#me sidelining an ask as per usual sorryyyyy
berlinini · 3 years
Have you ever thought about why larries are so invested in their theories? They are the epitome of confirmation bias. every information that might burst their bubble-they deny it or blame it on "evil management". then they come with "sky is blue. grasses are green. world is larry"
i think it's because it makes them feel special. They are under the impression that they know and understand something secret which no one else understands. a cult mentality.
also, larry helps them to justify harry's shit. they don't want to face the reality that harry is not the person he was 10 years ago. or he was never the person they believe he was. so, making him a victim is a easy solution to live in their fairy land.
what disgusts me is- they insist with their life that "if larry is not real. then louis is a shit dad". they claim, he never had a paternity test and never interacts with his son (as if he owes them to post paternity test report and facetime video with his son on social media). the very same people believe louis and harry has a secret shared house where they live together and goes back after every stunt. i mean how can people be this blind?
(This ask was received on August 23, I am so sorry for replying a month later...)
I find it WILD that the people who think that Harry and Louis are "communicating with them" and "signaling" at every opportunity, people who can come up with elaborate theories about what a t-shirt must mean are actually blind when it comes to looking at Harry and Louis' situations, careers trajectory and actions - hell, even at their lyrics. If you look at THE FACTS and get out of your headcanon for a second, it becomes uneasy to think that 2021 Larry is a love story for the books...
Let's start with the "visible": Harry and Louis have not been seen together FOR YEARS. Larries are stuck in 2012/2015. Yeah, I've seen the footage from that time. Yeah, they looked like idiots in love most of the time. Now.. that was... 6 years ago. THAT WAS 6 (SIX) YEARS AGO.
And if you look "behind the scenes"... it's worse.
There is NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING that links Louis and Harry post HS1. Fine Line was made to be a hit album, it was heavily promoted in all GP outlets (Rolling Stones, Tiny Desk, BBC, later the Vogue cover). When Love on Tour couldn't happen, WS was pushed down everyone's throat to be become the hit of the summer. Meanwhile Walls promo was barely existent, so was the livestream's and festival's. What else? Let me see... Harry is selling 100$ stay-at-home COVID t-shirts while Louis is donating millions from his livestream to charity. Harry is dripping in ugly as fuck Gucci suits and Louis shows up with a 30£ t-shirt to his concert. Harry leaves fans in the dark about his tour situation while Louis has monthly check-in tweets with fans. Harry forgets to thank his fans in his Grammy speech, while Louis is telling fans that they don't need to buy merch and "support is more than enough". Harry is papped with Olivia on a yacht and at the stadium for the Euro while Louis is watching the matches with his friends in a public pub. I mean, Harry works with fucking Ben Winston while Louis has Charlie Lightening.
So... how do we explain this? Harry isn't doing any of these things voluntarily? It's 'evil management's' fault? He goes home to Louis and cries because he can't be who he "really" is and apologizes for being this famous and successful? He doesn't want that?
If Harry is so in love with Louis and seeing as he's Sony's golden star, why isn't he working extra hard for Louis to have the solo career he deserves? Wouldn't you want your partner to succeed professionally? To be happy?
And why would Louis, seeing Harry becoming the new cultural juggernaut, just sit down in the basement where Harry keeps him and swallow this extremely unequal situation? Doesn't Louis have any ounce of self-esteem? He's made it pretty clear that he wants a solo career. Wouldn't he be hurt by seeing Harry get to where he can't go? When Louis' career is actually being restrained ?
If H&L are so ~in love~ why don't they retire from the industry, buy a tropical island and live there together with their 14 children? Isn't there a point where the pressure from the industry, the stunting, etc. is too much and you decide to save your relationship with the man of your life and just give it all up? Why are they enduring this terrible situation still?
This just proves that larries are actually in love with the idea of this "epic love story" and of knowing about it - as you said anon, about being in "in a secret" and having more information than others. Of knowing "the truth"....
They victimize Harry to let him off the hook for his shitty behavior. They dehumanize Louis and in doing so, actively contribute to the sabotage of his career - by painting him as the man in the shadow, the supportive boyfriend, the man who has no interest in a solo musical career - which is all far from the truth.
I don't think larries understand the weight that their "fandom" has on the boys themselves and on their careers. From Harry having to cater to them by larrybaiting and to the "hetties" (het harries) from a PR and monetary perspective to the effect it has on Louis' personal life - on which they prefer to focus instead of talking (or liking!) his music.
If they don't like Louis if Louis is not 1/2 of Larry, then PERFECT!!! Leave my man alone!!! GTFO!!!
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berlinini · 3 years
Love Louis’ band but... Louis hire more women petition because they are amazing and especially something about the orchestra yesterday 😍
I hope he keeps the string quartet on tour, because they are very good (and it adds to much to the songs), plus, it seems like these girls know how to party 😎
I think we can see, in the choice of an all-female string section (both in the LTLFL livestream and the festival) and a female DJ, that Louis is aware that his band is all laddy lads, and for the fest, so were the supporting acts. (on another note, shout out to BILK for being hilarious). The question of representativeness in the - very sexist - music industry goes beyond all this, but I think Louis is conscious of this and strives not to be surrounded by men all the time (except when they're bald because he's a sl*t for bald men).
Can we talk about Jess Iszatt tho? I think she's in love with Louis a little bit, and maybe Louies are a little bit in love with her too hahaha. She looks so good like she's a lot of fun and she gave us so much loutent! 🙏
Seeing the support he's received from everyone who participated in the festival is so heartwarming. His bandmates give out good vibes, especially (the good) Matt. Even his bodyguard is whipped for Louis - and let's not talk about Charlie or Helene - so really I think Louis is appreciated by the people he works with, and they see his passion and hard work. It leaves the question of certain other people... but that's another story. Also seeing his childhood friends being there for him, with the lyrics from Change... it's something special.
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berlinini · 3 years
Larries are a social experiment theres no way these people are real.
They call us delusional because we think harry is a shitty person when he has shown us times and times again that hes a pos but we are "biased" because we have logic?While they go around screaming that they know the real harry?Their existence is satire at this point theres no wayyyy in hell
(This ask was received on August 17, I am so sorry for replying a month later...)
Look I know a lot solo louies have this crazy "tinhats" anon sending crazy asks from time to time but I will give it to that anon: larries really have a cult mentality. I hope the FBI is monitoring them.
That anon once sent me the link to this post from a Big Larry blog with the caption "the cult comes first and the music second" and I... had to agree.
Here's what the post says:
In my opinion, being a larrie means you’re supporting them both as queer and closeted human beings who deserve better. Whether you like the style of music they each create, is secondary.
What???? That is such a weird thing to say???? Why would be a fan of a musician if you don't like their music? You'd be here to...support them in their personal lives that are heavily protected because they don't feel comfortable sharing anything since fans like you are being invasive about every little detail? You're supporting them for something you know nothing about? Also supporting closeted people does not make their closet go away. Putting the emphasis on their sexuality/closet when the closet itself is weaponized against them helps no one - so you're actually doing a disservice to them.
As far as I know, Louis Tomlinson is a singer-songwriter. Louis is a super private person and obviously does not want to share details about his personal life as it has been used AGAINST him. He's here to make music. If you don't like his music, don't stay here because of some made up ship. If you don't like his music, don't spend time theorizing about his personal life, obsessing over "when will BG end", over "the stunt", over why "Louis isn't doing anything about that" like he owes anyone any explanation over his personal life. If you think Louis owes you something; if your love for Louis depends on his personal relationship and/or on his sexuality; if you're not here for him, for who he is as a person and an artist... please I beg you, get the hell out of here.
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