allyymcl · 1 year
Hi ! How are you ? :)
Study date with the boys ? <3 Thank uuu !
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—pairing; ot5 x f!reader
—genre; fluff.
—warnings; none!
—a/n; hii! im `retty good!! ty for requesting! feel free to do it again. and OMG im really sorry i literally dissapeared, but i promise im going to start posting as usual<33
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he didn't understand why you asked HIM
i mean,
its not like he is a big fan of doing school work
he agreed cause he didn't wanted you to ask nath
you two stayed in school after all your classes ended, and went to the library
"there are soo many books"
"yes castiel, is a library"
the next hours you studied, and cas took his time to bother you
taking funny pics of you
making face calls even tought you were right next to him
poking your sides until you laugh (cause he loves hearing you laugh)
and writing things in your papers like:
"my boyfriend is the hottest"
or drawing angry faces
anyway, he would actually make an effort to read a page or so if you really want it
actually, you didn't read anything as well
thats why, study dated with cas are gonna be all playing
ok so, it think nath is the one who invites you to do it
hes used to staying late in school to do his homework, he certainly doesn't like being too long in his house
and even tought he admits is a little boring
he prefers doing it w you instead
thats why you two sit in an empty room to read all of your texts book
he casually would glance at you
admiring you and thinking of you can someone be so pretty
he would blush and desconcentrate
hes just feels so flustered while being with you
"there's something in my face?" you would tease nath
"mhm n-no! sorry!" he blushes and pretended nothing happened.
probably, he would ask you to explaing him something
but not because he didnt understand
he just likes the sound of your voice
def would invite a coffee or something when you two finish your study session
and also would walk you home
with him, you actually get to study
i think he gets lost and doesnt talk much
so, is easy to concentrate
anyways, he approachs to write songs while you read
he get inspired easily while being w you
and also, he would offer you two study while listening to one of his songs
ofc you will say yes
and would also explain to you things that you dont understand
but dont really expect him to study
so, study dates with him are you actually reading, and him writing songs about you or whatever is on his mind
—𝗔𝗥𝗠𝗜𝗡; !!
im sorry but
why would you even ask him?
literally he made this face "🤨"
armin finds it SO boring
so, i feel like
if you ask him that, he will brush you off and just take you to other place
"why would you want to study when you can play games?"
def made you play with him for
but, in case you really wanted to study, he would make an effort
but don't be mistaken either
armin is a smart boy
it's just that memorizing isn't usually his forte, so when he's finished he probably won't remember even half of what you explained to him
and trust me, if you did manage to get him to put down his console to STUDY
bitch you got him whipped
ken is not really into studying really
instead, would rather be training, walking his dog or doing literally anithing else
however, the fact that he could spend some extra time with you after classes ended,  cconvinced him
the truth is that, it would be a bit disastrous
kentin does not pay special attention to the teacher no matter how hard he tries
but since he does not want to disappoint you, he tries to pretend he understand everything
and tries to explain to you the things you don't get, although sometimes he has to improvise a bit
and although the next day half of the points you had solved together were wrong
it was really fun
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Blueberry Pancakes
(A very short Lysander blurb I’ve had on my mind for a while.)
(So glad to be back oh gosh! in this story the farm and the house looks just a tad different, ive always imagined sitting on the porch with lysander having coffee or tea so im indulging in my own little thoughts here lol i havent written anything in like years at this point so forgive me for any typos, forgive my rustiness and forgive me if you just dont enjoy the story lololol)
Living on the farm was a drastic change, but it was a change that you welcomed with open arms. The stark contrast of waking up to the sounds of birds singing versus the aggravating honking of cars, people yelling down the halls of your dorm. There was something different about the air there, something that wrapped you up in a blanket of peace and warmth, even if it was currently a bit chilly at the moment. 
You sat outside on the front porch, hands tightly gripping the mug of coffee in your hands to absorb as much of its warmth as possible. The mug was probably a bit too hot to be holding that way, but the cold in the air balanced it out. It was about six o’clock in the morning now, you had gotten used to waking up earlier and earlier due to Lysander’s routine. At first you didn’t hesitate to fall back into the mattress, going back to sleep within seconds but slowly you had come to enjoy getting an earlier start to your day. It wasn’t a daily occurrence that you were up before him though.
It was the middle of Spring, so while the weather was nice during the day, the mornings were still a crisp cold until the sun would come up. But it wasn’t a bad cold, in fact it was actually pleasant the way the morning breeze brushed your skin. You took a deep breath and sipped your coffee, whatever leftover drowsiness you had slowly faded away along with it. You leaned against the wooden railing and got a bit lost in thought, not hearing the door open softly behind you.
