#my school friend was like crazy for a little while being like AUUUGH I NEED A BOYFRIEND. SO BAD! and then they got asked out
nutzworth · 1 month
been having this problem lately where im feeling really in love with a lot of people in my life. and its like killing me. am i crazy in the head or really hormonal or like what. what DOES a crush feel like? what DOES love feel like? have i ever felt it really and truly? the only crushes ive ever had have been cus AWFUL MEN were like Ooiugh youre Sooo wonderful! I Love You! and i was like yeah ok. SWOON! but they were awful every time. you dont understand. terrible evil no good. and having crushes on them sucks. so is that the only way for me to get a crush then. someone has to have a crush on me first. are you kidding
that OR: im just being a hopeless romantic. like swooon im so in love with life and all of my wonderful friends and all of these wonderful characters and the plants and the animals and the world around me BOOOORING. WHO CARES! i wish i had someone to swoon over. as i keep living everyone i know is getting partners and its killing me. its like what am iiiii doing wrong. but the thing is i dont even think i WANT a partner? i want the IDEA of having a partner. which IS WORSE. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT??? i just dont understand how it works. any of it. ever. and its not like anyone can TEACH me. unless theyre like head over heeeels for me and think they can fix me (which like who goes into a relationship with that in mind). but i dont understaaaand i dont get it and i dont know how i will ever get it. maybe i wont ever and maybe i will. i have SO MUCH LIFE to live but meeting people only gets harder when you get older :-/ so whats the point. SIGH! GROAN! is it over for me chat
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