#my cousin met AMELIA FUCKING POND
HOLY SHIT MY COUSIN MET KAREN GILLAN AND SHE SENT ME A VIDEO OF HER SAYING HI TO ME. my name came out of Karen Gillan's mouth holy shit
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Hey if you wanna do the thing too, here goes:
❤️🧡🤍🩷💜A WLW ASK MEME❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 List the top 10 ladies you’ve been obsessed with Ever Of All Time! Then send this on to 5 sapphic mutuals 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
I VERY MUCH want to do the thing, thank you!!!
This list is not gonna be in a preference order because if I tried to do that I wouldn't ever stop crying. Also I have been documentedly obsessive about IRL women hello Mackenzie Davis I am free on Thursday but to avoid sounding creepy this list will be composed of fictional characters. I burst into tears writing every single entry on here because I am so normal about women lol.
tl;dr here is the list:
Laura Kinney (Marvel Comics)
Princess Amelia "Mia" Mignonette Thermopolis Grimaldi Renaldo (The Princess Diaries)
Elizabeth Swann-Turner King of Pirates (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Myka Bering (Warehouse 13)
Bennett Halverson (Dollhouse)
Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Agents of SHIELD)
Natasha Romanov (Marvel Comics / Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Rogue (X-Men / Marvel Comics)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb series)
Cinderpelt (Warriors)
with honorable mentions to Cameron Howe (Halt and Catch Fire) and Amelia Pond (Doctor Who) because there simply was not enough room!
Laura Kinney (Marvel Comics) - I started reading superhero comics at 16, when a friend at school gave me access to her collection. I have also, since I was too young to articulate it, been drawn to stories about "human weapons," particularly women. (Literally only a couple of years ago it occurred to me that perhaps growing up in fundiegelical culture, which is prone to calling its congregants "warriors for Christ" and using a lot of rhetoric about "God's soldiers," might have had an influence on this preference! I May Be Stupid etc.) Laura Kinney is the female clone of Wolverine, but she has two claws on each hand and a foot claw (yes it’s the kid in Logan, though they changed some stupid shit in that version). I first met her at 16, randomly picking up X-23: Innocence Lost at a Borders one evening and immediately being sucked into the story of a teenager who knows nothing but violence, except for the sole person who sees her as human (Sarah, her surrogate mother). Laura’s comic backstory is fucked-up in a way Marvel really leaned into with their 00s characters - she was forced to slaughter her own mother! then she was a victim of child sex trafficking! then she tried to have a normal life but her past came back to haunt her and she was forced to leave behind everyone she loved to keep them safe! - and I don’t think most of it holds up great, except for Target X which is cute because she and her cousin skip school and steal a car to be normal kids for a day. Anyway! I loved her immediately because in my teen brain, this character was one I could truly read EVERYTHING about, and ever since she has been my daughter. Marjorie Liu wrote an amazing series for her in 2011-12 which had her become Gambit’s little sister and Jubilee’s girlfriend bff, and Liu is to this day the writer I have seen do the most interesting stuff with her. She at one point was using Wolverine as a code name and she got a little sister, Gabby, and that was also good. Anyway, she’s the ur-example of “child weapon learns how to be a person” and also she’s angry and sad and doing her best and I love her the most.
Princess Amelia "Mia" Mignonette Thermopolis Grimaldi Renaldo (The Princess Diaries) - While I very much enjoy and am fond of the films, my Mia Thermopolis is the one in the book series. I first read these at 13, and immediately I recognized Mia as a kindred spirit. Mia in the books is riddled with anxiety and self-doubt, prone to people-pleasing but will push back if she reaches her limits, passionate and loyal to sometimes self-sabotaging degrees, and a connoisseur of pop culture. Every time I open a Princess Diaries book, I feel like I’m hanging out with my best friend, and to me she is. A dream of mine is to make a character that feels as real and dear to readers as Mia feels to me. I am not and never have been great at doing “girl” (hi, butch), but Mia was and is a glimpse into a world that I always felt on the outside of. The books are certainly not perfect but I will never get tired of hanging out with Mia.
