#mortemersgf matchup
mortemersgf · 3 years
I would like a male li preferable from foreign affairs,laws of attraction,platinum series.Positive traits:Open minded,friendly,easygoing,analytical.Negative traits:A bit rude at times,indecisive,unorganised.Likes:rain,music,socializing.Dislikes:toxic relations,arrogant people.Hobbies:watching netflix shows,playing cricket,listening to music,shopping.Love Language:Words of Affirmation.Personality I want:Sassy,confident,fun,caring,understanding,carefree.Physical features:tan complexion,brunette,tall,has stubbles,good looking.
I like surprises,recieving and giving gifts,good food.
Thank you and have a nice day!
i match you with . . . raleigh carrera from platinum !
- with raleigh, you are guaranteed to never experience a dull moment. he’s spontaneous, but he is also deeply caring and understanding. your happiness and safety comes before everything else.
- because raleigh is always on the move, touring or making appearances on tv, he’ll be quite busy. on rare days when he is free, he just wants to chill at home with you. you two would spend the day watching netflix, commenting on baking shows or deeply engrossed in murder mysteries.
- raleigh is also an easygoing person, despite how big of a superstar he is. he likes frequenting local restaurants with you, but because that’ll cause a scene, the two of you resort to ordering takeout and eating in your shared living room.
- there’s nothing raleigh likes more than putting a smile on your face. he likes collecting souvenirs from the different cities he’s toured and gifting them to you. on anniversaries or birthdays, raleigh always has the most thoughtful gifts. he’ll get you something that means a lot to the both of you.
- adding onto gift giving, raleigh would want to take one of those painting classes where the instructor guides the class in completing an art piece. afterwards, you each gift one another your finished works, cracking up over how it doesn’t even remotely resemble whatever the teacher was painting
- raleigh can sense when you’re having a bad day. he will listen to your troubles, give really sound advice, and remind you of all of your capabilities. he’ll grab a tub of ice cream afterwards, offer to share it, and put on a movie you both enjoy watching while cuddling on the couch.
- you get first listens on all of raleigh’s new music. he likes to hear your thoughts on his songs since a good amount of them are about you.
- you like visiting raleigh in the music studio and watching him do his thing. he’s so focused on his craft you can’t help but grin at how passionate he is and how heavenly he sounds. he brightens up when he sees you, giving you a huge smile from inside the recording studio.
- dancing in the rain with raleigh!! he’ll be more than happy to do so if you asked him. he’ll take you in his arms and sweep you into a dance, laughing at how drenched you are. after you dry yourselves off, the two of you huddle by a window in your apartment and watch the rain with some soft music playing in the background.
- raleigh likes watching you play cricket. he’ll dress himself up in a cap and a dark tracksuit with a mask and seat himself near the back of the bleachers, unable to control his cheering when you run across the field. he’d totally make embarrassing posters in support of you.
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mortemersgf · 3 years
So this is for the matchup. I would like a male from TE. Ok here I go. I'm Chinese and I know it's kinda stereotypical to say this but I am smart. Like pretty smart. I've always gotten the best grades many perfect marks yet it never seems to please my parents. Like ever. I've been on the honor roll for forever and the weird thing is is that I hardly study. Yeah my study habits are basically consisting of what I learn in class and HW and random shit I read in books. Yet luck is always on my side and I somehow get one of the best grades in class. Like my friends could study for weeks and get like a B or an A- and I would just do what I do and get like a 99%. I once found a typo in my language arts test. The irony. I hate reading. Like I would only read if I'm bored or a new book came out in my favorite series or if it's for an assignment. I can come off as a cold person until you really get to know me. Like once you do I'm a crackhead (I'm an Aries so) who will joke and laugh about the strangest things. Oh and my laugh God it's weird. Weird as in I was known for having multiple laughs. I'm a nice person and I can be too much sometimes ( a lot of times) but I mean well. If you're mean to my friends expect me to emotionally embarrass you and if my friends are sad I'll be their therapist ( free of charge of course) and I'm very loyal. And if you find any typos in here ignore them I'm horrible at texting. Ok I'm done. Byeeeeee!
i match you with . . . beckett harrington from the elementalists !
- beckett would most definitely see you as threat when you first meet. he thought he was so much smarter, so much more adept when it came to magick, but then you came along and outperformed him in every subject with ease, causing him to have an existential crisis.
