#maybe this is not revolutionary advice to other people but it was a game changer for me personally
sesamestreep · 5 months
I am by no means an expert on the subject at all, but if I could give one piece of advice to people who are job hunting, it is to always save a copy of the description of any job you apply for. It’s getting RIDICULOUS out there (at least in my experience/industry) in terms of how long between when a job gets posted and when they start contacting applicants for interviews, and unless you have a photographic memory, or the job is still active on the website you found it on, you will forget details about the job before you get invited to interview and it’s probably not a strong sign if you ask the interviewer what the heck the job is again (even if it’s fair given the elapsed time and how many applications people expect you to have going at once).
If it’s not already available in PDF format, just click the print option on your browser’s menu when you’re on the webpage with the job listing and when it gives you the window with the printer specifications, select “save as PDF” on the dropdown of available printers instead and save it to the same folder where you’re saving your cover letters/resumes/application materials with the name of the company/job title/date you applied in the file name. easy peasy. I still forget to do this occasionally but even remembering to do it half the time has saved me a lot of trouble overall.
job hunting sucks and is demoralizing on the best day, so keep your head up, do little things like this to make your life easier, and remember that I love you 💖 you got this!
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scrawnydutchman · 6 years
What The Audience Doesn’t Notice (Ft. Jurassic Park)
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Legendary film director Stanley Kubrick (director of The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, Clockwork Orange and 2001: A Space Oddysey) Once gave the following advice which I carry with me throughout my life when it comes to storytelling.
“Real is good, but interesting is better”.
This brief but profound bit of insight behind what makes a great story both perfectly summarizes the strengths of our greatest films and also sheds a light on the problem with how many film goers judge their movies. Often times a film is judged harshly for being “too unrealistic”. Maybe it’s fantasy elements get too distracting, maybe the plot is riddled with holes or maybe the main cast blatantly tempts fate one too many times. It’s important for a film to be grounded in some level of reality or consistency and when it slips up in these matters they can often ruin an entire film for some people. But even so, I think a lot of film goers out there let the minor grievances get in the way of their enjoyment a little too much; like they go out of their way to find flaws in the film and end up setting themselves up for disappointment as a result. The fact of the matter is; no film is perfect. Look hard enough and there are gaps in logic in every single one. Even Citizen Kane, which has been put on a pedestal by many film scholars as “the greatest film of all time”, has it’s entire plot centered around a huge plothole. That plothole being, how does anybody know Charles Kane’s last words if nobody was in the room with him at the time of his death?
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But on the other hand, think about how long it took for anybody to consider that. Up until a time, the film had been receiving unrelenting praise as being a complete game changer for the medium, and not without good reason. Even with it’s flaws, Citizen Kane changed how we look at film with revolutionary cinematography, editing techniques that were other worldly at the time of it’s release and the exploration of themes no film had done before it. It’s a flawed story made interesting with innovative ways of telling it.
But maybe Citizen Kane is a little too archaic. Perhaps I should use an example that hits closer to home with more of today’s movie going audience (also because it’s in the title of this article).
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Let’s not mince words. Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park is a kick-ass movie. Intensely scary while also peppy and upbeat. Quotable as hell. It’s CGI not only forever changed the path of blockbusters going forward but also still looks damn good by today’s standards by being a great combination of solid texture work and convincing reptilian movement (and also a healthy dosage of practical effects that not everyone acknowledges often enough). There’s a reason why this film spawned an entire franchise of sequels and spin off films that range from mediocre to just outright ridiculous. 
But as many people on the internet have noticed . . . . it’s got a LOT of weird little things in it. little consistency awares between shots. Props popping in and out of frame between cuts, dinosaur names straight up spelled incorrectly. I could go on and on, but for a few examples of my point just watch this vid:
It honestly kind of baffles me just how many consistency errors are in this film. I feel like if this quantity of errors were in any generic blockbuster that movie would get slammed for it. But honestly, none of that stuff really matters. Because the stuff that’s good in this film that’s great is just captivating enough that even when you do notice these things it does nothing to phase your enjoyment of it.