“Good morning lovely,” Lysander spoke up, startling you a bit but it made you giggle. You never understood how he managed to be so light on his feet. He tiredly rubbed his eyes and stretched before walking over to you. 
“Good morning to you too, did you sleep well?” You looked up at him as he stood beside you and kissed your forehead, moving your hair out of your face as he did so.
“I always sleep well with you,” he smiled, and it made you blush. He had his own mug in his hand as well too, whoever made coffee in the mornings always brewed enough for the other to have some waiting for them whenever they made it out of bed. It was an unspoken thing between you both, and always filled your hearts with warmth at the small but loving gesture.
Lysander stared into the distance, watching the sun begin to creep up along the horizon. It’s golden rays spilling over and landing perfectly on his face. His eyes always seemed more intense in the sunlight, especially his golden one. He was undeniably handsome whether he knew it or not, and you couldn’t believe he was yours. Of course, he could say the same and more about you and would not hesitate to let you know.
“Sunrises must have been made just for you, my love.” 
You’re suddenly very aware of the way he’s looking at you, complete adoration in his eyes. From his point of view, the sun was creating a golden aura around your frame, making you seem almost unreal, almost heavenly. It was a bit cliche how the wind started blowing just at that moment and he swore he fell in love with you every day. The way his eyes seemed to bore into your soul always made you a bit nervous, in a good way. “You always look breathtaking this time of the day,” he tilts your chin up and kisses you, his lips soft and his touch gentle as always. 
Your face is no doubt heating up at this point, but you have no shame in that. “You’re a true womanizer, you know that Lys?” you joke with him. He cocks his eyebrow up at that, a small smirk forming on his face and he shakes his head at your little joke. “I highly doubt that.”
He wraps his arm around you and pulls you into his side, both of you continuing to watch the sun come up. 
You had been living with him for a little over a year at this point and even still, you never got tired of times like these. In fact, you weren’t tired of any of it. Waking up next to him, brushing your teeth together, cooking and eating breakfast together. The domesticity of it all had you feeling warm inside. You leaned into his chest and wrapped your arms around his middle, taking a deep breath and his scent filled your nostrils. You both stayed like that for a while, him occasionally stroking your arm or hair, and you rubbing his back. Before you knew it, the sun had fully risen and you were ready to start your day until-
You jumped at the loudness of your stomach, both of you laughing at that. “I guess I forgot about breakfast, you hungry?”
He didn’t have to answer, because right at that moment his stomach also growled, a little louder than yours, and you both burst into laughter at that. 
“I guess we have our answer then,” you giggle. He nods in agreement and lets you lead him back into the house by his hand. “Come on, I’ll make you your favorite?” you offer.
“Blueberry pancakes?”
You nod.
He perks up at this, fully awake now that you’ve promised him a treat. “Absolutely. Lead the way, love.”
Making your breakfast is quick, not having to do much except make the batter and flip the cakes. It goes by even quicker with Lysander by your side handing you the ingredients you need as you go, and before you know it you’re sitting at the table with him ready to gobble down. 
You’d never doubted it to begin with, but the content smile he has on his face as he takes a bite of his pancake reaffirms that you wouldn’t trade this life with him for the world. 
Coincidentally enough, he’s thinking the same thing, appreciating the simplicity of it all. Being with you is the easiest thing he’s ever done. Nothing has ever felt so natural to him, and the simple act of eating breakfast with you makes his heart feel full. He watches you cut into your pancake, and he wants this feeling everyday for the rest of his life. 
Thinking about the small, square box he has hidden upstairs in your shared bedroom, right under your nose, he’s never been more sure of his decision than this moment.
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eto-bee · 6 years
I’m so lame but this is emotional 4 me
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boatcats · 3 years
You know shit is getting real when Justin sings Send in the Clowns.
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frogagenda-archive · 7 years
ppl who listen to taz and ignore all other mcelroy products are on another plane of existence 
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validtrollnames · 7 years
Barold Bluman, Taakoo Teavee, Magnus Fights, Merles Higher, and special sea-dwweller guest Davven Porter all play high-stakes Flarp 5E using their valid troll names. The Griffers (also known as Hoopez Mclboi in life) is their collective anscestor/ troll DM by way of secrets and other stuff left behind from early Alternian history. Additionally, Thomas Bowdett is there.
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fiendfluid · 5 years
the pin of the month for the mclboys is so cooool
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mycandylovefanatics · 11 months
Been wanting to write a lil oneshot or something but no ideas, send some in?
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