#my take on movie!Lara-le
guardian-of-da-gay · 11 months
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simpler times
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syrupsyche · 9 months
Went to stalk Facebook for pics of me watching Les Mis when it came to my country and thank GOD for 15 y.o. me taking a pic with the cast list (though it was mainly bc an actor had the same name as me lol) so now I can look back at my very blurry memories and attach faces to the characters.
For starters, it mostly comprised of the cast from the Australian production back in 2016, with the exception of Earl Carpenter as Javert:
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and opposite him starred Simon Gleeson as Valjean:
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Alas I do not remember much of their performances but I do remember liking Valjean's Soliloquy and Javert's Suicide alot as well as crying at both of their death scenes so pretty sure they did something right lol.
Fantine was played by Patrice Tipoki:
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I also do not remember much but I did find her death scene to be extremely haunting. The production I watched had the stage feel really bare so the coldness of it all really seeped in.
Marius and Cosette were played by Paul Wilkins and Emily Langridge:
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Again I don't remember much LMAO but looking at Cosette's outfit here, it's extremely pretty! Alas I think by this production, Every Day (Marius and Cosette) had been cut out (or extremely cut down) so I didn't get to hear their rendition of it :(
Éponine at the back was played by Kerrie Anne Greenland:
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I was an Éponine girlie at this age so I was really focusing on her parts lmao. She was good from what I can remember! Her On My Own was brilliant and I did cry at her death scene :')
Enjolras was played by Chris Durling:
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Slight side track but WOW looking back at these pics, he is quite the quintessential Enjolras. Though Les Amis didn't catch my attention in the movie the first time I watched it, the images that burned into my mind the most from this production were of Enjolras and Les Amis. I know fans aren't too happy with the revolving barricade switch-off (and now that I know of it, I definitely agree the new scene doesn't hold a candle to it) but imagine 15 year old me seeing the guy I've been rooting for unceremoniously dumped in the wheelbarrow alone under a spotlight? It was still chilling, especially when compared to the colours and noise of the movie version. Another scene that haunted me was Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, when the ghosts of Les Amis picked up the candles left behind. THAT was good, I really loved it.
The Thénardiers were played by Cameron Blakely and Helen Walsh:
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Hilarious duo lol. My favourite memory comes from Master of the House, when a young girl sitting in front of me asked her father what Mme. Thénardier was doing with the baguette during "...but there's not much there" and what the joke meant. Her father just said she was too young to understand 😭😭
Overall, this production of Les Mis was a changing point in my life. It was my first ever live musical and it expanded my interest for musicals and Les Mis ever since. I had only watched the movie previously just so I could be caught up with the plot, but iirc, this production got me to buy and read The Brick shortly after. And 7 years later, here I am still screaming about it :')
Also I found a rendition of One Day More by the 2015 Australian Cast so y'all can hear roughly what I had experienced back in 2016! Only difference is that Javert is played by Hayden Tee, Marius is played by Euan Doidge, and the Thénardiers were played by Trevor Ashley and Lara Mulcahy. Enjoy!
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heartfe1t · 6 months
i've added gen and lara jean to my multi after having read the first two to all the boys books while away- i'll probably read the third one later today or something but we shall see... book based because Yeah. still love the movies and will be taking inspo, it's just- Different. also using more book accurate fcs. pi.per cu.rda who's half korean as lara jean is, and bel/.le sh.ouse for gen since i want to differentiate from the movies and also bc although emilija is Fantastic in the role, i think gen being a blue eyed blonde girl actually kinda Does matter in this case. i also added katherine/kitty- but that's less a Thing since anna's still gonna be her fc and while i'm taking heavy book inspo, she's obviously grown up from the books.
i'm probably Not gonna do too much writing today- but i'll probably put out a starter call for my tatb girlies later after pilates
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uryzagzoq · 1 year
Indian girl panty line with bigger booty Reality Kings - Ebony and white fit bbfs share cock at movie night Amiga caliente en busca de verga le encantan los comentarios calientes ella los lee Lesbians Ruby Octroi and Ashley Luvbug Eating Ass Kiara Cole In Tutor Snatched My Pussy Indian model fuck with her boy friend First time sex gay boys blow jobs Dustin Cooper wants to borrow Jack LARA BRASILERA RUBIA EN MIRAFLORES Hot teen cheerleader Vanessa Lane takes on two big dicks in all her holes and swallows cum amatuerporn pussyeating Natalya nemchinova Mom teach sex Hope harper freegirlvids Boonk still Asian bj korea被超像野宮凜子塚田詩織三上悠的廁所暴力偷拍孕婦父女誘惑讓我多水小鳥台灣動物亞洲淫蕩女人酒吧學生直播漂亮角色巨乳內射健康教育G奶人妻中出雙性戀直播
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Marioneta. The Pole. The Post. (Early Fragment Here:)
....The ladders that always take you down and the stairs that always go up. The Crystal Ship for the Unknown Soldier. LSR. (Performances.) Chicago. 2018-2019 chutes and ladders stairway to heaven Pilas. 3 Pack. Unicorn. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. Cuento corto. Y que se echa a correr y pus ya. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. En el Cuartel Del Vecino. La Jota: ¿Ya checaste la pintura de Adán y Eva junto a Bellas Artes? Esa depicción que has estado buscando. W-7: No La Jota: ¿Porqué? W-7: Porque el museo se llama Museo de Cultura Popular. La Jota: ¿Y qué? ¿Eso te suena a jarrito de Oaxaca o qué? W-7: No es eso. Tenía algo más en mente. Algo diferente. La Jota: ¿Coño que nadie te entiende! No te ha gustado la solución al crucigrama. ¿Tienen que ser blanquitos y de ojos azules o con cara de Palestinos para que estéis contento? W-7: No es eso. No tenía eso en mente. Creo que tenía una imagen más acartonada y apergaminada que una nota de letras gordas y populistas. Algo menos institucional. Quizá movido por patrones y no el Estado. Antiguo o ancestral. Conocimientos que resultan en números opuestos con el mismo derecho a nacer tornado o temblor. La Jota: (pours wine and slices bead, walks around for a while.) W-7 seems quite irritated. La jota se mueve con cuidado pero sin penuria.) W-7 sale en busca de su pareja La Terminal. Tires screeching… Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. Just threeing... I started thinking and talking about this piece around 2008-2009. I finally had the chance to make it. Pilas. 3 Pack. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. Como la O. Vociferar la O después de haber recitado el abecedario y el padre nuestro. Se acaba una tinta y otra más comienza a escribir. La verde, la roja, la negra. Ya no sabemos lo que supimos, hasta dónde vamos o hasta dónde íbamos, sí hay más, tal vez lo encuentres, y si no, será una de las tantas tintas/ miles y millas de cosas que dejes pendientes/ y luego. Luego. Luego. Luego. Loro, Lara, Lira, Lara, Lara, Lara, Lara... Descontando a veces que anda uno luego de tlacuache. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. @ 2023. Oscar the Grouch sitting on top of his new duplex. Shinny Ballon Graffitti. Affect. Afflec. Después de pensar la frase por unos segundos pensé y luego corregí. "Mi basurero era barrendero." Corrección. "Mi bisabuelo era barrendero." Desde niño he pintado mi lugar féliz, el hogar en mi mente, quizá desde la muerte del Pirulí, como una colonia basurero. Con montañas de basura limpia y gente esporádica conmigo en el paisaje a temprana edad. Pero a quíen le importan esas mamadas. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. La Huida After Varo. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. © 2023. (Paper, plastic board, marihuana resin.) (Pipa, no filter, 1/3 of alquitrán in the lungs. Don't keep the air in, makes no difference, you only get dizzy for the lack of air. Smoking weed does not affect the part of your brain that controls balance. People could potentially drive.) Blah, blah, blah, blah https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alquitr%C3%A1n_del_cannabis Cuento corto. Hercules_selucreH. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. (The Bat Cave. Living Under the Tracks Was like Waking Up Some Place Around Here. Sky. Skyline. Color Similar to Original Cover)(Depeche mode Cd Blue Cove) ¿A quién se parece desde este ángulo? (Mia Kalifa) I love you my (Bitch. Graffitti on a Wall) At the Movies. Hey Noe, thanks for playing Candy Candy the other day. It has been great following your journey into the hearth of Flamenco culture. From the last time we spoke about this you might have notice my Flamenco language is very limited. It's something kind of part of me, and I understand it. I can feel it, I'm mestizo. Thank you for sharing your passions and work and at the moment, I only hope to live enough to spend more time with Spanish Flamenco to have a more informed conversation with you some time. Be well Noe.   I would go for the right one first. Your right. (Mia Kalifa, burguers, breasts, bite.) Today is not San Patricio, pero seguramente más de dos continuan con las fiestas. May you find that pot... at the end of the tunnel. (Desprendimiento creativo a partir de esta imagen para popular letras de: Cuentos de la Verga... Continued...) ¡A la verga! ¿Quién? Lego Legunt ¡De la Verga! Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. Pero que necesidark, para que tanta penumbra. To Ireland. To Ireland. Iris. Arco. Irish trébol. Irish Trouble Not In Ireland Irish Trouble. El Batallón de los San Patricios. Luis Sanchez Ramírez. 2023. To Amber Heard. Love u Deep Purple as a Pirate. (Que cagado que los espermatozoides tengan sexo.) Aunque todo el mundo sabe que el espermatozoide que llega a el ovario sin tener sexo es el que gana y el que se casa con el Ovario. Comerse unas letras. Comer letras. Sopa de letras. Comer para las letras. La letras. Cancún. Home too. Para que necesidark, para que tanta penumbra. To Ireland. Iris. Arco. Irish trébol. Irish Trouble Not In Ireland Irish Trouble. El Batallón de los San Patricios. Luis Sanchez Ramírez. 2023. Aunque todo el mundo sabe que el espermatozoide que llega a el ovario sin tener sexo es el que gana y el que se casa con el ovario para siempre. Si pudiera ya andaría bien pedo desde antier. Cerveza, colorante verde. Música de Bono, de U2, Corazón Valiente, Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries, etc... https://blogs.loc.gov/.../the-san-patricios-the-irish.../.... Enjoy Moda Flaca Comerse unas letras. Comer letras. Sopa de letras. Comer para las letras. La letras. Búholingo. Long gaps at the end... Stephen Hawking told colaborator theory was wrong. Rojo. Rojelia. Widow in Black. Black Mourning (Love u Irene.) The ¨L¨. Some nights I had to sleep in the ¨L¨, Chicago's city's train. 24 Hrs. People get kicked out at anytime during the night. Traveling without abandoning the station before or at the end of the trains tour is ilegal. Night workers making sure people don't fall sleep by tapping or shaking bodies. Parties. Cigarretes. Cigarrets by the unit. Me: weed. A little AC/DC sometimes, some wagons, maybe one on the whole float and at selected points. Lots of music, dance, alcohol, drugs, interesting people. Very interesting people of the night. Strangers in the night. Me: ridding like a boss would ride, between the trains, passing by the loop. Smoking. Coffee. War or peace. El día lo dirá. Ando Luchando. Iron Man (with a median convoy around me after performances in the ¨L¨ accompanying me to the places for performances with Traffic Lights, bridges, the light House, etc...) Luis Sánchez. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. Smokey the Bear. Luis Sex Pistols Ramones. Rod Sink. (-Door Sewert) Slimy. John Wick. Wind Benders. Surralismo. Luis Sandwich Jamones. Brujo. Shaman. Flat liner. Strangers in a train. Jumping the stalls, ticket. Bodily fluids. Piss. Excelente rides with Viento (Wind) from O'hare to Downtown and from Downtown to O'hare. Getting kicked out of the train at night means you could possibly come back to ride again to come back to the city paying another 5-6 dollars. Bad idea spending $3 in beer at your favorite bar to warm up for a couple hours if you don't have enough to tip the same way you always have or drink as much, you might have to leave before the two hours are up. Multiple art projects on-going and social justice. Agent, not and undercover. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. Era El Que Era y Era Eso Que Quería. Los espermatozoides tienen género. Lo cuál quiere decir que la persona que soy ha sido de género masculino desde que era un espermatozoide, desde antes de ser combinado conmigo ovario. El ovario no tiene género debo suponer. LSR. 2023. Home. Parking. Bike. History. Wearables. A few years back I had Schwinn bikes. I personally used a Varsity model while I was working as a multimedia artist and assistant researcher, and later studying and teaching at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC.). While teaching at DePaul University. While studying at the Art Institute of Chicago, and while working at Coop Media for projects with Chicago Public Schools. The one pictured here is a Schwinn World Tour model I started using shortly after graduation. They were both Chicago made. 2 ligas abajo. Under the Metra tracks (trains working 24 hrs) was my home for a few months. A brewery across. Mozart Park. It was the Bat Cave. It was La Casa de Gerardo (he lived there for about six months.) I lived there. I made installations there (not exclusively.) I furnished the place from top to bottom several times. Sometimes in the same week. I sang and recited poetry or spent the time traveling, working or doing something else while making art. I had a little patch of free American and Native American land for rituals, preservation, provocation and conversation through improvisation behind the wall pictured, between the alley and the tracks. Ancestral. Ritualistic. Naturalistic. Elements. Control of the Elements. Alchemy. Signs. Intuition. Acknowledgement and possible record of he advancement on work and social engineering. Becoming a Director. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwinn_Bicycle_Company.... https://www.madeinchicagomuseum.com/.../schwinn-bicycle-co/ Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023.as. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwinn_Bicycle_Company.... https://www.madeinchicagomuseum.com/.../schwinn-bicycle-co/ Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. Pinche Chango Pistachero. Bastardo Mal Parido. Hijo dePuta. Ícono de hombre chino con cubiertos. Pinche. Ayudante de cocinero. Pinche patria. Los Pinches de Estados Unidos. Los Pinches Estados Unidos. Pinchesa. LSR. 2023. Rediant... a esa de rojo.... ¨Popeye the Sailor Man is a fictional cartoon character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared on January 17, 1929, in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre. Wikipedia.¨ Las espinacas de Popeye son una metáfora para la marihuana. Rojo. Rojelia. Widow in Black. Black Mourning (Love u Irene.) Las persinas americanas... @rubenalbarran de @cafetacubva Rediant... a esa de rojo.... The ¨L¨. Some nights I had to sleep in the ¨L¨, Chicago's city's train. 24 Hrs. People get kicked out at anytime during the night. Traveling without abandoning the station before or at the end of the trains tour is ilegal. Night workers making sure people don't fall sleep by tapping or shaking bodies. Parties. Cigarretes. Cigarrets by the unit. Me: weed. A little AC/DC sometimes, some wagons, maybe one on the whole float and at selected points. Lots of music, dance, alcohol, drugs, interesting people. Very interesting people of the night. Strangers in the night. Me: ridding like a boss would ride, between the trains, passing by the loop. Smoking. Coffee. War or peace. El día lo dirá. Ando Luchando. Iron Man (with a median convoy around me after performances in the ¨L¨ accompanying me to the places for performances with Traffic Lights, bridges, the light House, etc...) Luis Sánchez. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. Smokey the Bear. Luis Sex Pistols Ramones. Rod Sink. (-Door Sewert) Slimy. John Wick. Wind Benders. Surralismo. Luis Sandwich Jamones. Brujo. Shaman. Flat liner. Strangers in a train. Jumping the stalls, ticket. Bodily fluids. Piss. Excelente rides with Viento (Wind) from O'hare to Downtown and from Downtown to O'hare. Getting kicked out of the train at night means you could possibly come back to ride again to comeback to the city paying another 5-6 dollars. Bad idea spending $3 in beer at your favorite bar to warm up for a couple hours if you don't have enough to tip the same way you always have or drink as much, you might have to leave before the two hours are up. Multiple art projects on-going and social justice. Agent, not and undercover. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. BAT MAN. Bat Man. Ciudad Mótica. (The bat is a hollow metallic cylinder, sometimes mimicking a cigarette. I was told by a good source that that's what some people call them in Texas. It is used to smoke marihuana. Sometimes it's also called a One Hitter. I have also used it for tobacco when I was a tobacco smoker. LSr. 202e. Era El Que Era y Era Eso Que Quería. Los espermatozoides tienen género. Lo cuál quiere decir que la persona que soy ha sido de género masculino desde que era un espermatozoide, desde antes de ser combinado conmigo ovario. El ovario no tiene género debo suponer. LSR. 2023. Affect. Afflec. Después de pensar la frase por unos segundos pensé y luego corregí. "Mi basurero era barrendero." Corrección. "Mi bisabuelo era barrendero." Desde niño he pintado mi lugar féliz, el hogar en mi mente, quizá desde la muerte del Pirulí, como una colonia basurero. Con montañas de basura limpia y gente esporádica conmigo en el paisaje a temprana edad. Pero a quíen le importan esas mamadas. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. 2023. Mario. The Pole. La Huida After Varo. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. © 2023. (Paper, plastic board, marihuana resin.) (Pipa, no filter, 1/3 of alquitrán in the lungs. Don't keep the air in, makes no difference, you only get dizzy for the lack of air. Smoking weed does not affect the part of your brain that controls balance. People could potentially drive.) Blah, blah, blah, blah https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alquitr%C3%A1n_del_cannabis © Bat Man. © Ciudad Mótica LSR. Luis Sánchez Ramírez. © 2023.
