffic to. Right. So what we do what I do is I always, you know, I like to publish press releases that are highlighting or showcasing a recent blog post. And that links to the blog post URL, which within the blog post, actually links back up to the page on the site. But I mean, you don’t have to use that strategy all the time. That’s what I do. Because I consistently publish press, we’re consistently blogging and we’re consistently publishing press releases for all of my clients or my lead gen asset. So it just works out really well because we’re providing deep links, so links further down into a silo that helps to power up with proper silo architecture, it helps to power up the entire silo and helps all of the different keywords that we’re targeting within the silo start to rise or surface in the search engines because of those deep links, right. So that’s my preferred method because it adds more diversity and it’s linking to multiple points.
Within the main money site, as opposed to always constantly hitting the homepage or just the product or service pages, the top of silo pages in other words, so I like to do deep links, but it depends on what you’re doing. If you’re not doing a lot of press releases, if you’re you know, you only got a budget for a handful of them, then it might be better to actually hit your homepage and or your top of silo pages, that kind of thing. So it really just depends on what your overall content marketing strategy is, and what you’re going to be linking to, you know that that’s going to determine where you’re going to link to from within your site. Okay.
That’s it that said, I always almost not 100% but we almost always link from within press releases to a page or post on the money site. Unless we’re doing a two-step which again, go watch the press release SEO webinar, and you’ll understand what I mean. But for example, if a client as all my local clients have Google My Business profiles. So if we publish a post when we publish a blog post on the blog, my blogger also for most of my clients will end up publishing a GMB post that points a link back to the blog post. So essentially, the GMB post is nothing other than a summary of the blog post itself with the same featured image as the image for the GMB post the photo, and then the button link, the Learn More button link links back to the blog post. So sometimes our press releases will actually link to the GMB post URL, because that ultimately links to the blog post URL, so the two-step process there. But you can also and I’ve talked about this almost every week now for the last like two months on Hump Day hangouts baby so I’m sure you’re aware of what I was what I’ve said. But you know, if you’ve got particular keywords that you’re trying to push, then you can actually go extract the post URLs from like, for example, the blogs on your syndication network, so blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, you can go extract these post URLs that are where the re-syndication or of the published the post that you publish targeting those keywords. And you can link to those within press releases too if you want to because again, that’s tiered link building. So it’s helpful in anyone, but you don’t have to. I prefer to link to those blog post URLs using daddy as link building from an MGYB because I like to use the press releases to link directly back to the money site, or two primary tier one assets, such as a GMB profile, GMB map, Id page, any one of those types of things when it comes to that.
That was a good question. By the way, bb though. Yeah, that that was a really good question. Now, I mean, the link building varies it depends on how much power you’re trying to push and where and everything is gonna be where it’s needed, where everything’s needed. Because sometimes it’s just one press release, push, can get you to where you need to be. Other times, you’re going to need way more. Yeah, there are other times when you’re going to need even link building into the press releases. There’s no one set rule because sometimes it’s just the SEO power shield coming, coming in, right coming online. And that’s enough. And sometimes it doesn’t even have to do with the competition because we’ve seen it even in some tough keyword sets that you start ranking like right from the SEO power shield. So this totally ended depends on the no definitive answer for this, other than, you’re going to have to get your press release. If you’ve set it up correctly. And you hit your top-level category rather than just like everybody does your homepage. Then your top-level category will flow and it’ll push all of that power so that everything benefits from it, including the top-level category, not just the longtail keywords, it’s how we teach it now. We teach people to go from the top-down instead of bottom-up it
It’s a little different, it’s kind of the same thing except we’re going. For example, if we want to rank for gold futures, this is just an example. It’s incredibly difficult to rank for that. But we would go even one, one level higher, we would go after the gold category, the entire gold category to pull up the gold features category instead of trying to push it up with all of the long tails. And I’ve seen that it has a greater effect when you try to go for that top-level category. on everything else, not only the longtail but the subcategory that you’re after. So I’m always telling people you go one level up. So keeping this in mind, then it’s up to you. I always tell people that we have to be scientists when we’re gauging how it is that we’re going to do this. What effect we’re trying to create, you’re going to have to create your link building and press releases are part of link building. You’re going to create it so that whatever you’re trying to benefit the most guests
The most benefit out of what you’re doing. And so you approach it that way. Yeah. So it varies. That’s the short answer. It varies. It depends, right?
Can We Use The PR Stacking Strategies With Article Directories?
Next, can we treat an article direct article, an article directory as press releases, meaning publishing, as the PR stacking and also linking to actual prs? Okay, I don’t do any article directory stuff I haven’t for years, not saying that it can’t still be useful. I just haven’t because they’ve been known to be spammy. I think a lot of the links from those get discredited. It’s much better to get like, you know, articles instead of being published on article directories, which were always known as SEO like, honey, honey, what do you call them honey, honey holes or whatever you call them. But I’m not saying that it won’t work because I don’t know. I haven’t tested it in years. If I was going to do it, maybe I would do it. Where I was only linking to SEO shield assets or like you say, can you link to PRs? Yes, that would be fun because press release wherever press releases published is going to be able to handle those type of links, you may be able to push good link equity to them, or even, it doesn’t really matter because they’re not your money site. So I, I, again, I haven’t used article directories in probably five or six years.
And so I don’t really know whether they’re still viable or if they’re still helping at any level. But if I was going to use them, I would do it too. I would use them to link only back to tier one asset not directly to the money site. And press releases are a great thing to link to. So, Marco, I know you don’t use article directories either.
I used to, it’s not necessary anymore. I don’t need to go that far. Right. The way that we’re doing it pushes so much power that we don’t need to go. I mean, when you’re already at number one, like how much better can you go than the number one.
So maybe at some point with some of the case studies that we’re doing and everything else that we have coming on e-commerce and everything else that we’re experimenting. Yeah, I would say that we can do that. But right now, or maybe we need to do that. But right now the way that we’re doing things is not necessary.
What Do You Mean By Kitchen Sink Spam?
Agreed. The last question was, what do you mean when you say kitchen sink? It gets me confused. Yeah, when I say kitchen sink spam, or when we say that, that just means using link building tools and throwing every kind of link like even some real spammy stuff, at whatever your target is. So like when we say you can throw kitchen sink spam at it, it means you could use some of the most god awful links in the world and throw them at, you know, point them at a particular target and still benefit from it. We would never encourage anybody to do that with their money site. And in fact, we prefer to still use better links.
Even if you’re using spam tools, for example, like you know, our link building master dedhia he uses a ton of link building tools but he always recommends that your the links that he builds to whatever your targets are, which we always recommend tier-one entity targets or your SEO shield essentially. But he always likes to suggest recommends using two layers two levels of contextual web two Dotto links. And then throwing if you want a third tier of links, you can throw kitchen sink spam at those contextual web two dot o links. So that’s what we mean by kitchen sink spam, it means pretty much anything under the sun, that’s a link. And a lot of those would be toxic if they’re not used properly, but they can still provide a benefit if used properly. And that’s what we talk about when we talk about you know, you can hit SEO power shields with kitchen sink spam, and they’ll end up ranking. We don’t recommend it. We still recommend using the contextual web to Dotto links. Add your first and second-tier links that are being built to your tier one assets. But you can always throw kitchen sink spam behind that if you wanted and still receive a benefit Mark has done several tests I have to, but we even did the Marco and Rob did the kind of public case study for the DC plumber and just hit it with like over a million kitchen sink spam style links, including porn porn links, and it ranked and it’s probably still ranking today. So and we just had someone in RYS Academy reloaded last week, come in and tell us that they tried the million kitchen sink, spam link test and got really good results and 89% increase in traffic month to month. Wow. So it works. However, think of it this way. If garbage links work, how much better? Will quality links work? How much better will the way that we do the tiered link building right? contextual tiered link building
How much better is that, not only for now but long term when they come looking? The first thing that they look for is that kitchen sink spam, that that the automation is is what Google is looking for. And we’re kind of hiding in plain sight because we’re not giving them what everybody else is doing. We’re doing it a little bit differently. And it just playing work. So when you’re thinking about going after that, that million links, and yeah, you can pay 50 bucks in fiber, and there’s going to be complete TSA, and it’s going to be truly, truly garbage type of stuff that you don’t want to look at. Why would you do that to your project? Why would you do that when it can show up in your link profile? Do you want that? Because we had that showing up for DC plumbing. We had those links index, man. And seriously, you didn’t want your kids looking at that you didn’t want you to want to be sitting there with your wife. Looking at some of that stuff that was coming through it was it was like, the really bad garbage man.