- when you’ve tamed him and shown him that you’re no threat, he’s at your beck and call. beckett learns to see you as a source of motivation rather than a competitor, and it doesn’t take long for him to fall for you.
- study dates are very common for the two of you. the library is his second home, and because you’ve been hanging around him for so long, it’s also become a sanctuary for you. as much as beckett tries to focus on his assignments, he would pause and take glimpses at you. if you call him out on it, he’d turn bright red and sputter in surprise.
- beckett wouldn’t hesitate to share his research with you if you asked. he gets all animated when he speaks of his findings, his eyes twinkling with fascination and you find that endearing. he’s more than glad to have someone in his life who appreciates his research the same way he does.
- your senses of humor are vastly different. whereas his is more dry, yours is strange. when you burst into laughter seeing a hilarious post online, beckett can’t seem to share the same sentiment as you. he smiles anyway though, because you’re grinning and he adores your smiles and laughter.
- you and katrina get along scarily well; therefore, she’s more than happy to provide baby pictures and baby beckett stories when you visit his home! beckett finds you two to be ultimate menaces, and he is unable to stop blushing when you gush about how adorable he looked in his tiny suit and tie in an older picture.
- as an effort to get him to loosen up, you drag him to the amusement park. he doesn’t protest when you fix a pair of bunny ears on him, knowing that it’d be useless and that he is completely powerless before you.
- on sunny afternoons, your favorite thing to do is visit the adaire botanical gardens there, you and beckett would huddle together, collecting samples for his research or sitting side by side under a large tree and sharing a thick book.
- yoga!! beckett asks if you’d like to join him for yoga at times. if you’re an expert, he would marvel at your forms. you might even teach him a new pose or two, granting him a kiss on the cheek when he executes the pose particularly well. if you’re more of a newbie, beckett would be happy to show you some easy poses to try, guiding you with detailed instructions all the way.
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mortemersgf · 3 years
Hello! Here for a match up, haha
- Prefer a male partner
- Could be from any series, but I'd prefer The Elementalists if that's okay with you
- Positive Traits: Caring, Compassionate, Outgoing, Social, & Understanding when it comes to others / Negative Traits: Sucks at time management, can be impatient sometimes
- Likes: Hanging out w/ people in general, almost anything social although I do love non-social activities too like journaling or reading novels at home / Dislikes: toxic people and others with similar traits
- Hobbies: Reading, Writing, (used to play) volleyball, volunteering (if that counts)
- Love Language: I'm pretty sure my top one is either Quality Time or Acts of Service, but I honestly deeply value all 5
- Physical Appearance: All I'm willing to share is that I am quite short, just 5 feet tall and I have dark hair/eyes
- Favorite Food: Sushi, ranging from rolls to sashimi!
- Favorite hangout spot would probably be a boba tea shop
i match you with . . . griffin langley from the elementalists !
- picture this, you’re cheering for griffin as he dominates the thief field, taking out opponent players with practiced ease. after he secures a win for penderghast, he runs up to the stands and gives you a big smooch.
- you and griffin would be a great match! you share similar positive traits, but he’d be able to balance out your negative traits as well.
- griffin is popular at school, so expect a lot of parties with the thief team as well as smaller, intimate hangouts with the pend pals up in the roost.
- i picture him to be quite tall (6’0 at least!) so your cuddles sessions are always super comfy. he’ll wrap his arms around you and stroke your back, and the two of you would talk about anything and everything.
- speaking of volunteering, you and griffin would be the ultimate team when he brings you along to aid the natural disaster relief team after an accident. having spent so much time together, the two of you would work efficiently without having to communicate much with words.
additionally to griffin, i also match you with . . . tatum mendoza from foreign affairs !
- tatum is very fit and goes to the gym regularly. he’ll drag you along once in a while and if you’re not too keen to do the workouts, he’ll encourage you with the promise of ice cream afterwards.
- if you also enjoy working out, expect a little competition with tatum. you’ll burst into exhausted laughter after, darting away when a sweaty tatum tries to hug you.
- tatum relishes the time he spends with you no matter what the two of you are doing. something simple like making a home-cooked meal or curling up together on the couch to share a book is enough to make him smile.
