ofcrickets · 6 years
red lips, soft smile. like something cinematic
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is that MARILYN LIMA i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just CLAIRE COLDWELL, the SEVENTEEN year old FEMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing VOLLEYBALL, FASHION (MEMBER). everyone around here calls them the THE NEW GIRL which makes sense because they’re so CURIOUS and COMPASSIONATE but also RESERVED and WISHFUL. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
                                    stats page . wanted connections . pinterest
being the new girl! what fun! especially transferring in your senior year like wow claire you crazy cat
but it’s fine, we’re fine, she’s loving the mysterious vibe she’s got going on, she’s thriving
little is known about her life before transferring and she’s not giving up any details. public knowledge is: born and raised in boston and went to a fancy boarding school there, has a few siblings but they’ve either graduated or are at her old school and she’s on the volleyball team
wow 10/10 on the personal details
her family is in politics and her father is making quite a name for himself and claire is quite proud. she’s very close to her father despite hardly seeing him and i hate to say it but he spoils her a lot
her dad is the reason for her nickname ‘cricket’. it came about when she was younger; she was the little goody two shoes of her siblings, the moral compass of the four. the conscience of them all, the jiminy cricket
i mean she could go follow the family legacy of being a politician; she has the brains, the smile, the want to help the world, the ability to lie convincingly
but nah, claire received more of her mother’s creative genes and her passion in life is photography
there used to be a time where cricket never went anywhere without her camera. her siblings joked that it would have to be surgically removed
....... her beloved camera is not around much these days but don’t be sad, it’s still her most prized possession and she can be seen on some days with it, snapping pictures of everyone and everything that tickles her fancy
growing up in a large family really fostered her interest in photography
despite being adored by her parents, they were both busy with their careers and it was easy to fall through the cracks, especially when you have three other people that are vying for that attention too
it became very easy to claire to go unnoticed and this allowed her to get fantastic shots of people
but yeah don’t be surprised if i call claire ‘cricket’ it’s just a nickname that she hopes will never see the light of day at montpelier 
we’ll see how that works out babe
a bit about claire at the academy: she just started this year so she may have met janie like three times?? if even that. she doesn’t understand why this entity is targeting her,,, like dude she’s new. back off. she has absolutely no secrets whatsoever. nope, nothing to see here
she was quite lucky on her first day, becoming friends with one of the popular girls and becoming one of them pretty quickly (a wanted connection js)
she thought about joining the yearbook but it seemed a little weird. yes, these were her peers for the next year and maybe through to college but she wants to make the most of this year, not capturing other people’s memories. for once she wants to be the photographed, not the photographer
she did join volleyball though and is excited to be on a team
plus those shorts are cute 
personality wise,,, cricket is a bean. she’s always tries to have a smile on her face and be very accommodating and friendly. she’s not in the market to be cruel or rude like firstly why would she have the right?? and like she doesn’t want to alienate herself here
she’s a very determined girl too and once she’s set her mind on a goal, there’s nothing stopping her from doing it. she’s also quite the dreamer and with those rose coloured glasses, she believes anything is possible. a combination, that’s for sure.
she tries her best honestly. like she’s not the ‘sweet as pie’ girl but she tries,, she really does. she’s not going to go out of her way to be vicious but she won’t hold back on opinions or the like
wants to help the environment 11/10
that’s all i can think of at the moment but if you have any questions, let me know!
her wanted connections are at the top! as is her unfinished stats page because wow i’m great
her main inspirations were: hanna marin (pll), quinn fabray (glee.... i know. i lowkey hate myself too bc ew glee), lara jean covey (tatbilb), blair waldorf (the aesthetic not the personality lmao), summer roberts (the oc but the later seasons) and a few others
a little bit about me: my name is katelyn, i’m an angst extraordinaire and i love harry potter and scooby doo. also loves a good meme. i’m currently on term break and i’d love to plot!!
