#morgen x josele
I'm here for a third time, Laura! Hope I'm not a bother. 😅 I just really like reading your thoughts and seeing your content.
But! This time, I'm here to ask for a oneshot from Option #1 of your anniversary event. Could I get an order of Josele x Morgen gin&tonic (hurt-comfort) set at a party/ball, with a side order of reminiscing (maybe thinking about their first date or dance together)?
Hiya Erika~!! ^^
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Of course you're not a bother!! I love having you around. And I hope you find this to do justice for Morgsele. Pairing: Morgen x Josele; Morgsele Prompt: Gin&Tonic (hurt-comfort) at a party with a dance and reminiscing their first date, which ends with a kiss Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~1.5k Warnings: umm... angsty? Does that count?
Evening. Dark in every other aspect but the slowly disappearing sun in the horizon and the lights of the Grey Deer headquarters. A little ball, or at least a party, to which Morgen had asked Josele to accompany him. Though perhaps someone might have argued that it was only expected that she would have joined him, Morgen had still thought it to be only right to properly request her presence. Which she had of course accepted without a doubt.
She was wearing a light grey dress with an asymmetrical hem, going all the way to the floor on one side, and staying right below the knee on the other. The surface was light, composed of large ruffles, over which there was a mesh that glittered in any light they passed, much like a starry sky.
He, on the other hand, was wearing a formal outfit. A jacket, white, of course, light grey vest that tinted a bit towards blue under it, and a white dress shirt and pants. It was all a tad bit more structured and stiff than what he preferred, but it was a formal event. And one simply couldn’t go about such a rare event in everyday clothes, granted that there were more than enough opportunities for balls and parties for nobles.
But this seemed more special. Because this was one among the knights. The people he spent a lot of time with, unlike the nobles he knew barely by name.
Though, the knights, would perhaps been more accepting in him wearing something more casual, since they were his friends and knew him. But still, he wanted to look the part.
Look the part of a man, who deserved to be with someone like Josele.
Everyone should see how wonderful she truly is, he thought as he led her through the dance floor that evening. And surely they do. They’d be blind, if they didn’t.
He closed his eyes in a slow blink, smiling like he usually did, in his opinion at least. But as she saw Josele give him a curious smirk, he knew that the smile must’ve been wider, or perhaps just ‘more radiant’.
‘More radiant’… it’s only because it’s your light, reflected off of me… he thought with yet another tender, slightly amused manner, but only amused in its utter happiness. Truly I am… a lucky man…how did I ever manage to gain the permission to walk by you?
There was a pause, just a brief one, until he felt her hand on his cheek. “Momo… is everything okay?” She asked with a whisper, making him chuckle, although with a hint of melancholy in it still, despite the way the corner of his mouth tugged up.
She really does notice… and it’s not just because of her magic… Or rather, it’s because the magic she possesses in herself, not just her affinity. The magic that’s more than magic, more than mana.
“Yes, my heart, everything is alright,” he told her, while taking a hold of hand and bringing it to his lips to press a gentle kiss to the back of it.
“Are you certain?” She still inquired with a curious, and worry laced, expression.
“Yes,” he replied, but with less confidence this time. “But… let’s go, for a bit, to somewhere more secluded.” He tugged along away from the dancefloor, away from prying eyes, but in the movement there was still the gentlemanly grace that allowed them to slip by without notice. It was as if they would have flowed through the space with such grace and ease that it seemed only natural. As if thieves in the night.
And so, he led her down the corridors, away from the ballroom and into the garden, lit by nothing more than the moon, the stars, and a few lanterns here and there.
“So, will you tell me what’s wrong?” She asked while holding his hand; gripping it gently, to let him know that she was there.
“I…” he replied, half sighed, “I was honest when I said that nothing is wrong. But I am…perhaps a bit sombre.”
“Oh?” She uttered. “About?” There was curiosity in her tone this time, a bit brighter than a moment before.
“About… the passage of time, I suppose,” he replied as they continued to walk through the garden. “It seems like it was only yesterday that I took you out on our first date,” he smiled, but it was a smile filled with gentle melancholy. “I was quite nervous, despite us having known for years,” he admitted, laughed even a little bit.
“So was I,” she admitted as her gaze fell to the ground for a passing moment as they walked, but there was a smile on her lips. “Because it wasn’t … just us as friends anymore then, it was us as a couple.”
He hummed in agreement. “It was us as… what I hoped would become us as a couple,” he corrected her with a hint of amusement.
“You hoped?” She quirked an eyebrow. “And I thought that I was considered as the undeserving one, you being noble and all,” she joked, with a hint of truth in it.
“To the blind,” he replied. “That’s the thing about you Josele,” it had been so long since he had called her by her, entire, given name, instead of a nickname. “You’re so… humble and modest that you don’t see your own greatness and light.” He thought out loud, and a part of her wanted to banter, to make a joke, but … the way Morgen said it, the way his words held quiet sombre, filled with certainty, that she decided to stay quiet. “I am lucky, to have you by my side,” he said, stopping, but keeping his hold of her hand, and gently guiding her to face him. “And, at times I… don’t think you quite realize how much you mean to me, quite know just how… great you are, which I suppose is a mere reflection of my shortcomings in making you see it,” there was an attempt of a joke in there, but Josele, even after all the years of knowing him, wasn’t quite sure how to reply to him, in that moment, in that dimply lit garden, in the barely escaped light of the world in which he was her light, and she was his.
“Momo I…”
“I was terrified,” he told her, “on the day we had out first date,” he admitted. “Because there was no going back from it. It was the, very much a, do or die moment. For from that moment on, being simply friends wasn’t an option, and I wished and hoped and pleaded for this future with all my heart and soul and I…” he swayed his head, from side to side, and looked her in the eye… But words… they seemed to fail him. “And now… we’re here.”
The way he said ‘here’, made it seem like the present, the ‘now’ was concrete. In a way that she was aware of it. Right here and now.
“That day seems like it was both, an eternity ago, and only yesterday.” He continued, not sure where he was going.
“And… now?” She asked with a whisper, not quite sure what she had meant with it either. But somehow it had seemed like a sensible question. After all, they were there. Right there. In that moment. But something had to succeed that moment. Something needed to come after it.
One doesn’t just jump from the edge of the pier and stay in mid-air. Something happens, afterwards.
“And now… we see,” he said, while squeezing her hands. “I’m not… sure, where our journey ends us, but... with you, I'm sure that I’ll be happy with whatever fate has instore for us,” he smiled to her. And in that smile radiated nothing but confidence. Because he was sure, that he’d be happy with her. She was his heart, his light in the world, the light of a Light Mage.
He was sure, that he’d be happy with her, on their common journey.
