#t: threads
gldnlitskies · 2 years
for: open ( @moorbrookestarters​ ) location: a random spot in town
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 by this point in his residency in the small town kylan was certain that the citizens of moobrrooke, maine no longer found anything he did surprising. who else would set up a random kissing booth out of pure boredom? of course when he got the idea of setting up said kissing booth he did not stop to think about how boring it would be to sit alone for a majority of the day just waiting for someone to stop by. he had set up his booth about an hour ago now and it was actually kind of successful to his surprise. kylan wasn’t charging for kisses yet he had managed to not only earn some kisses, but some money as well thanks to the generous people of moorbrooke. still it wasn’t enough to keep his attention from wandering, soon being distracted by a person who was passing by, “psst! hey, you!” he called, waving them over.  “c’mere.” a grin spreads on his lips when the person ends up coming over. “tell me you’re not up to much right now. i was kind of hoping i could steal you to join me for some conversation for a bit. running your own kissing booth is not as thrilling as it may seem. maybe your gorgeous face will help attract more people, though they’ll be sorely disappointment when it’s me that goes in for the kiss.”
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maliciouscigarette · 11 months
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The Bible says Tetris and Puyo Puyo, not these "DT-cannon" and "4-wide" abominations.
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carolinanadeau · 4 months
"this female character is underdeveloped" TO YOU. I can read subtext and I know all about her backstory and her rich inner life. also she told me personally
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Getting Gone [Raisa]
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"Look, my car is dead. Again. Can you help me jump it, or give me a ride, or should I start walking now?" She was tired and eager to get gone. It took all of five minutes for vultures to start with their pointless flirting.
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tiktaalic · 4 months
Girls will be like yeah so basically Taylor swift has eradicated all attempts at creativity in favor of seamlessly merging her IDENTITY to PRODUCT and I will give accolades where accolades are due. She has been very successful at this probably the most successful person on earth at this and all it cost her is her soul. And it DID cost a soul. You could make a graph between amount of streams and quality of work and see so clearly the inverse relationship materialize before your eyes. She was not born a hack but embraced the life of a hack when she realized she would be more popular with platitudes and dialing back on oversharing and being less messy. If you replace personhood with producthood you lose your humanity but your album sales go fuuuucking crazy. I can make overtures at understanding this by reminding myself she was crucified for being a person for years and years and she has been very vocal about it doing a heavy number on her psyche. Maybe when that happens to you as a teenager the trade off seems less revolting. Getting rid of something you’re mocked for having anyway and in return you are richer and more famous than anyone has any right to be. But then I scratch my head. And go but surely you see that this is a deal with the devil. Surely with the contract laid out in front of you. You gnaw your lip. You hesitate. You follow the letter of the law but skirt the spirit of it for brief shining moments. And when she’s so publicly had misogynistic vitriol levied at her. So often for so long. IS it misogynistic for your criticisms to boil down to “she’s not likable enough for me”? At what dollar amount does a millionaire going on billionaire become a public object rather than a person? Does the fact that she’s slowly revoked access to herself change this? Is it more or less human to orchestrate your life so that paparazzi only sees you on planned outings where you look impeccable and have a message to send and you are Taylor Swift The Brand after you’ve been scarred by years of being Taylor swift the young woman in the tail end of the aughts and the 2010s ripped to shreds scrutinized for every choice and smile and dress and man? Is there a passable essay in the title Taylor Swift Doesn’t Owe You Authenticity. Maybe! but doesn’t she as an artist work at a job where she’s supposed to produce. Art? It sounds like I’m asking for ballads but I’m really not I’m asking for a song that is good. Im asking for a cruel summer which is irreplicable but surely the minds behind it can produce something more than snow on the fucking beach? Or am I overestimating the continued talent of a woman who is the platonic ideal of a target shopper? Is it misogynistic to believe the platonic ideal of a target shopper can’t create with a soul? How to talk about the fall off of Taylor swift in a woman honoring way?
five minutes later. You can’t spell awesome without ME!
