#nam han joon
kimgoeun · 2 years
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Cafe Minamdang - episode 4
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biwooyoung · 2 years
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Cinematic Parallels™
I Remember You (2015) Café Minamdang (2022)
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zordhyu · 1 month
Han Jae Hui & Nam Han Joon - Not Another Song About Love (Cafe Minamdang...
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kdramemes · 2 years
Café Minamdang
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He's so funny ! and yes, this account is not dead haha !
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nthngtoseehere-blog · 11 months
I’ve poked around a little in Tumblr etc to see what people say about Café Minamdang, and it seems like people either really enjoy it or they really hate it. I can see why – while it occasionally gets serious, it’s mostly goofy af. Headdesk-inducing goofiness, even.
I just finished ep 6, and I actually love it. I started watching it specifically because people said it was ridiculous and funny, and I needed something like that to off-set the heavier stuff I’m also watching (Beyond Evil, Bloodhounds, Flower of Evil).
I love me some angsty and traumatized MLs so the fact that Nam Han Jun has not been a happy-go-lucky lunatic all his life is a bonus, mainly because so far they haven’t given up the goofiness to go all in on the angst.
Actually, the fact that he hasn’t always been a con-man, and that he’s been running his shaman con from the beginning with the mindset of someone whose career was always meant to help people, makes me like the show more. Han Jun has let his inner court jester off the leash, but he’s still a good guy underneath it all.
I love the dynamic between the ML and the FL so far. I’m hand-waving the age/timeline stuff and just going with what the show tells me to think about that rather than analyzing it too hard, so I think her early crush on him was cute.
Usually the trope of the cop who assumes they know who did it and refuses to be objective in the slightest really frustrates me, but it works here somehow? I think because there really does appear to be no reason to doubt the so-called evidence until Han Jun makes a stink about it. Jae-hui has started to question things, now that she’s being called out on her rigidity, which makes a huge difference.
I think my favorite element so far is how much Han Jun really doesn’t give a fuck if law enforcement will believe him, or support him, or even listen to him. I’m guessing he gave up on that sometime during his incarceration. He’s perfectly aware of how easily the law can be manipulated to sacrifice the innocent, because he’s been the sacrificial innocent, and he has no faith left.
He knows he’s right, and he’s going to investigate what he wants to investigate, and Jae-Hui and her cohort can either listen to him or they can continue to focus on what they think is right; he doesn’t care either way.
It’s kind of refreshing. Usually, there’s some level of desperation on the hero’s part to be understood and believed by the people in power. They either try to hide what they’re doing because they’re afraid of being misunderstood, or they’re aggressively trying to get people to believe them.
Han Jun doesn’t do that. He doesn’t agonize over it, either; he just does his thing.
It helps that he has people on his side, even if none of them are particularly powerful. Han Jun, Hye Jun, Su Cheol and Na Dan are such a great little ridiculous, pure, mutually supportive family.
Speaking of actual family, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more realistic brother-sister relationship. Han Jun and Hye Jun have such a great love-aggravate-support-mock dynamic.
I have to admit that I keep waiting to find out that Su Cheol is the bad guy. I couldn’t figure out why until I realized that the other show I’ve seen that actor in is Lovers of the Red Sky, in which he played the villain. I don’t *want* Han Jun to be betrayed by his friend, though, so I will be very happy if he doesn’t turn out to be evil.
Oh, side note: I kind of love that while Han Jun started out being the BAMF martial artist who taught Jae-Hui, he’s now barely able to hold his own in a fight while she’s Avengers-level kick-ass. It feels like a skill he let lapse because it maybe required a level of...I don’t know, dedication to heroism? That he no longer feels. Whereas Jae-Hui has improved because she’s driven to be The Best Cop Ever after the tragedy of her brother’s death and the fact that his killer got away.
But yes. 100% enjoying this show.
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k-drama-trash · 2 years
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aigooo you look just like a local it's as if you were born here!!
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dilebe06 · 1 year
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My Top Male Characters of 2023
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notafanbut · 2 years
I still think Nam Han Joon and Prosecutor Cha would make a better pairing. The level of their bickering would be off the scale and they'd be the most handsome couple in the room.
Prosecutor Cha would get all arsy with N Han Joon flirting and getting all the attention whilst secretly loving it. Oh please - in an alternative universe!
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lynx-paw · 2 years
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junkobato · 5 months
My top 5 kdrama of 2023
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Let me know your top kdramas!!!