“I love you, Josele. I have, for a long, long time, and I will love you, until my breath is only with the wind, my bones are embraced by the roots, and when flowers will bloom from my grave, and even beyond that. I am, happy,” he told her. “And I am the luckiest man on earth, to have you,” he added.
And she was left speechless. Only a tear of joy rolled down her cheek as a reply before she leaned in for a kiss, and he followed the movement. All the way until their lips met in a tender, secure kiss in a world that held hope of a bright future for them.
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acacia-may · 1 year
Hiya there Acacia~! Saw the Hallmark Movie AU post thing and like I said earlier, it looks like fun and seems like it'd be pretty funny. I don't really watch Hallmark but I hear that their movies are pretty goofy and I often get a chuckle listening to or reading commentary about them. Anyways...
So for the “If it was a Hallmark movie” game that you're doing, do you think you'd be willing to give it a try with Morgen x Josele? 👉👈 I'd love to see you interpret/play with my ship.
If you're not so sure about Morgsele though, how about a Hallmark Movie AU for Mitsuri x Obanai? 💖
Hi Erika! Thank you so much for the ask and for reblogging my game! I really appreciate it. 😊 I was really happy to see your tags that it looked fun and hilarious since that's definitely what was I was going for when I made it up. I hope you enjoy it! 🥰
I'm not a big fan of Hallmark Movies myself, honestly. I usually don't enjoy romance too much just as a general rule, and I especially find Hallmark-Style Rom Coms to be too soppy, goofy, and/or predictable. That said, I can appreciate that they are usually feel good and wholesome, but that's generally not enough to make it through the whole film without chuckling to myself at how unrealistic it is. My mom and sister, however, absolutely love Hallmark Movies and have whole marathons of them, but I have a reputation for being the cynical family member who watches 2 minutes of the movie and predicts the whole plot... (They don't really let me watch with them anymore unless I promise to be quiet 😅😂).
That said, there have been Hallmark Movies I have genuinely enjoyed but those generally break the mold of the usual tropes. My favorite Hallmark Movie, for instance, is called Christmas With Holly, and it's the story of three brothers who try their best to raise their niece (Holly) and put together a perfect holiday season (Thanksgiving & Christmas specifically) for her after the untimely death of their sister/Holly's mother. It's heartfelt and hilarious in a good/intentional way because these are three single guys who know absolutely nothing about cooking a thanksgiving feast or raising a 6-year-old little girl. 😂 I try to catch that one every year because it's so wholesome and I love the characters and the focus on family relationships rather than the usual romance (the romance really takes a backseat to the brothers sibling relationship with each other and their familial relationship with their niece), but the usual run-of-the-mill Hallmark Rom Coms generally aren't my cup of tea even if I've seen a lot of them thanks to my family...and that's kind of how the game came to be created. 😊
I would love to make up a Hallmark Movie for Morgen x Josele for you! It's very flattering that you'd trust me with your OC, and I hope I've done an okay job. (I know what I've come up with is a little goofy even for a Hallmark movie 😂). I really like Josele, and her and Morgen's relationship is really sweet and adorable--perfect for a Hallmark Movie, I think (A/N: though just between us, I think I prefer her dynamic with Nacht...🤫 That's just a personal preference though. Both ships are great, but I'll admit I imagine them as very separate things in my mind since I don't like love shapes--it's kind of similar to how I think of Finral x Finesse and Langris x Finesse as totally separate things even if they're (arguably?) all kind of connected in the canon, if that makes sense?) Anyway, without further ado, here is a Hallmark Movie AU for Morgen x Josele. I really hope you like it. I'm going to take you up on your offer to do an ObaMitsu one as well, but I'll make that it's own post (and tag you) since this one is kind of long. Also Morgen and Josele deserve their own post, in my opinion. They're great! (Hopefully I'm not totally off the mark with them here 😅). Thanks for the ask! 🥰
Morgsele If It Was A Hallmark Movie...
The Perfect Man: Josele is a somewhat cynical (for a Hallmark movie) journalist who works for the city newspaper, but she is still waiting for her big break as a reporter. She mostly reports on feel good stories and puff pieces like grannies who knit sweaters for cats, bakers who make dog treats for animal shelters, and schools that have toy drives for orphans. While this is all nice and good, Josele can't shake the somewhat cynical (for a Hallmark Movie) notion that most of the time things that seem too good to be true usually are, and she wants the opportunity to do some real journalism work.
She is assigned to write a story about a local doctor, Morgen, who saved an elderly man from getting run over by a vegetable cart during the harvest festival, and quickly learns that he is by all accounts "the perfect man." He helps pediatric burn victims, raises money for the local orphanage, offers to work pro bono for sick children in need, volunteers at a soup kitchen to provide food for the homeless, gives yarn to the grannies who knit the cat sweaters ect. ect. Josele finds it hard to believe that there isn't something wrong with him and mentions this at work where she is then tasked with discovering his dark side and/or deep dark secret and revealing it in an exposé piece for the newspaper. At first, she is sure that he's hiding something and couldn't possibly be that perfect, but as she gets to know him better and starts to fall in love with him in spite of her reservations, she begins to feel very guilty about this and realizes that he truly is a genuinely kind and good person.
Morgen, who was smitten with her from the start, falls in love with her quickly and eventually trusts her enough to reveal the dark secret of his past: that he couldn't save his brother from becoming a delinquent and leader of a local gang of hoodlums who commit as heinous of crimes as allowed in a Hallmark movie such as jaywalking, riding bicycles in the middle of the street, vandalizing flower arrangements, and occasionally stealing candy and purses from little old ladies. Josele must then make the difficult choice of deciding whether to reveal Morgen's secret, but how can she choose between her dream reporting job and her heart?
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marune2 · 2 months
Siren Au
Ichika x Ida
Ichika just wanted a peaceful time on water as she see a woman laying mostly on water as she get’s closer she find out it’s not human and kick it away but this get’s her problem this woman followed her now ok meaby she should kick a fish away just because it’s attacking her…….
Ichika whas just going to water too take a break from work and take a breath
As she goes bye she see a woman laying in water it’s dark so she doesn’t see well but the woman moving a little bit
Ichika goes to the woman Fast and try to look if she is alive
But then snapped she her eyes open glowing blue eyes stare at her she see fish treats on the woman oh fuc& it‘s a siren
Ida:oh~?!“try to bite ichika
Ichika kick her away fast bevor it’s happened
Ichika:get away don’t you dare…“glaring at the fish woman
Ida:oh come on you did surprise my now how is we talk?
Ichika:you tricks don’t work bye“run fast of
Ida:Hey wait bis€ what the fuc€?!?!
