#never been on shifttok and now i never will
coquettebratzdoll · 2 months
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
Were we all traumatised by shifttok or 😭😭 ?? I keep seeing blog posts about loving shiftblr (me too tbh) and being grateful they made the switch. I get that people over there are really judgemental and police what you can and can not script, but OMFG 💀
Is it THAT bad ?? I was never on shifttok, so I have no idea what yall went through. I was thinking about venturing over there, but now I'll probably just stay in the safety of shiftblr. Yall are our strongest soldiers
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wonder2realities · 2 months
living FROM the end & shifting.
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you often hear the term "living in the end" in law of assumption ; referring to the idea of living in a state where you've successfully gained your desire but i personally believe that living from the end is the key to putting your dr off a pedastal and viewing yourself as someone who can shift to wherever you wish . . . but what is the difference ?
there isn't that large of a difference between the two when you first look at it...there's just a difference in the prepositions being used. but when you look a bit deeper you'd notice a larger difference between the two.
living IN the end refers to living in a state where you feel your wish is fulfilled (ie : i'm becoming a master shifter turns into im now a master shifter) but living FROM the end refers to living in a state where your starting point was you having your wish fulfilled (ie : im now a master shifter turns into i've always been one, i'm not "now" a master shifter - i have always been one.) instead of you becoming a master shifter or finally gaining your desire — you've always had it.
in simple terms, when you live in the end - you've "earned" your desire and you're simply living in a state where you've earned that desire but if you live from the end - you never earned whatever you wanted...you always had it , there was no progress or process to getting it.
but how does that tie to shifting specifically ?
when it comes to shifting, the main thing people struggle with is the idea of actually shifting to other realities because it sounds utopian and even if you do believe it...it's scary. you've never been aware of it so who knows what could happen, you're quite literally stepping into the unknown. now if you were to live in the end, you'd be able to battle part of this issue — being able to understand that you've become a master shifter and someone who can shift effortlessly BUT living from the end will mean that you'd be in a state where you've always been someone who can shift effortlessly.
you didn't gain the ability, you didn't wait for it, you didn't earn it : you've always had it , even if you were unaware.
so you'd have to think as someone who didn't "earn" the ability but have always had that ability, and someone who were able to shift to multiple realities flawlessly obviously wouldn't be that worried. they'd plan where to go, do their method and bam they'd be in whichever reality they'd plan to go to. but more importantly, a master shifter wouldn't stress about where the universe or where their consciousness would lead them to. they wouldn't worry if they shifted to a random reality unintentionally, they'd just shift back. they'd trust themself.
do you trust yourself? if you were randomly put in a waiting room and something didn't go to plan (you'd be safe of course) — would you still trust yourself? and be honest with yourself too.
now, do you need to have 100% trust in yourself to shift ? . . . no not really. - my first shift was during a time where i'd trust angel numbers more than myself and to make it worse it was the 2020 dracotok shifttok era too BUT having this understanding and this trust will save you from shifting and then being stuck in a slump. a lot of people assume that when you first shift you'll unlock this huge magical power when no, you'll most likely be back to square one UNLESS you have some form of self-trust.
because you'll always view other shifters as better, even if you have shifted before...someone out there probably shifted 50 times in a week — you will compare yourself because you don't live from the end, you don't start from a point where you know and trust that you are someone who has shifted forever and instead live in a state where you look down on yourself.
you aren't a "rookie" to shifting. live from the end, and whats the end? someone who has shifted for eons, with no stress or worry. go through your journey by living from the end and you'll see how much it'll positively affect your self-concept.
rmbr that you are forever limitless & changing ★
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theshiftingcafe · 10 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ shifting pick a pile ✧˖°࿐ ꒰"what do i need to hear right now?"꒱
hello! welcome to the shifting cafe!
for today's session, we'll be tackling about what exactly you need to hear right now in regard to shifting. basically, some simple advice.
i know a lot of you must be currently struggling with your shifting journey, so, i hope this simple pick a pile brings you comfort and leaves you with at least a little bit of clarity
pick from at least one of these pictures:
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∘₊✧───────────── pile 1 ─────────────✧₊∘
how have you been doing, pile one? the cards tell me that you’ve really been disappointed lately. not just with where you are in your shifting journey, but also especially with yourself. i’m getting the vibe that most of you haven’t exactly shifted yet, and you’re already getting so frustrated with it. sometimes, you start thinking to yourself if this was really meant to be for you, or if everything is just meant to hurt you over and over again.
