#nah actually im not a big fan of straight whiskey
I feel like barnabys favorite drink (alcoholic) might be a old fashioned? And non alcoholic mixed drink. Might be a Shirley temple. (Which Is my favorite non alcoholic mixed drink!)
(Of course this is all my opinion! But yea!
he Does feel like a classy guy, huh? but who's to say! Who's. To. Say...
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Could you do 67 with Spina and Roe? In a platonic way?
intimacy prompts  (no longer accepting) 67.   experiencing new things together
When Spina laughs, he sounds like a goddamn hyena, and Eugene’s not sure how he’s supposed to feel about it.
“Wait, wait — I’m sorry, okay, gimme a minute —“
Eugene taps his toes and waits.
“It’s just — ooh, Jesus Christ —“ he has to stop to wipe away tears, clutching his stomach like it’s gonna leap off his body and tap dance away. “You really mean to tell me you’ve seen alligators, you’ve seen bears, you’ve seen a goddamn lynx… but you never been to the zoo?”
“Ain’t got one in our town,” Gene shrugs, gaze wandering out the window. When Spina doesn’t quit starting at him: “Or the next town. Or the town after that. Not ‘less I feel like taking an Uber all the way to Broussard, and I’d rather not.” He studies the two glasses Spina’s set in front of them — cheap plastic, decorated with rainbow polka dots — thoughtfully. “But there’re bears in the woods, alligators in the bayous, and my petit cousin Merriell once got a big cat for a guy. Kept him locked in our shed for almost a week.”
“That’s… insanely shady. You hear how that sounds, right?”
“This goin’ somewhere, Spina?” Gene asks, not half as exasperated as he tries to sound.
Spina leans far back, tilting the rickety wooden chair he’s sitting in until it touches the wall behind him. He’s got amazing confidence in a piece of furniture he obviously bought off the IKEA sales rack, and probably hammered together himself while cursing the instruction manual. He pulls the rim of his beanie down on his brow, still chuckling. “Alright,” he declares, “add it to the list.”
“List of what?”
“List of things we gotta do together while you’re in Philly. If you think bagels are that great —“
“I never had one before, Spina!” Breakfast this morning was an experience, but his friend doesn’t have to keep bringing it up. Gene comes from Louisiana, not Mars.
“The list,” Spina repeats, snapping his fingers. “Nah, buddy, you’re gonna love it. The Philly Zoo is great! Huge, and it’s got more animals than you could imagine — we almost lost Babe to the monkey enclosure once. The zookeepers took one look at ‘im and thought he belonged there!”
Now, Gene can’t help but smirk. “I really hope that’s a joke, but can’t be sure.”
Spina provides no enlightenment. “Right, so. The zoo, the karaoke bar, the IMAX —“
“I been to movies before, too.”
“But never to a movie with the screen so big it could suck you in and shit you out the other side. Hell, does your local theater even have reclining seats?”
Gene stays silent. Calling the furnishings in his hometown movie theater “seats” is a stretch; half of them will stab you with springs the moment you sit down. Spina says the movie theaters in Philly serve hot dogs, goddamn hot dogs, and cheese fries, and have a whole candy counter — “hell, the one at the corner of Franklin just got an open bar,” he declared, and Gene had almost had an aneurysm.
“You don’t plan on letting me sleep this whole trip, do you?” he asks instead, blinking mildly at his friend.
Spina grins, showing off the slight crookedness of his teeth. “A few hours, here and there. You might haveta be sneaky about it.”
“Some kinda human rights violation.”
Spina snorts, reaching over to take another sip of his drink. “I still can’t believe,” he declares, setting the colorful glass down on the counter, “you’ve never had ginger ale before.”
“I can’t believe you’ve never drank straight whiskey through a straw,” Gene replies, totally stonefaced. He lets it linger for a moment, taking his own sink of the oddly-flavored soft drink — no, he’s not a fan of Canada Dry — before chuckling softly. “Guess you could say we come from different worlds, Spina.”
“Never had pastrami, never had a hoagie, never had clam chowder or Italian ice… whatever your world looks like, I’m too scared to live there.”
“The spices alone would kill you.”
Say a lot about Spina, but at least the man knows how to take a joke. He sips his own drink again, chuckling. For a moment, they settle into companionable silence, just the two of them alone, Gene a thousand miles away from home.