Ok ichika didn’t know it’s would be this big of a mistake to kic€ the siren away
As she goes on water along can she Fell eyes on her the female siren follow her……great both don’t talk a wort
It’s goes weck’s this ichika goes on water whit the siren following her both don’t talk but sometimes she hear her laughing
After a wile
Ichika : stop following my or I kill you“glaring at the woman
Ida:oh now we talking and I want see you try now come in the water bis€ then we talk
Ichika:I’m not stupid siren…..tz
Ida:well I have a name I’m ida and yours?
Ichika: will you go away then?
Ida:not really but I want to know wo did kick my out of my sleep and don’t even say sorry for it“glaring back
Ichika:ok good I’m Yami ichika
Ida: yami ichika hm good name ichika now we talking be honest in the beginning I just want you blood but now you interested my…….
Ichika:well I don’t care ida now go don’t you have you people around you?
Ida: you really don’t know well I have just tow brother‘s and a sister but they are in mating season whit my sister
Ichika:be honest I don’t want to know
Ida:oh no my sister is not blood related of you care about this I call her this just……
Ichika:wait you did say you brother,s are in mating season so you are boring and following my now?
Ida:well yes but I want you now be honest even my brother will be not happy ok at least big brother Nacht Morgan would be more happy whit josy….anyway they are Mermaids don’t be scared
Ichika:No thanks and it’s make no sense but ok I don’t care now go
Ichika :well then follow my this it
Ida: sure fine
And so time’s go bye Ida now follow ichika as they talking now and Ida did bring her gifts like death fish or gold or other Juwel stuff ok ichika understand what going on but she doesn’t know how to Fell but yes it’s did. go some time now
Ida:well I know you can’t love my back but hey I know you will be mine at least in some point……
Ichika:well you adore my Ida but I get you point let’s see how fare it’s goes…..
Ida:It’s will be nice I know we can’t get children but hey adoption is there to I’m even open for human children
Ichika ray’s a eye brow now: well if you mean but let’s see….we didn’t even kiss or so
Ida:ichika my woman we don’t need to kiss to be in love as fare I know love you
Ichika:well I adore you too
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lyranova · 11 days
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You Deserve Better (fic)
It’s You. It’s Always Been You (fic)
Nacht 600 Follower Event (fic)
Nacht 900 Follower Event (fic)
Nacht, Discordia [OC], and Morgen Incorrect Quote 1
Nacht, Morgen, Josele [ @loosesodamarble ‘s OC], and Discordia Incorrect quote 2
Nacht, Morgen, Josele [ @loosesodamarble ‘s OC], and Discordia Incorrect Quote 3
Nacht, Discordia [OC], Morgen Incorrect Quote 4
Nacht w/ Pregnant S/O (headcanon)
Nacht w/ S/O who is mute (headcanon)
Nacht 500 Follower Event (Headcanon)
With Kitsune S/O (Headcanon)
As a Lawyer (Headcanon)
As a God (Headcanon)
As Yankee Candles (Headcanon)
As a Flower (Headcanon)
Nacht Moodboard
Nacht x Reader moodboard
Nacht 900 Follower Event Moodboard
Nacht Social Media AU
Nacht Edit
Butler AU Meme
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loosesodamarble · 2 months
Hi once again!
If you'd like to answer one more from me what about Helia x Nozel and Josele x Morgen (since I'm reading about them lately and i'm quite compelled) 💕
Aaaaaaahhhhh! Nozelia! My first ship in the fandom (still holds a special place in my heart since it was my starting place… 💖).
Oh but also Morgsele (yes I answered about it yesterday but I wanna gush moooore~)!
Thank you for asking Lola, now let me answer!
Nozel x Helia
Okay, I'll be honest, Nozelia is 50/50 makes sense and doesn't make sense. Nozel is super proper and disciplined while Helia is untamed, silly, and airheaded. They're opposites in every way and yet they find their way to each other. The main means for them to connect is Helia taking the initiative to send Nozel letters updating him on Noelle's situation in the Black Bulls and it takes some time before Nozel starts replying.
But still, their relationship is so compelling. Helia has the freedom and optimism that Nozel lacks because of his position and history. Helia is open with her love of her family while Nozel is on the struggle bus for that, so he'd envy that in her. And Helia knows Nozel is unnecessarily cold but still wants to become someone disciplined like him since for so long, she's just been living without much thought. I'm also compelled by the contrast they have. Nozel is pale and Helia has lovely tanned skin. Nozel is silver and Helia is gold. He has a metal-based magic (and I always associate metal with civilization and technology, even in this case) and she has a plant-based magic (plants are the wild). Opposites attract, babyyyyyyyy~!
Morgen x Josele
Now I've talked about this ship before but I'm gonna go for it again.
Morgen is the squishy wizard while Josele is the martial warrior. But Morgen learned a spell to make weapons because of Josele and Josele does what she can to fight with her magic. I'm made super soft by the way the two of them love basically everything about each other. Josele always knew she was different from the noble girls that Morgen was surrounded by. But Morgen adores her rough hands, her strong arms, and her simple beauty. Josele loves Morgen's bedhead and the joy of brushing it out, his long finger with their gentle touch, and the dimples on his face when he smiles so wide. They bring out the best in each other. I am also compelled by how silly they can be, getting absorbed in their own little world. I'm just too soft for them!
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Julius dad joke incoming (with some self-indulgent shipping, sorry).
Morgen: Guess what captain, Josele and I are engaged!
Julius: That’s wonderful news. I’m sure you’ll make each other happy. You always were a light-hearted couple after all.
Morgen: … *walks out without saying anything*
Julius: Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad!
Anymore dad jokes and i might fall even more in love with Julius plsss😭💕💕💕
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acacia-may · 3 months
Acacia, since you’re offering, is it okay that I ask for your thoughts on Josele x the Fausts? 🥺👉👈
I’d be fascinated to hear your thoughts.
Of course, Erika! I was actually really hoping you would ask me because, as I am sure you know, I am just obsessed with Nacsele. Sorry Morgen. I love him. How could I not? He’s a total sweetheart, and him and Josele were very cute, but I am unapologetically Team Nacht all the way! I adore their deep friendship and the quick wit & banter that they share, but it's really the angst of that pairing that just elevates it for me. I mean they support each other through their trauma and grief, and then, fall in love?! Even when they believe they're too broken to ever be loved and to be happy again, they show each other that they can be. 😭 I'm going to sob. It's beautiful and is more compelling to me than I have the words to express.