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kimgoeun · 2 years
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intothemultifandom · 1 year
Auld Lang Syne || Chapter One
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Pairing: Han Gyeong-Su x Reader
Summary: Class 2-2's Vice President: VP.
In which the sensible Vice-President does their best to keep their little band of survivors alive.
Tags/Warnings: reader insert, character death, swearing, canon divergence, pre-relationship, angst + more
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Chapter One
Harabeoji lays on the hospital bed, unaware that the world continues without him.
You're his only visitor today. The room is cold, and his heart monitor fills the silence since you won't.
You don't know what to say, where to start.
Do you tell him that he needs to wake up? That since he fell sick, your step-grandmother used his coma as an opportunity to move everyone from your family home (sans yourself) and that her son, your half-uncle and proxy, is already making deals to have the line of succession passed to him instead?
Seoul is too far from Hyosan for you to visit him, to remind him to keep fighting and to keep vigil at his bedside, but they moved his treatment here anyway. Have already brought themselves a sky-line apartment right in the centre.
If you told him that they've left you alone, that they've left you behind, would that be enough to wake him up?
On your lap, you've brought a collection of Western comic books you've been reading to practise your English and since you need to fill the quiet somehow, you pick one out to read:
The Walking Dead, it says.
If Harabeoji finds your pick distasteful, he doesn't say.
(You wish he would).
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In a class-room setting, the Vice-President is meant to ensure that there is strong communication between the Class Reps and the President. When the President is absent, it is up to them to act in their stead. To lead the class through ever-changing situations with a clear head and mature outlook.
At times, you enjoy being responsible for such tasks. The position gives you a sense of purpose on days when you feel set adrift, makes you feel more present as you tend to your responsibilities and resolve minor conflicts. Those are the days you feel like an ordinary student, responsible only for the happenings of your class.
Other times however, it's a bitter reminder. Of Harabeoji who's counting on you to do good, of the dynasty you're set to inherit in his name and of the interests you've had to sacrifice in favour of activities more appealing for Universities overseas. Like being Vice-President.
Joon-Yeong insists you should have been Class President when the positions are first announced. It's unfair Nam-Ra gets the position because of her Mother's bribery when you're not only first in class but have given up more to commit to your school's night self-learning programme and your new role.
He says it with an air of indifference as he crosses his arms, but his eyes burn behind his glasses. You think it's because losing the Presidency to a friend will make the loss hurt a little less, and because it would excuse you from not hanging out with him and the others as much as you used to.
You don't point it out to him, though. Joon-Yeong has to come to his own conclusion for things to stick. Instead, you make a show of pointing your finger right at his nose as you order him–and the others watching–to call you "VP" henceforth.
It's not much, but if you show that you're not upset with the position you're given then your friends have no grounds to be angry on your behalf. You just hope that overtime, they'll come around about the Class President you do have in the meantime.
You did in the end, hadn't you?
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Speaking of your Class President, Nam-Ra always complains about the music playing on your headphones whenever she slides into her seat next to you, but it doesn't stop her from leaning over your textbook to assess your work.
You respond by turning your volume all the way up so the melody of Auld Lang Syne rattles your ears, mouth curling when she nods begrudgingly at your answers.
There isn't much she'll find to begin with, but it's routine; Nam-ra grumbles about your music in the morning as she looks over your work (way better than her rhythm techno beats, mind you), and you pretend this isn't her odd way of showing her friendship.
Silently, you offer her a piece of Poki from your half-opened bag, your own show of friendship, and she accepts the treat after a long, drawn out moment. Even though she doesn't say anything, you can see her face soften in the corner of your eye, and beyond the obvious, you're glad that she's not actually mad about your song choice for today.
"Wake me up when Ms. Park comes," you say after a moment, falling into your normal position as you cross your arms over your textbook, cushioning your head as you close your eyes. Nam-ra predictably grumbles at your command, but doesn't make a move to disturb you.
And drifting off, you hope that today is another calm day.
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It's not.
Hyeon-Ju's bloodied entrance is too shocking for the day to be anything but calm.
Even when she's whisked away by Ms. Park, Su-Hyeok and a few others to the infirmary, the shock gives way to unease and the feeling settles under your skin before you can do anything about it. It makes you itch to do something, anything.
