#my queen deservs much better
myxhul · 3 months
One thing that bugs me every time i rewatch tlok is that one scene in book 3 where tenzin tells korra about the time when she was little, explaining how the red lotus tried to kidnap her. So, he, korra's father, sokka, and zuko went to rescue her and stopped the attack, locking the red lotus in their respective prisons.
Although my little zukka brain thrives with the fact that zuko is supposedly just there, chilling in the south pole post-retirement or whatever, i really think it would have been much better if insted of him, it was katara the one fighting alogside the others. It would have made so much more sence because one- she is one of the most powerful waterbenders on earth therefore totally has the power and skills to stand againts the red lotus, and two- yes, you can argue that she might still be greeving over her husband's passing but i think if sokka, zuko and tenzin were able to be there and help in the battle it wouldn't be much of problem for katara to be with them too. Aang is best friend and a family to both sokka and zuko and tenzin's literal father. If they were ready and willing to fight, so could she.
And isn't trying to protect korra also trying to protect her family in some sort of way? Katara was clearly very enthusiastic about teaching korra waterbending as a child, why won't she stand up against the red lotus for her, too?
It's disheartening to see how both the comics and tlok seem to sideline katara's character as if her contributions were not significant. Like she just isn't that important in the first place. It’s just awfully depressing tbh.
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palehottubchild · 1 month
what i like about the secret history is you can tell exactly who 'got' the book and who didnt by the reviews. and im not trying to be snobby or something here if yhe book's not your cup of tea thats totally fine more power to you!! its just funny that the reviews are always either 5 star, greatest read ever, this book caused me physical reactions and i havent slept in 3 days. OR its a 1 star, the book started off great but fell off after the first part, too long and rambly, the focus is on the wrong things too much on the characters not enough on the actual plot. and like, thats kind of what i love about it? the fact that if you read the book like Richard is characterised, if you read the book for the romanticised life of secluded classics students, for the dark academia of it all, then its going to be a shitty read for you! what i personally like about it is that every single character is messed up, every single character is a 'bad person' in a way and the way the idealised romanticised aesthetics are built up meticulously during the first part only to then be brought crashing down in the worst way possible is part of what, to me, makes it such a good book.
And dont get me wrong, i came for the dark academia as well. I bought it because of moodboards and edits and a glowing review about 'this amazing dark academia book' from one of my best friends. I came for all that, but i stayed because of the clearly distorted reality. The fact that you can see more and more clearly in the second part that the entire reality we think we are in is made up imagined and idealised by richards obsession with the aesthetics and i love that its so clearly reflected in the reviews because like. Yes thats The Point!
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elizabethbennets · 1 year
The year is 2023 and I’m still so bitter about what happened to Cordelia Chase
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You know when I said I want more wlw representation, I didn't mean turn the misogynistic, power hungry, greedy and abusive stepmother into the heroine's love interest despite the said abuser literally being responsible for a civil war and the deaths of the said heroine's children with a heavy dose of queerbaiting.
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sciderman · 28 days
this mother has no fucking idea how to HOLD A BABY
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nathan baby i am so so so sorry
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the-patrex · 6 months
giggling kicking my feet while fantasizing about my parents getting a divorce
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
THIS STORY I'M WORKING ON..................
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lucyshypemaster · 5 months
evret hayle is MY roman empire.
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carladuquette · 3 months
hello? where is my margo hanson spin-off?
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queenwhoneverwasx · 2 years
I know that Corlys going away and to war is how he copes with the loss of his children but the fact that he left Rhaenys alone for years makes everything sadder.
She’s been alone all of this time, mourning both of her children and now she thinks she will lose the love of her life. It’s so tragic.
The way she said ‘the stranger has visited me more times than i can count’ made me tear up. She’s so tired and sad.
It breaks my heart to her so broken down and yet she still conducts herself with grace and will fight for her family to the very end. She said enough. And she’s coming.
Eve Best you never cease to amaze me. (I really hope she gets recognized in award season)
Also just give Paddy Considine all of the awards. That man was incredible.
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al-stuffy · 6 months
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Sensors are practical, detail-orientated, focus on facts and procedures.
Intuitors are imaginative, concept-orientated, focus on meanings and possibilities.
First part
@narutopolls @foundersweek
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bamboozled-distress · 5 months
why is there so much hate on poppy 😭 god forbid a woman do anything
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Kind of a part of my previous post regarding Wen Qing's sheer talent and skill, but this is mostly rage and anger so let's keep it seperate -
Wen Qing was good person, a good healer, and she did not deserve what happened to her. She did not deserve to be burned alive and then have her sacrifice given the value of nothing. She was a good person, and she did not deserve the horror the Clans did to her.
Wen Qing was the healer who was meant to have her tale written into tomes of history - and they slaughtered her because of prejudice, because of cruelty, because of her name, because the could.
And everyone who stood by and watched as this innocent woman, this healer who had never taken a life burned to her death, I fucking hope they are all haunted by it.
She died thinking that her death would save the people she loved - and I have no care for indifferent men in power who spat on her sacrifice and slaughtered her family for it.
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quillkiller · 4 months
sorry to young royals but *haymitch voice* simon could live a hundred lifetimes and NEVER!!!!!! ever deserve wilhelm
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arcane-star · 8 months
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*sniffs* thinking about Queen Himiko again....
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thinking about how raph, april, and mikey are less focused on by the fandom than donnie and leo, the only two main characters in rottmnt with white voice actors
#to be clear this is not a “callout” nor am i trying to inspire discourse/attack anybody#it’s just something i’ve been thinking about for a while that i feel deserves more... ig recognition? by the fandom at large#like i know a part of it is definitely the shows’ fault and their own unspoken biases#but i can’t turn a blind eye when i see human versions of the turtles that consistently have see and lee be lighter skinned#even if they are all represented as poc#like to reiterate: this is not a call-out#it could absolutely just be the niche of the fandom that i find myself in (in which this is a massive self report)#and i absolutely need to do better as well!!#but i haven’t seen this talked about as much as i feel it should#esp with april— i mean i already am aware about the fandom bias toward male characters#but it makes it doubly hard for her character which is a shame seeing as she is a queen#+ my fav representation of april in the entirety of the tmnt canon so far#i understand with mikey that it could be excused due to the fact that his character was focused on less#but raph? he has sooo much good characterization that i often see given to leo in fic/fanart#like i said: this is a lot more nuanced than what i’ve talked about#and i am by no means perfect#i just think we as a fandom should at the very least recognize this aspect of ourselves#idk i’m definitely not the best person to be talking about this#but i’ve been turning it over in my head for a while so i figured i might as well just. say it#rottmnt#rottmnt meta#racism#tw racism#internal bias#if anybody has something to add feel free#just like. be civil please? like i don’t think anyone is doing it on purpose (obviously)#just something to be aware of
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