#namjoon warlock au
justimajin · 7 months
House of the Haunted
Genre: Fluff & Comedy
↳ 3.5k / Supernatural AU (inspired from Hotel Transylvania)
[Includes: Vampire! Yoongi, Werewolf! Jungkook, Ghost! Namjoon, Demon! Jimin, Angel! Hoseok, Warlock! Taehyung, Faerie! Seokjin, Human! Reader]
Summary: It's Halloween and the Council of the Haunted have convened together for a very important and highly classified discussion - there's a *whispers* human on the premises.
A/N: I was originally going to post this for Halloween, but it unfortunately got a bit delayed. It's just meant to be a fun story for spooks and laughs. Happy (Belated) Halloween! 🎃
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The front door creaks open. 
The mansion is nothing short of grand, lined with expansive black marble floors and dark wooden walls. There are ebony crystals hanging down from the dimly lit chandelier, connected right above the old spiral staircase that’s decorated with small oil lamps. The wind ever so whistles against the grey murky windows, echoing through the emptiness of the haunting infrastructure. 
Amongst the different doors next to the staircase, only one is brightly lit. 
A tall man dressed in lavish purple robes shuffles forward, his eyes darting around. There’s a sudden change in the air, akin to a low draft he feels against his back that his keen senses pick up on right away. 
“Taehyung.” A voice whispers into the night and he swivels, robes cascading around him as he does. “You came.” 
His lips pull up into a cheeky smile, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
The transparent man before him gyrates around, his feet floating an inch off the ground.
“Follow me.” 
Taehyung obliges, trailing after him. 
“You know, Seokjin will be very pleased to see you too.” 
Taehyung deeply chuckles, fingertips absent-mindly playing with the mist that radiates out of them. “I’m sure he will be.” 
He’s led into a large dining room, the very one that is brightly lit. In the middle of it sits a long outstretched table that’s entirely covered with a black tablecloth and with candlelight decor. There are seven wooden chairs lining the table and accompanying, seven golden chalices. 
It’s a room he’s become very familiar with over the course of the last couple of months. Namely, ever since one fateful day when he was granted a hand-crafted invitation with intricate writing and symbols. At the time, he truthfully wasn’t quite sure to expect, or rather, who to expect. 
His answer came without another thought and it took the form of an old, but peculiarly cheery Faerie man – the very one seated at the head of the table and examining a chalice before him. 
“Warlock Kim Taehyung has arrived.” The voice booms into the room, making Seokjin look up. 
The Faerie man rises to his feet, addressing the transparent man. 
“Thank you, Namjoon.” He nods in confirmation, before wafting back into the breeze and exiting the room. 
Seokjin spins around with a big grin, “Taehyung!” 
“You haven’t changed a bit.” Taehyung remarks, giving the man a swift hug. “Though, your way of sending invites has gotten really interesting.” 
He twirls his fingers and a piece of paper emerges, landing in his hands. He envelopes it, eyes focused on the written words. “A call for all supernatural beings to meet, for the Council of the Haunted to convene once more for urgent matters–”
Taehyung snickers, “You write like you’re a hundred years old already.”
“I was trying to be formal!” Seokjin protests, irises glimmering with specks of pink. 
Taehyung raises a playful brow, “A Faerie trying to be courteous? Now that’s funny.” 
Seokjin shakes his head with a sigh, “Sit down, will you? I’m going to have more guests to tend to.” 
Taehyung non-chantently hums, eyeing the wine in the centre of the table with intrigue. The former Faerie hears more footsteps, and he hurriedly leaves the room altogether. 
Making his way to the front door, Seokjin is met with the sight of Namjoon surrounded by others. 
“Well, well, who do we have here?” He piques, mischievousness brimming in his voice.
Two men appear before him – contrasting like day and night. 
One of them has swept violet hair and dark ebony wings sticking out from his back. A dark red beam within his orbs and there’s a soft smile lingering on his lips. The other has a mop of brown hair and a pair of white wings. He holds a deep scowl, arms crossed and his blue eyes stern. 
“Demon Park Jimin and Angel Jung Hoseok have arrived.” Namjoon announces from behind, appearing a bit frazzled from the duo’s sudden appearance. 
“The Council of the Haunted, huh?” Hoseok remarks, “You haven’t called us here in ages.” 
Jimin peers around, “The decor is really nice, did you remodel the place?” 
Seokjin merely laughs, immediately engulfing the two into a hug. “It’s been a while, you two!” 
Hoseok grumbles and Jimin giggles. “Come on in! Taehyung’s already here.” 
He steps to the side, gesturing the two men forward. They enter the grand dining room with Namjoon’s assistance, taking spots at opposite sides of the table. 
Seokjin comes up behind Namjoon. “That makes three – who are we missing now?” 
“The vampire and werewolf.” Namjoon utters, grimacing a bit. “I was informed today was a full moon.” 
“Of course it is.” Seokjin sighs, glancing at his present guests. “We’ll have to wait a bit longer.” 
Taehyung raises his chalice of wine with a grin. “M’kay with me.” 
“Wait, I have to sit here longer?” Hoseok recoils, “With him?” 
Jimin sweetly smiles. “How interesting. I share the same sentiments.” 
The Faerie narrows his eyes, “Taehyung, that wine is supposed to be for everybody.” He turns to his ghostly friend, whispering underneath his breath. “Namjoon, can you make sure those two don’t cause a brawl on my dining table?” 
He immediately nods, effortlessly floating over to the table. Seokjin turns around with a huff, planting his hands against his waist. 
At this point, anyone who will arrive will be considered late. He should have considered this, knowing that some of his members simply had the tendency to be forgetful and– 
His heart nearly jumps out of his chest at the low voice behind him, wide pink orbs coming into contact with a red-eyed man with midnight hair and long incisors sticking outside of his teeth. 
“Oh gosh–” Seokjin presses a hand against his heart, attempting to calm himself. “It’s just you, Yoongi.” He huffs, “For a moment, you had me scared there.” 
The vampire looks at him impassibly, “Sorry about that.” 
Seokjin shakes it off, “Don’t worry about it.” He stares at him intently, tilting his head to the side in amusement. “I didn’t think you would come. What changed your mind?” 
Yoongi seems to hesitate for a split-second, before mumbling the words. 
“You said there would be others here….I was curious.”
The corners of Seokjin’s mouth upturn and he watches as the vampire silently trails over to the dining table, carefully taking a seat amongst the table. He was really interesting – that was for sure. 
Suddenly, a howl breaks through and echoes into the walls of his home. He swivels around, just in time to catch the faintest blur of caramel brown fur. 
There’s an enormous wolf launching itself against him, practically pouncing onto the poor defenceless Faerie man before he has the chance to say anything. 
“Okay, okay, I get it!” He scolds, pushing him away. “Jungkook, get off of me!” 
The caramel brown wolf whines loudly, as if in utter protest. Seokjin deeply sighs, petting his head rather awkwardly. 
“There! You happy now?” 
The wolf seems to let out a pleased howl, before its paw hits against the marbled floor. Within a couple of seconds, its bones begin to crack and a young man with crinkled golden eyes and a huge bunny smile stares back at him. 
“Hi hyung!” He chuckles and Seokjin grins lop-sidley, “Thanks for inviting me.” 
“Thanks for coming, JK.” Seokjin turns to Namjoon, leading Jungkook in. “Everyone’s here!” 
Jungkook brightens up, “Namjoon! It’s so nice seeing you again.”
The ghost man stares back at him wide-eyed as Jungkook loudly cackles, throwing his head back. Seokjin ends up pushing at his shoulders to get him to sit down in one of the chairs. 
“Haha, veryy original.” He sarcastically retorts, moving to take his seat at the head of the table. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook get seated on his right side, while Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi remain on the other. 
He ushers for everyone to raise their chalices. 
Seokjin clears his voice. “We have all gathered here today for a very important matter to discuss.”
Jungkook raises his hand, “Have you finally decided to remodel the meeting room to look less worse?” 
He scoffs, “No.” 
“Are you considering taking a step down and letting someone with purer intentions take over?” Hoseok remarks. 
Seokjin sighs, “No.” 
“Is this about the time I accidentally turned one of your workers into a goblin?” Taehyung ponders. 
“What? No.” 
“Is this when I forgot to turn your goblin back into your worker?” 
“Tae, no–” 
“Is this when the goblin wrecked havoc on–” 
“Okay, then!” Seokjin loudly coughs underneath his breath, a bright smile plastering on his features. There’s a sudden build up of pressure into the room, as if a hazy wave had crossed over everyone’s mind. 
His irises tinge with pink and the room is taken aback with a command, all members in his group visibly relaxing more than before. 
“This is so cool.” Jimin whispers, specks of pink dwindling in his own eyes. 
“Stop trying to toy with us and get to the point.” Hoseok barks, shaking his head with a huff. 
Seokjin grins wickedly, “Now that I finally do have your attention, there is something urgent to discuss.” Taehyung raises his hand again, but Seokjin glares at him, causing him to lower it, “This matter is of utmost importance and I believe it will affect all of us sooner or later.” 
Six sets of rounded eyes stare back at him. 
He drops the ball, “I have discovered….a human in my home.” 
A sharp, collective gasp echoes through the room. 
Jimin and Hoseok glance at each other wide-eyed while Taehyung presses a hand against his chest. Jungkook stares back at Seokjin with doe eyes as Namjoon shrinks back and Yoongi takes a sip out of his chalice filled with wine. 
“You should have started with that!” Taehyung protests. 
“Well, maybe you all hadn’t been – Oh, I don’t know – interrupting me constantly, then I would have!” Seokjin exclaims. 
“How could you let a human in here?!” Hoseok hisses, aware only the supernatural kind were granted permission. 
“This is why I have gathered all of you here.” Seokjin speaks a bit softer, “I would like some opinions about the matter and to frankly, form my own.” 
Namjoon floats forward, “We had discovered her a while ago wandering outside around the mansion. She seemed lost, as if she had nowhere to go.” 
“And?” Hoseok raises a brow, “You thought letting her in here was a good idea?” 
“I don’t think it's too bad.” Jimin objects, “They were just trying to help.” 
“Help a human? Out of all people?!” 
Taehyung bites his bottom lip, “What if...the human tries to kill us?” 
“I wouldn’t take it that far.” Jimin reasons, “Humans aren’t too dangerous.” 
Jungkook leans back in his chair, gold eyes flickering as if recalling a fond memory. “My girlfriend used to be human and tried killing me once.” 
Hoseok deeply frowns, “That’s not something to be proud of, JK.” 
He huffs, “We lived happily ever after, thank you very much.” 
“Someone’s a hopeless romantic.” Taehyung chuckles underneath his breath and Jungkook sends him a glare. 
“Well, I for one, don’t trust it.” Hoseok states, crossing his arms. “Humans should be monitored because of how fickle they can be.” 
Jimin snorts as he sips his wine, “That’s a lot coming from you.” 
Hoseok venomously glowers at him. 
“You got something to say, demon?” 
Jimin smiles wistfully. “I don’t know, it just seems like a lot coming from an angel that’s been notoriously involved with a female demon.” 
Namjoon lets out an audible gasp. Jungkook’s doe eyes increase in size and Yoongi spins his head around. Taehyung leans forward with gleaming eyes and Seokjin leans back, taking a sip of his wine.
Hoseok blushes, flustered from all the sudden attention. “T-Then what about you, huh? Why don’t you tell everyone how fond you are of humans?!” 
Taehyung revolves his head around, staring at Jimin with amusement now. Seokjin sips more of his wine, intrigued by the direction of the conversation. 
“What can I say?” He cheekily smiles. “Humans are very kind and loving. I have no regrets.” 
“Why you–” 
“H-Hyung!” Jungkook looks at Yoongi in desperation. The poor werewolf is caught sitting next to the bickering angel and demon, their interactions almost making him feel like they very well arguing over his own two shoulders. “W-What do you think about all this?”
Yoongi leans forward, clearing his throat. “Humans can be very violent and destructive, if swayed in the wrong direction. However, they can be compassionate. It’s something can take decades, even years to be able to find the right one–” 
“Not all of us wait for our significant others to be reincarnated, hyung.” Taehyung comments with a smile.
“T-That’s beautiful, hyung.” Jungkook whispers while sniffling. 
Taehyung looks at Jimin with a grin, mouthing ‘hopeless romantic’. The demon loudly giggles, causing Jungkook to scoff. 
“Hey, it is! Do you know how long it takes to find the one you love?” He proclaims, “They could literally be your best friend and you wouldn’t even realize it!” 
“Okay, JK’s started to project. Anyone else?” Seokjin looks around the table, growing bored with the conversation. 
His dancing pink eyes land on Taehyung. “How about you?” 
“What about me?” Taehyung gulps the last of his wine. 
“You have a human partner, no?” 
Taehyung smiles amused. “Do I? Who knows?” 
“Oh, stop being so secretive and mysterious.” Hoseok rolls his eyes. 
“I’m a warlock, angel.” Taehyung snaps his fingers, mist sparkling around that Hoseok waves off with a disgusted look. “I don’t let out my secrets so easily.” 
“Okay, so Taehyung’s still as hard-headed as ever.” Seokjin glances over at Namjoon, an unamused hand planted against his face. “Any progress?” 
“Two members have vouched for the human and two are against,” He looks up with a frown, staring at Taehyung, “and I believe one is undecided…?” 
“So it’s a tie.” Seokjin heaves, pressing a hand against his temples, “How am I ever going to make a decision?” 
“What’s going on?” 
The entire room plunges into an uncomfortable silence. 
Everyone slowly turns to the entrance of the grand room, line of sight redirecting to the person attached to the quiet voice that echoes into the chamber. 
Your eyes are as wide as ever, taking in the grand table and the chalices of wine in front of the seven interesting individuals. There’s a mix of different coloured eyes staring back at you, paired with intricate features like wolf ears, fangs, mist, and wings. Among them, a human-like man with pink orbs is the only one you recognize. 
“Seokjin?” You wonder, “Are these your friends?” 
“Y/N.” Although he smiles, it doesn’t completely reach his eyes. You wonder if you interrupted something, especially with how they all stare at you like you were supernatural.
Seokjin glances around, continuing to smile, “Something like that.” 
“O-Oh, that’s nice. What were you guys talking about?” 
You stare at the pink-eyed man, not noticing how the angel uncomfortably shifts, or how the demon smiles in your direction. You don’t notice the werewolf staring at you naively, or the intrigue the vampire holds. You especially don’t notice the warlock pushing his wine closer to himself, or the floating man that looks at you in wonder. 
“Um…” Hoseok warily peers at Taehyung. 
“Don’t mind me.” He swipes away at Hoseok’s drink with mist, causing Jimin to laugh. 
“Shhh.” Jungkook chides, accidentally letting out a howl in the process.
“Take mine.” Yoongi offers. “I prefer blood.”
“Y/N!” Seokjin chimes in, stern pink orbs locking onto his table of supernaturals who immediately pipe down. His arm wraps around your shoulder, a charming smile on his lips. 
“How about you wait outside, hm? Things are a bit…unearthly here.” 
“Oh…okay!” You chirp, “I don’t mind, I hope you have fun with your friends.” 
Seokjin nods, smiling unmovingly. He quickly guides you outside, before looking over in Namjoon’s direction urgently, who floats over to your side. 
The two of you leave the room and Seokjin continues to smile until the door shuts. 
He spins around. 
“Would you all calm down?!” He hisses, taking the wine out of Taehyung’s hands and instantly separating the members, “Didn’t I already tell you she’s human?” 
“And?” Hoseok retaliates, “You’re the most human looking out of all of us!” 
“Yeah!” Taehyung preaches, “You’re biased towards her.” 
Seokjin rolls his eyes. “For your kind information, I’m actually half human which is why I don’t look completely like a Faerie!” 
He gestures to his ears, which should have sharper pointed ends but take on a human-like appearance instead. 
“Biased! I’m calling it!” Taehyung says again. 
“Wait hyung, then why do you need our help?” Jungkook questions, “Wouldn’t it be easier for you to figure it out by yourself?” 
“I needed opinions.” He states, crossing his arms. “Despite being half-human, it isn’t as easy making decisions regarding them.” 
“Well, I think she’s nice. Doesn’t seem too harmful.” Jimin pitches in. 
“Yeah, I wasn’t quaking in fear.” Hoseok retorts. 
“She’s not a werewolf slayer, I’ll tell you that.” Jungkook states with uttermost seriousness. 
 Yoongi shrugs, “Don’t think she’ll reincarnate anytime soon either.”
“Can I turn her into a goblin?” Taehyung lets his intrusive thoughts out, but Seokjin frowns. 
He regards all of them, “I appreciate the penny for your thoughts,” His voice deepens, sounding borderline threatening “–and Taehyung, no.”
He pouts and Seokjin sighs, standing at the front of the table once again. 
“I have made my decision and it will be final – Y/N be allowed to stay in this home until we can recover where she came from.” 
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A low laugh escapes your lips. 
“Is something wrong?” Namjoon wonders and you shake your head. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. You just have a really interesting group of friends.” 
“Ah, well, we are all quite interesting, aren’t we?” Namjoon chuckles, before fumbling. “Uh, n-not in a suspicious way, of course. In a more human-like way, with human lifespans and human way of livin–” 
“You’re all supernaturals, right?” 
Namjoon freezes. 
“Y-You knew?”
“It was quite obvious from the start.” You laugh, “Also, I heard Seokjin mumbling something along the lines of getting the creatures of the night to gather together just like the good ol’ tales.” 
Your laughter grows as Namjoon places a sheepish hand against his temples. 
He sighs, “Well, you aren’t wrong about any of that.” 
“And what about you?” He turns, only to be met with your curious gaze and warm smile. 
He grows hyper aware, “W-What about me?” 
“I could hear them talking earlier.” You explain, gaze not leaving him. “Are you like the others? Do you have a human counterpart too?”
Namjoon is taken aback, not quite expecting you to ask. But then his smile diminishes, hints of anguish filling his orbs. 
“I used to, but she crossed over not too long ago.” He looks down at his hands, his transparency only becoming more evident by the minute. “I’m just a wandering ghost now.” 
Your heart sinks. “Wandering?” 
“Regrets.” Namjoon shuts his eyes, “I’m tethered to this world because of my last regret – which had to do with my dead wife.” 
“Oh…” Your eyes soften. “I….I hope she’s in a better place.” 
“She is.” Although remorseful, you notice the hope that fills his smile. It results in one lifting onto your own lips. 
The doors before suddenly come bustling open, startling the two of you. 
Seokjin emerges, brimming with confidence. 
“There you are!” He boasts, “A final decision has been made!”
Namjoon looks at him eagerly, “Is she staying?” 
“She is, but–” Seokjin waves a finger around. “As long as she follows the rules and… accepts our true identities.” 
“Oh, I already know you’re supernaturals.” You profess, much to Seokjin’s utter shock.
“She knows?!” Hoseok’s voice pitches out from the table. 
“Humans are smarter than you give them credit for.” Jimin snorts. 
“Well, that’s my cue to go.” Taehyung snaps his fingers, vanishing into purple smoke. 
“I-I guess that answered my concern.” Seokjin stutters, staring at you with a mix of surprise and horror. 
“Thank you for letting me stay.” You warmly smile, glancing in Namjoon’s direction. “It’ll be nice getting to know all of you." 
He smiles back and Seokjin nods, widening the door and allowing you to enter into the dining room. 
“Supernaturals are a bit peculiar around humans.” Seokjin states, placing another chair at the table, “But hopefully you’ll fit in with time.” 
You slip into it, taking the seat of the eighth member amongst the large table. 
Leaning back into the chair, there are specks of pink dancing within your irises. 
“Don’t worry.” You grin wickedly, “I think I’ll fit in just fine.”
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borathae · 11 months
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“They’ve seen the centuries come and go, watched empires rise and fall and witnessed the creation of society as it is today. And now you have fallen into their arms, showing them once again that change never stops.”