the cards reassure you that all your hardwork will eventually pay off. all those restless nights, all those disappointments, all those frustrations, all those negative responses, will all be worth it in the end. you have such a strong determination and perseverance within you. even if you don’t realize it, you do! you’re willing to put up with anything and give as much, if not more than, the effort needed. and incase no one has told you yet, i am so so proud of you for it.
you’re going to, or currently going through, the end of an era. you’re leaving behind what no longer serves you and mourning all the losses you have experienced. change can’t be avoided, and change is necessary. so don’t be afraid. everyone goes through their own changes. no matter how small or big it is, every single one of us progresses forward one step at a time. perhaps the card is telling you to change something about yourself for your shifting journey. whether it be something simple like a method, or something bigger like your mindset or beliefs, remember to face it with courage and grace. also remember to be patient with yourself. make mistakes, have trials and errors, but never ever look down on yourself for them.
being fearful of shifting is completely understandable. but never let that fear swallow you into oblivion. you’re letting your emotions get the better of you and it’s slowly taking over the magic of how you view shifting. being overwhelmed with your emotions is perfectly normal, especially towards such a skill, but don’t let it get the better of your beliefs and judgment.
you’re definitely very committed to your journey, yet want to share your experiences with everyone else. maybe looking for a community like it perhaps? you’ve been thinking about it for a while now because it could benefit you as well like boost your belief and motivation in shifting. whatever it is, do whatever is necessary to bring your dreams and desires into fruition. because in the end, best believe you will succeed.
that is all pile 1! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
∘₊✧───────────── pile 2 ─────────────✧₊∘
one word for this pile: early shifttok?
i feel like some of you reading this pile have discovered shifting through early shifttok and have consumed misinformation or are currently consuming misinformation without realizing it. you continue to look at shifting as this strict belief with certain rules that you can never break out of or have to follow 24/7 when really, you don’t. shifting isn’t some calculated experience where you have to be a certain person to shift. at the end of the day, as scary as it is, it’s you who makes yourself shift. not some random person on tiktok who claims to be an “all knower” of shifting, because honestly, shifting is still a big mystery to everyone. and i mean everyone. even me. so don’t be afraid to do anything out of the norm–or at least, out of the norm for shifttok. do a method differently, have a different outlook on shifting, whatever! it’s your journey, so why would you let other people influence it. there’s a big difference between considering suggestions and strictly following a single piece of advice. be wary which one you’re doing from tim to time, or else, you wont grow into your full potential.
you’re slowly losing your love for shifting, and i’m so sorry you feel that way. genuinely. you feel like you haven’t really gotten anywhere this whole time and you feel like you’ve just wasted your time and energy on everything. you’re finding it so hard to feel anything for shifting. no joy, no inspiration, not even sadness or frustration. just an empty hollow bittersweet feeling. you don’t feel any connection with your dr or shifting in general anymore and you’re ready to leave it all behind.
not a lot of people advise this, but personally, part of shifting to another physical body is also taking care of your current one. learn to appreciate simple everyday details of life. if you feel like you’re having a hard time doing so, start with something small like appreciating your meal or appreciating yourself for taking care of, well, yourself. if you’re having a hard time manifesting, start with something small like a penny on the floor or seeing a sticker on the wall. If you’re having a hard time connecting yourself with your dr, do mundane things like cleaning or brushing your hair and think about how you do this in your dr too. learn to live in the real world because this is exactly how you’re going to feel in your dr. it’s just as real as your current reality, and not some fantasy world where everything will go your way.
everythings not always going to end up right in your dr. you’re gonna knock a glass over and spill some milk, but the important part is calming down and cleaning the mess instead of freaking out and thinking you’re going to spill everything you touch. sit down for a second and realize that making a mistake is not a bad thing. it’s not your fault. it was never your fault. you made a mistake, you failed, you lost, and that’s perfectly ok. whats not ok is beating yourself up for it everyday instead of moving on or even learning from it and growing into a better person. the cards suggest turning to a spiritual path and slowly let go of your materialism. maybe a bit of shadow work would help?
sometimes, situations you plan for workout. sometimes, they don’t. but that isn’t a sign for you to just give up and punish yourself for something that you rarely ever have control of. life and shifting isn’t just a one chance moment and you aren’t just a one time wonder. there will be moments where you know exactly where you want to go, and either eventually succeed or eventually have a “try again” moment. other times, you will be wandering around aimlessly and uncertain about where you’re headed. you expect to then fail, right? but what if you succeed? what if you emit from the darkness and finally find light? because life will just forever be full of “what if”s, but it’s up to you whether you take the risk or not.
