#mind you ellie has only ever dated poc
bethecowboy00 · 1 year
i’m gonna say this once and not revisit it again since the last time i commented on this i got ppl in my asks talking like they have no sense:
it’s not wrong nor is it bad if black readers ask non black writers (specifically the white ones) to be inclusive in their work. there’s nothing wrong with wanting diversity, and there’s nothing wrong with being uncomfortable about non poc only writing for fair skinned, skinny people.
some of you people have actually LOST your minds. in the past two hours i’ve seen black writers and readers recieve DEATH THREATS because they DARED to criticize authors (not gonna say their names because i don’t have to time for people calling me a monkey on anon) for not being inclusive. what is wrong with y’all? like, genuinely? is it just white audacity or are all of y’all mentally insane?
and for all the people who will probably flood me with “write it yourself if you want it so bad”, that shouldn’t be the case. we shouldn’t have to put out our own inclusive work, just for it to not get the same attention as all of the writings with pale skinned readers do. the LEAST you can do as a white person with a large amount of following is educate yourself on how to make your writing appeal to a broader demographic. y’all are ADULTS, act as such.
i hope this made sense, i’m sick and groggy rn so it might sound like i’m talking out of my ass, but in conclusion, please remember that the world doesn’t not revolve around white people, specifically white women.
small edit: to add onto the critiquing certain writers on here, i don’t think i’ve EVER seen a group of dick riders go as hard for two people like i saw today. there’s an actual fanpage dedicated to one of the writers and they’re in peoples inboxes and comments calling them niggers and all types of monkeys? have y’all lost it? all over a simple request? some people really don’t deserve to be on this app.
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felsweb · 1 year
hi, let me start off by saying this is not hate or meant to sound as, at all. i’d just like to have a genuine convo and share my thoughts.
you said in one of your posts that people hating on writers for not being inclusive enough is unnecessary because Ellie Williams has only ever dated POC’s in the game, correct? would u mind elaborating what you mean by that? do you mean that people should stop telling them to be inclusive once they write about specific group(s)? what about all the other groups of plp that arnt poc? should writers not include them?
and yes you could say that white plp have all these fics written for them n all that so plp need to included poc, but as you just explained ,ellie in the game has only dated poc.
while i do agree that writers receive a lot of unnecessary hate in this fandom, would a solution to writers ‘not being inclusive enough’ as people have said, just to not specify what the readers race is at all? i’ve seen a lot of black!reader or chubby!reader, ect. (you get the gist) but not everyone fits in specific categories like that.
if someone would write white!reader i guarantee they would be endlessly shitted on by people for not being inclusive.
what sense does it make to be “inclusive” if you only include a specific group of people? i’m no possible way is every writer going to be able to write a separate fic or wtv for every single person specifically cause everyone has diff features obvi. “what ab mid size reader” “what ab middle eastern reader” “what ab disabled reader” ect. in no way is a write ever going to satisfy everyone if they focus on singular groups because there are simply SO SO SO many different people. so would you not agree that specifying a specific type of person, only make the problem of not being inclusive worse?
including people is great and pocs don’t get as much attention in fics, in this fandom as well as others so being inclusive is extremely important, i just believe that writers aren’t going about a way to fix the problem in the right way. let me know your take on this, i’d like to hear from your pov of the situation in more detail.
When I say writers should be more inclusive, I mean it like this. There are fics that go into detail with hair color, texture, skin tone (I’ve seen many fics where they mentioned the reader with “an alabaster complexion”), sharp refined noses and slopes — etc. When writers say things that go for a specific look in a person, it could be discouraging and even force the reader to be uninterested in that fic half-way in. When I say writers should be inclusive, I’m not demanding that they should write for every single person on earth because that is just not possible. I’m saying that writers should at least write their stories in a light that would include everyone.
I hope you get what I mean by this. Including everyone as in not going into detail about the readers looks, because not everyone would look how the reader is described in a fic. And if a writer were to write for a specific group of people, all I’m suggesting is to state that in the beginning of your post. In all honesty, I’m not so sure what could permanently end the hate on writers and the continuous cycle of exclusivity. But what I am sure of is that writers have the ability to at least be more mindful of what they put into their work, some just choose not to be.
Ellie has only liked and more so dated pocs in the game yes, I said that. Though I am not suggesting that fics with her should only be for pocs — if you get what I mean.
Anyway, I hope this explains what I think of writers and the lack of inclusivity in this community !! If not feel free to ask more if I didn’t explain it all that well <3
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