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jsbashirmd · 22 days
@lietwice sent:
⌚️ ( okay consider julian who has been married to garak for like 10 years on cardassia, getting the chance to talk to early ds9 garak. or, alternatively, obsidian order garak meeting ds9 julian or married cardassia julian )
When Julian awoke, he was immediately aware that he wasn't in his home. It smelled different, to start, and though the walls were in the correct places, it was decorated differently. It was also overpoweringly, suffocatingly hot. He looked first for his communication device, then for his husband and children, and when he found no sign of either, he quickly and quietly exited the unfamiliar home to widen his search. It took a matter of hours for him to discover that this was his home, but it wasn't his time. Then, his entire focus changed--his whole mission became to find his husband, whether or not Garak was his yet, and he tried not to think too hard about just why he was doing that.
It took weeks. Nearly two months, though that was partially because Garak was off-world for much of that time, but as soon as he caught sight of him, tending, carefully to his little garden of orchids, Julian was finally able to relax. He shouldn't upset the timeline, he realized. He'd seen him and he was safe and as he should be at this time, and thus reassured, Julian should just live as unobtrusively as possible while he tried to get back to his own time. But he couldn't help but linger, just for a while, and unfortunately for him and his good intentions, Garak was not content to be watched, especially by a stranger.
"Oh!" he exclaimed quietly, as soon as their eyes met. He cursed, then spread his hands to show he was unarmed, then made no other movements. "Hello. Not that it's likely to help or to convince you, but I promise I'm not an enemy operative here to spy on you."
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slayingdotfit · 24 days
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Flex Fry Day 🍟
tri-blend tee from Slaying.fit 💪
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people will tut-tut and lecture trans women for not embracing cis self-described “femboys” as if they’re not extremely hostile, ignorant, and transmisogynistic toward us
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this is someone who thinks that trans people transition just to Become Hotter, denigrates trans people for not being attractive enough to them, and preys on trans people’s physical insecurities
(if you haven’t, really think for a second about someone conceptualizing HRT as a substitute for dieting. if that isn’t immediately flooring you, turn it around in your head for a bit. particularly think about what trans women on HRT often want from hormones)
self-described “femboys” in general deeply resent trans women. they still moan and whine at trans women “erasing femboy representation” over Bridget Guiltygear canonically being recognized as a trans woman. “femboy” itself isn’t a generic term for feminine or GNC men, it’s a transmisogynistic epithet from fetish shit focused on misgendering trans women, just like “trap”
but trans women are blamed and denigrated as Closeminded, Bigoted, and Making Everything About Us when we’re not friendly toward cis dudes who not only refer to themselves by that epithet, but also constantly harass and misgender us for being trans women. deranged
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dfivedesign · 10 days
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“Philosophy of Rene Descartes”
Let your professor know why you're so confused the whole time 😭
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gldnlitskies · 2 years
for: open ( @moorbrookestarters​ ) location: the park
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from the warm sunlight to the way the birds sang their summer songs, it was a beautiful day for a walk in the park. normally when sol took sprinkles for their walks she had no troubles with the little kitten, except for today. today she found herself running after the little guy who had somehow managed to slip out of his leash, one arm waving in the air, “sprinkles! wait!” she called out, hoping the little kitten would run out of steam soon. it seemed sprinkles had set his sights on someone in particular and it was only when he had run to that person did he finally let his human catch up with him. “i’m so sorry!” she quickly apologies, trying to catch her breath, “he’s normally so good with his walks. i’m not sure how he managed to slip away! bless you, though. you must be something special if you got my little got all excited like this,” she breathlessly laughs,  offering an apologetic and warm smile.
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andi-o-geyser · 7 months
the girls who get it get it PLEASE I am begging for you to listen to this song for either of these three feral men in their mid-20s on a grief and rage fuelled revenge quest with a gun and a pack of smokes
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villiun · 10 days
TSP ROADTRIP - They’ve arrived at their hotel!!