Ms. Park instructs you all to resume studying but hearing what Hyeon-Ju said and seeing her state in general, more than half the class group together to brainstorm what happened between your classmate and Mr. Lee.
Nam-Ra seems to be the only one actually studying and while it looks like you are too, with all your pens laid out and your head tilted down to your book, you're actually listening in on the chatter around you. Pulling out your stationary was just a show of solidarity, if anything.
From what you gather, no one seems to say anything that corroborates your unease or the sense of foreboding that's taken root. Dae-Su's idea is perverse, Wu-Jin is quick to slap him on the back of his head, and I-Sak returns with a troubled face before the others can chime in.
At once, everyone turns their attention towards her, even Nam-Ra, but the weight of someone's stare grows heavy on the side of your face so you turn to other side of the room instead, catching Gyeong-Su's gaze just as he snaps his head back to I-Sak.
You're sure he knows you caught him staring at you because the tips of his ears are pink, and his posture is rigid as he faces the front. If you weren't feeling so agitated, your skin still itching, you'd smile at his embarrassment.
How long will he wait before he confesses?
"–What happened? Is Hyeon-Ju okay?" Wu-Jin chimes. He kneels next to I-Sak when he asks, and you begin tapping your finger on your desk when she speaks, pulled back to the matter at hand.
When you saw Hyeon-Ju last, the poor girl was delirious as she stumbled into the room, eyes fluttering as she tried to stay awake. Her face was bloodied, her hair was matted and when she collapsed by Ms. Parks' feet, she could could barely move.
However, the Hyeon-Ju I-Sak left in the infirmary sounds like a completely different person.
Having to be restrained as she thrashed on the bed. Hissing. Biting.
She scratched Ms. Kim, I-Sak says.
There's a cold sweat running down the back of your neck the more you imagine it, different scenarios flitting through your head in quick succession, but when I-Sak mentions some weird shot Mr. Lee injected her with, the agitation you feel reaches a crescendo.
You stop tapping, deciding that you need to see things yourself.
Nam-Ra glances at you from the corner of her eye, and you hope the look you flash her doesn't belie your nerves.
It turns out though that the Class President must consider you more of a friend than you realised (the kind of friend that you cover for), because her mouth twists like she knows you're up to something but doesn't push.
"I'll find a mop to clean up the mess," you lie, grabbing your bag.
"Hurry back," is Nam-Ra's cool reply.
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This is a multi-fic story. 
I intend to post this story on Wattpad and Ao3 shortly. Maybe even Quotev and FF.net, too. 
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nofatclips · 9 months
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Chukje (Festival) - dir. Im Kwon-taek (1996)
Full movie available on Korean Classic Films YouTube channel
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namjhyun · 10 months
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Jung Woo Sung, Kim Nam Gil, Kim Joon Han and Park Yoona for VOGUE Korea August 2023 promoting upcoming film A Man Of Reason.
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Na-Yeon is a bitch. Prove me wrong.
Na-yeon: Some of us are just victims in this situation.
Nam-ra: That’s probably true. How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by Lee Na-yeon?
Gyeong-su: *raises hand*
Cheong-san: *raises hand*
On-jo: *raises hand*
Ji-min: *raises hand*
Hyo-ryung: *raises hand*
Su-hyeok: *raises hand*
I-sak: *raises hand*
Min-ji: *raises hand*
Joon-yeong: *raises hand*
Dae-su: *raises hand*
Woo-jin: *raises hand*
Eun-ji: *raises hand*
Hee-su: *raises hand*
Gwi-nam: *raises hand*
Myung-hwan: *raises hand*
Chang-hoon: *raises hand*
Cheol-soo: *raises hand*
Ha-ri: *raises hand*
Mi-jin: *raises hand*
Joon-seong: *raises hand*
Min-jae: *raises hand*
Ha-lim: *raises hand*
Jin-su: *raises hand*
Ms. Park: *raises hand*
Mr. Lee: *raises hand*
Principal: *raises hand*
So-ju: *raises hand*
Assemblywoman Park: *raises hand*
Dal-ho: *raises hand*
U-sin: *raises hand*
Jae-ik: *raises hand*
Ho-cheol: *raises hand*
Se-bin (the little girl): *raises hand*
Hee-su’s baby: *Jae-ik gently raises baby hand*
Commander Jin: *raises hand*
Orrangibberish: *raises hand*
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k-drama-trash · 2 years
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Popular Nam Han Joon
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