tcda · 2 months
im now obsessed with this lesbian medieval dating sim turned storybook horror roguelike idea i had. multiplv endings
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god firstly heather is so hot multiplve limbs fuck
second i just
kinda hate her at this point
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thenamesallison · 4 years
Gotham (K)Nights
@multiplvs​ // cont. from here
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Ally did her best to keep a safe distance from Batman, not wanting to give any criminals the jump on him if they figured out what was happening, but she made no moves to hide herself from him. She wanted to talk to him, get to introduce herself, so hiding didn’t help accomplish either of those goals. She flew over to the building next to the one he landed on, but once she realized he was waiting she jumped over to join him (an air aided jump, of course.).
“Hi. Yeah, I know this is sort of a weird way to meet someone, but I didn’t think you’d just stop because I asked you to. I go by Hurricane. I’m not from Gotham, but I was visiting and figured if I could I’d want to meet you. How’s the night been? Busy?”
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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     ‘ so the prodigal son returns home at last. i have to be honest bruce, when i read it in the papers, i almost didn’t believe it. harvey and i made a bet when you set off on your journey of self discovery. he said you’d be back in a year, i said you’d put this city in your rearview and never come back. guess i owe harvey some money now. but, between you and me, i’m glad i was wrong. ’ 
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ofdivinegrace · 4 years
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“You’re early. I wasn’t expecting a visitor for least another half an hour.”
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hellruins · 4 years
@multiplvs​ replied to your post: jack vc: i am aware >:(
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            “  son,  it's  just  extremely  important  to  me  that  you  are  aware  that  i  couldn't  care  less  about  you  or  your  unfortunate,  cursed  existence.  ”
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multixdisaster · 4 years
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unprompted asks || always accepting
@multiplvs​ asked: [Catch Allen casually eyeing Gabriel's wings with awe]
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IT WASN’T OFTEN GABRIEL HAD OTHERS STARING at him, though then again it wasn’t often he encountered beings that he could sense his Father’s divinity coming from them but not RECOGNISE them. Eyes squinting for a few moments, he lets his wings spread out fully so the metallic feathers shone against the light.
“SO, would you care to introduce yourself?”
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cxitium · 4 years
He gripped tigther at Castiel’s dark hair, keeping his head in place as he pushed all the way down to the back of his throat, moaning when it squeezed around his shaft. He grinned with his lips half parted and slapped Cas’s face with his free hand. “Fuck...good boy”
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musexmess · 4 years
“Eres un tonto” Tezca chuckled, moving closer to the other, placing a hand on his arm. “No me incomodas, somos familia” They said, offering a smile. Truth be told it made them feel....Good. To be cared for. Tezca was usually the care taker, usually the lone wolf of the family. They found it easy to be around Quezalcoatl but sometimes around everyone else they were....Rough around the edges. “La verdad es....Lindo.” They moved their hand away, wrapping an arm around themselves instead. “Nunca pense que haria esto, es raro y bueno....Da un poco de miedo.” They admitted, chuckling nervously, scratching the back of their nack. “No se lo digas a nadie. Se van a poner de mamás gallina conmigo.”
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ponderaticoronam · 4 years
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The archangel is studying the..being closely. Familiar and not at the same time. Cautiously he moves towards her. “Hello.”
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cinderlux · 3 years
“I don’t wanna think anymore.” - Zaphkiel uwu
the fame monster || accepting
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His lips pressed into a thin line as he was doing his best not to say anything along the lines of: how can you stop something that never started. He took a few steps closer to his younger sibling, head tilting to the side out of curiosity. What had prompted this? And even more interesting...what had pushed to come to him from out of everyone else?
"What do you mean?"
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thenamesallison · 3 years
67- Love Myself, Hailee Steinfeld
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Ally’s head bopped to the poppy beat of the song playing through her headphones, watching herself in the full length mirror in her bedroom. She had just come back from the gym, hairline wet from sweat, strands of waves that fell from her ponytail framing her flushed face. One would think she’d be exhausted after an hour long session, but she was more invigorated than when she went in to start. Within the first chorus of the song, head bopping turned to dancing. She jumped around the room, starting to sing out loud just as someone made their way into the room.
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dusttcdusk · 4 years
"Huh..." Zaphkiel just stares at the demon, head tilting slowly. "Curious."
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     human eyes shift to their inhuman black when the angel’s presence is felt. momentary alarm is quickly replaced by amusement as he looks the angel over. their chosen hosts were mirror images of one another. ‘ well i’ll be damned, ’ comes his reply. with his usual lack of regard for self presentation, he circles the angel to get a complete look. ‘ you’ve even got my perky little ass too. ’ 
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ofdivinegrace · 4 years
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A little laugh escapes him, hands immediately grabbing one of Mikael’s hands, pulling him close so he can lean in and kiss his cheek.
“I think you always look perfect, my prince.”
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A soft smile lit up the prince’s face as the kiss landed on his cheek. He leaned in closer and kissed Raphael’s in turn. “So do you.”
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nctevil · 3 years
@multiplvs​ liked  STARTER CALL
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The first week he came back from school he wanted nothing but to see his friends and hang out with them, sadly one of them had moved away and the other two had family business to attend before being free to be around. Adam took his bike and went for a roll, unable to stand being inside the house while the sun was out since always. He stopped at that one place he once visited when he was younger, such a strange house with strange people that lured anyone in. He put a foot down and leaned against it, staring and looking at it as if nothing had changed.
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multiplcx · 4 years
San relaxed visibly, he was like an open book for anyone to read in his expression and emotions. The smile came easily to his face, lighting up his features. "Are you not allowed to go outside?" He folded his hands behind his back, taking a step closer to the demon, wings flopped behind him so low that one could step over the feathers if they weren't careful.
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