bobafish · 10 months
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unagrancantidaddepanes · 10 months
Guys i fucking love those fanfics where snufkin doesnt understand what love feels like and thinks hes idk, diseased or some shit or just hates moomintroll suddenly, and then starts figuring it out and then after confesses to moomin ect ect HOWEVER can u IMAGINE what it would be like if snufkin confesses (without knowing hes confessing) in that first stage oh my god pls 💀💀
“moomintroll, i feel terrible around you, im practically terrified to even look you in the eyes, when you hold my hand i feel ill” LIKE GUYS PLEASE SEE MY VISION imagine snufkin breaks in (is willing let in) to moomins room and starts panicking saying all this shit being like “do you have a fever moomintroll?????? Is it contagious moomintroll?????!!?!!!!?!??!?” Anyways moomintroll is like oh noo im making my friend feel uncomfortable and it sounds like he probably hates me, awkuardness for the next couple of days ensues, and then snorkmaiden sees moomin has been upset recently and shes like talk to me about ur god damn issues ❤️ and then hes like yeah snufkin hates me now and is also sick and i think i gave him an illness that i didnt even realise i probably have,,,,,, and then snorkmaiden is like what,,,, what do u mean he hates u and hes sick,,,,, and moomintroll starts explaining and snorkmaiden is like actually exploding loosing her mind because ohmygod what kind of a love confession was that and then moomins like WDYM A LOVE CONFESSION ???????????
So then moomintroll and snorkmaiden go to snufkin and basically stage an intervention lmao, snorkmaiden gives him a book and everything about the symptoms of love and how it works ect, snorkmaiden is like 🙏 you god damn green boy have you ever heard of love before 🙏 (meanwhile moomin is awkuardly sitting next to her in the tent looking between her and snufkin, probably has his face in his hands most of the time) and snufkins like 😐 wtf guys ive never loved in my life that shit sounds really annoying lol 😐 and then snorkmaidens like, yeah, you ARE annoyed dumbass, what was all that stuff about wanting to throw up when moomin holds your hand, and then snufkins like 🙄 smh thats not what i meant by sickness, i meant like a fever, like fast heart rate, high temperature, flushed face, ect and he thinks hes really got them, hes so confident about it, hes like this will prove to them i have a fever and dont have any of this wanting to kiss moomin shit, but snorkmaiden is just looking into snufkins god damn eyes with the most “🤨” expression and shes just opens her silly book she gave him and opens it on a chapter talking about those symptoms, and snufkin is just staring and this thing hes like … no …… i have a fever …. Im fever boy ……… and so snorkmaiden is like oh my god pls just read the book so her and moomintroll leave him alone, and then like over the course of the next few weeks they both help him slowly realise that hes in love and like idk guys i think it would be funny but also very sweet
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verstappieatheart · 1 year
🎄 Day 19 🎄
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lexyblip · 5 months
Sniff Moomin is that one character I have no time for people who dislike him like I know he’s a fictional character but if you’re one of those Moomin fans who hate Sniff I will not tolerate you /lh but like seriously
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briviting · 2 years
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maybe more sandwiches oughta do it
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skruttet · 6 months
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or they'd just spend it on cgi instead hahahahahaha 🥲
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belowthesundial · 2 months
im one rewatch of moominvalley 2019 away from going insane
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flowerbloom-arts · 8 months
can i see your rating of all the moomintrolls, 60's to mv19?
I'm guessing you're implying I should rate just the animated Moomintrolls instead of the ones from the source material, so here goes;
Moomin 1969:
Sadly there's not much of the show available to watch for me but from what I've seen he's more or less just a naive kid who occasionally gets into scuffles and goes through PSAs about alcohol and child gun control, on the source material scale I'd say he's a bookish Moomintroll who is stuck in more wild comic situations. He's not a bad Moomintroll by any means, and I find the show's reputation a bit unfair so I'm willing to be lenient.
New Moomin 1972:
The Moomintroll in this show I could say is similar to the previous one, although his original personality from the source material gets lost in translation as do the other characters in this series (except Muskrat, strangely). His design definitely has a little more wide-eyed childishness in his eyes. He can be pretty nice in his child-like way, but sometimes his brattiness is a little difficult to watch especially in that magic glasses episode.
