#my desk is all wobbly and wavy so i had to use the board
sentientstump 3 months
they bullied the second irl picture outta him... xD
also FROGGER RETURNS YES!!!1!馃帀馃帀馃帀
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xoxogirliexoxo 7 years
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The Gilbert Twins - Chapter Seven
Crashing The Dinner
It's been a few days since the comet and I haven't left my home due to the memories of that night with Tyler and I, STOP IT! That's enough Amanda! Keep it in the past!
I pull myself out of bed and I walk to my window opening the curtains looking out, I sigh as I watch people go about their daily lives. I look backwards to see Jeremy at the door looking at me, "you coming out today?" He asks and I nod, "alright, come down son breakfast is ready," he says then walks off shutting my bedroom door, I go into the bathroom and I brush my teeth then I have a quick shower. When I'm out of the shower I blow dry my hair as quickly as I can, knowing I'll end up being late.
I walk over to my closet, opening the doors then I pull out an outfit, black short-shorts, a white blouse and a black blazer, I put a gold necklace like thing one and a flower pattern ankle boots, I leave my hair to its natural wavy self and I put a little bit of darker makeup on, black eye shadow, eyeliner on my eyelid and brown lipstick
I look in the mirror, "I'm going to be the girl who doesn't look back, I'm going to be the girl who doesn't wish for the future to hurry up, no. I'm going to be the girl who lives in the here and now," I say to myself. I pick up my handbag makes sure that everything is in there, and everything is apart from my phone which is on my bedside. I pick it up and place it in my bag as I walk out of my room.
I head into the kitchen and I sit down at the dining table where my breakfast is waiting for me, eyes on toast and a cup of coffee. I eat my food at a steady quick pace, "you okay?" Jenna asks
I nod, "yeah, I don't want to be late today," I say earning slow nods from anyone, "come on El, let's go," I say then I down my coffee and walks to the front door picking up my bag.
As Elena and I leave the house we see Bonnie waiting on our drive for us, we walk to her car and get in. I sit in the back like normal, I look out my window and watch everything go by as Bonnie drives us to school.
Elena and Bonnie talk about what happened after the comet when Elena left to go to the boarding house to see Stefan. That's right, she actually went alone to his house, told him how she felt and then they kissed. I'm guessing they're together now, but I'm not completely sure and to be honest it is their life so I won't bother with the caring.
When Bonnie pulls up at school the three of us get out of the car, "I'm not saying don't date the guy, I'm just saying be careful," Bonnie says
I roll my eyes and I head off to school on my own, I pass Stefan who grips my wrist, I turn around to him, "how are you?" He asks and I nod, "have you seen Elena?" He asks probably know that he won't get anything else out of me. I point over to Elena and Bonnie, "thank you," he says then lets go of my wrist and I walk off into the different corridors.
I walk up to my locker, I unlock it and open it pulling out my textbooks I will need for the morning. I slam my locker door shut then I walk through the crowded high schoolers, to Mr Tanner class. I walk inside and I sit down in my seat placing my text book on the desk and the other one for my next class in my bag. I pull out my pen and notebook as other students walk into the room, I look around to see who is in and it seems like we have a full class.
I can't be bothered to care what he has to say today, I lean my head back looking at the ceiling not caring anymore. I hear Mr Tanner calling my name, I look at him, "care to enlighten us on what you know?" He asks in a cocky tone
"I know that a student here knows more about history than you," I reply pointing to Stefan, "keep me out of that mouth of yours," I add then look out the window blocking everything out as normal.
The day soon ends and I am walking to cheerleading practice, and no I don't do cheerleading. I did but I quit before my parents drown, I see Elena walking up to Bonnie and they hug beginning to stretch. I look up to the stands to see Stefan sat watching football practice, I walk to him and sit down, "you want to join?" I question
"I used to play," he says not looking at me but just keeps watching the team
"I heard about you catching the ball and throwing it back at Tyler. Oh and Stefan, I didn't ask if you used to play, I asked if you wanted to join," I sigh heavily then stand up, "if you want to join then do it now, or you will just regret not going there," I say before I walk off to cheerleading practice.
I sit down with Bonnie and Elena, "are you joining Am?" Bonnie asks
"Bon I quit months ago, I'm just bored," I say earning a laugh from her
"No, I mean to dinner," She clarifies with me
"I didn't know about it, so no I'm not," I say looking at her then at the sky watching the sky
"Where's Caroline? She isn't picking up, Am can you try?" Bonnie asks
"Sure," I say pulling out my phone and I begin to dial her number
"Oh my God," Bonnie and Elena say looking at a blue car driving up with Caroline in it
"That must be the guy at the bar she was telling me about," Bonnie says as we stand up
"That's not just any guy," I say looking at Damon
"That's name Damon Salvatore," Elena finishes
I watch Damon and Caroline, "Stefan's brother," I inform Bonnie as Caroline gets out of the car all smug-like.
She walks to us, "I got the other brother, I hope you don't mind," she smirks as she walks through us three
I shrug and wave bye to Elena and Bonnie then I head off, "Hey Amanda," I hear Damon say so I turn around to him as he gestures for me to get in his car, "come on, you seem bored," he says
I nod slowly, "yeah I am a little," I say then get in his car and he drives off, "why do you care?"