When Spina stands suddenly, Gene’s gaze tears away from his polka-dot drinking glass. “Come on,” his friend says, nodding his head towards the doorway. “Got one more new thing on the agenda for today.”
Silently, Gene follows him out of the kitchen and down the narrow hall, past the half-open closet door and chip in the plaster that Spina swears his building owner’s gonna get fixed. He’s not sure where they’re headed, until they come into Spina’s crowded living room, and maneuver around couches and tables to the other side.
Spina pushes the balcony door open and grins. Gene hesitates, like any sane person would.
“I did not fly all the way up here to visit just so you could push me to my death thirteen stories up.”
“Come on, Gene.” Spina is fearless in the face of familiarity. He leans on the balcony railing without a care in the world, even if to Gene it looks flimsy as a toothpick. “In another life, you mighta been a paratrooper.”
“Call Other Life Me up, then, and leave me outta it.”
Spina doesn’t back down. Arm extended, he beckons to Gene, grasping for him...  and maybe Gene’s just weak for people with trustworthy faces, and maybe Spina has the trustworthiest, because he gives in. One step, than another...  and suddenly he’s standing on the balcony, looking down at sprawling Philadelphia below.
It’s not so bad, he realizes, once he’s looking down. Looking up would probably scare him more; at least looking down doesn’t seem so far away, actually being able to see the ground. Cars race by on crowded streets; pedestrians linger outside corner stores and diners; lights flicker and change, horns blare, and a police siren wails from the distance. The city sure is one hell of a place  ---  more different from Bayou Chene, even from Baton Rouge or New Orleans, than Gene can comprehend. A different world, inhabited by a different sort of people...  but beautiful, nonetheless. 
“Never been this high up in my life,” he mutters. After a minute, he realizes he’s still gripping tight to Spina’s hand; a beat of hesitation passes before he releases it. His friend chuckles at his side, but Gene doesn’t feel mocked at all.
“Really something, huh buddy?”
“Mmm-hmm,” Gene mutters. In another life...  he might have liked heights after all. “Really something to see.”
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jasper-quinn · 6 years
Interview with The Hound
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1. What is your name?
“Jasper Quinn, got anythin’ more interestin’ ta ask me?”
2. What is your real name?
“I jus’ fuckin’ told ya. Jasper. Though, I suppose some folk like ta call me Jay, er Jas, er Red. Take yer pick.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“Couldn’t much give you a reason as ta why I was named Jasper, but most folk jus’ shorten my name, or call me ‘Red’ on account of my red ‘air.“
4. Are you single or taken?
“As much as I’d like ta make some cheeky remark, I’m pretty ‘appily in love wit ol Foxy.” ( @flying-fox-of-westfall) 
5. Have any abilities or powers?
"Nah. Jus’ a simple sailor, an’ someone who works wit his ‘ands.” There’s a grin on his lips though, and mischief in his eyes. It’s not hard to tell he’s lying, but getting a straight answer is another tale entirely. 
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
”I fucked a girl named Mary Sue once. Out in Westfall. Farmers daughter an’ all that shit. Horrible in tha sack, an’ used too much teeth.” 7. What’s your eye color?
“Figurin’ green, ‘least that’s what Foxy tells me.”
8. How about your hair color?
“They don’t call me ‘Red’ fer shit’s n giggles.”
9. Have you any family members?
“Didn’t think I did fer a long ass time, but turns out I got a sister. Names Victoria, but I like ta call ‘er V jus’ cause it bugs ‘er.” His grin is just shit eating. “An’ her Wolfy is a part o’ tha family now, an’ so is Foxy. So. Guessin’ you could say we got a rag tag group of misfits.” 
10. Oh? What about pets?
“Ol’ Giz is mine. Swiped him off tha cobbles stones when he was thin as a pole, an eatin’ ravens ta get by. Covered in mange, an’ other wise yer typical alley cat. Didn’t like folk much, but once ‘e realized I was feedin’, an’ housin’ ‘im, he came ‘round pretty quick.” A pause as he sipped his whiskey. “Ol’ Foxy ‘as Rua, an’ I swear I’d always thought foxes were jus’ outside critters, but damn is Rua jus’ sweet as pie. Little shit head though.” 