So why would so when I’m talking to people, my question is if you want to test and you don’t care, you don’t care what shows up in the link profile, you don’t care about anything. You’re just trying to make you make some money. It’s a fun test, then, by all means, do it. But if it’s something that you care about, why would you mistreat something that you care about that one?
Can You Blast The Press Release And Drive Stacks With Backlinks Without Negative Impact On The Money Site And GMB?
Okay, next is Gordon, what’s up Gord? It’s been a while he says, Hey, guys, hope you’re safe. And well just have a quick question. When using press releases or an ROI S Drive stack through the MGYB store. Can you blast either or both of them with hundreds or even thousands of backlinks without any negative effect on your money site? Or GMB listing? And if so, will that increase the SEO juice flowing to either entity and help them to rank? Thank you very much. Yeah. And that’s, I mean, that’s exactly what we were just talking about.
We prefer to build links to our tier one entity assets such as the SEO power shield, our last drive stack, g site press releases the organic press release organization page, you know, the idx page, anything like that. And that’s if you set it up correctly, you’re not going to have any negative results whatsoever, which is why we set the things up the way that we do. That’s why we call it the SEO power shield because it shields it’s like, I’ve always called it an SEO firewall, right? It creates a firewall around your money site. And so that’s exactly what we’re talking about. embeds and or backlinks work really, really well. In fact, you can even take your money site it for example, and you know, embed it in a G site and then hammer the G site page with backlinks. And that’s going to help your money site page benefit without there being an actual direct hyperlink on that page. Does that make sense? So yeah, that’s what we were just talking about. With Bibi’s question when we just hammer our assets with backlinks because it helps to push ultimately it flows down through to whatever our target destination is, which could be a GMB asset.
Could be a Google Site could be a money site. It could be all three of those. So yes, that would work. Any comments on that?
Should You Interlink A Post If The Main Article Has 5 Jump Links?
No, that’s perfect. Pavlos up, he says, Hey guys last time, I missed an opportunity to say thank you. Well, you’re welcome. Pavlo He says, question in one of your videos, you said that I can copy main silo page content and create a post. The Post will be canonicalized back to the main article, the canonical link itself will be a jump link to the Main article.
The question is should I interlink these posts if I have if the Main article has five jump links, and I’ve created five posts from the main content? I think I kind of vaguely remember this conversation we had on Hump Day Hangouts, but I’m not quite following the question. I think what, what I was talking about if and hopefully, I’m not off base here, but prefer using long-form content now for content for websites or for money sites, instead of in the past, like, you know, five years ago, you know, you could create a kind of thin content type of silo page. And then each supporting a keyword that you would find within your with your keyword research. So all of the supporting keywords that you would stack within a particular silo, I just always use spreadsheets for that. So I create a column but my top-level keyword at the top, you know, the column header, and then I would go extract all of the relevant supporting keywords and key phrases and put them in underneath that in that same column right in a spreadsheet. And then that would be that that goes to my bloggers, for them to produce content around so that they highlight one of the supporting keywords within the correct silo. And it used to be that I would create kind of thin content, top of silo pages, and then target individual longer tail keywords with blog posts, but that becomes repetitive redundant. And it doesn’t work as well what I found as having a long-form top of silo page now, that contains a lot of those supporting keywords so that broken down into subheadings, right, so and I think that’s what you were talking about is when I mentioned that you can create long-form content, and even put a table of contents with jump links at the top of the content, which is really good for SEO. And then you can actually create blog posts targeting those longer tail phrases that are already present on the silo page itself right to top of silo page that have jump links to them and then link from those supporting articles within the blog post to those jump links. Because then it’s, it’s, it’s linking to the top of silo page, but it’s also reinforcing that longer tail subheading or keyword, right, so that’s supporting keyword. If that’s what you’re talking about, then let’s see. The question is should I interlink these posts with the Main article as well? Five jump links. And I’ve created five posts from the main content. Yeah, I mean, I don’t I can’t get too far into this Marco would kill me if I did.
But if you’re interlinking, your supporting posts correctly, daisy-chaining them together then and they’re just linking from post to post. And from within each post linking back to the top of silo page, even if it’s at a jump link, a jump link to the top of silo page to some section on the top of silo page. Yes, that would work. That would work really, really well. Actually. Any comments on that Marco?
Sorry about that.
A lot. Ah, no, it’s not really something that I’m willing to talk about in a free gotten a free forum like this. They are not going to get into that because it just puts so much power and it gets around everything that Google can throw at you. So no, that’s fine. We’ll leave it at that. Okay.
But yeah, just get creative with it. Think about you know what you’re doing with your structure. And I don’t like to if I don’t know where you say you can just clone copy main silo page content and create a post, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t do that on the same site what I was talking about with cloning or copying or mirroring, right is within the G site. Right. So if you’ve got your top of silo page, and you’ve got all the content on the page, you can always create, we recommend mirroring that top of silo page on the G site. And then if you had supporting posts within that category on your money site, I don’t typically duplicate or mirror posts onto a G site unless I’m having trouble ranking a particular keyword in which case then I will create child pages on the G site that is each child a one to one ratio, child page for every post within that silo, and then just embed those in there and that’s what I was talking about with the jumping links, you can actually create jump links from the G site back to the money site there. But again, that’s more kind of mastermind stuff or heavy hitter club stuff. So hopefully you got some value out of that. But I wouldn’t copy top of silo content and republish it on the same blog from your money site. I wouldn’t. Personally I wouldn’t do that I would have new content curated, not written because I use curated content for blog posts, the curated targeting the keywords that I’m trying to push that is on the top of the silo page if that makes sense. Okay.
So another good question.
Jason says thank you. Yeah, so he’s already watched all the Syndication Academy videos, that’s okay. If you join the mastermind if you just joined recently, the Syndication Academy join the mastermind will up make it worth your while we’ll refund your Syndication Academy purchase or apply it towards your first month of mastermind or something like that, and then you can cancel that subscription. So, yep, baby says great. We’re almost
What Are Your Thoughts On The Statement That You Can Flatten A Complex Silo Into A Simple Silo?
Got a timer almost out of question. So this is good timing maybe says great. What do you think of the statement that each complex silo can be flattened to a simple silo? And if a site isn’t that big, is it better to do the flat? Yes, I always, always recommend using simple silos where possible and guys, I’m going to be updating the training, I was really hoping to get that done for today, but I didn’t. And so I’ll try to have it done by next Wednesday. But in the process, street process doc that I created for our methods and for me, you know, our methods are what we sell as done for you services and MGYB for those of you that aren’t aware of it, if you go to semantic mastery comm slash process, I’m going to bring it up. It’ll you guys can take a look at this. For those of you that haven’t already been exposed to it, this is the process street process doc that I created to that has a lot of training in there with a lot of it’s the why we do what we do.
And what you can expect from it the How is we point to our training products for the how but or the where to get it as the links over to MGYB but these are the website silo architecture, the training videos that I created, you know, five years ago or whatever, they’re, they’re still valid, but my overall process has changed slightly right it’s evolved slightly and so I’m going to redo those silo training videos where I go into what a simple silo is what a complex silo is a difference between a physical silo and a virtual silo and what I prefer to use and why I’m going to redo those videos and that will go into here the website section of the worry list entity based SEO process doc and when I do hope I’ll have this done by next week guys I really wanted to get it done by this week but I haven’t even started on it. So I’ll try to get it done by next week. And then again guys you go to semantic mastery comm slash process and you take a look at all the stuff that’s in here. There’s a lot of training here. And so anyway, that said, Yes, I always recommend a simple silo. For most projects. I’m not going to say for the most projects for most local projects, which is what I do, almost exclusively, simple silos will suffice. I used to always try to build complex solids because I thought it was going to be better. And then maybe there is some benefit to it. But what I found is a complex silo is complicated. Hence the name complex silo. And so it’s difficult to build it create some kind of funny issues that are hard to reconcile with the URLs with the slugs and that kind of with permalinks and that kind of stuff. So I prefer to stick with a simple silo, it’s much easier to manage, it’s easier to map out when you’re in the build process. So I like using simple silos for most local projects. That’s all that is ever needed. In fact, with a simple silo, if you’re using our methods, you’re going to be the on-page SEO is going to be far superior to what most of your competitors are doing anyways. So it’s not really necessary to do a complex silo. If you’re doing a very broad site with a lot of categories and subcategories, then you might be necessary to do a complex silo. But, as I said, I always try to simplify where possible. We’ve had a ton of people over the years, join one of our groups, and they map out this incredibly intricate silo map of a site. And they, you know, probably spend hours and hours and hours mapping it out and creating drawings to show the silo structure and everything and then they present it and say, What do you think you think this would work? And it’s like, Well, yeah, but it could have worked, you know, eight levels previous, where it was like a much simpler build, and you got to save yourself a ton of time. And we don’t say that to pick on anybody, but it’s because I think we as SEO types, try to overcomplicate stuff all the time, and I’ve learned over the years to try to simplify as much as possible and get results with a much simpler process and simple silo structure is the way that I prefer to build 90 95% of my sites.