I'm sure it's no secret that I am not much of a romantic, but what you may not know about me is that I do actually have some favorite love stories one of which is a movie called "Return to Me" which is about a man, Bob, who loses his wife in a tragic accident and swears off love forever, but he eventually finds healing and falls in love with the wonderful woman whose life was saved by receiving his deceased wife's heart in a heart transplant. (This is literally all established in the first 5 minutes of the movie so it’s not a spoiler, I promise). The heroine of this film, Grace, is just so incredibly sensitive to his loss and so supportive of him, and one of the main conflicts of the movie is that she cares about him so much that she is heartbroken to learn that even though this transplant saved her life, it caused him so much pain and suffering. The other conflict, of course, is Bob (the main man) coming to realize that even though he truly loved his wife and is always going to miss her, that doesn't mean that he can't love Grace just as much. It's real. It's beautiful, and it's so sincere that it just pulls at my heartstrings every single time. Needless to say, I have an extremely intense passion for stories about finding love after unbelievable tragedy and loss, and Nacht x Josele fit that category so well so of course I'm going to eat that up.
This pairing was just made for me to love. I mean, it also has a complicated brother relationship and they're childhood friends to lovers. Gah! It just has everything. Nacsele is just everything!
I don't think I'm even making any sense right now, but it's so, so good. I find myself just randomly thinking about them like I would with any canon character x canon character ship. I guess that just means they're canon to me. 😁
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loosesodamarble · 2 months
Nacht x Josele, Morgen x Josele <3<3
You are the awesomest of anons today! NWHCUDJFHFIENW! 💖💗🥰😭💖
Okay so Nacsele and Morgsele! My beloved ships! Jwhcudjfhiewj! Let me collect myself cause I’m behcidnwjwoq!
Nacht x Josele
Makes all the sense and is tied for the most compelling ship!
Nacht is part of why Josele was able to open up as a child and become the free spirit that she is in the present. His mischief and confidence brought her joy and inspired her. Nacht admired Josele for how straightforward and simply good she was. They something in each other that they liked and latched on tight. It also makes sense that they'd get together because of all the time they'd known each other. Josele and Nacht have seen so many sides of each other and accepted them all.
What compels me in this ship... Everything. It's the childhood friends to lovers. It's the arc of finding new love (though they had really loved each other from the start). Part of it is seeing each other at their worst and bringing them back from it. Nacht's self-loathing and comparing himself to his brother, only for Josele to tell him that she doesn't want him to be Morgen, but to be himself. There's Josele regretting her choices after Morgen's, regretting the darkness she fell into, and Nacht reassuring her that she found herself again and that's what matters. I just love love LOVE the way that both Nacht and Josele carry the weight of Forbidden Magic on their souls and in carrying that "sin," they are each other's salvation.
Nacht and Josele's love story isn't perfectly happy, but it's theirs. And they wouldn't have it any other way.
Morgen x Josele
Makes so so so so so much sense and is the ship that ties for Nacsele to be most compelling!
They make sense because these two are absolute sweethearts who see the good in the world (mainly Nacht/lh). They both are naturally inclined to good and so they could bond over that. They also have different ways of being helpful so they make a good team (Morgen being more educated can think things through better while Josele has the physical strength to be of assistance). They also brought out other things in each other. Josele made Morgen feel reassured that he didn't need to be the perfect noble most people saw him as. And Morgen helped Josele value her own well-being and happiness rather than giving all of herself to others. In loving each other, they also love themselves more.
AND AAAAHHHHH! They're relationship is so compelling because they're just such good people, to each other and others. I also love making giving people like Morgen and Josele be selfish about their relationship. Their romance is something they only share between themselves. It's happiness but it's not without any troubles. Morgen had to learn that "goodbye" made Josele feel insecure. And Josele caused Morgen concern whenever she put his safety over hers, even when he told her not to. But they always made up with each other and their love grows stronger form there. Then, when they're so incredibly close to being married, taking yet another step in their relationship, Morgen dies and their happy ending is stolen from them. But! A BIG BUT! Josele still loves Morgen. She doesn't fully move on for him when she's with Nacht. She holds onto that feeling, loves Morgen in the present tense. And Morgen, in the afterlife, continues to love her. Tragic romance that still stays strong, my beloved. And, well, they get a glorious reunion on Judgement Day, when Morgen comes back as a Paladin. A love reborn~!
I love Josele's romances with Nacht and Morgen so so so so so KDJBflahrusithaskrthaksrthu SOOOOOOO MUCH! Both have tragedy, though in different flavors. And MMMMM! I'M BROUGHT TO LIFE!
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acacia-may · 1 month
Hee hee! I know the exact ships I must ask about for the bingo game~!
Henry x Lorelei?
And Nacht x Josele?
Thank you so much, Erika! I’m absolutely thrilled you’ve asked about these ships!! 💖💖
Henry x Lorelei
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BINGO!! Though technically I don’t think of myself as sending them to superhell…I mean there is some angst, misunderstandings & complications but I’m not sure it’s to “superhell” level lol. But…I really wanted that bingo so I’m going with it lol 😂
Obviously, I’m biased because I made them up but I think they’re cute & I like them. That said, I think their backstory might be more interesting than their actual dynamic since they are (intentionally) just the “fluffy fluffy cute cute” ship so perhaps not the most fascinating or intriguing dynamic on their own. But they are very happy together though and live a content, quiet and peaceful life which poor Henry deserves after everything he has been through. That’s what counts and what was more important to me than a coming up with super riveting love story for them. Some day they deserve to have their love story properly written, but I’m not sure how many romance fics I have in me. Sorry Henry & Lorelei! 😅🙈 Love them dearly though 💕
Nacht x Josele
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I AM UNWELL ABOUT THEM!! Completely and utterly feral and it’s all your fault! I can’t believe they didn’t get a bingo but it’s no reflection on how completely unhinged I am about this pairing
(Also I did mark conflicted a little just because Morgen (& my usual distaste for love triangles in general) but I swear he is shipping it from the after life so I don’t feel too bad)
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lyranova · 9 months
Hii Lyra , I hope you're not too burdened by writing for all those requests 😊😅.But can I request Modern university AU for William x Zera ? I really love those two 😁❤️.Thank you in advance!
Hiya anon! Thank you, and honestly I'm not too burdened with them, I've been taking my time and have just been writing my requests little by little while also self-indulging 😌. Of course you can, I was actually inspired by @thoughtfullyrainynightmare for this fic, and because I like it a lot more then what I originally wrote I decided to post this one instead! I apologize it isn't fluffy and is hurt/comfort, but I still hope you enjoy~!
Solara belongs to @/thoughtfullyrainynightmare, Josele belongs to @loosesodamarble and Briar belongs to @koneko-pi !
Word Count: 3,571
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Mentions of a car accident
Zera frowned as she looked around the lecture hall, their class on Wave energy in coastal cities had started 30 minutes ago, but there was one student missing. One who was always early, and never absent.
William Vangeance.
He was the star student in this class, and while he was quiet and kept to himself, everyone seemed to like him, including the professor.
Which was why Zera wasn’t his biggest fan.