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Smut, Hurt and Comfort, Vampire!AU, Magic!AU, Polyamory!AU
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“You change universities after moving towns. Your new university is an old, ancient building with secret tunnels and whispered ghost stories. There are two fraternities, which for some reason always seem to be in a quarrel. Alpha consisting of Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin and Min Yoongi. Handsome, porcelain skinned men, who act as if they are out of another century and for some reason everyone on campus seems to be scared of. And Sanguis consisting of Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok. Men with skin just as pale and their faces just as beautiful, who always wear sunglasses when it is light outside and who never seem to open their curtains. And for some peculiar reason you always find yourself in the middle of them….”
Pairing: OT7 x f.Reader with main Taehyung x f.Reader & Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, Smut, University!AU, Vampire!AU
《 To Book One 》
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“When your endless game of hide and seek with Namjoon sends your little group all over Europe, you have to fight more than just vengeful witches and bloodthirsty demons. Different morals, beliefs and mindsets bring just as much struggle to your bond as your enemies. And soon you have to accept that the world you decided to live in is darker than you initially prepared for.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader & Jungkook x f.Reader + more as the story progresses
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Smut, Vampire!AU, Magic!AU
《 To Book Two 》
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“You and your lovers visit The Plains, a magical realm created for the souls of witches and warlocks and home of your dear grandmother. She welcomes you with raspberry pie and tea. You come with many stories to tell and eager hands to help on her cottage. Golden sunlight, blue moonshine and green forests await you alongside early morning snuggles and late night kisses with your lovers.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader, Jungkook x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook, Taehyung x Jungkook, platonic Yoongi x Taehyung
Genre: Magic!AU, Vampire!AU, Polyamory!AU, Slice of Life, Fluff, Romance, Smut, this is a spin-off meant to be read after the Duology
Progress: new chapters currently being posted each Wednesday
《 To the Spin-Off 》
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#01 - What You Deserve [YG x JK]
#02 - The Piano Teacher [YG x OC]
#03 - Only For You ([YG x OC]
#04 - Mellifluous [TH x OC]
#05 - Safe Hands [YG x OC]
#06 - Rache [TH x JK]
#07 - Captured [YG x OC]
#08 - Illecebra [TH x OC] ​
#09 - How I Love You [YG x OC]
#10 - Stormy Nights [YG x OC]
#11 - Of Simpler Times [TH x JM]
#12 - Best Seat [YG x OC]
#13 - Deep [JK]
#14 - Painted Blue [TH x OC]
#15 - Drunk on You [YG x OC]
#16 - I Want Your Love Forever [YG x OC]
#17 - Between Friends [YG x HS]
#18 - Bed Head [JK x OC]
#19 - Don’t Tease Please [JK x OC]
#20 - Fade into You [YG x OC]
#21 - Rope Bunny [YG x OC]
#22 - Lavender Warmth [YG x OC]
#23 - The Scholar, The Princess and the Master [YG x OC x JK]
#24 - Picnics [YG x OC x JK]
#25 - Where Love Is [YG x OC]
#26 - Wake Up Call [YG x OC]
#27 - Devotion [TH x OC]
#28 - Bewitched [YG x OC]
#29 - wanna see myself inside you [JK x OC]
#30 - Princess Treatment [YG x OC]
#31 - Guilty Tears [TH x OC]
#32 - Moonlight & Campsites [YG x OC]
#33 - ILY [YG x OC]
#34 - Morning Hours [JK x OC]
#35 - Silly Fights [YG x OC]
#36 - Carefree [YG x TH]
#37 - Cozy Times [YG x OC]
#38 - Drive You Fucking Crazy [TH x OC]
#39 - FWB [HS x OC]
#40 - A Good Life [YG x OC]
#41 - Impatient [JK x TH]
#42 - Love Wins All [TH x OC]
#43 - Cozy [YG x OC]
#44 - Listen In [HS x JK x TH]
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hannarchive · 2 years
✰ Member:
✰ Genre:
Smut / Light Smut / Soft Smut / Suggestive
✰ AU:
Arranged Marriage
Family / Single Parent
Magic (Wizard, witch, warlock etc.)
✰ Reader-Inserts:
✰ Fic type:
One shots
Two shots
✰ Keywords:
Friends To Lovers
Enemies To Lovers
Mate (Werewolf, hybrid etc. type AUs)
Soulmate (Human)
Mythical (Aka mystical, supernatural etc.)
✨Personal Favorites✨
✰ Personal favorite combinations (work in progress)
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vinetae · 2 years
BTS Jung Hoseok Fics Recs List
!Credits to all owners!
Date: October 26th, 2022
Potions and Poisons - JHS (Smut, Warlock!au)
ღ pairing: warlock!hoseok x witch!reader
ღ genre: marriage au, magic au, smut [18+]
ღ summary: Reviving your memories last Hallows Eve was just the beginning for you and your warlock husband. You’ve quite settled in nicely to your life as his wife and even found a town where you won’t have to fear for your lives. Everything just seems to be falling into place while you simmer in marital bliss. However, your magic still needs some fine tuning…
ღ wc: 2.8k
ღ warnings: use of potions, hoseok accidentally eats a bad brownie, nudity, unprotected sex, marking (scratching, bruising, hickeys, biting), breast play, hair pulling, creampie
Nothing against our lovely sunshine, I just like the posts that show up on my recommended.
bitten & knotted | jhs + knj
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: as different as night and day, your two lovers have many differences, after all, one is a vampire and the other is a werewolf. they have their similarities too, namely their supernaturally long life. something you don’t share. something they’re going to rectify tonight. supernatural au.
⟶ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: vampire!namjoon x princess!reader x werewolf!hoseok
⟶ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff • smut • pwp (with more plot than was intended)
⟶ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 10k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: dom!namjoon, dom!hoseok, sub!reader, joon and hobi both have big cocks xxx, this is somehow tender and hard at the same time, threesome: mfm, dirty talk, slight body worship, light spanking, nipple play, pussy eating, fingering, face riding, cock sucking, deep throating, gagging/choking (on cock), cum eating, degradation, praise, unprotected, sloppy seconds, rough sex, manhandling, hoseok goes feral, slight mentions of blood, cum play, spitting, knotting, breeding, creampie eating, slight mxm, multiple orgasms, multiple creampies, biting/marking
*There will be lots more added in the future
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memphisfaith · 1 year
Chapter 15: Dionysus
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Fantasy Au
Warnings: Racial slurs, discrimination, torcher, death, murder, mentions of enslavement, kidnapping, mentions of suicide, attempted suicide.
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: There have always been tales of creatures in the world, all described in different ways. Some labeled as ruthless, others heroic, or even powerful. The world is filled with magic of all types and monsters of every kind. But there are whispers of family so great they could rival the heavens if tempted. A Legacy grown from love, heartache, and magic.
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The Witch sat with her sons in the garden much like they always do, Jimin off to the side doing his best to master flight but has only managed to flutter a little bit off the ground. Jungkook sat beside her snapping his fingers attempting to practice the trick his mother taught him.
“Are you sure you enchanted the object?” The Witch questions, The Boy beside her nods determinedly. “Then the best best advice I can give you is picture yourself using it when you snap your fingers. Focus on it, sense it, feel it.” She instructs softly.
The Boy beside her nods his head and closes his eyes. He sat like that for a moment, until slowly he snapped his fingers. The Witch grins as a cloud of blue smoke swirls in his hand before quickly dispersing, in its place sat The Boy's stuffed wolf.
“Very good my littlest wolf,” She smiles as The Boy’s eyes slowly open. He grins ear to ear upon seeing the object in his head. “With enough practice you’ll be able to change clothes with the snap of your fingers,” She chirps. Jungkook shrugs at the thought, “Or summon and change weapons mid battle should you please,” The Witch sighs. This thought causes a giddiness to perk up in The Boy.
“MAMA!” the loud cry of Jimin calls, The Witch snaps her head in his direction. A large smile forms on her lips as Jimin, a bit wobbly, floats in the air. His wings flutter rapidly to keep him in the air but they look beautiful as the sheer white of them has slight rainbow patches from the sun filtering through.
“Look at You!” A voice gasps, turning The Witch turns to see the blue haired Warlock. “Come to take them so soon?” she sighs, “I apologize my dear, but it is my turn to teach.” He chuckles. The Witch sighs out playfully, “I suppose you can take them,” she muses with a hand wave.
“I’ll see you boys soon, I hope to see your father has actually taught you something other than to be clumsy.” She smirks, pink dusts all three of The Boys cheeks. A rather bad habit the children picked up from their father is being rather clumsy, Jimin seems to trip over nothing while Jungkook tends to get messy with his magic.
As The Boys got ready to leave Hoseok came breezing over, “Would you mind if I went with them on this trip?” He questions shly, The Witch smirks knowingly and leans down to proper her head up with her hand and knee. “I don't see why not. Say hello to Yoongi for me, beloved,” She chimes, Hoseok’s cheeks painted red as his feathers ruffled but he doesn’t object.
The Witch watches the group of four depart off to The West, The Witch now remained with The Demon who if she had to guess was off in the strawberry patch. The Witch herself made her way back to the flower section of her garden, She sat in peace and admired her favorite statues and fountain.
However The Witch lets out an irritated sigh as she watches her water fountain turn to wine and a man emerges from its depths. Her face remains passive as the joyous man steps from the fountain, “Dionysus,” She greeted the man coldly. The man grins ear to ear upon hearing his name despite the cold tone.
“Is there something I can do for you?” She snips, The man laughs before curling both his hands in a circle. Magically two gold goblets are summoned, one in each hand. The god dips them into the wine fountain before making his way over, he holds one of the goblets out but she refuses.
“What is it that you need from me Dionysus?” She questions harshly, The God simply laughs. “Only your company,” He smiles, “My offer still stands my love,” He grins. Before The Witch can reply Taehyung emerges in a cloud of black smoke, his eyes an all consuming black and veins of ink litter his face and body. 
“The lady said no,” He rumbles, however The God in question merely laughs. “You can’t be one of Hades, I would have gotten an ear full if he knew my love set one of his souls free,” He chirps. Taehyung pays the God no mind, “Taehyung, darling.” The Witch calls.
Taehyung’s attention immediately turns to her, “Take ease, Dionysus has made himself a problem to me for the last several years now and he is a problem I can most certainly handle myself.” The Witch soothes. “Wanting you to be my Goddess is a problem?” The God muses swirling his goblet of wine.
“It most certainly is,” The Witch snips, the God laughs. “Interesting conclusion, because I recall a time where I’ve spent many summer nights within your sheets.” He sighs, “Ancient History, I was young and naive then. I have grown since then and now know better, thank the stars” The Witch mutters as she waves him off coldly.
“But you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it,” He muses, “You are the god of wine and pleasure Dionysus, It’s impossible to not find pleasure with you when experienced. However, it is possible for me to withdraw myself from you.” The Witch sighs tiredly. “All because I told you I loved you and wanted to make you into a goddess, MY Goddess!” The man grunts.
The Witch merely shrugs, “I do not love you, I do not care for being a god.” The Witch snaps. “You gods are always so materialistic and self centered! I did not care for you then and I do not care for you now!” she snarls. “Watch who you are speaking to!” The God before her rumbled, The Witch didn’t even so much as blink.
“It will be you who will need to watch their words Dionysus, I may be mortal but the power I possess is anything but,” The Witch spoke darkly. The God before her sinks back at her threat, he knew she was powerful, It was one of the many things that drew him to her. 
“(Y/N)!” A voice shouts, The Witch’s eyes widen as a blue haired Warlock comes charging through the gardens. Their eyes meet and The Witch can see them filled with nothing but concern. However the next words to fall from his mouth causes her chest to flare with anger. 
“LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE!” The Warlock had yelled, “YOU DARE CLAIM SUCH A TITLE?” The god beside her thundered. Both men now standing inches away from each other buzzing with tension. “SILENCE!” The Witch finally snapped, thunder clapped in the cloudless sky. 
“You! You immortal swine, you have no place to challenge that claim and if you DARE find the gall to harm the father of my children I will bend the heavens and hells to my whim to kill you myself if deemed necessary!” She snarls viciously to the God.
“And you! You will not be challenging a god when we have children to look after! And who do you think you are charging in here, and this is MY home and you WILL respect it!” The snaps angrily to the blue haired Warlock.
When The Witch’s shouts are finally silenced both men are still visibly stunned. The Witch glares at the God, “Why are you still here? Begone!” She snaps. So without so much as a complaint the God left, sinking back down into the fountain of wine. The Witch knew he had really left when the Wine slowly turned back to water.
As soon as the fountain was back to its clear blue she turned to The Warlock sharply. “What were you thinking Namjoon! Challenging a God!” She stresses throwing her hands up in the air. “I know! I know! I’m sorry! But Taehyung had showed up in a panic, ranting about some god pressing you to marry him! And I... I couldn’t let him do that. If you left I wouldn’t know how to raise our boys! I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if you left!” The Warlock rants in return.
The Witch took a deep breath, “It’s...Alright. But I am a bit insulted that you think I would trade my place here for something as foolish as immortality.” she sighs. The Warlock said nothing but stepped close enough to wrap his arms around her tightly. The Witch wraps her arms around him in return, unable to say anything else.
<---- Prev // Masterlist // Next ---->
The Two magic casters stood there within each other for what seemed like forever until The Warlock let out a sigh, “You know, You never did deny the fact I called you my wife,” He teases. The only response he received was a sharp shock to his side.
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cyvmints · 4 months
𝚋𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗
: ̗̀➛ 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍
Hello. This is BIGHIT MUSIC. We are proud to announce that after long consideration and thought, the BTS members have decided to open up about their romantic relations. All seven members of the group are currently in a positive relationship with each other, carrying only good emotions among themselves. They have been together since early 2016 and are happy to tell ARMY that they have been in love with each other since then. or A series of drabbles showing how the members of BTS navigate their way through a newly-revealed relationship and it's numerous effects.
: ̗̀➛ 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙
The first time Jeon Jeongguk knocked on Namjoon’s door, the warlock took one look at his hopeful eyes, muttered a ”No solicitations,” and slammed the door shut. It was silly of Namjoon to think that that would be the last he’d see of the young man. Absolutely silly. or New Seoul's most powerful warlock, Kim Namjoon, wishes to stay hidden in his house on the mountain making potions and casting spells for some of his customers. He's living his ideal life, until a knock comes at the door in the form of Jeon Jeongguk who wishes to become his apprentice.
: ̗̀➛ 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚎
If Jimin were to put a name to it, the word “fate” comes to mind. He stops in front of the neon-lighted place, iced coffee in hand forgotten. He throws the nearly-finished drink into the trash can near him. “Tout à Toi” the neon sign read. “Tout... à Toi,” Jimin mutters. A few seconds later finds Jimin directly in front of the club, and the violet light of the sign casts a shadow onto his figure. He makes his way inside and stops by the entrance where a man stood dressed in a suit and a top hat, dark lipstick prominent on his pale face. “We may not have any windows, but we’ve got the best view in Itaewon.” or Small town boy Jimin has big dreams and he will stop at nothing to achieve them-a.k.a. the Burlesque AU no one asked for.
: ̗̀➛ 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚎𝚠 (𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝)
His older brother’s scowl immediately disappeared and was replaced with an apologetic expression. He shuffled nearer to Jeongguk and his computer. The elder was about to speak out but suddenly stopped, his mouth still open. “I-your-“ Jeongguk tilted his head in confusion. On the screen, his professor smiled pleasantly at his brother. “Hello, sir. I’m Kim Namjoon, Jeogguk’s sociology professor.” “Kitty!” Namjoon chuckled. Jeongguk’s eyes widened when he saw his brother’s ears reddening. He turned to check on his other hyungs and saw them smiling widely. Looks like they’ve seen just how red his hyung’s ears were. Oh boy. “H-hi-“ “Hi, Mr. Kitty!” “Haewonie, we’ve talked about this before. You can’t just call people animals, yeah?” or Namjoon's kid takes a fondness for Yoongi and, maybe, even Namjoon himself does too.
: ̗̀➛ 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞
Before heading over, Namjoon had thought of stopping by a mall to buy a small gift for his client and his child—a thank you of some sort for choosing his firm to help them. He had decided against it though since he was running late. But now, as the little one’s face slowly drops and his eyes become glassy, Namjoon regrets not stopping by. “Make appa cry?” Jungkook’s voice trembles, his pronunciation still needing work with his r’s still being pronounced as w’s. Namjoon’s eyes widen—just as wide as the kid’s doe eyes before him. Jin amusingly watches the two who appear to have been caught in a standstill, one nervous and the other about ready to burst into tears. or The one where Namjoon is a lawyer helping Jin get full custody if his child and ends up falling for the family in the process.
: ̗̀➛ 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌
Taehyung's had a long day and all he needs is cuddles from his bunny boyfriend.
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Yoongi slowly warming up to Estelle in the mortal instruments au
"Do you... do you not know who she is?"
Yoongi raised his eyebrows as he looked at Hoseok, the fellow shadow hunter staring at him with disbelief. It was Hoseok's duty to train all the trainees in combat.
"What?" Yoongi looked over at Estelle, who was sitting and reading a book.
"She was adopted by the Park Family," Hoseok raised an eyebrow, "No one knows who her real parents are but she was raised by Grace Park,"
Yoongi blinked, "Hoseok, she can't even hold a sword, she's in no way raised by one of the strongest families of our world,"
Hoseok laughed at his comment, "You'll find out for yourself,"
As Hoseok walked away, Yoongi took the time to approach Estelle. She was writing something down, as always, her nose buried in a book. He plucked it from her hands, looking at the title.
"The art of rune combat?" Yoongi read.
"How do you think our ancestors fought before we had swords?" Estelle placed her pen down, "I'm not a fighter, Yoongi,"
He snorted, "I could have told you that,"
"I know a warlock but we'll need more than just us to go see her," Estelle explained.
"Oh?" Yoongi placed the book on the table, sitting down next to her, "And whys that?"
"Well.. Kyra is.. social..," Estelle pursed her lips, "But she's been a friend of mine for many years,"
"Social," Yoongi rolled his eyes, "You're telling Namjoon, not me,"
Estelle laughed, "That's fine, me and him were actually meeting in the library later tonight,"
Yoongi's head snapped to attention.
Did he just hear that right?
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ripspaghet · 4 years
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🔮 pairing: fae!jungkook x witch!reader
🔮 genre: fantasy, major character death, kinda a series of short stories, love triangle, angst, eventual smut
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01. 𝖇𝖊𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖜𝖔 𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖘 — release date: ?/?/?
🔮 warnings: fluff, angst, gore, violence, smut, character death, vampire!yoongi
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02. 𝖒𝖊𝖑𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖙𝖟 — release date: ?/?/?
🔮 warnings: angst, gore, mentions of murder, character death, vampire!yoongi, bloodplay, one sided love, vampire!jimin, slight love triangle
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03. 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝖆𝖌𝖊 — release date: ?/?/?
🔮 warnings: angst, vampire!yoongi one sided love, warlock!namjoon
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04. 𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖞 — release date: ?/?/?
🔮 warnings: gore, horror, betrayal, angst, jealousy, vampire!jimin, fae!jungkook
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05. 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 — release date: ?/?/?
🔮 warnings: gore, horror, angst, vampire!jimin, fae!jungkook, wereworlf!seokjin
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06. 𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖐𝖎𝖓 — release date: ?/?/?
🔮 warnings: gore, horror, angst, fluff, fae!jungkook, vampire!jimin, smut
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07. 𝖉𝖊𝖊𝖕 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 — release date: ?/?/?
🔮 warnings: gore, horror, warlock!namjoon, incubus!taehyung
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08. 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖜𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖊𝖘 — release date: ?/?/?
🔮 warnings: gore, horror, incubus!taehyung, ghosts of the past, angst, fluff
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ash-axxa · 4 years
Immortal’s Flower: Six
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Warnings: Mates fighting, lil angst 
Word Count: 3.8k
Kana walked into the house, Mark catching her when she stumbled. Jinyoung called out, “Youngjae! Need you!”
The light brunette turned around, a pencil being held by his teeth as he was holding a spell book. He was in a white tee, an unbuttoned light blue shirt, jeans, and some tennis shoes. His eyes widened when he saw Kana’s state, dropping the pencil and book at the same time. “What happened?”
“We think a trail.” Mark spoke and Kana looked at him confused. She was about to ask what he meant when Youngjae grabbed her arm. “Let’s go see what the damage is.”