Elizabeth Swann-Turner King of Pirates (Pirates of the Caribbean) - I got into these movies kind of late, just before the third one came out, but Pirates was one of the most significant fandoms I have ever been in. It taught me about meta, how to analyze subtext, and how to multiship. Elizabeth was a big part of that, being a cool bitch who got to fight and did not take shit from anyone and was also part of a ship full of Yearning. I used to think I had a crush on Will and that’s why I was so into the ship but…no it was Elizabeth. I wanted to be in Will’s place so I could kiss Elizabeth! She’s smart and capable and passionate, and when you’re 16 that corset line sounds really cool, sorry. And she’s the Pirate King and gets a badass rallying speech. Also she gets to wear a sick pirate coat in At World’s End, which is less questionable for me, a Chinese person, to be wearing, and my mother-in-law made a dream come true and made it for me. As far as I’m concerned she was only stationed on that island for as long as it took for baby Liam to be transportable, and then she put him in a sling and ran around being a fucking awesome pirate king again. (Movie 5 does not exist to me, nor does “Henry,” his name is Liam, thank you for understanding.)
Myka Bering (Warehouse 13) - I actually did NOT start watching this show for the gay content, I started because one of my college roommates/best friends was enjoying it and we both found it deeply charming. I actually thought Claudia was going to be my favorite, but Myka quickly took that spot in my heart. I found her deeply relatable, as someone who tends to keep myself pretty emotionally distant until I trust someone, and as a fellow Bad at Being a Girl sufferer. Myka starts the show wary of everyone, but wanting to do her best, and she slowly begins to let her new team in and start to trust them. One of my favorite Myka things is how well she knows herself and what she wants. And of course there's the HG of it all - her insistence on saving and trusting HG even after she betrayed them the first time is so indicative of how much she wants to believe in people. I really hate what this show did to her by the end, because to me it was devastating to watch this incredible, self-assured woman turn into somebody who apparently had feelings for her self-admitted brother figure and whose entire arc was about that now?? It sucked!! But anyway, that's not what I think of when I think of Myka. I think of her hitting Pete with a snowball and then doing a little hop of joy.
Bennett Halverson (Dollhouse) - Bennett is the reason I met my wife, and she is also played by Summer Glau, who I rarely post about anymore but who is involved in multiple shows that are part of my heart, so Bennett had to go on this list. She was one of the most significant characters that fell into my "angry and sad" women niche, as her whole thing is that she's out for revenge against the girl who broke her heart. AND YES SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH CAROLINE I HAVE RECEIPTS. (god this essay is TWELVE years old?? nobody @ me if it's bad) I love Bennett because she's me, or at least, a really stark portrait of the kind of person I could have become in a similar situation. Bennett feels like an outcast and Caroline seems to be the first person who ever showed her positive attention, to a degree that clearly turned romantic on Bennett's side. She's also devoted to Caroline to a degree that is objectively unhealthy ("You're not pissed because I used you?" "I'm hurt that you wont") and her memories of Caroline leaving her are colored by her misunderstanding of why she did it; Caroline was trying to protect her and take the fall for what happened, but Bennett didn't see it that way at all. I am very...dramatic...in my head and 1000% I would've been like that in a similar situation. It's really good B and I met each other and are obsessed with each other exactly the same amount because we would be terrible partners for anybody else. Anyway, Bennett's fucked up and I love her so much and Bennett/Caroline is why I'm like this now.
Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Agents of SHIELD) - If I were pressed to pick one favorite character, period, it would almost certainly be Daisy. SHIELD and I have had a special relationship from the moment it was first announced; if you look I still have a few posts tagged "s.h.i.e.l.d." and a minor regret of my life is that I was too late to get into the pilot screening at SDCC '13. Anyway, similarly to Myka, Daisy wasn't my immediate pic for favorite, but she quickly became my favorite, especially when I found out Chloe Bennet is also a "Chinese dad white mom" girl like me. I called it from the first character bio that she would be divisive, and she was, because fandom is horrible, but to me she is the best character. I wrote an entire essay about how much it means to me that she's biracial, even if I do not love the Inhumans stuff necessarily. But I remember spending the first season and a half desperately wishing for her to be biracial, and then she was! And she's also so funny and brave and kind and angry and sad and good above all else, she does her best to be a good person. I recognize a lot of my worst tendencies in some of hers; B and I joke that sometimes I will "drive off in emotional van" when I try to shut down and process big shit by myself. But I also relate to her in a lot of positive ways as well: we're both deeply loyal, passionate and hopeful. When they teased someone being killed off in the s3 finale, I literally had a panic attack the morning of the finale at the thought of losing her. When the show finally ended, I was happy she survived and even happier that they had her reconcile with her mom and her surprise sister, and now she and Kora and Danny are hanging out in space and sometimes Daisy goes home to hang out with her girlfriend Jemma. If she never comes back in MCU canon, I'll take that ending for her.
Natasha Romanov (Marvel Comics / Marvel Cinematic Universe) - WELL SPEAKING OF CHARACTERS WHO GOT FUCKED OVER LOL. Never mind the Scarlett Johansson of it all, I love Natasha with a tenacity approaching lunacy. (Not as much as my friend Amy, because Nat is her most special blorbo, but almost that much, I think!) Once again: Natasha is a living weapon character who is emotionally closed off and snarky and also very angry and sad, and also she was one of like 3 women in the MCU in the beginning so of course I became obsessed with her. Her comic counterpart is a little different, of course, but the same notes are there, and once again Marjorie Liu wrote the best arc for her (The Name of the Rose, which deals with themes of motherhood and infertility way better than some films I could name). Some of my love for her is me truly putting my hard-earned fandom analysis skills to work with the pittance of canon information I have to work with, and some of it is the five months I spent writing an AU where she didn't die in Endgame and also she and Laura Barton were polyamorous that whole time. (I did a lot of sobbing in the car when I found out about her death, and I'm resolved to never watch Endgame again.) That fic is my tribute to her, so I guess if you want to know all my feelings, go read it.
Rogue (X-Men / Marvel Comics) - Rogue was the X-Men character I imprinted on when I watched the movies at 16 (hey is that a pattern I see here?) because she was sad and emo and, although I didn't know it at the time, I wanted to kiss it better. I affectionately refer to Anna Paquin Rogue as "Diet Coke Rogue" because she's a very bad interpretation of the character, but also I love her. My favorite version of Rogue is actually in the X-Men: Evolution cartoon, where they made her an angry and sad goth (again: pattern) but with her usual reserve and level of sass. But I love every version of her, and I can't wait to watch the new cartoon because I have been sorely lacking in Rogue lately and I miss her. If I can't pick Laura, Rogue is my favorite X-Men character always and forever. Also, I felt so strongly about her and Gambit that I made a 40-part powerpoint presentation to explain their love story to B, while I was on a road trip with my family. This was one of our notable courtship gifts because she had also imprinted on Diet Coke Rogue and I needed her to understand how epic Rogue and Gambit's relationship is. Someday we will cosplay as them.
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb series) - The newest entry, but she made it on here by dint of being, well, so intensely relatable. I too am an awkward butch with a praise kink raised in a weird dead-end religion who falls to pieces in the presence of a pretty girl, whose brain is completely full of jokes and memes to cover up my various damages, and who is so bad at expressing my feelings to the object of my affection that I spent literal years pining after them only to do something exceedingly reckless to try and prove my love (I did not kill myself so they could use my corpse, but it was equally stupid and dramatic, and I have a 1/2 success rate - one of them was a guy, long story). Gideon Nav is Weird Girl turned up to 1000 and I love her for it. I am very short and chubby and not at all muscly, but I love cosplaying as her because in our souls we are the same. If we never see her again I will not recover.