- tatum enjoys sweets; therefore, i think he’ll like boba! if he’s never had it before, he’ll definitely ask you for recommendations. boba dates are common for you two! it’s simple and delicious and he gets to spend time with his favorite person, so it’s a win-win all around.
- he’s quite intuitive and knows when you’ve had a long or bad day. he’ll pull you close and hold you if you ask. overall, he’ll pay extra attention to you—cooking you breakfast in the morning or simply lending his ear if you want to vent.
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mortemersgf · 3 years
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hi everyone ! i’m a bit hesitant to do this but fuck it idc i’m having severe writer’s block and this’ll be fun!! this is mortemergf’s choices matchups event. if this flops and u saw this post, no u didn’t.
what is this?
i will be matching you up with a choices character based on your personalities. this can be romantic or platonic, so lemme know when you send in your ask!
i’m not a professional matchmaker, so this is all for fun; it’s not meant to be taken srsly.
how do i join?
submit a post or send me an ask. you can do so on or off anon, i don’t mind. i’ll post ur ask/submission post along with your matchup.
i will only be writing matchups for these series:
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- if you request to be matched with someone from a series that isn’t listed above, it will be ignored, sorry :( it’s either bc i haven’t read the series or idk the characters well enough.
when sending me your ask/post, let me know...
- your gender preferences. would you like to be paired up with a male or female character, or does it not matter?
- is there a specific series you want me to choose your match from?
- what are your positive + negative personality traits?
- what are your likes, dislikes?
- your hobbies?
- your love language (words of affirmation, physical touch, receiving gifts, quality time, or acts of service?) if you don’t know, there are quizzes you can take online!
- what do you look for in a partner/friend? is it their kindness, sense of humor, morals, etc?
- physical appearance (this is completely optional!)
- that’s all! feel free to include anything else though. lmk if you have a pet, favorite food, favorite date/hangout spot, etc etc. it’s up to you!
- i will only be writing SFW headcanons.
- please don’t rush me. i’m a real human being with a life outside of tumblr, so these matchups will roll out slowly over the following weeks <3
feel free to rb so more people can find this post and join.
a/n: i’ve never done anything like this so i’m nervous lol🧍🏻‍♀️this idea’s been brewing in my head for a while now so i’ve finally decided to do smth about it. i hope everyone enjoys this event!
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mortemersgf · 3 years
hiiii !! im submitting this for the choices matchup thing that you’re doing 🥳
i’d prefer to be matched with male characters hehe and my favourite books are the royal romance and the elementalists
my personality type is enfp so i’d say that i’m a very cheerful person and i love to talk and socialise. I’m also a very spontaneous person and strict rules and sticking to a tight schedule is a bit difficult for me :/
in a friend group im the loud and cheerful one i’m also usually the person my friends come to when they need someone to talk to, i also tend to baby my friends hence i’m kinda known as the mom of the group.
i love picnics and dressing up, i also love dogs and having fun with my friends (so quarantine is killing me slowly 🥲) and i’ll be honest i hate being tied down and told what to do 👀
my love language is quality time !! and my main hobbies include singing dancing and sewing. Personally, my partner must be someone that is fun and can match my energy 😬😬
so yea i guess that’s all about me ! thank you so much for doing this and i hope you have a great day/ night 😄💖
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i match you with . . . blaine hayes from foreign affairs !
- you and blaine would be perfect partners in crime. with the first son of ardona, you would never be bored.
- blaine is nothing short of spontaneous himself, so not only would he encourage your spontaneity, he would join in.
- you wanna go on a snack run at 3 in the morning? he’s in. you wanna sneak up to the rooftop to stargaze until sunrise? he’s in. you wanna fly to switzerland to have a picnic among the prettiest flowers in the world? yea, he’s definitely in.
- while you’re snacking on the ardonian dishes he brought, he’d be sneaking looks at you, thinking to himself, how’d i get so lucky?
- not many people can keep up with blaine, let alone go along with his whims, so when he’s with you, it wouldn’t matter what you two are doing. he’s perfectly happy by your side.
- that being said, there are days where you two would just chill at home.
- you could teach him sewing! he’d be awful at it though, constantly pricking his fingers and asking you to kiss them better.
- and you’d never run out of things to talk about. please, you two could probably debate everything and anything. are hot dogs sandwiches? is water wet? more often than not, you find yourselves on opposing sides.