He led Kana to his room where he worked. Herbs lined the shelves, a bookshelf filled to the brim with spellbooks. She sat down in the chair and Youngjae mentioned for her to take off her shirt.
She took it off, the sports bra hiding some of the wound. But nothing Youngjae couldn’t handle. There were a set of three claws running up her stomach, four claws on the top of her back/shoulders, a gash on the side of her neck that connected to her collarbone. “This is how I didn’t think we would meet.”
Youngjae spoke lightly to get out of the tense atmosphere. Kana tried not to laugh, but cracked a smile anyways. That progress made Youngjae feel more comfortable. “This should sting, but it’ll help.”
He had a cloth dipped in a mixture and he ran the cloth over the cuts, making her growl at the stinging pain. Youngjae chuckled and mumbled, “Told you.”
She watched in amazement as the wounds healed up and Youngjae looked proud of himself. “Thanks.”
“It’s a pleasure. Come on. We’re all been waiting to meet you.” Kana looked at him confused and grabbed the shirt, putting it on as she followed him out of the room. The high priest walked up to her. Kana noticed the black hair with the undercut while he was in a leather jacket, gray tee, jeans, and combat boots. He introduced himself, “My name is Jaebum, the high priest of this coven.”
“Hello, I’m Kana.” Kana bowed her head, looking around the different crystals and other little nick nacks. One of the youngest walked to her, holding a hairless cat in his hands. He had blonde hair, a gray large sweater that gave him sweater paws, dark pants, and no shoes. He introduced himself, “I’m BamBam. Have you’ve meet your familiar yet Kana?”
“Familiar? What’s a familiar?”
“BamBam!” Jaebum scolded, giving the blonde a sharp look over Kana’s shoulder. BamBam’s eyes widened and turned around with mumbling, “Oopsies.”
“Of course, you’ve met Jinyoung.” Jaebum changed Kana’s attention to the black haired warlock that saved her and Johnny. “That’s Jackson.”
Jaebum introduced the blonde with an undercut. He was in a jean jacket, black tee underneath, ripped jeans and tennis shoes. Jackson waved to her with a welcoming smile. “Of course, you met Youngjae.”
Youngjae was already back to his book, reading again. At the mention of hearing his name, he looked up with waving. The youngest walked up to Kana and introduced himself before Jaebum could, excited to finally met her, “I’m Yugyeom.”
He was in a striped turtleneck, light jeans, and tennis shoes. His dark brown hair was ruffled. Kana nodded to him and Jaebum just sighed with shaking his head, then he turned to find Mark. But Mark suddenly appeared in front of Kana. “I’m Mark. But you already met me!”
Kana’s first reflex was to snarl at the jumpscare from the brunette. Mark was in a unbuttoned flannel, a white tank top underneath, light jeans, and timberlands. “Sorry about that Kana.”
���He has a knack for teleporting everywhere since he learned that stupid spell.” Jackson explained while crossing his arms. Mark laughed and said, “You’re just mad because I scared you.”
“Whatever.” Jackson grumbled with rolling his eyes, not wanting to admit that Mark was right. Kana watched how the coven converse, making her smile. She was reminded of her pack and she felt herself getting more comfortable. But after she met the warlocks, she spoke up, “What do we need to talk about? I”m pretty sure you don’t usually bring wolves into the coven.”
“That’s true. The other covens hate us for who we are.” Kana’s looked confused at hearing Jaebum’s words. “Why?”
“How much do you know about your parents?” Jaebum asked Kana, changing the subject. Kana was taken back from his question, rubbing the back of her neck. Her parents... That was a tough subject for her to talk about. “Uh...”
“It’s important Kana.” Mark said with placing his hand on her shoulder. Kana gave him a look before she was playing with her fingers, just remembering them. She hated her parents for what they did to her, or well at least her father. “Really? How is this important? Do we really have to talk about this?”
They noticed Kana’s short words and Youngjae stepped up. “Sadly, it is important. I’m sorry Kana, but if you want answers; we have to know.”
“Fine. Fine! My father traded me off for some deal when I was child. Happy? He traded me off because I killed my mother, because I was a freak.” 
“Hey. Never call yourself that. You understand me?” Jackson spoke seriously, grabbing her shoulders. “You are not a freak, nor will you ever be.”
Jaebum realized the situation and sighed with looking at Mark who mouthed, ‘I told you’. Kana looked at Jackson in confusion and Jaebum said, “Go get the book Youngjae.”
Everyone tensed. Not excepting for Kana to find out everything so fast. Youngjae asked, “Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“She wants answers, this will give her all the answers she wants.” Kana perked up, making Jaebum chuckle lightly. Youngjae nodded, listening to the high priest and leaving to go find the book. Kana asked, after she noticed the tension in the air, “Why did it suddenly get so tense? What’s this book about?”
“Well... The book... It’s about... You.” Yugyeom explained with looking almost shy. Kana processed his words before she looked over at Jaebum. “Why would a warlock coven have a book about me? A werewolf!”
Youngjae walked over with a leather bound book, silver markings surrounding and swirling over the leather. He tapped the spine of the book nervously before holding it out towards her. She gently took the book, looking down at the cover to see the silver outline of the wolf howling at the moon.
When she opened the book, she almost dropped the book from shock. The first page of the book was a drawing. A drawing that looked exactly like her wolf. “What the...?”
“You are the White Wolf. A big legend with us warlocks.” Jaebum explained and Kana looked up. “But... Why?”
“Read.” She looked around before seeing a table, sitting down. The book was placed on the wooden surface as she flipped through the pages, her eyes widening at the information she was reading.
The White Wolf is a guardian, a warrior, and protector. Child of magic and the moon. As the White Wolf grows, the child could be on either side; depending on which parents survives. The birth kills the mother. 
“So... If my father was a wolf... That means that my mother was a witch?” Kana asked with lifting her head. Mark nodded, sitting down besides her and looking at the book. “But my father abandoned me.”
“But you were with him longer than your mother, so your wolf gene was stronger.” 
“We’ve been searching for you for a long while, since the last White Wolf was killed.” Jackson explained as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Her head was starting to hurt from everything she was learning, but she didn’t want to stop. “Why?”
“Because this is the coven the White Wolf always goes to.” Jaebum said and Kana sighed. “All of this... Makes no sense.”
“Probably not now, but it will in due time.” Youngjae said with a comforting smile. Kana’s head lifted when she heard a knock on the door and Jackson stepped in front of Kana; glaring at the door. 
Jaebum nodded to BamBam and he grabbed Kana’s arm who barely managed to grab the book. BamBam pulled her into a room where different animals were walking around; all tamed under him.
BamBam was an animal warlock, one skilled in taming and summoning. 
“Immortals? Why are you here?” Kana suddenly froze. She remembered that Jinyoung called them immortals. The ones who attacked her. BamBam noticed Kana’s change and gently grabbed her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“We need your help warlock.” Kana’s eyes widened when she heard that familiar voice. The one who filled her dreams with hope, the one that made her chest warm at just the sound of it, the one that was with the one who tried to kill her. 
She stood up from the spot she was sitting, moving back with clutching the book to her chest. “They tried to kill me... They’re hunting me now... Oh god, I was going to go back to the farmhouse and everything. I could have put NCT in danger. What was I thinking?”
“Kana, calm down.” BamBam noticed that she was starting to have a panic attack. He stood in front of her. “They’re not going to let anything happen to you. Trust us, okay?”
She looked up, tears blurring her vision. BamBam’s chest tightened as he stared at her, knowing that it wasn’t fair for her to be scared about this. He slowly grabbed her shoulders, rubbing soothing circles as he made sure she wasn’t calm before speaking, “It’s all going to be alright, you’ll see.”
He lead her to the bed, sitting her down gently as he sat down besides her. Every warlock in that house knew that this was the weakest time for the White Wolf, they knew they had to protect her until she was prepared. Jaebum knew that since she was introduced to her witch side, that she would be vulnerable until she controls her magic. “Jackson! Who is it?”
To calm down the frightened werewolf, BamBam held out a small ball of fur. The kitten poke their head up, wide eyes staring at Kana. She looked at BamBam and he mentioned with a smile, petting the kitten’s head and getting a purr in return. “What do you need?”
“We need help finding someone. One of your warlocks were with her before. We need you to locate her.” Kana slowly pet the kitten, a small smile tugging at her lips. She had never pet a kitten or cat before. BamBam slowly placed the kitten in her lap and she placed down the book, continuing to pet the small animal. “They’re looking for the White Wolf.”
She heard Jinyoung’s voice, flinching lightly. She knew it, and she hated the fact that she did. 
Though the White Wolf can be powerful, there is no means that the White Wolf can be alone. Just as much as they are powerful, they are equally vulnerable.
“Sorry, we can’t help you.” Jaebum said and Kana smiled a bit, feeling more safe; even though her stomach twisted in guilt. She still couldn’t explain the feelings that she had when it comes to these immortals, every voice recognizing from a dream. “We know you have location spells.”
Kana looked at BamBam and he gave her a smile. He leaned in and whispered, like he was gossiping, “Jaebum loses his stuff a lot, so we have to use that spell a lot for him.”
She giggled quietly, imagining him losing his things. She looked down at the book, running her fingers over the drawing of the wolf. BamBam watched her, his eyes swirling with nostalgia, remembering the last White Wolf.BamBam had to withhold himself. He knew this wasn’t her, this was another White Wolf. Even though she looked identical, she was not her. 
“You’re hiding her here.”
Kana is not his lover.
“So, what all happened with the warlock?” Taeyong asked Johnny who was finally awake. Johnny winced as he sat up, mentally cursing how all of his bones had to be rebroken to be fixed. He looked at his alpha and explained, “I found the warlock when I was walking. I asked him why he was here and he immediately knew that I knew Kana.”
“Why are they worried about or even know about her?” Taeyong asked and Johnny said, “I don’t know... He said they’ve seen her before.” 
“But she’s never met a warlock or a coven of them, she would have told us.” Taeyong remembered when she found the coven of vampires of and a pod of sirens; he remembered how she came running to him because she didn’t know what to do. “They called her a half-breed.”
“A half-breed.” Taeyong snapped his head over. Johnny slowly nodded. “Yeah... Says she’s half witch.”
Taeyong was in shock, sitting back in his seat. He was unsure of how to process this new information. He couldn’t believe that it was possible. How could a wolf survive with magic in their blood? Or a witch with wolf in their genes? “Get some rest Johnny. Thanks for telling me.”
Johnny nodded as Taeyong stood up, leaving the room. As the door shut, Taeyong’s alpha instincts were telling him that something was wrong, but he couldn’t place a finger on what it was. “Taeil.”
He looked back at the beta who focused his attention of the alpha. “Check the pack. Make sure everyone’s here.”“And Kana?”
“I’m going to try to contact her.” Taeil nodded, knowing not to doubt Taeyong. His instinct is always on point. Taeyong looked out the window, looking at the sunny day. He noticed some of the wolves play fighting in the yard, but he couldn’t figure out what was wrong. 
Not yet, but he will. He was worried about Kana.
Yoongi had always been the short tempered one out of the immortals, Jungkook always following closely. This time, it was Jungkook who snapped first today, pushing Jackson back harshly. Jackson crashed into the ground and Mark appeared in front of Jackson, grabbing him when Jackson was about to run toward Jungkook. “No fighting in the house, you know how Jinyoung is.”
Mark said with patting Jackson’s chest as Jackson glared at the immortal. Jungkook spun on his feet, glaring at the two warlocks, “Where is she?”
Lightning start to appear on Mark’s hand as he was watching the immortal, not afraid to protect his coven. BamBam heard the commotion and placed his hand on the door, sealing the exit so no one could get in. Kana stood in the back on the room, holding the kitten and book to her chest. BamBam gave her a reassuring smile and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t let them get to you.”
He was going to fight for Kana’s protection until he couldn’t fight anymore. She recognized that. They reminded her so much of her pack, that she couldn’t just let them fight while she sits back. As BamBam watched the door, she gently placed the stuff down and stripped. 
BamBam jumped when he felt fur on his leg and he looked down to see in awe of the white fur color. Kana watched the door, her blue eyes looking up at BamBam who nodded, looking back at the door with a small smile. He was so reminded of her.
“We’re not asking again. Where is she? We’ll overturn this whole house if we need to.” Yoongi growled, lifting Mark by the collar of his shirt; Mark’s feet leaving the ground. Yugyeom grabbed Jackson’s fist before he could punch Yoongi for grabbing Mark. 
“Why are you so intent of finding her?” Jaebum asked, stalling time for Youngjae’s trap to take place. Namjoon growled, “The reason is none of your business.”
“In there.” Seokjin mentioned to the door that he saw in his vision, Hoseok standing next to it. He walked toward it and Yugyeom appeared in front of it, holding out his hands. Hoseok glared at him, changing Yugyeom’s emotions to fear. Yugyeom cowered down, Hoseok pushing him out the way.
Kana quietly growled and BamBam looked toward her in shock. He crouched down and asked, “What do you mean put down the seal? We don’t want them inside. Remember that?”
Kana growled and BamBam looked behind him toward the door, looking over at Kana. “Are you sure you can take him?” 
Hoseok looked back at his mate, trying to restraint the bubbling of giddiness he felt in his chest for finally able to meet his mate in person. He couldn’t wait to hold and kiss her, having her by their side. Taking a deep breath to control his emotions and he opened the door, immediately being tackled to the ground. 
The white wolf snarled above him, hackles raised. Jaebum looked toward BamBam accusingly, but BamBam raised his hands in surrender before pointing to her. Hoseok stared at Kana’s hard ice eyes in shock, feeling nothing but anger radiating from her. “Hoseok!”
Yoongi called out, unsure of how to react about his mates fighting. Kana looked at the other five immortals and looked down at the one she was pinning. She found the familiar scent, looking over toward Namjoon and she felt her blood boil at him. She stepped off of Hoseok, her tongue running over her canines. Namjoon held out his hands. “Baby-” 
She snapped, making Namjoon flinched. He remembered his dream, her words bouncing in his head. She growled lowly, lunging at him with claws outstretched. Seokjin pushed him away, getting tackled by the angry wolf.
The door shattered by the force of the tackle, the pair rolling down the steps. Kana’s canines were close to her face and Seokjin would be lying if he said that he wasn’t scared. He knew this was his mate, but he knew that she didn’t know that- so she wasn’t scared to hurt them. “P- princes... Y- your wolf f- f- form looks s- so beautiful.”
Kana’s ears lifted from her head as her hackles lowered, unsure of why her chest was swelling at hearing his compliment. Seokjin noticed that she was calming down a bit from her anger. “Stop this baby girl, we don’t want to hurt you.”
Yoongi called out as he walked down the porch, keeping his eyes on Kana to make sure that Seokjin would be safe. Kana made a laughing sound, already knowing that it was too late for that. Seokjin lifted his hand and her ears pinned back. “I- I’m not going to hurt you princess.”
Her eyes narrowed. Then her left ear flicked as she heard someone behind her. Not one of the warlocks. “JUNGKOOK!”
Jimin cried out as Kana clawed Jungkook down the chest, sending the young immortal to the ground. Kana collapsed on the ground, feeling her own chest crush- not understanding what was happening to her. Jimin propped Jungkook up, holding his head as he looked at his bleeding chest. The two looked over at Kana, pausing at seeing the tears in her eyes. Jimin saw the look far in her eyes. 
The completely destroyed on the inside, something he was familiar of. Jungkook held out his hand, giving her a pained smile. “I- I’m okay baby. I can take a hit. Does that make you feel better?” 
Kana stared at his hand and slowly took a step forward, pausing afterwards. Jimin gave her a smile and said, “We’re not going to hurt you, we promise love. Come here.”
Jimin mentioned for her come closer as he ran a hand through Jungkook’s hair. She took a step forward, then another. Jungkook could feel her breath on his hand and reached forward to pet her muzzle.
When she was ripped away.
Kana hit a tree, not even able to scream as she felt her bones break from the sharp impact. Pressure on her chest kept her to the ground, worsening the injuries. Tears started to wet her fur as she silently sobbed from the pain, one of paws clawing at the ground. Jackson didn’t waste time, kicking Taehyung in the side. 
The concentration on Kana gave Jackson a chance and made Taehyung fall to the ground. Youngjae appeared by Kana’s side, kneeling down and checking the damage. She whimpered as the pain let up. Taehyung looked over at Jackson, getting punching in the jaw. He let his head jerk back, just to look back at the warlock with a smirk on his face. There was a sadistic spark in his now golden eyes and he said, “Oh, you’re going to regret that.”
Jackson was thrown back, hitting the house side harshly. Kana stood up weakly, trying to take a step farther, but fell under her weight. She crashed back into the ground, her chest panting painfully. Youngjae said, “Kana, that’s enough. You’re going to hurt yourself worse.”
Kana growled, trying to stand up again and ignoring Youngjae’s words. BamBam translated, “She says that she won’t keep running.”
“So you’re just going to hurt yourself worse?” Jaebum snapped, making the wolf look up at Jaebum in shock. He’s seen every White Wolf’s death, it was too early to lose Kana now. “She says that she want her clothes.”
Mark disappeared, appearing by her side. Kana took the basket handle and limped behind the tree, shifting back to get change.  A minute later, she re-emerged dressed and holding her chest. Her eyes fell on Jungkook first, feeling her chest tightening painfully- not from the wounds. “Why? What have I’ve done to you that you got to be hunting me now?” 
Kana asked, looking toward Namjoon. Namjoon’s eyes widened at hearing his mate’s words and tried to explain. “We’re not hunting you.”
Taehyung looked over as he heard Kana’s voice, noticing her in her human form. Namjoon explained, “This isn’t how we wanted this to go, this isn’t how we wanted to meet you. You’re our mate Kana.”
Her eyes widened before she clutched her throat, choking at the invisible force tightening her airway. None of the warlocks could believe what they just heard, but Jackson didn’t care. He jumped up, kicking Taehyung in the back of the neck. “Mate or not, you pay asshole.”
Jackson growled. Taehyung took a few steps from the kick and turned around to the warlock. Jackson ducked, Yugyeom jumping over the older warlock. Yugyeom slammed his hand against Taehyung’s chest and Taehyung stiffened up, seeming to freeze. “That’s a binding. No more powers for you now.”
Yugyeom said and Kana fell to her chest, continuing to hold her throat. Youngjae caught her before she hit the ground and she was coughing, trying to get her regular airflow back. Jaebum looked around and then sighed before tapping the railing. He ordered, “Jinyoung, take care of that immortal. Youngjae, take care of Kana’s bones. Jackson, make sure that immortal doesn’t hurt Kana anymore.”
Jinyoung appeared by Jungkook’s side and lifted him up, pulling one of Jungkook’s arm behind his neck. The two disappeared into the house and Youngjae disappeared with Kana. Hoseok looked toward Seokjin and asked him, “Hyung, are you okay?”
“Y- yeah... That was... Intense.” Then all immortals went rigid, gold eyes blazing as there was a muffled scream from inside the house. Kana’s screams.
@unatempesta-dipensieri​ @peachesandviolets @kalkeegan @h5naaa​ @forvever-ddaeng​ @asfaraslifegets 
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cuziloveyou7 · 4 years
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Demon Seokjin
Knight Yoongi
Ghost Hoseok
Warlock Namjoon
Prince Jimin
Werewolf Taehyung
Pirate Jungkook
17 notes · View notes
boywivlove · 4 years
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Ghost Yoongi | Warlock Namjoon Moodboard
15 notes · View notes
shuadotcom · 4 years
I Put a Spell on You | KNJ
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✹ Summary: Namjoon wanted to find the right time to tell you he was born a warlock, but when a witch casts a time-sensitive spell on you, he may have to confess to you sooner than he anticipated. ✹ Pairing: Warlock!Namjoon x Mortal Female!Reader ✹ Genre: Fluff, warlock au, supernatural au, established relationship ✹ Rating: PG15 ✹ Warnings: Just cursing ✹ Word Count: 4.5k ✹ A/N: Written for @bangtanshadowfamily’s Creatures of Moonlight Manor 🖤 Huge thank you to @spicykoreantatertots​ for beta’ing this for me and giving me her wonderful feedback 🥰 
This GORGEOUS banner and matching divider was made by the super talented Vivi!! @eerieedits​ / @chillingtae​ seriously I am so in love with it thank you a million more times. Check out her edits!! 💜
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Namjoon had wanted to tell you, he really did. There was just never the right time. He agonized over it for the entirety of your relationship, and now, five years later with marriage on his mind, he has to admit to you that he was born a warlock.
