#me when i eagerly await the writing demon outside my window
roachmattea · 9 months
thanks shamsi
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annewithagee · 5 years
More than Pride vol. I (3)
She was a mistress of her own fate, ready to curve her own future. She was a fighter, refusing to give in to her own, cruel demons. And no one could take it away from her, not anymore, neither with words or deeds, because right now she felt strong enough to stand up for herself.
If only Gilbert Blythe didn’t spoil it with his jokes.
Shirbert, Anne with an E versed. AO3 / fanfiction.net
Chapter 3 I just wish we weren’t paired
Anne kept staring at her teacher long after the latter had finished her announcement, shocked, dumbfounded and in the general state of utter disbelief.
"You are paired with Gilbert Blythe."
Oh, why was she even surprised? Of course she was paired with him.
"And you talk of having bad luck," Anne murmured under her breath even though – or maybe, because – she well knew Diana could not hear her among the confusion that had suddenly arose in the room. She didn't bother to repeat her statement when the latter gave her a curious look or mumbled an absent-minded "Sorry?", instead waving her hand dismissively and just shaking her head. She really didn't feel like dwelling on the topic; especially seeing that Diana's mind was already set on the task at hand.
Anne couldn't help but think how fortunate it was that she happened to be sitting by the window for once. If she had not, she would have been expected to leave her place and join Gilbert by his desk, which obviously meant having to cross the whole room on yet another walk of shame. In her mind she might have known that she had no reason to be ashamed this time and that if some people had problems with her entirely accidental cooperation with said boy, it was their problems, not hers – but in her soul and heart she still felt the pang of anxiety at the thought that this accidental occurrence could still affect her relations with others.
She was too preoccupied with that problem to think of that it could affect her relationship with Gilbert himself, too.
What mattered now was that she had at least been spared the staring that would have undoubtedly been her share had she been forced to leave the reasonably safe haven of her seat. She didn't have to go anywhere. She would sit, and she would wait, gazing at the fields outside, humbly hoping that Ruby would not make too much fuss over the adverse events of today.
"Is this seat taken?"
Anne rolled her eyes but decided not to fight the smile that involuntarily appeared on her face.
"You know it's not," she answered with mock hostility, deciding not to look at the boy unless it was absolutely necessary. She heard him hum in amusement and rolled her eyes again, imagining the lopsided grin that certainly bloomed on his face. "And you better take it before I ask Miss Stacy to let me work alone."
Gilbert wisely refrained from a comment for the time being, focusing on placing his writing equipment on Diana's desk instead.
"I'm sorry you're stuck with me on this," he whispered when he was securely seated on the bench; Anne glanced at him, surprised with the genuine, almost apologetic tone of his voice. "For your sake. I can't say the same for myself."
"Why would you say that?" she asked, abashed.
"Well, your reaction wasn't exactly... enthusiastic," he explained patiently before letting out a small chuckle. "Your eyes grew so big, I thought you might get up and run away on the spot."
"That's not what – I didn't mean to – oh, stop it, Gil!" Anne stuttered in response, silently cursing her sudden inability to create a coherent sentence. She was confused enough as she was; Gilbert's idiotic grin was of no help to her. "Stop smiling at me like this! And stop mocking me. I was surprised, that's all – and you should know I don't run away just because I'm a little distressed. Not anymore, anyway."
"Yeah. Anyway."
Anne was saved from answering that vague, seemingly meaningless statement that for some reason had made her smile grow wide, when Miss Stacy tapped on her own desk. She fixed her gaze on her teacher at once, although she couldn't help but glance at Gilbert beforehand; his mouth was twitching into a soft smile again.
Somehow, it was nice to think there were memories only the two of them shared.
"Alright class, I want you to listen to me carefully," Miss Stacy proceeded. "I'm going to give you copies of Lord Tennyson's poem, one copy for a pair. You are to read it together, quietly, and then try to interpret it in the best way you can. The trick is however, you are not supposed to plan it."
"How can we write anything good if we can't think it over first?" came Josie Pye's indispensable remark.
