Nós nunca agimos. Apenas reagimos quando percebemos que o tempo está acabando.
Os dois morrem no final
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brokentoys · 3 years
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❝ I’m scared to close my eyes. I’m scared to open them. ❞
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A feeling he knew all too well. Had he learned what to do with it ? Or does he simply live with this reality ? It’s why he had to ask...
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“ then what are you going to do ? ” He questioned with a hum, mindlessly fiddling with his cane. “ Are you going to keep living in this fear, or will you find a way to embrace it ? ”
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desafia · 3 years
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@mortedigna​ sent: “  it’s not something i usually talk about,  because it’s not something most people can understand.  ”
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             she is familiar with this kind of sentiment.  how often does she bury her true emotions and cover them up with something softer?  how often does she conceal her scars and deflect scrutiny?  better to leave the darkness untouched than reveal what lies beneath to unsympathetic eyes.  “  people...many don’t feel.  not like us.  ”   words carefully chosen,  gaze wandering away from the other woman.   “  some...don’t want to know.  undern— understand.  ”  persists,  despite stuttering words.  most of humanity seems content to turn their gaze away from what they have no empathy towards.  if it is not their experience,  it does not matter. 
and it unfortunately leaves souls like cleo isolated.  
“  but i want to.  ”    their paths might not be the same,  but she doesn’t need to have walked over the other’s footprints to be able to understand where she is now. 
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fbiartist · 3 years
@mortedigna​ liked for a starter. 
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“The everything bagels here are hella.” Ziva called out to the woman who was looking very intently at the menu. The bakery was owned by a real cute Jewish couple who had a wide variety of goods, but their bagels were incredible. They really liked to experiment with that shit. While Ziva was eating one of those everything bagels with cinnamon cream cheese, she was eyeing the one that was claiming to be some Korean fusion bagel. “If you need a suggestion.” 
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vanderjamil-blog · 4 years
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#Repost @lucianamarinhoadv (@get_repost) ・・・ O Direito à Morte Digna - Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade (DAVS). Você sabe o que é? É uma declaração que a pessoa na fase final da vida já adoecida, ou saudável faz para manifestar que tratamentos médicos gostaria de receber, ou não. Uma discussão muito difícil, sobretudo se a pessoa já estiver enferma e incapacitada de manifestar seu desejo e com essa decisão documentada já facilitaria para os médicos e família. (Ou não, há quem discorde). Importante ressaltar que apesar de todos nossos princípios constitucionais que indicam um direito à morte digna, no Brasil não há ainda legislação específica para o tema. Aqui as DAVS foram aprovadas como oficiais pelo Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM) do Brasil em 2012, por meio da resolução n:1.995/2012. 📍Atenção! Orientamos que caso a pessoa opte por deixar uma DAVS que a faça através de ESCRITURA PÚBLICA com objetivo de manifestar por escrito esse desejo e garantir que sua vontade seja atendida. Reforçamos ainda, que DAVS não devem ser confundidas com eutanásia, suicídio, distanásia ou testamento vital. Assunto intrigante concorda? O que você acha do direito à morte digna? Se você gostou e quer saber mais arrasta e confere sugestão de filme e livro sobre esse tema ainda novo e cheio de questões para o direito das famílias➡️➡️ #lucianamarinhoadvogada #direitodefamilia #DAVS #mortedigna #escriturapublica #direitoregistral (em OAB - Ceará) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB76BVlHvsa/?igshid=1w9ck8dw4ukdh
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dellamonica · 4 years
Esta cova em que está com palmos medida... é de bom tamanho
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Morrer é uma realidade triste.... mas inevitável. Mas, o que se esperava é que um querido tivesse apenas um palmo de terra onde pudéssemos levar nossa homenagem, nossas saudades, nossas orações. Os mortos desta pandemia, não estão merecendo nem mesmo https://youtu.be/C6KsDQ4-x_0 Esta cova em que estás com palmos medida É a conta menor que tiraste em vida É a conta menor que tiraste em vida É de bom tamanho nem largo nem fundo É a parte que te cabe deste latifúndio É a parte que te cabe deste latifúndio Não é cova grande, é cova medida É a terra que querias ver dividida É a terra que querias ver dividida É uma cova grande pra teu pouco defunto Mas estarás mais ancho que estavas no mundo Estarás mais ancho que estavas no mundo É uma cova grande pra teu defunto parco Porém mais que no mundo te sentirás largo Porém mais que no mundo te sentirás largo É uma cova grande pra tua carne pouca Mas a terra dada, não se abre a boca É a conta menor que tiraste em vida É a parte que te cabe deste latifúndio É a terra que querias ver dividida Estarás mais ancho que estavas no mundo Mas a terra dada, não se abre a boca Read the full article
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megajuridico · 3 years
Vamos falar sobre a Morte?