He knew that you hated magic; you made that very clear on your first date. Your mutual best friend set you two up, who knew what Namjoon was and knew how you felt.
“I think you two could hit it off, but you may not have much of a chance with her,” he remembers Yoongi telling him. “She hates magic and everything related to it.”
“But you’re a literal vampire, and she’s friends with you!”
“Yeah, but I’m not magical. I’m different.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes and waved it off, but still didn’t mention what he was to you when you first met. That turned out to have been for the best after he learned more about you.
Being born the only person in your family in a decade with no magical abilities made you develop a hatred for all things and people related to witchcraft. Your family did their best not to exclude you from magic related games at family reunions and get-togethers and would try not to talk too heavily about it when you were around, but you always stood out like a sore thumb. You have a self-proclaimed chip on your shoulders that seemed to lessen over the years he’s known you but was still there.
Now, you’re coming up on your fifth anniversary, and Namjoon has an engagement ring burning a hole in his sock drawer because he’s ready to propose to you, but he can’t spend the rest of his life with you without telling you the truth. He loves you more than he’s ever loved anyone, but the idea of telling you he’s a warlock and having you leave him is terrifying.
Yoongi gets to hear all of his worries and woes anytime he’s over at the vampire’s apartment.
“Do you even know how you’re going to propose?” Yoongi asks as he scrolls through Netflix for the third time.
“Yeah, there’s a meteor shower on the night of our anniversary. We’re going to pack some food and head to the river to watch it, and I’m going to ask her then.”
Yoongi snorts. “Oh yeah, I forgot that you’re both nerds.” He dodges the throw pillow that Namjoon hurls at him. “So, just tell her when you propose.”
“Why, so she can tell me to go to fuck off and reject me?”
“Namjoon, I highly doubt she’ll do that. I’ve known Y/n since high school, and you’re the only person that she’s been with that she’s ever been in love with. Like genuine love.”
“Yeah, but you know her temper. Love or not, her anger knows no bounds.” Yoongi agrees, a memory of a time when he accidentally ate some of your leftover food coming to mind, and you made sure he suffered for a week straight after.
“Well, your anniversary is in like a week and a half, so you better figure it out. It may make her mad, but I truly think she loves you too much to leave you.”
Namjoon does his best to keep that in mind as the week goes on.
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With your anniversary being on Sunday, you and Namjoon take Friday off of work so you can have a three day weekend together. Determined to pamper you before he tells you the truth, he takes you to one of your favorite restaurants for brunch to start the day.
As he’s holding the door open for you, a slender, dark-haired woman breezes past you and waltzes into the cafe, succeeding in cutting you both off and getting in line before you. The expression on your face already tells Namjoon how this interaction will go.
“You know what’s rude,” you say once you’re both in line behind the woman. You’re speaking loud enough for her to hear but not loud enough to cause a scene. “Seeing someone who’s clearly holding a door open for the person they’re with and just inserting yourself in the way.”
“Y/n…” Namjoon starts. Normally he loves your fiery, no-nonsense attitude, but he’s always telling you there’s a time and place for everything. His gut is telling him this is not one of the times.
“I’m just saying. To cut someone off who’s about to go into a building is just a really dick move.”
The woman in front of you whips her head around, her sharp eyes are staring you down, but of course, you are unwavering. She’s wearing dress pants and an expensive-looking blouse. She has a name tag on a lanyard around her neck that reads ‘Seulgi.’
“Is there a problem?” Annoyance clear in her tone.
“Yeah, there is. My boyfriend was holding the door open for me, and you just rudely cut us off to come inside.” The woman eyes you up and down.
“Oh well. I’m sure you can survive without your waffles for a little longer,” she shrugs and turns away from the two of you. Namjoon watches your jaw clench.
“Wow, what a bitch,” you mumble, knowing fully well she can hear you. Seulgi turns again, scowling at you.
“Watch who you’re talking to, girl. I could snap my fingers right now, and your mouth would disappear.”
You let out a sharp laugh and glance towards Namjoon. “Oh, great! This bitch is a witch!” You turn back to the witch, hands on your hips. “You magic losers think you can get away with whatever you want to just because you can wave your stupid fingers and make shit happen. I’m not afraid of you just because you were born different.”
The witch’s eyes dart from you to Namjoon. Her gaze lingers on him longer than normal and what looks like realization shows on her face. She lets out a chuckle. “So you hate witches and magical people, huh? That’s unfortunate because you’re going to need to find someone to cure you.”
“What the fuck are y-” Seulgi brings her hands up and waves her index and middle finger in one swift side-to-side motion before Namjoon can even intervene. You stumble backward, and Namjoon catches you before you hit the ground. You’re coughing, sounding winded even though you had been standing still. “What did you do to me?” You manage to rasp out between coughs.
Seulgi shrugs. “You seem like you talk a lot. Maybe a little too much. Let’s just say I gave you laryngitis, except it’ll be permanent unless you know someone who can break the spell. You have until midnight in two days' time.” The witch looks directly at Namjoon as she says this, smiling the entire time.  “Good luck!” She calls out as she steps over you and prances out the door.
On the list of ways Namjoon wanted to tell you he was a warlock, this was not on it whatsoever.
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Less than an hour later, you and Namjoon are standing in front of Yoongi’s building, your fist pounding on the wood. The bleary-eyed vampire answers the door, clearly having been woken up from one of his mid-day naps. You wordlessly step into the apartment and plop onto the couch.
“Sure, hi Y/n, yes, please come in,” Yoongi mumbles under his breath and invites Namjoon inside. “To what do I owe this wonderful pleasure today?” You ignore the sarcasm in his sentence.
“I’m cursed!”
“Yes! We were getting brunch, and some asshole witch cut in front of us. I called her out, and the bitch cursed me! She said I need to find someone who knows magic to lift the spell or whatever in two days by midnight or I’ll never be able to speak again.” You manage to get this out in between coughs.
Namjoon ignores the pointed look that Yoongi gives him.
“So, you want me to ask one of my magic friends to break the spell?”
“Obviously. You’re the only supernatural person in town that I know well enough to ask. I’d ask my family, but there’s no way I can scrounge up enough money in two days to fly home.”
Yoongi stares at Namjoon, making the younger man uncomfortable, but doesn’t say anything.
“Fine. I’ll call someone I know, and you can meet up with him. Namjoon, come with me and get your girlfriend some water.”
Yoongi turns on the tap, and as soon as Namjoon enters the room, he sighs quite tiredly. “Are you seriously going to make me find someone else to do this?”
“This isn’t how I wanted to tell her! I wanted to do it on my own time and in a nicer situation than this.”
“Yeah, well, fate works in mysterious ways, huh?” Yoongi grabs a glass and fills it with ice. “You know how to break the spell, don’t you?”
“I mean, yeah. I may not have known the words the witch said, but it seems like a pretty simple silencing spell.”
“So, I will ask you again. Are you going to make me find someone to help your girlfriend, or are you going to go in there and help her yourself?” He hands Namjoon the glass of water and waits for his response.
“I just need a little more time-” Yoongi lifts his hand to stop him.
“That’s all I need from you. I already know who to call.”
His words worry Namjoon.
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The next day, you and Namjoon arrive at the door of the person Yoongi asked to help you. Namjoon had known the tone that Yoongi took with him was concerning, and he was right.
“Come in, come in!” Seokjin waves his arm, letting you and Namjoon into his apartment. The older warlock winks at you, and Namjoon bristles.
Even after knowing Seokjin as long as he’s known you, Namjoon still doesn’t like him very much. According to Yoongi, Seokjin has been trying to get with you since your junior year of college, and it almost worked twice, but things fell through thanks to your refusal to date a magical person. Namjoon can admit that he’s the jealous type. The thought of another man wooing you makes his blood boil. Seokjin’s flirty enough that not even the object of his affection’s significant other being in the room will deter him. He’s shameless, and every time they’re in the same place, Namjoon comes closer and closer to turning him into a reptile.
“Y/n, you’re looking as beautiful as ever,” he practically purrs at you. “Namjoon, you’re looking…as you usually do.” Seokjin has never been rude per se, but nearly everything he says to Namjoon is passive-aggressive, which drives the younger warlock mad.
“Yeah, you too.”
“Anyway,” you interject with a cough. “I assume Yoongi told you why I’m here.”
“He did. I can’t believe you pissed off a witch so bad that she’s taking your voice away. I’ve always told you that one day your mouth would get you in trouble.” Seokjin’s eyes flick down to your lips, and Namjoon has to hold himself back from leaping across the room at him.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Kim. Can you break the spell or not?”
“Of course, I can. How many times have I told you that I’m the greatest warlock of the 21st century.” He shoots Namjoon a look. Seokjin had found out that Namjoon was a warlock a few years ago and always seemed like he was silently holding it over his head.
Seokjin motions for you and Namjoon to follow him into his second bedroom that he has made into his magic room. He walks past his bubbling cauldron to one of his bookshelves. He slides his fingers across a few of the spines before pulling out a book and rifling through its pages.
“Ah-ha! The spell she put on you is pretty amateur. She's either a new witch or a supremely lazy one. I mean, this is a spell that a baby witch could cast and-”
“Seokjin!” you wheeze. “I don’t care if this is a spell that only Merlin himself could cast. I just need you to fix me!”
“Alright, alright. I need to gather a few ingredients for a potion first. If the two of you would please go wait in the living room, I’ll be with you shortly.”
You and Namjoon do as he asks and go to wait on his couch. You play on your phone as Namjoon has his umpteenth tortured inner monologue. Your anniversary was tomorrow and he was still nowhere close to telling you about himself. To be fair, you did know that Seokjin was a warlock and you didn’t completely hate him. You just didn’t like to hang out with him unless you had to, and usually, the two of you spent most of your time together arguing.
Maybe Yoongi was right, and he was just overthinking this. The time that the two of you have spent together has been the best moments of his life, and he was sure you felt the same. But if that was true, why did he feel so uncertain? Why was the thought of telling you he has been keeping this massive secret from you for five years scaring him so much?
“So, good news and bad news,” Seokjin announces, coming into the room. “The good news is, I can break this nasty spell.”
“And the bad news?” You ask.
“Well, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it until tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?! I’m supposed to lose my voice for the rest of my life tomorrow!” You yell at him which sends you into a coughing fit. Namjoon rubs your back and meets Seokjin’s gaze. He hates the smug look the older warlock gives him.
“You’re not to lose your voice until midnight. I’ll do what I need to do before then. Your lovely boyfriend and I can organize where we’ll meet up.”
Namjoon is confused. “We’re not coming here?”
“No, this needs to be done elsewhere. I’ll text you a little later once I finish getting the things together that I need.”
He’s hesitant, but Namjoon agrees, and he and you head home. A week ago, he was looking forward to his anniversary, but now he’s dreading it and just wants the day to be over already.
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“This is all my fault,” Namjoon blurts out in the car. The two of you are on your way to meet Seokjin at the location he insisted upon, a part of town that was almost atop a hill. According to the eldest, you needed to be outside and away from “prying eyes.” It sounded like a lie, but Seokjin was older, so Namjoon thought he might know a different way to break the spell.
“What do you mean?” You glance from the road to him briefly, then back in front of you again.
“We’re spending our anniversary with you under a spell, we have no starlight picnic packed, and I have to look at Kim Seokjin’s face.”
“Joonie, this isn’t your fault. You didn’t do this to me. I suppose I do have a big mouth sometimes.” You shrug and find his hand on the center console to hold. “This can still be an anniversary date, though. Once Seokjin does what he needs to do, we can send him home and enjoy the meteor shower together. Plus, when you were showering, I snuck the picnic basket in the car. We can still salvage the night.” You parked the car and sent him a smile that had his heart beating so loud he swore it echoed throughout the cabin of the vehicle.
He leans over and kisses you for the first time today, his heart pounding impossibly faster. He decides then and there that he’s going to propose to you tonight no matter what. If it means hiding his magic from you until you’re old and gray, then he will.
Hand in hand, you and Namjoon head up the path closest to you until you see Seokjin in the clearing. He’s crouching on the ground in front of a leather satchel and reading through a book. When he sees you and Namjoon approaching, he puts the book away and pulls out a mason jar filled halfway with a glowing purple liquid.
“Good evening, my darling.” Seokjin smiles broadly at you when he sees you. “I hope your day was marvelous.”
“It’s my anniversary, and I spent all day stressing and hacking my lungs up, and now, instead of having a romantic evening, I’m here about to be exorcised. Does anything about that sound marvelous?” You got through the sentence, only coughing three times.
“My sweet Y/n, you’re so dramatic. Let’s get on with it then, come on.” Seokjin waves both you and Namjoon over, presenting the bottle of liquid to you. “So, the removal of the spell itself is pretty easy. Step one is to drink the potion, and then we wait two minutes. I’ll set a timer and-” Before he finishes his sentence, you toss your head back and gulp down the purple liquid in record time. Seokjin fumbles with his phone to set his timer as soon as the last drop is in your mouth.
“This tastes kind of like grape juice,” you comment, handing him the empty bottle.
“Patience, woman! What if the next step required traveling somewhere far away?!”
“Well, does it?”
“Great, so what do we do next?”
Seokjin sighs and glances at his phone timer. “Once the timer is up, Well, your boyfriend isn’t going to like this, but I have to kiss you.“
“What?!” You and Namjoon exclaim in unison, your voices bouncing off the surrounding trees.
“Why the hell do you have to kiss her?” Namjoon feels his fists clenching, and his face hurts from how hard he’s scowling.
“It’s the way to break the spell. After she drinks the potion, which does most of the work, she then has to kiss a witch or warlock for it to take effect.”
“Ugh, I feel like this is your way of finally kissing me,” you groan. “Fine, whatever, as long as I get to keep my voice.”
“Y/n, no.” Namjoon’s sweating in the middle of the crisp fall air at the thought. This had to be some sort of joke, right? He racks his brain to remember what he learned about this spell in high school. He remembers that he has to say a generic counterspell to break it, but he doesn’t recall any glowing purple potion and a kiss.
“Joonie, it’s just a kiss. I don’t like it either, but unless you find my voice that annoying, we’re out of options here.”
“Ten seconds,” Seokjin reads. Namjoon watches the older warlock lick his lips and send him a wink. While he was typically a pacifist in a situation of confrontation, the overwhelming urge to punch Seokjin with all of the strength he can muster is strong.
He watches you let out a sigh and step closer to Seokjin, tilting your head up towards him.
“Times up,” Seokjin says.
Before he’s able to lean down, Namjoon is behind you, pulling you towards him and smashing his lips into yours. He feels you relax in his arms only for a second before you’re pushing him away.
“Namjoon, you ruined it! Seokjin specifically said someone who’s magical needs to be the one to kiss me!”
“I am someone magical! I’m a warlock!”
Silence fills the air. Namjoon’s breathing hard, his heart feeling as though it’s going to beat out of his chest. You’re staring at him, and he can see your brain trying to make sense of what he just said.
“You’re a warlock?” You finally ask, your brows scrunching.
“Fuck, Y/n, this isn’t how I wanted to tell you.” Namjoon’s legs feel like jelly, so he lowers himself to the grass and sits. “I wanted to find a time where it was just the two of us, and we weren’t fighting a clock. I wanted to be able to tell you and not feel so scared, but I just, the idea of him putting his mouth on you and being the one to break this damned spell, made me so mad.”
“I…I don’t know what to say.” You don’t look as angry as he thought you would. You look confused more than anything. “We went through all of this when you could’ve helped me this whole time?”
Guilt that he felt about not telling you combined with the fact that yes, all of this could’ve been taken care of literally the same day you met the witch that started this all. “Y/n, I know you probably hate me right now, and you probably want nothing to do with me ever again, but please just know I love you more than anything. I love you more than anyone I’ve ever been with. You’re my soulmate and the love of my life. The idea of telling you that I’m magical, knowing how you feel about magic, scared me shitless.
“The idea of losing you was too much to bear. I wanted to propose to you tonight before all of this happened, but all I could replay in my mind was you throwing the ring at me and storming off after I told you the truth. I’m sorry I ruined our anniversary.” Namjoon stays sitting on the wet grass, not caring that it was soaking through his jeans. He can’t will himself to look up at you, fearing the rejection he feels coming.
He catches sight of your sneakers walking over and stopping in front of him before you’re crouching down and cupping his face. The sound of you sniffling has his eyes snapping up to meet your red-rimmed ones. “Joon, I love you so much. The fact that you would even think that I’d leave you after all the time we’ve been together and everything we’ve been through is stupid. Yeah, I’ve never much-liked magic, but you should know that I love you more than life itself.” You smile at him, and he feels his breath catch in his throat. You still love him.
“Right now, more than anything, I’m just pissed that we went on this entire adventure when you could’ve just saved us the trouble and broke the spell days ago. But I love you more than I dislike magic. And if that offer still stands, I’d love to be engaged to you. If you want.”
Namjoon grabs you then, wrapping you in his long arms and pulling you close to his chest. The two of you topple onto the soft grass, the smell of soil mixing with the familiar scent of you. He fishes the small, black velvet box out of his jacket pocket and slips the simple silver band with an amethyst stone onto your ring finger, kissing your hand once it was snug in place.
“I can’t tell you how relieved I am right now. I love you so much,” he whispers, kissing your forehead.
“I really do hate to interrupt,” Seokjin cuts in from the same spot he’s stood in since Namjoon pulled you from him. “But, you still need to break the spell.”
“What do you mean? Didn’t I do that already?”
“Well, not really. The kiss isn’t the thing that was supposed to break it. There’s a counterspell you need to recite.”
“But, I’ve stopped coughing,” you point out.
“That’s because the potion you drank stopped it. I figured I’d give you something to lessen the soreness in your throat, maybe, but you still have like three hours left before your voice is gone for good.” Seokjin forces a smile that neither you nor Namjoon return.
“So what the hell was all that kiss nonsense for?” Namjoon huffs out, standing up and advancing towards Seokjin.
“It was to get you to tell her you were a warlock! Yoongi said if I made up the whole kiss thing, it’d get you mad enough to admit it, and I mean it worked, didn’t it?”
Yoongi. He set this whole thing up to get Namjoon to tell you the truth. “You mean to tell me that Yoongi got a witch to curse Y/n, just to get you involved to make me jealous so that I’d confess?”
“He only organized the latter part of all this. This whole spell thing was all because of Y/n’s smart mouth.” Namjoon sees you flip off Seokjin in his peripheral.
“Joon, we can go curse out Yoongi later, but can you please break this spell? I’m seriously stressing over here.”
Namjoon makes a mental note to pay Yoongi a not so friendly visit later and makes his way back over to you. He has you close your eyes while he recalls the right counterspell to make everything go back to normal. He murmurs under his breath, hovering his hand over your throat, and his fingers tingle as the words leave his mouth. As quickly as he begins, he’s done and lowering his hand.
You open your eyes and clear your throat a few times. “How do I know if it worked?”
“It worked.”
“Yeah, but how will I know?”
“If you wake up tomorrow morning and speak, then you’ll know it worked.” You frown at him and glance up at the sky.
“We seriously need to talk about all the things you can do later, but for now, I really just want to watch the meteor shower and actually finish what’s supposed to be a romantic anniversary date.”
“We can do that.”
From there, you head to the car to get the dinner you packed, and Namjoon tells Seokjin he can leave. He asks the older warlock to let Yoongi know to expect a visit from him tomorrow that won’t just be to hang out.
Once Seokjin’s gone, and you’ve spread out the spare blanket you keep in your car, Namjoon relaxes as you lean against him, feeding him parts of the sandwiches you made. While this may not have been the ideal way he planned for anything that transpired to happen, all that matters is that you still love him, and he gets to watch the way the meteors flying above glisten off of the ring on your finger.