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blazcd · 6 years
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wow !! we love a late lil boi !! sfsvjh hi i'm eli and this is garbage son gabriel !! i haven't played him in ?? so long ?? and also i deleted his old intros so i gotta start from scratch lmao enjoy this rushed intro
is that COREY FOGELMANIS i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just GABRIEL MORRISON, the SEVENTEEN year old CISMALE. they’re a JUNIOR, and i usually see them doing FILM (MEMBER) & YEARBOOK (PHOTOGRAPHER). everyone around here calls them the EDGELORD which makes sense because they’re so ARTISTIC and QUICK-WITTED but also CYNICAL and OBNOXIOUS. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
gabriel morrison ?? a lil shit !! he thinks he’s better than everyone else cause he hates society and is more self-aware than others. he also thinks he's ~ edgy ~ cause he smokes cigarettes and only ever wears black clothes jsfdh i hate him
he's pretentious as HECK ok. he likes to use big words to make him sound smarter than he actually is and likes to talk about art a lot (even tho he does love it). his favourite thing to do in the world is rant about how stupid popularity is and how everyone in school who is or wants to be popular can all just ,,, choke
"wait, what ?? but isn't gabriel's best friend like ,, the queen bee ??" he doesn’t know why and how either but yah gabe is a hypocrite and he knows it
gabe is 100%, most definitely an art hoe. if he wasn't such a dumbass edgelord u could catch him with yellow kanken. he spends a lot of his time drawing in his sketchbook (aka his actual prized possession that no one else i allowed to touch), and he also likes taking photos n making short films
gabe can be p secretive when it comes to his home and family life. pretty much the most you can get out of him is that he's an only child, and that he lives with his mom and dad in "that huge house near the end of the neighborhood". he's sure he can count the amount of people that have been in there with one hand, because he rarely invites anyone over
while his default mode is to act like an asshole to everyone he meets, he actually does have a heart ?? shocker, i know. he's put up some really tall and thick walls around him to hide how much of a loser he actually is, and has only ever shown his soft and vulnerable side to one person so uh ,, unless you’re that one person ,, there’s no seeing a smol n soft gab anytime soon
ngl i don't even know what to type in anymore so that's it i guess ?? you can read up on his stats here, and if you want to plot, feel free to slide into my dms or hit up my discord !! also if you're stuck on plots, here are some wcs i want for gabriel: former crushes, enemies, frenemies, unlikely friends, lab partners, neighbors, etc
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
     ( INTO THE GARDEN OF EDEN ! )                       eden king.
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is that ALEXIS REN i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just EDEN KING, the EIGHTEEN year old CISFEMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing ACADEMIC DECATHLAON + CHEERLEADING. everyone around here calls them the PIOUS which makes sense because they’re so REVERENT and CANDID but also CONTEMPTUOUS and CONDEMNATORY. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
eden king – only child and sole heiress to the king dynasty, a prominent oil family reigning from the great state of texas. she was born and raised in the god-fearing, gun rearing south and like many of her rich classmates, she was raised by a nanny.
this nanny, named ethel, was an old woman who was devout to the good lord himself. she took eden to church every sunday of her life and raised eden on the bible.
because of that, for the first chunk of eden’s life, all she remembers is going to church, youth group, sunday school and doing bible study with ethel. her parents definitely didn’t care much about her, sending her to catholic boarding school in ireland when she was twelve years old.
she spent two years at an all-girl, catholic boarding school overseas where she learned how to speak different languages, pinch a penny between her knees and be a good christian girl.
like most girls in that school, she rebelled. it’s not wise to tell a girl going through puberty not to curl her hair or wear makeup. eden knew she was beautiful and she knew she wasn’t going to let it go to waste.
returned to the states after being expelled in eighth grade for continuous truancy, disobeying the teachers and finally, stealing the headmistress’ clothing and jumping into the pool – ruining thousands of dollars of name brand clothing.
after being homeschooled, for the rest of eighth grade, her parents enrolled her into montpelier, where her socialite mother went in hopes of keeping her out of their hair. she’s supposed to learn and study and get into a good college so she can take over the king oil dynasty when she graduates, but she hasn’t spent much time studying.
she’s still an avid-church going and probably has a bible verse in her bio, but she’s honestly anything but a good christian girl. think of every stereotype of a private school church girl and eden can probably fill it.
just returned from a year abroad, where she studied in france because her mother was doing a job there for her fashion line. she could’ve chosen to stay in montpelier, but she was ‘over it’ and wanted to go experience the parisian life.
since then, hasn’t shut up about france and the hills and the hot french boys she french kissed.
is on the cheerleading team because it looks good on resumes, but couldn’t care less about the sport.
is on the academic decathlon team because her private tutor required her to take it so he doesn’t have to tutor her that much – also because she’s actually not stupid, she just hates everything.
honestly over everyone and doesn’t have many friends, she likes to fight with everyone and go to church and confess her sins like ‘ i called janet a pious bitch, but i think god was with me on that one ’ and leaves the priest stunned cause how do you respond to that.
can be compared to: fallon carrington, regina george, heather chandler and a much more mild chanel oberlin.
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Hi, I’m Jess and here’s my bby Grayson! I’m so excited to rp with you all! If you like this post or reply with your discord handle I will come to your DMs and love you down for plots :) Here’s some info about my son!
is that KJ APA i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just GRAYSON "GRAY" MARSHALL, the EIGHTEEN year old CISMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing FOOTBALL (CAPTAIN), TRACK & FIELD, and YEARBOOK STAFF. everyone around here calls them the GOLDEN BOY. which makes sense because they’re so +OUTGOING and +THOUGHTFUL but also -ARROGANT and -RECKLESS. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
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Grayson’s dad is the CEO of a fortune 500 company and his mom is past her prime trophy wife who lives off of diet pills and chardonnay.
Basically like every other kid he has issues with his parents. His come from the fact his dad
He was born and raised in Silicon Valley (shoutout to my cali babes!) 
He has two older brothers and an older sister, all over the age of 25 years old. They treat Greyson like their baby brother to pick on but they are still very close. 
He’s very passionate about sports and was on his previous school’s football team for years. He dreams of going to college for sports medicine but if he gets into the NFL he’s not complaining ;) 
He loves practical jokes so watch out! 
