#muffin’s built like a goddamn horse lord knows that dog needs to be tall to fit in with this family
maskyartist · 1 year
also using this to ramble about an idea @rexidot gave me that I can’t stop thinking about at all because they’re a genius
Aquato family service dog! A Great Dane they end up naming Muffin thanks to Mirtala calling him that and it just stuck
The Aquato’s post-psychonauts 2 end up setting up residence at the campsite. Until they get enough money to start traveling again, the circus is hosted at the Questionable Area in a slightly better spot then out in the Parking Lot! They end up getting a lot of attention, enough to make the old flapjack restaurant get a deep cleaning and put back out there with actual staff this time
As a thank you towards the family, along with a general “Sorry about almost getting your son killed like three times in a week” gift, Truman uses some of that money to afford to get the Aquato family as a whole a service/therapy dog
He’s signed under Augustus’s name though, as he’s technically for Augustus. Muffin is trained to cover his blind spot and stand at Augustus’s right so no one can sneak up on him, as in my heart of hearts he IS blind in his scarred eye.
But Muffin is also trained as a therapy dog! He’s a good patient boy who lays in peoples laps when they need to be grounded, and just him being around tends to lighten a room enough to get a proper conversation going instead of the usual arguing or tenseness.
Muffin is also trained in doing the same for the kids + Donatella, essentially whoever’s handling him get plenty of guarding and lots of love.
He’s surprisingly good for helping the family with their swimming fears and waterphobia!
Basically all is right with the world when the Aquato’s have a family dog
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