saltedcrow-blog · 6 years
[ drape ]
Theon helped her without a word.His touch was gentle as he worked loose the hooks and ribbons that made up the back of Lady Stark’s dress. He could only think of her in those terms, truth be told. Lady. Mother of the King of the North. Lord Eddard was dead, yes, but that didn’t wholly release him from the bondage of the Stark’s rule over him. He was ward, or was he? He had sworn allegiance to Robb, but did that release him from the earlier promise to Lord Eddard?Little made sense.He slid the rough fabric to the sides, baring her shoulders to his gaze. Obediently, he averted his dark eyes to the fire instead, and cleared his throat.“Is that all you need of me, my Lady?”
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purexintellect · 6 years
‘ are my answers to your satisfaction? ‘ (Hello!)
Scully looked to her, brow raised in skepticism as she folded her arms across her chest and stepped forward. Everything Effie had told her sounded reasonable, but she couldn’t help but feel that she was leaving out something important.
“Listen,” she said, taking a seat across the table from her. “I know you told me that you were here to help, but something doesn’t add up.”
Perhaps she was putting too much thought into it. Without Mulder there to make her sound rational, she was beginning to question her thought process.
“What is it that you are trying to hide, Effie? Why are you protecting him?” 
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lotsofprincesses · 7 years
continued | @motherstarkling
Catelyn simply laughed as she watched Sansa holding the tiny baby. The neighbors moving in next door had a newborn and they were watching the baby for them for a little while.
“Not yet you don’t,” she told her, moving to take the baby out of her arms. “Not for a few more years.”
"But I do!" Sansa protested. She let her mother take the infant from her arms only so she could cross them sullenly. "You were hardly older than me when Robb was born," she pointed out. And babies were adorable, why wouldn't she want one?
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reodwulf-archive · 7 years
{ just send the nudes. > accepting !! }            @motherstarkling
[ sms : Mom ] No. That was not the hilarious picture aunt Lysa sent of Robin. That was a picture of your boobs. Why do you even HAVE that picture? Who would want to SEE that picture? OH MY GOD, DO YOU SEND NAKED PICTURES TO DAD? OH MY GOD, I’M TELLING ROBB. AND ARYA. But not Bran and Rickon because they’re too young to know.
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goddamnplvcky · 7 years
@motherstarkling liked  this for a Lisa Cuddy starter
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       ❝ Is there something I can help you with? ❞
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agirlofwinterfell · 7 years
wolfqueennamedstark replied to your post: Ѡ sorry not sorry
@motherstarkling did you tell Sansa to practise on me??
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saltedcrow-blog · 6 years
♥ She doesn't even know why tbh. Probably because Theon was there when Ned was dead. He's a comforting presence that doesn't depend on her. He didn't tell her to gtfo when she told him about the baby.
// Theon feels similarly - he has a protective streak towards her, a desire to keep her happy and to do right by her, in spite of the bind they have found themselves in.
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wolveshonor · 7 years
The only joke present in the room was her. For years she had been supporting her sister in every decision she made, she had been there for her and gone out of her way to help. All this time she had been nothing more than a fool, an idiot. If only she had known how easily Lysa could turn on her and use her as though she were nothing.
“No,” she flatly answered.
Emotionless eyes stared aimlessly as she leaned back against the door. The floor had been pulled out from under her and she was struggling, grasping for something to cling onto. All she could think about was Lysa driving away with her children, never allowed to see them again. Of course she would break whatever laws she had to, but she hated the idea that it would ever have to come to that.
Her entire frame shuddered as a sob finally escaped. She slid down to the ground, her head lowering as she covered her face from Robb. The other hand holding the letter out to him to see. There was no reason to hide anything, not when this could change all their lives.
Robb could not fully wrap his head around what he was witnessing. His spoon fell with a clatter into the bowl, and he stood up, racing toward his mother’s side on instinct, so as she slid toward the ground, he grabbed a hold of her elbow and helped ease her toward it. He sat beside her. What had happened? What was going on? Robb had rarely seen his mother so upset--at least not so openly, not where her children could witness it. (He’d once seen her crying alone in her room and crept in as a little boy to hold her hand and tell her it was okay, that whatever it was that had happened would be alright because that was what she’d always told him; but she always tried to act so strong in front of her children, so in control.)
He took the letter from her hands and opened it wearily, worried about what he might see--and that worry was not misplaced. His eyes got wider and wider the more he read. “Aunt Lysa wrote this?” he asked incredulously. He knew the woman was deranged--and all of the Stark kids hated visiting her--but never could he have imagined her doing something like this. At seventeen, Robb would be able to escape her clutches soon enough, but the rest of the kids would not be so lucky, and Robb would die before he let his siblings grow up with that woman. 
Clearly, his mother felt the same. 
“Why? Why would she---” He looked back at the letter, but the words were still there, no sick illusion as he had hoped. “Why would she do this?” His mother had never been anything but good to her sister. Robb glanced back over at Catelyn, crying into her hands, and he quickly crumpled the letter into his fist before he wrapped his arms around her. “We won’t let her. We will find a way to stop her. She can’t do this.” 
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@motherstarkling​ continued from X
Curling up when the sudden light spilled on her face. A groan came from her lips as the light made her head pound. She had heard a voice, turning  it, Asta opened her eyes. Blinking she didn't remember anything but shots going down her throat, making it burn.