Cinderpelt (Warriors) - I am genuinely not sure if I've ever explained Cinderpelt on this blog, so here's a quick summary: Cinderpelt is the first apprentice of the POV character Fireheart, and quickly endears herself to everyone by being enthusiastic and clever. She wants to be the best warrior ever. As an apprentice, she is hit by a car and survives, but her leg is injured severely enough that she is unable to continue warrior training, so she pivots to becoming a medicine cat. (Yes, Warriors is very ableist and this is not even in the top 5 worst examples.) We don't get a ton of insight from Cinderpelt on her thoughts about this until she's a bit older, but basically she determines that she will ensure the Clan is protected and cared for just as valiantly as she would have as a warrior. She becomes one of Fireheart/star's closest friends, and a constant source of comfort and wisdom throughout the first two series. Somewhere in there, I decided she was my favorite character. Enter series 2 book 5, Twilight (I am almost 15 when it comes out), which features a climactic battle as badgers invade the ThunderClan camp while Cinderpelt's best friend Sorreltail goes into labor. The way I remember it is Cinderpelt kicking absolute ass to protect her friend and maybe killing at least one badger, but I think I may have edited this to be more epic in my mind. ANYWAY she dies from her wounds and I cry for like an hour. In the next book, it is revealed that StarClan (cat heaven) thought Cinderpelt was so cool that they wanted her to have a second chance, and she got reincarnated as Cinderkit. I think this is maybe where the mythology really went off the rails objectively, but you won't convince me it was anything but beautiful. Now she lives as Cinderheart, who had her own journey through rehabilitating an injury but has become a badass and respected warrior herself. (There is also some bullshit about Cinderpelt having been in love with Fireheart lalalala I do not care she is a cool bitch and more than her relationships!)
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siriuslytiff · 5 years
Somewhere In-Between Ch. 4
Harry Potter Fic | Romance/Drama | Charlie/OC
She wouldn’t let him see her cry. He’d seen it plenty of times before – for multiple different reasons. He’d seen her cry tears of joy after winning the cup second year. He’d seen her cry angry tears when Snape had unfairly failed one of her essays. He’d seen her cry out of grief when she got a letter from home letting her know the passing of cousin she’d grown up with and was close to. He’d even let her cry on his shoulder that time while he rubbed her back, telling her everything was going to be fine. But she wasn’t going to let him see her cry because of him.
Read on FF.net or Ao3 or HPFF
Back at the Burrow – Charlie’s POV
1991- Charlie had two days at home to unpack his Hogwarts trunk, repack for Romania, and purchase all the necessary goods. The reserve really hadn’t told him to bring much. The most important thing was going to be some wardrobe necessities. He would need a new pair of dragon hide pants and gloves. Molly insisted he would need a new coat but Charlie reasoned that the weather wouldn’t be that different from England and he could get a new winter coat later in the year.
A new wand however – that was priority number one.
When Charlie got back from Diagon alley the evening before he departed it was to find an anxious Ron sitting in the living room. His brother had promised him a surprise when he got back. Charlie was sure Ron anticipated some sweets or small trinket. Charlie wouldn’t soon forget the look of awe as he handed his old wand over to his youngest brother. Charlie was sure Ron would soon realize what it meant that he was getting a hand-me down wand and not a new one of his own – but for this moment it was nice to see the boy smile as he was gifted something all his own – something he didn’t have to share.
“Charlie,” Percy said from his spot at the table. He as two days into summer holidays and already working on school work. “Some post came for you.”
Percy pointed to an envelope sitting on the end of the table. Charlie grabbed it up and immediately recognized the neat handwriting. Amelia.
