#mod keadi
feifheadcanons · 1 year
Got any headcanons for Charlotte x Xander?
OOOOO good pairing
Once Charlotte and Xander got married, Charlotte didn't really have a need to pretend to be delicate anymore. She became much livelier and more boisterous, excelling more on the battlefield. Xander is quite proud
That being said. Xander is now realizing how incredibly powerful Charlotte is. He's a very strong man, but Charlotte is knocking Faceless out with her bare hands. He can't say he doesn't find it. Attractive. But he's also redoubling his training.
Charlotte always said she wanted to find her way into royalty, but she didn't quite realize what that entailed. Being waited on, the spa and massages, the pampering, she loves it. But she also misses being able to be all rough and tumble sometimes. Sometimes she likes to be messy and dirty. She does a lot of hiking to get that energy out.
Xander met Charlotte's parents, and while they don't have her strength, they ARE just as lively. When he comes home, they love Xander, but don't even realize he's the prince until he introduces himself. "This string bean? Charlotte, what're you feeding him, he needs to bulk up some!"
Xander has become very interested in the theatre since meeting Charlotte. he knows she has experience and really wants to see her shine.
Charlotte thinks it's hilarious that Xander can't swim. She tries to teach him multiple times. Mans is STRUGGLING. She'll get him there eventually. She holds his hands to help him float. She thinks he just likes holding her hands.
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Modern au headcanons if the characters lived in real life earth? For Henry, Tharja, Sumia, Lucina, Inigo and anyone else you'd like. What careers they would have? How would they be like?
Henry is a tour guide! He takes people to cursed hotels and scares them. He also works at a museum and tells fake stories about everything being cursed. He’s just...like that.
Tharja: She’s a freelance writer. She writes commissions and DEFINITELY judges but doesn’t say anything. Her browser history is all about murder and illegal stuff but it’s just reference material...right?
Sumia: She’s a teacher! She’s clumsy but really passionate! She rides her bike to work every day to save money. She WANTS to take her students on a field trip to the museum but as much as she loves Henry, he can be a bit...traumatizing.
Lucina: She is a college student right now! Her major is public speaking! She wants to be a motivational speaker and help people who are down on their luck. In the meantime, she volunteers at a soup kitchen and takes martial arts classes on the weekend. 
Inigo: I mean, no one’s surprised to hear that he’s a dancer, right? He dances. But he’s a dance major in college. He’s minoring in creative writing but his poetry leaves something to be desired. He’s working on it though.
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feifheadcanons · 1 year
Saizo and Kaze have ended up as double inlaws in my playthroughs because I really like Saizo with Sakura and Kaze and Hinoka were the last single people and I wanted Midori
"This is my brother Kaze, my wife, Sakura, my sister-in-law, Hinoka, and her husband, Kaze, who is my brother. And my brother-in-law. And his wife is sisters with my wife. And they're sisters-in-law. My wife is my co-sister-in-law. We-"
"Thank you, Saizo, I think that'll be enough."
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feifheadcanons · 4 months
THIS BLOG IS STILL UP??? OMG! i used to be obsessed with it back in 2015 and 2016 holy shit. i read every Laslow post lmao. anyway hi mods i hope you are doing well, i want to thank you for keeping this blog up through out all these years! even if you arent the mods i remember you guys are still very cool
I'm not one of the original mods, but I still love this game and this page <3
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feifheadcanons · 1 year
Xander's hair will turn completely grey from stress at age 35, should he become King of Nohr.
Laslow: I think grey hair is quite becoming!
Xander: Another word and your funeral will "becoming" up soon.
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feifheadcanons · 8 months
Xander has the biggest dad sneeze. He gets something in his nose and before you know it, the whole of Castle Krakenburg is feeling the reverb.
Ooooo interesting!
I honestly kind of thought the opposite that he has such a dainty kitten sneeze it really undermines his authority.
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feifheadcanons · 1 year
Could you do some headcanons about people finding out Chrom!Laslow is a Prince please?
What I love about this is the chain reaction that follows. My personal headcanon for my Fates playthrough has always been Chrom!Laslow, Vaike!Odin or Lon’qu!Odin, and Robin!Selena. I’ve always pictured it as 
“You’re...a prince, Laslow? I feel as though I’ve done you a disservice by having you in my retinue.”
“Lord Xander, I-”
“Brother, I think you’re correct, I mean you no offense, but I would be mortified if I found out I was doing something like that to Odin or Niles.”
“....Lord Leo, um. I am also a prince.”
“....Selena, darling?”
“I’m the daughter of a god, does that count?”
I don’t see a world where Xander in good conscience could keep Laslow as a retainer knowing he’s a prince. He would definitely consult him about knowledge for how to rule, which of course
Leo would start to appraise him a little differently, convincing himself that he always thought there was some sort of hidden depth to Laslow, only to watch him trip and fall down the stairs because he was dancing absentmindedly.