He sees a tutor for his classes because he sometimes has trouble in his classes. He’s actually smart lowkey but he doesn’t apply himself enough. 
He’s never been in a long term relationship. he’s usually love them and leave them, but he secretly is a sucker for romance movies and wants to fall in love one day. 
He sometimes feels like people only want to be his friend to get to his money. So he’s come to Montpelier for a fresh start and to meet new people who will accept him as he is. 
I really dig pre established connections but I’m open to newly meeting plots too! My muse always changes so never hesitate to hit me up! 
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dantecarvahlo-blog · 6 years
is that JESSEY STEVENS i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just DANTE CARVAHLO, the SEVENTEEN year old MALE. they’re a JUNIOR, and i usually see them doing BASKETBALL. everyone around here calls them the THE DIRTBAG which makes sense because they’re so LOYAL and HELPFUL but also IMPULSIVE and IRRESPONSIBLE. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
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omg hi i’m chelsea and this is dante aka cat’s twin brother. he’s 17, a junior, and a drug dealer. i’m v excited to be rping here skdskdskd
about dante (the dirtbag)
dante carlos carvahlo was born in rio, brazil and grew up on miami, florida with his twin sister catalina
at age twelve he started getting into drugs, mainly weed at first but then cocaine by the time he started seventh grade
a few months after dante turned fourteen, he ended up running away from home and eventually got emancipated. he lived in shelters and sold drugs to survive (he only took a wad of cash, but it wasn’t much), which caused him to deal with dangerous people on a daily basis
before he came to montpelier, he was in and out of (juvenile) jail for drug possession and selling, and rehab due to usage. while in jail, he picked up new connections and clients.
dante only came to montpelier (his junior yr, so its his first yr here) because it was better than living on the streets with drug dealers he was avoiding and because he was told catalina was there (and lbr he kinda missed her)
he only joined basketball because he thought it’d make it him look like a “well-rounded individual” ... but with his jail visits and the drug use and selling, he’s anything but that.
personality wise???? he’s a dick when it’s necessary but he’s actually pretty chill and outgoing
he doesn’t talk about what he was doing or where he was at before montpelier because he’s paranoid the dealers will find him
tldr: dante is the twin brother of catalina carvahlo. he started using drugs at twelve and ran away from home at fourteen, living in shelters and selling drugs in order to survive. he was in and out of jail and rehab by the time he was sixteen, but it didn’t bother him as soon as he realized he could get new connections and clients. he’s on bad terms with certain drug dealers now. dante is on the basketball team, sells drugs to anyone that wants some, and can be a dick when it’s necessary (but is actually pretty chill and outgoing). he doesn’t like talking about his past due to paranoia that the dealers will find him. 
plots (i... suck at these so pls bear w me)
since he’s probs gonna be dealing and using drugs at the school, maybe he can sell them to someone????
possibly someone he starts off on the wrong foot with
flirtationship maybe??
buddies <3 he's not all that bad once he gets a feel for who the person is
i’m pretty nice and chill so if you guys have any plots you wanna fill hmu
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saigeelswood-blog · 6 years
Saige Elswood
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is that KEIR GILCHRIST i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just SAIGE ELSWOOD, the EIGHTEEN year old CISMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing NEWSPAPER. everyone around here calls them the TACITURN which makes sense because they’re so +quiet and +secretive but also -aloof and -calculated. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them. 
Being the first born of a set of triplets via in vitro fertilization, Saige seemed to always make way for his other siblings. His parents showed him attention, of course, but he required less of it than the other two always being the quiet one. Never really fussy, never really throwing tantrums, never really getting into trouble. His immediate family spoke about how he was delightful but shy and that they were sure he would grow out of it.
His teachers would write that he was a joy to teach but that he didnt interact or speak to other children much and it was marked as a concern on progress reports. He spent time with his siblings, following the other two around like a lost puppy in elementary school. When he was seven he was put in a weekly course to try to help him social more. Being pulled from class for roughly an hour every wednesday, he would be encouraged to interact with other kids also having social issues but it never seemed to work. Around nine his parents just decided that his lack of interaction with a part of him. 
He took a heavy interest in science, winning awards in science fairs and attending national and regional competitions with his projects. The discussion part was still hard but he relied heavily on his note cards to get him through presentations. Even now, he doesnt like reading out loud in class or doing verbal presentations. Usually he is able to get out of them by doing extra written work or only holding the presentation for the teacher after the period but sometimes they are forced on him. 
He takes anxiety medication, which makes things slightly better for him but he tries to not focus on it a lot. Barely makes eye contact unless he is close to you. Would rather run from a run than have the attention on him. Despite this, they always seem to have a plan for everything. The easiest route to get from his current period and to the library without having to stop to talk to people. Who he is paired up with in class even when the teacher is the one picking out groups. He never does anything without reason, whether people are aware of those reasons or not. 
He can barely cook anything, despite his parents being chefs but he has recently gotten into molecular gastronomy from a very science based interest.  