He shoved the letter deep in his pocket and stalked upstairs. Once he was in his room and had deposited the bags on his bed next to his open trunk, he sat at the small desk once shared with his older brother and sat the letter down. He sat looking at his name for what felt like ages. He only left when his mother called for dinner.
The entire family made a point to be there for his last night at home. His mother kept spontaneously breaking into tears as the twins kept giving completely unneeded warnings to their older brother.
“Charlie, I read somewhere whatever you do, you should under no circumstance bathe in sheep’s blood and walk around in front a dragon. They’re easily confused, see?” Fred had said.
“Yes, and also,” George said around a mouthful of potatoes, “it seems they have quite sharp teeth, brother mine. So do try to avoid them if possible.”
“And the claws,” Fred said, giving an over exaggerated shiver, “some could pull you apart in one swipe, Charlie.”
“That’s enough, boys,” Mr. Weasley said finally when Molly gave a petrified wail and clung to her second born.
“It’s going to be fine, Mum,” Charlie wrapped his arm around his distraught mother, “They won’t even let me near the dragons for the first bit. I’ll be fine. And you’re already planning to come visit for Christmas, right? You’ll get to see first-hand I’m fine. And I’ll write. You’ll be sick of me.”
Mrs. Weasley sniffled but returned to her food. When Fred made to open his mouth, Charlie cut his eyes at his brother in a way that hopefully said, “Say one word and I will kill you.” It must have worked because the older twin instead took a bite out of a roll.
Charlie trudged up the stairs after dinner to finish packing his trunk. He purposefully ignored the letter on his desk.
After having packed all he could, he finally reached for the letter again. Without giving it so much as a cursory glance, he stuffed it between two books on the small bookshelf Bill had managed to squish into their already too cramped room.
Then there was nothing left for Charlie to do but drift off into a restless sleep.
1992- It was nearly a year later when Charlie made it back to the Burrow. He’d known his brother was having an interesting first year at Hogwarts, to say the least. The first letter he got in Ron’s messy scrawl was to tell him he’d gotten into Gryffindor and that he’d met “The Harry Potter” on the train. He’d informed him that school had been brilliant and that Harry had made it onto the quidditch team – and that McGonagall thought they had an actual chance at the cup this year.
It was comforting to have his family visit for Christmas Holiday – though he did miss the youngest of the boys. He’d wanted to hear first-hand what it had been like for him to start at the school. But he was immensely proud of him for staying with his friend who would have otherwise been alone for the holiday. Molly got a little misty eyed when she had told him and assured Charlie she’d made “the poor boy” his own sweater as well.
The next he heard from his youngest brother was to ask for him and some friends to find a way to sneak onto school grounds in the middle of the nightto rescue a dragon. When he continued to read and find out that Hagrid was involved, Charlie wasn’t surprised.
It wasn’t long after the rescue he received a letter from his mother advising him that Ron had been in some sort of accident at school. He was okay but had taken part in some sort of risky task to retrieve something from deep within Hogwarts. Charlie had a flashback to his own time dealing with the Cursed Vaults at school. Charlie wrote back immediately saying he’d try to get some time off when he comes home for a few days.
When he made it back it was to find his older brother already lounging on his side of the room, book open as he relaxed.
“Didn’t know you were coming,” Charlie said as he threw his rucksack on his own bed. He sat down and began to unlace the heavy boots.
“Why are you hiding mail in my books?” Bill asked. Charlie knew it wouldn’t be a joyous reunion for the two oldest brothers - they’d actually seen each other multiple times while Charlie had been in Romania – but Bill’s blunt question still caught him off guard.
“What- “
“Found that stuffed in my copy of ‘Curse Breaking of the 5thCentury’.” Charlie saw the small envelope he’d received last year sitting on their desk again.
“Dunno,” Charlie lied as he moved to his other boot, “Ginny must’ve shoved it in there.”
“It’s a good thing you deal with monsters all day,” Bill said as he closed his book. He moved to sit on the edge of his bed and mirror his brother, “Because you’re a shit liar.”