Once again, Miss Stacy only smiled. "You are more than welcome to think it over, my dear. What I don't want you to do is to discuss it with your partner, for that would spoil the very sense of this exercise. Now, if you'd just let me finish, I think I could explain it to you quite clearly."
Josie fell silent. The rest of the class remained the same.
"To sum it up shortly," the teacher picked up after the pause. "Instead of discussing the plan of action, I want you to take action from the start. There is a piece of blank paper attached to each of the copies you'll get. Your task is to write down your thoughts by turns, sentence by sentence, all while trying to keep the final text consistent both by the means of structure and content. As I said, you may talk – but I highly advise you do not. Do you have any questions at this point?"
Murmurs echoed in the classroom. A hand was raised.
"Are we all going to read the same poem?" the perfectly practical Jane Andrews inquired.
"What will the poem be?" the hopelessly romantic Anne Shirley-Cuthbert breathed.
If by looking at Ruby Diana could have assumed that the former would fall of the bench, Gilbert had every right to believe the same scenario would come true for Anne.
Just mere minutes earlier she'd been as calm as a sphinx, determined to prove her friends that her assignment did anything but pleased her. Right now she was excited beyond belief, waiting for her teacher's answer as if she'd been awaiting a sentence on her life. Her eyes seemed even bigger now, shining with joy and hope, even though even she didn't quite knew what it was she was hoping for. She pursed her parted lips and swallowed nervously.
Gilbert let his smile widen at the sight.
"You will all read the same poem, yes," Miss Stacy confirmed simultaneously. "And it’s the Song from the Marriage of Geraint."
"Idylls of the King." Anne muttered in excited whisper as she followed her teacher with her gaze. She took two of the sheets Miss Stacy gave them and passed the rest to the students sitting behind her. "Oh, Gilbert, isn't this thrilling?"
"I suppose it is for someone who cares for Lord Tennyson as much as you do," the boy answered with a grin. "I'm guessing you know this particular work as well?"
"Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel..." Anne nearly sang to him. She would have laughed too, had they not been sitting feet away from where Miss Stacy stood.
Gilbert shook his head. "Is there any poem you haven't learnt by heart yet?"
"Quite a few, actually. But I'm doing my best to reduce the number – and as you said, I care for Lord Tennyson a great deal indeed. I hadn't even heard of him before coming to Green Gables and reading him for school, but oh, it was worth to wait for poetry of this sort."
"I only hope I will manage to keep up with your enthusiasm for him during this exercise. Don't hate me for saying this, Anne, but Lord Tennyson is not a favourite poet of mine."
"Oh, well," Anne gasped, a little disappointed. "Well, I still trust you will work fairly on this, and as long as you do, I'm sure we'll be alright."
"Again, I'm sorry you have to work with me."
It was her turn to shake her head.
"I've never said I didn't want to work with you," she said. "I just wish we weren't paired."
"Why then?" Gilbert asked, surprised.
"Because I tend to care about what other people think of me too much."
Gilbert let the subject drop, deciding to focus his attention on the poem in front of him that he still needed to read. Despite her knowledge of it, Anne kept glancing over his shoulder, her gaze shifting between the sheet and his face as she tried to determine how far into the poem he was and completely oblivious to the distraction she thus caused. Luckily for them, the poem wasn't long and even with Anne leaning so closely Gilbert eventually managed to finish his reading.
"Alright, I'm ready," he announced with a barely audible sigh of relief. "I say – ladies first?"
The girl by his side nodded eagerly and began to work immediately. Contrary to their doubts and fear, the cooperation was going smoothly for them – just as it always is when two young clever minds set of towards a mutual goal, striving to achieve the best of results. They could not refrain from a little competition, excelling one another in spot-on remarks and ideas that were just a little too far-fetched, but at the same time bearing in minds the main aim of their task and trying to make the essay coherent.
By the end of the lesson the sheet seemed to be flying from one end of the desk to the other and before they knew it, they had come to their conclusion. Anne froze, surprised.
"Anne? You're alright?" she heard Gilbert ask as she stared at the paper, her hand and pen hovering above it.
