shredmytapestry · 2 years
where: anywhere when: anytime who: anyone! @moorbrookestarters​
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‘wait, did i tell you the good news?’ mala asked as she grinned widely and bounced where they stood. in this moment they were way too happy to care if they knew the person or not. they just wanted to share their excitement. ‘i finally got an apartment! they evicted me from my last one for falling behind on rent... valid. but now i finally have another one! it’s beautiful and clean! but i totally need a roommate. do you know of anyone needing a roommate? ahhh, i’m so excited to not be basement dwelling anymore!
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confortaleza · 2 years
who: open ( @moorbrookestarters ) location: anywhere lol 
“Hey, thanks again for helping me out. I knew you would be perfect for this.” The words were followed by a cheeky grin, proud to have gotten things go her way.  “I promise, after this we can go... do... uh, what did I bribe you with again?”
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thetcsteofink · 2 years
Who: Anyone! @moorbrookestarters​
Where: Beachwood Diner
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with the news of the mayor’s strange disappearance, the town’s been a bit on edge. but no doubt alecto came across the mysterious podcast earlier in the morning and ended up telling her dad all about it. since it was her day off from the library and as it was saturday, there were no classes, her dad insisted she help out in the diner while she explained to him what a podcast even was. ( “no dad, it’s not like one of those tide pod things” ). she wondered if anyone else had heard of it. of course most if not all of the town at least was at the fest and witnessed the mayor not showing up. some patrons even today whispered over it during their meals. alecto went to tend to the customer seated at the bar with her notepad and pen in hand. and... there her dad went yelling loudly at the cook for something. “jeez,” she muttered to herself. “sorry, not at you. just,” she waved the pen around by her head. “lots going on. mayor missing, weird podcast. have you heard of it? anyway, sorry—do you need a menu or do you know what you want? and do you want coffee?”
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benjiwilson · 2 years
open starter: @moorbrookestarters​ where: beachwood diner
It was Benji’s day off from work and he had most certainly taken any advantage of that last night. It wasn’t that often that he actually had quite a few drinks, knowing how otherwise he’d need to put in quite an effort to convince his friends - and himself - that he wasn’t going to end up like his father. But after stumbling into a bar that showed a football match yesterday evening, he simply hadn’t been able to help himself. Although he knew that it probably shouldn’t bother him that much after all those years. And on most days it didn’t or at least that’s what he tried to tell himself. Yesterday had been different though. And now he was paying for it with an annoying headache.  The fact that it was almost midday and he was sitting inside the diner with his sunglasses on, still picking at the rest of his breakfast, probably should have made it obvious that he wasn’t that keen on having company but when someone still stopped next to his table, he only let out a sigh and glanced up without bothering to remove his sunglasses. Having lived in a small town like this his entire life, there were simply too many people who knew you. “What....?”
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philcscphies · 2 years
who: open @moorbrookestarters​  where: anywhere public
“In the spirit of entrepreneurism,” Tony began without any explanation, “I think I’m going to offer my services out this holiday season. Think about it -- people are extra lonely during the holiday season. That or they’re visiting family and not looking to explain why they aren’t in a relationship yet. So, why not bring me along? I’m good at charming parents. I’m a decent actor. I think I’m fake boyfriend material, don’t you? It’s the perfect plan.” 
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apieceofreese · 2 years
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To say Reece had a long day would be an understatement. It was terrible on all accounts from start to finish. Things had been too chaotic and he just wanted to sit down, have a drink, and unwind. At least that’s what he said 2 beers ago. He had moved onto something different, a recommendation from the bartender that he was hoping was good. His plan wasn’t to get drunk, and he wasn’t yet. He was warm, which helped the cool air outside. He was starting to let his guard down and finally relax when someone took the chair next to him. “Is there glitter in this,” he spoke more so to himself, holding up the glass with a concerned face as it shimmered in the light.
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jensloaneishere · 2 years
open starter:@moorbrookestarters​
where: Outside, up the street from Riptide Gym
Jen looked down at her ringing phone and groaned before answering. She’d barely said ‘hello’ before the collector on the other end began reminding her exactly how overdue her electric was and that she only had another week to get it cleared up. It was a song and dance she was familiar with. “I’m putting the check in the mail as we speak. It’ll get to you day after tomorrow.” she said, and for the most part she was telling the truth. There were checks inside the envelopes she was shoving into the mailbox, however she had put the electric in the one addressed to the gas company, while the gas bill would go to the electric company. Usually, the fact that they received a check at all, even if it was wrong, was enough good faith to buy her another week or two. When she finally got the person on the other end to hang up, she braced herself against the nearest wall outside of some shop up the road from the gym and just sank down to take a few deep breaths. Fucking bills. Sometimes she thought she preferred deployment. Hearing someone approach, Jen didn’t bother looking up before she started talking. “If you’re here to rob me, you can fuck off.”