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The next morning, you’re able to confirm that Namjoon was, in fact, able to break the spell that the witch had cast onto you. You still have your voice, and you’re able to give Yoongi an earful about not telling you his best friend was a warlock when he first introduced you while simultaneously thanking him for introducing the two of you. The vampire tiredly took the verbal assault after you and Namjoon had barged into his apartment early in the morning.
As Namjoon watches you threaten to shove a clove of garlic up Yoongi’s ass if he ever lies to you again, he knows that asking you to become his wife is the best decision he’s ever made in his life.
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2nd A/N: Fun fact, this started out as a different fic that I wrote the beginning and end of, but then my brain couldn’t function for the middle so I wrote it all over again. The original version of this will probably still be finished in the future, who knows when. Also, as a disclaimer, I am in love with Seulgi. The idea of her as a sassy witch? Chef’s kiss!!! Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed it!
221 notes · View notes
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Genre: Fantasy AU! Pairing: Namjoon x f.reader Prologue
According to the old stories, the Moonchild’s Mother had conceived with a Moon deity. When she gave birth, she hid the child, afraid that the deity would steal him away. Heartbroken that she loved the child more and angry with her for keeping it away, the deity cursed the baby so that everything he touched would die. As the child grew, so too did his ruining power. By the time he was a young boy, without a figure to guide his magic, his Mother began to fear him as well. She feared him so much that she attempted to take his life, only for it to end in tragedy. The Moonchild had tried to stop her, grabbing her wrists. In the throes of turmoil, his power unchecked, she slowly turned to ash.
“There is magic in everything.” You had whispered to yourself, index finger gingerly running across the words on the page. With your bottom lip between your teeth, as it always is when you’re focused, you mull over the words staring back at you from the yellowed, faded pages of the book.
Suddenly, you stand and close it with a dull and dusty snap, waving your free hand around your face while you try to cough as quiet as you can. The old librarian peeks at you over the rim of her even older glasses from across the room, expressionless as ever.
The resident feline of the tiny library, a lithe grey striped bob-tailed sweetheart, has woken from his nap basking in the windowsill beside the chair you rose from. He stretches his back and looks up at you through tired golden eyes. You’ve always enjoyed the cat’s company when you come to return old and borrow new scrolls or books.
After you’ve corralled the heavy books into your bag, you huff, giving the cat a swift scratch behind his ears. It’s always hard leaving this place, loitering around the room before you have to rip yourself from your favorite getaway. You glance back at the massive shelves of literature and can’t help but admire the way the particles in the air catch the glowing dusk sunlight.
Tucking a misplaced strand of hair behind your ear, you adjust your pack and head for the door, boots muffled against the wood floor. You steel yourself just in time to open the heavy barrier, where you’re immediately met with the sounds of the busy road just two feet away.
Lofty, brisk autumn air feels wonderful as it soothes across your face, mussing the strands of hair you just fixed. Walking back to your lonely corner of the world is the same as always, and yet you can’t help but notice the details everyone around you so blatantly seems to ignore.
How the last fragments of the sun’s glare are warm and welcoming, or how the cadence of the town’s activity creates a steady rhythm so comforting that it washes away any worries because you’re alive and well. The smell of rich earth freshly overturned in the fields just behind the general store. The magic of life, right before your eyes.
There’s a gentle, but sad smile on your face as you turn your back on the world outside, closing the door with a quiet thud. Before you get started, you reach for a sprig of sage, still hanging from the twine in front of the window facing the sun. You’re not sure why, but you’re more than nervous as you light a few candles to illuminate your work station. A curse passes your lips as you heave open the heavy leather scripture on the book stand shoved in the corner beside the work station. Several rare ingredients are scattered in bottles and strung along the wall from twine.
There’s a crystal with six smooth sides and tapered points on either end resting in the fold between two pages of your ancient copy of The Language of Flowers. You can’t help the fond smile that graces your lips as your eyes land on it.  Anyone else might assume that it were just a beautiful paperweight, valiantly guarding your place between the spine of the book. You get lost in the memories of the crystal as it catches the soft glow of candle light, nearly swirling the color into brilliant, flickering shades of color that are always reminiscent of the sky at sunrise.
Your Mother gave you that crystal as a child when you were just beginning to hear her tales of wonderment and magic from the old stories she would read to you. Your favorite had always been about the Moonchild, a human warlock who ruined everything he touched. His story always fascinated you, even though it was littered with tragedy and sadness and pain. It wasn’t the warlocks fault that everything he touched began to wither, wilt and die.
According to the old stories, the Moonchild’s Mother had conceived with a Moon deity. When she gave birth, she hid the child, afraid that the deity would steal him away. Heartbroken that she loved the child more and angry with her for keeping it away, the deity cursed the baby so that everything he touched would die. As the child grew, so too did his ruining power. By the time he was a young boy, without a figure to guide his magic, his Mother began to fear him as well. She feared him so much that she attempted to take his life, only for it to end in tragedy. The Moonchild had tried to stop her, grabbing her wrists. In the throes of turmoil, his power unchecked, she slowly turned to ash.
In panic and despair he shouted, slamming his fists into the stone of their home, upturning everything within reach. The townspeople gathered at the commotion, watching in shock and horror as they saw the Moonchild turn everything he had touched into a storm of gently swirling ashes, dunes of it at his feet. Even with such a pained expression and tear-stained cheeks shining in the pure moonlight, they turned on him, a boy, howling threats of hanging or burning at the stake.
So the Moonchild fled into the forest. The townspeople were uneasy, but let him go out of fear for their own lives to turn out the same as his Mother’s. After some time with no further threat, the town settled back into ease, assuming the Moonchild had been killed by the dangers that lurked in the wild. Surely his power held no candle to the flame of a wild pack of hungry wolves they thought.
With a deep sigh and the pulling of your heartstrings, you wrench yourself out of your own head. Your arms flail around your head to clear the thoughts and pangs of sadness for the warlock’s story. “There is magic in everything.” you whisper to yourself, grabbing your stone mortar and pestle. The smooth, cold surface and heavy weight calms your nerves as you release a breathe you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.
You begin to hum a melody you remember as a child, although you’ve never been able to remember where it came from. It always soothes you. Your hands run on autopilot, pouring this or that into the mortar, sprinkling something alongside it to sizzle. You add two drops of a noxious smelling substance, letting them fall into the bowl from a twig you snapped between your closed fists. More grinding. Then you crush a small bramble of dried leaves between your hands, letting the flakes float to the concoction you’re creating.
The herbs are ready. Next, as you still hum, you scoop the lavender colored liquid out on two fingers, lathering it across the only piece of your Mother you have left, an old pewter ring she always had dangling from a chain around her neck. With a gentleness you did not know you possessed, you place the ring into the small canvas bag of soil and crushed berries you’d collected earlier that morning. You add the sprig of fresh sage to finish it off.
You stop humming. The crystal sitting unassumingly between the book pages now rests in your closed palm. With one last shaky breath of released nerves, you hold the canvas bag between your palms, using your thumbs to press the crystal firmly against the contents inside.
The incantation slips from your lips easily, overflowing with feeling. Your skin prickles as you speak the ancient text from the heavy book resting on the stand. You’re sure something must happen this time with the raw power you can feel swirling around somewhere inside. Continuing, it takes all of your focus and willpower not to get discouraged or frustrated when you can still feel the fog of it not being quite right. You were sure the spell would work this time. It was the only option left from the hundreds you’d tried over the last eighteen months.
Something happens a moment later, and with great shock, you drop the crystal. Your precious magical item. Everything is mute, but there’s a distinct ringing in your ears, as if you’re slowly regaining your auditory sense after hearing a bomb go off directly beside you. Still in shock, you’re eyeing your left hand where you could have sworn something cold touched you, and you’re sweating profusely.
Brow furrowed in confusion, you huff a dramatic sigh and throw the bag from your hands to the work table. The helpless feelings of fatigue overtake you as they always do when you're trying desperately, recklessly to cast a spell and make your Mother rise from the dead. Necromancy is a dangerous game, and one you would give anything to win. Just once.
You sink to the floor, slumping over and pulling your crystal to your chest where you clutch it tightly. The tears flood you instantly and the loneliness you feel crowds in on you like a tidal wave, burying you deep beneath the weight of it where nobody can hear your screaming.
A sound so shrill and loud it breaks the stone mortar on your table rips you from your fitful slumber, and then everything you’ve worked so hard for explodes. Almost in slow motion you watch as all manner of material splinters as though thousands of tiny, silent bolts of lightning are rippling them into separation. The floor beneath you begins to vibrate with unknown intensity, followed by the an audio force so deep and frightening, it knocks the very breath from your lungs.
The tiny corner of the world you’ve worked so hard to keep for yourself is no longer there, awash in the winds whipping around you in a ten foot vortex. The only thing left is you and the crystal you hold onto for dear life. You’re shell-shocked, your entire body sore from the toll attempting to spell-cast always takes and the effects of it failing yet again.
You’re sure it must mean something. Very suddenly and with perfect clarity, you see the beauty of this catastrophe. There is beauty in pain and suffering and it feels almost as though the idea of your world being completely ruined is a burden lifted from your shoulders. You’re standing among the fine rubble, smiling to yourself.
Like a punch to the gut you’re knocked from your stupor by a shout, “She’s a witch!”
Another cry from the crowd now gathering outside what was your life mimicking the same sentiments.
“Grab her!” they holler, shaking their fingers in your direction.
You watch as they come toward you slowly, claws outstretched in a wary attack. You feel lighter as you step out of their reach, watching the squat, greasy man they're attached to trip over the debris at your feet.
“Burn her at the stake!” Another woman shrieks in horror.
Those words are all it takes for you to snap back to the reality that you’re in danger if you don’t escape. You know those words.+
Without a second thought you’re running down the backside of the heap towards the fields.
It takes ten minutes and an overwhelming amount of sheer willpower to escape the townspeople hunting for you. Lucky for you it is night, and their torchlight casts dark shadows in the deep brush, making your stealthy escape possible as you pause to catch your breath against the back of a large boulder. You are certain that had it been daylight you would have passed out from running non-stop long ago.
Squeezing your eyes shut tight for a brief moment, you inhale a large gulp of oxygen before you’re off again, holding your breath and sneaking between the shadows cast against the foliage.
It is in this moment that you’re blessing your curious nature, happy that you know this forest like the back of your hand from all of your time spent mapping it and collecting your ingredients.
However, the moment of joy is fleeting when you realize that there isn’t anywhere for you to escape completely without crossing over the hulking mountains that your little town sits in the valley of. You swallow hard, chancing an anxious glance at the jagged edges of snow-capped rocks gleaming in the lavender color of the moon.
You don’t have a choice. You know what you have to do. You don’t hesitate.
Plucking a small stone from the cool soil, you kiss it for good luck before reeling back your arm and aiming for somewhere across the trees. The moment the hollow knocking sound and rusting of the stone falling through some leaves hits your ears, you’re running in the opposite direction.
Those people you used to know are left behind, searching for you from where the stone landed. There are too many emotions swirling around inside as you grapple up the side of a twelve foot cliff face and begin your adventure in unknown territory. In a twisted way, you’re worried that the townspeople won’t know how to get back into town from this deep within the forest.
Once you’re over the side of the cliff and out of view, you look up at the mountain before you. The forest that blankets it is thicker than the one you know, and it prompts an eerie feeling in your heart. It is only now, as you clench your fists that you realize you haven’t let go of your Mother’s crystal all this time. You stare at it in wonder and nearly choke on a sob before smiling at it. You take three breaths to calm your nerves, swallowing down the bundle of emotions churning your gut, and begin the ascent.
It takes three days of horrible, awful luck before anything happens. You are not sure where you're even wandering to, but you know you need to either find a place to lay low in the mountains for a few weeks, or just keep moving before someone finds you.
You’ve lost weight, you can tell, as the clothes on your frame are already beginning to feel a bit too loose. You can’t even imagine the state your hair must be in. The only bit of luck you’ve had was finding a whole turtle shell lying in the brush. It needed cleaning, but you were still able to use it to catch rainwater for drinking during the storm the night before.
A deep growl sounds from your stomach, reminding you of the strange feeling that something wasn’t quite right. You hadn’t seen or heard a single animal in at least a full day. Not even birds. Oddly, the brush was still crushed in certain areas, and some wild raspberries had been freshly plucked from a bush you’d also collected your meager breakfast from.
You were fairly certain you’d also seen some wild animal tracks in the mud this morning. One set from a deer and another from a fox.
Continuing on for some time, you hum your familiar, soothing melody to yourself to ignore the persistent growling of your gut as you walk. The sunlight is dampening in favor of the moonlight the longer you travel. You close your eyes briefly and tilt your chin to the sky, basking in the last flecks of daytime.
Without warning, you’re suddenly overcome with a great wave of nausea. Your eyes nearly snap out of the sockets as your entire body wretches forward to expel the bile from your stomach. It leaves you reeling and you’re very much hyper aware that you can feel a strong force thrumming in your veins.
And you’re not alone.
There’s a series of voices speaking in various tones. Some sound shocked, while others sound mildly irritated and one or two even sound giddy. You think they’re talking about you, but you can’t be sure as a hazy fog overcomes your brain and makes you swim. You smile, feeling warm and loose, like you're drunk.
You collapse into the dirt with a dull thud and some crunching leaves. As your consciousness slips from you, all you can see is a large black wolf walking towards you cautiously. It’s eyes are the same iridescent color as the moon.
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
To Be Damned | The 7 Deadly Sins
Preview, Chapter 00
Pairing - jungkook x reader
Genre - angst, eventual fluff, smut 
Word count - 8k 
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multipart series, multimember series, fantasy au, college au, demon!jungkook
Thornheart 1692
“And your father believes we can save them?” Jimin asked curiously, lowering his felt hat to give himself a better view of the group of young women in the distance. To look at the women nobody would suspect a thing, they looked like normal, average, perhaps even boring, women. Jimin and the others were sat on a grassy field, the grass was so long they were practically hidden, consumed by nature, observing their new surroundings and the people it inhabited.
“I believe we can too, I know that we can.” Jungkook replied with a certain confidence he was well known for. “They don’t deserve to die.”
Jungkook’s father, Ye-Joon, was a powerful warlock who had sent his youngest son and six of his friends on a trip to America, specifically a small town named Thornheart, where there had been rumours of witch trials taking place. Ye-Joon was too well known amongst the spiritual world to go himself, the perpetrators and other magically inclined beings would’ve spotted him in an instant and he too, would’ve been burned at the steak. Despite being undoubtedly the strongest of his kind Ye-Joon had full faith in Jungkook and his friends, he wouldn’t have sent them otherwise. Using dark magic he watched the group from thousands of miles away, inside Jungkook’s family home in Korea. Ye-Joon advised his son he would be contacting the spirit world for updates and channelling the earth to ensure all seven boys were kept safe during their endeavour.
The seven men had arrived in Thornheart a mere 48 hours prior to sitting in the grassy field, unfortunately they had received plenty of attention from the locals, some wanted, some not so much. Being proudly Asian the men were subjected to lots of curious gazes, some women would look at them in awe of their beauty, and with that came the local men staring through them with a darkness behind their eyes, a mixture of equal parts jealousy and disgust.
Their cover story was simple enough, Jungkook’s father was a wealthy tradesman from abroad who wanted to broaden his horizons, he had plenty of goods to offer the small town and wanted to start business there. Perhaps this story was the only thing stopping the racists amongst the community from slaughtering them on the spot.
Thankfully, a spell had been cast to ensure communication would not be an issue, the boys were now able to speak to any person in any language for as long as they lived, it was a gift to be multilingual and fluent in every language, and the men treated it as such. It was problematic enough that there were many physical differences between the group and the people of Thornheart, so the fact that all seven men dabbled with the dark arts themselves had to remain a secret. For their protection.
“Why should we save them? Why is it our lives at risk? Instead let’s take their belongings-“
“Must you have so much greed within you?” Jimin cut Hoseok off, “They have done nothing wrong, no laws have been broken.”
“Only the laws of nature.” Namjoon reminds the group, the rumour of the witch trials being the only reason they had been sent there in the first place. “They’re witches, even if they have not hurt people, there is nothing here that can prove they won’t.”
“You also practise the dark magics Namjoon, does that mean that you too cannot make the same promise?” Seokjin, the eldest member of the group hummed, thick brows raised expectantly. When Namjoon failed to respond the elder man added,
“Where are Yoongi and Taehyung?”
“Yoongi is sleeping.” Jimin stated matter of factly, “But I’m unsure where Taehyung could’ve ran off to.”
“Wherever he is, I hope he’s safe.” Seokjin watched the sun starting to set in the distance, the sky now painted with a beautiful pinky-orangey hue.
The seven men were friends by association, having known each other almost all their lives through family connections. While they were all men of the same age bracket and held similar values in life, their personalities were as different as could be.
Seokjin for example, the eldest man in the group, was often considered to be very self-centred, he didn’t share anything, not food, not water, not even his time nor knowledge. He was a selfish man, who thought only of himself and his own needs. On more than one occasion he would guzzle so much alcohol in one sitting that he would black out and barely remember a thing the next morning when he woke from slumber. Everybody knew Seokjin was the kind of man who would watch a child starve if it meant that he could still eat.
This would infuriate Namjoon, who was known for having a temper. He would call Seokjin selfish and conceited, once or twice the two men had physically scuffled to settle their differences. This was typical behaviour from Namjoon however, as many had described him as a bit of a brute over the years. And it was easy to see why people held that opinion of him, he was brash and had very violent tendencies, filled with rage. There were several rumours that he had accidentally killed a man during one of his nightly brawls. Not that the others ever questioned it, fearful he would turn on them too.
One member of the group however, Jimin, was jealous of Namjoon. He wished that he could stand up for himself as well as Namjoon did, definitely excluding the violence but he knew he lacked a certain masculinity that his friend had. That was one of Jimin’s worst and most frustrating traits, he envied anybody and everybody that crossed his path. For whatever reason it was, he constantly compared himself to others, over-analysing every single difference between he and them that he could find. It was an unhappy life, feeling as though he lived in the shadow of others, he was deemed shallow, though deep down he was angry that he would never be them.
Hoseok was arguably the second strongest young warlock amongst them, as he was addicted to the way it made him feel. It was the same with everything life had to offer, Hoseok was addicted. If he wanted something he would take it, and take more of it, and take more of it, steal it if he had to, until he had it all. It was a craving he had, Seokjin was often thought of as the most selfish member of the group and from an outsiders perspective perhaps that were true, but everybody on the inner circle knew it was Hoseok. He was a thief, he would bargain with others, lie, cheat his way into attaining whatever he wanted. It was pure greed.
Yoongi was the only man Hoseok had ever met who could stand talking to him for longer than an hour, and that was simply because Yoongi did not care about the materialism of things, or any one thing for that matter. Of course he loved and cared deeply for his family and friends, but above all else he was lazy - indifferent to everything, already tired of life itself despite only being in his late 20’s. Some people would describe him as easy going, but the reality of it was that he just didn’t care about anything. It was like he lived in his own head most of the time, always looking forward to his next sleep where he could truly be himself in his dreams. He was a very closed-off man, unreadable to most.
Taehyung was Yoongi’s polar opposite, he loved life, he loved everything life had to offer, excitement and ambition flowed through his veins, along with a burning desire for love. Ever since he was a young boy all he wanted was a wife, a family of his own, but more so the wife. There was a slight problem with this though, giving that Taehyung had built quite a reputation for himself amongst women. He couldn’t stay away from them, while he longed for a long term courtship with one woman - he had never found only one woman worth keeping around. Taehyung was in love with the idea of love, lust and a physical craving got in the way of him ever having or maintaining any kind of monogamous relationship, despite how much he yearned for it.
And then there was Jungkook, son of the most powerful warlock history had ever known. He too was power hungry, driven, thirsty for satisfaction and completion, always wanting to be the very best at everything. There was no denying he was strong, compared to his friends he was in a league of his own and nobody would dare cross him because of it. But Jungkook cared too much about how others perceived him, about people’s opinions and what they thought of him. He had what most others his age lacked, self-worth, nobility and charm. Even that didn’t stop his intrusive thoughts though, nor his craving for others approval. Especially his fathers, which is why he’d agreed to visit Thornheart and save as many witches as he could there in the first place. If it was important to his father it was important to him.