"Is that it?" she whispered in lieu of an answer, her gaze not leaving the sheet for a moment. "Are we really done already?"
Her companion laughed shortly. "I think we almost are. But I can see you still have something to add, and since you were the one to write the first sentence of this masterpiece I believe it's only fair if I write the last one. We do that and we're done."
"Well, I suppose I need a moment to think it through," she responded a little sheepishly. "The last words of the text are always the ones that matter most, so I can't write some nonsense as I did before."
"I don't think you've written any nonsense so far, Anne."
"Even if I didn't, these last lines still ought to stand out somehow. Please, just give me a moment and I'll certainly manage to come up with something."
"I have no doubt that you will," Gilbert answered a little too dreamily for his own liking; he cracked a grin at her after. "Just please make sure you don't ponder for too long, I'd actually like to have supper tonight.
Anne huffed and fixed her gaze on their essay. Her mind was working rapidly, suggesting dozens of ideas, all of them suitable for the ending of the essay – and none that could possibly be squeezed into a single sentence. Her eyes flickered towards the text of the poem, too dear to her heart not to be read again. So she did, and she smiled, feeling the warmth and passion, and hope that seemed to radiate from the black verses of words.
"Smile and we smile, the lords of many lands; Frown and we smile, the lords of our own hands..."
Yes, she was that. A mistress of her own fate, ready to curve her own future. And no one could take it away from her, not anymore, neither with words or deeds, because right now she felt strong enough to stand up for herself. She would not disregard Ruby's looks or feelings but she would not let the ungrounded sense of guilt dictate her life, either. She would not feel ashamed of what and who she was. And, most of all she would not -
"Hey, carrots."
All of her sudden confidence dissolved into thin air as soon as she heard Gilbert's words.
"What did you call me?" she asked, turning slowly towards him, her eyes wide with disbelief. The boy gave her an apologetic smile that suddenly felt so awfully fake, even though she couldn't quite point out the reason why.
All of her musing, each and every of her recent resolutions seemed to be crumbling down, spoilt so recklessly by his untimely comment. All at once she felt a sting go right into her vulnerable heart, bringing back the memories she'd been trying so hard to repress, unable to stop the merciless train of thoughts that ran through her mind against her will, against her doubts, against her better judgement.
"I'm sorry, Anne, but I called your name twice before and you didn't react. You know I meant no harm."
She knew she should not have felt offended by his words. She knew that for him it was just a mere joke, a way to catch her attention, just like it had been all those months ago. But at the same time, she could not ignore the memories the words brought to her and how much harm they truly did.
And it hurt almost physically to think that he was the one person who didn't realise that.
In a second her focus was on their shared paper again, as she scribbled the first thing that came to her mind, only half caring whether it was good enough for Miss Stacy's standards. She didn't care about Gilbert's astonished glare, either, nor for the words that came from him after the first moment of stupor. And yet, he kept talking.
"For heaven's sake, Anne, what's wrong?" he asked, bewildered. She didn't grace him with a response. "You can't possibly be mad for that silly nickname, can you? You were miles away and I needed to bring you back before Miss Stacy would notice – I never would have done it otherwise. And you know I didn't mean to insult you. Please, just look at me and I promise I will never -"
"Miss Stacy, we're done!" was all Anne cared to say. She was standing now, turned towards the back of the room where their teacher was checking the progress made by her friends. "Should we leave it on your desk or -"
"Anne, what are you doing?" Gilbert hissed from his seat, completely taken aback by her actions. "We haven't finished, I still need to write my part!"
"Just lay it on your own desk and I will collect it. I'll be there in a minute, so you just wait, dear," Miss Stacy answered almost simultaneously.
Anne felt that just this once, she could not follow her beloved schoolmarm's request so easily.
"Oh, yes, but I was wondering..." she tried again, trying for all her might to keep her voice even and calm. "It has just occurred to me that I should be back at Green Gables as soon as I can today, and since you said this assignment is the last of our tasks for today I hoped I could go home at once – if only that's alright with you, of course."