- a normal date for the two of you would be karaoke! you’d double down in laughter watching blaine attempt the high note in “i will always love you” by whitney houston. as he’s singing, he’d be gesturing at you with a big dumb smile on his face.
- shopping dates are also something you two enjoy. you’d stumble into a random clothing shop just to browse through its cheesy t-shirts when blaine gives you a devious smile. he suggests picking out an outfit for each other and wearing it for the rest of the day, no matter how mismatching it is. not one to back down, you agree.
- blaine would treat you to ice cream afterwards to quell your embarrassment of having to wear a t-shirt that says: “i love my boyfriend. yes, he’s the one who bought me this shirt.”
- your runner up matchup is liam rys from the royal romance !
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a/n: thank u for joining! you’re so welcome, love. i hope you have a good day/night as well!!💛💛
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mortemersgf · 3 years
Hey, it's me again haha
- males please
- Open Heart, Perfect Match, & BloodBound?
If it's too much ignore this~ don't worry about it <3
i match you with . . . bryce lahela from open heart !
- bryce would constantly show you off to the rest of the gang. he’s very vocal about how happy you make him and how lucky he is to be dating someone like you.
- he loves how compassionate and understanding you are. being a surgeon is no easy job, but he’s found an amazing support system from his friends and you. he feels guilty for missing dates sometimes, but you’re more than considerate and reassure him it’s okay. don’t worry. bryce always, always makes it up to you, one way or another.
- beach date with bryce!! he’ll play volleyball with you and bet on kisses. you almost always roll your eyes and agree, because c’mon, it’s bryce lahela and who’d say no to him?
i match you with . . . hayden young from perfect match !
- he likes dancing with you early in the morning. you could be in the kitchen whipping up some breakfast and he’ll come up behind you and sweep you into a slow dance.
- hayden would be so fascinated with boba and would want to try every flavor in the shop. gradually, it becomes his favorite drink, and after a long day at work, he’d always make sure to bring home your go-to drink.
- he becomes a bit engrossed with literature and starts collecting books. you have a towering shelf at home filled with both of your favorite novels. the two of you would just go to barnes and nobles to nerd out. on quiet nights, he would read to you until you fall asleep.
i match you with . . . jax matsuo from bloodbound !
- you like visiting jax at his martial arts studio, especially when you catch him teaching a class. the passion in his eyes makes you so happy. when he catches you waving from the doorway, his solemn face splits into a brilliant smile. it’s after his students leave that he sweeps you into a huge hug.
- the two of you have been free from danger from a long while now, but even so, jax is still so appreciative of your presence. he loves to do little things for you. if you crave sushi for dinner, he’ll make it happen. if you wanna go see a bad movie, he’ll tag along just because it makes you happy.
- whenever the two of you are free from responsibilities for the day, you’re at lily’s youth center. whether it be helping out the staff or bonding with some of the kids, you two never give up an opportunity to help out those around you.
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a/n: sorry this took a fat minute :( thank u for requesting and being patient with me! these were so fun to write <3
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mortemersgf · 3 years
This is the first time I've submitted a post 😅 I saw you were matching/pairing people with choices characters! based on their personality traits, hobbies, good or bad habits, etc. I'm Hanna btw! I'm straight but you can pair me with men or women, this is for fun and I'm curious! you said to specify platonic or romantic, either is fine but mainly romantic for me!! the books for the matchups: bloodbound, open heart, perfect match, the royal romance, foreign affairs My positive personality traits: I'm open minded and light hearted, can be a little goofy, I don't judge severely, I support LGBTQ+ (if that matters I'm not sure) I'm reliable and supportive, a good listener, forgive and love easily. My bad personality traits: I can be pretty stubborn and usually want things to go my way (working on changing that) I'm shy and like to be alone but try to be social, I'm not huge on relying on people, I'm more of a supporter, I can be a little petty or selfish at times, I'm also sensitive, can be good and bad. My hobbies: reading, writing, swimming, drawing and painting, editing photos, cooking or baking, watching old sitcoms or romance films, makeup, going for walks, music, etc. My likes: I love open people, that are willing to share, but closed up people are fine too, getting to know them is great, I like a good sense of humor, some teasing, people who smile or are lighthearted, calming, I like puppies and