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holdenwoods · 6 years
is that NOAH CENTINEO i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just HOLDEN WOOD, the EIGHTEEN year old CISMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing LACROSSE (CAPTAIN) and TRACK. everyone around here calls them the THE PARADOX which makes sense because they’re so SPIRITED and CHARMING but also VINDICTIVE and INSECURE. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them. (maaaaaaaria / 22 / est / she/her)
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y’all already know me so onto holden lol
basic facts !
oldest child of a wealthy real estate investor and contract lawyer. has two younger sisters who are twins and are only seven that holden would legit die for. he loves being an older brother sm ok 
he’s libby cousin bc i said so
a lax bro, and shamelessly proud of this, gross. LAX GANG OR DIE WHERE U @ 
wants to be pediatrician. he adores lil babies and is v gentle and caring on he inside
gets into lots of fist fights bc he can’t control his rage most of the time lol... will come for you if you say some rude shit abt his friends, family, or speak disrespectfully towards women in front of him
LOVES AMERICAN LITERATURE, can quote fitzgerald like no one’s business
fuck im realizing hes just jay gatsby. gr8 now someones gonna shoot him in the pool at a house party. ok moving on tho
his favorite book is the things they carried by tim o’brien. it makes him cry a lot
actually everything makes him cry a lot, he’s very sensitive! he just wants everything to be less harsh on his soul ): fakes like he’s not the softest bc he he’s trapped in an anti-feminine male society lol
shy but pretends to be extraverted bc he thinks that’s what people expect him to be
also pretends to be a dick
smokes bc it smells like his dad and makes him feel like a grown up. what a dick.
seems like a dumb jock, but is actually very bright! writes incredibly well, and does fantastically in math and science. his history could use a lot of work tho... and he’s hopeless in his language classes lol
honestly just wants to be loved, since he falls in love with everyone who he thinks has a good heart 
based off of ! 
chandler bing, fox mulder, mercutio, edmund pevensie, alexei vronsky, veronica sawyer, linguine (rataouille), ben wyatt
connections !
i’m basically down for anything drama inducing just hmu
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allfcrncthcniel · 6 years
waddup my dudes, it’s lilac here ( mother of blue, and many succulents ). i tried as long as i could to not take up a second character and,,, well, you can see how well that went. so if you wanna literally meet human garbage, click the readmore below !! ( note : this beautiful boy isn’t actual human garbage. he’s just a bit of a knob. but not like, a bad knob. he’s not the worst. if you twist him, the door still opens after all ). 
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nathaniel ballantyne.
is that JOE KEERY i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just NATHANIEL BALLANTYNE, the EIGHTEEN year old CISMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing ACADEMIC DECATHLON and DEBATE. everyone around here calls them the SAVANT which makes sense because they’re so PERSPICACIOUS and FORTHRIGHT but also BEGUILING and PERNICIOUS. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
fun facts !!
nathaniel, known as nate, known as a douche nozzle, is the #1 NERD
he’s a fucking genius
this kid has an eidetic memory, an iq of over 160 and can reads at speeds that should not be possible
he is interested in a lot of things, but his talent is really in the sciences. he can read equations and understand them more than anything else in the world. he treats them as a game, as a puzzle, as something to beat. and he always beats them. 
nate = if sherlock holmes and iron man had a baby
he’s so goddamn cynical and negative about every little thing skrgjhdkfjgd
he’s basically emo HE HONESTLY NEVER SMILES
you: the sky is so beautiful today ! nate: the sky is a representation of light that is always due to disappear. it’s not beauty, it’s the failure of your eyes to perceive what’s really out there. you: you’re the worst nate: i don’t agree with people often, but if worst means intelligent and hot, then yes, i agree.
he’s also great at roasting people
he’s a sarcastic little shit with a bit of a superiority complex
although his realism is kind of jarring to some, especially with his somewhat bleak outlook on things, he will always be honest. no bullshit. if you ever have a question that you need answered honestly, nate is your guy
he also doesn’t get wrapped up into popularity affairs. he spends so much time studying ( for his own gratification ), that social gatherings just don’t appeal to him whatsoever. he doesn’t feel like he’s missing out, because he knows his future is bright no matter what he decides to do. 
surprisingly, nate is also a bit of a lothario dfkgjdhkgdf. he’s surprisingly charming when he wants to be ( if he’s smooth-talking you, it’s a LINE he is never joyful if given the choice ). in saying that, he’s the perfect fwb type bc he is trained enough at blocking Feelings(tm) for nothing to ever develop. He understands the release and catharsis sex has. However, he’s not weird about those sort of things, which in itself is weird. It’s almost impossible to make Nate embarrassed
( unless you somehow correct him and he will DIE )
not many people like nate bc he’s just not easy to get along with but !!! he doesn’t care. he would avoid people altogether if he could tbh
nate is one of, if not the brightest kid on campus and he walks around knowing it. all he cares about is making sure his future is set and that everything goes according to the plan !! a plan, for the perfect life, that he’s had since he was 6 years old. 
basically,,, nate won’t care about you. however, he will be honest and a good enough guy if he respects you enough. if he’s nice to you, HE’S PLAYING YOU. 
but deep down, he’s a good guy that’s just looking for the validation he never received growing up, being more brains than brawn than his family would have liked. 
possible plots !! ( this is not a definitive list and im always up for more !! )
tutor ; nate would not help people if he didn’t have to. and for all his gruffness and prickly exterior, he honestly does have a lust of learning. this person seems like they just really want to learn things, and nate is willing to give them a chance ( one chance, and then nate is OUT )
good influence ; nate has the emotional intelligence of a turnip. this person would make nate realise that he doesn’t have to be an asshole to people 100% of the time
bad influence ; “here nate is a drug now do it it’s fun i promise, you do know what fun is right ?”