"In such case, I don't see why you should not go," Miss Stacy admitted; she sounded a little reluctant but Anne could not bring herself to pay any mind to it right now. "Although I would like to discuss your working process with you as soon as I can – so please make sure to come to school a few minutes early on Monday, will you?"
"Of course."
"And I am going to give you some more reading for the weekend so it is up to you to learn what it is from your friends."
"I will."
"You may go, then" the teacher waved her hand and smiled before returning to the pair she'd been helping before.
Anne wasted no time and began to pack immediately.
"Anne, slow down a little," Gilbert pleaded once again. He tried to stop her by grabbing her hand but she yanked it away furiously. "I'm sorry, I had no idea it would annoy you so much."
"Annoy me?" she echoed flatly.
"I didn't want to distress you," Gilbert went on stubbornly. "And I really am sorry. Weren't you one to say that an apology can go a long way?"
"Only if you mean it," she retorted mercilessly and straightened up even more. "Now if you'd be so kind and let me through, I have more duties to attend to and I can't do it with you blocking my way out."
Gilbert did as he was told, not finding the strength to oppose her any longer. Anne stormed past him without a second thought and marched across the classroom, grabbing her hat and almost slamming the door behind her.
There were no broken slates, no shouts or outbursts.
No temper had been lost.
Only a miserable girl of fifteen, with a crack in her heart and tears in her eyes, that somehow stung more than ever before.
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echoinghowls · 6 years
Day 1 if @ghosstkid’s October writing challenge!
Also posted on ao3!
Brick houses sat watchfully in a valley. The sun rose steadily as the people awoke, early smoke rising from chimneys as mothers stoked fires to warm their houses. A party of young men carried the corpse of a deer out of the surrounding woods, where the bonfire in the middle of the town was already being started by young boys. Teenage boys carried the men's weapons for them, their labored breath billowing in small clouds behind them. Young maidens yawned as they helped their mother cook breakfast. Children began running aloof outside, some of them coming too close to the growing bonfire for a mother's comfort. A group of older men walked steadily back to town, away from the graves that crested the hills. Their eyes were heavy and dark, but they didn't stop until they reached the church. They vanished without a word.
Evan watched the town slowly come to life through the safety of his window, eyes dark with lack of sleep. The group of men left the church, all of them separating to their houses where wives awaited eagerly. The priest walked out and stood on the steps of the church, overlooking the town. The sun shone on his black robes, the rope around his waist drawn tight. Then, quickly and deliberately, the priest turned back toward the church, his breath clouding behind him. Evan watched the priest for a moment before pulling on his tailcoat and grabbing his top hat off the coat hanger, hurrying out the door.
Walking quickly, Evan followed the cobble road to the spire-like building, vanishing into the holy building without a moment's pause. "Any word?" He called into the limited light of the church, taking off his hat and holding it to his chest. There was a sigh as a candle made its way toward the lanterns on the wall, slowly rising and igniting the second flame before moving slowly down again, illuminating Father Brock's face. "No Evan, the scouts didn't see anything." The priest moved calmly, slowly flowing to each lantern and lighting the candle inside.
"The people are starting to question my actions," Brock said, lighting the final candle before blowing his out. "Soon they will want an explanation." Evan paused a moment before walking closer to the priest. "Father, I know what I saw." Brock turned toward Evan, his expression relaxed and confident. "Evan, I cannot tell the people there is a demon running ary." "Why not?" "Because those creatures don't dare enter this town! You of all people should know the power of my blessing." Evan frowned, turning his gaze to a painting hanging on a wall. The angel looked eerie in the flickering candlelight. "But Father, what if your blessing wore off? You may have saved me but Jonathan-" "Jonathan has entered Heaven! Why would he want to stay in the mortal realm when he could have eternal glory and joy with God?" Evan paused, looking back at Brock. "What if he was trapped here by the devil?" Brock blinked, scanning Evan's face before scoffing. "I'd say that's blasphemous! If a demon had wrestled Jonathan from the glory of Heaven then I would know." Evan stared at Brock for a moment longer, then nodded. "Alright. Thank you, Father." Brock paused, then said. "I'm calling off the scouts. The people need their sleep." Evan nodded, shoving the knot in his stomach down. "Very well." Evan turned and headed toward the door, pulling his hat on and opening the door before Brock called him. "Evan," He turned toward the priest, a faint wisp of hope in his heart as he turned to look back. "Don't speak to me about demons and devils. Pray for forgiveness tonight." Evan clenched his fist out of sight of Brock. "Yes, Father."