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“Don’t like a shit load of stuff, ya gotta be more specific than that.” Upon further questioning, he shrugs a shoulder absently. “I absolutely ‘ate those assholes who sit outside tha Cathedral an’ try n’ tell me I’m goin’ straight to the Fel ifin’ I don’t praise tha Light.” He rolls his eyes. “While I ain’t sayin’ tha Fel is a nice place ta be, I’d rather be down there wit’ tha other assholes like me who drink, n fight, n swear than up there with all them goodie goodie paladin’s.” 
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“Eh, a little a’ this an’ a little a’ that.” He sips his whiskey. “Usually I’m off strummin’ a guitar, or gettin’ inta general mischief ifin’ someone leaves me alone long enough ta find it.” A chuckle. “Though, I’ve been itchin’ ta pick up either tha fiddle, er tha banjo. Foxy say’s the Fiddle is more dignified, but I’d never much thought myself dignified.” 
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“Buncha times.”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Least not someone who didn’t deserve it.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“Well shit that’s an odd question, but I’m supposin’ most folk call me ‘The Hound’ ‘cause I got a nose fer things. Don’t really know what that means, but I ain’t complaining. Could be worse.”
16. Name your worst habits.
“Other than bar fightin’ and drinkin’? Prolly smokin’.“
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
"’Onestly? I look up ta V. She’s always cool, an’ calm, an’ collected, even when shit’s hittin’ tha fan. I’ve always admired tha ‘bout her. She ain’t got my temper. Well, actually, she sorta does, but usually that’s only fer when I’ve really pushed ‘er.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
Silence as deep as the grave follows this question.
19. Do you go to school?
“Nope. Well, sorta. I got whatever bullshit education the City offers poor Orphans, but that was mostly jus’ readin’, an writin’ an’ basic math. Ain’t much else. Never ‘ad any kinda opportunities ta join anythin’ more prestigious. So, sorta just picked everything up on my own, an’ I’ve done alright so far.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Used ta think I’d never want any of that shit, but damn if Foxy ain’t been changin’ my mind lately.”  
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“Pffft. Nah. Just a buncha jaded ex husbands, an’ a few current ones, who want my skin fer fuckin’ their wives better than they ever did.”
22. What are you most afraid of?
"Dogs. An’ a few other things I ain’t much wantin’ ta share.”
23. What do you usually wear?
"ifin’ it’s comfortable, an’ I can work in it? I’m wearin’ it.”
24. Do you love someone?
“I love Foxy with all my damn heart.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“That’s actually a funny story.” He starts with a chuckle. “There I was, so piss ass drunk, I could ‘ardly walk, an’ after a good fight, an’ another good fuck, I fell asleep in some broad’s bed. I was fuckin’ tanked I fuckin’ pissed myself right there in ‘er bed. Didn’t even wake up, er nothin’. I jus’ remember ‘er screamin’ an throwin’ me outta the house, wit’out no explanation, till the wind picked up, an’ I found my balls freezin’ right off me.” A shrug. “That was a fun night, I think. Don’t remember much of it though.” 
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“You plannin’ on gettin’ me so fuckin’ tanked I piss myself again?”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
"Ain’t never been a part of a class, but I’d be guessin’ workin’ class, as I ‘ave a steady job, an’ a life worth livin’.”
28. How many friends do you have?
"Couple close one’s, an’ lotsa contacts, but I wouldn’t be callin’ all of ‘em friends. That’s a term only reserved fer folk I trust.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
"V says’ Ma used ta make a bitchin’ apple pie, an’ I’d be lyin’ ifin’ I said I didn’t wanna try it one day.”
30. Favorite drink?
31. What’s your favorite place?
“Drivin’ on an open road wit Foxy an’ tha bike. Jus’ goin’ wherever we wanna go. That’s my favorite.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“Good ol’ Claire Donnovan.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“I once ‘eard a gentleman don’t kiss n tell, which, I don’t really know what that means, but I’m guessin’ it means no cock talk. So. Figure it out fer yerself.”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“I’m a good swimmer, so of’n I find myself doin’ overboard duty. Don’t mean I like the sea though. Folk drown all tha time, an’ I don’t much wanna join ‘em.”
35. What’s your type?
“Lean, mean, fightin’ machine. Who also ‘as legs tha go on fer miles.”