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adamsvanrhijn · 4 years
smithensy’s 2019 top fives!!!!!
having been tagged in multiple top five memes, i decided to just go ahead and post all of them in one go!
frankly, if this post was all you knew about me you’d probably think i was very basic and had terrible taste, and to that i say: you might just very well be right.
films* seen in cinema:
booksmart (2019) dir. olivia wilde
millenium actress (2001) dir. datoshi kon
downton abbey (2019) dir. michael engler
shazam! (2019) dir. david sandberg
on the basis of sex (2018) dir. mimi leder
* i only saw 13 unique movies this year, 9 in cinemas. i saw downton abbey three times.
tv shows* watched:
downton abbey (2010-2015)
chernobyl (2019)
a series of unfortunate events (2019)
* i only watched 3 tv shows this year. (thanks noodle for reminding me about chernobyl.)
new-to-me songs heard:
motion sickness, phoebe bridgers
still feel, half alive
lover, taylor swift
when the party's over, billie eilish †
ici et ailleurs, andreane malette
† i tore my hamstring to this song.
books* read & reread:
l.m. montgomery's anne of the island (1915)
virginia woolf's the voyage out (1915)
e.m. forster's a room with a view (1908)
lundy bancroft's why does he do that? (2002)
l.m. montgomery's anne of avonlea (1909)
* i only read 10 books this year.
fics written (alphabetal order by title):
everything you say (is a sweet revelation) (downton abbey)
love shall be our token, (downton abbey)
vulnerary, (downton abbey)
what we must to get by (downton abbey)
you will not take my heart, alive (downton abbey)
» honorable mentions: to be between two religions (les misérables), praxis (les misérables).
fics read (published in 2019 only, alphabetical order by title):
beloved by watfordbird33 (downton abbey)
enter ellis by likehandlingroses (downton abbey)
root and vine by akallabeth (les misérables)
that we may have cider by darthnickels (downton abbey)
then came hallelujah sounding by infinitecalm (downton abbey)
» honorable mentions: iridescence by baronmaximilian (les misérables), the sacred and profane memories of thomas barrow by sallyboles.
miscellaneous things:
fiddler on the roof, playhouse theatre, london (theatrical performances)
greek dolmades (foods eaten)
the mediterranean sea (bodies of water encountered)
tanztheatre (dance classes taken)
a metal lizard with embedded river stones (tangible gifts received)
i went to san francisco twice!
lara visited in may!
i met four online friends for the first time! (@oilan, @undomestication, @thinkofaugust, @baronmpontmercy)
spent two weeks in london by myself, went to greece with my girlfriend & her family, had an overall lovely july
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mobius-prime · 4 years
116. Knuckles the Echidna #21
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The Forbidden Zone (Part Three of Three): The Many Facets of the Truth
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Manny Galan Colors: Barry Grossman
Cold opening, go!
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As Heavy and Bomb are being swept away in the current, Locke's aircraft arrives and catches everyone in some kind of antigravity beam, pulling them up into the craft's interior. At one point before they're caught by the beam, just before they go over a waterfall, Heavy complains that they're in "deep doo-doo," and Bomb acts like this is some crazy newfangled term he's never heard of before, prompting Heavy to explain that he hears Valdez say it all the time when he's called on by Geoffrey. I just love the idea that "doo-doo" is some secret swear word or something in this universe. I mean, can you imagine some grizzled freaking Secret Service member being irritated by something his commander tells him to do and muttering "Oh, doo-doo" under his breath? Because that's exactly what Valdez apparently does. Canon.
Meanwhile, back in Haven, the various members of the Brotherhood start chattering to each other immediately about how much of a disaster this is for Knuckles to have found his way into Haven, while Tobor-itori Rex sulks in the background realizing his plans have just fallen to pieces right before his eyes. Archimedes poofs in to try to reassure Knuckles that "things aren't what they seem," but Knuckles isn't having it and brushes him off (which, to be fair, I know that Archimedes is probably just as indoctrinated into this regime as everyone else, but Knuckles still has a point that he could have told him more about everything before and actively didn't). Finally the Brotherhood decide to start introducing themselves and let fate decide what happens next.
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Oof. Knuckles, having no real choice, follows Moritori to the medbay, and is surprised to see Hawking in one of the beds. Moritori explains how he fell into a coma when he restored Echidnaopolis to its proper place on the Floating Island, and quietly fills a syringe behind Knuckles back. Frankly, if I were Knuckles I wouldn't have turned my back on him even for a moment knowing what I know, but eh, we already know he doesn't always make the smartest decisions.
Meanwhile on Locke's craft, Geoffrey asks for more information regarding Elias' survival on the island all these years. He recounts how after the crash, he and the rest of the Brotherhood searched the craft and discovered everyone dead except for baby Elias and Queen Alicia.
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The Overlanders came demanding to inspect the craft, but the Brotherhood was able to use their existing precedent as a neutral party in the war to deny them access, lying that they found everyone aboard dead. They decided not to return Elias to the king, fearing the Overlanders would think they took sides in the war, and instead raised him within Haven until he was ten years old, whereupon they released him to wander the island as he saw fit. They also put the queen into a stasis chamber, as she was in a coma and they didn't have the necessary medical knowledge to be able to revive her. However, they'd actually missed one survivor of the crash - the Colonel, who had been thrown clear of the wreckage when the craft broke up, landing somewhere further away. When he awoke, he wandered and was eventually found by the king's search party, but in grief he refused to go back with them and exiled himself to the royal compound on the island where he remained ever since.
While Locke is telling this story, the craft has been approaching the entrance to Haven, concealed by the holographic projection of the wall of flame. As they enter, with Geoffrey expressing his wish to speak directly to Tobor since he was particularly instrumental in helping clean up the site of the crash, we get to see what Fake Tobor is up to in the medbay. As you might expect, it's no good!
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Well now, I hardly think Knuckles is the self-centered one here, Moritori. After all, you're the one who replaced a man's entire life with your own, sabotaging every relationship he's ever had and forcing him into a shameful exile just to get an edge for your own selfish goals. They fight some more, and Moritori reveals that his eyepiece can actually shoot lasers, because sure man, lasers! As they continue to duke it out, Locke lands his craft in their docking bay just as alarms start to go off. He decides to simply drop everyone off except for Lara-Le, giving Elias the task to take everyone to Sabre and privately telling him to tell Knuckles "I'm sorry." Wow, maybe Lara-Le has actually gotten through to him somewhat after all. As Elias' entourage makes its way through the hallways they narrowly miss being sliced in half by Moritori's lasers like they’re in a Resident Evil movie, and Knuckles starts tackling him again. Suddenly some heavy-duty doors start closing off the part of the hallway, and Archimedes poofs in to encourage him to jump to safety, trapping Moritori inside.
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Just so we're aware, I don't think it's been mentioned so far, but Spectre is Tobor's son, meaning that for all he knows, right now he just saw his own father turn traitor. Of course, they'll all find out there's more to what's going on soon enough. Knuckles and Elias' gang meet up in the hallways, and Knuckles mentions something about hating having to fight the Dark Legion. At that moment the rest of the Brotherhood (sans Locke) turn up, shocked to hear an accusation that Tobor might have been affiliated with them, and Spectre opens the blast doors only to find that Moritori is gone.
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According to Spectre, "Shinginta" is an old word in an ancient echidna language meaning "you will make friends with death." I'm not sure if we're meant to assume Moritori just randomly had pen and paper on him, or if he carved it into the wall with his eye lasers, but I'm going with the second option because it's way more metal. Back in Locke's craft, he's finally allowing Lara-Le to try to discuss Knuckles with him, but gets defensive almost as soon as she begins to speak, asking her sarcastically if she wants him to explain the birds and the bees, because he already has. Kind of a hilarious thing to include considering we're literally talking about Locke sitting baby Knuckles down and teaching him the ins and outs of echidna sex, and maybe not a comment necessary to include in a kids' comic, but hey, at least we know Locke is a good enough parent to give his son a decent sex education instead of leaving him in the dark like a lot of modern parents do, eh? Although, on the other hand, there's the ever-looming fact that Guardians are expected to enter into little heterosexual marriages and produce heirs for the family line, so maybe not so great of him after all. He then finds Remington, his pilot, Julie-Su and Wynmacher still stuck in their downed craft outside of Haven, because remember, all this time they've just been stuck in there while Knuckles randomly disappeared into the wall of fire.
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Boi, you better get over your old feelings for her quick. Wynmacher is honestly a very likable character compared to him; look how polite he is to someone he knows broke his fiancée's heart, how kind he's been to Knuckles all this time treating him like his own son, and how well he looks after Lara-Le's feelings. He's a way better partner to Lara-Le than Locke ever was, and she deserves him after all Locke put her through. But anyway, meanwhile back in Haven, we finally reach the third day of Geoffrey's time on the island, and Elias brings him and the rest of the Secret Service to the chamber where his mother is in stasis.
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Geoffrey plans to take the queen's stasis pod back to Mobotropolis straightaway, and Elias decides he will come with, as he wishes to see his father now that he knows he's alive and well. Knuckles, however, plans to stay in Haven and get the answers he's always wished for, and frankly has earned the right to know.
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weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
And the summer that never was continues with no new movies in theaters unless you include a number of select drive-ins scattered across the country. There’s a lot of new stuff out this weekend, some good, some bad, but we’re getting to a point where every distributor big or small is dumping their movies to VOD in hopes of making money. But I guess that means there’s a lot more options of things to see, right?
The Virtual Oxford Film Festival continues this Friday with the virtual premieres of Steve Collins’ comedy I’ve Got Issues and the unrelated doc feature, I Am Not Alone (Note: both of these are only available for folks in Mississippi!). Also, the Hello, Gorgeous Shorts block (love the names they come up with to put these shorts together!) will debut with 8 new shorts, including Bad Assistant. You can get tickets to all of these things at the festival’s Eventive page.
For the next few days only, you can also win the Oxford Film Festival award-winning short Finding Cleveland right here for free! The film directed by Larissa Lam that follows husband Baldwin Chiu’s journey to Mississippi to investigate his roots will have its feature version, Far East Deep South, premiere as part of Oxford’s virtual festival in June.