kittens, dessert is always my favorite time of dinner lol My dislikes: I don't like really loud people or ones who pry into your life 24/7, who make really crude jokes or insults (unless that person deserves it) or brush off your feelings, prefer to give you gifts after an argument instead of actually talking. My love language: is physical touch! I took a quiz just to see, even though I think all love language is great What I look for in a partner/friend: a calming presence, good sense of humor, good listener, a person that likes to take their time, morals matter but not at a huge rate, that actually takes your feelings into consideration, that likes to have fun but knows when to stop, too not push you past your limits, etc. My physical appearance: (if it matters, not sure) I'm around 5'5 to 5'7, haven't checked in awhile, shoulder length wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes, my skin is a little pale but I'm usually slightly tan from being outdoors, I have a few little moles or small scar or two (one on my forehead, and on my finger) I'm 119-20 pounds, pretty light I guess My partner/friends physical appearance: it's not a huge deal, maybe that will draw me in if you're pretty or handsome, have a nice voice, but I'll always stay for the personality, it matters alot! I like kindness and attention (to a certain point) but I really like brown or blue eyes! usually brown, blonde or black hair, they take good cares of themselves, etc. I'm also a Cancer ♋ if that helps 😆 That's all as it said to say, hope I didn't go too far into detail lol, and hope I wasn't too late but if not that's fine, take your time!! ❤ (also please excuse any grammar errors, or if this came off awkward, I'm shy)
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i match you with . . . bryce lahela from open heart !
- bryce is your ideal match! he’s all the things you look for in a partner and more.
- bryce is totally a dog person, so the two of you will definitely have some adorable pups in your lives. evening walks with bryce and your dog(s) are rare, considering his job, but it’s a good way to unwind after dinner.
- speaking of dinner, you two enjoy cooking a lot. bryce is a bit helpless in the kitchen, but he’s a quick learner. the two of you could spend a whole day just baking, ending up covered in flour but delighted by the desserts you made.
- your height is perfect for forehead kisses from bryce. he’s an affectionate person and he likes to touch you here and there, just to let you know he’s there. in the kitchen, he’ll touch your back as he moves past you. on the couch, he’ll brush aside hair from your face.
- beach date with bryce!! he loves surfing and would love to teach you if you asked. you two would spend the day in the water, surfing and swimming. afterwards, you’d enjoy the sunset with him, happy to have spent the day with your favorite person.
- movie night with bryce is always fun. he’d pick a sad romantic film just for the sake of it and settle on the couch before wrapping an arm around you. an hour into the movie, he’s tearing up and you decide to put on a romcom instead, laughing and patting his back soothingly.
- bryce likes to tease you. whenever he catches you staring, he winks or flashes you a smile, laughing a bit when he sees you rolling your eyes or flushing. he knows when to back off, so if you get particularly ticked off, he’ll apologize and pepper your face in kisses.
- bryce is attentive. he’s a surgeon after all. because of this, he takes note of every detail. if you don’t like a particular food, he’ll remember it and never buy it again. if he sees that you’ve had a long day, he’ll run you a bath and give you a massage after.
- i think he’d definitely be open to experimenting with makeup. he knows it’s one of your hobbies, so if you ever asked to try out a look on him, he’d be down. afterwards, the two of you would just take selfies after selfies, cracking up at how good bryce looks with eyeliner.
- on one of your anniversaries, you painted a picture of you and bryce. he absolutely loved it and insisted on displaying it in the living room. your walls are always decorated with your art, and bryce is always looking forward to your next piece.
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a/n: thank you for joining and being patient with me hanna! i hope you enjoy these hcs <33
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mortemersgf · 3 years
Hi! Can I get a romantic+platonic match for Blades of Light and Shadow?
Only girls for romantic please, any gender for platonic
I'm a trans guy (so please don't make the girl a lesbian) and I'm asexual
I'm very friendly and I like helping people
I can sometimes get very aggressive but never towards my friends, family and people I care about. I'm willing to do anything to protect them. So I guess you could say I'm very protective
I like animals and nature. I like going outside and hanging out with my friends. But I don't like swimming, and I wouldn't wear a swimsuit. I like horse riding.
My love languages are quality time and acts of service. I don't like physical touch but might occasionally hug people. I don't like kissing.