She felt that the only reason they were sucking up to him, stroking his ego, and giving him all the praise they were was because of who his family was and how powerful they were. And because he liked the attention they were all giving him, he just…let them continue instead of telling them to stop.
It annoyed her. She didn’t like people like that, and wanted nothing to do with them, even if they were surprisingly handsome!
But at the same time it felt…strange that he wasn’t in class, was he sick? That would make sense. But if he was, wouldn’t he have called the professor beforehand to let him know? Instead of leaving him there, confused when William didn’t answer ‘here’ when his name was called during roll call.
Something was strange, and it only got stranger when class ended, and he still hadn’t shown up.
As Zera walked into the cafeteria, she began to scan the crowd, looking for his white hair and ‘moderately good-looking’ face. But she still didn’t see him, nor did she see Fuegoleon Vermillion, who always had lunch with him. She saw Nacht Faust, Morgen Faust, Nozel Silva, and Yami Sukehiro, but not those two. It was very suspicious.
She suddenly got a whiff of her favorite tea under her nose and was pulled out of her thoughts, she turned a bit as she followed the arm that was holding it out towards her.
“ A tea for your thoughts?” Solara asked with a warm smile, and Zera smiled a bit before she muttered a quiet ‘thank you’ as she took her tea.
“ For Zera to be so lost in thought that she didn’t hear us coming means she was thinking about something very important.” Josele said with an amused grin as she came up beside the other two with a coffee in her hand.
“ I wonder, were you thinking about our upcoming exams? Or were you thinking about something more…personal?” Briar asked as she came up to the others as well.
This was the Sister’s daily routine. Even though they weren’t related by blood, people would often mistake them for being blood related due to how close they all were. They had been friends since their time in high school, and even though they were all in college now and were in different majors, they were still just as close as they’ve always been. They typically got lunch together, spent weekends together, and even hung out when their breaks between classes matched up.
“ So, now that you’ve accepted the tea, you must tell us your thoughts.” Solara said, and Josele nodded beside her.
“ Tea for tea, so to speak.” Josele agreed, making the others laugh, and Zera sighed.
“ It isn’t anything too serious…it’s just that Vangeance wasn’t in class today.” She muttered as she brought her tea to her lips to take a sip.
“ And so, now you’re worried about him?” Briar asked curiously, her voice slightly hesitant. Zera suddenly choked on her tea and quickly shook her head as her cheeks became red.
“ I-I’m not worried about that arrogant jerk!” Zera said quickly as Solara handed her a napkin, so she could wipe the tea from her face. Josele hummed and raised a curious brow.
“ Your reaction to Briar’s question tells us otherwise,” Josele said with a knowing look, making the blonde haired woman’s face become even redder. “ And from what I’ve been told by Yami and Morgen, William isn’t really arrogant. He’s just serious and is a perfectionist, although I don’t think he’s quite as serious as Nozel and Fuegoleon are.”
“ Speaking of Fuegoleon, I don’t see him here either.” Solara muttered with a frown as she crossed her arms and narrowed her gaze. Zera nodded.
“ I noticed that too, maybe they’re both sick?” Zera muttered as her gaze narrowed too, and she heard Briar hum beside them.
“ If they’re both serious and are somewhat of a perfectionist, they wouldn’t just ‘skip school’ for no reason. Maybe they had an emergency?” Briar suggested hesitantly as she placed a hand under her chin, and Josele nodded in agreement.
“ I’ll go ask Yami and Morgen since I’m pretty sure they’ll know what’s going on.” Josele said as she began to walk towards their table, but she didn’t need to, as suddenly Zera’s cell phone began to ring.
She pulled it out of her pocket and frowned when it was William’s number, she scoffed and showed the others the caller I.D. before she quickly answered the phone.
“ Hey Golden Boy, where the heck are you? You missed class!” Zera began to scold him, but as soon as she heard his voice on the other end, she frowned again.
“ Sorry… I um… I need to ask you for a favor.” William muttered, his voice sounding soft and quiet, which only made her frown deepen.
“ A favor? What kind of favor?” She asked, her tone somewhere between curious and concerned, and she heard him sigh quietly under his breath.
“ I… I need you to come pick me up and take me back to my dorm room…please.” He asked, his voice hesitant, as though he didn’t want to ask her for help but had no choice. As though he felt he were being an inconvenience to her. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, when he asked like that, there was no way she could say ‘no’.
“ Fine, I guess I can come get you before our next class, although I don’t know why you can’t drive yourself,” Zera muttered the last part under her breath. “ Where are you?”
“ … The hospital.”
“ Alright…wait, THE HOSPITAL?!” She suddenly shouted, making those around her pause or jump in surprise. Her Sisters all stared at her with confused and slightly worried looks on their faces. Zera listened as he gave her the address and she quickly said ‘okay, I’ll be right there’ before she hung up the phone.
“ I’ll see you guys later, I gotta go!” Zera said quickly as she took off running towards the parking lot where her car was.
Just how sick was he that he was in the hospital?!
Zera half walked, half ran down the hospital halls in the direction towards where William had said he was. She rounded the corner and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, his face covered in bandages, his arm in a sling. From what she could see on his arm and parts of his chest were also covered in bruises and cuts, this…hadn’t been what she expected.
Just what on earth happened?
“ Ah, you’re here, sorry for asking you to do this.” William muttered, a small smile on his face as he stood up, she rushed towards him as he winced a bit.
“ It’s fine! But, what happened to you? I thought you were sick!” Zera exclaimed as she looked him up and down, he shook his head.
“ I… I got into a car accident…” He muttered, his head hanging down in shame, and Zera’s eyes widened. He was in a car accident? As she looked over him again, his injuries did seem consistent with that. At least from what Solara had told her.
“ That’s why you needed someone to come pick you up,” Zera said with a shake of her head as it all began to make sense. “ But why didn’t you call any of your other friends? Why did you call me?” She asked in confusion, but he only smiled sadly at her.
“ Let’s go, I have a stop to make before we leave,” William said as he slowly began to walk past her, she turned a bit before slowly following behind him. 
They walked down the hall, towards a private area where a different patient slept. She watched as stood there quietly, his purple eyes full of sadness, regret, and apology. He opened his mouth multiple times, but then closed them again, it was as though he couldn’t get the words to go past his lips. William suddenly turned around and began to walked towards the exit, leaving Zera standing there in complete confusion. She slowly walked towards the curtain, peeked inside, and her eyes widened, and a soft gasp escaped her.
Laying on the bed, unconscious and injured, was Fuegoleon Vermillion.
His right arm was in a sling, he had cuts and bruises just like William, and a bandage wrapped around his head. He looked just as bad, if not worse, than William did. So, did that mean, he was also in the car crash?