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One of the better films I watched this week (I guess that makes it this week’s “Featured Film”) is Lara Gallagher’s feature debut CLEMENTINE (Oscilloscope), a seemingly simple two-hander indie drama showcasing two fantastically talented actors in Otmara Marrero and Sydney Sweeney (HBO’s Euphoria). Marrero plays Karen, a young woman looking to get away after ending a relationship with a significantly older woman, deciding to break into her lover’s isolated lakeside home. There, she encounters Sweeney’s Lana, a mischievous younger teen of indeterminate age who Karen befriends. The two of them get closer as Karen is still in mourning for her previous relationship, but as she learns more about Lana, things clearly aren’t what they seem.
Gallagher has written a sweet and subdued character piece that at times veers into thriller territory but never goes so far across that line to take away from the drama. At the film’s core is the mystery about the two young women and their respective pasts, because we don’t even learn that much about Karen before heading to the lakeside house.
where there’s a lot of mystery about both of the young women at the story’s core, There were aspects of the movie that reminded me of the recent dramatic thriller Tape, where there’s also an aspect of sexual abuse and revenge, but it really never goes to places that might be expected. I’m a little bummed that I missed this at Tribeca last year, and part of that can be blamed on the enigmatic title which doesn’t really give a sense of what the movie is about at all. But Gallagher and her cast have done a fantastic job with a film that’s not necessarily easy to define or describe but leaves you with a warm feeling that films like this can still be made. (See Never Rarely Sometimes Always as another example of this.)
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Now might be the perfect time for Matt Wolf’s new doc, SPACESHIP EARTH (Neon), which is all about the eight people who locked themselves into Biosphere II in the early ‘90s with the plans to live inside the ecologically self-contained environment for two years. Neon had two amazing scientific docs in 2019, Apollo 11 and The Biggest Little Farm, both which were in my Top 10 for the year, so imagine my disappointment when neither of them received Oscar nominations. Wolf previously directed 2013’s Teenage and last year’s Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project, the latter being a decent doc using archival footage, and Spaceship Earth mixes all of the amazing archival footage with interviews with many of the key characters. In case you weren’t familiar with Biosphere II, it was an experiment set up where 8 individuals would spend two years inside an environment that’s meant to be fully self-sufficient. Wolf’s film goes back to the start of what was essentially a theater group who put together a number of global projects before tackling Biosphere II, a project that wasn’t taken very seriously by the scientific community because there were no scientists among the group. It was seen as “ecological entertainment” by some and a cult by others, and those feelings increase when it was discovered that not everything is what it seems. When an accident causes one of the “biospherians” to have to go outside, she ends up sneaking things back into Biosphere II, which is against the rules set up by the group. It’s a fairly fascinating doc if you were around during this time but only heard about it filtered through the news and the PR, but Wolf’s film goes deep into the project and the controversy surrounding it, as well as when it inevitably goes wrong. Wolf manages to get many of those involved, including the group’s leader, John Allen, and there’s even an appearance by another figure from U.S. politics who had their own documentary just last year! This is a really strong doc that is getting a digital release and apparently, it will even be screened on the sides of some buildings, which is a cool idea in this time where there aren’t many theaters.
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A relatively big hit in the UK, BLUE STORY (Paramount), the directorial feature debut of British rapper Rapman, adapted from his own YouTube series, is now available via digital download, having originally been planned to get a US theatrical release in March. It’s about the friendship of two young British teens, Timmy and Marco, from the Peckham area of London but from opposite sides of what’s become a violent street gang feud. I saw this movie way back on March 11, and I had to rewatch it more recently since I had forgotten whether I liked it or hated it. I’m probably somewhere more in between, as I thought the young leads, Stephen Odubola (Timmy) and Micheal Ward (Marco), were both terrific in a movie that generally had some storytelling and pacing issues. 
Honestly, I didn’t understand a lot of what was going on due to the heavy accents (even with the necessary subtitles), but it also didn’t really stand up to last year’s Les Miserables,  a film set in a similar setting in France, but that one  was nominated for an Oscar after being submitted by France. Besides writing and directing, Rapman also acts as the film’s ad-hoc narrator through a number of raps that gives his film a bit of a hip-hop musical feel. I’m not sure I was crazy about this decision since a lot of the time he is recapping something that we just saw take place.
The film definitely has a unique energy, as the first half alternates between youthful innocence and faux machismo, neither which generally does very much for me.   I did enjoy the film’s romantic underpinnings as it shows young love between Timmy and a classmate named Leah (Karla-Simone Spence) , but that storyline comes to an abrupt and shocking halt about 45 minutes into the movie before the story jumps forward three years into something very different.  (To be honest, the romantic aspects were handled in a far more interesting way in the recent indie Premature.) The movie does get far more dramatic and tense in this last act, while it also shows what a talented cast Rapman has put together in order for them to shift gears into the very different tone the movie then takes. It’s a jarring change, but it adds to what Rapman was trying to do in making Blue Story an almost-Shakespearean coming-of-age story set against an authentic urban landscape. I’m not 100% sure Blue Story will connect with young urban Americans in the same way as it clearly did in the UK, because the dialect and slang that pervades the film often makes it difficult to follow, but it’s quite a striking debut from the rapper/filmmaker.
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Next up is VALLEY GIRL (Orion Pictures), a musical remake of Martha Coolidge’s 1983 movie that introduced many people to one Nicolas Cage. The new movie is directed by Rachel Lee Goldenberg (A Deadly Adoption, “The Mindy Project”), and it stars the wonderful Jessica Rothe (Happy Death Day) as Julie Richman, the valley girl of the title who is going to high school with her valley girl friends but becomes enamored with the punk kid Randy (Josh Whitehouse), who comes from a very different world. I’m not sure what else I can tell you about Valley Girl, since I’m under embargo on this one until Friday, so I’m not sure if I can tell you if it’s good or bad. I will say that if you like popular ‘80s groups like Modern English and others, the movie may give you a smile. It also stars Alicia Silverstone as the older Julie, telling her own daughter this story in a framing sequence, as well as Judy Greer as Julie’s mother and others, such as Mae Whitman, who can really belt it out in her role as Randy’s bandmate, “Jack.”  This is supposed to open in some of those aforementioned drive-ins, as well as being available digitally.
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Getting away from this week’s musicals, Clark Duke co-wrote and stars in his feature film directorial debut, ARKANSAS (Lionsgate), based on John Brandon’s novel. I haven’t read the novel, but Clark plays a lowlife named Swin, a drug-runner along with his partner Kyle (Liam Hemsworth), both of them pretending to be park rangers. Kyle is particularly interested in learning more about their enigmatic boss, the Arkansas-based drug kingpin known only as “Frog,” but their business arrangements get more complicated.
I had a few problems with this movie, much of it coming from the relatively weak writing that comes across like it was made by someone who has watched way too many Scorsese or Tarantino movies without really understanding why those filmmakers’ movies are so brilliant. I hate to say it, because I generally like Duke as an actor, but casting himself in the role of Swin without doing much beyond growing a moustache to make himself look sleazier really didn’t much for the material. He was a very odd pairing with the rugged and tougher Hemsworth.
The best part of the film is when it flashes back to 1985 West Memphis and we meet the actual “Frog,” played by Vince Vaughn, and we see him interacting with Michael K. Williams’ “Almond,” who he betrays to take over his drug business. I liked this bit of the movie even if Vaughn’s accent wasn’t great, but then we’re back to Duke and Hemsworth in present day, and that doesn’t hold up as well. Clarke overcomplicates things by creating a non-linear narrative that jumps back and forth in time and between two storylines – again, like Pulp Fiction – but the storytelling and dialogue doesn’t do enough to make up for the confusion this cause.
Clark certainly has brought on some decent actors, such as John Malkovich and Vivica A. Fox, but making himself the focus of much of the movie compared to the far more charismatic Hemsworth, hurts the movie more than helps it. I didn’t hate Eden Brolin as Swin’s love interest, Johnna, but they really didn’t enough chemistry to make them believable as a couple.  Don’t get me wrong. I definitely commend Clark on taking on such a big project as his directorial debut, and it definitely grew on me, but it’s an erratic piece that pays tribute to far better films and that is its biggest detriment.  Originally planned for a theatrical release on May 1, Arkansas will instead hit Apple, Amazon, On Demand platforms, DVD and Blu-Ray on Tuesday.
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Beanie Feldstein from last year’s Book Smart stars in Coky (“Harlots”) Giedroyc’s HOW TO BUILD A GIRL (IFC Films) as Johanna Morrigan, an ambitious 16-year-old from Wolverhampton, England who gets a job at music magazine “D&ME.” She creates an alter-ego pseudonym for herself in Dolly Wilde, and quickly learns she has to be mean in order to succeed and earn the respect of her peers as one of the UK’s most hated music journalists, even after falling in love withs (and then betraying) rock star John Kite (Alfie Allen, who also was on “Harlots”).
Based on British journalist Caitlin Moran’s 2014 semi-autobiographical novel of the same name, I definitely should have liked this movie more, having been a regular reader of the Melody Maker around the time Moran would have been writing for it. The screenplay she’s co-written adapting her own book isn’t great, and everyone involved just seems to be trying too hard to be funny and failing miserably.
I guess the biggest issue, once you adjust to Beanie Feldstein’s British accent, which falls somewhere between Harry Potter and the Beatles, is that it’s hard to care about her character even a little, since she’s acting all quirky one second and then becomes a monster as the film goes along. Johanna is just annoying and when she transforms into “Dolly,” she becomes even worse.
Paddy Considine plays Johanna/Dolly’s father, who still has aspirations of being a rock star after giving birth to a huge brood of children. There’s a few other small roles from other actors like Emma Thompson, Michael Sheen and Gemma Anderton, many of them portraying Johanna’s author inspirations talking to her from her wall of idols.
How to Build a Girl is just another example of the sad state of British comedies, although there are a few shining stars like last year’s Yesterday, which was in my top 10, and this year’s Emma. This one just isn’t particularly funny, and there’s a general feeling of been-there seen-that, as it tells a fairly typical rise and fall story where Dolly’s debauchery turns into an awful human being, and it’s not like I liked her much to begin with.  She isn’t as funny as intended and then she gets awful, and it’s impossible to feel bad for her when things ultimately go wrong. Anyway, five minutes later, everything is fine.
It’s the type of autobiographical thing that a writer writes to make themselves look like some kind of hero, and it reminds me a bit of last year’s Blinded by the Light in some ways. h I know a lot of people liked the movie, but I wasn’t really a fan at all. This movie is even less funny and not particularly original, making it feel about as pretentious as the British music press became in the ‘90s. Either way, it will be available to watch at home via VOD as well as in some open drive-ins where applicable.
There are a ton more movies this week, and unfortunately, I didn’t get to fully watch many of the movies below, though I still hope to watch more of these over the next few days and may add a few more reviews.
I heard good things about Christophe Honoré’s comedy ON A MAGICAL NIGHT (Strand Releasing), particularly about Chiara Mastroiani’s performance as Maria, which won her an acting award at last year’s Cannes. She plays Maria, a woman dissatisfied with her marriage of 20 years, who moves into a hotel room across the street after getting into an argument with her husband (singer Benjamin Biolay). I haven’t gotten through it yet as it seems, like so many French movies, to be very talky, but I’ll try to get to it. It will open virtually as part of Film at Lincoln Center’s virtual cinema, following its debut at the “Rendezvous with French Cinema” series that was unfortunately cut short midway this year.
Also continuing this weekend is Cinema Tropical’s “Cinema Tropical Collection” of Brazilian films, this week’s being Caetano Gotardo’s YOUR BONES, YOUR EYES,  in which the filmmaker stars as João, a middle class São Paulo filmmaker who has long conversations and monologues with the people around him.
There are a few other docs available virtually this week, including Sasha Joseph Neulinger’s REWIND (FilmRise), a collection of home videos from 20 years ago, when his father would film family gatherings but also documenting a family secret that would lead to a media firestorm and a court battle.  The film will be available to stream and download on iTunes, Prime Video, GooglePlay and Microsoft this Friday, and then will air as part of PBS’s Independent Lens on Monday, May 11.  
The Maysles Cinema in Harlem is continuing its virtual cinema with Alex Glustrom’s MOSSVILLE: WHEN THE GREAT TREES FALL, which will be available for a 48-hour VOD rental for $12 from Thursday through April 14 with a Zoom QnA with the filmmakers on Saturday at noon Eastern. The film centers around Mossville, Louisiana, a community founded by former African-American slaves that has been overrun by petrochemical plants and toxic clouds that have forced residents from their homes. Glustrom’s film focuses on Stacey Ryan, a man who refuses to abandon his family’s land and fights for his own human rights.
Apparently, William Nicholson’s HOPE GAP (Screen Media) is getting a second chance to be seen on VOD after a rather half-hearted theatrical release on March 6. It stars  Annette Bening as Grace who is dealing with her husband of 29 years (Bill Nighy) leaving her and how that break-up affects their grown-up son (Josh O’Connor).
Following its premiere as part of the virtual Tribeca Film Festival, Emily Cohn’s sex comedy, CRSHD (Light Year), will get a virtual theatrical release in New York, LA and other regional markets. It stars Isabelle Barbier as college freshman Izzy Alden who goes with her best friends (Deeksha Ketkar, Sadie Scott) on a journey to help Izzy lose her virginity.
Also in select theaters, on demand and digital this Friday is José Magán’s The Legion (Saban Films/Paramount), starring Mickey Rourke, Bai Ling and Lee Partridge. It takes place during the invasion of Parthia where two Roman legions are brought to a standstill in Armenia’s snowy mountains where they’re dying from the cold. Their only hope against the cold and the Parthian patrols is half-roman soldier, Noreno, who must cross the mountains to find the men who can help them change the course of this losing battle.
On VOD starting Thursday is Spa Night director Andrew Ahn’s Driveways (FilmRise), starring Hong Chau from HBO’s “Watchmen” and Alexander Payne’s Downsizing as Kathy, a single mother who is travelling with her 8-year-old son Cody (Lucas Jaye) to her dead sister’s house with plans to clean and sell it. There, she befriends a Korean war vet named Del (played by the late Brian Denneny), who quickly bonds with her young son.