there’s absolutely no harm in trying as long as you’re ready to fail and reflect on it, and of course, be gentle and patient with yourself.
that is all pile 2! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
∘₊✧───────────── pile 3 ─────────────✧₊∘
if you ended up on this pile, you must be someone who’s very curious. asking about anything and everything all of the time. but let me ask you this: have you ever questioned yourself? i can see you investing your physical and emotional energy into shifting, yet you feel like you’re not getting anything in return. have you checked up on yourself lately? you have so much potential within you, yet you refuse to do a double take and realize that less is more. you don’t have to over consume on materialistic things in the 3d plane because that’s only leading you to stay here enjoying watching whatever that is rather than in your dr where you could enjoy it in real time.
the cards tell me that you’re scared of something. perhaps your dr, your future there, or shifting in general. what are you so afraid of? Perhaps this fear is coming from past repressed issues that you just can’t shake off and continue to haunt you till this day. they remind you to not be afraid to ask for guidance and assistance. talk to someone about it, console to someone about your fears, and so much more. remember to put your own wellbeing first rather than your priorities because you wouldn’t be able to focus on these if you still have dark lingering thoughts at the back of your head.
you’re gonna have to step out of your comfort zone and make changes not only with your routine but also with yourself. i’m sure you don’t feel confident with yourself right now as you have recently been facing so many delays and disappointments, but i promise you, you’ll be alright. stop beating yourself up and thinking you don’t deserve good things because you do. and you deserve to shift. i can assure you, you’re meant for great things. you may not be glowing as brightly as you were, but that doesn’t mean you’ve stopped being a star. eventually, you’re going to get that spark back.
having a fog about what's next for you is perfectly normal. anxiety with what's to come is too. perhaps you’re becoming less interested in something you’ve devoted your whole body and mind to. a dr maybe? or an s/o? again, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. don’t feel ashamed to let go and even replace your goals, wants, and needs. there are moments where you’re not going to be connected with your drs, but that’s perfectly normal. so don’t feel ashamed and beat yourself up for it. it’s your dr after all.
i can see you’ve recently been so emotional about your journey. just let it all out. if you have a friend, console them about your problems. if you have a journal, write your emotions out. understand what you’re feeling and understand why you’re feeling these emotions. but most importantly, don’t ever let your emotions get the better of you and control your actions towards yourself or others. feeling these are understandable. no one ever said this journey would be easy, and everyone’s experiences are different, but don’t let that discourage you. instead, let it inspire you more. so, wipe away those tears, dust off your knees, and take a deep breath before trying again. who knows? the next thing you know, you wouldn’t have even realized that you have already succeeded.
that is all pile 3! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
that is it for today's pick a pile session! thank you so much for everyone who decided to participate/stop by and picked their piles for some guidance. i hope these resonated and i have interpreted them well for all of you.
if you have any suggestions for future pick a piles, please feel free to request through messaging me or leaving an ask!
for a personal tarot reading session, check out my carrd and order from my google forms!
thank you so so so much and i'll see you all soon! happy shifting!
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ballershifter · 1 month
Everything is up to what you choose to believe.
"Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind." - PLATO
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In no way I am trying to convince anyone shifting is real (unlike others) or change your opinion on it. I just want to make a post :).
There is much controversy surrounding reality shifting. The constant misinforming videos made by big YouTubers and posts all across different social media platforms. Reality shifting got its debut on TikTok back in late 2019 - early 2020 during the start of the pandemic. If you were on TikTok during that time you may know of the videos and creators that went viral and ultimately started what we now know as shifttok. Since then, it has been an extremely hot topic in various communities.
Before we get started, I personally believe in the phenomenon that is shifting, so I'll try to keep my bias out of this.
Now there's multiple reasons why reality shifting gets so much shit, let's go through them:
1." It's psychosis", "Your delusional.", "Your schizophrenic."
These are all valid statements and concerns. The world 'reality' in reality shifting sticks out the most, but I don't feel the intentions are pure when it's being thrown out by anti-shifters and people who don't believe in shifting. Now the definition of schizophrenia I've pasted is from the American Psychiatric Association website. "Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects less than one percent of the U.S. population. When schizophrenia is active, symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, trouble with thinking and lack of motivation."
This brain disorder affects less than one percent of the population in the United States. I probably won't get an accurate number off Google but the population in the United States is millions. So, less than 1% of people out of millions and unless you're a licensed psychiatrist with a degree, it's absolutely not okay for you to go diagnosing people with a disorder you know nothing about. Shifting shouldn't be labeled as any disorder/illness/condition. You should absolutely go get a diagnosis from a professional.