Sitting up, she looks around before looking back at her friend. "I.. Uh, I am not sure. I remember the clubs alcohol." Her eyes spot a ring on Catelyn's finger. "When did you get that ring?"
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throw a party or other event together
Myrcella hummed as she read over the list. “What else do we need, Aunt Cat?” She asked. “Or do you think our list is complete?” She was excited to be throwing this party with her favourite Aunt, she wanted it to go perfectly.
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undauntedlioness · 7 years
@motherstarkling || cont.
Catelyn nodded, taking a seat beside the young girl. She remembered being pregnant with Robb, not too much older than Myrcella, afraid and alone in a strange new place. As happy as she was, she often wondered about what to expect and whether or not everything would be okay. Her biggest fear had always been whether or not Ned would love the child as she did, and her fears were somewhat validated when he returned with a bastard.
“It would be rather odd if you weren’t,” she replied with a small smile. “You are bringing a life into the world and are expected to fully take care of a person.”
To her, the worry meant that she was going to be a good mother. She cared enough to worry about the consequences of everything she did around this child. She worried enough to try and ensure that this child would have the best life possible.
“If it’s a boy, you have to worry about him fighting, a girl you have to worry about her getting married off and whether or not her husband will treat her well,” she paused, looking to her. “No matter what though, you will love them. And you will be a good mother. I did it for a while and everything was fine.”
Husband seemed to like her well enough; perhaps her marriage was more duty than love, but he had always been gentle to her. Would Robb worry as much as she did, once he heard the news? She would not know; own experience had taught fathers were more distant, more absent than mothers were. Love and care and education came from mother and those assigned to teach her; although it was always possibility that it happened because she was a woman. Yet Joffrey and Tommen saw little of father as well, did they not?
Myrcella exhales, breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding; Lady Stark’s words are comforting, honestly, more than she’d hope they’d be. ‘Twas not wrong for her to be anxious about it. “Mothers are always so good at looking like this is easy; it isn’t easy at all, is it?” Own mother an example of this; the queen never looked afraid or hurt or broken in front of her children. She was always reassurance and protection and caring, even if sometimes in harsher ways. Cersei meant to make them strong, and Myrcella couldn’t help looking up to mother’s own strength. I should write to her when I write to Tomm. Was unsure what mother’s reaction would be, but family ought to know, mother as well. 
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Green eyes did not leave lady Stark as she spoke, although expression softened; Myrcella still felt worried and anxious and somewhat afraid, but conversation did help soothe her. Guidance found was reassuring as well. Meant there was someone near by to whom she could look for help (lady Catelyn managed to do so by her own, though, and thought fills the princess with admiration). “I believe I already love them, either if it is a boy or a girl.” Thought of growing life warms her heart, and there is no doubt this child of hers is wanted and loved already. “I hope to be as best of a mother as I can, and to raise my child well, as you did, lady Stark.”
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killthebxy-archive · 7 years
#If you look beyond the coldness   #deep into her eyes   #you can see more coldness
Snow White has a stepmother who wants to feed her poisoned apples & i have Snow on my name --- is this a coincidence? i think not.
//hides from @motherstarkling forever
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saltedcrow-blog · 7 years
"I'm older, but hardly more wise."
"But you are wise, my lady." Theon said fervently as he took a step nearer her on the boat. Normally he would have been manning it himself, but that was no longer his current duty. She trusted other men to that. No, in this case he was little more than a passenger, an escort of sorts as they went to Riverrun. He would have been lying had he said he did not feel slighted, yet other opportunities awaited."And your son is as well. I have heard tell that he wishes to send me to the Iron Islands, to treat the Greyjoys to join in our cause. Is that true, my lady?"
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wolveshonor · 7 years
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@billyjclinton @freedompresident
@motherstarkling MOM. The presidents keep trying to be inspiring, but they’re not very good at it!
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@motherstarkling mentioned you in a post: WIFE / HUSBAND APPLICATION:
…want to adoptACCEPTED @ ofladiesandscoundrels
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“I’m going to be a daddy! And Tyrion’s Father In Law.”
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forsakingonevow · 7 years
⚔ | @motherstarkling continued from here
Sleep was heavy on him, despite the noises on the room and the light movement on the bed, Jaime kept on sleeping comfortably and carelessly, resting over his belly and completely covered under the raspy sheets.
It had been a long night and his entire body was resenting him more than anything else. He never drank as much as he had done it. Apparently Las Vegas truly was a city of excesses. It didn't mind him much as he knew he had been with good company all along.
Jaime took a long and deep breath, fighting the heaviness in his eyelids as he stretched on the bed still feeling the warm from the body that had rested beside him, which pleased him. Every muscle on his back and his right shoulder felt sore and he rolled on his side when he heard a woman's voice.
"Stop," he groaned. "Don't you think it's a bit too early for you to be shouting, sweet si--"
That voice. It wasn't Cersei's voice. That wasn't in Cersei's bed. And certainly, the woman stading in front of him wasn't his sister.
His eyes widened suddenly and he darted outside the bed hastily, covering himself with the sheets loosely hanging around his waist, the look in his green eyes confused and completely puzzled.
"What are YOU doing here?" he asked. "And why the hell are you naked?"
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