But.. hmm.. he's an okay character but he's not as recognizably "Moomintroll" to me as some of the other adaptations even if alot of his traits can be concretely matched between the show and source material. But I guess that can be chalked up to the show not adapting the source material at all, which is understandable, but it really sacrifices the feel of what makes him Moomintroll to me, you know?
5/10 for Moomintroll-ness, but still 7/10 as an overall character.
Moomin 1990:
Moomintroll here is undoubtedly Moomintroll in alot of ways but just like with many other characters and elements of the show they smoothed out much of the edges that made up his character in the source material the show adapts. I understand this when it comes to the comics but there's alot that is lost when it comes to the books, especially with the episodes adapting Moominland Midwinter or Moominpappa at Sea where they left so much of the character stuff that made him interesting.
8/10, could've added back some flavor.
Moominvalley 2019:
Moomintroll in this show is fine... When you don't get into his character interactions too much. He's literally just based on comic and early book Moomintroll, although it can feel off at times because he's supposed to be like 16 and it really feels like an awkward in-between of book and comic Moomintroll, leaning closer to the comics. As a comics fan I don't find him too bad but with the way the writers frame him and try to write him interacting with the other characters his immaturity gets so much more grating and unfair than it ever did in the comics. I absolutely despise his treatment of Sniff especially, even if it's just a small bit similar to the way he treated him in Comet or Finn Family there's that extra layer of him being 16-18 and Sniff being 12-14 and they aren't even adopted family in the show so it feels super unfair.
He can be really annoying with other characters but he's still very much Moomintroll.
7/10 for Moomintroll-ness, 4/10 as an overall character.
I should probably say that I'm not super into Moomintroll as a character so I don't care about him too much and I can't be too detailed about his characterization, but I should say that I very much am a fan of the Moomin comics so my tolerance for his... Less pleasant behavior might be alot higher than most. And most of the Moomintroll in my head is based on comic Moomintroll. So like....(vaguely gestures)
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vimbry · 1 year
although he Is very cute, rewatching mv19 snufkin does always leave me feeling like this
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
I really wanna write about moominvalley s3 but I have so much other writing to do ;_;
in sum, after rewatching, I really enjoy it. My opinion is that season 2 and 3 should probably have been switched in the order. Obvs certain things would have to be changed (Moomintroll can't come back from a trip he hasn't left on yet, lol). This is just my personal opinion because the tone and build up at the end of season 2 is not answered at all in season 3. Of course, that implies the tension would get a release in season 4... which is no guarantee at all at this point.
(meant this to be so very short but as usual I rambled on and on... sooo under a cut it goes x'D - spoilers obvs)
If I had to guess where the story's going as we head towards the finale, every strong story point has involved themes of leaving/separation/fears of, etc. So as a storyteller, my theory would be that we're building up to a more major separation of some kind in season 4. But storyteller instincts, clearly, have no importance in this situation. I've been wrong many, many, many times in the past with other shows for that same reason: to me it seems you absolutely need X for the story to come together, but the creators are perfectly happy without it.
(Incidentally, I only rarely run into the same problem with books - even YA.)
But I made this post not to complain x'D Because it's not a complaint, it's more a wish/a longing, because I prefer stories that go somewhere than ones that are episodic and development that happens in one episode has no effect in the next. If you're going to do that, I think you have to be careful how strong you make you the emotional impact, because steam without a vent has nowhere to go...
(holy shit I'm still complaining) I REALLY LIKED THE SEASON THOUGH. From episode 5 on, I loved every episode except 12. Also love the first episode. I want to love 2-4, but while I like the themes in them, I find them pretty lackluster, more the sort of run-of-the-mill storyline you find in any cartoon and not a lot of Moomin-y moments. But things definitely pick up again. I VERY MUCH miss the songs they picked for each episode in s1 & 2 (currently listening to s1 soundtrack because I missed it so much :P) but, despite that, the background music was used very effectively.