Evan closed the door behind him, watching as people cooked the deer that had been hunted for the families that couldn't hunt themselves. He would have to go there for food soon.
Evan growled to himself as an icy breeze cut through, making him pull his coat tighter. He hated winter. He cast a glance at the cemetery on the hill. He knew what he had seen. And he would prove it. Even if it killed him.
Evan watched as snowflakes dappled the frozen ground around him. The full moon was muffled by the thick cloud cover, the warm orange glow beside him being emitted by the lantern beside him. He pulled his coat tighter around him as another gust of wind dragged icy claws through his skin. He'd prove Father Brock wrong. Or die trying. A scream curled into the blackened night, making Evan forget his numbing fingers. He leaped to his feet and grabbed the lantern, running down the hill as another scream tore through the town. Lanterns were igniting as he ran down the street, startled and drowsy eyes following him as he finally reached the source. He threw the door open, then immediately emptied his stomach on the floor.
On the floor, laid a pale woman, her eyes wide and mouth hanging agape. Blood streamed down her chin and her stomach was torn open, intestines strewn about the wooden floor as blood covered the kitchen. On her throat were two puncture wounds.
There was a chorus of running steps behind him, and Evan took a stumbling step back as Father Brock entered the house. "My Lord..." He whispered when he stopped beside Evan. Another man entered the house, pulling off his top hat as his face paled. If Evan remembered correctly, it was Tyler, one of the hunters for the town. The man knelt down beside the woman, gently pressing his fingers against the two wounds on her throat before standing up again. "What could have done this?" He gasped, looking back toward Evan and Brock as he came to his senses. Brock frowned, but Evan just turned his dark stare back toward the corpse. "Vampires." He whispered.
Brock whipped around. "Evan! None of that devil speak!" "Father, they attacked my old town too!" Evan yelled, glaring at the priest. "I know how to kill them, and we should before-" "No! She has fallen victim to a wolf attack." Brock interrupted. "Tyler," The priest turned to the hunter, his shoulders stiff. "Please inform Marcel and the others that there is a wolf loose. We need to find this beast and kill it." Brock turned to leave the building, but Evan caught his sleeve. "Father, please listen to me! We need to-" "I said no more Evan!" Brock shouted, spinning on his boots to face him. "There are no such things as vampires, and if there were, my blessing would keep them away from this town. No go and pray for forgiveness!" "But-" "Go!" Father Brock pointed outside the door, Tyler watching Evan intently. Evan sighed, then slowly marched out the door. Several townspeople stood surrounding the door, all of them awaiting the priest's word of what had happened.
They're being lied to. Evan thought bitterly, glaring at those in his way and shoving his way past those who didn't move. When he reached the edge of the crowd, however, someone grabbed his arm. "Evan, was it?" Evan turned to see Tyler, the hunter's face still pale. "Yes, here to mock me?" Evan asked, pulling his arm away and turning to walk back to his house. "No, I believe you." Evan froze. "Why?" He asked, turning back to face the hunter. All the townsfolk that had been nearby pressed closer to the house, and when Evan looked, Brock seemed to be announcing something. He didn't want to stay to hear it. "Because I've seen a wolf attack. This was not the work of a wolf." Tyler said, his eyes glazing slightly like he was staring at the corpse again. Evan paused, then said, "Have you had any experience with vampires?" Tyler blinked out of his haze, then shook his head. "What are they?" Evan looked back at the priest, Brock holding his arms out as he addressed the people. He looked ready to hang on a cross.
"Let's speak in my house," Evan said, turning back toward Tyler. "I don't want to freeze before we put a stop to this monster."