“He’s here.” Jimin gestures to a nearby stable, overlooking the fact Taehyung’s clothes were haphazardly hanging from his tall frame.
Taehyung wore a drunken smile as he returned to the group after being gone for what seemed like hours. Soon after sitting down he watched as the fair-skinned maiden he’d spent the afternoon with exited the same stable, her face flushed pink as she walked to the group of women, presumably her friends or family, with shaky legs.
“I hope for your sake she does not speak of this.” Jungkook scolded, eyes wide with realisation as he looked his friend up and down with disappointment.
“We’re here for the witch trials and nothing more, we do not need any unnecessary attention so could you keep your hands to yourself for a few more days-“
“She won’t say anything, I specifically asked her not to. You know how persuasive we can be.” A simple memory fog spell was all it took to ensure their safety, an underrated card many witches and warlocks didn’t know how to play. Of course, Taehyung had mastered it in his years practising magic.
“You fogged her memory?” Namjoon scoffed, visibly angry, “Why would you do something so-“
“Finally. I was beginning to tire of sitting around, at least Taehyung knows how to make this stay more entertaining.” Hoseok clapped his large hands once, sharing a knowing look with Taehyung.
“What’s done is done. You should rest now, I’ll take the first watch and alert anyone if my fathers suspicions were right.” Jungkook stood proudly, wiping any dirt from his clothes.
“Go and join Yoongi, I’ll be by the large well. Remember why we’re here.”
Jungkook’s back had been pressed against the well for hours, his chin dropping closer to his chest with each exhale, until he finally succumbed to sleep. What felt like minutes passed, it was over as soon as it began, a loud series of bangs snapped him into consciousness.
What was that? Jungkook’s eyes darted around, the sky was black and littered with glistening stars, roughly an hour must’ve passed, that’s when he saw it, a huge smoke cloud near to the stables.
Running so quickly that his tired legs almost buckled under his weight, he panted, praying his friends were not in that stable. The smell was strong and thick, burning wood tainted the air and that’s when he realised his father was right.
The witch trials.
“Taehyung?! Namjoon?!” He roared as he got closer, he saw three huge fires painting the sky with death, women’s screams burning his ears as he finally made it to the stables and attempted to break the door down.
“Jungkook!” Suddenly he was being tackled to the ground, Jimin pinning him to the dirt before putting a single finger to his lips, signalling Jungkook to be quiet.
“What happened? We need to save-“
“It’s no use, the woman Taehyung laid with, she was a witch - the memory fog spell didn’t work on her and she exposed us. We have to leave, now.”
The pair crawled far away to where the others were laid on their fronts, hidden within the tall grass, one final attempt at staying camouflaged. Who were the women screaming if the local folk were after them? It didn’t make any sense, just what had gone on while Jungkook slept?
“I’m sorry.” Taehyung sobbed quietly, “I’m so sorry. I don’t want to die, I don’t want any of us to die!”
“This is your fault, what good will apologising do now?” Namjoon spat, his face inches away from Taehyung, “If you’d just listened to Jungkook-“
“There are innocent people in there, we have to help them! Where are the witches? Why haven’t they done anything?” Jungkook was in disbelief, his eyes wide with shock as the horrific scene before him played out.
“Are they in the stable? Is that their screams?”
The stable was fully engulfed in angry flames, he could hear the screams of multiple women  as smoke took over their lungs. Riddled with guilt he went to stand, to help them, before an unknown male voice bellowed,
“They’re there!”
The seven men had no hope, no escape, no plan B, there was no way they were getting out of this situation alive. They all knew that. Jungkook acted quickly and shared a knowing look with Hoseok, who nodded in agreement.
“Stay here, we’ll be back. Stay down. Don’t be seen.” Jungkook bolted towards the unknown voice, recognising him as one of the local racists who had been staring at them often. This wasn’t exactly ideal, far from it, but he and Hoseok had enough power between the two of them to fix this.
“Kneel.” Jungkook breathed, quickly scanning the surrounding area to make sure the local man was alone, “I said kneel.”
The man obliged, sinking to his knees visibly in pain as the fire roared behind him. Hoseok didn’t break eye contact with the man in question, controlling his every move with dark magic. Once Hoseok had full control of the man’s body he shared another knowing glance with Jungkook, who looked down at the clearly terrified local.
“I want you to shout that you were mistaken, you didn’t see us here. You’ve searched this whole field and you didn’t see us here.”
“...My mistake, they’re nowhere in this field!” The man’s voice broke up the sound of the crackling fire.
“The maiden was mistaken, we do not practise black magic. She herself is a witch and was trying to cover her scent. Do you understand?” By exposing the witches he knew he was putting himself and the others in grave danger, but in the moment he realised it was either the witches, or them.
“I understand.”
“She and the other witches here, they tried to frame 7 innocent men for their wrongdoings.”
“The witches framed 7 innocent men, the polite Asian men who visited us from abroad.” He was in a trance-like state, fully obedient to Jungkook. While Hoseok had kept the man from putting up a fight and rendering him physically helpless, it was Jungkook tearing apart his memories and replacing them with new ones. Ripping apart his mind piece by piece.
“Go. Tell the others you were mistaken, you were seduced by the witch and believed their lies.”
“What should we do to the witches?” It was an innocent enough question, but it was enough to make Hoseok panic, eyes shifting to Jungkook for clarification.
“They’re already in the stable.”
Fearing what the other locals thought of him if the witches managed to expose them before they left, he let his pride get in the way and simply kneeled, so that he was eye level with the man.
“Kill them. Kill them all.”
“Tie them to the building, burn and kill them. Make sure not one escapes.” He cut off Hoseok, his eyes black with satisfaction as the helpless local man nodded quickly, gasping for air as he sprinted off to see out Jungkook’s plan.
“Your father sent us here to help them.” Hoseok whispered, “What would he say?”
“It was our only option, the witches here are clearly not our allies.”
Yoongi and the others watched as the two strongest amongst them walked back to the group, calmly, as though nothing had happened when mere moments ago they were all as good as dead.
“What happened?”
“We need to leave.”
“Are you not going to tell us what happened? You expect us to blindly follow you everywhere you go?!” Namjoon chuckled humourlessly, cracking his knuckles as he rose from the grass.
“By all means Namjoon, stay here if you wish. Or you can leave with us and be safe.” Jungkook poked his inner cheek with his tongue, visibly annoyed.
“Safe? With you? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such thing! It’s laughable how you think you’re always in control—“
Everything went black.
When the group woke it was daylight, the sun stinging their tired eyes as they slowly, one by one, began to come round. They were individually bound with rope, each man wrapped round a tree with their backs pressed harshly against the trunk.
As Jungkook finally opened his eyes he was greeted with the image of a woman standing calmly a few feet away. She was young, he thought she must have been a late teenager, perhaps 20 at a push. Her clothes were disheveled, black soot covered most of her facial features but he could make out that she was pretty, her eyes were big and bright, yet full of sadness. It wasn’t the girl that Taehyung laid with, he thought, he couldn’t work out who she was or what she could possibly want from them. How did they get here? One minute he was fighting with Namjoon, and the next—
“She was my friend.” The girl spoke shakily, emphasising the past tense of her statement. “The woman you laid with was my friend and you had her killed.”
“How did we...Where are we?” Yoongi groaned in discomfort, he was tied to the tree sitting to Jungkook’s right, and to his left was Seokjin.
“What do you want from us?!” Hoseok’s voice was gruff and distant, Jungkook noticed that he was the furthest away out of the men. Perhaps the girl intentionally wanted to keep he and Hoseok separated as he was quite a distance away. And that’s when Jungkook realised. She saw. She heard. She knew.
“Please...We don’t want to hurt you, and I’m sorry about your friend.” Jungkook confessed, his words laced with guilt, even if he did directly sign her friends death sentence.
“We never meant any of this to happen.”
“My mother, my sister, my neighbours, friends... They’re all dead because of you.” She was heartbroken, he could tell. “When this is all over with and you’re left questioning yourselves why, I want you to remember this very moment.”
“If you were going to kill us you would’ve done so by now.” Yoongi rolled his eyes, shrugging beneath the ropes.
“Untie us and we will leave on our own accord.”
“Kill you? No. Death would be too kind.”
“I’m sure we can come to an agreement, please, free us.” Taehyung tried his luck, when the girl refused to back down he stared at her, deep into her eyes until he could feel her, manipulate her.
“Free us.”
Nothing happened in return, it was clear now that the girl who had captured them was a witch. A strong one. That gave her every reason to have their heads, considering what Jungkook had convinced the local man to do to the witches to cover their own tracks. Just as he was starting to connect the pieces together she spoke again, only this time in a language not one of the men could decipher. Her voice was croaky as she mumbled, chanted the strange language repeatedly.
“Jungkook I thought your father cast a spell so that we could understand all languages?” Seokjin was noticeably shaken up, they all were, this girl was a witch who’s family had just died at their hands. Now they were tied up, unable to understand her. She was in complete control of this situation.
“What language is this?”
“I’m not familiar with this kind of spell.” Hoseok watched the girl cautiously.
“What is she doing to us?!” Taehyung panicked, writhing in place as he silently sobbed, he knew this was all because of him, because he allowed lust to direct his decision making as opposed to his mind.
“This is all your fault,” Namjoon barked, “If we manage to live through this Taehyung I swear to you I will never forgive this—“
“What good is fighting going to do now? Lay off him—“
Thunder. Darkness. Heavy rain. Never a good sign when the dark arts are involved, Jungkook thought. The once burning hot sunshine had faded into a wild storm in a matter of seconds. Red lighting bolts started to pierce the ground, dangerously close to the trees.
“Have you ever seen a witch this strong?!” Hoseok directed his question to Jungkook, who was to busy trying to calculate what was going on to pay attention.
“She said death would be too easy?! So she’s not going to kill us? Perhaps it’s all for show?!” Seokjin hoped, hair and face now drenched in rainwater.
The girls chanting continued, the rain fell heavier and the lightning grew closer and hotter. Until suddenly everything stopped. No rain, no lightning, no thunder, even the sun started to show from behind the thick clouds.
“What did you to do us?!” Namjoon roared in her direction.
The scariest thing about this whole ordeal was how calm the girl remained, a witch that powerful could’ve snapped her fingers and had every man there killed in an instant. But she didn’t. Why? What punishment did she deem fit for the crime?
“You will never live a normal human life. Not even a half life, half human half warlock, no, the lives you will all lead will be much, much worse.”  
“What did you do?” Jungkook was curious yet cautious, she was obviously very powerful and very angry. None of them were safe.
“I’ve watched you these past few days, your interactions, your opinions, you’re all selfish monsters... I knew something was different about you from the moment our eyes met.” She approached Jungkook slowly, having kept her distance from them until now.
She really was very attractive he noted, the memory of her beautiful yet dangerous eyes would haunt him for the rest of his days.
“Please,” he pleaded, “What did you do?”
“Nothing yet.” She smiled, “But when the sun sets you will all be cursed with a soulless immortality.”
Jungkook frowned, blatantly confused.
“What do you mean? Immortality isn’t—“
“I’ve taken away your human souls, ripped them from your human bodies and replaced them with your sins. You’re all damned to spend the rest of eternity with no soul, all you’ll be is a walking manifestation of everything that’s wrong with this world.”
“Why not just kill us?” Hoseok was quiet, the concept of spending the rest of eternity without a soul weighing heavy on his shoulders. “Why go to all this trouble, for the people responsible for your families death?”
“You behaved like soulless demons, and now that’s exactly what you’ll be. Forever.”
The girl smiled darkly, her eyes flickering with hatred before she vanished, leaving the men tied to trees in the middle of nowhere, Jungkook hoped she was telling the truth about them being immortal, for he knew they wouldn’t survive long like this.
330 years later
Thornheart looked different these days, while it was still a small somewhat gothic looking town in America, it had come a long way since the witch trials. It had everything you’d expect from a small town, a library, a church, only one good movie theatre and a handful of bars. Thornheart was actually famous for its community college, its history programme was on par with that of Ivy-league schools, and only for a fraction of the price per semester.
Once dirt tracks had now turned into actual roads, with cars, moving vehicles that people needed licenses to drive - only three centuries ago children as young as five were expected to ride horses, and that was if their family had social status, or a horse. For most families and children, walking was the only way to get from A to B. Now there were cars, trains, planes, buses, underground transport. He didn’t need magic to get around anymore, no, instead all he needed was a license.
Technology was slowly taking over the world too, hand held computers that could connect anyone anywhere were the newest accessories. Apart from tiny computers for watches that is, they were actually called accessories and they were capable of tracking everywhere a person went. The information gathered from them was definitely being sold to the government but it couldn’t be proven. Well of course it couldn’t be proven, that would be heavily incriminating - but everyone and their stylish dogs with 100K Instagram followers knew that the government was corrupt. All governments were corrupt, in all corners of the world.
Facebook, Google, Netflix, Tinder... there was an app for everything. The whole world at the touch of a button or the swipe of a tiny screen. The new world was incredible, the possibilities were endless anyone was capable of anything and there was a real beauty knowing that there was a community for everything. Even foot fetishists had their forums and Twitter groups, a safe space for them to talk about...toes?
Jungkook’s thoughts were interrupted by the small barista passing him his black coffee to go, another excellent thing about modern day living — caffeine.
“Thanks.” He nodded as he grabbed the cup, the cold September air hugging his legs as he left Starbucks. He’d heard others complain about big money making cooperate chains like Starbucks, but given that he was around when the company used to be much smaller and make much much less money...he figured it didn’t matter too much. He liked their coffee, it was as simple as that.
People looked different these days too, society has simultaneously never been more inclusive yet dismissive of everyone’s differences. Racists, homophobes and misogynists had become somewhat a dying species over the centuries, thankfully, however assholes still did exist. Skin could be permanently marked whichever way a person could want, tattoos were widely accepted amongst all cultures, and piercings too. People could enhance body parts, suck the fat from wherever they wanted, a person could be made up of 75% plastic at this point and nobody would bat an eyelid, as it was considered to be the new normal.
Jungkook blended into the world much like anyone else would, nobody would’ve suspected he was a 354 year old soulless demon. He had dark hair that parted in the middle, exposing his forehead and eyebrows, piercing included. Although he usually detested humans, given that he felt above them and all, he couldn’t deny some of them had fantastic taste. Musicians were among some of the people he actually enjoyed. He was also particularly fond of his tattoo artist, who had completed his right arm sleeve and pierced his body several times.
It was all part of the plan, to fit in, to blend. To look like he really could be a 24 year old history major at the local community college.
Jungkook had money, he had tons of money, after all nobody has an excuse to be broke when they’re older than the banks themselves. Being rich meant he could’ve technically gone to any school he wanted, and that he did, his favourite place to study was Oxford University in England in the 1980’s when everybody was high on ecstasy and the exam questions were genuinely easy. Sometimes he missed the ‘sex, drugs and rock n’ roll’ way of the world, specifically the music that came with it, but if he had to be honest he preferred the times the way they were now. He had nine bachelors degrees, five master’s, and three PHD’s. Because what else was he supposed to do with the rest of eternity?
The group of young men that went to America to stop the witch trials 330 years ago were not as close as they once were. Understandable of course, some people find it difficult to maintain friendships for 10+ years never mind 300+. Occasionally they meet, he takes comfort in the fact that thanks to technology they’re only a simple text or phone call away from each other. No communication or teleportation spells were needed in this century, just an iPhone.
When Jungkook thinks of them he remembers them fondly, he remembers their trip to America... how he had more witches killed than he saved, how he probably could’ve done a lot more to help but decided to save himself first. Above all, he remembers the look in that girls eyes, her sinister yet somehow intimate eyes, the same girl who damned them to an eternity of misery, replacing their souls with their sins.
There was a lot of folklore surrounding those witch trials, a lot of speculation and gossip, some historians even said the events that transpired that day is the true origin story of the seven deadly sins. But Jungkook laughs at those historians who think they know what happened, besides the seven deadly sins were documented long before the witch trials, he can’t correct their wild fantasy stories so instead he likes to play along as the top history student, eager to learn and discuss.
And a discussion he was going to have, not with his new professor, but instead with his friends and fellow demons from years before, every few years they try their best to ‘hangout’ with each other. For the last three centuries it had been  purely social visits, most of them having moved states or counties over the years, but this time Jungkook had something he wanted to talk about. Something he’d been researching for almost 200 years to make sure he’d got his facts right before sharing with the group.
The cure.
It was around 11PM when Jungkook walked into the bar, dressed in a fitted black suit with a matching black satin shirt, dress shoes and dark sunglasses. He spotted his friends straight away sitting in a large booth in the far corner, close to the men’s room.
“There he is, man of the hour.” Taehyung rose his glass toward Jungkook, proposing a cheers.
Taehyung looked different now too, much like the rest of them he tried his best to fit in with the humans, perhaps a little too much in his case. He dressed very well for the time, always keeping up to date with the latest trends. Dark brunette hair kissed his high cheekbones as he too had grown it out in an attempt to show off his sharp jaw line. He was sitting next to Jimin, and though he was shorter than Taehyung he took equal pride in his body and had been doing some bulking over the last few years, his plain white shirt tight around his biceps as he shifted in his seat.
“Already got you a vodka.” Taehyung gestured toward a small glass sitting patiently on the table, “No ice. Can tell your a demon from your drink order, what kind of human would drink straight vodka?”
Jungkook sat down and joined his peers, not missing the way a small group of women ogled the men as they all greeted one another. Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok had been bulking too it seemed, their casual clothing clinging to their forms in ways that made the female bar tender smile.
“Where’s Yoongi?” Jungkook scanned the bar just in case, but to no avail.
“Running late of course.” Seokjin rolled his eyes, he had four empty glasses stacked next to him already. Just because they were immortal didn’t mean they couldn’t get drunk, in fact, Seokjin looked well on his way already.
“Nice suit, bit much for a 24 year old history major don’t you think?” Hoseok smiled brightly, Namjoon chuckled next to him.
“Nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance.” Jungkook stated matter of factly, “You all look well.”
“We’ve been working out together, not physically together because yknow Seokjin and Namjoon live in South Korea now but we do the FaceTime and work out 6 times a week now.” Hoseok wiggled his black iPhone, seemingly proud of knowing what FaceTime was. “Isn’t technology crazy these days?”
“Tell me about it, I matched with a little hottie on Tinder and she was at my place within 10 minutes.” Taehyung chuckled to himself, “It’s so easy to get sex these days, yknow you should try it Jungkook. Might stop you from being such an uptight pri—“
“Sorry, sorry I’m late.” Yoongi made Jungkook move up so he could sit at the booth, “I knew I had to be here but I’ll be honest I couldn’t be assed to move until 20 minutes ago. This better be good Jungkook.”
“Ah yes, you wanted to discuss something with us right?” Namjoon asked, while signalling the bar tender to get another round of drinks in. “And then after that we can all get blackout drunk like we always do.”
“Well now we’re all here I’ll get straight to it, I know we’re all very busy men so I won’t waste your time... What if I told you there was a cure to the curse? What if I told you there was a way to get our souls back, a way to undo the spell that witch cast on us.”
The air filled with thick silence, unreadable looks being exchanged from all directions on the table. It appeared nobody expected this from Jungkook, and he knew this would be the case. He’d been researching it himself for so long that it was a normal topic for him, but not to his friends.
“What makes you think we’d want that?” Hoseok was the first to speak, “Why should we want to...get our souls back?”
Jungkook prepared for this, they had all been stripped of any humanity they had when their souls were taken from them. He knew that there was a possibility the others wouldn’t care for the cure, they’d only known this lifestyle for so long after all. His friend was right, what was the appeal in having a soul? Emotions often made things...complicated to say the least.
“So you wouldn’t want to find the bitch that did this to us and finally get revenge?” Jungkook opted for plan B, it would be easier to convince them this way. “She damned us to an eternity of being soulless demons, so if we were to find her, and cure ourselves of this...life...she gave us, wouldn’t that be considered the best revenge? To take back our strength and no longer feel weak to some silly woman who cursed us all those years ago.”