“Don’t call them monsters,” Charlie said gruffly and then added, “I’m going to check on Ron.” And he left their shared space. Honestly, fuck Bill. He was only two years older but had the infuriating trait to walk around like he was wise beyond his years. And it was especially frustrating when his brother read him like an open book.
Though Charlie had assured his mother it would be a long while before he actually interacted with the dragons on the reserve, that had not been the case. Charlie hadn’t shared with his family (save for Bill) that after only about 6 months of classroom training, he was released to start working with the creatures. He did his best to keep it hidden when his parents came to visit for Christmas and had to be creative those few days he was home to hide his scars – as well as the tattoo of the Horntail that had the tendency to move its way down his right arm. His senior dragonologists on the reserve said he had a “knack” with the dragons and he was the first recruits to be given an actual shift to care for the creatures.
When he got back to the reserve from his stay at home he found he was promoted to the position of “Handler” – one of the youngest the reserve had seen in fifty years according to Doris Runcorn the lead dragonologist on the reserve.
1993- The following summer he found himself taking time off again to take a family trip with the entire Weasley clan to Egypt. The night before their departure he once again found himself in his old bedroom looking at the familiar, unopened envelope sitting on his desk. He had a feeling Bill had found the last hiding place – stuffed in an old shoe under his bed – and placed it there. It had been two years since he’d received the letter and there was a desperate part of him that wanted to open the it and pore over the contents. However, there was another part of him that argued they should just tear the letter to bits and be done with it. He decided a happy medium was stuffing it in one of jacket pockets in the bureau.
1994- The following summer he found himself once again at home – this time for the entirety of the summer. He’d been granted permission for leave for his extensive work he’d been doing to prepare for the upcoming Triwizard Tournament taking place at Hogwarts – and his future involvement in the competition. He was going to be lead on the task that delivered the four dangerous creatures to the Hogwarts grounds. His superiors thought that merited some extended time off.
He met Harry that summer and was pleased to find him to be an extraordinarily ordinary boy. Charlie enjoyed spending time with his younger siblings, playing quidditch in their makeshift pitch, and getting time to relax.
It had taken Bill no time to find the letter from Amelia this go around. Charlie had taken to sleeping with the offending piece of post under his pillow and storing it in his pants drawer during the day.
“Heard something interesting at work a few days ago,” Bill said. They sat in swim costumes next to the pond on a hot July day. Ginny, Hermione, and the twins were partaking in a raucous game of Chicken while Harry and Ron took turns trying to outdo the other as they found inventive ways to splash into the water.
“Wassat?” Charlie asked. He lay on the ground under a familiar oak tree. His mum had been out so he felt safe enough to have peeled off his t-shirt, showing a few new additions to the Horntail as well a number of shiny scars – after threatening each of his younger siblings and their guests within an inch of their life if they dared tell their mum about the tattoos.
“Amelia Rutledge is coming for the World Cup,” Bill looked intently at his brother, trying to gauge his reaction.   Charlie’s brow furrowed but he just hummed in response. He was fairly positive he heard his brother grumble, “You’re both impossible.” Before diving seamlessly into the water.
When Charlie made it to the grounds for the World Cup later that summer it wasn’t long before he and his brother found old school friend’s tents to sit outside and reminisce about school days. Charlie had found a pretty enough girl – he vaguely registered that she was in Bill’s year? Maybe even a year older? She wasn’t much for conversation though. She’d smiled and batted her eyes at him and commented how nice his hands looked. Her hand had ended up on his knee before he knew what was happening.
He felt pleasantly buzzed as the flagon of firewhiskey made its way back around to them. He took it and took a long pull before passing the liquid on. He looked over at her again. Her dull brown hair and light blue eyes were reminiscent of someone whose memory he tried desperately tried to push away. But he kept making unwanted comparison. This girl’s hair didn’t have the shimmer of the others. Her eyes seemed flat compared to his former friend. And she was just on the side of too thin for him. And what was this girl’s name again? Charlotte? Melinda?