36. Any fetishes?
“You’d ‘ave ta get me in bed ta figure that one out. Or jus’ ask Foxy. But make sure ya get a buncha gin in ‘er, or else she won’t be talkin’. She’s a gin fiend, that one, an’ usually slips up ifin’ her tongue is loose e‘nuff.”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
He chuckles lightly, and shrugs a shoulder with an innocent look on his face. “Again, you’d ‘ave ta be askin’ Foxy.”
38. Camping or indoors?
"Campin’! Jus’ nice ta get away from tha city, ya know?”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“Some of tha questions are sorta odd, but, I ain’t bitchin’---”
40. Now it’s over! Tag 3 people I will tag as many as I want.
Tagged by: @drustvar-dragonfly
Tagging: @flying-fox-of-westfall @eilitheduskbringer @kurel-andiel
and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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peonysimmer · 6 years
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OC question tag - Rules: 1. Pick a character you’ve created. 2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were that character. 3. Tag at least four people to do this meme
tagged by @catssimblr & @psychoxmachia thanks babes! i may do this for zack later because i always leave him out of these things :/
tagging @thatpoeticmodelgirl @simmerberlin @brazencoquet @nicotinc i feel like you’ve all done this already tho
1. What is your name? Haleigh Elaine Wright
2. Do you know why you were named that? It was one of the few names my parents could agree on, my mom preferred the most pretentious spelling possible. My middle name was my dad’s mom’s name. 
3. Single or taken? single. let’s keep it like that alright
4. Stop being a Mary Sue! honey, if you don’t like what you’re getting then you can fuck off, no one’s keeping you here. 
5. What’s your eye color? Blue af. they write sonnets about these babies. 
6. How about hair color? as white as my virtue...well no, but you get what i mean. unless you’re talking about my natural hair color, in which case the eyebrows are a pretty good indicator. 
7. Have you any family members? I suppose. mom, dad, sister, it’s all very fascinating. 
8. Oh, how about pets? technically Bowser is Zack’s, but considering that I potty-trained him and take him on a jog every morning, I’d say yes, I have a dog. *mimics zack* please, haleigh, I promise I’ll take care of him. pfft, sure you will, bud. 
9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? people who think they’re entitled to knowing personal information about me.
10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? painting is a pretty big part of my life, yoga, I’ve always wanted to try my hand at gardening but we don’t really have the yard space for it.  11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? haven’t you heard? that’s my specialty. 
12. Ever… killed anyone before? depends on who you ask. can we move this along, I’ve got places to be. 
13. What kind of animal are you? a big cat, probably a panther. 
14. Name your worst weaknesses. some might say I’m a bit stubborn and a touch prideful. 
15. Do you look up to anyone at all? i admire certain qualities in some people, i don’t know if I’d go as far as to say that I look up to anyone. 
16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual? straight.  17. Do you go to school? nah, but that’s a story for a different day. 
18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? lmaooooo no thank you, keep your gross toddler and lifelong commitment at least 100 feet away from me, thanks. 
19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? *glances at ringing phone* well grayson doesn't seem to be giving up anytime soon.
20. What are you most afraid of? becoming my parents. 
21. What do you usually wear? whatever suits my current mood. i don’t think i really have a set style.
22. What’s one food that tempts you? i’m a sucker for a good cheese board. 
23. Am I annoying you? obviously. 
24. Well, it’s not over! fantastic. I’ve got a yoga class i need to leave for in ten, im out whether you’re done or not. 
25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? *huffs* i...don’t know? my bank account says lower, other aspects of my life beg to differ. 
26. How many friends do you have? if we’re talking like actual close friends then like two? in general though I’d say i have a pretty decent lineup. 
27. What are your thoughts on pie? meh, not a big fan of sweets. 
28. Favorite drink? whiskey. neat.
29. What’s your favorite place? a little shady corner of the city’s botanical gardens.  30. Are you interested in anyone? i’m interested in someone who’s capable of casual sex without catching feelings. what’s with these guys? 
31. That was a stupid question. ya don’t say. 
32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? ocean, lake’s are fucking gross. also the beaches in the south of france are where it’s at. 
33. What’s your type? a little cocky so i can take them down a peg, broad shoulders, muscular, facial hair because i like the burn 
34. Any fetishes? biting & scratching (both giving and receiving), dirty talk always, i wouldn’t really call them fetishes that’s all fairly standard. 