"Well I haven't seen you around since the comet and after you said what you said, it got me worried," Damon says
"Damon Salvatore, do you care about me?" I tease then laugh watching as he pulls up at the Grill, "The Grill?" I question
"Yeah, you're spending an hour with me then I got to leave okay?" He says and I nod as we get out of the car, "you know apart from caroline you're the only one who doesn't annoy me. Well, your sister doesn't annoy me, but we hardly talk so yeah."
"I got it," I say walking into the Grill, I walk to the bar with him and I watch as Damon sits beside me.
"Two, double vodka and cokes," he says and the bartender looks me, "she's cool."
"I'll have to see some ID," the bartender asks
I watch as Damon leans forward looking at the man, "no you don't, you'll serve this girl whatever she wants whenever she wants you'll keep doing it on the house," Damon says
I look at him weird, "you're right, she's cool and everything you want, miss it'son the house," the bartender answers getting the drinks
I look at Damon, "don't worry about it, I'm very convincing," he says with a smirk
I nod, "alright then, I won't complain if it gets me drinks," I say then laugh.
Damon and I spend an hour drinking, well I was doing most of the drinking as he had to drive back to school to pick up Caroline, we were talking about anything that came into our minds.
Damon checks the time on his phone, "I got to go Am, I'll see you later. Pass me your phone," he says and I hand him my phone confused, I look over to see him putting his number in then sends him a message, "here," he hands me back my phone, "need me, you can get hold of me now," he says then leaves.I smile at his back then turns to the bartender and I keep ordering drinks.
A few hours go by and I'm told to leave, I call Matt asking him to pick me up. I wait outside the Grill for him and he pulls up, I smile and wobble into his car, "Am? How many drinks did you have?" He questions with a worried look on my face
"I lost count at 20 shots," I slur my words then giggle, "do we have to go home?" I give him puppy eyes
"You called me to take you home so yes," he says sternly and begins to drive steadily so I don't puke up in his car.
When he pulls up at my house, he gets out of the car and walks around to my side helps me out of the car. I almost loose my balance but he catches me and picks me bridal style, "you and Elena are complete opposites," he says and I look at him hurt then I look away, he sighs and sits me on the swing bench, "what happened?"
"Nothing, I want to go home," I say and he laughs, I tilt my head looking at him confused
"You want to go home now?" He asks amused and I nod happily, "come on," he says standing up and helps me up.
I walk wobblily to the front door and into my house with Matt behind me, I see Bonnie, Elena, Caroline, Stefan and Damon in the front room. I wave then begin to walk upstairs, "Amanda!?" I hear Elena and Caroline shout so I turn to them on the stairs then Matt walks in.
Caroline looks at Matt, "did you do this?!" She questions me
"No, I just picked her up," Matt says then looks at me, "you going to be okay?" I give him thumbs up then start walking up the stairs
"Amanda Jennifer Gilbert, get back here!" Elena shouts at the bottom of the stairs, I turn around to her and walk down glaring at her
"I'm back here but why do you want me here? It's all Elena, Elena! No one cares about Amanda, no cares if I'm alright, no one actually wondered where I was. I could have been attacked by the animal that is killing everyone and no one would care, you know why? Because it's all about you," I say with Elena and everyone taken back by what I said
"You hate it when people bother you," Caroline says glaring at me then sits with Damon
I smirk, "did you know it was your boyfriend who took me to drink?" I say then walk upstairs, I slam my bedroom door and I get ready for bed. I sit on my bed drinking some water, I put my hoodie on and my hair into a messy bun then I walk downstairs. I sit next to Bonnie and look through my phone.
"We were talking about Stefan joining the football game," Caroline says and I nod, "he said you were the one who told him he'd regret it if he didn't do it," I nod
"That's what I always say to him if he doesn't take life by chance he won't get anywhere in life," Damon says and I roll my eyes
I look up at Caroline who starts mentioning about how Elena wasn't as good at practice and that our parents died then mentioning that she isn't as fun as she used to be. I smirk then lean forward to Caroline, "why don't you try being in a car with your parents then you are thrown off the bridge into the water, being the only two people who survived. Wow, I'm sorry my sister isn't the same, I doubt you would be so shut that big mouth of yours and think about others feelingsbefore you talk about shit that doesn't concern you," I say then I feel Bonnie hold my hand
I lean back and rest my head on her shoulder then she rests her head on mine. Damon apologising then mentions about how he and Stefan have watched almost every member of their die. He then brings Katherine up which makes Elena tense up, "Bonnie, Amanda. Help me wash up, or in Amanda's case come to calm down," Elena says standing up pulling me onto my feet and we walk into the kitchen with Bonnie.
I sit at the dining table resting my head on the table soon falling asleep at the table, I don't complain about how I feel asleep as I know that I needed to sleep it off.
That was chapter seven, I hope you all enjoyed. Please vote, comment and keep your eyes open for chapter eight which will be uploaded soon. Anyway, I hope you in the next chapter, bai-bai xxxxxx
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