Vamos falar sobre a Morte?
Sim! Por que não? A morte nos é tão importante quanto a vida. Afinal, morte, em sua definição clássica, é justamente o fim da vida. Embora vivamos mais em consequência do desenvolvimento tecnológico, a morte é ocorrência certa na vida de cada um de nós e tem importância prática nos mais variados âmbitos de nossa existência. Querem ver como? Primeiramente, tentemos compreender o que é morte. Maria…
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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Bloodied knuckles | Tear stained cheeks |  Rust  |  A busted lip  |  Claws  | Fangs | A bloody nose |  Chattering teeth  |  A dark space underneath the bed | Scratching noises on a wall  |  Creaking metal  |  Fog | Dancing under moonlight  | Blood dripping lips  |   Heavy breathing in the dark  | A feeling of unexplained dread | A figure in a dark corner |  Dirty peeling wallpaper | A bloody handprint on the wall | Sobbing in the dark |  Bite marks on the skin  | Eerie whispers  |  A hood covering a stranger’s eyes  |  The growl of a hidden animal  | The sound of a blade being sharpened  |  A deep, dark forest  |  Walking on the streets alone at night |  A cobweb-filled, abandoned building |  Eyes darting in paranoia  |  A heavy beating pulse  | The feeling of being trapped  | Struggling to get out a scream |  Boards covering broken windows |  A quiet graveyard |  A gas station in the middle of nowhere | A road that never ends |  Heavy fog rolling in  |  The scent of blood in the air | Eerie old photographs  | Walking along train tracks at night |  A chill going up the spine |  Gathering crows |  A dusty, dimly lit study  |  Mist over a deserted cobblestone street  | Ghost towns  |  Shadows around a campfire |  The sound of chanting  |  Church bells tolling  |  An orange harvest moon  |  A broken down carnival  |  A dirty stuffed animal abandoned |  Wiping bloody hands on fabric  | Nightmares |  Waking up in a panic |  A power outage  |  Heavy lightning storms |  A secret trap door  |  The feeling of being watched |  Fear from trauma |  A Ouija board set out on a table  |  An eerie doll  | A scream of anguish and pain | Withered plants |  A room that’s been forgotten and gathered dust  | Owl eyes in the dark |  Curled, dead tree branches  |  A ritual altar  |  Flickering candles  |  A lantern held up in the dark  |  Fear of being followed |  Creaking floorboards  |  Repressed, horrible memories  |  Clenched teeth  |  Soft, echoing piano keys  |  An old book covered in dust  |  Many pairs of glaring eyes  | Stumbling in pitch black darkness |  Being stranded in the middle of nowhere |  Tarot cards on a table  | A trail of blood
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TAGGED BY:   @mortedigna TAGGING:   @ridgydig && @hiredassault​ && anyone else who wants to !!
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A verdade que ninguém diz é que a gente muda com a morte, porque é o único jeito de sobreviver a ela.
As batidas perdidas do coração
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Ninguém contínua vivendo para sempre, mas o que deixamos para trás nos mantém vivos para as outras pessoas.
Os dois morrem no final
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desafia · 3 years
@mortedigna​  ||  s.c. 