The group looked between each other, nobody said a single word until the next round of drinks had been delivered. Seokjin guzzled his immediately and gestured for another, Yoongi and Namjoon were the first to open their mouths.
“What would happen?” Yoongi was curious, “Would we die?”
“I don’t know.” Jungkook was honest, “I haven’t worked out the finer details it’s an unknown spell written in a lost language... It’s a possibility that we could die though, yes.”
“I’m in.” Namjoon stated matter of factly.
“Me too.” Jimin added, “This isn’t a life, I hate myself, I hate the way we pretend to be human, I hate humans, I loathe humans, I envy how they know nothing of the real world. Know nothing of what’s really out there.” His face was stern, tone serious.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Taehyung held up a slender finger, “I don’t want to die? I didn’t want to then and I definitely don’t now. Call it life call it a half life, a curse; whatever it is I happen to like it. I get by just fine. I’m rich, good looking, I can get any girl I want...No, count me out.”
“How did you find it?” Hoseok had been just as hung up on the magic the witch used against them as Jungkook had been, “And why didn’t you tell me?”
Why didn’t Jungkook tell him? Not the group. Him. Hoseok was still the same greedy selfish demon he always had been, even after three whole centuries.
“I wanted to make sure I had all the facts before I came to you.”
“Ah yes, I forget how proud you are.” Seokjin spat, “Count me out, I want nothing to do with this.”
“You’re saying it’s a possibility that we’ll die, right? Is that the only possibility?” Hoseok quizzed Jungkook, brows knitted together in confusion.
“No.” Jungkook laughed, “There’s also a possibility that we’d get our souls back and return to being human. Have a normal mundane life, grow old, have kids... I don’t know all the details yet, I just wanted to let you all know that it could be possible.”
“How can we find out the outcome of the cure? Before we make any decisions. I think that knowing what would happen for sure would ease our minds.” Hoseok rationalised to the group, all five other men nodding in agreement as they looked to Jungkook for answers.
“Leave it with me, you all should stay in town while I fill in the blanks. That way I can update you appropriately. Trust me, I’m closer to finding the truth than I’ve ever been.”
The men spoke amongst themselves, every one of them curious to how Jungkook had even discovered there was such thing as a cure, and after many, many more drinks, Hoseok couldn’t contain himself much longer.
“How did you find out there could maybe be a cure?” The others watched on eagerly, “How did you know there was a way to get our souls back?”
“I came across a witch 200 years ago who said she needed some DNA, preferably blood of a relative, as in the witches relative, to find out any information... But she was familiar with the language, it’s old, ancient black magic that many are too afraid to use. And now there’s this girl, in my history class... I think she could a descendant of the witch who cursed us-“
“But we never got her name.” Jimin reminded him, he was hanging onto every word that was said to make sense of the situation, “How could you know such a thing?”
“Do you see that girl in the black cocktail dress? Standing near the guy who’s obviously trying his best to get into her pants tonight, the one with the snake tattoo on her left calf? Black fluffy heels?” Jungkook knowingly stirred his 17th, maybe 18th drink as the men turned to the girl he was referring to. There was a reason he picked this particular bar for his friends to meet, on this particular day.
“Okay but the second that guy leaves her side I’m sweeping down on that prey.” Taehyung winked, “She’s gorgeous. And that tight little body-“
“No, really look at her, all of her not just her ass.” Jungkook insisted, a proud smirk evident on his lips, “Watch her face when she turns around.”
You were drunk, that was a given, your friend Jackson had offered to pay for a night out to cheer you up, having feeling a little down recently. It was nearing two years since your mom had passed away, the tragic accident had also claimed your grandmothers life that very same evening. Nobody knew how the fire started, even firefighter officials were baffled. Candle? No. Wires? No. Was it arson? Nobody knew. The Thornheart rumour was that it was intentional, but of course that couldn’t be proven.
It was just you and your younger brother now, your dad worked out of town a lot meaning he was never really home. Leaving you to be the adult of the house 9 times out of 10. Not that you minded, you were always going to look out for your little brother no matter what. It was just rough sometimes, feeling as though you had nobody to turn to, not really.
You missed your mother’s maternal warmth, her reassurance that everything would work out just fine. Sure your dad tried his best, god bless him he tried so hard, but a mother’s love is different. It just is. She grew you, nurtured you, mothered you for 18 years, no amount of counceling was going to repair the damage that had already been done. It was akin to losing a best friend, you were both very close, the women of the family always found strength and comfort in each other. Or at least they did until you were the only female in your family left.
“Want another drink?” Jackson playfully nudged your side with his elbow, pulling you from your thoughts.
Despite his advances he was an old friend from school, a good friend. Perhaps you were selfish to come out with him like this, knowing it probably meant more to him than it did to you.
“I shouldn’t!” You admitted, “I’m kinda wasted.” You laughed, you were so drunk now that the bar was starting to spin, in every direction.
“Plus I do have class tomorrow!”
“Oh yeah right, how’s that going anyway?” Jackson pretended to care, he’d decided to skip college and get a job straight away working as a mechanic. It was good enough for him but you always knew you wanted to be a history major ever since you were little. Something about the rich history in Thornheart and local folklores had always fascinated you, of course you rarely admitted it to anybody because you didn’t want to seem like a complete nerd.
“Yeah it’s going good, I think I need to get going now actually. Starting to feel a little nauseous.” You lied, knowing Jackson would probably invite you back to his place if you hadn’t alluded to vomit. It was an easy get of jail free card, if jail was a slightly awkward conversation with an old friend who you didn’t want to sleep with.
“Yeah sure, come on I’ll walk you home.”
Jungkook watched you stumble away from your stool, the desperate blonde guy still following you as you made you way to exit the building.
“She looks—“
“Exactly like her.” Jungkook cut Namjoon off, “I know it was hard to make out her features that day with all that dirt on her face but I’m telling you, she got close to me after the storm and that girl is her double. I would recognise those eyes anywhere.”
“How do you know it’s not the witch herself?” Hoseok was cautious, “Pretending to be a college student? If she had the power to make us immortal there’s a chance she is too.”
“I made that mistake too, but she had no idea what I was talking about and I fogged her memory yesterday to make her forget the whole conversation, it was quite embarrassing actually, memory fog wouldn’t work if she was a witch.”
As you made your way down the three steps that separated the bar from a raised area, Jungkook couldn’t help but stare. Taehyung was right you were beautiful, and not in a fake Instagram influencer way that every girl was nowadays. You had real beauty, class, elegance, you were sexy—
“Get your hand off me.” Your eyes were wide, dark with fury as you stared down Taehyung, who had gripped onto your wrist as you walked past their table.
“Do I even know you?” Your question was sincere as you scoped over the men, who were now all undoubtedly staring at you.
“Not yet darling, but you will.” Taehyung flirted, winning you to tear your hand from his grip. You looked disgusted, Jungkook noted, your brows were furrowed and your nostrils flared, mouth ever so slightly ajar. And then you looked at him, your features softening a tiny fraction.
“You’re in my history class right?” The question was rhetorical, you knew Jungkook was in your history, you’d seen him in class a few times, he sat directly in front of you.
You’d never seen him in a suit though.
“Yeah, I’m Jungkoo—“
“Yeah I don’t care, keep your friends on a tighter leash when you take them out from now on. Next time your boy pulls something like that I’ll break his fucking hand.” You snapped, exiting the bar quickly with your friend close behind.
The instant dismissal stung a little, but Jungkook liked your confidence, your assertiveness, your strength, he liked how much pride you had — he saw a lot of himself in you, and he wanted to see more of you. Normally human girls would never get his attention, not in a million years... maybe the occasional witch he’d run into every 60 years or so... But there was something about you that intrigued him, he was curious from the moment he first saw you two weeks ago.
“You heard that? It’s like she thinks you’re in charge of me!” Taehyung was, for the first time in 300 years, flabbergasted. “You wait til I see her I’m gonna make her regret those words, we’re talking—“
Jungkook stiffened, “You won’t be touching her.”
“So what’s your plan? Be a student for the millionth time just to get close to her, see if she knows her history and try and build her family tree backwards until we find our witch? That’s gonna take so much time, man.” Yoongi sighed.
“We’re not getting any older.” Hoseok reminded him, “Worth a shot, even if all we get is information. I think it would be worth us all enrolling, so we can keep an eye on her.”
“She doesn’t seem like the type of human that opens up to everybody, I hope you’re prepared for disappointment.” Namjoon breathed quietly.
“But if we all go, there’s more chance of her getting close to at least one of us...” Hoseok was calm, calculated, he was plotting something.
It was to be expected, him wanting to be in on the plan, of course he did, his ego was probably already damaged that he hadn’t been involved prior to this point. Jungkook raised what little vodka was left in his glass to propose a final toast, “To college.”
“What’s her name anyway?” Jimin asked as everyone’s glasses clinked together in celebration, glancing quickly toward the exit to ensure you had actually left the building, unable to hear this conversation.
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memphisfaith · 1 year
Chapter 10: Pied Piper
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Fantasy Au
Warnings: Racial slurs, discrimination, torcher, death, murder, mentions of enslavement, kidnapping, mentions of suicide, attempted suicide.
Word Count: 2.5K
Summary: There have always been tales of creatures in the world, all described in different ways. Some labeled as ruthless, others heroic, or even powerful. The world is filled with magic of all types and monsters of every kind. But there are whispers of family so great they could rival the heavens if tempted. A Legacy grown from love, heartache, and magic.
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Through the coming months as the children grew, The Warlock Namjoon visited often. Jungkook and Jimin grew to mumble small words, Jungkook’s first word had been during one of Namjoon’s visits. The wolf child had babbled the word ‘joo’ when trying to refer to Namjoon as he walked away to fetch the child his food. When Jimin said his first word it had been a full word, when the small abstract family took time to play in the garden. The Witch had left him alone far too long for his liking despite just handing him off to Taehyung to care for Jungkook when he squealed ‘mama’. The Witch had nearly dropped Jungkook upon hearing the word.
The two boys eventually grew to crawl, then walk...or run in Jungkook’s case. The child started running before walking only stopping when he hit something or when the nearest person scoops him up before that could happen. Jimin had thankfully learned a bit slower, The Witch and her familiar took the time to teach him by holding him up and placing his little feet on theirs. Hoseok had found it amusing to waltz around the room with the small child on his feet, something Jimin had seemed to enjoy as well since his giggles and squeals could be heard all through the house.
As their mental development grew so did their physical features. Jungkook’s brown hair grew darker and he grew a tad bigger in size than Jimin. Jimin’s hair grew out and became fluffy as his small wings only grew a bit bigger, still not ready to grow to maturity. However both children still had their cute puffy cheeks, a feature The Witch hoped they would keep forever. Namjoon wished the same as well, after all he was far too amused with himself when he squished their cheeks together.
Namjoon often visited The Witch and her children, but sometimes The Witch took the children to him. On those occasions Namjoon and The Witch will take the two children to the small beach near the edge of his home and watch the children play in the wet sand. One time in particular when neither were paying too close attention Jungkook had managed to pick up a small crab and was seconds away from putting the creature into his mouth. If it had not been for Taehyung surely Jungkook would have succeeded and ended up with a snipped tongue. Needless to say, Namjoon had been quite unnerved by the possibility that one of his favorite little sea creatures might have become a small snack for the child.
By the time the two boys were six they grew into running around themselves as well as being able to form proper words and vague sentences. They also developed a sense of favoritism, much to The Witch’s dismay. Jungkook is far fonder of Namjoon than The Witch and far fonder of Taehyung rather than Hoseok. One of those was to be expected but the other caused a pinch of jealousy to stir in The Witch, something The Warlock noticed far too easily and took full pleasure in teasing her about it. Jimin however, grew more affections for The Witch and her familiar than The Warlock and Demon. The Witch expected such a thing when it came to Hoseok, he was after all, all too willing to prance around and dance with the child should a time present itself. Oddly enough The Witch didn’t expect the Fae child to grow fond of her, being Titania's blood and all, but a child doesn’t get to choose their kin, she had supposed as the child often clung to the end of her dresses and robes.
Namjoon’s familiar, Yoongi, is often a middle ground between the two for affections. Jungkook and Jimin being completely and utterly captivated by Yoongi Draconic form, despite Jimin’s understandable first hesitation. The Dragon spends a good equal time with both of them as he is Namjoon’s familiar and Jungkook favors Namjoon while Yoongi has certain affection for Hoseok which means he’s bound to spend time with Jimin. The Witch herself often finds herself enjoying the company of The Dragon as well, for he is older than she originally thought and possesses knowledge she enjoys indulging in. Taehyung finds a certain homeyness in The Dragon with his dark form, something Taehyung would rather not admit.
The Witch is thankful that nothing has threatened her children’s safety since Titana’s attempt to quril. That was until a rather unwelcomed character decided to visit the newly rebuilt town near her home. The town that Yoongi had burned down was rebuilt a year and half after its previous burning, this time the villagers didn’t mind magical beings coming in or out or even staying if they didn’t cause problems. There had been times that the new village chief called upon The Witch to remove a problematic being, at the price that she nor her family are to be executed. A price the chief was more than willing to pay. However the chief didn’t have to call upon her as this ‘problematic being’ came to town. 
It had only been a simple summer night when it all started, the children sound asleep in their beds tired from the trip home from Namjoon’s. The Witch herself had been tired and retired to her bed as well, later that night she broke from her sleep being awakened by the soft eerie music of a pan flute. A sound she knew all too well, The Witch flew from her bed and wrapped herself in her robe. She checked the children’s beds only to find them missing, panic sunk in as she knew he must have already had them in his clutches.
She then hurried to wake the sleeping demon and familiar, hastily telling them to summon Namjoon before she ran out her front door and into the dark swamp following the sound of the eerie pan flute. She heard them before she saw them, the sound of children giggling and singing lyricless songs. Only when she met a clearing did she see a fire with twenty or so children dancing around the pit of flames, oddly enough Jimin being the most graceful despite his age and Jungkook being the loudest to sing yet so small compared to the slightly older children.
The Witch tore her gaze from her sons to a boy, no more than sixteen but no less than thirteen, sitting on a stump blowing into a pan flute. The Witch glares at the deceiving looking boy, knowing he is much-much older than his looks. The Witch stood tall and she walked her way over to him, only when she’s right over him does the boy look at her. 
“Pan,” She greets coldly, the devilish boy grins at her. “Witch of The East,” He greets back only his tone much more playful. Pan The Pied Piper, the ancient boy who lures children from their beds at night. He picks certain children, boys specifically, to take back with him to his realm and takes the souls of the rest to feed his almost never dying realm. The Witch only knows this because it was her mentor that made him his very flute.  
“Why is it that you’ve come from your dwelling little witch?” He laughs as he stands from his seat, the boy standing just at The Witch's shoulders. His forest green eyes bore into The Witch, “Could it be…” He mumbles thoughtfully, “That I have lured your child perhaps?” He grins in an evil fashion. Yet The Witch remained stoic only glaring down at The Demon before her, “Oh No…” He chuckles upon realizing what he has truly done. “It seems I have in fact lured your CHILDREN here haven’t I?” He questions with a giggle, yet already knowing the answer. “My,” He sighs blissfully, “I didn’t know you mothered children, what a prize they will be among my lost boys.” Pan smirks. The Witch bit back from snapping at him, afraid she will only confirm that he has indeed lured her children in his trap.
“Who could they be? Hmm?” He questions gazing over his flock of children, and Witch couldn’t help but flick her eyes over to her sons, weary of their safety. Unbeknownst to her Pan had caught her glance and smirked. “Ohh…” He chuckles, “Those two right there, the Fae boy and the half breed.” he points out with an all too gleeful giggle. “Do not call him a half breed!” The Witch snapped hotly, only to rear back in panic upon realizing her mistake. She played right into his hand and he knew it too as The Demonish boy grinned widely. 
“My, My! The Witch of the East had mothered a wolf and Fae child. You sure have been busy since I last saw you!” He laughs, but his look darkens as he quirks his eyebrow and licks his lips. “Although I must say, you have grown into quite the woman since you were a child. That mentor of yours only allowed me a peak as he was offly protective of you.” He mumbles, “I can’t say I blame him, you are indeed something...magnificent.” He continues as his rake over The Witch ever so slowly. 
“Keep your eyes with mine Pan or I shall carve them out.” The Witch sneers to him only to cause the boy to laugh. The Witch watches as The Boy slowly begins to circle her, clearly unafraid of her threat. “Come now Love, you really expect me to behave?” He laughs coming to a stop in front of her. “After all, what's a little fun going to harm?” He shrugs as he reaches to touch her.
“I believe the lady said be respectful, but then again how could a child understand something so mature?” A voice cut in, Both Pan’s and The Witch’s head snap in its direction. Relief floods The Witch as Namjoon stepped out from the darkness of the swamp. “Who are you calling a child, Boy?” Pan sneers, turning his body to face Namjoon. “I have lived more than three times your lifetime. If anyone here is a child, other than the obvious children, it is you.” Pan sneered with a hit of sarcasm. “Say what you like, but in my eyes you're just an eager restless boy who has yet to have himself his first woman.” Namjoon chuckles mockingly.
Pan flares at Namjoon’s insult, The Witch takes Pan’s moment distraction to snatch his pan flute from his hand. Pan’s eyes widen as he whips his body to face her, “You are to leave these children alone Pan. Or by the stars I will burn this flute in front of your very eyes.” The Witch sneers. “You wouldn’t dare…” Pan murmurs darkly, “Oh?” The Witch questions, lifting her eyebrow and holding the flute in front of the open flame that rests in the pit. Pan viably flinches and growls threateningly. “Very well!..Very well.” He panics before his voice fades into mutter as The Witch dangles the flute deeper into the flame. 
The Witch then holds the flute out to him and just as Pan’s hand grazes it she pulls back. “If either of us finds you in our part of the world we won’t hesitate to end this far overdue lifetime of yours Pan.” The Witch whispers lowly before finally handing it over to him. Pan simply glares as he takes back his flute, with a wave of his hand the children are broken from their hazes. Pan shot The Witch and Warlock one last glare before he disappeared with a snap of his fingers.
The Witch relaxes before rushing over to scoop her children into her arms. Namjoon hot on her heels, The Witch reaches Jungkook first and scoops the boy into her arms as Namjoon takes Jimin into his. The Witch takes a moment to hold the child in her arms tightly before the cries of the other children around her pulls her away. 
The Witch looks over at Namjoon before handing Jungkook over to him, once Jungkook is safely in his arms The Witch holds her arms out spanning over the group of children. Soft chats fell from her mouth as a purple smoke rolled out from the swamp and swept over the clearing. The children around them yawned before they were consumed in the purple smoke and as the smoke cleared the children were nowhere to be found.
“They should be safely back in their beds now, I’m sure they’ll think this whole occurrence may have been a dream, so we needn’t worry about any kind of Trauma.” The Witch whispers as she holds her arms out to take one of her children. Namjoon hands her Jimin and The Witch gladly takes the Fae child. Jimin curls himself deeper into his mother’s body, holding on tightly. 
A soft smile graces The Witch’s lips, “It's alright my little Fae, I have you now.” The Witch coos. A whine pulls The Witch’s attention from the Fae to the wolf child as he pouts in her direction holding his hands out clenching them begging to be held. The Witch smiles as she shifts the Fae child in her arms to make room for the other, once there's room Namjoon carefully hands the child over. “You needn’t worry my littlest wolf I have you as well.” The Witch giggles, With the two children in her arms the four of them made their way back to her home hidden in the swamp. 
By the time they arrived at the gardens the sun peaks dawn, as they enter the garden the four beings are rushed by two familiars and one demon. All concerned for the safety of the children, the two children sleeping soundly in their mother’s arms. “Take them to bed, would you, Taehyung? Hoseok?” The Witch requests, the two addressed men nod and quickly take a child from her. Taehyung taking Jungkook and Hoseok taking Jimin, as the two left with the sleeping children Yoongi followed after the flaming bird giving the two magic casting beings their privacy. 