Now, that isn’t to suggest that it’s just always okay to ignore these things. It’s important for plots to be as tight as you can make them, to be as consistent as possible with your sets and to hide the nuts and bolts of the illusion your film is trying to maintain. My point is, Jurassic Park’s good far outweighs it’s bad and manages to mask these flaws in a different way; by making sure our attention is always in the right place.
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lady-alayne · 7 years
Game of Thrones: An Angry Recap
Season 7 Episode 2: Stormborn
After whining to all my friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and random people on the street about the atrocity that Game of Thrones has become, I am still angry. So now I will whine to YOU, people of the internet. Behold: An Angry Recap.
Dragonstone? More like Dragonstorm, amirite? Deadpan Dany and her warcouncil/new BFFs (and Varys) are talking about the weather when Dany suddenly turns to Varys to ask him THE REAL QUESTION!!! “Dude, what happened to your character arc? Weren’t you totally trying to poison me in season 1? What’s up with continuity in this show?”
Varys explains he was doing it for the realm, realm meaning “keeping his head on his shoulders.” Dany, who is totally for supporting the smallfolk (unless her dragons burn them/she besieges them and lets them starve/she destroys their economy and the city descends into anarchy), forgives Varys and goes to greet her guest: Melisandre!
By the way, we found out Mel is actually super old like… more than a season ago. WILL THIS INFO EVER BECOME IMPORTANT??? It was probably just a huge “Fuck you” from D&D. “See, book readers? Now we have ventured PAST THE BOOKS. THE POWER TO SPOIL NOW RESIDES WITH US, AND US ALONE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!*evil laughter*”
Oh, finally, the prince that was promised is mentioned again! What’s that, Missandei? “Uh, actually, this noun has no gender, so it could also mean PRINCESS #feminism.”
Dany then creams over Jon, who Mel conveniently forgot to mention is resurrected. Yawn. Should we ship them?
Speaking of shipping, Grey Worm and Missandei!!! I do wonder where Grey Worm learned the skills he so generously shared with the little scribe. Do Unsullied have Sex Ed classes? Maybe he just googled it. Kudos for knowing just where it was!
HOT PIE!!! Aww, he’s back, and he’s a game changer. What he tells Arya sets wheels in motions and triggers actions that I am sure will stay with us until the finale. He changed everything. Just this one conversation made Arya reach a decision she probably never would have reached before. I mean, that thing that you have to brown the butter? GREATEST REVELATION IN THE HISTORY OF GAME OF THRONES!
Also, he made Arya go home instead of killing the queen, but whatever THAT TRICK WITH THE BUTTER YOU GUYS, I will have to try that out immediately.
 The Citadel:
SAM HAS CURED GREYSCALE!!! Who had their bets on episode 2? I thought it would take him a bit longer, but I had not taken THE RESTRICTED SECTION OF THE LIBRARY into account! Hermione would be proud.
In another very logical plot twist, it is revealed that THERE HAS BEEN A CURE ALL ALONG but no one found the idea worth revisiting because of the risk of infection. Thank god Sam has the AMAZING, GROUNDBREAKING AND REVOLUTIONARY IDEA TO WEAR GLOVES!!! Who would have thought of that? Brilliant! Where do D&D come up with this stuff?
We are then treated to the most disgusting scene I have ever seen in my entire life (and I watched Sons of Anarchy).
It’s a good thing Sam cured Jorah before Jorah could send that sad letter to his “Khaleesi.” She moved on, dude! Stop friendzoning yourself. It hurts to watch.
King’s Landing:
Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne as if she was born to do it, scheming left, right and center and forging new alliances. But there is the small matter of Dragons…
Luckily Qyburn has recently watched the Hobbit and come up with a solution. If Smaug, er, I mean, just any dragon in general, has been wounded, Smaug the dragon can probably also be killed. More luckily, Qyburn found a replica of the giant dragon-killing crossbow from the Hobbit movie on ebay and had it express delivered to the Red Keep. Take that, dragons!
I wonder if next episode it will turn out Qyburn also bought the Hogwarts Wand Collection; stunning the dragons would probably come in handy, too. Or Qyburn could just learn Dragonese and try to reason with them, like Hiccup did in the How to Train Your Dragon books… I’m excited to see what other fandoms will make a guest appearance!