EX-FWBS/ONE NIGHT STANDS (there is probably a LIST and my boy is pan af so,,, SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES HERE
current fwb/one night stand >:)
unrequited crush ; you want to change nate. you see the good in him, the intentional, how deep inside there’s less an abrasive genius but a warm and loving soul. too bad nate doesn’t feel the same. 
childhood friend ; nate is very much an acquired taste BUT this person has firsthand experience in what nate is, and knows the best and worst of him. probably one of the only people nate truly trusts. ( nate grew up in los angeles, in a large manor compound with his 2 other brothers and his parents his entire life so !!! 
that’s it from me for now !! i could literally write forever, so i’ll stop myself here. i don’t have nate’s bios or wanted plots pages up yet, but they will be up soon if anyone is curious. and as always, please let me know if you want to plot !! nate is a sideblog to my main (fcreverblue - blue, my dear mess of a boy). you can also catch me on discord at lilacnarwhals #8500 !!
thank you so much for reading this lovelies, and please let me know if you’d like to plot !! 
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blazcd · 6 years
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it's ya boi eli back with another muse !! here’s my new lil nerd, ari !! pls bear in mind that i literally wrote this at like ,, midnight then proceed to finish it the next day ,, also at midnight so it might not make much sense ?? also ignore any and all typos i suck ok
is that DAN HOWELL i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just ASHTON “ARI” INGRAM, the EIGHTEEN year old NON-BINARY. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing STUDENT GOVERNMENT (STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT), ACADEMIC DECATHLON (MEMBER) & GSA (MEMBER). everyone around here calls them the TEACHER’S PET which makes sense because they’re so ASTUTE and PRAGMATIC but also OVERACHIEVING and DOGMATIC. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
just so there's no confusion cause i tend to switch betweem them, ari's pronouns are they/he !!
ok so up until he was 13, he lived in essex with his parents and three of his older siblings. their parents were ,,, always yelling at each other so as you can expect it was almost unbearable to be in that house for more than eight hours a day
because of that, ari spent a lot of their time studying in the school library just so he could get home a little later and not risk having their dad yell at them because their mom pissed him off
tho ari isn't exactly close to either of his parents, they always seemed to favour their mom in the sense that she's just more considerate ?? and it's obvious that she actually looks out for her kids, because whenever they're home she'll try her best to avoid their dad since he's typically the one who starts the fights
so naturally, ari (and the rest of their siblings) agreed to move to america with their mom when she decided she had Enough of their dad. currently they all live with their aunt/mom's sister who has hella $$$ (tho now it’s just him, his mom, aunt and cousin since all of his siblings have moved out)
ok so there's that !! personality wise, ari is ,,, garbage. but like, garbage that's smarter than u maybe. like ?? this child is so studious, you'd think that was all he ever did. if he wasn't so hell-bent on being a pediatrician, he'd probably want to be a teacher
speaking of pediatrician !! ari !! loves children !! like he finds them so soft n so adorable ,, and also they're like ?? really good with kids ?? they're literally Parent Material ok and also did i mention they babysit ?? cause they definitely do
as the youngest child of the family, ari was never really in authority at home, so u best believe he makes the most out of his authority as student body president. and he's a stickler for the rules, but he also gives in to peer pressure really easily so like ,, what is the truth
ari defenitely, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt, sucks up to teachers ok ?? he'll answer every single one of their questions and is that asshole who tells the teacher about the homework they almost forgot to collect in the hopes that it'll get him a good grade (and more recommendation letters)
ari's still a relatively new muse so i ,,, literally have nothing else to write for now. here are their stats if u wanna take a lil peek.
feel free to hmu up for plots (either through tumblr ims or discord) and if you're stuck on connections ideas here are a few suggestions: a best friend, frenemies, academic rivals (PLS), mutual annoyance, ppl they tutor, maybe ppl who know them cause he babysits their younger siblings ?? good & bad influences, etc
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nxahbly · 6 years
is that PAYTON MEYER i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just NOAH BLY, the SEVENTEEN year old MALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing BASEBALL (CAPTAIN), LACROSSE, AND STUDENT BODY VP. everyone around here calls them the BOY NEXT DOOR which makes sense because they’re so DEPENDABLE and PROTECTIVE but also AGGRESSIVE and IMPULSIVE. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
Here’s my new baby Noah! Leave a like if you’re down to plot!
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Noah grew up in a small town in North Carolina called Blowing Rock with his mom, dad, and little sister.