(Also, the song in ep 9 that Moominpappa and Mrs Fillyjonk sing is awesome. Little My commenting "How do we all know this?" when the dance starts had me in stitches x'D if any character's gonna break the fourth wall, it should be her)
The episode that tears me in two ways the most is the finale, Midsummer Magic. I want to love it!! I love the Hobgoblin's return, I loved his "gifts" to Moomintroll, Snufkin, and Sniff. And I loved the scene at the well... I might ship Snorkmyden after all bahaha. (But tbh Little My looking into the well and seeing the Hobgoblin for an instant was my absolute favorite bit... Also, it was Toffle's Tall Tales that made me a Snorkmyden fan ^^)
But I did find that there was just too little story development for me to really enjoy the finale. Like, aside from getting brainwashed by the gifts, why were Sniff and Snufkin even there? They don't do anything. And as cool as it was to see the Hobgoblin again, he just didn't have the cool factor this time. Just my opinion though.
Well, of course, I loved Lonely Mountain xP holy cheez wiz. it's good and funny. And the sidestory with Little My! By the way, do you know Nutkin...
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This should have been the squirrel's name... then Moomintroll would have Snufkin and Little My would have Nutkin... hahaha (i think im hilarious yes)
And I loooooved Moominmamma in every episode except 12 x'D because I still think 12 was very meh. But Moominmamma and Stinky's partnership was unexpected and EXCELLENT. I really like it. Wasn't sure how I'd feel about MV19 Stinky, but I like him specifically because of how he acts with Moominmamma.
Things I still don't get: why is Snorkmaiden and Sniff going off to find Snork at the end of s2 just completely retconned? (I don't know what other way to explain it!) Why did they bring the lighthouse keeper back with them if there was literally nothing for him to do xD That whole "bring the hattifattener home" thing just feels so shoehorned in... the episode is more about Moominpappa anyway. And Toffle was lovely, I adore them, I'm glad they stuck around. But I hope this isn't the last we see of them, just living happily in the fairground... I was hoping we would get a Toffle & Miffle story remix :P
I'm on the fence how I feel about the Little My centric development too. On the one hand, I like it, because without it she would be the only character who's just always fine. So I agree with the decision to create conflict for her. The trouble is there's so little of it in canon. Little My's job is being okay no matter what xD So her wanting a biological father... her feelings of insecurity about whether she belongs in the Moomin family... they just feel OOC. But they do make sense as natural things a human being would feel. Well, tbh I wish they had gone a different direction with Little My, but I do accept what I go.
I also really liked seeing Snorkmaiden showing more of her personality. Reminded me of some good fanfics. The only issue I have is: will it matter in the final season? Once again, I really want there to be a pay-off to all this development, but who knows...
And with ep 10, I wrote a post about it but got rid of it because it was too nitpicky. I really do like the ep a lot! And will probably write about it again some time. It fits the season's theme of community/tolerance well. But I can't help but feel confused by some of it. I think I really needed some explanation of wtf Snufkin doing this job was supposed to mean. For him, I mean. It's meant to be explained with the "it's important that we make our own choices" thing. The trouble is that Snufkin keeps trying to make his own choices but is blocked over and over ;_; and there just seems to be such social consequences for making the choice he's most comfortable with, even at the very start before he actually agrees to anything, that I'm just not sure that's what the take-away is. Idk. I suppose my preconceptions about Snufkin are coloring my thinking here... I guess I find it hard to believe that any Snufkin could exist who hasn't already learned the importance of making his own choices :/
Still love the episode though. It was really fun seeing Snufkin in a stressful situation and seeing him have an argument with Moomintroll. (I did feel bad when he snapped at Little My... she kinda deserved it but hey, at least apologize since you were wrong, Snuf...) And I get the other moral of the episode, that as alone as we might like to be, we still need someone's help at times... even self-sufficient, independent types like Snufkin depend on others sometimes, and this ep was a reminder of that.
Oh, and the episode with Cedric. I like how MV19 remixes stories and doles out lines randomly x'D But this one was such a jumble! Not in a bad way - I'm just observing. In the story from Tales, Cedric is Sniff's doll who he gives away because Moomintroll told him about the "getting your good deed bad tenfold thing." And then Snufkin tells him a story which is basically similar to Mrs Fillyjonk's role in the episode. But in the ep, Cedric belongs to Mrs Fillyjonk, Snufkin is the one who said the "tenfold" thing, and in the end, Mrs Fillyjonk gives Cedric to Sniff but keeps the topaz eyes? That is what happens in Tales - Snfif finds Cedric lying on the ground with its eyes removed because they're valuable - but tbh I was surprised Mrs Fillyjonk would do that. In the beginning, we do see the gleam of Cedric's eyes reflected in hers... but does that mean she kept them because they're valuable..? I thought it was clear she'd grown past that. So it's more like she kept them as a keepsake. But... that's so weird, removing a stuffed toy's eyes... xD
Ok going back to writing now. Still have more to say but I'm just prattling incessantly now lol so I'll take a break. I wish I could write concisely but I'm very prone to word vomit...