Zera quickly turned around and walked out of the hospital to see William standing beside her car, his eyes distant and sad, his hand shoved into his pocket as though he were trying to hide it from view. She quietly walked over to him, and was about to place a hand on his shoulder, but stopped herself. 
“ Ready?” William asked softly as he turned to face her, she quickly brought her hand to her chest and nodded.
“ Y-Yeah, let’s go.” She quickly muttered before she unlocked the car and they both climbed inside before driving away.
The drive back to the dorm was silent. Neither one saying a word, the only sound was the soft music that floated through the radio, their quiet breaths, and Zera’s fingers quietly tapping against the steering wheel.
How did you ask someone about this? Did you just…ask them directly? Or was it better to be more tactful? Or should she just let it go, and wait until he was ready to talk about it?
Zera quickly shook her head, why would he talk to her about this?! It wasn’t like they were dating or even friends! They were only classmates, occasionally group partners, and that was all. So there was certainly no need to discuss personal and private things with one another. But as she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and saw that regretful look in his eyes, she couldn’t stop herself from worrying about him.
She found herself wanting him to tell her what was going on, to share whatever burden he was carrying, for him to just…let it all out instead of keeping it all inside.
Because right now, he was far from being in a good place.
They finally arrived at William’s dorm, and she quickly got out and opened the door for him. He chuckled softly before muttering a quiet ‘thank you’ as he got out and began to walk towards the building, with Zera following close behind him.
They quietly walked into his dorm room, and he instantly threw his keys onto his kitchen counter before walking inside. She heard William mutter for her to have a seat and make herself comfortable, but Zera felt everything but comfortable in his room.
It was a minimalist design, which was what she expected, but it also seemed void of life. Sure, there were a few plants here and there in the room, but they looked rather…neglected if you asked her. She wanted to scoop them all up and whisk them away to her and Briar’s dorm room, where she knew they would be taken care of properly, but decided against it.
“ Would you like some tea?” William asked as he began to reach into the cabinets, Zera gasped and rushed over to him.
“ Let me do that! Jeez, are you trying to injure yourself even more?!” Zera exclaimed, her tone serious and scolding, she quickly shooed him away and began to reach for his tea.
William’s eyes widened a bit as he watched her begin to climb onto his kitchen counter, so she could reach his tea box and the cups. He began to look around for a foot stool but quickly realized he didn’t have any, so he made a mental note to himself to buy a few, just in case she ever came over again.
Although hearing her grumble about tall people, and quietly cursing her short stature, did make him very amused.
She quickly began to make them both a cup of tea, and once they were done, she walked over to the coffee table and set them down.
“ Coming?” She asked as she sat on the couch, and he quickly nodded before walking into the living area and sitting down beside her.
His heart began to beat nervously in his chest, he had never had a woman over to his dorm before, and could only imagine what the people were saying when they saw the two of them walk past. Could people think they were dating? Or that they were in a ‘friends with benefits’ type of relationship? Well, it would be more like an ‘enemies with benefits’ type relationship, since everyone knew Zera didn’t like him.
“ Hey Will,” Zera began softly, her voice pulling him out of his thoughts. He turned to look at her and saw a hesitant look in her eyes, which took him by surprise, he had never seen that look on her face before. “ What… What happened?”
William sighed, his mind beginning to race, and his heart beginning to beat more anxiously against his chest. How…where did he begin? What he did, what he accidentally did…how did he say it out loud? How did he say that he nearly killed one of his friends?
He looked back at her and saw she had a patient look in her ice blue eyes, one that told him he could take his time, that she would wait, and that she wasn’t going to push him. William felt grateful that she was letting him take his time, that she was willing to listen to him, that maybe…maybe she cared about him.
“ Fuegoleon had called me, and told me that his car broke down and that he couldn’t get to school, so I decided to go and pick him up, so he wouldn’t be late. But I mismanaged the time, and it took us longer to get back than I thought. So… I started speeding, not much, but I was still speeding, and…suddenly a rabbit appeared in the road. I dodged it but turned the wheel too much, and I lost control of the car, so we hit the wall, and the car flipped over…honestly we’re lucky we only made it out with broken arms and minor injuries.” William explained, his voice soft, and his purple eyes looked away. He didn’t want to see the disappointed look on her face.
Zera nodded slowly, and a sigh escaped her as she suddenly set her tea cup down.
“ I screwed up…really badly.” William suddenly muttered as he ran a hand over his tired face.
“ You did.” Zera agreed calmly, and William frowned, that wasn’t quite what he was expecting to hear from her.
“ I nearly killed us.”
“ You did.”
“ Wow, you really know how to comfort someone and make them feel better.” William muttered sarcastically as he suddenly leaned back against the couch, a humorless laugh escaping his throat.
“ And you know how to get angry, which is something I thought was foreign to you,” Zera said with a grin before she rested her head on the back of the couch as well. “ And besides, why should I lie to you and tell you that what you did was fine and that it wasn’t your fault, when we both clearly know that it was.”
William sighed and closed his eyes, while he was taken aback by her honesty, he was also strangely comforted by it. It was…different. If it had been anyone else, they would have told him that it wasn’t his fault, and that accidents happen, and that he shouldn’t blame himself. But she wasn’t doing that, rather, she was doing the opposite of that.
Which was very refreshing.
“ I shouldn’t have been speeding, I should’ve managed our time better,” William muttered softly, his eyes staring at the white ceiling above him.
“ You should have.” Zera agreed softly, her eyes staring at his face.
“ I should have listened when Fuegoleon told me to slow down, that it would be okay if we were a few minutes late,”
“ You should have.”
“ He’s going to hate me once he wakes up, and he’ll probably never forgive me.” William muttered, tears stinging his purple eyes as he thought about how angry Fuegoleon would be once he woke up, and how their friendship was probably ruined forever now.
“ Hate is a strong word, but I do think he’ll be angry at you, at least for a while.” Zera half agreed as she watched the tears pool in his eyes and slowly slip down his cheeks, she wanted to reach out and comfort him…but stopped herself.
“ I destroyed our friendship…” Zera quickly shook her head and moved closer to him.
“ I don’t think you destroyed it. Sure, you damaged it, but I don’t think it’s beyond repair.” Zera told him softly, and when the words left her lips, he suddenly turned his head to face her. His purple eyes shining with sadness, and a pleading hope in them.
“ How do I repair it?” He asked, his voice soft but full of hope, he didn’t want this accident, his stupid mistake, to ruin a friendship he had since he was in high school. He watched as her blue eyes scanned his for a moment, as though she were trying to find the words to say.
“ Well, firstly, I would suggest not doing anything drastic like paying his hospital bills or buying expensive gifts to express your apology-.” Zera began, and he frowned a bit.