He was 2 years old when his mom and dad told him he was gonna be a big brother and he was not excited but the day she was born he was over the moon. He’s been the typical protective older brother ever since.
When he was 12 years old, his parents got divorced. His mom took him and his sister out of the house in the middle of the night and they moved in with his grandparents house in the next town over for a few years.
His relationship with his dad had always been difficult. When he was little and had been too rough with his sister, he’d get locked in his room with his dad screaming at him, telling him he was worthless and awful and weak.
As Noah got older and he and his sister were in school, if his sister got into any trouble, his father would blame him.
Since his dad was unemployed, and his mom ran her own business, his dad kept getting away with form of “discipline” and would tell Boah to tell his mom it was from baseball and lacrosse practice.
His sister was too scared to eat out their dad and Noah begged her not to, afraid what would happen if she did.
His mother finally left when she came home early from work and caught his dad punishing him.
Noah became very guarded after this all happened and never really talks about it but he was also very protective over his sister and his mom which later also turned into being protective over friends.
He also had so much pent up aggression from being angry with his dad that her started to put it into baseball and lacrosse and his workouts. He went from skinny scrawny boy to jacked out jock over one summer.
His family moved to New York when he was 16, when his mom’s company blew up and they moved into a 3 floor apartment and his mom didn’t have time to take care of him or his sister anymore so they were sent to Montpelier Academy.
Noah has only been here a year and his temper has settled down a bit now that his dad is in jail.
Noah is still a super sweet guy who will do anything for anyone. His dark side only comes out during games or when someone is harassing his friends or family or when his sister is hanging out with a boy.
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renbryant-blog · 6 years
is that TARJEI SANDVIK MOE i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just KIEREN “REN” BRYANT, the SIXTEEN year old ENBY. they’re a JUNIOR, and i usually see them doing ORCHESTRA. everyone around here calls them the ARTIST which makes sense because they’re so KIND and CREATIVE but also AWKWARD and INSECURE. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
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Ren is non binary and uses they/ them pronouns.
They draw a ton and play violin in the school orchestra. They spend way too much of their free time in the music and art classrooms.They started Montpelier at the beginning of last year.
They’re originally from Manhattan. When they were eight their parents got divorced, and they moved to Boston with their mom. She remarried a year and a half ago.
They had trouble making friends in Boston. They kept to themselves, and managed to keep their head down until Freshman year. A boy in their class (seemingly randomly) decided to make Ren’s life a living hell. They tried reporting the harassment to the administration, but it didn’t help.
They talked to their mom, and they decided that the best thing to do was change schools for their sophomore year.
They decided on Montpelier because they had a step sibling who was already a student there. It was convenient, and it makes for an easy excuse for Ren when people ask why they transferred. Their step-sibling is the only one who knows the real reason they changed schools.
Ren’s relationship with their dad is strained. They rarely talk, and they’re lucky if they see him more than once a year. Ren wishes they had a better relationship, but every time they’ve tried to reach out their dad has disappointed them.
They have three half siblings on their dads side. They’ve met them all, but they don’t like talking about them. They all have good relationships with their dad, and it makes Ren feel inadequate.
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thelibbyparker-blog · 6 years
is that TAYLOR HILL i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just ELIZABETH ‘LIBBY’ PARKER, the EIGHTEEN year old FEMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing STUDENT GOVERNMENT (SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT), TENNIS, & FILM. everyone around here calls them the BRAIN which makes sense because they’re so INTELLIGENT and CHARISMATIC but also COMPETITIVE and ALOOF. 
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a bit about me !
hi pals! just wanted to let you know i’m v excited to be here bc i live for drama and secrets, so i thrive for these kinds of rps and all your chars seem like gems :’) my name’s fox/maaria (she/her) i’m from nyc, i’m 22, and im just a bad adult trying to get into law school. pls hmu for plotting, memes, or celebrity gossip bc all three of those are my jam. 
about Libby !
youngest sibling, has a twenty-seven year old archaeologist brother who works at the Museum of Natural History in NYC, and who she makes too many Ross Geller jokes to against his will 
her parents are older, in their late 50′s, and can barely keep up with their know-it-all-ass kid. her father is an investment banker, and her mother is a ophthalmologist 
grew up in NYC on Upper West side (her fam thinks the east side is gaudy, greedy, and superficial as fuck), has a tinge of a ny accent when she’s angered or on a heated rant 
would die for harry potter
facetimes her dog
wears glasses. they’re always smudged. always
very headstrong, politically active princess who will debate with you forever as to why she believes in what she does and shows up with receipts. ( basically the binch that’s always like, ”oh aND ANOTHER THING-..”, and calls her congressman/woman 30 times a week to complain or commend) 
super duper academically driven, doesn’t feel good about herself if she’s not earning A’s and putting her all in her assignments, everything else in life is secondary. 
probably wants to talk to you abt Marx in the bathroom at the next party 
a smartass in general, quite good at banter, until you flirt with her and then she’s like, ??? whats happening here, i dont understand ???