commenting. I totally agree. I don’t know why people get themselves into trouble with complex silos like right from the start. Yeah, if it’s a brand new project that there’s no need for for a complex silo, unless it’s like, I don’t know, like some type of e-commerce website and you’ve seen those where there’s a bunch of complex subcategories and while category, subcategory, sub-sub categories and all of these things that really complicated but I tell people to look in the beginning, you’re good with your homepage, and three categories, three top-level categories, the three main keywords that you’re going to go after to start making money, push all the power that way, as needed. And as you see more opportunities for top-level categories. You add them, right because then your whole setup is done. And whatever you add is going to benefit from everything you’ve done previously. But if you start mapping it
Out complex from the beginning. How are you going to push the power that that’s going to need for every page and post and subcategory and sub subcategory that you’re trying to create? you’re dividing up the PageRank in such a way that it’s not going to push the initial power that it could have. There’s no way because there’s no way to keep the link flow going the right way. Let’s put it that way. Yeah, but if you keep it simple, minimize the number of categories Don’t try to go after everything at once. But just three, three categories. That gives you enough to write for about four months when you get our D keyword research. I’m sorry, that that’s not available right now. But I did keyword research gives you enough to write about four months on those three top market level categories on those silos. And then you can go and see like which one is more complicated, and you just break it up instead of making it a subcategory? You just make it another category that’s related to that one category that you already have no need to overcomplicate things I hate when people try to do that. It doesn’t have to be all that difficult. Yeah, and it’s fine because like I said, we’ve experienced that a lot over the years, and I’m not gonna lie. In years past I did the same thing, I would always approach new projects with the complex silo, trying to map all that out. And it just it became overwhelming, it became too much of a bitch too, you know, too difficult to manage the projects. And again, it creates a lot of funky issues, if you’re trying to share subcategories with other categories, especially in local like, for example, if you have, you know, your topical or service-based silos, which would be like, you know, like Tree Removal would be one silo, for example, and another silo could be tree trimming, which in reality, I’ve learned over the years that you really don’t even need to create silos for Tree Service sites because they’re all synonyms for each other. Google considers tree removal and tree trimming as synonyms anyways. But most of my tree service projects are
Still siloed like that. And if you were trying to duplicate location-based silos within each one of the topical or service-based silos, it creates some real funny URL issues that you have to reconcile. And it becomes difficult to do so or vice versa, if you had location-based silos, as your top-level silos, and then you tried to have subcategories of services, then it creates some issues too. So I learned a long time ago just to go with the simple silo structure, so much easier to manage so much easier to handle. So anyway, yeah, I totally recommend going with simple silos where possible. The last question and we’re at five o'clock. So this is a good stopping point is BB says should we have a form in the branded properties for collecting leads? Absolutely. If you’ve got form code that can be embedded in other sites, absolutely. I’m actually using I’m not going to talk about what I’m using just yet because it’s part of the case studies and I’m working on but I’m using a new lead generation tool.
It helps that has a form builder in it that works really, really good. And I’m actually embedding the form and multiple properties. Now g sites, you know, a lot of different places that I’m actually embedding the forms now because they work really, really well. And they direct all the leads back to one central location that then gets distributed out. So yeah, absolutely, there’s no doubt, I always try to put most of my businesses run on phone calls more than a phone like. In other words, the leads that I generate for businesses are more phone call leads than they are web form submissions, but I don’t ever want to not provide that as an option. So I used to, I used to really just push phone calls, but now I’m pushing the lead form submits as well, because I’ve got a really cool application that I’m using that helps to distribute the leads to wherever I want them to go. And again, I’ll reveal some of that in the coming week’s guys, but I absolutely recommend if you have a form, form code that can be embedded on other sites use it. Okay.
All right. Thanks, everybody for being here.
We will see you guys next week. Thanks, Marco for sticking around. All right. Have a good one. Thanks, everybody
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 299 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 299
Click on the video above to watch Episode 299 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
All right, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 299. We’re one away from big Episode 300. I’m gonna call this episode where everyone is getting old and wearing glasses except Chris. I just realized all of us are now wearing glasses except Chris. Yeah, well, you guys spending too much time in front of your computers. There we go. Yeah, gotta change it around. This is the year we try to get ourselves off to the computer. So anyways, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. We’re gonna say hi, real quick catch up with everybody. And then we got a couple quick announcements before diving into the questions. So I’ll start on the bottom here since it’s cloudy weather element Marco. How you doing today? I have my lights on. That’s why it looks so bright. Yeah, it’s raining. It’s supposed to be raining. So finally got me with the lights on. But I can’t complain this nice a warm, actually. I’m kind of trying to hide trying to blend into the background. So Google doesn’t see me.
It’s all good man. I’m gonna
Having a good time.
Outstanding All right. Well, let’s work our way around. Hernan you got those new glasses what’s going on with you?
Yeah, man, I’m just trying to trying to blend in. I got I got glasses and now you got glasses. I mean yeah man we get rid of this and have a beard and growing a beard. Damn it. You’re doing the 50 K I might do the 50 now, so good man these are blue light blocking glasses, you know? Because there’s one this one guy show me one this really nerdy yellow like super like
orangey glasses and they make you look stupid. I know I won’t be wearing next week.
Yeah, do you don’t think the big square bc birth control glasses make you look stupid though right now, man. No, I can’t I can talk like this. Nobody will.
But a lady repellent. Yeah, exactly. say wait a second. Are you wearing those or are you being forced to wear this?
What this one glasses. Yeah, I’m just kidding.
You look good. I was just wondering maybe you’re making you know this light and blue light blue light blocking. I’m still confused. Why are you wearing blue light blocking glasses in the middle of the day or now? Yeah, well, it’s time. 5pm So, five 6pm So, all right. Well, before we tell everyone all about our AI problems, let’s see Chris, how you doing today? Man? Doing good, man. I hit the gym for like, I don’t know, like after another two week break for the first time again. Sore all over again. Hit the leg so hard. So yeah, like, I’m pretty sure you’re gonna feel the same way. Next week?
Yes, definitely. Yeah, I’m headed out. Taking a couple of weeks and hitting the road literally going to be gone for a couple of weeks and doing some trail running. So for those of you in the northwest, you know what mountain trail was? Yeah. We’re going to be doing a run around Mount St. Helens, as well as doing some visiting up there. Go to some campgrounds and stuff. So, Bradley, how about you? How are things on the East Coast today. Good. Happy to be here I’ve been trying to
do I’ve got a bunch of lead gen projects I’m working on. And so I’m trying to spend as much time on those as possible. But I’ve had a really good month in real estate flipping land and I’ve got a lot of deals coming in right now. So it’s kind of hard because I’m, I’m conflicted, the real estate money is really damn good. So I have to do I have to pursue that when it comes in. But at the same time, I’ve got other projects I’m trying to work on. So it’s kind of difficult balancing right now, but I’m happy to be here and got a lot of stuff coming up. So that’s the end. Well, we got a few things I want to mention to everybody real quick. First of all, is kofu. Live as we’ve been saying that is still on, we got a lot of cool,
cool stuff we’re going to be talking about. You can find out more about that at Boku live.com not just the cool stuff, but also what you can get. So head over there, check out the VIP ticket, I highly recommend it. We have priced it accordingly. We really want people to grab the VIP ticket and get
The most out of this. But if you want, you can grab the VIP plus as well and get some one on one time with us, which if you were going to book that separately, I mean, we know roughly what each other charge but I didn’t sit down and like calculate it out, but it’s a hell of a deal. So if that’s something you want to take advantage of, go grab one of those. There are limited number of those because we can’t just sit around talking to everybody all day. Unfortunately, we do have our own businesses and agencies to run. So go and check those out. We got some more information coming out later in August about the guest speakers and exactly what they’re going to be covering. But we got some great stuff. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again and we’ve got two more agency owners along with Rob Beal and dedhia is going to be giving a case study to so tons of stuff and more. More to come. So again, poku live.com. Now, something else I want to talk about and Bradley, maybe you can share some info. I just got the link to this. You’re going to be talking with Jeremy from Press Advantage on Monday. Correct.
Yes, Monday at 3:30pm.