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             “  you hiding?  ”  head tilts as she surveys the other woman.  there are a great many places to conceal oneself on the rykov farm.  easy to be lost if that’s what one wishes  (  easy except for the empaths walking around the place  ).   the barn,  however,  is a bit obvious.  and magnolia has a feeling if her companion truly did not wish to be found,  she would have found a better location.  stepping towards where the other rests,  she reaches for the crate beside her and swiftly pushes up to perch on the edge.  it could contain ammunition just as easily as apples.  always a bit of a gamble looking into produce barrels around here.  feet dangle in the air,  slowly kicking back and forth.  “  mostly,  i go there,  ”  hand lifts and she points towards the hayloft.  
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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01. ALIAS / NAME: bluebell / fern 02. BIRTHDAY: june 17 03. ZODIAC SIGN: gemini 04. HEIGHT: 5′7 05. HOBBIES: writing ( attempted ) , reading / collecting comic books 06. FAVOURITE COLOUR: i like all colours. I am very partial to my Harley’s signature pink though. I’ve used that hex code / shade specifcally for about 2 years and it’s pretty much a brand at this point. 07. FAVOURITE BOOK: of course Mad Love ( the novella by Paul Dini & Pat Cadigan ) gets a mention but I got into rp through the book series Maximum Ride ( by James Patterson ) , and In Bloom ( by Matthew Crow ) also always deserves a mention. It’s basically a genderswapped TFIOS that I personally just fell in love with more. 08. FAVOURITE FOOD: I’m a sucker for a good pasta dish. Like I would eat pasta every day until the end of time if I was totally left to my own devices. 09. LAST FILM / SHOW: last film was Halloweentown / last show was either AHS ( Murder House ) or NCIS. 10. INSPIRATION: Most of my inspiration comes from my playlists which are very much outta control haha I’m trying to organise them but we’ll see how that goes. 11. STORY BEHIND URL: harley QUINN is INSANE. she’s quiinnsane. the two iis because of the i in quinn and i insane and stylistically I thought it looked better.
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TAGGED BY: @mortedigna && @iiratcatcher​
TAGGING: whoever wants to do this !!   I’d like to get to know all of ya !!
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brokentoys · 2 years
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Bold The Muse’s Aesthetic! (Spooky Edition)
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Bloodied knuckles | Tear stained cheeks | Rust | A busted lip | Claws | Fangs | A bloody nose | Chattering teeth | A dark space underneath the bed | Scratching noises on a wall | Creaking metal | Fog | Dancing under moonlight | Blood dripping lips | Heavy breathing in the dark | A feeling of unexplained dread | A figure in a dark corner | Dirty peeling wallpaper | A bloody handprint on the wall | Sobbing in the dark | Bite marks on the skin | Eerie whispers | A hood covering a stranger’s eyes | The growl of a hidden animal | The sound of a blade being sharpened | A deep, dark forest | Walking on the streets alone at night | A cobweb-filled, abandoned building | Eyes darting in paranoia | A heavy beating pulse | The feeling of being trapped | Struggling to get out a scream | Boards covering broken windows | A quiet graveyard | A gas station in the middle of nowhere | A road that never ends | Heavy fog rolling in | The scent of blood in the air | Eerie old photographs | Walking along train tracks at night | A chill going up the spine | Gathering crows | A dusty, dimly lit study | Mist over a deserted cobblestone street | Ghost towns | Shadows around a campfire | The sound of chanting | Church bells tolling | An orange harvest moon | A broken down carnival | A dirty stuffed animal abandoned | Wiping bloody hands on fabric | Nightmares | Waking up in a panic | A power outage | Heavy lightning storms | A secret trap door | The feeling of being watched | Fear from trauma | A Ouija board set out on a table | An eerie doll | A scream of anguish and pain | Withered plants | A room that’s been forgotten and gathered dust | Owl eyes in the dark | Curled, dead tree branches | A ritual altar | Flickering candles | A lantern held up in the dark | Fear of being followed | Creaking floorboards | Repressed, horrible memories | Clenched teeth | Soft, echoing piano keys | An old book covered in dust | Many pairs of glaring eyes | Stumbling in pitch black darkness | Being stranded in the middle of nowhere | Tarot cards on a table | A trail of blood
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TAGGED BY: @mortedigna
TAGGING: take it!
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