Also in theaters and On Demand is Tom Wright’s Walkaway Joe (Quiver Distribution), starring David Strathairn and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, a film about an unlikely friendship between a young boy and a wandering loner, who helps the boy look for his father in pool halls across the country.
This week’s Netflix offerings including the comedy special, Jerry Seinfeld: 23 Hours to Kill, presumably taped at one of his nights in residency at the Beacon Theater. The hour-long special is now available and has been said might be Seinfeld’s last special. The Michelle Obama doc, Becoming, will also be on Netflix by the time you read this. It’s the first feature length doc from Nadia Hallgren, and its produced by the Obamas, much like the recent Sundance opener, Crip Camp, and last year’s Oscar winner, American Factory.  The second season of Dead to Me also debuts on Friday as well as a number of other series.
In case you missed it earlier in the week, you can now watch last year’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker on Disney+, which means the entire nonology is now on Disney+. You can also watch a new docuseries about the making of last year’s hit, The Mandalorian, called Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian, which has Jon Favreau doing roundtables with some of the creatives with the first episode, “Directing,” now on the service and the second episode, “Legacy,” premiering on Friday.
The new Hulu animated series, Solar Opposites, will premiere on the streaming service this Friday. It’s the new series co-created by Justin Roiland and Mike McMahan (respectively the co-creator and former head writer of Rick and Morty), and it features a voice cast that includes Roiland, Thomas Middleditch, Mary Mack and Sean Giambrone with a huge line of guest voices, including Alan Tudyk, Alfred Molina, Christina Hendricks, Tiffany Haddish and many, many more!
The final film in Lionsgate’s Friday Night at the Movies will be Keanu Reeves’ John Wick, which will show for free on the Lionsgate website on Friday night starting at 9pm Eastern.
Next week, more movies not in theaters!
By the way, if you read this week’s column and have bothered to read this far down, feel free to drop me some thoughts at Edward dot Douglas at Gmail dot Com or drop me a note or tweet on Twitter. I love hearing from readers … honest!
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skammovistarplus · 5 years
Culture and Translation - S01E09
SKAM+ Clip 4 will get its own post because it’s a fairly long clip and also really dense in terms of content. For now, let’s all marvel as Eva’s life goes fantastically off the rails. 
CLIP 1: “Now I have really shit the bed,” Eva says. But that bed will be further soiled soon.
Yo soy Lara y le parto la cara, pero mucho más. Se ha quedado corta (“If I was Lara I’d smash her face harder. I mean, that wasn’t enough”): “Partir la cara” literally means to “break Eva’s face in half,” like you would with a cinder block if you were a martial artist. “Quedarse corta” means that, in the speaker’s opinion, Lara didn’t go far enough and further violence would’ve been socially appropriate in order to make things even between Lara and Eva.
La sueltita (“the trollop”): “Sueltita” literally means “loose,” but the suffix “-ita” makes it a diminutive. So the speaker is calling Eva “loosey,” if that were something you’d say in English.
Ahora sí que la he cagado bien (“now I have really shit the bed”): The literal translation would be something like, “Now I have really shat it out but good.” Don’t mind me, I just enjoy every instance of poop-related language.
El mierda seca que lo ha soltado todo (“the shitstain who ran their mouth”): “Mierdaseca” is literally dry turd, lol. So the literal translation is, “The dry turd who let it all out.”
CLIP 2: Shitting the bed, pt. II
It’s really hard to make out what the boys are saying in this scene. Lucas does say that they (presumably his parents) “están hasta los cojones.” As I’ve mentioned before, “cojones” is the rudest way you could talk about somebody’s balls. It is a lot ruder than saying “balls” in English, but there’s no real good equivalent in American English.
¿Te crees que soy gilipollas? (“Do you think I’m a moron?”): “Gilipollas” is a dual purpose swear word in Spanish. It can either mean “asshole” or someone so dumb that it’s a wonder they can walk and breathe at the same time. It is not ableist language, it has never been a scientific term for people with intellectual disabilities.  
¡Yo no he dicho una puta mierda! (“I haven’t said shit!”): More specifically, Lucas says he hasn’t said “fucking shit.” 😂
Es que me parece flipante (“I’m tweaking out”): Again, Eva uses “flipante,” which is the adjective form of “flipar” (to trip, in a drug sense). Since Eva is having all these (completely wrong) epiphanies right now, I thought I’d do her one better and phrased it as “tweaking out.”
¡Es que me la suda! (“I don’t give a shit!”): Okay, so when Spaniards really, really don’t care about something, we say that whatever it is we don’t care about “me suda la polla” or “me suda el coño.” This literally means that thing you don’t care about is… sweat dripping down your dick, or your pussy, depending. So. Yeah. That’s how little Lucas now cares about Eva’s opinion of him. Sweat off his dick. For the record, yes, this is a fairly rude thing to say, but as you might’ve gathered from these posts, and just from watching Skam España… We use this idiom on the daily. It’s shocking coming from Lucas, but only because he uses it as a Precision F-Strike, not because it’s any stronger than the way the characters usually speak.
CLIP 3: Squad no longer
¿Esto no sera verdad? (“This can’t be true?”): So, right away, Viri has a belligerent tone, and also asks Eva this question. The literal translation is, “This isn’t going to be true?” As in, “this had better not be true, sis.” So Viri puts Eva on the spot with her opening line.
I think the Skam España crew should’ve waited a little longer before shooting this scene, lol. Unless Viri was tagged on one of the pics, there is no fucking way she’d have seen the hate ig unless she was present when it was created. It’s only been three minutes since the pictures were posted.
Ya son ganas de meter mierda (“You really have to be a shit stirrer to pull this”): A more literal translation would be, “You gotta be eager to shit stir.” I reworked it so the meaning came across more clearly.
So I guess a good question is, is what the girls did and said in this clip true to Spanish teens? I think that’s a very complicated question, but worth asking. Obviously, it depends on the person. Viri has her own character arc that we’ll deal with through subsequent posts. When it comes to Amira and Cris, though, my take is this. Spaniards will go hard for a friend. Amira and Cris have needed to be held back from telling Inés what’s what, if not outright fighting her. But, if you go so hard for a friend, you expect reciprocity. You don’t expect to have the rug pulled from under your feet, which is the way Amira and Cris feel. If Eva had told them about her history with Inés beforehand, there’s a chance they’d have told Inés to get over it and fuck off. Eva just didn’t give them the chance to process the info and then make the choice to defend her.
CLIP 4: We’ve reached peak Youth’s Daughter
It took me a while to decide whether I wanted to use “copying” or “cheating,” and it was a total waste of time, because I clearly should’ve gone for “cheating” and not “copying.”
How many remakes have used Youth’s Daughter at this point? It’s even on the soundtrack of the movie Lisa Teige starred in, Battle. Hopefully the remakes avoid song fatigue in the future, although some artists, such as Billie Eilish, Troye Sivan or Mona Haydar, seem almost compulsory.
CLIP 5: Puns are a translator’s nightmare
After squinting at Eva’s exam for a good while, I feel pretty confident about saying that the high school is named after Margarita Manso. Margarita Manso was a painter and general eschewer of rules. It’s worth noting that she was close friends with Federico García Lorca, who was killed by fascists during the Spanish civil war. García Lorca stood accused of being a socialist, a freemason and a homosexual, and was executed. His body has never been found. However, Margarita Manso also married a fascist, Alfonso Ponce de León, who was himself executed by the faction supporting the government. Here’s a pic of Margarita:
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No, that’s not the actual name of the high school where they shoot the show. As mentioned elsewhere, Spanish fans can be very intense and it’s in the cast’s best interests to avoid a Nissen situation.
Lucas was not done with that exam, lol. And Eva wasn’t even close to finished, yikes.
Nora sings Lo Malo to Eva. Lo Malo was written by Brisa Fenoy and performed by Aitana (again!) and Ana Guerra. Since the lyrics are a key element of the scene, they’re included in the subs. I just want to explain some of the puns in the lyrics.
Tira porque te toca a ti perder (“Roll because it’s your turn to lose”): “Tira,” in this context, would mean “get out of my face,” but also, “roll the dice.” So, roll the dice because now it’s your turn to lose, but also, get out of my face, I’m over your shit. I hope “roll” helped convey both meanings.
Tiro porque me toca a mí otra vez (“I roll because it’s my turn again”): Another pun about rolling dice. I’m rolling the dice, because I got a second roll of the dice, but also, I’m leaving because I got rid of you, and this time it’s about me.
Pero si me toca, toca, tócame (“But if it’s my turn, touch-a, touch me”): “Toca” can also have several meanings. In this case, it can either mean that it’s my turn (“me toca”) or begging to be touched/stroked/caressed (“tócame”).
As for whether Lo Malo fits the role Baby played in the original… First off, I have to say that William, in that scene, is styled to look like Baby-era Justin Bieber, what with the hood pulled up. Julie Andem is making a connection between the music Noora is embarrassed to listen to, and the boy Noora is ashamed to find hot. There’s nothing embarrassing about liking Aitana and Ana Guerra as artists, per se, other than they got their start at a talent show and dueted on this song because they were contractually obligated to do so. That said, the lyrics fit Nora and Alejandro thematically and, on top of that, the song was really. Seriously. Incredibly. Overplayed in Spain in the summer of 2018, much like Baby was in its time.
Lo llevo muy jodido (“I have a fucking F in it”): I fought with this line so hard, and even as the episode was rendering, I knew I would regret my choice. Alejandro is also making a pun. He says he’s been consistently getting bad grades in English, but he also means that all his efforts to hook up with Nora have failed. There isn’t really a good translation for his line, but if we ever fix our subs, I’d go with, “I’m fucked, if I keep this up.” Or something akin to that!
CLIP 6: Queen Lara
“Hey, dude, give me a sip.” Why did I sub this line? Because it was oddly clear, and it just… seemed like I should… 😬
Tú sabrás el rollo que te llevas con tu novio (“Whatever deal you have with your boyfriend, that’s up to you”): This is one of those lines that took me a while to settle on a translation for. I’m happy with the line, but I’ll expand on what Lara means. She means to say that Eva’s relationship with Jorge is not Lara’s business. When it comes to the part that affects Lara, she doesn’t blame Eva, and fully blames Cristian. Whatever led Eva to kiss Cristian, and whether that’s something Jorge is cool with or isn’t, Lara thinks it’s not her place to judge or speak about.
I think it’s kinda funny that the fandom is chill with Lara reading Cristian’s texts and not regretting doing so, despite the show making it clear that’s not kosher, but thinks Viri is an asshole for posting the Cristian/rando pic (which the show also looked down on when it was the hate ig doing it, to be clear).
CLIP 7: Kicking Eva when she’s down
You don’t know how much I want to know where those stairs are.
Y habíamos quedado (“And you were supposed to come to the party”): Eva says she and Jorge “habían quedado,” which as I explained last post, means they had arranged to meet. In this case, they had arranged that both Eva and Jorge would party at Nora’s. So, not the exact translation, but the best option, given how vague the original sentence is.
Si Quieres Volver by El Imperio del Perro is the song which closes the clip and plays over the credits. I translated the lyrics that are used on the show:
You should understand That I’m in deep shit Any decision Smells bad where I stand
And now I’ll carry The shame on my back And I’ll be yet another person Who’ll apologize wordlessly
Tell me if you want to get back together (5x)
It’s so simple To ruin everything And watch as it burns
Something forces me to go on and Enjoy when it leaves I felt the need To jump in the well There was something else, I couldn’t see it
Tell me if you want to get back together (10x)
Social media:
Some people watch Skam and the remakes without keeping up with the social media aspect of the show. In general, I feel like you can watch Skam without the social media, and not miss anything of importance. But if you watch Skam España season 1 without the social media, you’ll miss a couple important details.
First, while the show was airing, the hate account felt inescapable. It updated very often and at random times, so that the real-time viewer first felt shocked, then tired, then massively over it. Someone who comes into the show late, needs to know that we would sometimes get excited because there was an update, but oh. It was yet more abuse.
Second, a viewer who watches the season without the social media, misses the actual chain of events, which is as follows:
Viri shares the following pic with Inés privately at some point during the week:
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Clip 7 drops at 20:40.
Inés uploads the pic to her insta stories at 20:43.
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By 20:45, the instagram profile @eva_la_z0rra or @eva_the s1ut, has taken the picture from Inés’ ig stories and cropped it, so that Eva and Cristian are the focus of the pic.
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As a sidenote, Inés captions the pic like so: “wow, alex and alba came out cute… 🙊” Álex and Alba are Lucas’ and Eva’s actors’ real names.        
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bbclesmis · 5 years
King Of The Castle: At Home With Dominic West
As the star of HBO's The Wire and The Affair, Dominic West made his name playing conflicted Americans battling their demons and struggling to find their places in the world. And cheating on their women. In real life, he's a self-deprecating father of four from outside Sheffield, and among his chief preoccupations is how to preserve the 800-year-old Irish castle inherited by his wife.
"Excuse me," says Dominic West, "I’m just going to wipe this so you can sit down and you won’t be infected with disease." About seven crumbs on his otherwise clean kitchen table disappear with the swipe of a tea towel, and he gets back to the business of making lunch. We’re in the kitchen of his house in Wiltshire, where he lives with his wife Catherine and their four children.
His head turns from cupboard to cupboard, like he’s watching a tennis match. “Where has the rice gone? Would you like rice?”
Yes please, if that’s what you’re having.
“I am, if I can fucking find it.”
He fucking finds it and a pan of rice goes on the hob next to the pan of leftover beef stew. “So I’m on the cover?” he says, looking out of the window. “But doesn’t that mean you’ve got to try and make it interesting?”
In 2000, Dominic West joined an Argentinian circus. This was the year before he auditioned for and won his breakthrough role of Detective Jimmy McNulty on The Wire and the year after he had a single line (“The boy’s here to see Padmé”) as a guard of one of those science-fiction sliding doors in Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace. He was 30, five years out of drama school and father to a one-year-old daughter.