"What can I help you with today?" The blacksmith asked, wiping his hands on a rag. "A new gutting knife. My old one snapped." Tyler said, glancing at the assorted tools around the shop. At one point he knew what all of them were called, but now that knowledge failed him. "Alright. I have one already forged, or would you like a new one?" Tyler turned to Brian, the blacksmith holding up a sleek knife. "That's perfect. How much?"
Tyler looked the knife over as he took long strides toward Evan's house. He couldn't remember why exactly the man had requested the small weapon, but if it helped in getting rid of that demon-vampire he'd do anything. Pushing the door open, he saw Evan sitting at the kitchen table. The smaller man had a haunted look to him, his eyes dark and shoulders hunched. A mug of steaming tea sat between his hands. "I got the knife." Tyler announced, resting the dagger beside Evan. The man turned his head slowly to look at the knife, then reached out and picked it up. "Perfect." He said quietly.
It took them a week to get everything together. Two more people died. One of them was Evan's neighbor, Craig. Upon seeing Craig's mutilated body, Marcel offered his help. Evan grew sick. His hands shook as he wrote lists of things for Tyler and Marcel to gather, but he hid the bloody handkerchiefs. They were going to kill it. And he was going to help them.
Finally, they were ready.
Evan lead them up the hill to the cemetery, snow crunching beneath their boots. The clouds hid the moon and stars. Only one light was aglow in the town; a single lantern in the church. Evan carried their lantern, coughing into his sleeve to avoid the other two seeing the droplets of blood. Tyler carried the knife and wood for the fire. Marcel carried three shovels.
When they reached the top of the hill, Evan closed his eyes. He had memorized the path to his grave. When they reached the slab of stone that marked the grave, Evan placed the lantern down. "This is it. This is the vampire," He announced. Marcel read the stone aloud. "Jonathan Smith. May 2nd 1832- November 13th 1863." Evan stared at the grave for a long moment. It had only been 2 years since his death. And there hadn't been a moment he hadn't thought of him.
Evan forced those memories away. He needed to end this vampire. Even if it was his body, it was not him. Evan knew that.
"Let's start digging." Evan wheezed, taking a shovel from Marcel. As they scrapped and scratched at the freezing earth, they finally reached the coffin. It had been winter when he died too, so he wasn't buried deep. Maybe that's why his body was taken by those demons. Evan thought sourly, imagining small, horned monsters playing with Jonathan's body like a puppet. It made him sick.
"You ready?" Marcel asked, placing his hand on the lid of the coffin. Tyler situated the wood, then nodded and glanced at Evan. Evan took a deep breath, then nodded.
Tyler held the knife ready. Evan used his shovel for support. Marcel gripped the lid with two hands. With a tug, the lid groaned open. Tyler lifted his knife to strike, then froze. Marcel gasped. Evan felt his legs shake. A twig snapped nearby and a shadow entered the lantern light.
A scream echoed into the night. Blood stained the snow. A weakened body crumpled to the ground.
The casket was empty.
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broncasaurus · 7 years
Tag of Basic Information W O W
i’ve been released from college like a bat out of hell but it was actually great i love college highly recommend sooooo now i have time for things like tumblr again y a y 
thank you @sugasweetsubs​ for tagging me and bring me back to the kpop fold ~
ABC tag
AGE – 19 i can’t believe i turn 20 this winter HO L Y 
BIGGEST FEAR – Not feeling fulfilled? Also spiders. 
EVERYDAY STARTS WITH – Coffee? An alarm? Physically getting up?
FAVORITE SONG – SO MANY I really like True Romance by Citizens! from The Beauty Inside ost, which is a great movie on Netflix btw. It’s a really funky and upbeat song, great for summer. Bop material. 
GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL? – My Mom says yes, I say maybe. 
HOMETOWN – A bathtub 
IN LOVE WITH – Ooh so many things. Life is pretty great recently so i guess i love life. Aw. 
JEALOUS OF – People who don’t procrastinate and can easily answer phones. 