We’ve got another webinar with Jeremy, one of the CO owners of Press Advantage, which is the press release service that we’ve been using. I mean, primarily for several years now I’ve been with Press Advantage for six since. They’ve pretty much since they launched, so five or six years, maybe even longer than that. But anyways, he only opens up the subscription offers that he’s done for us. Rarely, let’s put it that way. Very rarely does he open up those subscription offers. And he’s, um, he’s prepared or planning to do that again next week. There are some new features that are been rolling out for Press Advantage and it’s just a good time to do so. And we’ve been asking him to open that back up again for some time. So he’s, he’s actually doing that for us next Monday at 3:30pm. So be on the lookout for the link. If you don’t, if Adam doesn’t post it here, you’ll get it via email plus in the groups and sign up for that any of you that are using press releases consistently for your marketing, whether it’s for clients or your own projects, we highly recommend them. They work incredibly well. I use them a lot. And so if you’re doing a lot of them, it’s probably best in your best interest to have your own subscription. And next week’s a good time to get it. So be there. Definitely, yeah, so that’ll be Monday. 3pm Eastern, and I thought will be Say that again. I believe it’s 330 Let me double-check. No, it’s 3 pm. I’m sorry. Yes. 3pm. Okay, so 3pm Eastern, and we will be sending out an email about that. I did just post the link. So stay tuned for that. But if you are interested in what press releases can do for you, then I highly suggest showing up plus Jeremy like Bradley said it’s gonna have a very special offer going with that. Yeah, real quick, guys. If anybody you know, before you even go on the webinar for that if, if you want to see how to use press releases in a way that just works incredibly well. Just go to our YouTube channel and search for press release SEO, and you’ll find
The webinar that we did, it’s also at MGYB. If you look in the webinar section on MGYB, the store, you’ll see that there’s we did a Marco and I did a webinar about how we use press releases and PR silo stacking. So essentially siloing press releases together. And it works really, really well. And I would highly recommend it if you’re on the fence or considering getting your own press release subscription that you go watch that webinar first so that you have an idea of how powerful they are and how to use them the best way. Definitely, will Bradley beat me to it. I was going to say speaking of MGYB and a lot of you guys took advantage of the awesome Fourth of July sale we had last month. There’s still some good stuff going on. If you had some updates coming so go check out mg y v.co for your done for you services. But yeah, as Bradley said up there, you’ll see the little webinar button click on that. And then there’s a bunch of the best practices webinars which is just basically free, great training information. So go check those out. So here’s a bit of something Why don’t we bundle the Press Advantage offer with Local PR Pro I’m just throwing it out there we don’t have to decide right now but I mean it just it goes hand in hand let’s let’s work it out and make them an offer they can’t refuse so they get results right away the way we do that. And one more thing before we go I don’t want to set any hard dates because it’s a work in progress. But there’s something coming for Syndication Academy. Yeah, look new flavor.
We’re working on it. We’re working on it guys. Let’s say sometime towards the fourth quarter of the year sometime. Look for it. It revamped updated when I bought properties. I don’t know how you can make the best better but we are.
Yeah, yes. Yeah. And I was gonna say I was gonna turn into t test I’ll keep this one short because we can’t really say much about it. But yeah, the webinar go get signed up for that. Keep your eyes and ears peeled about Syndication Academy and Bradley’s going to be doing some testing for some additional link building based stuff. And we’ll just leave it at that for now and say that, should that go? Well, that’s definitely something we’ll be letting everyone know about. Yep.
Cool. All right, guys. Anything else before we dive in? We’re good. All right. Let’s do it. Grab the screen.
You guys are seeing my screen correct?
Yep. So yeah, right.
What Phone Number To Use When Setting Up The GMB For A Local Lead Gen Site?
jump right into it. So olana says, Hi guys. Setting up a local lead gen site. Haven’t got a phone number for it yet. Would you wait until after you have the number to set up the GMB? Yes, I think you have to actually you have to have a phone number. As far as I remember. I haven’t set up a GMB in quite some time, but I’m pretty sure you have to have a phone number. Also, which of the following Do you use for lead gen an 800 number, a one 300 number. I’ve never even heard of that mobile or local landline with a reader.
I prefer using call rail. I still use call rail. I’ve used call fire in the past and I’ve got a ton of numbers in call fire comm that I would like to port over to call rail is a better platform. It gives you a ton more features. It’s inexpensive, but it takes it’s a long process of porting numbers. So I just have two accounts. I’ve got call firing call rail. I prefer using call rail. Again, I use call rail for several of my lead gen assets as well as my own real estate business. Because I use a lot of phone numbers for tracking marketing purposes and stuff. But I really, really like call rail. Does anybody else have any suggestions?
Call rail. I can’t say anything else. It’s what I use. Yeah. And no, not an 800 number. All right. So if you’re going to work local, which your car it no matter where you go, you don’t want that 800 number you want that local number you want people kind of like that local numbers I’ve seen better results with a local number than an ad hundred number unless you’re widely known for having that 800 number. Does that make sense? Or did I lose everybody? So 100 works when you’re widely known like like, something like roto rooter, let’s say or plumbers nine one, that kind of thing. But if you’re local and you want people to you to want to create that familiarity it really helps to have that local number.
Yes, I agree. I use answerconnect.com to send phone calls into a call center so that the phone always gets answered. It screens the calls there’s a ton of benefits for using a call center. And I have been since 2013, the same account, answer Connect comm I really can’t say enough good things about them. And so they give you an 800 number but you can forward or redirect local numbers to the 800 number which is what I do. That way. You know, I can have multiple lead gen assets all funneling into that with their own separate local numbers, but all funneling into the same call center if it’s for the same service provider, essentially.
But there’s a lot of really cool things. And by the way, guys, I’m working on a lot of lead gen stuff right now, and I’ve got some case studies I’m working on that I’ll be making public, not just within our groups. And I’ve also got some things that I’m going to be introducing to everybody when I do make that case studies public that I think will help a lot of you with your lead gen business. I can’t really talk much about it right now, but I just kind of wanted to tease it. So there you go.
How To Generate Quality Content For A Niche Blog If You Don’t Like Writing?
The next question is, Hey, guys, I want to set up a niche blog, but I don’t like writing How can I generate the quality content myself for my niche blog? Will the generated content be good enough for niche blogging? Thanks, Content Kingpin.
When I first started in SEO and local lead gen way back in, you know, 2010 timeframe. I was actually doing blog posts. Right after, I’d kind of developed the Syndication Academy method, and because it was just working like crazy good, I knew that blogging was going to be the way to populate the networks and get results. And so I was actually blogging for industries that I knew nothing about. I was actually writing the posts myself. And it was incredibly time-consuming. And it’s frustrating because I had to learn a lot about the businesses and the topics and such. And I, fortunately, I got introduced to content curating, and I don’t remember who introduced me to it or whatever, but I kind of started reading about it. And then I bought a couple of courses about content curating, and some plugins and all kinds of stuff. And I started curating content and I got much more efficient at generating content. And he also I didn’t have to know as much about a topic because you can just find subject matter, you know, find articles on the web or content. It doesn’t have to be articles. It can be podcasts, videos, infographics, slide presentations, it could be a number of things that are based around the topic that you are writing about that are written by or produce the contents produced by subject matter experts or SMEs. And you can get really good and really efficient at producing content by just being able to find and locate content developed or produced by subject matter experts. And then curating it and creating a unique post based upon using, you know, snippets of content from the subject matter experts, it’s already been published. So that’s, you know, been my preferred method. And I was actually doing that on my own. I use some tools and some plugins at the time. But once my business got to a certain level, it was just way too time-consuming. Even with using curated content, I was too time-consuming for me to produce it myself. So I developed training and hired a virtual assistant and handed it over to them and she’s still with me today. By the way, her name is Esther she’s still my primary number one blogger that works for me right now.
But anyway, long story short, I ended up training multiple virtual assistants or bloggers or curators as what they are really, with that training. So I kind of polished it up a bit. And that’s what Content Kingpin is, which is one of our training courses. And it’s the same process that my bloggers all use today, I talked about a couple of tools, but we still primarily do everything manually. Just using like a like Feedly. For example, to the group and categorize content feeds that we know like and trust that then we can use to all So a quick glimpse my bloggers go in for whenever they’ve got to produce or publish a post, they’ll go in and just look at Feedly select that particular category or folder for the project that they’re working on. And it will show all the content that’s available than the recent content that’s available around that particular topic. And then they can choose a topic to blog about to curate a post about and then pick and choose a few articles that will either reinforce that the idea that they’re trying to convey with their posts, or sometimes they’ll do like argumentative posts where they’ll try to show in a different opinion from what perhaps others are saying. So they’ll show two sides of the coin, if that makes sense, as two different competing opinions about the same topic anyway, it’s great, it works incredibly well, it also creates co-citation. And so we highly recommend you check out Content Kingpin, it’s one of the best ways to do it. Not only that but if you were to use that site type of the system, the Content Kingpin method, then you can get away from doing it yourself. So you don’t have to publish I mean, I would learn it first. You know, learn it and understand how to do it first, but then you can actually put a virtual assistant that you hire through the course and have them do it for you, and you can kind of just managing and guide them until they get up to your standards. But that’s the best way to do it. Guys. I call it hands-free content marketing and it’s a great revenue source too because it really is simple.