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gldnlitskies · 2 years
for: open ( @moorbrookestarters​ ) location: a random spot in town
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 by this point in his residency in the small town kylan was certain that the citizens of moobrrooke, maine no longer found anything he did surprising. who else would set up a random kissing booth out of pure boredom? of course when he got the idea of setting up said kissing booth he did not stop to think about how boring it would be to sit alone for a majority of the day just waiting for someone to stop by. he had set up his booth about an hour ago now and it was actually kind of successful to his surprise. kylan wasn’t charging for kisses yet he had managed to not only earn some kisses, but some money as well thanks to the generous people of moorbrooke. still it wasn’t enough to keep his attention from wandering, soon being distracted by a person who was passing by, “psst! hey, you!” he called, waving them over.  “c’mere.” a grin spreads on his lips when the person ends up coming over. “tell me you’re not up to much right now. i was kind of hoping i could steal you to join me for some conversation for a bit. running your own kissing booth is not as thrilling as it may seem. maybe your gorgeous face will help attract more people, though they’ll be sorely disappointment when it’s me that goes in for the kiss.”
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candydripping · 2 years
Who: Anyone! @moorbrookestarters​​  Where: Schoops Ice Cream Parlour When: Anytime
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For somebody who was supposed to be lactose intolerant, James Reynolds did NOT know when to stay away from ice cream. In fact, they still had a habit of buying it pretty much every single day -- especially in the summer -- and just hoping that this time maybe his tummy might accept it. And every single time he was obviously wrong, but James still always hung onto that ridiculously optimistic string of hope. So here he was again, on a nice sunny day in June, back in Schoops Ice Cream Parlour and trying to figure out what flavour to pick. Bubblegum was always the go-to but James was determined to test every single flavour in here. Except vanilla because vanilla was too boring.
“Sooooo, which flavour do you think my tummy would tolerate the most?” James turned to the person behind them, their infamous mischievous smile brightening up their face. “I’m toying with either banana or mint.”
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shredmytapestry · 2 years
location: around town when: anytime status: open || @moorbrookestarters​
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aksel heard a distant whining and followed the noise. he was on his day off from the hospital ( not something that happened very often ) and on his way to get a coffee he was now stuck with an animal in his arms. he could’ve just walked but honestly some part of him wanted this to be a stray he could take home. he was sure his roommate wouldn’t mind, but still had to do his part to try and find their owner. ‘hiii, is this yours? i found them crying and now everytime i try to put them down... they cry. not in pain, but more in a whininess.’ 
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philcscphies · 2 years
who: open @moorbrookestarters​​ where: brinie bar
Shane wasn’t used to being the center of attention. In fact, his entire life had been an exercise in blending in, in drawing as little attention to himself as he possibly could. So, now, attending an event that was specifically geared towards celebrating him and his fiance... Shane wasn’t sure how to handle that.  “Oh, hi,” he greeted, turning to the person besides him. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight.”
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gcmesweplay · 2 years
Who : @moorbrookestarters​ Where : Infusion Food Stall
There were a few things Nassar figured with the right staff he wouldn’t ever have to do again. Not necessarily because he could pass on something he hated to someone else, although more than likely that sometimes was a qualifier, but because it would just make sense for others to take on that responsibility. Yet somehow with a full staff he still found himself where he least expected him to be. Moorbrooke Fall Festivals were probably more enjoyed in attendance but the ability to see first hand how customers reacted to their Fall Festival specials - they weren’t getting added to the menu anytime soon, so it was as close to the real thing as he could. Nassar passed an order out with a thank you before leaning against the table. “Come order our new Onde-Onde. Indonesian sesame seed balls, kids love them.” So far it was just one kid, but that counted right? “Try all of our Moorbrooke festival specials, you won’t be able to get them anytime else.”