35. Camping or indoors? i am many things, outdoorsy is not one of them. 
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n0ttinghamshad0w · 6 years
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It's not like I'm falling in love, I just want you to do me no good And you look like you could
ROBIN OLIVER HUNT (Name at birth: Robin Huang; Alias: Robert Oliver Gardner)
Birthday: March 12 1990 (Pisces) Hogwarts House (Primary):  Gryffindor Hogwarts House (Secondary): Slytherin Myers-Briggs: ENFP Enneagram: Type 8 Height:  5’9
1.       Unknown—Linda Huang, still alive, forced to give up her child by her conservative parents who did not want her raising a child out of wedlock, has not tried to make contact with her son.
2.       Mother Florence—the head nun at Nottingham Orphanage, firm, but kind; strict, but genuinely wanted the best for the children; had a soft spot for Robin, since he’d been there for like all his life.
3.       Barbara Economides—Robin’s first foster mom, had six kids of her own, but room in her heart for a dozen more
1.       Unknown—Ernesto Rosetti
2.       George Economides—Robin’s first foster dad, loving and hard-working man, who unfortunately did not have a very hard-working cardiovascular system. Died of a heart attack when Robin was ~12
Mother’s Occupation: he doesn’t care about his birth mom, but Barbara owned a bakery
Father’s Occupation: he doesn’t care about his birth dad, but George owned a bakery
Family Finances: well, none of the homes he was in were great financially
Birth Order: only child as far as he’s concerned
Siblings: N/A--(Stefan, Petros, Elek, Idola, Eileen, Karena...the Economides kids)
Other Close Family: None
Best Friend: Joan Woode (28)
Other Friends: Tuck Frere (26), Martin Maddon (18), Fakhir Azhar (27)
Enemies: all those who neglect/abuse their children
Pets: none, would love a bird or a fox tho
Home Life During Childhood: He was in an orphanage till he was nine, and it was not a bad orphanage at all, just massively under-funded. At nine, he was placed in a foster home, a large Greek family, and he was very well-loved and well-taken care of, but the father dropped dead of a heart attack when Robin was 12 and the Economides family had to move and they couldn’t take care of Robin. He shuffled through like four other foster homes, at least one of which he was badly abused in, till at seventeen, he just didn’t come home one day and the family never reported it and that was that.
Town or City Name(s): Nottingham, England
What Did His Bedroom Look Like: Never had a steady room, or one of his own. Always shared with someone else, always a small bed.
Any Sports or Clubs: Nah, he was the type of kid who hung out under bridges and threw stuff.
Favorite Toy or Game: Had a toy archery kit back at the Economides house
Schooling: left school at seventeen
Favorite Subject: History and English, loved old stories of Robin Hood
Popular or Loner: loner---’cept he was real popular with the “troubled” kids, the freak in freaks and geeks
Important Experiences or Events: When George died, the abuse at the other foster homes
Health Problems: None
Culture: English?? He’s actually Italian and Chinese, but wouldn’t know at all. Considers himself Greek, if anything
Religion and beliefs: The only time in his life when he was religious was when he lived with the Economides family and went to church on the reg, since then, he’s convinced that if a God does exist, he’s a shitty God and only people can really help each other
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits: smoking, drinking, commitment issues, def has ghosted girls before...oh yeah, uh, stealing things??? He’s also a pickpocket
Good Habits: very good with children, when he wants to be he’s very kindhearted, very charismatic, very charming, good sweet-talker
Best Characteristic: intense--has his set of beliefs and morals and will stick by them
Worst Characteristic: intense--to the point where he isolates himself
Worst Memory: The moment the Economides family left him at the social services office (also George’s death lbr)
Best Memory: His first Christmas with the Economides family
Proud of: the money he’s been able to give back to the orphanage
Embarrassed by: his lack of formal education
Driving Style: erratically, I don’t think he has a license but he definitely knows how to drive--does not get into accidents, but is hella reckless
Strong Points: passionate, believes in a cause, dedicated friend, charming, charismatic, quick-learner, good with his hands
Temperament: sanguine
Attitude: passionate, intense
Weakness: has a very specific mission, keeps people at a distance unless you’ve proved yourself to him, you can know him but never really know him
Fears: man, uh, not being able to make a difference
Phobias: abandonment issues~~~
Secrets: the fact that he’s a master thief
Regrets: not finishing secondary, not being like a better person or whatever
Feels Vulnerable When: talking about his past
Pet Peeves: tourists (but they make good bait), people who hate on people who use subtitles, americans, mac copmputers
Conflicts: his very idealistic moral code vs reality, his very idealistic moral code and mission vs caring about his own life/needs
Motivation: justice for children
Short Term Goals and Hopes: find Tuck’s family, steal from Tuck’s family, find Martin, find enough money to get Fakhir a good lawyer
Long Term Goals and Hopes: well shit, making a difference in the lives of people somehow
Sexuality: heterosexual, but could be convinced to fuck a bloke
Exercise Routine: just generally active, runs a fair bit, likes to play sports with friends
Day or Night Person — Night
Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist
Likes and Styles:
Music: alt-rock, classic rock, rock in general, also some punk
Books: he likes old stories and folktales (ie; Robin Hood whom he modeled himself after), but does have a soft spot for some high fantasy books (he’s a big fan of Lloyd Alexander’s work--wait, I guess that doesn’t exist since The Black Cauldron is disney but IM SURE HE HAD SOME SORTA EQUIVALENT...The Beige Cauldron) and adventure novels
Magazines: GQ probs let’s be real. Never bought one, always knicked ‘em out of newstands. ALso probably playboy……...Recently has been into tech mags.