has a framed photo of 90′s Leonardo DiCaprio on her nightstand, i feel like this is important
 poetry vigilante, will leave sticky notes inside of books, marking her favorite ribbons of words. also leaves poetry in unsuspecting places such as vending machines and people’s car windshield wipers
claims she can drive well. (she can’t)
very emotional, kind ambivert geek who wants to rule the world 
based off of ! 
selina meyer, hermione granger, cher (clueless), kristofferson (fantastic mr. fox), elle woods, dana scully, amelie poulain, oliver tate, spencer hasting, chandler bing, jim halpert, & suzy (moonrise kingdom).
wanted connections ! 
her best friend, essentially the person who tolerates her proofreading all her papers, lays in the grass with her discussing philosophy and puppies, watches her films with her. the person always down to gulp back 7/11 slushies and talk shit about everyone else in the car ride home. the yin to her yang, her platonic soulmate in every sense, her study buddy, her most important relationship.
her academic rival who Libby feels a bit threatened by, one of the only people that makes her feel academically inadequate, as if she isn’t applying herself enough. lowkey fake to this person, nice to their but considers them an enemy.
film buddy, the one that gets dragged out to see every premiere libby finds remotely intriguing because they both know the other will be able to dish out long ass analysis on the cinematography and will be able gush about costumes together.
close friend with a hint of feelings perhaps. they have been incredibly close friends since they met at school, and libby is too busy and afraid of commitment to participate in a real romantic relationship with anyone, so they fell into a pattern of occasionally hooking up. it hasn’t truly messed with the grove of their friendship but given the nature of her secret, it just might ruin everything between them which drives libby up the wall, and she’s constantly afraid of them finding out and casting her out since she’s more co-dependent on this person than she lets on.
someone who was formerly a best friend to Libby but after some sort of falling out, the pair have been awkward around one another, surrounded by their deflated, ghost of a relationship that they can’t seem to let go of but get past, breeding lots of tension and resentment. 
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tidalwcves · 6 years
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hiya beautiful people !!! my name is lilac ( not really, but it would be so rad if it was ) and i’m literally scrambling to get this intro written in two seconds and failed so i can plot with y’all before official opening. :~) also i have done nothing but play spiderman on the ps4 for the last 2 weeks so ??? be prepared for random mentions of new york like i know anything about that city skfghjksdfkg.
ok before i get into my lil bean blue here, just a lil forewarning than i am AUSTRALIAN which is like, rp death skgjsdkhdfse. so my timezone may be a lil out of whack and i do work full time but i promise i’m always here. (◕‿◕✿) always. (◕‿◕✿) so pls don’t let that put you off !! i’m always down to be a trash lord and plot, so definitely like this post and i’ll wander into your inbox !! 
but onto the main event... BLUE.
is that LUKE HEMMINGS i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just BLUE ALCOTT, the SEVENTEEN year old MALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing FOOTBALL & LACROSSE (MEMBER). everyone around here calls them the CONTINGENT which makes sense because they’re so JOCULAR and INTREPID but also LACKADAISICAL and SHORT-SIGHTED. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
ok ok first up... his real name is not blue. surprise !! but everyone calls him blue and literally no one knows his real name (even blue forgets sometimes) so like,, it’s cool. he will also respond to “oi dickhead“ or “thor” on the odd occasion (due to the blond hair and the half australian thing fksgjdh). honestly you could probably just make indiscriminate shouting noises, and blue will respond. he will do anything to interject himself into a conversation. 
yes speaking of which, although blue grew up with his mum in australia, his dad is a former famous rockstar who lives in the us (new york to be exact). blue never met him until he was about 13, and was completely enamoured by the celebrity lifestyle. 
tw: death. blue’s mother died when he was around this age, and ended up moving to the us with his dad at this point. and bc his dad had no idea how to raise a kid, he sent him to this fancy ass boarding school bc what else could he do ? certainly not raise the kid.
in terms of his personality, blue is such a puppy. he’s always flocking to the biggest group of people, and is always looking for a good time. when you see him he will ALWAYS have a smile on his face, and a drink in hand ( probably in a drink bottle bc, y’know )
blue is constantly making jokes and is kinda insecure bc he wants everyone to like him,,, he also has no idea how to take care of himself. honestly if you leave him alone for two seconds, he’d probably burn the whole place down accidentally
but on the more fun side, blue has no regard for rules. he often sneaks out, gets detention on the daily, and is always doing stupid things for the thrill of it all ( he would have THRIVED on vine ok ). the point being though,,, most ppl don’t know him very well bc he’s always doing his best to be having a fun time and keeping busy. he also doesn’t face many consequences bc his dad is rich and for the most part, blue is perfectly harmless. although some of his pranks have gone awry but we don’t talk about that kjfgsjkrge
he also sings a lil and plays piano, the latter which he doesn’t do very much of but is quite good at. he’s always singing to himself or whistling. 
also he’s so LOYAL. like if you asked him to do something, he’d do it without any question.
fun fact: he once sneaked out of school to go to the closest park to pet a dog. like, he just wanted to go out and pet a dog and he did. so basically he has 0 impulse control.
he’s surprisingly considerate ?? if you mention once that you like a certain type of chocolate, he will put that into his memory and remember when you’re feeling down. this is also coming from the kid who still has to count on his fingers. 
this is also the kid you come to if you want contraband. i imagine him being a sort of, well not a dealer, but if someone was looking for something outside of the school he has all these connections and friends to get things. like alcohol ? sure thing !! pizza ? i’ll make it happen ! a green furbie ? sure, no questions asked !