The circus, De La Guarda, had a show, also called De La Guarda, at the Roundhouse in Camden. It was the hottest ticket in London that year. The audience entered the round to ambient music under a low paper ceiling. Performers would burst through the paper, on ropes, and eventually a pounding live soundtrack accompanied a dozen or more roped performers as they ran around the walls of the circular venue. Water rained down. Some audience members would be lifted into the air; others, perhaps more fortunate, would be pressed into urgent dancing with attractive, adrenalised Argentinians unclipped from their shackles. Or indeed, West himself.
‘What’s amazing,’ says Keira Knightley, ‘is that Dominic can play characters who should be total dickheads, yet he manages to give them a point of view and his own incredible charm. It is a great skill’
“Why did I do it?” says West, somewhat incredulously. “You saw it! Wouldn’t you want to run away and join that circus? It was such a sexy show. I saw it in London and New York, then heard they were auditioning in London and I had to do it. I did a lot of shows in five months with those amazing men and women, then they went to Vegas. It was a disaster there. The water. People dressed up for a Vegas show — of course they didn’t want to get wet.”
West didn’t want to go to Vegas. But he would end up spending a lot more time in America, filming five seasons of The Wire and four seasons of The Affair, with a fifth and final one due to start filming a couple of days after we make lunch.
“The toughest part of making these big episodic American television shows is missing my family and the boredom,” he says, gearing himself up for the process to begin again. “Sitting around waiting and not being bored is hard. There was a time when I had a play in the West End [Butley, 2011] and was learning Iago [for Othello] and I had more on than usual. That was hard work, but the harder that aspect of the work gets, the more enjoyable it is. Actual graft is what’s great about acting. That’s something I relish, because most of the time, it’s about coping with tedium.”
To stop himself being bored on set, West likes to have fun. “You can’t not have fun with him,” says Keira Knightley, soon to be seen alongside West in the film Colette. “I think fun is something that Dominic brings to everything. He very much likes a night out, is always up for a laugh and is, in the best way, wicked. And he is a phenomenally good actor, he really is. So effortless.”
“For a lot of us,” Knightley says, “who do actually need to concentrate when we’re working, it’s, ‘How are you that good when you're chatting and joking until the very last second?’ Even I had to tell him to shut up so I could concentrate. Which I had to do quite a lot.”
West is not about to shut up. And he’s not the only one. “I just did a thing with Olivia Colman [a BBC mini-series adaptation of Les Misérables] and: fuck me! Ha ha ha! The whole thing is like playing top-level sports with her. How frivolous can you be up to ‘Action!’ and then be amazing. She doesn’t do that consciously, she is just really fucking good. She is way, way, way better than me. I had to stop listening to her because she is so funny.”
Then a more serious thought occurs. “Malcolm Gladwell’s thing about 10,000 hours [the writer’s theory, from his book Outliers, that to be expert in any field requires that exact amount of practice time]? I worked it out and I’ve had at least 20,000 hours. I’ve acted so much now I can turn it on and off, and that’s maybe where the humour thing comes in. I have had an awful lot of practice at this.”
Dominic West first got the taste for drama when he was nine years old. His mother, Moya, gave him a part in her amateur production of The Winslow Boy, at Sheffield University’s drama studio. His father, George, had a factory in Wakefield that made vandal-proof bus shelters. George’s father, Harold, a managing director of a steelworks in Barnsley, fought in WWI and was wounded at the Battle of Vimy Ridge. “After, he wrote a note to go with his medals,” says West, “that said, ‘Here are a few mementos from a deeply happy part of my life’.” West has found documentaries commemorating the centenary of the Armistice “deeply moving.”
He is the sixth of seven children, with five sisters and an elder brother. They grew up in a large house on the edge of the Peak District, about 10 miles southwest of Sheffield. He boarded at Eton and hated it to begin with. “I was very homesick, had no reference to it, didn’t know anyone who had gone and I felt I was in the wrong place.” Inspiring teachers and school plays gave him something to be excited about and set him on his path.
“It’s pretentious to say, really, but my acting education was defined by doing Hamlet at Eton, reading Ulysses when I was doing my English degree at Trinity College in Dublin, then War and Peace, which we put on at Guildhall [School of Music & Drama in London]. That’s it, really. All I learned anywhere.”
Legend has it that in the audience watching his Prince of Denmark was Damian Lewis, a couple of years behind West at school, and later the star of Band of Brothers, Homeland and Billions. So taken was the younger lad by what he saw that he decided to become an actor.
“Categorically: no,” Lewis tells me, over the phone from Los Angeles. “I had always acted at school and always enjoyed it. Me thinking it was something I could do more seriously didn’t happen until I was 16 years old, after seeing Dom do Hamlet. He was very charismatic. A big, booming sonorous voice, especially for a 17-year-old. I was very taken with him, he was very captivating up on stage.”
Since graduating from Guildhall, West has worked solidly. He is not a huge movie star but is highly successful and versatile. There aren’t many men who could convincingly play both Fred West and Richard Burton, as West has done. He won a Bafta for his Fred West. He’s most memorable as Jimmy McNulty, not least because he and The Wire are so good, but also because constant reminders of those two facts have become standard reference points in the increasingly vast conversation about the New Golden Age of TV.
He has, in his own words, played “a long line of philandering cads”, from McNulty on to Hector Madden, the Fifties news anchor in two seasons of The Hour for the BBC, to Noah in The Affair and Willy in Colette. “What’s amazing,” says Keira Knightley, “is that he can play characters that should be total dickheads, yet he manages to give them a point of view and his own incredible charm, so you sort of forgive them for how terrible they might be. It is a great skill.”
But he is far from typecast. His five film roles previous to Willy in Colette are: Lara Croft’s dad, a sort of country-gent Indiana Jones, in Tomb Raider; a quietly pompous pyjamas-wearing modern artist in the Swedish film The Square, which won the Palme D’Or at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival; Rudder, a comic-relief Cockney sea lion in Pixar’s Finding Dory; a Teflon swine of a CEO opposite George Clooney and Julia Roberts in Money Monster; and, in Genius, Ernest Hemingway.
There have been stage successes, including star turns in the West End. Following up the blockbuster and critically lauded play Jerusalem, the writer Jez Butterworth and director Ian Rickson could have done any play with anyone on any stage. They chose Dominic West to star in The River, a short, intense play with one man and two women in the 90-seater upstairs room at the Royal Court Theatre in London, for which West won universal praise.
‘It is a bad thing to be self-deprecating. It’s quite an English thing, which you become very aware of in America. People don’t understand: why do yourself down? I sort of agree with it, now’
“Dominic is able to unleash his unconscious in a really ‘present’ way,” says Ian Rickson. “It allows him to fuse into the darkness of Fred West, for example, or the troubled soul of McNulty. In terms of archetypes, he has a trickster quality hiding a warrior/lover inside. That’s exciting. There’s very little ego and a lot of generosity of spirit. He actually has a refreshingly comic sense of himself, so he does really value the opportunities he has, and doesn’t take them too seriously.”
West feels he does and he doesn’t. “I suppose deep down there’s a feeling that what I do isn’t desperately serious. It might have been Mark Boxer, the cartoonist, who said he went to some lunch for cartoonists, an awards maybe, and he was having a piss and the guy next to him said, ‘Cartoonist. It’s not a real job, is it?’ And he said, ‘No, it’s not. Isn’t that great!’ He took great comfort from that and I feel the same about acting. But there is something in me which feels, partly because I have been doing it all my life and did as a hobby before I did it professionally, that this is not a serious job for adults.”
Perhaps this is why he’s so self-deprecating. Twice during our conversations, he says that he’s not a “real actor”, bringing up Daniel Day-Lewis’s commitment to doing an accent the entire time he makes a film, on and off set, and his own inability to match that; and pointing out Robert De Niro’s weight gain for Raging Bull. For Colette, West wore a fat suit.
And yet, during our conversations, he trots out seven perfect accents and imitations: Mick Jagger, the German film director Werner Herzog, Northern Irish, Irish, Australian, New York and a deep, thespian-type voice to convey mock indignance. He’s not showing off. Some of the voices were to make anecdotes funnier and others were just as anyone might do an accent subconsciously when you think of someone with an accent. You know, for fun.
But he can be serious. “It is a bad thing, to be self-deprecating,” he says, a little bit disappointed with himself. “Maybe it’s an educational thing. It’s quite an English thing, which you become very aware of in America. People just don’t understand why on earth you would do that. There are enough people who would do you down, why do yourself down? I sort of agree with it, now. It is tiresome.”
Clarke Peters, who played Lester Freamon in The Wire, and Othello to West’s Iago on stage in 2011, has a different view of his friend’s dilemma. “As good an actor as he is, his self- deprecating comments are his truth. He would prefer to be playing than talking about himself; exploring a character, discovering nuances, dissecting a character’s arc, is where he’s comfortable. Presenting all that unseen work is nerve-wracking. And actors are never the best judges of their own work. So, to be safe from criticism and microscopic scrutiny, self-deprecation is the best defence."
The fat suit in Colette was no cop-out. “I was then about to play Jean Valjean,” West says, more forgiving of himself now, “a man who has been in prison for 19 years, so there was a clash of waistline imperatives.” He plays the lead in a song-free, six-part Les Misérables — the project in which Olivia Colman out-joked him — the BBC’s first big drama of 2019, with the opening episode broadcast on New Year’s Day.
According to Keira Knightley, the extra padding, and a walrus moustache, did not mute West’s physical attractiveness. “Nobody looks good in that,” she says, “but he somehow manages to be dangerously sexy through it. It was a main conversation between the rest of us on set: how he managed to ooze sexuality while he was farting in two fat suits. Quite extraordinary. I can’t think of another actor who might be able to do that.”
Sarah Treem, the showrunner of The Affair, could not conceive of anyone else but West as her leading man, Noah Solloway. “He didn’t audition. I wrote it with him in mind,” she says. “I was a huge fan of The Wire and I just loved how complicated he could be — both likeable and unlikeable at the same time.”
The Affair begins with Noah, a married father of four, embarking on a fling with a waitress, Alison, played by Ruth Wilson, and then follows the fall-out for the two of them, their spouses and extended families. West, Wilson and the wider cast are terrific, as is the show’s central conceit of telling the story from the point-of-view of different characters, usually two in each hour-long episode.
“Dominic is so good at playing all different facets of Noah,” Treem continues. “His intelligence, his lust, his insecurity, the pain of his childhood, his love for his children. He lets Noah be a very complicated, sometimes deeply generous, sometimes horribly selfish, man.”
West concurs, with a caveat. “I have had difficulty wondering why someone who I can identify with — he’s my age and has a bunch of kids — would do the things he does. Sarah, a very brilliant woman younger than I am, looked at me with a raised eyebrow when I said, ‘Men my age just don’t do that. Why leave your wife and kids for a waitress and start another family?’ She told me the stories of several real people who had. Not that I want my characters to be sympathetic, but I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and I have struggled with Noah in that regard.”
West has five children: a daughter, 20, with former girlfriend Polly Astor, and two sons and two daughters aged 12, 10, nine and five, with his wife, the landscape designer Catherine FitzGerald. It is Catherine’s beef stew we have been eating for lunch, their children’s clothes drying on the Aga behind us. On a smaller table in a nook in the corner of the kitchen, next to some half-completed maths homework, is a pile of dad’s hardbacks: The Flame by Leonard Cohen, William Dalrymple’s retelling of the Indian mutiny of 1857, The Last Mughal, and Changing Stages, Richard Eyre and Nicholas Wright’s history of 20th-century theatre.
Out in the driveway, a small child’s BMX has been discarded in front of mum’s Audi A3, in perfect position to be crunched into the gravel next time the car sets off. At lunch, West didn’t know where the rice was because he and his family have only lived in this house, a former brewery in a Wiltshire hamlet, for a few weeks. They used to live in Shepherd’s Bush, in a house that once belonged to another actor from Sheffield, Brian Glover.
“I have led my family out of London slightly against their will,” West admits, “and quite legitimately want my children to be around plants and animals more than they perhaps might be in London. My wife said I’m trying to create my childhood home here and I said, [now, the thespian accent] ‘No I’m not! Preposterous! What do you mean? It’s nothing like that!’”
His wife’s childhood home is Glin Castle in County Limerick, Ireland, a true country pile (15 ensuite bedrooms, 380 acres, secret bookcase doors) that, in various versions, has been in her family for nearly 800 years. (It’s the house you can see in the background of the photographs on these pages.) She and West want to hold on to it. To do so, the house needs to become a going concern as an events and private hire venue to cover its annual £130,000 running costs.
“I do like history and I do like old buildings,” West says. “I’m also conscious of my wife’s father and his and her legacies. He worked in conservation in Ireland, to try and preserve these old buildings, which were out of favour for many years. It’s up to us to try and keep that going, because when they’re bought by hotels and the like, they’re often destroyed.”
This Christmas and New Year, he says, “we have a super-A-list celebrity taking it. Who, I can’t possibly divulge. Actually, can you do us a big favour and put the website, please, at the end of the piece? ‘Glin dash castle dot com.’ It would make my life easier.”
It’s time to do the school pick-up. “We can keep talking in the car,” he says, and leads the way to a silver Chrysler Grand Voyager. “It has,” West says, buckling up, “the biggest capacity of any people carrier.”
Precisely something a turning-50-next-year dad-of-five should say. “I have no problem getting older,” he says. “For male actors of my age there is less emphasis, and I have already started to play the dad of the lover instead of the lover. The pressure is off. Some swami said that the key to happiness is ‘I don’t mind what happens.’ You mind less about things, let go of them. Turning 50 is great. My daughter is also turning 21, so we should have quite a party.”
He has regrets. “I suppose I wish I had played more Shakespearean roles.”