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birb--birb · 7 months
can we also talk about Marion's choices? Choosing to give his reclaimed soul to Jean is so layered in love for both her, Sean, and himself I just- The woman you've fallen in love with is breaking, believing that she too is just another monster in this terrible world. But Marion doesn't let her believe it, he shows her that she still has so much capacity to help, so much capacity for kindness and gentleness still. He shows her that even through all the tragedy and sadness, there can still be good and beauty and while its good to grieve, it's possible to carry on. He made peace with his younger self, apologizing to that young Marion in the garden for the hell he is about to unleash/has already experienced, while also claiming back a major piece of his trauma for himself. Its like he sorta reverse uno'd his trauma, it still exists but he gets to hold it now, not some otherworldly beast that haunted him his entire life. It is in his control now, and he can make peace with it. and Sean.... his most beloved friend, who has been through hell and back and hell again. Marion knew how much pain he was in, the agony and suffering and anger he carried with him. And sometimes you feel you have no other choice than to let go, its the only way Sean felt he would have ever been able to find peace and it sucks it sucks that this is what it came to. But Sean made his decisions, was more than ready to give himself up to keep his mother safe and Marion made a promise, he promised would never let Sean go through anything alone ever again. And he kept it. Marion had so much love to give and I love that Luis followed that to the end.
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End Credits [Carmen/Rafael]
Carmen dipped her head, hot tears streaking down her cheeks as she stared down at Rafael, his head resting in her lap. A tear splattered against his jaw as their lips met, the kiss soft and fleeting, yet still tender; full of grief and regret. The last three nights performing this scene, she'd cried--the reality of Rafael too real, too raw after the last few months--but hadn't kissed him. Their drama teacher gave her the choice to do it or not, based on her comfort, and she'd saved it for closing night.
The heavy velvet stage curtains creaked closed, signaling the end of the play. Sucking in a breath, Carmen brushed her cheeks clear of tears and let Raf stand, the rest of the cast and crew approaching to line up for their bow.
She wondered if Rafael's parents had decided to use the tickets she'd left in their mailbox. Unbeknownst to her, Carmen's own family was in the crowd. Camila dragged them--practically kicking and screaming--not that Carmen wanted them there. Carm stood and brushed her skirt off, then offered Raf her hand so they could stand at the center of the line, her lips still buzzing from that soft kiss.
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cordycepsfem · 7 days
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LGB - rainbow items are good enough for us.
The TQIA+ - apparently need special representation and items for themselves; it’s not good enough to be grouped with the LGB under the rainbow.
And we’re the ones getting shit for Drop the T?
(Let’s not even start about whether or not Target should be selling binders. They shouldn’t.)
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Quiz time: what would you put in a Target Pride collection to represent the TQIA+?
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jsbashirmd · 8 months
[[ unplotted starter for @dccontramundum because Morse needs someone to marvel at his big beautiful brain and Julian needs someone to find out his secrets and not care. and they both need more kissing.
He was drunk. Both of them were, which was poor judgement if ever there was any, but Julian couldn't help it. Despite all his best efforts, Julian had been done for the moment Morse had first woken up clear-headed and said something brilliant, and it had only gotten worse from there. His hair and his eyes and his voice and the way he thought of everything, as simply and as perfectly as Julian did about his own field. He'd always fallen in love easily, and out of it almost as, but this... he'd fallen hard. And despite every resolution, he hadn’t been able to stay away. So now here they were.
Julian would like to say that it was a perfect romantic moment that swept him away. What it actually was was more ordinary and more special all at once. He grinned and he said, "You should sing more," and then he pressed close enough that they were breathing each other's air and when Morse didn’t pull back, Julian kissed him. Because at least this way, he'd get to taste a little bit of what they could be like before it somehow came crashing down on him.
And g-d, romantic or not, it was perfect.
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