“I thank you Namjoon, for coming despite the late hour.” The Witch smiles, “Not to worry, I wouldn’t be a proper figure in their lives if I didn’t, would I?” Namjoon replied with a bashful smile. “Well…” Namjoon sighs after moments of almost uncomfortable silence “Yoongi and I must be going, I have work to do before I relieve myself any more time to relax. It was a pleasure seeing the boys so soon despite the circumstance,” Namjoon smiles, kindly excusing himself for his departure. The Witch nods her head as The Warlock snaps his fingers for Yoongi to appear at his side, “Oh! And it’s been a pleasure to see you too, Eastern Witch.” The Warlock giggles before clapping his hands together and disappearing back to where he came from. Only to leave The Witch with a heated face and a small shy smile.
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chemicalpink · 3 years
Young Gods ❈ KNJ, JJK
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❈ Pairing: Namjoon x Reader x Jungkook
❈ Genre: smut, f2l kinda, but also s2l, fantasy!au, fluff if you squint, gods!au, wizard/witch!au
➛ Part of the Namkook Moonrise Masquerade hosted by @jamaisjoons
❈ Rating: 18+
❈ Wordcount: 4.2k
❈ Warnings: it is jungkook centric, it does have a somewhat heavy plot, double penetrative sex, magical sex, teasing, slightest corruption kink.
❈ Summary: Legend has it that if you were to walk all the way up to Hallasan, and if the land is welcoming enough, you should be able to see the most beautiful lake where it is rumoured to home the most powerful being the world has ever had the pleasure to meet, so when young warlock Jungkook starts having trouble with his magic, who could blame him for travelling all the way there in hopes of finding answers only to be met with the hottest man he’s ever seen. and really,  who could blame him for fostering the biggest crush on him without saying a word for ages? that is, until y/n, a long lost friend of Namjoon shows up. so really, who is he to blame if he lets the two greatest beings in existence use him for their pleasure?
❈A/N: SHE'S HERE. GOD THIS TOOK A WHILE. Please enjoy! ALSO, banner by @jamaisjoons, I do believe the only thing that keep me writing this was the banner lol. Do tell your thoughts on this bad baby, I was heading towards a larger fic but I didn't have time yet magical au is most definitely there for future fics.
The first time Jungkook realised just how powerful he was, he was fifteen years old, although his mother can recall him being around four and being able to master a potion that most common-born non-royal witches could only hope to get mediocre at once trained at their young twenties. Of course, his magic had soon become taboo around the village, having to hide himself behind years of his father’s training, his lineage a bit closer to royalty, not quite, but just enough for his son’s magic to pass as his own. If his customers notice how better his spell jars or potions get once Jungkook turns eighteen, they sure don’t comment on it. Not that they would be able to tell that the family was hiding a master of the magical arts that could rival the country’s most powerful witch in the blink of an eye. Those were just rumours going around, as far as the Jeon’s were concerned.
“Son, I believe it is about time you get some proper practice on your magic” his father mentioned bypassing one Sunday night as they both locked up the store. He turned to hi, somewhat confused.
“Look if this is about Seojun noona’s elixir being more powerful than it usually is I swear it was a rightful mixture, my trial was right beside her actual one and she entered the shop sooner and-”
His dad shakes a hand dismissively at him, rounding the counter into the small storage room, coming back in sight with a leather-bound book in between his hands, calloused fingers roaming the antique-looking pages “I am not quite sure how much truth an old man like your grandfather could hold, but it wouldn’t hurt to try” he turned the yellowing book towards him, fast and almost undescribable scribbles decorating the paper as he squinted down at it, his father handling the energy in it to make the content quite literally come to life, a storytelling spell all too familiar to him from his young age.
“Dad, you know I absolutely love bedtime stories, but I’d say I’m quite a bit too old now for-” before he can even think about finishing the sentence, a mountain comes into view, alive straight from the book’s pages, standing tall and proud dressed in green, almost touching the sky, a magical aura surrounding it, one that he could even feel just by looking at it “What’s that?”
“The old man used to tell me stories about an ancient being, the most powerful of them all, living on top of Hallasan” the pages turn by themselves, the image changing to a faceless man, standing almost as tall and proud as the mountain itself, performing all types of magic, some of them Jungkook himself hadn’t even heard of “Legend says he was outcasted by royalty in fear of revolution, wouldn’t even be alive if it weren’t for he is a child of Earth herself”
“I-I don’t think I’m following”
His father sighs loudly before his magic shuts the book closed, all magic gone on a whim “Jungkook, whatever this man was, if my father was right and he really did exist, you might be like him”
“But-but I was born of both you and mum” he couldn’t quite yet fathom the extension of his own magic, much less think about the probability of being more powerful than any other being that had walked the Earth in millennia. Even if the man was real, would he even be alive still? If he was as powerful as he was presumed to be, would he even take Jungkook under his wing? What if he wasn’t as lucky as the man from the book and word got out and his life was endangered?
“Jungkook just think about it, you might be a child of the Earth”
“What if I don’t want to be” he couldn’t quite face his father, feeling his own heartbreak as the older man deflated. Jungkook knew that perhaps his dad had entertained the idea of his only son being a creature out of a legendary book, could feel how proud it would make him, for Jungkook to be a hero, make history with the power he presumably held within, yet he couldn’t help but feel like a small child again, afraid at the uncertainty that the future could hold. “I- I’m good with just running the shop and helping you and mother out with stuff”
His father sighed before placing a gentle hand on his shoulders, a small act that made him feel even more like a child, one getting subtly scolded by his parents as they prepare him for his inevitable future. “Jungkook-ah, your mother and I- all we really want for you is to live your own life”
His ears perk up, gaze facing forward as he catches his mother standing with her arms crossed over her body, the softest motherly look on her face “And if that means for my baby to go find himself at some faraway place, then so be it” she comes to join his father by his side, both of them bracing each other as the thought of their child growing up simmers down on them. “We just want you to grow up to your full potential Kookie”
It had taken quite some convincing for him to completely make up his mind, the negging looks from his father as he helped around the shop, the longing yet scolding gaze his mother held over dinner until he found himself preparing a small bag for the long trip– almost burning inside his mind the map contained in his grandfather’s grimoire from the many times he had read over what he once thought to be a legend out of a children’s storybook.
The trip itself wasn’t as difficult as it was troublesome, having to hike up the highest mountain in the land, the difficult part–if the Jeon’s memories were anything to go by– was having the Hallassan land spirit to like you enough to show itself, even a step further to have the legendary witch to show his home.
For quite some time Jungkook entertained the idea of the immense possibilities on how the wizard could look, every possible image popping up in his head some variation of a wrinkly old man hunched over himself, staff in hand and he couldn’t help but laugh soundly at it, picturing himself getting nagged at by such a figure, perhaps he would end up looking like one of those old scholars that came to his village from time to time. But how wrong was he.
It took him three days, two cold sleepless nights in the woods and running in circles for at least two hours in the nothingness that was the top of the mountain for the valley to show up right where he had started to venture– he could almost hear the forest spirits snickering at him. He really tried to be angry at it, almost went back down just out of spite, yet the clearing before him had him doing a double-take, the space was bright and clear, none of the trees from before on sight, the small dipping in the middle of it leading to a sort of entrance– this was what he came for.
Jungkook had been raised better than what he found himself doing– walking into a stranger’s house uninvited. Was it really uninvited if after knocking for a few minutes the door opened on its own?
He walks inside, small steps, unsure of himself, his past resolve crumbling down completely as he walks further in where he listens to a hushed voice coming from his left, a mop of silvery hair turned away from him, green warm clothes cradling the figure, Jungkook entertains the idea of an old man still, yet not so much hunched over himself if the deep hushed voice and the hair colour was anything to go by. “...Now where did I last see-”
"Oh! great timing! the pay is where it always is" broad shoulders are still facing him as the man moved around, a couple of won bills on the counter where he had waved his hand dismissively, not even bothering to turn around, for a legendary creature perhaps leaving his home door open was a recurrent thing, what with the whole clearing hidden from the public eye and all.
"Oh I'm not-" he had tried to make himself knows as definitely not the person he was expecting yet the man kept mumbling to himself, apparently in deep thought at whatever it was
""—So then if we are able to move this around we should -" he had started moving around the room, still not facing Jungkook directly, just pointing to places around the spacious room as his free hand busied itself with picking books from the humongous shelf against the wall
"I'm- uh" his hands couldn’t be still, grasping at the bag over his shoulder, knuckles almost white as he clears his throat "I'm not-"
"Did you forget where-" the man turns around and Jungkook feels whatever little poise he had gained leave him in the spot, right in front of him is the most legendary creature in existence, recorded alive for millennia, a god in more ways than one, no old man in sight but the prettiest human he had laid eyes on, fierce sight set on him awkwardly hanging at the entrance as the man keeps blinking at him "uh"
He bows down almost instinctively, 90 degrees, hair falling onto his eyes as he does so "Mister sir- uh keeper of Hallasan"
"You aren't Soobin"
"Uh.. no I'm not"
The man doesn’t even flinch at the information of a stranger setting a foot inside his house, deep voice calm as ever as he asks "How did you even get in?"
"Uh the door was open" he points to the door in a futile attempt for it to not make it seem like he was the weirdo picking locks or something at a magical creature’s home
"No it wasn't" he moves to the door in the most graciously way he has ever seen someone do it, almost gliding across the floor, eyes never leave him except for the brief second where his hand tries the doorknob "huh it was. Weird"
It took the man less than a minute after his initial shock to turn to Jungkook and invite him in, a pair of teacups resting against the table as they seated parallel to each other, him crossing his legs in a nonchalant manner as Jungkook couldn’t stop fidgeting in his seat– he certainly never thought he could come this far.
“So what can I do for you, Jeon Jungkook?” if he absolutely preened at the way that his name sounded in the stranger’s mouth, that was certainly something only for him to know.
The words died right on his tongue. There were certainly a lot of things the beautiful man seating across from him could do, none of them necessarily involving what he had initially come for, yet as the words take meaning inside his mind, he seems to short circuit yet again “I uh- you know- you know my name?”
He smiles a big smile, eyes crinkling into crescents, dimples showing and a heat simmering inside Jungkook’s belly “I know a lot of things, Jungkook” he stares off into space “Social skills are rusty, but they come back after getting a good look at you” Jungkook’s eyes must widen at the implication of his words. Could he read minds? Could he take a look into souls? “Just general stuff about you, don’t worry about it”
The man could definitely read minds.
Blink if you’re hearing this. The man blinks and Jungkook feels like fleeing. Wait. Everyone blinks, stupid. Perhaps some other time.
He somehow finds his voice, remembering the lingering question, the sole reason for him to be there “Mister Hallasan keeper, sir”
“Namjoon is fine”
“Mister Namjoon-ssi”
“Namjoon hyung”
Jungkook is sure this time his brain shortcircuits for real, for this complete stranger. Namjoon he corrects himself, to give him permission to call him so affectionately after only a few minutes of knowing him. After technically breaking- not breaking into his home.
Smile if you’re reading my mind. Namjoon smiles, something doesn’t sit right with him, he could very well be reading his mind, or simply smiling out of politeness at the extended silence Jungkook had caused, again. I’m onto you Mister Hallasan Keeper. Namjoon just smiles more fondly at him.
Jungkook goes on explaining his situation, from his rapid magic learning to being unable to wield his magic, to his father even suggesting that he could have been born from the Earth herself, just like Namjoon did all those millennia ago. The blond man restricts himself to listen to Jungkook speak, gaining a serious pose when he drops the reason for his visit, asking him for help. Jungkook’s almost sure he will deny it as he goes on to explain how his last magical apprentice had been there almost sixty years ago, going on about how he is pretty much a loner, no reason more than a brief excuse of being an outcast for practice differences with the village where Jungkook comes from, giving it a few seconds of thought before he accepts to have Jungkook under his wing, going as far as to give him a spare bedroom to sleep in along with the longest set of rules he had ever heard of.
Months with Namjoon look something more or less like this: waking up at 6 am sharp– something Jungkook had never done in his life, the first few times he had woken up later than that, it was almost impossible to know where his teacher had gone to. Have a rundown on the day’s activities and breakfast until 7. Jungkook was in charge of gardening on the 30-minute window of Namjoon harvesting for the spells he was due to make for the day. An hour of light reading– he knew better than to comment on how a thousand pages book was most definitely not light reading, but he did it anyway. He would then shadow Namjoon on whatever mystical task he had to do for the day before finishing up with him running basic high-level training with Namjoon’s guidance in the clearing– Namjoon had said that the Hallasan spirit would keep him safe and sound if he were to screw up, although so far all the spirit and her friends in the forest had done was laugh at his mistakes.
Five months in it, the whole routine came as second nature, he couldn’t even picture a day without Namjoon on it, not that there was anyone else that could pick up on the energy shift within it, Jungkook had learnt a lot from his teacher, not only in the magic department but about him as a person, couldn’t hide the lingering eyes, the curious touches of skin, every bit of information about Namjoon expanding that fondness feeling inside his heart, Namjoon was a man of habit, a powerful one at that, yet all those millennia living couldn’t hide the fact that Jungkook could see right through him, a lonely soul, as powerful as none other, yet so inherently say. Not even the whole power in the universe could keep him away from his own greatest danger: himself.
If you can read minds, kiss me. The kiss never came so perhaps Namjoon could never even read minds in the first place.
Now here’s the thing, Jungkook might be a mess when it comes to magic, but not so much at hiding his feelings, at least the best he could, Namjoon was as intelligent as men come and he had yet to notice. Namjoon’s friend that just happens to show up on a particularly lazy day– his teacher had said his magic tends to run out from time to time and would rather rest it; perhaps not so much.
Jeon Jungkook is a weak man. A weak man for beautiful things, like Namjoon, or you. Who just happened to walk inside Namjoon’s home like you owned the place– could he count it as his home too yet?
He could feel his heart wanting to leap out of him as soon as you introduced yourself, and perhaps he was imagining the way your eyes grazed over his figure before going to tease Namjoon, not that he stopped having heart eyes for the man when you walked in, he had enough heart eyes for the both of you, even if he had to keep them to himself. You were easier to warm up to than Namjoon if it was anything to go by, smoothly falling into conversation after you three had sat down for tea, walking up to Namjoon’s massive library, picking out books from their shelves as you asked him about his upbringings.
“The Jeon family? Oh, dearest, your grandfather was as good as wizards come” his brain cuts short as soon as the words leave your mouth, just how exactly could you have known the old man? The old wizard was presumably thrown out of the royal house for being unfit for ruling over the land. You playfully push your elbow against Namjoon “And I say this while knowing Joonie”
The blond man groans at your teasing.
“You-you knew my grandpa?”
“Yeh, such a shame he decided to be a mortal” Your initial interest seems to diminish as you turn to face the books yet again, a particular red cover catching your attention.
Jungkook faintly hears Namjoon standing up from his chair to try and get in between his conversation with you, although all he hears seems to come as if the voices were kept under cotton inside his ears “Y/N you’re overwhelming the kid”
For such a calm and collected posture, he had maintained not only while learning with Namjoon but back at home too, hearing such a word coming out of him really tips the glass “I’m not a kid! Why is everyone always treating me like a child!” surely it did seem rather childish to have an outburst like that, yet his mind couldn’t help but reel in all those other times in his stay where Namjoon had dismissed him from helping, saying it was a rather complicated spell you should wait this one out Jungkook. Or something along the lines of when you get stronger. It did seem the type of things one would say to their petulant child.
“Jungkook waits” Namjoon groans as he retreats to his assigned room, you can’t help the softness inside you at the way that strong independent loner Namjoon reacts to his apprentice being pissed off, certainly a first.
“You pissed off the kid” your remark isn’t that much well digested as Namjoon throws a dagger-like glare your way, groaning as he throws his head back against the couch
“Why am I parenting again?”
You shrug your shoulders as you offer him a tight lip smile, you had heard a lot about Jungkook even before you had walked inside the wizard’s home, like a reader of a slow-burning love story, you knew that ‘parenting’ was most definitely not the dynamic in his relationship with the younger, not with the way Namjoon had described the little mannerisms of his apprentice, or the way that he described his figure as the strongest back I’ve ever seen with such a tiny waist when he sent you a letter asking you to visit him.
The thing with the dynamic you had with Namjoon had been one going on for hundreds of years, feeding off of the magic that only such powerful creatures like you and him could conjure, effective yet dependent as when either of you two was in dire need of a boost, you would have to pay him a visit to work your magic. Jungkook hadn’t appeared after his little outburst, probably hidden in his room, taking only a few minutes of Namjoon glancing expectantly at the place where the younger had disappeared before you dragged him towards his room in an all too practised manner.
The whole environment was always on the calm side whenever you two get to it, something along the lines of strictly business, yet an undeniable connection between the two. Namjoon had you against his door, a dimly lit lamp on his desk, strong hands holding you in place at your waist as he leaned down to connect both of your mouths, eyes fluttering shut as he did so. Your hands found themselves tangled in his blond tousled hair in no time as he deepened the kiss, moving the both of you towards the bed as magic started glowing dimly within you two, connecting and feeding off of the spark of the situation, magic so profound and delicate that only immortal beings could hope to master. Namjoon placed himself against his elbows as you straddled his hips, your figure teasingly humping his growing bulge inside his pants as his breath started to become ragged, his own magic reaching forward to yours, just the way his lips chased yours. Yet there was only so much ominous Namjoon could handle. His hands were quick to undress both of you in between hot caresses and messy kisses as both of your bodies seem to move on their own accord, the magic itself doing the most out of the tantric experience, moans slowly but surely filling up the room as Namjoon positioned the tip of his hard cock on your entrance, teasing your folds for a few seconds before you settled on top of him in a familiar manner, sinking down on him as he throws his head back, letting out a groan. You are almost sure Jungkook could hear you both, yet your mind so clouded you wouldn’t have given it a second thought with Namjoon’s cock filling you up so nicely as you moved up and down on his length, that is until out of the corner of your eye you catch the casted shadow outside the dimly lit room.
"Your puppy is outside," You say as you stop moving on him, not quite removing yourself from the situation, yet you feel the magic in the room flickering faintly as if going dormant.
"What" Namjoon’s eyes are surprised as he lets reality sink in, his magic safely sated from the small act
"The kid that has an obvious crush on both you and me?” you state matter of factly as Namjoon’s jaw goes slack “He's watching us from behind the door"
As if on cue, there’s a rustling behind the door, feet rapidly resounding against the floor "No I'm not!"
Namjoon sighs loudly "JK just come in, I know this might seem.." the door opens and you could swear Jungkook’s eyes are about to leave his skull at the image he’s present with "weird"
"incredibly hot," they say at the same time, rendering both of them speechless
"huh kid's horny" you start removing yourself from Namjoon’s cock as your magic starts tingling, now reaching out for the younger "i like it"
"Y/N please"
You gesture by raising your hands as if surrendering, yet you know just how the night had taken a turn, willing to satiate your magic’s needs “He doesn’t like your PG training, let me handle this”
Jungkook is still sporting his Bambi eyes as he feels himself pulled into the room, closing the door softly behind him as he can only stare at you as you make your way towards him, lips ghosting over his “So tell me Jungkookie” your hand trails down to bring him closer to your naked body, taking his hand in yours and guiding it to your ass “Just how much are you willing to render of yourself for me and Joon?”
“All of me”
Jeon Jungkook might as well had been an erotic wizard like yourself if by the way he manhandles you and surrenders you to Namjoon like a loyal apprentice would to his master was anything to go by. Namjoon’s stare alone has the young man pliant as he caresses tan skin under his fingers, achingly curious as the youngest takes turns to kiss the eldest and yourself, Namjoon’s fingers playing with his nipples, your own hands working his length to life after your magic had completely undressed him, feeling both your and Namjoon’s magic reaching for Jungkook’s in a way you didn’t know was possible. A few kisses and lingering touches in, minds clouded with lust, kissing noises and moans taking over the space, Jungkook takes no time in positioning you on top of him, back to his chest as his length stretches you deliciously, long fingers playing with your clit as his own legs separate your thighs as if offering you up to his master, Namjoon looking like a man starved as he positions himself against Jungkook’s cock, his tip meeting no resistance as he glides in and nestles next to Jungkook, stretching you like no other time you could fathom, groans and ragged breaths of the men under and above you working you to your own climax, babbled words coming out of the youngest’s lips along with a promise of becoming yet another young god under your spell.
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