“Amelia!” he heard someone say excitedly. His head snapped away from the cute brunette and, as if the image he was trying to suppress jumped out of his mind’s eye, Amelia Rutledge stood in front of him. Deep blue eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“Long time no see, Rutledge,” Jae Kim had stood next to Charlie and walked over to wrap her in a swift hug. “How’s our Head Girl doing?”
Charlie didn’t wait for a response. He stood and grabbed the hand that had been resting on his knee, tugging the girl with him as he stalked away from the fire and back to his tent.
1995- After the events that took place at end of the Tri-Wizard, Charlie found himself back in England a lot more often. He and Bill had officially joined the Order, much to their mother’s dismay, and would have to check in regularly with Dumbledore. He’d been tasked with foreign relations – keeping him in place in Romania and allowing him to travel some during his off time. Bill had transferred back to the main London office. And from the stories he’d heard from Bill about one Miss Delacour – there may be more than just the Order keeping him in place.
Charlie often stayed at Bill’s flat when he’d come for a visit. He told himself it was to catch up with his older brother and definitely not because that blasted letter had found its way onto his desk againand, after many years of being shuffled here and there, one corner had finally started to peel open.
It was one of these nights that Charlie was visiting where the two oldest Weasley boys decided a night at the Leaky Cauldron was long overdue.
“’Ave you ‘eard Fred and George’s plan after ‘ey’re done wit schoo?” Charlie said, trying his best to talk around the hot beef stew he’d shoveled into his mouth.
“You are disgusting and our mother would be ashamed,” Bill said, but there was no venom behind it and a smile in his voice. “And no, they haven’t.”
“Since when are you such a proper lad, mate?” Charlie joked, “It’s not like we’re in some fancy Frenchplace, it’s just the Leaky.” Bill laughed at his brother’s insinuation but made no attempt fight him on it. “They spotted that empty building down the way – the one that’s been sitting empty for ages. They say they want to start a joke shop there.”
“Well,” Bill said mulling it over as he blew on his own spoonful of soup, “If there were any of us who could do it, it would be Fred and George. Haven’t seen them accomplish anything they hadn’t set their mind to.” Bill thought for a moment then added, “And Ginny. She could do it on force of will alone.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Charlie tipped his ale in his brothers’ direction before taking a swig. “Reminds me, how’s the new position going?”
“Ah, just boring paperwork to be honest,” Bill said, “But you may be hearing more from me soon.”
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”
“They’re also putting me in charge of the Benevolence Foundation. We’re going to be looking for ‘worthy causes’ to donate a couple thousand galleons to.”
Charlie froze. “You’re joking.”
“’Fraid not,” Bill sighed and leaned back in his seat. “And I’m trying to get someone out to the reserve at some point. So please, when I do, try your best not to scare them off.”
“What are you talking about,” Charlie said, maybe a bit tetchier than was warranted, “Between the two of us, I’m the one who has all the charm, and I’m handsomer to boot.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Charlie,” Bill smirked and went order the two of them another round of ale.
Charlie left for the reserve two days later. Bill saw him off before he went in to his office. They stood next to the fireplace and said a quick goodbye. Bill told his younger brother to be careful on an upcoming trip to Egypt to meet with some old contacts of Bill’s and make sure the connections were still secure if needed. Charlie told Bill to man up and finally ask Fleur out. Bill shoved his shoulder but Charlie caught the faint flush to his cheeks. They embraced quickly and a moment later the fire was flashing green after the floo powder was thrown in and Charlie was gone.
Charlie still doesn’t know how Bill did it but as he was unpacking his bag that evening he found Amelia’s letter placed neatly between his folded shirts.
He immediately threw it into the bottom of his traveling trunk and tried to forget it.
(He was never very good at forgetting.)
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