“ But, I already paid his hospital bills.” He told her, his head tilting a bit. “ Was that wrong?”
“ N-No! Well, maybe…it was a very sweet gesture and the least you could do but… Fuegoleon might misunderstand and think you’re trying to buy his forgiveness or something, so if it gets brought up, I would clearly explain my intentions if I were you.” Zera said, after thinking for a moment, she watched him nod slowly.
“ I also suggest apologizing, it isn��t much, but it’s a start. While he may not forgive you right away, or at all, I still think he would at least appreciate it.” Zera said, and he nodded again. She could tell just how important this friendship was to William, and how he was desperate not to lose it.
“ And after apologizing, I recommend giving him some space and letting him come to you when, and if, he’s ready. Because while it was an accident, you still did something reckless that could have killed you both, and he needs time to process that. As do you.” Zera told him softly, and she watched William nod.
The two then just sat there, silently staring at each other. William with sad and regretful eyes, and Zera with sympathetic and caring ones. She felt bad for him, he had made a mistake, and because of it he could lose a very important friendship. The look on his face was similar to that of a sad puppy, or maybe a sad bird, yeah, a sad bird seemed to fit him better.
She suddenly watched as a hand reached out towards him slowly, for some reason she just felt compelled to reach out and touch him. To place a hand on his cheek and wipe his tears away with her thumbs, to wrap her arms around him and pull him into her embrace, while telling him that it would all work out. That Fuegoleon would forgive him, and that they would repair their friendship, even though she wasn’t certain that would actually happen.
She watched his eyes widen, and his cheeks grow red as her hand moved closer and closer to his face, but then suddenly she stopped, and she yanked her hand back. Her blue eyes wide in surprise and her cheeks grew red, she instantly glanced up at the clock above his head.
“ Oh my look at the time! I need to get to our next class, I-I’ll see you later!” Zera stammered as she quickly jumped up and began to gather her things. “ Oh, and don’t forget to take your pain medicine every twelve hours, and I’ll come by later with your homework and notes!” She added as she quickly ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her loudly.
William sat on the couch in complete confusion, she normally couldn’t stand him and made it very well known, but just now…she looked like she wanted to hug him, or maybe…kiss him? She looked so understanding and warm, but now she was cold again. As though she were conflicted on how she felt about him, or maybe, maybe, she was beginning to warm up to him?
He chuckled and shook his head. She was a very confusing woman, but that was one of the many things he liked about her, she always kept him on his toes and would end up surprising him when he least expected it.
Thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a good day!
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Gin&Tonic (hurt-comfort)
Fuelara at home with a kiss 
Solara is experiencing feelings of inadequacy when it comes to her duties in Clover, and Fue is there to comfort her
Morgsele (Morgen x Josele) at a ball with reminiscing
Gin&Tonic (hurt-comfort) at a party with a dance and reminiscing their first date, which ends with a kiss
Smoothie (funny)
Zora x Nebra at a cafè with something funny
Nebra goes on a date with Zora at a cafè that’s more commonly than what she’s used to. Zora teases him and they share a smirk or two~ 
Daiquiri (general-fluff)
YamiChar at a picnic with hand-holding
Yami and Charlotte walk on a field with a picnic basket, and talk about life, teasing each other, and holding hands. 
Nozel & Solid brother fic
Solid wants to feel like him and Nozel are brothers, because they’re currently very distant. So, he goes to Nozel and they end up having an awkward chat
Soda (fluff)
Nozessa (Nozel x Vanessa) at home with a kiss
Nozel comes home early and Vanessa is happy to see him, even if she teases him a little. And they share a kiss, or two ;)
YuNeva at a picnic with playing with hair
Yuno and Neva have a picnic on a field where they talk about life, and how they’ve been through a lot. But how it’ll be alright. And he plays with her hair
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acacia-may · 2 months
Shipping Thoughts Asks: Masterlist
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A masterlist of all my answered asks and unsolicited ramblings from the March 2024 shipping asks game, organized alphabetically by fandom (pairings from the same fandom which were discussed in the same ask have been grouped together)
Assassination Classroom
Isogai x Meg
Black Clover
Canon Character x Canon Character
Finral x Finesse
Finral x Vanessa and Zora x Nebra
Langris x Finesse
Nozel x Vanessa
Rill x Charmy
Canon Character x OC
Fuegoleon x Solara (belonging to @/thoughtfullyrainynightmare)
Magna x Alina (belonging to @/deliriousdonna)
Nacht x Josele and Morgen x Josele (belonging to @/loosesodamarble)
Nozel x Helena and Gabriel x Vanessa (belonging to @/kalolasfantasyworld)
Solid x Rosette and Fuegoleon x Lital (belonging to @/vilandel) [Even more of my thoughts about Solid x Rosette here]
William x Zera and Yuno x Neva (belonging to @/lyranova)
Fairy Tail
Elfman x Evergreen
Gajeel x Levy
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed x Winry
Roy x Riza
Kelbrey/Baseball Bat
Sunburn, Cotton Candy, and HeroMari
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loosesodamarble · 9 months
Too the character ask game my dear Loo it’s burn in my soul 🌝
Nacht Faust „18‘19‘20
And Ida Faust „‚1“11
Have a good day my dear Loo🤭
Thank you, thank you for asking these questions, Marune~!
I see you're asking about a canon character and one of your own ocs! Not something I expected to happen from this ask game but hey! I'll definitely answer!
Nacht Faust
18) How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
Canonically, Nacht has always been a troublemaker. Maybe not a straight up delinquent but I imagine him walking out of boring tutoring sessions and intentionally showing bad manners in front of guests that pissed him off. He'd use his Shadow Magic as a tripwire or use it to pick pockets. Nacht was likely a precocious smart-mouth too, catching onto subtle social cues and talking smack under the guise of gentlemanly banter. Small and ultimately petty things. He'd only up the ante as he grew older.
19) The most random ship you've seen people have with them
Nacht x Vanessa? It's two pretty people, I guess, but I don't see any chemistry between them, neither friendly (what I imagine for Nacht and Finral) nor antagonistic (Nacht and Zora). I dunno. The most I see happening between them is Nacht not being under the effects of the Red Thread of Fate spell for the longest time because Vanessa just isn't clicking with Nacht so the magic doesn't work on him. RIP.
20) A weird headcanon
Nacht's hair is eerily silky and smooth. Even when he was bleaching it and not putting extra effort into caring for it, it was only once in a blue moon that Nacht got a split end or knot. And bedheads? Non-existent to this man. Even Nacht can't explain why his hair of all things is so pristine.