Once you understand the topic concept is really, really good to anybody want to comment on that Content Kingpin doesn’t get enough credit for does what it does. People don’t understand it, I think because they get all the all this different information about unique content and duplicate content and all this bullshit that’s out there. That’s nothing. Really if it were so places like Huffington Post’s would not exist. Google News would not exist unless curated content was okay. But not only Okay, whether it was good I’d be how much traffic does it get Bing, Yahoo. All they do all day long is republish story. Huffington Post is a collection of republish story that all it is and all you’re doing with Content Kingpin is republishing the story. You’re summarizing them right taking power, whatever it is that you do it. And you’re adding your own commentary and proper attribution and it’s a done deal. I mean, it’s so simple. And yet people try to make it so much more difficult than it really should be. But yeah, totally Content Kingpin for the win. You know, and it’s interesting. I’ve just pulled this up because I did this and if you guys remember masterclass, we had a, we had a kind of a middle-tier webinar coaching program that we had called masterclass for a number of years. And I did this as a local case study, Gainesville home pros, and I’ve never done anything with it since I think that was back in 2015. Oh, look at that. It says account suspended. That’s interesting. That’s one of my Okay, well, anyway, I would sure like to show you that blog because that was curated content, the same method. My blogger Esther, who was the first one I trained using that method, produced all the content on that site using curated content, and they were beautiful posts and unfortunately, it looks like that account has been that hosting account perhaps has been suspended. I have done anything with it years. But I would like to show you guys some examples of that. But I don’t have anything that I can show you right now off the top of my head. But anyway, it’s it works really, really well the posts come out beautiful if you do it right. I would highly recommend going through Content Kingpin.
No, because there are a few things that you have to do in order to not infringe on copyright. So for example, you don’t want to curate images that can get you into trouble, asked me how I know.
Because you’ll get extortion letters from like Getty Images and other you know, asshole law firms out there that are just looking for people that have republished images without copyright, without rights to it. So there’s like a lot of things. There’s not a lot of things, but there are a few things that you really should do to make sure that you’re covering your ass when you’re curating content. So again, I highly recommend you go through the product, it’s through that program. It’s a really, really good program. It’s the same that we use today. You know, there are a lot of tools out there that can help you to manage content curating, but we’ve already.
He’s found that it really just is just as quick and easy because what happens with a lot of these tools is they stop being supported over time. We know one of them was Curation Suite that we actually promoted. And fortunately after promoting it, and after a year or so, like the support just stopped and it kind of fell off the face of the earth. The same thing with a bunch of curating plugins that I’ve used over the years, they just eventually fall off the market and they just don’t get supported. So we’ve learned to just stick with the manual process and it’s you know, once somebody becomes efficient with that process is really is a very efficient way to produce content. So you don’t need all the additional tools and plugins and things like that. So that’s why I recommend that product because it’s a Content Kingpin because it will teach you how to do it manually and then you can teach a VA how to do it by just putting them right through the same training. It’s a great question though.
What Training Do You Offer In The MasterMind That You Can’t Get In The Syndication Academy?
Jason says I’m currently in the Syndication Academy 2.0 and I was wanting to know all of the different features and benefits in the mastermind that you don’t get in the Academy. Is this all of these different training you offer in the mastermind if I joined the mastermind, can I get a discount for the cost of the academy? Okay, so first of all the mastermind you have direct access to my partners and me, as well as all the other members of the group, which we have a lot of really savvy marketers and agency owners and CEOs and such in our group. But you also have direct access to all of us to where you can ask us questions in the Facebook group at any time. We’re in there answering questions often. Plus, we each host our own separate webinars inside the mastermind. They’re bi-weekly webinars. So every two weeks each one of us hosts our own webinar. So you get to come to ask us questions at length during the webinars. Like you can post questions ahead of time for the webinars, we’ll do site audits, we’ll you know, look at your, your SEO, your you know, on-page stuff off-page stuff, we’ll help you with projects if you need it. Plus, as I said, you get to you know, come to ask me stuff, or Marco stuff or Adam, or Hernan or Chris any one of us. So there’s a lot of benefits in there that we don’t provide anywhere else we’ll go as deep into, whatever subject you want to go into, you know, and that’s one of the things that we can’t do on a free setting like this or any in any of our other groups. So the mastermind is definitely where you want to be if you want to get all that, as well as Syndication Academy is included in that. So you can cancel your Syndication Academy account if you join the mastermind because it’s included in that as well as all of our products under $300. Anything over $300 you get a significant discount. So there’s a ton of benefits to be in the mastermind. Anybody else wanna?
Yeah, I would just say Jason, if you just started Syndication Academy, if you’re just getting into it, then contact support and we’ll refund whatever you paid for Syndication Academy and you can or you can apply it towards them. However, you want to work that out, we’ll work it out for you. We always do. Why because membership has its privileges. So that’s why we do things the way we do and yes, I mean, above all else is this group of people like-minded people who are working towards what we call POFU position of Fuck you, where you have the kind of power and money where you can pick and choose your clients, your clients come to you instead of you going knocking on doors on $500 clients who are a pain in the ass. So rather than doing all that you getting all you get all of this training, you get the mindset training, you get the how-to get all of the collective knowledge, and then you have five, almost six years of webinars. Now some of them of course are dated, but we do we’re not doing webinars every week. It’s either Bradley or me like we take every other Thursday. You got Hernan, you got Adam. Yeah, Chris, everyone is giving you their perspective and their take on things so you get all of these different points of view, all of this all of these different experiences coming to you and helping you in whatever it is that you’re trying to do whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve. So it’s not just what you get as far as training. It’s the people and the relationships, the networking that you can do inside the mastermind like I know people who are working together in different projects, and we tell people to become the big fish in a little pond. But then some of them go on to and I’m gonna mention his name, for example, to dominate in the Fort Worth area. And you got another one in Minneapolis, St. Paul, the Twin Cities you got someone in the Dirty South, right South Carolina, Georgia area, who are Domini who may have started as the big fish in the little pile or becomes the little fish in the big fish in the little pond. But then they move to a bigger pond. So that we’re always pushing. We’re always encouraging people. That growth means you go to make more money until you reach a stepping point where you say, Okay, I met, hopefully, this is where I want to be, this is how I want to do it. And if I choose not to work tomorrow, I can do that because the process and the systems and everything else that I’ve gained through being in the mastermind, will take care of me not being it, the system is there, so I don’t have to be there. And I mean, just the way that this happened and how this happened, and how people finally are able to step away and say, Man, I can spend time with my family and I can relax and I can do the things I want to do, rather than having to do the things that I have to do things that I must with no other choice. So I think that that’s just one of the greater things about the mastermind is that mindset that awful, you’re going after that poof hopefully you get on that path. And it’s it becomes your magnificent obsession. I thank you CTF letcher for that. But it becomes your magnificent obsession. You’re going after that and there is nothing that can get in your way of achieving that powerful, that’s when you know that you’re there. And that’s what we’re there for. So, just because you brought up CT, and we don’t have a lot of questions, so I know we got time when we did the interview with CT Fletcher, I’ve created this text document. It’s been on my desktop ever since. And hopefully, nobody gets offended because CT Fletcher likes to cuss a lot. Say but here’s a lot of here are the quotes that struck me when we were at when we really were Marco interviewing him. I was on the webinar, but it was really Marco interviewing CT Fletcher, who’s a powerlifter. He broke a ton of records for a while. But anyway, some of these are really funny. I’m not gonna read them out to you, but you remember these Marco? Absolutely. I love them so awesome. I still watch them. Will will is king. Yeah, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. He’s so good. You ain’t pretty motherfucker. Yeah, you ain’t that birdie.
So funny. I mean, that one right there cracks me up too. I laughed out loud. Anyways, I just thought that was funny because I happen to notice it on my desktop the other day and I giggled about it. You just brought it up.
Would You Recommend A Subdirectory Or Subfolder On The Same Domain When Creating The Blog?