What about the old-man ones? “Only Lear is as good as the young ones.”
What about not being James Bond? “Fuck no! I’m delighted now that I didn’t get it.”
Auditioning for Bond, in 2005, West turned up in a T-shirt and tatty jeans. “I remember the director, Martin Campbell, saying, ‘Thank Christ you haven’t turned up in a tux like everybody else’. It was for Casino Royale. At the time, I really wanted to get it. I love Bond, and I was the right age for it. They asked me, ‘What do you think should happen with Bond?’ And I said something deeply uninspired like, ‘I think he should go back to being more like Sean Connery’. I thought then that it was the best job you can do. Now, I’m not so sure. You have a year-and-a-half of hell doing publicity.”
West pulls up opposite the school. “Wait here. Enjoy the smell. Kids’ banana skins,” he says, opening the driver’s door. Puzzled, I sniff the air. There is no unpleasant aroma. The interior of Dominic West’s car smells perfectly fine. But, of course, he claims otherwise. He’s a terrific actor and a thoroughly likeable chap, but that self-deprecation still needs some work.
Colette is in cinemas on 11 January; glin-castle.com (https://www.esquire.com/uk/culture/a25557268/dominic-west-interview/)
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sloblesbian · 6 years
hello! good news, bad news, ambivalent news? well, one of those, depending on your opinion. so i’ve decided i’m probably going to take down my review blog as i don’t really get as much enjoyment or use out of it as i hoped. i haven’t actually posted anything in a few weeks & i feel pretty good about that. (the only thing i’ve posted in december and therefore not linked here is this review right here) i’m going to be moving the reviews to a tumblr i think, i’ll let you know when i do that. i’ll probably hold on to the domain name because well. that’s still pretty cool. 
also i finished my reading challenge and i wrote my top 10 books of 2017. i’m going to post them here rather than on the soon to be demolished site, and i’ll link to my goodreads reviews, if i wrote them. 
here’s a cut for people who don’t care
oh also this means that i don’t have to use capital letters now do i
top 10 books of 2017
sourdough by robin sloan (review) i was nervous about this book-- you see, i loved sloan's debut quite a bit, but i hadn't reread it since, and i was afraid that it was great for me in 2012 but wouldn't be for me in 2017, and therefore, sourdough would be a let down. but i was wrong, and all the magic of sloan's writing came rushing back to me. a really heartwarming and uplifting book, in a way that isn't cheesy. i made my mom read it.
the stone sky by n.k. jemesin while n.k. jemesin continues to wow me and many other sff fans, i never know what to say about her work. it's great but i can't seem to figure out how to explain it. the fifth element & the obelisk gate both won the hugo for best novel, and the stone sky finishes off the trilogy. i love when sff makes great commentary on our lives, but this one got a little bleak at times. still worth it.
six wakes by mur lafferty (review) not a perfect novel but one that wouldn't leave me afterwards. six clones on a spaceship must solve their own murders. what i love to think about most in science fiction is the nature of personhood and boy does this book hit it out of the park in that regard. after i finished i was really depressed about only ever living one life, though.
dreadnought/sovereign by april daniels (review 1 & review 2) trans girl teen super hero. if you like superhero comics this is absolutely your kind of thing. this is the kind of book that makes me excited for the future that comes from the kids who are reading these now.
amberlough by lara elena donnelly (review) a really gorgeous spy novel meets cabaret set in an analog of 1930s berlin. very gay. both the hardback and the paperback covers are supremely beautiful. gonna be one i recommend for a long time.
the gentleman's guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee (review) the title is a little cheesy, but the book is wonderful. lgbt ya historical fiction with excellent bisexual representation. can u tell i'm getting tired.
provenance by ann leckie (review) if you loved ann leckie's imperial radch, then you will probably love this as well. a little different from her previous series-- there are definitely less explosions-- but it has all the things i liked about ancillary justice &co even if it's not a big space opera romp. if you haven't read leckie's other books this might be a good starting point, but you should really read ancillary justice.
all the crooked saints by maggie stiefvater (review) stiefvater's newest book has all the magic of the raven cycle, but more fine tuned. her writing keeps improving and is absolutely beautiful here. also, as the middle of three siblings, i like how she writes familial relationships.
all systems red by martha wells (review) the best robot book i have ever read. more science fiction which examines the nature of personhood but like, with a robot with social issues who just wants to chill and marathon netflix. the robot named itself murderbot so really, what more could you want. a novella so it's a quick read, too.
my lesbian experience with loneliness by nagata kabi by viture of being on tumblr you have probably already read half of this book. the good news is that it's good enough that you should find a copy and read the whole thing in order this time. everyone i know who has read this has seen themselves in this autobiographical comic. it's funny and sad and at times depressing but overall, it is an uplifting book. especially for lesbians.
special mention to the stars are legion by kameron hurley and seven surrenders by ada palmer, also the two riordan books released (the dark prophecy & the ship of the dead). everything on this list was released this year! usually i don't read so many new releases to make a top ten list of them but this year i did. so here is a quick list of things that weren't published in 2017 that i read this year that were very very good.
riverkeep by martin stewart (review) incredibly fun fantasy book that i hope gets a sequel, because what a world it takes place in. if you like folklore and legends this is your kind of book.
crosstalk by connie willis (review) this is honestly a perfect sci fi rom com of a book, so much so that i kept imagining how to make it into a movie while reading it. the straight people didn't even bother me.
the left hand of darkness by ursula k le guin (review) ok yes this one is real old but i bought a beautiful special edition of it and it blew me away. though it was published in the 60s it was definitely the best book i read all year.
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slowlyfantasticfart · 4 years
Il y a beaucoup  d'acteurs et d'actrices que j'aime beaucoup et que j'admire énormément et parmi cette liste il y a ACTEURS Johnny Deep Paul Walker Channing Tatum Robin Williams Adam Slander Jason Stanham Dwyane Johnson Kellan Lutz Chris Hemsworth Liam Hemsworth Heat Ledger Nicholas Cage Liam Neeson Brad Pitt Tom cruise steve Martin James Franco James Marsden ACTRICES Katherine Heighl Rachel Mc Adams Zoe Saldana Mila Kunis Anne Hathaway Drew Barrymore Jennifer Lopez Jessica Alba Scarlett Johansson Natalie Portman Reese Witherspoon Sandra Bullock Julia Roberts Cameron Diaz J'aime beaucoup le domaine du cinéma, c'est une passion c'est quelque chose que j'aime quand je veut relaxer. N'es ce pas réconfortant. Ici je me suis fait tout un répertoire de film de tout les genre vous y voyez tout un choix films et de série que j'ai beaucoup aimer alors l'es voici. HORREUR Annabelle série Us La conjuration série Ma Silence Dead (Silence de mort) Malédiction de l'enfer (Drag Me to Hell) Le cauchemar de Molly Hartley 2008 Le bal de l'horreur (Prom Night) 2008 Terreur sur la ligne (When a stranger calls) A Qiet Place (Un coin tranquille) Ça, Dans le noir One missed Call (Un appel manqué) Mortelle St Valentin Instinct de survie Visions, Ouija Ne t'endors pas Poltergeist Sinistre 1 Jessabelle Mama insidous 2,3,4 I Still I Know what you did last summer Halloween Chucky Jaws (les dents de la mer) Scream (Frisson) 1,2,3,4 N'aie pas peur du noir Freddy Krueger les griffes de la nuit (2010) Boogeyman Apparence Meurtre a la St Valentin destination ultime (Final Destination) La maison de cire The darkness Jeepers creepers SCIENCE FICTION ET FANTASTIQUE Les animeaux fantastique 1,2 La momie, Thor La belle et la bête le film Le livre de la jungle le film Coeur d'encre Pan, Pete's Dragon (Peter Elliot et le dragon) Oz le magnifique Alice au pays des merveilles 1,2 Percy Jackson 1 et 2 Chronique de narnia 1,2,3 Légende 1985 Merlin 1998 Casper, Maléfique Le labyrinthe de pan Le cygne noir (2011) Harry Potter série Bright Les gardiens de la galaxie 1,2 L'ascension de Jupiter A-X-L Transformers Armageddon Le jour d'après La stratégie Ender X-Men Life, Prometheus Alien, Passager La guerre des mondes La stratégie d'enfer La série Star Was Chappie Le chaos La guerre des mondes COMÉDIE DE FILLE Année bixestille Le journal d'une princesse 1, 2 Gagner un rendez vous avec Tad Hamilton 13 ans bientot 30 Elle a tout pour elle, Monte Carlo The Parent Trap Sweet Home Alabama, Le prince et moi Et si c'était vrai, Un amour infini Comment perdre son mec en 10 jours Something Borrowed (Duos en trois) Le mariage de mon meilleur ami 27 Robes Les douzes coups de minuit Ma belle est un monstre La fille du président Éloge de la liberté Blonde et légale Méchantes Ados Bring It On (Le tout pour le tout) 1,2,3,4,5 Lettre a Juliette Le diable s'habille en prada Confession d'une accro du shopping Profession hôtesse de l'air Julie & Julia Meilleure ennemies Because I Said So (Cherche homme parfait) Sexfriends, Sexe entre amis A Cinderella Story ACTION ET AVENTURE 300 1 et 2 Rambo : la dernière mission Le casse noisette et les quatres royaumes (The Nutcraker an... Un raccourci dans le temps ( A Wrinkle on Time) Aquaman Venom Le masque de Zorro série Mission impossible série Bumblebee Divergence série Spider Man série Charlie's Angel série Hancok The Island Jumanji 1,2 Life of Pie San Andreas Pacifim Rim 1 et 2 Voyage au centre de la terre 1 et 2 Les aventures de Tintin : Le secret de la licorne Jurassic World série John Wick 1,2 The Equalizer 1,2 Skyscraper (Gratte Ciel) Ant-Man et guêpe (Ant-Man and the Wasp 1,2 Mégalodon (The Meg) Peppermint (Déchainée) La légende d'Hercule, Lara Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Parker Trésor National 1,2 Fast Furious 4,5,6,7,8 le 1 et 2 (version française Rapide et Dangereux) Blanche neige et le chasseur 1 et 2 Mr. S Smith Bleu d'enfer Le mécano : la résurrection 47 Ronin Tigre et dragon Jake Ryan Le gardien Die Hard Rampage Maraudeurs Top Gun (1986) Underworld V for Vendetta ENFANT ET FAMILLE Dora et la cité perdue UglyDolls Jack Frost (1998) Free Willy The Polar Express (Boréal Express) Une nuit au musée Moins Cher La Douzaine 1 et 2 The Lizzie McGuire Movie Hanna Montana: The Movie Une princesse sur la glace Nancy Drew Les 101 Dalmatien Happy Family Pierre Lapin Enchantés Stailion Benji Mes vies de chiens 1,2 Whisper série L'incroyable histoire de Winter le dauphin 1,et 2 Tobby The Amazing Penda Le dragon des mers Chérie j'ai agrandi le bébé The House With a Clock In its Walls Incredibles 1 et 2 DRAME The lake house (La maison près du lac) La série Twilight Salt À Cinq pied de toi (Five feet Apart Midnight Sun (Soleil de minuit) A Star is Born (Une étoile est née) Forever my Girl Beastly (Sortilège) Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain 1995 Crossroads (A la croisé des chemins) 2002 Stepmom (La blonde a mon père) Match Point Doux Novembre The Roommate The Other Woman Red Eye (Vol sous haute pression) Flight Plan (Plan de Vol) My Girl (L'été de mes 11 ans) L'arrivée (Arrival) Sully Wicker Park Pearl Harbor P.S. I love You Le porte bonheur (The Lucky One) Tristan & Yseult Le secret de Charlie Hors du temps The Lovely Bones The Notebook Remember Me (La rage de vivre) A Walk To Remember (Une promenade Inoubliable) Une bouteille a la mer Coyote Ugly Apparitions (Libelule) La maison sur la falaise Flicka Sexe Intemtions Black Swan Ou le coeur nous mène Brothers FILM DISNEY À MONSIEUR Dumbo The Lion King Maléfique FILM D'ANIMATION Tout ce qui est film d'animation de Walt Disney, Dream Works. Peut importe, c'est les films que je préfère écouter. Quand j'étais enfant, je me souviendrai toujours à quel point, que j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à l'es écouter en boucle. Et encore aujourd'hui, j'ai du plaisir à l'es regarder. C'est des film qui sont réconfortant mais aussi que du bonheur. ANIMATION Ballerina La reine des neiges Coraline Kung fu Penda Rebelle (Brave) Dragon Hôtel Transylvanie Ratatouille Volt L'ère de glace La belle et la bête La petite sirène Pocahontas Cendrillon Le roi Lion Aladdin La princesse des cygnes 1 Le livre de la jungle Moana Abominable Storks Raiponce La princesse et la grenouille Zootopia Lilo et Stich La route d`Eldorado Rox et Rouky Spirit L'empereur du nouveau genre Le chat potté Drôle d'abeille Planet 51 THRILLER The Boy Next Door (2015) La prison de verre Fenêtre secrète The tourist Before I Fall Truth Or Dannce Le beau père (The Stepfather) Sans un bruit 2:22 Kidnap Home Invasion Get Out Sex Crimes COMÉDIE MUSICALE Heartbeats High Strung, Mamma Mia 1,2 Dirty Dancing 1,2 Honey 1,2 The Fame La série Step Up Footloose Romance Titanic Nos étoiles contraires Le voeux un été sur terre The longuest Ride (Le plus beau des chemins) Une seconde chance, Un havre de paix Cher John Everything, Everything Cinquante nuances plus sombres, 10 choses que je déteste de toi Get Over It, Adaline Bleu Saphir Cendrillon Amour et honneur Twilight Fascination A tout les garçons que j'ai aimés Love Simon À tout jamais 1998 COMÉDIE Sex and the City Simplement Irrésistible (Simply Irresistible) 1999 Miss congeniality (Miss personnalité) Patch Adams In Good Company, (En bonne compagnie) Never Been Kissed Home Alone (Maman j'ai ratée l'avion 1,2,3 Dr. Seus 'How the grinch Stole Christmas Le lutin (Elf) Madame Doubtfire The Santa Clause What a Girl Wants Pyjamas Party Sisterhood of the traveling pants New York Minute (Escapade à New York) Clic Bay Watch Game Night l'Abominable vérité Pas si simple Baby boss Book Club Drink, Slay, Love Mère indigne 1 et 2 Pourquoi lui ? Le stagiaire Famille recomposée Joue-la comme Beckham De père en flic 1,2 Intouchable Chérie nous avons été rétrécis Papa, j'ai une maman pour toi (It Takes Two) 1995 Little Giants Back to the Future Trilogy Encore 17 ans (17 Again) Grandes personnes Just Go With It (méchant menteur) LES MEILLEURES SÉRIES QUE J'AI ÉCOUTER Buffy contre les vampires Charmed 2018 Charmed Le chalet Chicago fire Dawson Dexter Elite Everwood Greenhouse Académie Good Witch (un soupçon de magie) Gossip Girl Grimm Gilmore Girls Heroes Izombie Jane the Virgin Lucifer Nashville Newport Beach Once Upon A Time Orange the new Black Prison Break Pretty Little Liars Riverdale Stranger things Scream Shadow Hunters Sense 8 Supernatural (Surnaturel) Switched at Birth Teen Wolf True Blood That' 70s Show Thirteen Reason Why - 13 Raisons Vampire Diaries PALMARÈS DE MES MEILLEURES FILMS Tout les films de Nicholas Sparks Le mariage de mon meilleur ami La blonde a mon père Titanic L'homme au masque de fer High Strung L'été de mes 11 ans Crossroad Le secret de bear mountain Un baiser enfin Coraline Miss personnalité A tout jamais (1998) Le jour d'après La belle et la bête (film à monsieur) La reine des neiges Ballerina Le livre de la jungle(film à monsieur) Fenêtre Secrète AUTRES SÉRIES À DÉCOUVRIR Younger Scandal Murder Revenge Beauté Désespérées   Hart of Dixie gg
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strangerfwendz · 7 years
May 18
Last night, I messaged brad some selfies of Leo. I’ve decided to name it Leo. He thinks I’m crazy but he joked that I got a new puppy to replace him. He didn’t seem too against it. I fell asleep with the puppy wrapped in a towel next to me. When I woke up I was on the couch in the living room. Brad and I talked a bit it was a nice conversation. My roommates were getting ready for classes and I was sooo tired. I couldn’t get up for a jog. I realized my classes started an hour later that day so I went back to my room to sleep. The puppy was sooo cute! I woke up and put it on top of me and went back to sleep and the little guy went up to my pillow and fell asleep curled up against my face. Adorable!!!