KILLED SOMEONE – P sure it’s a solid nope
LAST TIME YOU CRIED – when i watched this 
ONE WISH – not having to worry about money would be gr8 pls and thank universe
PERSON I LAST CALLED/TEXTED – A group chat of my friends/roommates 
QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED – Do you dye your hair?
REASON TO SMILE – sunshine through a window, lee seokmin, rain and cloudy/overcast days, large bodies of water, coffee, strong woman do bong soon, flavored specialty coffee, autumn and brightly colored leaves and crisp mornings, sand between your toes, green leafy trees, the entirety of bangtan sonyeondan, friends, soft pillows, that feeling of bare legs in a comfortable bed, big cozy sweaters, astro comeback happening soon, books and especially books that have been so loved they feel soft in your hands. There’s a lot. 
SONG LAST SANG –  Journey to the Past from the new Anastasia musical! It’s such a great song and Christy Altomare has such passion in her performance and ugh childhood. Eagerly awaiting the cast recording to pop up...
UNDERWEAR – grandma-esque 
VACATION DESTINATION? – I recently went to Miguel’s campground in Kentucky and that was awesome, I’d like to go back sometime with my friends. 
WORST HABIT – Forgetting things? My roll my eyes a lot too when they feel uncomfortable but people misinterpret it a lot. 
YOUR FAVORITE FOOD – I love pasta in all forms except spaghetti. 
BOLD tag
→ appearance:

I I am 5′7″ or taller 
I I wear glasses 
I have at least one tattoo 
i have at least one piercing 
i have brown eyes kinda? there’s green too idk it’s confusing 
i have short hair 
my abs are at least somewhat defined 
i have or have had braces 
There is something I would change about the way I look
→ personality:

I My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin 
I am an introvert 
i like/love meeting new people 
people tell me that i’m funny i think they’re being nice but i appreciate it none the less  
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me 
i enjoy physical challenges 
i enjoy mental challenges 
i’m playfully rude with people i know well  
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it 
There is something I would change about my personality
→ ability:

I I can sing well 
i can play an instrument  
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping 
i’m a fast runner 
i can draw well 
i have a good memory i remember really useless things 
I’m good at doing math in my head 
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute 
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling 
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch 
i know how to throw a proper punch eliott taught me to kept my thumb on the outside so it doesn’t break in 4th grade and that’s all i know 
→ hobbies:

I i enjoy playing sports I LOVE FRISBEE SO MUCH i have fantastic hand-eye coordination i’m really good at catching things lol  
i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else 
I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
i have learned a new song in the past week 
i work out at least once a week 
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months 
i have drawn something in the past month 
i enjoy writing 
Fandoms are my #1 passion 
i do or have done martial arts
→ experiences:

I i have had my first kiss 
i have had alcohol 
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game 
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting 
i have been at an overnight event 
i have been in a taxi 
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year i took all of my roommates/suitmates, but i myself wasn’t admitted.  
I have beaten a video game in one day 
i have visited another country 
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
→ relationship:

I I’m in a relationship 
i have a celebrity crush this entire blog is pretty much evidence  
I have a crush on someone I know 
i have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship 
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them 
I get crushes easily i get infatuated real quick but i wouldn’t say it’s the same as a crush. A crush is more meaningful i think 
I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
i have had feelings for a friend isn’t that how most crushes start?
→ my life:

I i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” 
i live close to my school 
my parents are still together 
i have at least one sibling 
i live in the united states 
There is snow right now where I live 
i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month 
i have a smartphone 
I have at least 15 CDs 
I share my room with someone
→ random shit:

I i have breakdanced 
i know a person named jamie HEY GIRL I LOVE YOU YOU LIL VIRGO DEMON<3 
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce 
i have dyed my hair 
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
i have punched someone in the past week 
i know someone who has gone to jail college dude 
I have broken a bone 
I have eaten a waffle today 
i know what i want to do with my life 
i speak at least 2 languages fluently 
i have made a new friend in the past year
I’ll tag @labelleangel, @melusthings, and @flowerboysruinme also anyone else who wants to! Tags r fun! Talk about urself! <33
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