So anyway, Jason, next question says, Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce website using WordPress with WooCommerce. Would you recommend a subdirectory? Or folder on the same domain and load a new WordPress and create a blog? Yes, that’s what we’ve always recommended. I mean, I don’t do any e-commerce stuff. But I mean, in the past, I have done some SEO for some e-commerce clients. But it’s not something I’d like to do. So I got out of doing it, but we’ve always recommended it. So do you have control over like essentially a content distribution engine, right, and that’s WordPress is great for that? So you can either put it in a subfolder or directory of the root domain or what we always recommended was to put it in a subdomain instead. And that’s because a subdomain is still treated as content have a separate web entity or separate site, I should say, a separate website than the root domain. So that if you’re in your content distribution, you do something spammy, which if you follow our methods, you won’t have any trouble, at least, we, you know, as it stands right now, but Google could change everything in a moment’s notice. But we’ve never had any issues. But if you put in a subdomain, and you were doing something spammy or something, Google changed its rules, all of a sudden, and something became spammy, they wouldn’t affect the root domain, which is where your e-commerce site resides, it would affect the subdomain only. So we always prefer, like, you know, you could put blog as a subdomain to whatever your domain is, or whatever you want it to be news or something like that. And that’s what we prefer to do. But you could put it in a subdirectory. But yeah, that gives you the opportunity then to do all your content marketing. Remember, if you’ve got an e-commerce site, and you’ve got product categories, for example, you can mirror those same categories. We talked about theme mirroring all the time.
If you don’t know what that is, you know, it’s essentially duplicating or mirroring your site structure on other assets. So you have if you have product categories in your eCommerce site, you could mirror those same categories as content categories, or you know, in WordPress, just categories are the same. You could title them and everything the same as what they are on your eCommerce site. And then you can publish posts, blog posts, or sporting posts. That’s kind of a link building method that in place them within those particular silos or categories in the WordPress site, distribute them out to a syndication network, mirror, all of that stuff on a G site, and our ys drive stack, press releases, all that kind of stuff. You mirror all of that together, and it works really, really well to push power to your, you know, your ultimate destination, which would be your e-commerce product pages. So you want to comment on that. Yeah, we used to recommend going to a subdomain because we wanted to protect the root cause we were doing. let’s admit it, we were doing a lot of evil stuff yes to the subdomains, we were blasting them to the point where if we had them connected to the route, any penalty would pass to the root. What we’ve done is we’ve taken a step out, because now everything goes through our SEO power shield. And so now the route is protected.
And so in order to push even more power, by all means, put it in a subdirectory because then you’re accruing everything inside the root when you go into that subdirectory rather than stepping in a subdomain, which is treated as a separate website, so you’re one hop away from your root domain anyway and you’re losing link equity. When you’re anytime that you’re one hop or more away, you lose link equity at the top. When you’re in a subdomain, you don’t lose that link equity is even when you’re in the root. You don’t lose that link equity when you’re in a folder inside the root. You don’t lose that link equity because you’re not a hub away. You’re in the root, now if you do want to protect it, then you just install in the dub dub dub. So that’s where you would do the root because that’s a subdomain anyway.
So that’s how you do it. But we have the SEO PowerShell it’s not necessary anymore. Because everything that we do goes through our SEO power shield, which amplifies and protects. That’s why we call it the SEO, power shield. It powers it up, it amplifies and it protects it shields it and so that my recommendation would be totally totally unless you’re planning on doing a whole lot of evil stuff to that subdomain go with a sub but with it should be with a folder inside the root.
What Type Of Brand Property Link To Use In A Press Release?
Awesome. So next is BB BB. Look, you’ve gotten better, buddy. Your questions are a lot shorter and not quite as many. So I think we’re finally getting through to you, man. And I’m just giving you our time baby. It’s we’re always like having you here but he says Hey guys, number one does that the link to a branded property in the press release should be to the property or to one of its pages that were syndicated by RSS. Well, it depends on what you’re doing. But so, my strategy and again, it’s covered in the press release SEO, or piece PR silo stacking webinar that we did Marco and I did. Again, you can find that at MGYB or just go to youtube.com slash semantic mastery use the channel search feature search for press release SEO and you’ll find it you know, right at the top go watch that. Because what I prefer to do is we you know, we’re constantly blogging for clients or for projects period. So that populates syndication network, right, we’re building topical relevancy and depth to our silos, right depth to a particular topic. And then they syndicate out to syndication networks, right. And within every single post, within the proper silo architecture, we’re always linking back up from the post back up to the top of the silo page, which is the page that we’re trying to drive traffic to. Right. So what we do what I do is I always, you know, I like to publish press releases that are highlighting or showcasing a recent blog post. And that links to the blog post URL, which within the blog post, actually links back up to the page on the site. But I mean, you don’t have to use that strategy all the time. That’s what I do. Because I consistently publish press, we’re consistently blogging and we’re consistently publishing press releases for all of my clients or my lead gen asset. So it just works out really well because we’re providing deep links, so links further down into a silo that helps to power up with proper silo architecture, it helps to power up the entire silo and helps all of the different keywords that we’re targeting within the silo start to rise or surface in the search engines because of those deep links, right. So that’s my preferred method because it adds more diversity and it’s linking to multiple points.
Within the main money site, as opposed to always constantly hitting the homepage or just the product or service pages, the top of silo pages in other words, so I like to do deep links, but it depends on what you’re doing. If you’re not doing a lot of press releases, if you’re you know, you only got a budget for a handful of them, then it might be better to actually hit your homepage and or your top of silo pages, that kind of thing. So it really just depends on what your overall content marketing strategy is, and what you’re going to be linking to, you know that that’s going to determine where you’re going to link to from within your site. Okay.
That’s it that said, I always almost not 100% but we almost always link from within press releases to a page or post on the money site. Unless we’re doing a two-step which again, go watch the press release SEO webinar, and you’ll understand what I mean. But for example, if a client as all my local clients have Google My Business profiles. So if we publish a post when we publish a blog post on the blog, my blogger also for most of my clients will end up publishing a GMB post that points a link back to the blog post. So essentially, the GMB post is nothing other than a summary of the blog post itself with the same featured image as the image for the GMB post the photo, and then the button link, the Learn More button link links back to the blog post. So sometimes our press releases will actually link to the GMB post URL, because that ultimately links to the blog post URL, so the two-step process there. But you can also and I’ve talked about this almost every week now for the last like two months on Hump Day hangouts baby so I’m sure you’re aware of what I was what I’ve said. But you know, if you’ve got particular keywords that you’re trying to push, then you can actually go extract the post URLs from like, for example, the blogs on your syndication network, so blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, you can go extract these post URLs that are where the re-syndication or of the published the post that you publish targeting those keywords. And you can link to those within press releases too if you want to because again, that’s tiered link building. So it’s helpful in anyone, but you don’t have to. I prefer to link to those blog post URLs using daddy as link building from an MGYB because I like to use the press releases to link directly back to the money site, or two primary tier one assets, such as a GMB profile, GMB map, Id page, any one of those types of things when it comes to that.
That was a good question. By the way, bb though. Yeah, that that was a really good question. Now, I mean, the link building varies it depends on how much power you’re trying to push and where and everything is gonna be where it’s needed, where everything’s needed. Because sometimes it’s just one press release, push, can get you to where you need to be. Other times, you’re going to need way more. Yeah, there are other times when you’re going to need even link building into the press releases. There’s no one set rule because sometimes it’s just the SEO power shield coming, coming in, right coming online. And that’s enough. And sometimes it doesn’t even have to do with the competition because we’ve seen it even in some tough keyword sets that you start ranking like right from the SEO power shield. So this totally ended depends on the no definitive answer for this, other than, you’re going to have to get your press release. If you’ve set it up correctly. And you hit your top-level category rather than just like everybody does your homepage. Then your top-level category will flow and it’ll push all of that power so that everything benefits from it, including the top-level category, not just the longtail keywords, it’s how we teach it now. We teach people to go from the top-down instead of bottom-up it
It’s a little different, it’s kind of the same thing except we’re going. For example, if we want to rank for gold futures, this is just an example. It’s incredibly difficult to rank for that. But we would go even one, one level higher, we would go after the gold category, the entire gold category to pull up the gold features category instead of trying to push it up with all of the long tails. And I’ve seen that it has a greater effect when you try to go for that top-level category. on everything else, not only the longtail but the subcategory that you’re after. So I’m always telling people you go one level up. So keeping this in mind, then it’s up to you. I always tell people that we have to be scientists when we’re gauging how it is that we’re going to do this. What effect we’re trying to create, you’re going to have to create your link building and press releases are part of link building. You’re going to create it so that whatever you’re trying to benefit the most guests
The most benefit out of what you’re doing. And so you approach it that way. Yeah. So it varies. That’s the short answer. It varies. It depends, right?