 The Narrow Sea… or just any sea, I don’t know:
Speaking of other fandoms, it’s Pirates of the Caribbean! In an epic sea battle consisting mainly of smoke and light effects (it was just like the ride in Disneyland, y’all!) Euron kills at least two of the Sand Snakes. Last season the Sand Snakes killed everyone in Dorne, and now they are dead, too… D&D really went to great lengths to make up for the fact that they made us sit through the Dorne plot in season 5. Let’s never talk about it again.
Before the battle, however, we are reminded of one of the fundamental laws of the universe: IF TWO BISEXUAL WOMEN ARE IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER THEY HAVE TO MAKE OUT. Seriously, as soon as Ellaria found out Yara was bi she wasted no time, and ten seconds later Yara looked like she had an appointment with her gynecologist.
But then the Pirates of the Caribbean reenactment interrupted their steamy make out session, and Yara rushed upstairs and probably to her doom? OH YES, I FORGOT. We needed another damsel in distress to move Theon’s, A MAN’S™ plot further. I actually like Theon, and Alfie Allen is one of my favorite actors on the show, but seriously STOP IT WITH THE RAPING AND MAIMING OF WOMEN JUST SO THEON CAN SNAP OUT OF/SNAP BACK INTO HIS REEK STATE.
So apparently Euron is now Theon’s nemesis and the baddie he will have to kill to just get over his abuse. Just like Sansa got healed when she fed Ramsay to his dogs, remember?
Jon has been summoned to Dragonstone by Tyrion, and he totally wants to go because Tyrion once gave him a bit of advice like 7 seasons ago. Sansa isn’t too excited about Jon leaving, but agrees that Tyrion is totally awesome and a really cool dude because he did not rape her on their wedding night. Sansa, sweetheart, you need to set the bar for “good man” a bit higher.
Davos then has the coolest idea ever: Fly one of them dragons up North and TORCH THE WIGHTS. I hope this is what happens; it would make for some epic heavy metal album cover aesthetics.
Jon later tells his Northern and Vale lords (and Lady Mormont), who are for some reason still hanging out at Winterfell (Don’t they have castles to look after or something? Where are they getting all the food from???), that he wants to go South and meet Dany. Maybe she will give him dragonglass if he asks nicely? The lords and lady are not too happy about the King in the North leaving the North, but Jon tells them he knows better and they should all shut up. “You elected me democratically, so now I can do whatever I want and not give a damn about any of your opinions!” What a cool king.
Sansa, who has clearly gone to the Emilia Clarke Acting School of Having a Resting Bitch Face in Every Scene, is then appointed to hold the North until Jon returns. AND HER FIRST REACTION IS A SIDEWAYS GLANCE AT LITTLEFINGER YOU GUYS!!!!!! Petyr, you scheming mastermind, evilly lurking in the shadows, you are one brilliant man! You promised Sansa the North would be hers and now the North is hers! Sansa as wardeness of the North and Petyr as her hand/advisor/lover/father of her children! I SHIP IT! Oh Petyr, you beautiful, scheming mastermind.
…… Did I say scheming mastermind? I meant stupid dumbass. Petyr, in his infinite wisdom (hint: HEAVY SARCASM), then follows Jon into the crypts for some reason to tell him he loves Sansa like he loved Cat. Of course, Petyr, being the smart, clever man he is, knows that Jon will react just like Petyr wants him to. “Oh, you actually love Sansa? Like, you have feelings for her and stuff? Awesome! I thought you just wanted to bone her! But now that I know your love for her is deep and pure, of course you have my blessing.”
Uuuuuhhhhh…. Or, you know, shove him against the wall. Yes, because that worked out so well for the last Stark man who did it. And sure enough, when Petyr emerges from the crypts, his face practically screams, “Oh, watch me try. I will scheme my way into your sister’s pants, if it’s the last thing it do.” (Spoiler: It probably will be.)
What was your favorite scene this episode? Who are you rooting for to win the Iron Throne? And what happened to Ed Sheeran?
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