I eventually got up, did a bit of exercise that I learned from fitness club the other day. I cleaned up my bed in the case she messes with any of it and left her on the bed wrapped up in a towel.
I sat with lara, sofia, Julie, and marya at banquet. There was a debate about dress code cause sofia didn’t like that she had to tie her hair up. Especially because she walked through the buffet restaurant and ms anastasiia specifically came over to banquet to tell her to tie up her hair. Just follow the dress code, its not difficult. They were arguing that each teacher has different standards of the dress code and not all of them bother enforcing them or even following the rules themselves. The conversation somehow shifted over to why do we pay so much as globals and where does that money go. Then they called Mr Robert Van Dur Ham over. He suggested that we talk to mr bow about it. Make a case and bring it up to him over email or book an appointment to talk to him at his office. They were serving wine for the main course but it was past 12pm already. I downed the glass of wine and rushed back to palm beach. Leo was still sitting exactly as I has left her, I was relieved and impressed. I swooped her up and went to the pet store that Jason tried to bring me yesterday. Leo was shaking, I was getting anxious. The famous mill mill bar was right next to it pet store up a little staircase. I was really confused when I arrived as the staff was just a little boy? But later on it seemed to be a lady as she spoke knowledgably about the puppy and her products.  But this lady was so short she looked like she never went past puberty in primary school. I asked a bunch of questions about what I should get her and she made a few uncomfortable faces saying, “lets see if she lives first”. Thank you for your honesty but why do you say that? I bought a cage, food bowl, milk powder, puppy food. Jason(les roches) eventually came up to the store but he took so long to come by. When I messaged him earlier before I got there, he said he had just finished taking a shower so he shouldn’t have needed more then 10 minutes. He spoke to the lady and she said the puppy is probably a street dog. Jason threw his hands up and said ‘I knew it! You could buy it in my hometown for just 30 to 40RMB. No one wants it.” Then he sighed and said “oh well, whatever makes you happy.”  Jason’s wife, the driver, came up just as I had finished paying. They helped bring my stuff down. Jason didn’t have classes that afternoon and he skipped his morning class so I’m impressed that he offered to come out to help me during lunch. The driver was very nice to help bring up the things I had bought from the pet store to my room before sending me back to school.  
Vik texted me that I could share the cab with Cesar, some Mexican student from school. He needed to go to the same airport, perfect. I rushed back home after classes, called Andy for a change. Pretty much packed everything I wanted to bring back already, just needed one set of clothes really. I didn’t bother bringing my textbooks except French cause lets be honest, im not gonna study. I quicked setup the cage and put Leo inside. Jason arrived at 3.30pm and I texted Cesar to come up and help bring my suitcases down. I took whatever time I had left to hold Leo a little longer just so she knows I still care about her. Cesar came by, with Natalia who pretty much barged in, whatever. They squealed over Leo for a good 10 minutes of course. I would have loved to talk about Leo a little more but we really had to get going. I grabbed my backpack and Cesar carried both my suitcases down, chill~.
Jason kept asking me about which terminal the my flight was which I understand he’s just trying to help but my freaking ticket seriously didn’t have it written down. Heck, even the flight number was confusing. Eventually he called the airport and checked that it was the terminal one but also that my flight was delayed. Shhiiieettt. Jason said once the flight is delayed , oh man, it gets delayed by the hours and I still have a connecting flight to catch! its especially stressful when the lay over is less than 3 hours, I don’t time for this shit man. Anyways along the way, Cesar was a little panicked too cause he was suppose to meet his friend at 4pm, which made me wonder “why the heck did you stand around my apartment making goo goo eyes at my puppy?” He kept trying to contact his friend which he eventually managed to reach. They charged the meet up place and Cesar wanted to go there straight away, so Jason and I were deciding if we had time to send Cesar off first or not cause they were is different directions but Cesar kept insisting that it shouldn’t be that far from the airport. Jason said it would be an extra cost and we decided to send Cesar off first. Damn that silly boy kept insisting that its just a straight route back but boy that isn’t quite how the roads work around here, those are highways.
Fortunately, things went smoothly after, I got to the airport with enough time to check-in and get to my gate. It was not very busy but the staffs’ attitude really annoyed me. There is a security check-in at the entrance. I find myself standing there in front of the security looking at them like “okay, im standing right here waiting to go in, there isn’t anyone else around. What exactly do you want me to do? HELLOOOO!?!?!” UGH they just dazed off and here I am wondering seriously what if that person is in a rush man. Jeez, it was confusing and slow, the staff are so spaced out and nonchalant, how can I take them seriously? I was pretty irritated, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited in line. The lady at check-in was new, she was just transferred from a different department. She had no idea how to check me in so she asked me to go to another counter. The man at the other counter said I need to go check something inside my suitcase, it was just my old broken phone which I kept to download the rest of my photos but then realized was stupid cause im sure the app would need me to access a vpn in china. I headed over to the gate but when I reached the counter I didn’t realize that I was supposed to return to the check-in counter after checking my suitcase, to get my ticket. Urgh, so freakin annoyed but also so very thankful I know Chinese. God damn can’t imagine how I would survive this semester in Shanghai.
I lost my way a little bit when I was trying to find my gate. I arrived 10 minutes before the gate was scheduled to open but it was still delayed and I hadn’t eaten all day except that bit of bread and wine over lunch. I was craving fried chicken and rushed over to KFC for a quick bite. Yum. I struggled trying to pay attention to the announcements. They were very fuzzy and it felt like the Chinese voice was louder than the English one. I returned to the gate, still delayed. If I knew how long the delay would be, I would have loved to walk around and look at the many shops around but I was afraid that the gate would open at any time. I just sat there moping, listening to my music, and wishing I could sigh harder that I already was to express my frustration.
Finely, we board the plane but the expected arrival time was 11pm and I was suppose to be at the gate of my connecting flight at 10.30pm! Panicked, I asked the flight attendant what was I to do? No way was I gonna make it. I was sat between a grandma with long gel nails and a fancy updo she proudly did herself and a working office lady. During the flight, the lady and I both worked on our laptops then there were snack boxes brought to us. Despite the pathetic appearance, I was curious to try whatever “goods” the box possessed inside.
Afterwards, I started watching a movie while the working lady started reading. *sigh* really boosted the confidence in my own intellect. But whatever, I was entertained by the senseless romance movie I was watching. It had a cute passionate skinny girl who believed in the goodness of frozen food while the male lead was a typical handsome tall Eurasian. Might I just add how handsome the young boy was. God, he had such a pretty boy face. The actor was very good at coming off as arrogant in the beginning too. It probably would have been even better if he could have done it in English for the added intonations in his speech. We landed before the movie could end, I expected that.
Its 11pm and I’m stressing out again. I get off the plane and there is an airport staff waiting outside holding a sign with a light of flight numbers, one of them being my connecting flight. I eagerly show him my ticket for that flight, he says bluntly that there is now way I am going to make it and pastes a big red dot on me. He gives me some instructions about a counter on the second floor, I couldn’t really follow but whatever I’ll figure it out somehow. All the passengers pack themselves on a bus to the terminal and I’m making calls to the airline, they can’t help me because I am missing a code. I let out a sign and mutter under my breathe. A man asks me where I am going, I look over my should and answer accordingly. He had a head of mattered thick dark grey with mixed strands of white. He wore a red T shirt layered with a beige button down and a pair of matching shorts. He looked like an archeologist with a face full of sun spots and a pair of simple glasses. Noticing that he too had a big red dot pasted on his chest, I ask him that same question, he said Singapore. Noiice! From there we start talking in English, man that felt good. We quickly learn about each other as we figure out this shitty situation we’re in. It’s the first time to happen to me but a second time for him. He last time happened in china too, he wasn’t surprised. He explained that in china, especially in shanghai, the air trafficking in terrible. The flights are often delayed. We got our tickets rebooked. My earliest flight was the next afternoon at 2pm while his was at 7am. He decided to go with a flight closer to mine so he could at least get some sleep. He went down to our next destination, where we choose an accommodation of our choice within the two options offered by the airline. I went with the serviced apartments, love those, so much space. We exchange wechat information as we wait for the hotel to pick us up. Eventually, we checked into our rooms after midnight and agree to meet up for breakfast the next morning.
Laurent messaged me! So happy to talk to him again. Its so hard to contact him, miss him dearly. He’s usually busy with his internship in London now but he’s also generally bad at responding to texts. I hate that about him. Anyways I told him about my little trip over the weekend and the whole delayed situation. He said my parents were a little over the top to be spending so much for only two days back. He’s probably right but to them it meant a lot and it was worth the expense. Its there money not mine, especially if it makes them happy. Besides the whole idea of a sudden getaway is very exciting and I get to see my dad!
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robotnik-mun · 7 years
1. For starters here’s a quote from Disney’s The Sword in the Stone summing up the main topic.
Madame Mim: Now! First of all, if you don’t mind, I’ll make the rules.
Archimedes: Rules indeed! Why, she only wants rules so she can break them!
Madame Mim: [to Archimedes] I’ll take care of you later, featherbrain.
2. He probably keeps forgetting that people don’t forget things quite so easily in the internet era, especially if the subject wants recognition.
Much like him claiming that he never gave Archie ownership of his creations despite a 1999 article you pointed me to stating that he did indeed admit other wise.  The link for others reading: http://www.sonichq.net/nostalgia/shqclassic/news/archive/News/7_99.htm
Specially under the section Sega owns all!:
I’ve talked with Mr. Penders about SEGA owning characters like Julie-Su and St. John (article below), this is what he said:
Part of the contract Sega has with Archie stipulates any and allcharacters created in the Sonic and Knuckles comic books become property of Sega.(The SOLE EXCEPTIONS being Sonic Super Special #7 and 10, for obviousreasons.) Thus, Sega now owns everything I created in the Knuckles series,including Locke, Lara-Le and Julie-Su, to say nothing of characters like Geoffrey St. John, Hershey, Doctor Quack and Rob O’ the Hedge, to name but a few.
As a professional, I knew that going in, and had no qualms at the time.Now that I’m creating my own series, however, I must admit certain ideaswill probably never make it into the Sonic books, as I’m keeping those for my own use.
Hmm..maybe one day Sega will even use them…hey, now there’s an idea!
3. Come to think it of you could say that he’s mocking posters who got on him for the same reason, but that would be giving him credit for burning his detractors.
1. Alas, this is a recurring theme with Penders- namely that he never, ever has to hold himself to the standards he claims to hold others to. Besides this, he’s also gone on about how original creators for works deserve the most credit for a work’s success regardless of how much or how little they did (for instance claiming that the Lee+Ditko run of Daredevil was a ‘big influence’ in the current Daredevil show despite the fact that Miller has pretty much been Daredevil’s real daddy since forever), but when it comes to his own work on Sonic and its worth, oh, THAT’S a different story. 
Guy’s a hypocrite, plain and simple. 
2. He was once confronted over that, and claimed he was ‘ignorant of his rights at the time’. Given he had worked in comics prior to Sonic, it’s really quite incredible for him to suggest that he was honestly that stupid and naive, given that it means for a loooong time he was perfectly comfortable with such a status-quo, only to ‘care’ years later when he left his job and was replaced rather easily afterwards. 