ALSO JANIE. i felt like i should mention this in case anyone is curious, but since blue knows pretty much everyone since he has been at the school for 230482323 years, he would have known janie. although i dont imagine they were close, her ‘death’ would have been the first time since his mother died that he actually allowed himself to show emotion (as he hates emotion at all costs). he would have gotten over it pretty quick, but inside it probably still affects him more than he cares to admit. bc feelings are dumb !
OKAY I’VE RAMBLED TOO MUCH but that’s pretty much all there is to know. :-) blue is a lad who likes to party and cannot be alone. he also likes memes and finger-guns unironically. 
also note i am so open to plotting for him !! i have a plot page here if you wanna check it out, but here are a few things i’d LOVE to establish with anyone interested:
dorm-mate !! (assuming this school has them skgjsesfsjg)
tutor !! (there is no way that blue isn’t struggling ok he gets so distracted so easily)
partner-in-crime (basically another human disaster that blue can banter with fgjskfg)
rivals ! (bc im about angst and at times, blue can be shitty so this would be fun )
also any plots you can think up !! esp football and lacrosse pals. :~)
ok ok i am done now (and my blog is still a wip, so don’t judge akjgshjsdf) but i am so excited to meet all your beautiful muses and plot/rp with you !! this rp is gonna be so wonderful and i’m so excited to meet you all. <3 like this to plot, or otherwise i’ll find my way into your ims. 
see ya later, alligators !!
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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       ( FORGET WHAT YOU THOUGHT ! )                         meredith barnes.
is that HILLARY TRINH i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just MEREDITH BARNES, the EIGHTEEN year old CISFEMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing VOLLEYBALL (CAPTAIN), NEWSPAPER (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF), and TRACK AND FIELD. everyone around here calls them the GOOD GIRLwhich makes sense because they’re so DEVOTED and SUBTLE but also DEVIOUS and SLY. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
born to a single mother, meredith remembers late nights in motels watching late night soaps and waiting for her mom to get home. she remembers the heartache of watching her mother smile through the pain to reassure her and send her to school. when meredith was seven, her mother got married to the richest ceo she could find and changed her name and her daughter’s name, so meredith went from meredith yang to meredith davenport.
the wealthy life was different from what she was used to, but she took it beautifully. she had a room bigger than their old apartments, her closet was bigger than the motel rooms she’d grown up. meredith owed everything to lowell barnes, the ceo who had fallen for the poor maid and married her. since moving in with her step-father, meredith felt like she had to do whatever it took to make him happy.
it was easy, since lowell was loving to her and her mom. he loved them with his whole heart and meredith was raised pretty well because of him. she became the super good girl that every parent wanted, the one who made honor roll and was already scouting colleges and never missed curfew and didn’t kiss boys.
when she was thirteen and about to graduate from junior high, she sent an application to montpelier academy because lowell wanted her to. obviously she was accepted and left for her freshman year with her reputation and goals still on track. but being away from her parents for the first time in her life made her open her eyes a little. her friends had already kissed boys and had boyfriends, they drank alcohol before and they had disobeyed their parents.
in order to fit in, she began to act out, but on the down-low. the fear of disappointing lowell and her mom hung over her at every time so she kept her secrets and did her deeds. she began slipping away from the imagery of a good girl to herself, but most of her peers still thought she was a book-studying, class-attending, go-to-bed-at-eight-pm good girl.
most of her friends are actually people out of montpelier, college students and local high school kids who don’t mind letting her get rowdy. she sneaks off of campus a lot to go get lit but always gets back on time and is always up at six am to get ready, a smile on her face and a mug of tea in her hands.
she plays volleyball and was originally janie’s co-captain and when janie went missing she considered stepping down. she’s a setter for the team and it’s something she’s surprisingly good at, but she mostly did it because janie asked her to. meredith wasn’t the closest to janie, but their connection on the court made it seem like they’d been friends forever. janie was her closest friend at montpelier, but meredith probably wasn’t janie’s closest friend.
she’s stuck in that “she’s friends with everybody but she has no friends” kind of trope because she honestly comes off as really intense. she’s very much put out an image of the ultra focused good girl that studies all the time and gets good grades and keeps to herself because she cares more about her grades than people.
competes with the track and field team during the spring cause she was recruited by the coach because she runs a lot. competes in long distance events and sometimes hurdles.
is on the newspaper and is the editor in chief because it’ll look good on her resume and maybe she’s thinking of journalism, but she’s not sure yet. mostly does it because her resume is the most important thing.
BEACH hit me up for all the connections i’d love them all ! i’m a whole mess and i h8 myself but meredith needs uhhh buddies ig.
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