Foods: Greek food---reminds him of his time with the Economides family. Loves him a good lamb gyro with a big side of chips.
Drinks: Whiskey--straight up. Not a huge tea drinker, but likes a strong Turkish coffee. Also Gin and Tonics
Animals: Foxes and birds of prey. Tbh, kinda hates that the name the orphanage gave him is ROBIN for crying out loud it sounds so fuckin’ wimpy
Sports: big football fan, also into rugby, probably out of all my characters the one who follows sports the most jeez
Social Issues: def def a huge proponent for children’s rights, especially within the foster system; that’s his biggest thing, but he’s also really for Magick-Rights and against the pressing xenophobia and nationalism that’s rising in a lot of Western European nations
Favorite Saying: Faint heart never won fair lady; As you wish
Color: Dark forest green
Clothing: enough to maintain his image as a #rebel, but def does not invest toooo much in fashion. Lots of cool jackets, mostly darker colors
Jewelry: nah, mate that’s excessive (has this pendent that Barbara gave him that used to be George’s but that’s it)
Games: loves dominoes a lot actually
Websites: uhh reddit probably
TV Shows: probs into Game of Thrones and #epic period dramas
Movies: his absolute favorite movie is The Princess Bride, he loves good action flicks with a dash of epic romance--something with a real hero. Also probs a Star Wars fan. V for Vendetta
Greatest Want: to make a difference in the world, to make sure no child is ever hurt
Greatest Need: to let people in
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home: small studio apartment in Benbow
Household furnishings: sparse, probs just sleeps on a mattress let’s be real, has a hot plate and a mini fridge, uses a crate for a coffee table
Favorite Possession: his trusty pocket knife, one of the first things he bought with his own money
Most Cherished Possession: necklace that Barbara Economides gave to him that used to belong to George, it is a Greek Cross
Married Before: Nope.
Significant Other Before: the only serious one was this rather posh girl when he was 21. She ended up getting pregnant, but got an abortion and the relationship sorta derailed after that.
Children: nah
Relationship with Family: lol
Car: n/a
Career: no “career”--has worked service jobs and manual labor, was a bartender for a bit but quit bc of the Fakhir thing
Dream Career: god, he doesn’t know--maybe a social worker, tbh, or owning some sort of afterschool program for kids
Dream Life: he wouldn’t tell you, but being married to a beautiful girl, having a buncha kids, adopting a bunch too
Love Life: a string of one-night stands and brief dramatic love affairs that ended like smoke in the night
Hobbies : knife-throwing, wood-carving
Guilty Pleasure : women?
Sports or Clubs: not at the moment
Talents or Skills : wood-carving, bartending, bit of an amateur hacker, decent dancer and football player, decent at like climbing things lol, lock-picking, stealth talents
Intelligence Level: Never did well in school, but is quite very streetsmart and can read people very well, knowledgable on random things, courtsey of Tuck 
Finances: not as bad as you’d think, but still def the poorest out of my characters. He’s the type of dude who gives everything he gets back--always drops in coins for street musicians, always
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