Ida Faust
1) My first impression of them
Initially, I was intrigued by Ida's profile. As well as confused and concerned. Her connection to the Faust family definitely meant I was immediately invested in how the Faust tragedy would effect her. I thought it was kinda wild that a 5-6 year old kid would run away from home (this was before you explained things in more detail). Reading Ida's profile for the first time was definitely a "oh I need to see where things go with this oc" impression/experience.
And now I'm very glad that I've seen you write and develop Ida. Cause now I really love her as Morgen and Nacht's sister (and Josele's sister-in-law 💖)!
11) What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
A fun, chaotic oc~! One of my favorite ocs for BC (not including my own, obviously).
Also, I keep on wanting to write a scenarios involving Ida interacting with Nacht and Josele's children but then my mind draws a blank and I feel so bad because I want to write something for you involving Ida but my brain isn't doing it and kjfjdfhais! 😭 Since I'm mentioning it now I might as well explain the ideas that I've had but have been unable to develop: -Sterling and Ida's first meeting -Dawn seeing Ida's black blood and being like "that's so coooool! I wanna bleed like that!" -Ida sneaking Sirius coffee candies since Nacht won't let his son drink coffee straight -Merel and Ida cuddling because ice skin Merel and fire skin Ida khfaisurht!
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
I've come to hurt you. Muahahaha
Morgsele or Nachtsele?
Fool. You think you can hurt me?/lh
Morgsele, easily.
Morgen is such a sweetheart gentleman to Josele. And Josele gives him so much love and tenderness in turn. They don't need to try to hard for each other, but they do try their very best. Because they love each other and they want to try for each other. Morgen and Josele can have their silly little moments like dancing in the rain together. They have their ups and downs, too, but their love and trust in each other sees them through.
Bruh the feels I felt while writing the wedding fiiiiiiic! They're so in love I just can't with them! I churned that baby out so quick because khsdauisrth! The brainrot was strong with that one!
Also Morgsele is a little more compelling to me because Nacht and Josele's relationship isn't really actively challenged when they get together. Morgen's dead and wasn't coming back as far as they knew. Josele was with Morgen and actively devoted herself to Morgen alone despite Nacht also being in her life and her wanting him. Yes, I could say that Josele could've further devoted herself to Morgen by choosing not to be in a relationship with Nacht ever, but boooooo!
Though I state that canonically, Josele's love for Morgen and Nacht is equal, I personally like Morgen x Josele just a liiiiiiiittle bit more.
Morgen x Josele is just so fluffy and feel good and kjhasiugashrkasrjtn!
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Hello Laura~! I’ve seen a couple of the Christmas moodboards and they’re lovely.
I was wondering if you could do a moodboard for Faustsele (Morgen x Josele x Nacht) with the dominant color of blue. It might be hard as a love triangle ship but I didn’t want to decide between either Faust for this occasion. 😅 If both is too hard, then just Morgsele is fine.
Hiya Erika~! ❤️‍🔥 Thank you so much 🥺💖
I decided to take the challenge on, because it is a bit of a challenge as a triangle, but I think that both Morgen and Nacht did/do feel a sense of belonging with Josele, and they both treasure the relationship they have with her. I also wanted to incorporate slightly different shades of blue because the twins aren't alike 😏 Hope you like it!
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Christmas with Faustsele~
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Nacsele Trivia
Time for me to dump some info about the Nacht x Josele ship! Not in any specific order, this is just me throwing some thoughts out. A romance and fluff and a little hurt/comfort because it's Nacsele.
Their favorite pastimes together are watching the sunset and stargazing.
Nacht once called Josele "my heart" the way Morgen used to and it made Josele burst into tears (in a bad way) for the next hour.
Josele is the only one who can talk Nacht into playing the violin (he usually opts for the guitar). She's the only one until they have kids that is.
Nacht's nicknames for Josele are "my star," "my angel," and "darling."
Josele nicknames for Nacht are "darling devil," "shadow prince," and "my hero."
Both will occasionally call each other "honey" too.
Nacht bleaches his hair back to white for a time after he and Josele get married. Because he knows Josele was fond of that look on him. He uses Shadow Veil to turn his hair black for formal events until his hair returns to normal.
Josele's favorite place to kiss Nacht would be his jaw. He's taller than her so it's an easy place to reach. And it's fun to tease him by kissing along his jaw until she reaches his lips.
Nacht's favorite place to kiss Josele is her lips. He loves the feel of Josele’s lips against his own so very much. And then he can just open his eyes to look at hers once the kiss is over and it sends him over the moon.
Nacht is also very fond of her sternum. It's not cause he's a perv (okay maybe he's a bit of a perv for Josele but ssshshshshshhhhhhhh!). It's because the mark of Josele's curse was on her sternum and now that she's curse free, Nacht likes to admire how that area of her body is clean again.
Some nights, Nacht has horrible nightmares about Morgen's death. His mind twists it so it felt like he intended to kill Morgen. He dreams of having killed Josele instead. Of hurting their children. Nacht screams and kicks awake, and Josele slowly and quietly helps Nacht calm down.
Nacht and Josele’s favorite date spot is a section of beach near their hometown that’s cut off by cliffs. They reach the area by teleporting through the shadows there. It's nice and cute off from the rest of the world so they can do whatever they like on that little beach space. Dance, picnic, kiss, skinny dip... You know, the usual date stuff.
They go on hunting dates together. Nacht doesn't master weapons the way Josele does (his best strategy is sneaking up on animals and then knifing their necks) but he's very skilled with hunting traps.
One of their traditions is exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve. It's never anything more extravagant than, say, a box of chocolates. Think tie pins or candles or a book. Sometimes the New Year's gift will complement a Christmas gift.
Okay one time Josele's New Year's gift to Nacht was way more elaborate than usual. It was Sirius and Merel's birth./lh+j
Very often, Nacht and Josele visit Morgen's grave together. But some days, Josele needs to be alone with Morgen. Some days, only the memories she has of him can comfort her and she won't even let Nacht in on those moments.
Sometimes, a date for the two of them is just sharing a pot of tea while Nacht plays guitar.
They play with each other's hair. Nacht likes to braid the parts of Josele's hair with the gray streaks left from Almatra's influence, to make sure Josele knows that they're still a beautiful part of her.
Josele likes to kiss the scar on Nacht's left wrist. Its presence brings painful memories (and I also imagine that the wound is tainted with negative mana so it'll always be a little sore until Nacht dies) so Josele kissing it comforts Nacht.
Nacht's chair in his vice captain's office at the BB base has seen... certain use...
The Bremen devils do indeed like to take the piss outta Nacht by suggesting that they are also married to Josele via Nacht.
Nacht knows of Josele's hang up with goodbyes. So if he has to leave her for any reason, he tells her "I will come back for you." The "for you" part has the double meaning of "arriving to collect someone" (like for a date) and "for someone's sake."
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