I really like trying new things so I'd rather have a partner/friend who is also adventurous. I don't want them to get jealous easily. It's okay if they're shy or quiet but I'd like to be able to talk with them about anything and everything
My favourite food is pizza. I can speak 4 languages. My BoLaS MC is an elf.
i match you with . . . imtura tal kaelen from blades of light and shadow platonically !
- you and imtura would be the best of friends! i’m not saying the two of you would gang up on mal but that’s exactly what i’m saying. poor guy doesn’t stand a chance with you two banding together.
- your friendship had a rough beginning. imtura is quite independent and loathes asking for help. you, on the other hand, are more than happy to lend a hand to people who need it. after getting imtura to let down her walls, you two become inseparable.
- imtura is a very loyal friend; therefore, once you have her respect, she’s a friend for life. you watch out for each other like siblings, constantly keeping one another in check and out of danger, as morella is anything but boring.
- imtura is the captain of a whole pirate crew, so she’ll certainly bring you along in her many adventures across the ocean. bc you grew up in riverbend, you’re utterly fascinated by the world outside of your small village. imtura will point out every sea creature you encounter, grinning at how awestruck you look each time.
- she might even tease you, pointing out a weird looking fish that resembles you. you’re not one to back down, so this game of picking out the oddest looking sea creatures to tease each other lasts for hours.
- speaking of trying new things, there’s no doubt imtura will introduce you to orcish traditions. something foreign like flotillan parties become mundane. you and imtura would attend some at times, just sharing drinks and dancing until you’re breathless.
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i match you with . . . nia ellarious from blades of light and shadow romantically !
- nia is on the quieter side, but you’d definitely be able to talk to her about anything. she cares about you a whole lot and values your opinions. because you’re of two different species with different upbringings and perspectives, you’ll never run out of things to talk about.
- there’ll be a lot of baking! after she steps away from her priestess duties, she picks up baking as a hobby. you’re always the first to try her recipes, and while nia is grateful to have you as a taste tester, she likes to keep you out of the kitchen sometimes. it’s bc you like smearing whip cream on her cheek and laughing when she pouts at you, exasperated.
- asking nia to attempt making a pizza was possibly the best idea ever. you end up having possibly the best tasting pizza you’ve ever had in your life with nia smiling warmly, happy that you’re so happy.
- after a while, the two of you move into a nice cottage on the outskirts of whitetower. life is simple, but you’re both content just having each other around. you may even adopt an animal or two! nia is open to anything because she has such a big heart, unless they’re like an owlbear or something.
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a/n: hi hi! thank you for requesting and being patient with me!
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mortemersgf · 3 years
Hii! Stumbled upon this choices matchup event and i immediately went 👀. may i req something romantic? i dont really have any preference, so gender doesn't matter at all! no specific series either, I'd like to be surprised.
positive traits: empathetic, kind (to the right people) and trustworthy
negative traits: indecisive, pessimistic and moody
likes: cats, reading, and music (musical instruments as well :0. i play a guitar)
dislikes: crowded areas, hypocrites and anything too analytical
hobbies: ice skating, but mostly writing. could be essays, research related, or poems
my love language is acts of service!
for a partner, i look for someone who's a bit withdrawn, but also knows when to take initiative. someone who i could communicate with and just talk about anything that would come at the top of our heads. A partner who is patient, understanding, and not much of a pushover is someone I'd find lovely. we'd have each other's backs and all.
oh crap physical appearance— i have a thing for brunettes and redheads. they may give the impression of being intimidating, but they're quite the opposite of it. that's it really, i dont really focus on someone's features a lot.
my favorite food are biscuits and chocolate. coffee doesn't energize me, but warm milk does. i oftentimes combine my coffee and milk or just experiment with my drinks 😂
thank u for starting something like this btw! i've always been interested with how things like these worked. take your time!! ❤️
i match you with . . . gabe ricci from laws of attraction !
- gabe would be a perfect partner for you! he’s a natural leader, who knows how to take initiative as well as give you space for self growth.
- he is confident in himself and in others, so if you’re ever feeling under the weather, he’d sit you down to listen to your troubles as well as reassure you, reminding you of your many qualities and capabilities. he’ll give you a big fat hug and a kiss on the top of your head afterwards.