It really is amazing that Archie didn’t pounce on this the first time around, but then everything about their conduct during that trial was a shitshow of brain-breaking proportions. 
3. You’d think so, but no. He’s gone off like this in the past about other movies and the like, doing his damndest to portray himself as a champion of minority actors in film, even pointing to his own, unmade Lost Ones film to make a point about ‘diversity’. And then he went around to promote whitewashing because he’s a simpleton who is easily impressed by visuals. Guy possesses less self-awareness than a toddler. 
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mobius-prime · 4 years
97. Knuckles the Echidna #12
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The Forgotten Tribe (Part Three of Three) - Journey's End
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Manny Galan Colors: Barry Grossman
Funnily enough, the beginning of this issue directly breaks the usual trope of "if they explain the plan out loud, it's inevitably going to fail." Knuckles lays out a quick plan to save Yanar, and just as the hangman lowers the door, Rob's arrow slices through the rope, allowing Yanar to drop into Sonic's arms.
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With that, the battle begins, with Knuckles, Tails, and Rob fighting off their enemies while Mari-An and Sonic lead the others to safety. Rob volunteers to create a distraction so everyone else can get away safely, and soon the team is leading all the echidnas out to a nearby hill. Before they get very far, we see Rob stumble upon a room filled with dynamite, and seeing an opportunity, he sets it off, causing a huge explosion that decimates the castle. At first, everyone is worried about him, but after a few moments…
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He found Mari-An's brothers after all! While everyone celebrates their victory, and apparently forgets that an entire castle full of innocent mind slaves was just detonated with Antoine's father inside it, Locke and Sabre continue to watch over Hawking, still in a coma.
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Deo makes a very good point, namely that the echidnas kind of vastly overreacted about the whole technology thing. It's clear now that echidna society has kind of moved on from the "no technology" rule by now, as Echidnaopolis is clearly very high-tech, but all they accomplished with their past ban was to inspire the formation of the Dark Legion, a problem that still plagues them to this day. Locke answers the call on their comm panel, and it turns out to be Remington, who's continued to be pestered by Lara-Le to be able to speak with her ex-husband. Remington informs Locke of the Chaotix reluctantly accepting Julie-Su into their ranks, revealing to us that it was Locke who advised she be put there, and Locke tells Remington to tell Lara-Le that he'll be in contact "soon."
Back in Mercia, after a bit more celebration of their victory, Knuckles says goodbye to Sonic and Tails as they continue their journey to find Naugus. When he goes back to chat with Yanar though, Yanar's previous odd comment about "after all those years" becomes more clear - when the door dropped out from under him he had a brief vision just before he thought his life would end, of white cliffs and a glowing city, and he believes that Rob is the "other," the one who knows the way to their journey's end. Knuckles approaches Rob to ask about it, and well, he gets a response, kind of.
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Almost as if in a trance, he walks off to the exact spot Yanar mentioned, which is right close by, standing and staring out at the waters. He seems to feel called by this place…
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So journey's end is Stonehenge? Good to know. While this is going on we get a short scene of Lara-Le and Wynmacher in which nothing really happens other than discussing Locke's short and vague message, but the scene does make it clear that Lara-Le and Wynmacher are a committed couple, if it wasn't clear already. I don't think Knuckles has really picked up on that, but it's meant to be obvious to us readers, at least. Back at the beach, Rob explains that he's stood sentry to this place as long as he can remember, not really knowing why, but that "only the worthy" can get past him and that this group is indeed worthy. Knuckles complains that he "can't even swim," a far, far cry from his abilities in the games as one of the most notable playable characters who can swim (plus it seems a little odd to me that his father would have taught him everything he needs to know to survive and protect his island but neglected to teach him something as basic to survival as swimming). Yanar then says that he has to have faith to take the leap, and Knuckles interprets this as "well I guess I have to try walking on water then." And so, with a single step, he moves further into his transformation into a weird Jesus metaphor!
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I won't deny it's a pretty cool and cinematic series of panels, though. Also, hey, Mari-An's parents, are you kidding me? Your daughter is giving up on the thing she's been chasing all her life with the rest of her tribe to stay with a random guy she's only known for a day, and you're just like "make sure to invite us to the wedding"? Have you guys been watching too many Disney movies? That's not how love works, man! At least go on a date that doesn't involve smashing bad guys first!
With that, the rest of the tribe follows Knuckles across the water as the glowing city from Yanar's vision grows closer. Soon they're close enough to be greeted by a frankly very pretty echidna called Gala-Na, who welcomes them to Albion, like she's some kind of Wal-Mart greeter stationed here to welcome the new arrivals once every couple hundred years or something.
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She explains yet another missing puzzle piece of history, that Albion was in fact the first echidna city, and Echidnaopolis was a colony established by those with wanderlust centuries ago. They've always been watching the plight of their fellows out in the world, but never thought to lift a finger to help, I guess. But now that the lost tribe is here, they can come in and stay here, home at last. I just want to remind everyone that according to Yanar they were literally wandering for six hundred years, with entire generations being born and dying off again and again, and somehow they never managed to find their homeland, nor did those in their homeland bother to help them or anything. They were all just going off those prophecies in "the Tomes." I hate to criticize Penders on worldbuilding, because the worldbuilding is genuinely one of my favorite parts of his work on the comics, but this is one point that makes absolutely no sense. The sheer scale of time is just all over the place and the actions of everyone involved are kind of ridiculous. But eh, it's what we have to work with for now.
Gala-Na, after finishing her spiel, invites the tribe to walk into the city and find a home, and as everyone begins to follow her Yanar notices Knuckles off to the side looking morose. Knuckles explains that he can't stay even with everyone else being so joyful.
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…Okay, sweet ending and all, very cinematic final few panels, but what in the heck is a guiding star gem? I actually can't remember at all, so I have no idea here. Where did this thing come from? What does it do? Yanar just straight up plopped some random green jewel in Knuckles' hand and is just like "k bye" and Knuckles isn't fazed at all? Better not lose that thing, Knux, cause you of all people would know that your world is pretty obsessed over strange powerful gemstones…
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Thanks for tagging us, @kafkalit!
1. What is your favorite book and/or book series of all time? Nerdy Panda: I always say The Catcher in the Rye miss kitty: I love anything by Patricia Briggs
2. What is the longest book you have ever read? How many pages? Nerdy Panda: Les Misérables with the grand total of 1,463 pages miss kitty: Definitely A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin 1138 pg
3. What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date) Nerdy Panda: Pride and Prejudice (published in 1813) miss kitty: Maybe Black Beauty
4. What is a book series that everyone else loves but you do not? Nerdy Panda: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (I didn't even finish the first book) miss kitty: Most young adult. I try to stay away from them since they tend to more expensive except for a few.
5. What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series? Nerdy Panda: I'm waiting for The Lunar Chronicles to be adapted somehow miss kitty: Harry Potter the TV show made by a true fan. all animated kinda like game of thrones but again animated
6. What is your favorite stand-alone book? Nerdy Panda: Never Never (a Peter Pan retelling about Captain Hook) miss kitty: Anything by John Green
7. What is a book that you feel glad for not reading? Nerdy Panda: no clue miss kitty: 50 shades. I can find that stuff for free and better written to boot.
9. What is a book you have read that is set in your country of birth? Nerdy Panda: The Infernal Devices miss kitty: Lots lol (born in America)
8. What is a book that you feel guilty for not reading? Nerdy Panda: I don't really feel guilty about not reading a certain book miss kitty: Pride and Prejudice
10. What is a book that you own more than one copy of? Nerdy Panda: I own multiple copies of books but the book I have the most copies of is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe miss kitty: Got rid of my extra copies and I’m not counting mom’s copies
11. What horror book made you really scared? Nerdy Panda: Horror isn't my thing miss kitty: I don't read horror
12. What book do you passionately hate? Nerdy Panda: Say What You Will miss kitty:  When Zachary Beaver Came to Town. I loathe that book.
13. What is the biggest book series you have read? How many books are in it? Nerdy Panda: Chronicles of Narnia (7 books) miss kitty: The cynsters. I dont know she keeps writing more. Plus the other series by Stephanie Laurens all connects and is one big world. But last I checked there was 39.
14. What book gives you happy memories? Nerdy Panda: The Mouse and the Motorcycle. My happy memory of that is always checking it out from the school library when our class went in elementary school. miss kitty: This Disney short story book. Mom used to read it to me every night before bed.
15. What book made you cry? Nerdy Panda: So many books made me cry. I cried for about five minutes while reading Cress and The Raven King miss kitty: The Fault in Our Stars
16. What book made you laugh? Nerdy Panda: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl miss kitty: Nerd Gone Wild by Vicky Louis Thompson
17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character? Nerdy Panda: Carry On miss kitty: In the Mercy Thompson series there's an adorble gay couple. One iss a werewolf cowboy, the other a divorce attorney
18. Have you read a book with a male protagonist? What is it? Nerdy Panda: A lot miss kitty: A lot of romances switch point of views
19. Have you read a book set on another planet? What is it? Nerdy Panda: I read a couple of pages of The Martian (set on Mars) miss kitty: Zodiac by romina Russell. Planets are named after the different signs (thanks for the bday gift nerdy panda)
20. Have you ever been glad to not finish a series? Which? Nerdy Panda: I don't know about finishing, but I haven't picked up the fourth book in the Dorothy Must Die series. I'm gonna pretend everything gets wrapped up in the third book miss kitty: Hmmm nope can't think of one.
21. Have you ever read a book series because you were pressured? Nerdy Panda: Yes. Everyone keeps on talking about how great (insert hyped-up book) is. Sometimes I like it, other times I don't get it. miss kitty: No
22. What famous author have you not read any books by? Nerdy Panda: Sarah J. Maas, Emily Bronte miss kitty: Charles Dickens even thou i hav a copy of his complte works
23. Who is your favorite author of all time? Nerdy Panda: John Green miss kitty: Patricia Briggs
24. How many bookshelves do you own? Nerdy Panda: Four. One is dedicated to holding my books.  miss kitty: I have 3 over spilling ones mom has one. I need more.
25. How many books do you own? Nerdy Panda: 266 miss kitty: Over 300 i just found 2 more boxes of books i need to go thugh
26. What is your favorite non-fiction book? Nerdy Panda: The Diary of a Young Girl miss kitty: Braiding Sweetgrass
27. What is your favorite children’s/middle-grade book? Nerdy Panda: The Mouse and the Motorcycle miss kitty: Where the Sidewalk Ends
28. What is your next book on your TBR? Nerdy Panda: After the book I'm currently reading, I'm picking up We'll Always Have Summer miss kitty: No idea. whatever I'm in the mood for
29. What book are you currently reading? Nerdy Panda: It's Not Summer Without You miss kitty: Braiding Sweetgrass and A Bite to Remember
30. What book are you planning on buying next? Nerdy Panda: Hmm, who knows? miss kitty: What ever catchs my eye
31. What was the cheapest book you bought? Nerdy Panda: I got a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them for about 50 cents miss kitty: I got a big box of books for 2$
32. What was the most expensive book you bought? Nerdy Panda: The Infernal Devices box set was around $38. For an individual book, Heartless was around 27 dollars. miss kitty: Not including text books Braiding Sweetgrass
33. What is a book you read after seeing the movie/ TV series? Nerdy Panda: Marley and Me miss kitty: Harry Potter. I was stubborn as a child. I refused to read it because it was popular then my parents bought the movie.
34. What is the newest book you have bought? Nerdy Panda: Always and Forever, Lara Jean miss kitty: I got 5 new books on my vacation
35. What three books are you most looking forward to reading this year? Nerdy Panda: Wonder, The Silver Linings Playbook, Emma miss kitty: my new books
36. What is a book you love that has a terrible trope? (Love triangle, etc) Nerdy Panda: Les Misérables has a love triangle but I like the trope in the book because it works miss kitty: no clue
37. Have you read a book in a different language? What was it? Nerdy Panda: No miss kitty: I wish
38. What is a book you’ve read that is set in a time period before you were born? Nerdy Panda: The Perks of Being a Wallflower takes place in the 90s miss kitty: Lol most of my books are in a different time periods. I like my historical romances
39. What book offended you? Nerdy Panda: No books have offended me... yet miss kitty: 50 shades of grey. The DUFF she was neither ugly or fat!
40. What is the weirdest book you have read? Nerdy Panda: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer was pretty weird miss kitty: Alice in Wonderland
41. What is your favorite duology? Nerdy Panda: Maus miss kitty: Don't have one
42. What is your favorite trilogy? Nerdy Panda: To All the Boys I've Loved Before miss kitty: Hunger Games is the only one i can think of lol
43. What book did you buy because of its cover? Nerdy Panda: A Little in Love. The cover reminded me of Les Misérables and then I realized it's a retelling set in one of the character's point of view miss kitty: Too many lol
44. What is a book that you love, but has a terrible cover? Nerdy Panda: Books I love tend to have nice covers miss kitty: Umm cant think of any
45. Do you own a poetry anthology? What is your favorite poem from it? Nerdy Panda: Milk and Honey. It's hard to choose a favorite miss kitty: Yes i love We wear the Mask
46. Do you own any coloring books based off other books? Nerdy Panda: Alice in Wonderland miss kitty: I used to hav the harry potter one
47. Do you own any historical fiction? Nerdy Panda: Yes miss kitty: Yup and if historical romance counts a lot of it
48. What book made you angry? Nerdy Panda: Clockwork Prince because the line 'his blue eyes' kept coming up every other line and I just got annoyed. miss kitty: When Zachary Beaver Came to town
49. What book has inspired you? Nerdy Panda: Fangirl inspires me to write more miss kitty: Braiding Sweetgrass
50. What book got you into reading? Nerdy Panda: I think it would be The Mouse and the Motorcycle miss kitty: No clue
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