Peri wouldn’t care. She’d mostly just ask if he had any history of killing butlers.
Corrin would be shocked, but then curious if that means the Awakening Trio can use Dragon Veins. They all can.
Azura would ACTUALLY say she always thought there was some sort of regality to Laslow. He was an unsuccessful ladies man, yeah, but that’s a self-cultivated (and self-fulfilling) image if anything. When asked what gave him away, it’s mostly his penmanship, It reeks of “forced to take formal writing classes”
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feifheadcanons · 1 year
How would Xander react to Elise's roast of Laslow at their A-Support?
Xander would SNORT, stifling his laughter at the sound of his youngest sister genuinely saying that Laslow’s terrible personality keeps women away. He would then excuse himself to write it in his journal and have a good laugh about it later.
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feifheadcanons · 1 year
Nohr royals favorite pokemon and type? Maybe hoshido too if it's too small
Xander’s favorite type is Steel and his favorite Pokemon is Kingambit!
Camilla’s favorite type is Dark, but her favorite Pokemon are Corviknight and Tinkaton
Leo’s favorite type is Psychic, and he loves Malamar.
Elise’s favorite type is Fairy, but her partner is a Bewear!
Thanks for asking!
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feifheadcanons · 2 years
thinking about how much i love these fucking characters again
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feifheadcanons · 1 year
Any child of Orochi’s calls Kagero “aunt” and any children of Kagrro call Orochi “aunt”. This is not a headcanon this is fact.
The only exception is that one kid calls them both mom
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feifheadcanons · 2 years
Not sure if I’m the only one that thinks this, but Selena probably lets Laslow and Odin do her hair on occasion. Not before anything where she wants to look her best of course (sorry boys), but just on some random day once in a blue moon.
Laslow always has a bunch of cute accessories on hand "in case I run into some lovely ladies in need of a gift!"
He actually carries them specifically for Selena for when she asks because he knows she'll like them.
Odin has surprisingly delicate hands and will wash her hair for her and style it like her mother's. He's really good at that style, but not much else.
They're nowhere near as good as professionals, but it's nostalgic and makes her happy.
But not before a big event.
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feifheadcanons · 3 years
Laslow loves dancing with his niece... but why don't we having Caeldori in this!!! Let Laslow and Odin pamper the perfectionist niece!!!
The three daughters of the Awakening kids are....something alright in terms of dance.
Soleil as we know, can’t dance at all. Not a particularly skilled singer either. But she has the highest level of perseverance and never gives up, no matter how bad it gets!
Ophelia, as we touched on before, has pretty decent aptitude! She sings well, dances well, and has a lot of fun while doing it! She’s not SUPER skilled, but years of doing arcane rituals and theatrics with her father has made her extremely limber. Ballet suits her well, as does interpretive dance.
But Caeldori...Uncle Laslow could not ask for a better dancer. She is light on her feet, likes to dance, is very well balanced, and although she doesn’t have the raw force of will that Soleil does, she’s hard to discourage! Tap dancing suits her well, and while it’s not Laslow’s strongest style, he actually can decently do it.
The parents are full of pride watching their children dance...for about fifteen seconds. You do NOT come into Laslow’s studio JUST to observe.
Laslow is teaching Odin how to waltz, and Selena how to salsa. They are NOT good at it, either of them. Their kids literally start dancing circles around them. But when SOLEIL masters salsa before Selena does? Her competitive nature kicks in and she starts putting her all into it. She..still doesn’t master it, but she invents her own style closer to merengue than anything. 
Odin just falls on his ass a lot. Which is impressive while waltzing. 
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feifheadcanons · 3 years
When he's drunk, Niles has a tendency to act like Trevor from GTA V.
Leo: TELL ME you didn't kill Takumi. 
Niles: What kind of fuckin animal do you take me for? No, I didn't kill him.
Leo: Oh thank fuck.
Niles, using his Kidnap skill on Oboro: BUT I DID KIDNAP HIS WIFE
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feifheadcanons · 3 years
Nohr heights headcanon?
Xander: 6′3
Camilla: 6′0
Leo: 5′8
Elise: 4′11
Laslow: 5′9
Peri: 5′6
Selena: 5′5
Beruka: 5′2.5 (The .5 is important to her)
Niles: 5′9
Odin: 6′0
Effie: 5′4
Arthur: 6′1
Keaton: 5′10
Gunter: 6′2
Silas: 6′0
Felicia: 5′4
Flora: 5′4
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feifheadcanons · 3 years
Modern!Hinoka and Rinkah are firefighters.
Dude they do those hot firefighter calendars, but it’s just them flexing and arm wrestling instead of all the modelling. 
Rinkah just...inexplicably walks into burning buildings.
And she walks out, hair flowing in the wind, carrying survivors. 
She forgets her gear all the time and just....does it.
Hinoka has jumped out of 10 windows carrying people with no injuries to any of them.
They’re kinda just....nutty like that.
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