ETA: one last thing. About episodes 11 & 12. I like 11 better than 12 but they both highlight the one thing about this season I didn't like... which was that it did a lot more moralizing than earlier seasons. S1 and 2 did it too, but this was to almost cloying levels at time. Yes, I think Moominpappa needs to appreciate the adventures he has at home. That doesn't mean I don't want the side of him which longs for something beyond and which keeps one foot in his youth to go away. Or that I think it's bad. These characters have actual complexity... why water that down to morals and lessons? I've talked about t before, but I'm generally against moralize in kids TV. Just write the story and the kids will learn something from it. You don't need to beat them over the head with it.
THAT BEING SAID... I know this episode is based on that story from Tales, in which Moominpappa pretty much comes to the same conclusion: that his adventure is at home with his family. So I shouldn't be bothered! ... It's just, that story "predates" Moominpappa at Sea. (We don't technically have a timeline, it's just the order of publication.) So I guess in my head, that meant Moominpappa was only temporarily content at home, and the whole lighthouse story was that side of him coming out again and bringing things to a head. Doing it the other way around feels weird because the lighthouse was so fraught and this is so... not! It's just out of balance. To me. I admit, this is coming from imagining what I want from a Moomin show... but it's not my show xP And in the interest of fairness - would the 90s show have done the same thing? totally. It just would have been a little more charming haha
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bobafish · 9 months
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yall guess what just dropped on the moomin offical youtube channel what the fuck 😭 is snufmin like????? sort of canon now???????? HELP?????????????? 😭 THE GAYS WIN?????????????????????????
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majorxmoomyxboy · 4 years
heyoo people more familiar with Moomins lore, may i ask if anyone knows how many different species there are in the Moomins’ world? so far, i know
whatever Sniff is?
are there more of whatever Stinky is? Or Thingumy and Bob? Is Too-Ticky a mumrik, or something else? What about the lighthouse keeper, is he a human? is the Hobgoblin a literal Hobgoblin or a human? Are there more of him? Any more Grokes or just the one?
i’m just very curious
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lexyblip · 6 months
MV19 should end with Sniff assassinating Moomin
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clefairytea · 3 years
Sometimes I remember how completely MV19 missed the point of Moominpappa at Sea and I’m baffled/frustrated anew.
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the fact that M88min Characters has claimed peoples artworks as theirs makes me hella anxious to work on the 3d things im doin and want to post oiiii 
#plz dont rb but u can like or reply lol#ignore#Silence Brand tag#i specifically went out of my way for the past year and a half to improve my 3d character modeling skills to make the most precise snufkin -#- and moomin models/rigs to the MV'19 as i could#and with that i was like Huh How Bout I Just Go And Make All Of MoominValley To Scale And Do An Animation Or Two?#i havent posted a lot of them bc i want em more of a surprise and when posted then ill post process videos... yadda yadda blah#iv posted some pics of the finished textured models to my insta story @faygosta but thats it#but in the mean time its like. now looming over my head of if they find it and claim it as their own.#like im definitely gonna include that its theyre +tove's characters at the end credit AND put a username watermark over the vid but omg..#wow their*#GUESS I JUST GOTTA MAKE THE SNUFMIN PARTS OF IT AS GAY AS POSSIBLE AAAAAAAAHAAAAHA#as a big FUck You to them for not only the killuz thing and their legal bs but just how they took out the lgbtq subtexts in MV19 adaptation#at least from what weve seen so far but i doubt im gonna be any hopeful for it in s3  :^| unless they somehow replace the shitty writers#also hot take time: you can boycott the companies sure but if you really want to protest about the killuz thing you go and comment something#on their insta or twitter.#you not buying from them is just as effective as some karen having a tantrum in a starbucks then storming out saying we lost her business ok#if they block you its like HA yea whatever. prove your point bro!!! all they post are advertizements of their own shit#and the same comic art with a dif colored background over and over.
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