- in a relationship, he would be the one to choose dinner spots for date nights. of course, he’d give you the option to pick first, but after hearing you muse over dozens of restaurants, he gives you a quiet laugh and chooses one you both like.
- whether it be bringing home your favorite takeout or running you a bath, this man loves to pamper you! he might tease you for preferring warm milk over coffee, but regardless, he will also warm the glass of milk for you.
- since gabe is a lawyer, he’s also a big reader and writer. on quiet nights, the two of you would pore over your individual works—him with his cases, and you with your research. soft jazz would be playing in the background and ever so often, you’d sneak glances at one another, sharing small smiles when you catch each other in the act.
- if you both manage to finish your work early, gabe would ask you to play a few tunes on your guitar. he turns the jazz down and sets his gaze upon you, intently focused with a fond smile on his face.
- after moving in for a while, you’d suggest adopting a cat. initially, gabe is unsure since he has an incredibly time consuming job; however after your reassurance, he is open to the idea.
- soon, you have yourselves an adorable feline roaming around your home. your heart melts when you come home to see two of your favorite beings on the couch—the cat curled on gabe’s lap, sleeping, and gabe reviewing one of his cases, absentmindedly stroking the cat’s back.
- a fun date idea would be ice skating! gabe knows it’s one of your hobbies and he loves that you want to share it with him. as swift as he is in the courtroom, on an ice skating rink, gabe is helpless. you’d have to hold his hand and guide him gently across the rink, stifling your laughter as he hobbles after you.
- your runner up matchup is adrian raines from bloodbound !
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mortemersgf · 3 years
Hey there! I was wondering if I could get a romantic matchup please? I'd prefer a male since I'm a straight female!
I don't have a specific series I'd like but I wouldn't want a matchup from queen b, bloodbound and the heist : Monaco since I haven't read these books yet
Positive traits - I'm very kind and empathic, I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'm also quite smart, perceptive and ambitious. I'm pretty fun loving and easy going as well! I'd consider myself creative too, I love interior designing, embroidery and stitching
Negative traits - I'm stubborn and dramatic, I also tend to be withdrawn at times. I get frustrated easily and I'm quietly competitive. I have a hard time completing the projects I start and I don't take things seriously enough. I can also be very unmotivated at times
Likes - I love adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having deep, in depth discussions in different topics
Dislikes - I don't like being boxed in or a daily monotonous routine.
Hobbies - I love reading! My favorite genres are fantasy and poetry. I also love learning about new things, I enjoy history, psychology and fashion. I like cooking and baking very much and I also adore cleaning up, all these activities calm me down. I also like daydreaming quite a bit!
Love language - I show love with words of affirmation and acts of service and I like to receive it with physical touch and words of affirmation
What I look for in a partner - A sense of belonging and being loved first and foremost I've always craved this. Also I'd love loads of fun, humor, banter coupled with times of sincere intensity and passion, deep understanding and thoughtful and deep conversations. I'd love to be able to discuss metaphors, my favorite pieces of poetry and books with my partner.
Physical appearance - I'm 5'9 and I have long wavy black hair and dark brown eyes that almost seem black. I have a fair skin tone and I've got full lips and slight dark circles under my eyes which make them look bigger than they are. I also have a dimple, but only on my right cheek. I'm quite slim and I have broad shoulders. I mostly dress in relaxed suits, blazers and coats. I also love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down. I love classic watches and gold jewelry
Thank you very much for doing this and reading all this!! I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️❤️❤️
i match you with . . . liam rys from the royal romance !
- your positive traits are what draws liam to you! he’s patient and understanding, so i think he would be able to balance out your negative traits.
- liam likes making you smile because he finds your dimple so endearing. he feels a flutter in his chest when you do, especially if the smile is meant for him or he was the cause of it.
- you’ll have no trouble discussing anything with liam. he loves hearing your thoughts and deeply values them, so there will be nights where you two stay up, just talking until you doze off, content in each other’s arms.
- there will be tons of adventures with liam! no day is ever the same with him. as king, he will bring you along to many social functions, showing you off and making sure you’re enjoying yourself.
- after appearing in so many events before dozens of paparazzis and nobles, he’ll want to whisk you away to some private island or a glittering city across the globe to properly spoil you without prying eyes.