Can We Use The PR Stacking Strategies With Article Directories?
Next, can we treat an article direct article, an article directory as press releases, meaning publishing, as the PR stacking and also linking to actual prs? Okay, I don’t do any article directory stuff I haven’t for years, not saying that it can’t still be useful. I just haven’t because they’ve been known to be spammy. I think a lot of the links from those get discredited. It’s much better to get like, you know, articles instead of being published on article directories, which were always known as SEO like, honey, honey, what do you call them honey, honey holes or whatever you call them. But I’m not saying that it won’t work because I don’t know. I haven’t tested it in years. If I was going to do it, maybe I would do it. Where I was only linking to SEO shield assets or like you say, can you link to PRs? Yes, that would be fun because press release wherever press releases published is going to be able to handle those type of links, you may be able to push good link equity to them, or even, it doesn’t really matter because they’re not your money site. So I, I, again, I haven’t used article directories in probably five or six years.
And so I don’t really know whether they’re still viable or if they’re still helping at any level. But if I was going to use them, I would do it too. I would use them to link only back to tier one asset not directly to the money site. And press releases are a great thing to link to. So, Marco, I know you don’t use article directories either.
I used to, it’s not necessary anymore. I don’t need to go that far. Right. The way that we’re doing it pushes so much power that we don’t need to go. I mean, when you’re already at number one, like how much better can you go than the number one.
So maybe at some point with some of the case studies that we’re doing and everything else that we have coming on e-commerce and everything else that we’re experimenting. Yeah, I would say that we can do that. But right now, or maybe we need to do that. But right now the way that we’re doing things is not necessary.
What Do You Mean By Kitchen Sink Spam?
Agreed. The last question was, what do you mean when you say kitchen sink? It gets me confused. Yeah, when I say kitchen sink spam, or when we say that, that just means using link building tools and throwing every kind of link like even some real spammy stuff, at whatever your target is. So like when we say you can throw kitchen sink spam at it, it means you could use some of the most god awful links in the world and throw them at, you know, point them at a particular target and still benefit from it. We would never encourage anybody to do that with their money site. And in fact, we prefer to still use better links.
Even if you’re using spam tools, for example, like you know, our link building master dedhia he uses a ton of link building tools but he always recommends that your the links that he builds to whatever your targets are, which we always recommend tier-one entity targets or your SEO shield essentially. But he always likes to suggest recommends using two layers two levels of contextual web two Dotto links. And then throwing if you want a third tier of links, you can throw kitchen sink spam at those contextual web two dot o links. So that’s what we mean by kitchen sink spam, it means pretty much anything under the sun, that’s a link. And a lot of those would be toxic if they’re not used properly, but they can still provide a benefit if used properly. And that’s what we talk about when we talk about you know, you can hit SEO power shields with kitchen sink spam, and they’ll end up ranking. We don’t recommend it. We still recommend using the contextual web to Dotto links. Add your first and second-tier links that are being built to your tier one assets. But you can always throw kitchen sink spam behind that if you wanted and still receive a benefit Mark has done several tests I have to, but we even did the Marco and Rob did the kind of public case study for the DC plumber and just hit it with like over a million kitchen sink spam style links, including porn porn links, and it ranked and it’s probably still ranking today. So and we just had someone in RYS Academy reloaded last week, come in and tell us that they tried the million kitchen sink, spam link test and got really good results and 89% increase in traffic month to month. Wow. So it works. However, think of it this way. If garbage links work, how much better? Will quality links work? How much better will the way that we do the tiered link building right? contextual tiered link building
How much better is that, not only for now but long term when they come looking? The first thing that they look for is that kitchen sink spam, that that the automation is is what Google is looking for. And we’re kind of hiding in plain sight because we’re not giving them what everybody else is doing. We’re doing it a little bit differently. And it just playing work. So when you’re thinking about going after that, that million links, and yeah, you can pay 50 bucks in fiber, and there’s going to be complete TSA, and it’s going to be truly, truly garbage type of stuff that you don’t want to look at. Why would you do that to your project? Why would you do that when it can show up in your link profile? Do you want that? Because we had that showing up for DC plumbing. We had those links index, man. And seriously, you didn’t want your kids looking at that you didn’t want you to want to be sitting there with your wife. Looking at some of that stuff that was coming through it was it was like, the really bad garbage man.
So why would so when I’m talking to people, my question is if you want to test and you don’t care, you don’t care what shows up in the link profile, you don’t care about anything. You’re just trying to make you make some money. It’s a fun test, then, by all means, do it. But if it’s something that you care about, why would you mistreat something that you care about that one?
Can You Blast The Press Release And Drive Stacks With Backlinks Without Negative Impact On The Money Site And GMB?
Okay, next is Gordon, what’s up Gord? It’s been a while he says, Hey, guys, hope you’re safe. And well just have a quick question. When using press releases or an ROI S Drive stack through the MGYB store. Can you blast either or both of them with hundreds or even thousands of backlinks without any negative effect on your money site? Or GMB listing? And if so, will that increase the SEO juice flowing to either entity and help them to rank? Thank you very much. Yeah. And that’s, I mean, that’s exactly what we were just talking about.
We prefer to build links to our tier one entity assets such as the SEO power shield, our last drive stack, g site press releases the organic press release organization page, you know, the idx page, anything like that. And that’s if you set it up correctly, you’re not going to have any negative results whatsoever, which is why we set the things up the way that we do. That’s why we call it the SEO power shield because it shields it’s like, I’ve always called it an SEO firewall, right? It creates a firewall around your money site. And so that’s exactly what we’re talking about. embeds and or backlinks work really, really well. In fact, you can even take your money site it for example, and you know, embed it in a G site and then hammer the G site page with backlinks. And that’s going to help your money site page benefit without there being an actual direct hyperlink on that page. Does that make sense? So yeah, that’s what we were just talking about. With Bibi’s question when we just hammer our assets with backlinks because it helps to push ultimately it flows down through to whatever our target destination is, which could be a GMB asset.
Could be a Google Site could be a money site. It could be all three of those. So yes, that would work. Any comments on that?
Should You Interlink A Post If The Main Article Has 5 Jump Links?
No, that’s perfect. Pavlos up, he says, Hey guys last time, I missed an opportunity to say thank you. Well, you’re welcome. Pavlo He says, question in one of your videos, you said that I can copy main silo page content and create a post. The Post will be canonicalized back to the main article, the canonical link itself will be a jump link to the Main article.
The question is should I interlink these posts if I have if the Main article has five jump links, and I’ve created five posts from the main content? I think I kind of vaguely remember this conversation we had on Hump Day Hangouts, but I’m not quite following the question. I think what, what I was talking about if and hopefully, I’m not off base here, but prefer using long-form content now for content for websites or for money sites, instead of in the past, like, you know, five years ago, you know, you could create a kind of thin content type of silo page. And then each supporting a keyword that you would find within your with your keyword research. So all of the supporting keywords that you would stack within a particular silo, I just always use spreadsheets for that. So I create a column but my top-level keyword at the top, you know, the column header, and then I would go extract all of the relevant supporting keywords and key phrases and put them in underneath that in that same column right in a spreadsheet. And then that would be that that goes to my bloggers, for them to produce content around so that they highlight one of the supporting keywords within the correct silo. And it used to be that I would create kind of thin content, top of silo pages, and then target individual longer tail keywords with blog posts, but that becomes repetitive redundant. And it doesn’t work as well what I found as having a long-form top of silo page now, that contains a lot of those supporting keywords so that broken down into subheadings, right, so and I think that’s what you were talking about is when I mentioned that you can create long-form content, and even put a table of contents with jump links at the top of the content, which is really good for SEO. And then you can actually create blog posts targeting those longer tail phrases that are already present on the silo page itself right to top of silo page that have jump links to them and then link from those supporting articles within the blog post to those jump links. Because then it’s, it’s, it’s linking to the top of silo page, but it’s also reinforcing that longer tail subheading or keyword, right, so that’s supporting keyword. If that’s what you’re talking about, then let’s see. The question is should I interlink these posts with the Main article as well? Five jump links. And I’ve created five posts from the main content. Yeah, I mean, I don’t I can’t get too far into this Marco would kill me if I did.
But if you’re interlinking, your supporting posts correctly, daisy-chaining them together then and they’re just linking from post to post. And from within each post linking back to the top of silo page, even if it’s at a jump link, a jump link to the top of silo page to some section on the top of silo page. Yes, that would work. That would work really, really well. Actually. Any comments on that Marco?
Sorry about that.
