#my au thoughts bounce between the characters just vibing in a fantasy setting and going off on new adventures/tragedies
good-beansdraws · 4 months
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In echoes, witches are made by sacrificing someone to the Mad God, and one of the final bosses involves a character we've seen turned into a unique fire-elemental witch. Her fight is more sad than scary, since she's just a silent, soulless echo of the kind woman we saw before.
I really liked combining this idea with the witch-hunt vibes in Bring it On. In my fantasy au, Fuuta wrongfully leads his band of knights against a village girl, resulting in the townspeople burning her before all the facts were laid out. She was using magic, which is what Fuuta called her out for, but she wasn't using it for any malicious or witchy purposes. When she dies, the bit of magic in her flares up with her emotion and she returns as this type of fire spirit. As well as Fuuta's abstract haunting guilt, he now has a silent, destruction-bringing ghost haunting him each time he tries to run away from what he did.
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Biggest question with making an arcane OC right now is "do I want this one to be another self insert"?
Last two major OCs I made for pre-existing media were both self inserts (Asche for Borderlands, Avaskian for Resident Evil), and I've got plenty of recurring minor ones that aren't self inserts (which makes me feel better about making another self insert)
'Course, both of them also ended up developing far beyond the original idea of "me but canon compliant". Could just focus on the base appearance and personality be modeled after myself (for shipping reasons, because WOW does this show remind me I'm bi-ro), but make the story shift further from a fantasy version of my chronic illnesses
Secondary questions are about the overall vibe/archetype for the character, depending on A: do I want them to line up with my ideas for that AU or do something else, and B: what sort of power set do I want them to have?
Bouncing back and forth between the following:
A: Medical Student turned fighter, begrudgingly aiding in battle because all their friends are idiots who rush in to combat without a second thought. Technically has healing magic, but keeps it hidden as best as they can because they can't really control it. Not as interesting, but requires less understanding of how the fuck LoL lore works
B: Unfortunate victim of a magic-heavy bloodline, forcibly pulled into generations old bullshit. "One of the wretched few with eyes wide open" is the sentence that inspired the concept, with them being more sensitive to the weirder/wilder sides of magic. Lost an eye during an incident with said magic, and now can see traces of the arcane. Still figuring out how exactly that would work in a slightly canon compliant way, since the idea was for an AU. Part of the idea is that they can interact with ghosts, but only when near the place the person died, and the longer someone has been dead, the less "present" they are. Optional alternative is the idea that they kind of bounce back and forth between the "awake" world and the "asleep" world (again, concept from an AU that needs major conceptual translating), sometimes able to bring things with them.
Either way, they have a dumb hat. The dumb hat is non negotiable for this OC. It is a big, asymmetrical, stupid fucking hat.
Lastly, if I do go with a character that's even mildly based on myself, they either have to use exclusively they/them pronouns, or use she/her and he/him. Why? Because Asche is a he/they and Ava is a she/they and I gotta complete the trifecta
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thegirlwholied · 4 years
I've got to ask about AU Abroad, the alliterative bounce to the title alone is a delight XD
@ice-connoisseur thank you so much for asking & your interest! <3 it’s very very much a working title but works as a bit of a summary too! so this book-to-be is two different plot ideas that came together
1, I don’t think I’ve ever read a fantasy novel set during a semester abroad, & my semester abroad was incredibly significant in shaping my current self & was my chance to take Celtic Mythology & none of my writing’s been ‘mythic’ in too long
2, this part of the concept’s a bit meta. in recent years I’ve come to love a good modern-AU! fan fic BUT for some reason the fandoms I read them for tend to be generally “terrible things happen to these characters in canon!” & for me therein lies the appeal?? the reprieve from their fates & getting drawn together in this other world? and so I’d been thinking about ‘how can i translate the feeling that gives me into something original’
and so! AU Abroad! In which 6 characters all abroad in Ireland find themselves weirdly, emotionally drawn to each other & try to figure out what they’re dealing with: reincarnation/past lives? an actual echoing alternate universe? a haunting? magic? it’s all a bit murky but right now it looks a little like this. 
It starts with a boy weeping on a sofa at a party & the girl whose sense of responsibility drives her to step in
“Okay,” she said, at last. “Okay. Who died?”  
His tear-streaked face turned up to hers so suddenly Jusie lurched backwards.
“Who died?” he repeated.
“Was that the wrong question?” Jusie asked, but his water-fogged eyes continued to look both fixed on her and far away.
“Everybody died,” the weeping boy said. “Him. Her. Me.”
Jusie wanted to laugh. She shivered instead.  
“And you were there,” the boy said, a little wonderingly, and resumed his weeping, all the harder for his words.
& the second chapter belongs to the weeping boy who’s really confused why he wants to murder his new roommate & also:
“I don’t cry,” Bryan said absently, only the girl’s grip on his arm assuring him he wasn’t sleepwalking. “I’m not a drunk crier. Or a weird drunk.”
           “Just worried you’re a murderous drunk?” the girl said, her voice low. She pressed Bryan’s shoes and shirt into Bryan’s arms.
           “No!” Bryan said. “…Do I seem murderous?”
           “Buddy,” the girl said, “if I thought you seemed capable of murdering me, I would not have let you sleep it off in my bed.”
           “I’m Bryan,” he said. “With a Y.”
           The girl pursed her lips and muttered, “I thought it’d be something like that. Good luck, Bryan.” She moved to push him out the door, but Bryan held his ground.
           “I’m really confused,” he said, and the girl snapped, “I can tell.”
           “About the crying,” Bryan said. “I am a happy person.”
           The girl, more kindly, even as she was putting her hand on her apartment door to edge it closed, said, “Maybe, sometimes, we need to look a little deeper.”
           “Really,” Bryan said, putting his own bare foot in the doorway. He didn’t want to physically hold the door open. He was pretty sure this girl could hip check him, but also pretty sure she wouldn’t truly slam the door on his foot. No, positive. She was kind down to her strong bone structure.
            It was just a logical assumption, given how she’d set him up in her own bed, but he was sure of that, down to his own bones.
           “I’m not that deep,” Bryan said, a little desperately.
& the third chapter, which remains to be finished is the character whose plotline I may be most emotionally invested in but you can’t tell that yet!:
Mila was having a full Irish breakfast with Irish coffee, because she could, in Ireland, no one was going to tell her it was too early to drink and twenty was of-age here. It was her first legal drink.
It was her first full drink, period, and so maybe it was the drink, making the conversation of the two equally-young people in the booth next to her sound so absolutely batshit crazy. They were so preoccupied they hadn’t paid much mind to her when they sat down. The boy, who was tall, was facing away from her; the girl, seated, she couldn’t see over the booth. They’d looked incongruous, walking in together. The boy was a readymade extra for any sports movie, built to be a background set piece. The girl, in her leather jacket, was attractive in a way Mila immediately envied, that easy-in-her-skin, exuding-surety vibe pushing the world out of her way from the second she walked in.
“I have never met anyone more murder-able,” the boy said, the moment the server took their order and walked away.
“Murder-able is not a word,” the girl responded, immediately.
“You noticed too. I saw you look between the knives. And his throat. Repeatedly.”
That was where Mila had stopped idly overhearing and began actively eavesdropping.
(and there will be interludes between chapters of the mysterious AU too with its Cities in the Mist & King-that-Never-Was and MUCH remains to be figured out but I *do* like what little there is! I just have... a lot of little bits of too many things at present!)
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