- truthfully, whenever liam takes you out on shopping dates, he has a better time than you do. it’s because he gets to see you all dressed up and grinning from ear to ear, asking him which dress fits better. he never chooses, just tells you to get both because you look so good in either one.
- liam will basically eat anything you cook. in fact, he’ll help you out in the kitchen. he has never had to cook his own meals with so many place chefs around, so he will be excited to learn a dish or two from you.
- liam appreciates your words of encouragement and your advice. he has a tough job to say the least, so there will be days where he is downcast and doubting his abilities. he’s happy that you try to soothe his anxiety and finds that some his worries diminishes after speaking to you.
- this goes both ways as well. if you’re ever feeling under the weather, liam will be right by your side, holding you or murmuring sweet nothings into your ear. anything you need, he’ll get it for you.
- bottom line, you will feel so loved with liam. he may be the king of cordonia, but he is also yours, meaning he will do whatever it is that’ll make you feel like a queen. be prepared to be spoiled rotten!
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a/n: thank you for requesting and being patient with me!! :’) i hope you have a great day as well 💛💛
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mortemersgf · 3 years
mortemergf’s choices matchups
Hi! I would like to see what character you match me up with!
I would like to see if you could match me with any li in a romantic way (I don't have a gender preference) from these books; queen b, the elementalists or blades of light and shadow. 
Positive traits- brave, eloquent with words, pretty smart, people person, good listener, gives good advice, very ambitious
Negative traits- easily distracted, bad spending habits, so-so work ethic yet can be too competitive
Physical appearance- medium tan skin, brown eyes (I'm filipino if that helps), bow-shaped lips, round nose my hairstyle/colour is like this , I'm 5'5, legs are quite long, petite frame, I also wear glasses
Hobbies- watching youtube, neflix or disney+, reading, writing, swimming, shopping, drawing, playing the guitar, photography, traveling
Favorite hangout/dates spots- cafes, restaurants, malls, theme parks, festivals, spas, food trucks, treetop trekking parks
Favorite food(s)- Boba, Steak, Chicken, Seafood, Pasta, Or anything with cheese
My love language is quality time with and little bit of physical touch and receiving gifts
I really don't have a certain "type" in mind, but for some reason I typically romance the "tsundere" who is more-or-less morally-grey. (You don't have to follow this, you could mix it up for me if you like!)
Thank you so much for taking the time!!
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i match you with . . . zoey wade from queen b !
- zoey’s the one for you! all of your positive traits are things that draws you to her. zoey wouldn’t hesitate to remind you of what’s truly important if you get carried away as well.
- new york is bustling with all of your favorite hangout spots! together with zoey, you could spend a whole day at the mall or spa, just doing some shopping or getting pampered to no end.
- sometimes though, you two would jump between several locations. you’d have breakfast at one of the best spots in the city, then head to an amusement park or a festival, ending the day by getting some dinner at a local food truck.
- because she has a ton of connections, you’d always find yourselves in the front row during festivals or concerts. afterwards, zoey would tug you backstage to meet the singers if you wanted to. there’s nothing she wouldn’t do to see a smile on your face.
- on lazy days, the two of you just lounge in your pajamas and binge shows all day. in between sharing popcorn and cuddles, you find yourself to be utterly content in her arms.
- zoey is an amazing fashionista, so the two of you are always the best dressed no matter where you go. she picks out outfits that accentuates your features, and she praises you endlessly if you try something out of your comfort zone.
- there’s hardly ever any misunderstandings because you and zoey are both devoted to make this relationship work. it’s because you’re both good with words; therefore, the communication between the two of you is top tier.
- zoey loves spoiling you. no matter the occasion, she always has the best and the most thoughtful gifts. she’ll remember a necklace you’ve mentioned you liked or a piece of clothing you pointed out and gift it to you at the most random times.
- there’s many qualities zoey adore about you, one of them being how good you are with a camera. zoey knows how to work her angles and you are more than inclined to capture her in action, laughing as she strikes poses after poses.
- your favorite photographs you’ve captured of her are those where she’s caught off guard, painting her nails or doing her music theory homework on her laptop. zoey is naturally pretty, and it would be a disservice to the world if you didn’t immortalize zoey for being zoey!
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a/n: thank you for being patient w me! i hope u enjoy these hcs <3
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