A lot. Ah, no, it’s not really something that I’m willing to talk about in a free gotten a free forum like this. They are not going to get into that because it just puts so much power and it gets around everything that Google can throw at you. So no, that’s fine. We’ll leave it at that. Okay.
But yeah, just get creative with it. Think about you know what you’re doing with your structure. And I don’t like to if I don’t know where you say you can just clone copy main silo page content and create a post, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t do that on the same site what I was talking about with cloning or copying or mirroring, right is within the G site. Right. So if you’ve got your top of silo page, and you’ve got all the content on the page, you can always create, we recommend mirroring that top of silo page on the G site. And then if you had supporting posts within that category on your money site, I don’t typically duplicate or mirror posts onto a G site unless I’m having trouble ranking a particular keyword in which case then I will create child pages on the G site that is each child a one to one ratio, child page for every post within that silo, and then just embed those in there and that’s what I was talking about with the jumping links, you can actually create jump links from the G site back to the money site there. But again, that’s more kind of mastermind stuff or heavy hitter club stuff. So hopefully you got some value out of that. But I wouldn’t copy top of silo content and republish it on the same blog from your money site. I wouldn’t. Personally I wouldn’t do that I would have new content curated, not written because I use curated content for blog posts, the curated targeting the keywords that I’m trying to push that is on the top of the silo page if that makes sense. Okay.
So another good question.
Jason says thank you. Yeah, so he’s already watched all the Syndication Academy videos, that’s okay. If you join the mastermind if you just joined recently, the Syndication Academy join the mastermind will up make it worth your while we’ll refund your Syndication Academy purchase or apply it towards your first month of mastermind or something like that, and then you can cancel that subscription. So, yep, baby says great. We’re almost
What Are Your Thoughts On The Statement That You Can Flatten A Complex Silo Into A Simple Silo?
Got a timer almost out of question. So this is good timing maybe says great. What do you think of the statement that each complex silo can be flattened to a simple silo? And if a site isn’t that big, is it better to do the flat? Yes, I always, always recommend using simple silos where possible and guys, I’m going to be updating the training, I was really hoping to get that done for today, but I didn’t. And so I’ll try to have it done by next Wednesday. But in the process, street process doc that I created for our methods and for me, you know, our methods are what we sell as done for you services and MGYB for those of you that aren’t aware of it, if you go to semantic mastery comm slash process, I’m going to bring it up. It’ll you guys can take a look at this. For those of you that haven’t already been exposed to it, this is the process street process doc that I created to that has a lot of training in there with a lot of it’s the why we do what we do.
And what you can expect from it the How is we point to our training products for the how but or the where to get it as the links over to MGYB but these are the website silo architecture, the training videos that I created, you know, five years ago or whatever, they’re, they’re still valid, but my overall process has changed slightly right it’s evolved slightly and so I’m going to redo those silo training videos where I go into what a simple silo is what a complex silo is a difference between a physical silo and a virtual silo and what I prefer to use and why I’m going to redo those videos and that will go into here the website section of the worry list entity based SEO process doc and when I do hope I’ll have this done by next week guys I really wanted to get it done by this week but I haven’t even started on it. So I’ll try to get it done by next week. And then again guys you go to semantic mastery comm slash process and you take a look at all the stuff that’s in here. There’s a lot of training here. And so anyway, that said, Yes, I always recommend a simple silo. For most projects. I’m not going to say for the most projects for most local projects, which is what I do, almost exclusively, simple silos will suffice. I used to always try to build complex solids because I thought it was going to be better. And then maybe there is some benefit to it. But what I found is a complex silo is complicated. Hence the name complex silo. And so it’s difficult to build it create some kind of funny issues that are hard to reconcile with the URLs with the slugs and that kind of with permalinks and that kind of stuff. So I prefer to stick with a simple silo, it’s much easier to manage, it’s easier to map out when you’re in the build process. So I like using simple silos for most local projects. That’s all that is ever needed. In fact, with a simple silo, if you’re using our methods, you’re going to be the on-page SEO is going to be far superior to what most of your competitors are doing anyways. So it’s not really necessary to do a complex silo. If you’re doing a very broad site with a lot of categories and subcategories, then you might be necessary to do a complex silo. But, as I said, I always try to simplify where possible. We’ve had a ton of people over the years, join one of our groups, and they map out this incredibly intricate silo map of a site. And they, you know, probably spend hours and hours and hours mapping it out and creating drawings to show the silo structure and everything and then they present it and say, What do you think you think this would work? And it’s like, Well, yeah, but it could have worked, you know, eight levels previous, where it was like a much simpler build, and you got to save yourself a ton of time. And we don’t say that to pick on anybody, but it’s because I think we as SEO types, try to overcomplicate stuff all the time, and I’ve learned over the years to try to simplify as much as possible and get results with a much simpler process and simple silo structure is the way that I prefer to build 90 95% of my sites.
commenting. I totally agree. I don’t know why people get themselves into trouble with complex silos like right from the start. Yeah, if it’s a brand new project that there’s no need for for a complex silo, unless it’s like, I don’t know, like some type of e-commerce website and you’ve seen those where there’s a bunch of complex subcategories and while category, subcategory, sub-sub categories and all of these things that really complicated but I tell people to look in the beginning, you’re good with your homepage, and three categories, three top-level categories, the three main keywords that you’re going to go after to start making money, push all the power that way, as needed. And as you see more opportunities for top-level categories. You add them, right because then your whole setup is done. And whatever you add is going to benefit from everything you’ve done previously. But if you start mapping it
Out complex from the beginning. How are you going to push the power that that’s going to need for every page and post and subcategory and sub subcategory that you’re trying to create? you’re dividing up the PageRank in such a way that it’s not going to push the initial power that it could have. There’s no way because there’s no way to keep the link flow going the right way. Let’s put it that way. Yeah, but if you keep it simple, minimize the number of categories Don’t try to go after everything at once. But just three, three categories. That gives you enough to write for about four months when you get our D keyword research. I’m sorry, that that’s not available right now. But I did keyword research gives you enough to write about four months on those three top market level categories on those silos. And then you can go and see like which one is more complicated, and you just break it up instead of making it a subcategory? You just make it another category that’s related to that one category that you already have no need to overcomplicate things I hate when people try to do that. It doesn’t have to be all that difficult. Yeah, and it’s fine because like I said, we’ve experienced that a lot over the years, and I’m not gonna lie. In years past I did the same thing, I would always approach new projects with the complex silo, trying to map all that out. And it just it became overwhelming, it became too much of a bitch too, you know, too difficult to manage the projects. And again, it creates a lot of funky issues, if you’re trying to share subcategories with other categories, especially in local like, for example, if you have, you know, your topical or service-based silos, which would be like, you know, like Tree Removal would be one silo, for example, and another silo could be tree trimming, which in reality, I’ve learned over the years that you really don’t even need to create silos for Tree Service sites because they’re all synonyms for each other. Google considers tree removal and tree trimming as synonyms anyways. But most of my tree service projects are
Still siloed like that. And if you were trying to duplicate location-based silos within each one of the topical or service-based silos, it creates some real funny URL issues that you have to reconcile. And it becomes difficult to do so or vice versa, if you had location-based silos, as your top-level silos, and then you tried to have subcategories of services, then it creates some issues too. So I learned a long time ago just to go with the simple silo structure, so much easier to manage so much easier to handle. So anyway, yeah, I totally recommend going with simple silos where possible. The last question and we’re at five o'clock. So this is a good stopping point is BB says should we have a form in the branded properties for collecting leads? Absolutely. If you’ve got form code that can be embedded in other sites, absolutely. I’m actually using I’m not going to talk about what I’m using just yet because it’s part of the case studies and I’m working on but I’m using a new lead generation tool.
It helps that has a form builder in it that works really, really good. And I’m actually embedding the form and multiple properties. Now g sites, you know, a lot of different places that I’m actually embedding the forms now because they work really, really well. And they direct all the leads back to one central location that then gets distributed out. So yeah, absolutely, there’s no doubt, I always try to put most of my businesses run on phone calls more than a phone like. In other words, the leads that I generate for businesses are more phone call leads than they are web form submissions, but I don’t ever want to not provide that as an option. So I used to, I used to really just push phone calls, but now I’m pushing the lead form submits as well, because I’ve got a really cool application that I’m using that helps to distribute the leads to wherever I want them to go. And again, I’ll reveal some of that in the coming week’s guys, but I absolutely recommend if you have a form, form code that can be embedded on other sites use it. Okay.
All right. Thanks, everybody for being here.
We will see you guys next week. Thanks, Marco for sticking around. All right. Have a good one. Thanks, everybody
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 299 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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