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ofsvnlight · 2 years
*  OPEN  STARTER  (  @moorbrookestarters​  )
Location  :  driftwood  books  
Who  :  open
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HE  ADJUSTS  HIS  GRIP  ON  GIADA  ,  who  had  fallen  asleep  at  one  point  but  refused  to  be  put  down  while  he  helped  customers  .  he  watches  as  the  girl  in  front  of  him  digs  through  her  purse  ,  insisting  she  had  enough  ,  but  can’t  find  the  cash  anymore  .  she’d  said  something  about  the  library  not  having  this  specific  book  that  her  kid  had  set  his  heart  on  so  she  was  trying  to  treat  him  ,  but  now  turns  to  her  kid  apologetically  and  starts  to  explain  .  as  the  child’s  face  falls  ,  enzo  shakes  his  head  ,  dropping  cash  from  his  own  wallet  into  the  register  and  handing  her  the  change  from  it  .  “  the  book’s  yours  .  ”  he  says  ,  not  letting  her  argue  even  about  him  giving  her  the  change  .  it’s  not  going  to  affect  him  to  give  away  one  book  ,  and  the  kid  had  been  so  excited  ,  moments  ago  .  he  sends  them  on  their  way  with  the  book  ,  and  greets  the  next  customer  .
        she  immediately  claims  he  should  pay  for  her  books  since  he  paid  for  the  last  woman’s  .  enzo  arches  an  eyebrow  ,  shaking  his  head  .  “  she  wasn’t  yelling  at  me  .  ”  the  male  replies  ,  glancing  down  at  the  stack  of  books  she’s  set  on  the  counter  .  he  starts  scanning  the  books  ,  reading  out  her  total  when  he  finishes  .  he  explains  again  that  she  is  not  entitled  to  free  books  just  because  he  gifted  one  to  the  previous  customer  .  and  glares  when  the  woman  continues  to  argue  ,  her  kid  whining  loudly  enough  that  he  feels  giada  shifting  and  clearly  waking  up  .  at  one  point  the  woman  demands  the  manager  ,  just  as  the  door  opens  and  someone  else  steps  inside  the  shop  .  “  welcome  ,  let  me  know  if  i  can  help  you  with  anything  ,  ”  he  calls  ,  before  turning  back  to  the  woman  in  front  of  him  .  “  i’m  the  owner  ,  and  you  can  leave  .  ”  he  says  ,  picking  up  her  stack  and  setting  them  with  the  small  stack  of  put  backs  behind  the  counter  .  as  the  woman  sputters  and  then  drags  her  kid  away  ,  he  turns  his  attention  to  the  other  person  .  “  hi  ,  how  can  i  help  you  ?  ”  
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justjacquelined · 2 years
who: any (open starter) where: moorbrooke cinema, Mean Girls Night
Jackie often tried to cling to her youth. With two little ones making her feel older by the day, she let Gen Z influence her probably a little too much. She parted her hair in the middle. She’d ditched her skinny jeans. If she could be mistaken for even one year younger than her approaching thirty, she was happy. But if there was one Millenial thing she’d cling to, Mean Girls was probably it. It was, arguably, one of the best comedies of all time. So she was making a night of it, all dolled up in pink, and, naturally, ordering cheese fries from concessions, Jackie was ready for a fun night. Turning away from the counter, she smiled at the person walking through the door. “Ordering a tub of butter seemed like going too hard. But this feels appropriate, right?”
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thetcsteofink · 2 years
who: anyone! @moorbrookestarters​​ where: seashakes​
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lyanna didn’t go to the bar, ever. it was a recipe for disaster for a recovering alcoholic. so, thankfully seashakes was a milkshake and smoothie bar that played sports. it was the safest place as she sipped her strawberry shake. “YES!” lyanna shouted, clapping and turning to the first person next to her. whether supporting the same team, the opposing, or they just happened to be there beside her, she didn’t care. she threw her arms around them in a quick embrace and pulled away to clap again. mexico had just won the match. surely it meant they would go on to the knockout stage! though the woeful news found its way to her ears. mexico tied for second place and due to technicalities were out. lyanna’s smile and clasped hands stayed frozen as she looked up at the television hopefully as if it would deliver some completely different news or that it was a joke entirely. slowly, her features shifted, eyebrows furrowing and smile fading. “que bronca, no puede ser,” she whispered to herself. lyanna turned to the person she’d just hugged and let out a deep sigh and a sniffle. “what the fuck?!” she yelled, gesturing to the tv. “this is bullshit!”
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candydripping · 2 years
James: GUESS WHAT!!!!
James: and you have to actually guess you can't be boring and just say 'what' otherwise i'm blocking you
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