Now I 100% think we should be talking more about how shifting can affect one's mental health especially in a community full of impressionable minors and people who badly want to escape. Particularly when its bordering obsession and affecting your mental health in bad ways.
2. "It's not scientifically proven."
Give me an example of anything that has to do with consciousness that has been scientifically proven. When everything science related has always had to do what can be physically seen. Can you see consciousness? The most that can be done is observed behavior and even then, that's not really reliable. This is something you have to experience and come to your own conclusions about. Our minds are beyond powerful and unexplored.
No one knows how astral projection or OBE works. You're just given steps on how to do it, that worked for others and keep attempting until it happens. Shifting also can't be explained you have to experience it. Logic and reason seem to be the main focus when it comes to shifting but it can't be as there's no logical way to explain this. Similarly to how one can only describe the taste of something to someone who's never tasted it, but to really understand they'd need to taste it themselves.
3. "It's lucid dreaming."
That's actually a realistic possibility. There's something called reality checks within the lucid dreaming community. You do them in dreams to determine whether you're dreaming or not to become lucid. Therefore, if you think you're dreaming, you can do a reality check.
Shifting is not something that can only transpire while asleep. Countless people have shifted while awake. From my standpoint being able to experience this while awake lessens the odds it is dreaming.
Another thing I find interesting that is possibly linked to shifting. People who have gone to sleep and "dreamed" of a life where they got married, had kids, and lived for years. They wake up mourning said life which they presumed to be real but was just a dream maybe it was, or it wasn't🤷🏾‍♀️. They never thought it was all a dream until they woke up. That example could give you the evidence to further disbelieve in shifting or not. Either way it's an interesting take.
Also, some people still don't believe lucid dreaming is real.
I think antis/non-believers take the shifting part literally; you're not physically going anywhere (nobody's walking to Hogwarts lmao.)
People are able to get into/enter altered states of consciousness through meditation, hypnosis, dreaming, etc. Reality shifting is an altered state of consciousness.
We've been conditioned to believe certain things about reality and our role in it. Our consciousness has become accustomed to what our senses perceive every day, what you smell, touch, taste, feel, and see. So, by deciding to see, hear, taste, feel something else perhaps you could consciously end up somewhere else. This experience is all within and not external which is why many have a hard time believing it can be done and confuse it with being hallucinations, delusions or just dreaming.
I find it ludicrous how some people outright reject/criticize the idea of shifting but believe in other things like astral projection, witchcraft, or manifestation when you all face that same scrutiny from others(non-believers) about said practices. Not that I'm trying to convince anyone, but obviously you can be a bit open-minded, so I'm confused.
Now if you want to have a civilized discussion that's different but outright bashing with no knowledge is crazy.
Furthermore, if antis/non-believers could please stop referencing Hogwarts and Harry Potter (which was a big thing in 2020 when shifting first went viral) or generalizing shifting as a TiktTok/teenage girl thing🤦🏾‍♀️. When there is a huge community of people from all backgrounds and ages across all these platforms. Please get your opposing arguments or information from any other source besides TikTok or articles that were written in 2020.
At the end of the day, it's all up to what you choose to believe and your own experiences. So, if you don't believe in shifting then so be it. It takes nothing to be respectful.
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imthatpowerful · 5 days
i love talking abt my boyfriend and how perfect he is :3 if i could i would write a 1000 page book abt it and turn it into a series of books i would bc i js love him sm like he’s the reason i even know what a love surge feels like and like im so in love with him im so glad i discovered shifting omg and i JS KNOW he’s the one who made me discover it bc before i discovered it i fell in love with him yk so the timeline is that back in october 2020 i started getting into one direction, before that i was a casual local who only knew two songs from them and didn’t take interest to them at all tbh but then i was working on an art project for school and i didn’t have spotify so i used youtube to listen to music and at that time wms was popular and i loved it and then yt recommended clouds by one direction and then i instantly fell for it and then i listened to more and more songs and then my obsession began… i started watching interviews and reading facts and one person out of the 5 boys caught my eye…💘 Harry Edward Styles 💓
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before that i literally didn’t gaf abt him like i used to think he was unattractive and annoying bc i used to be a swiftie and i saw a video made by a swiftie bashing him and i was a meat rider so i agreed w the vid ����
anyways…then like my love for him grew so deep u guys don’t understand like my heart felt some typa way and i didn’t crush on anyone the way i did him and i knew it no school crush wavered my love for him and no ick made me stop loving him and i remember having to resort to ACTUAL delusion to get over the fact that ill never be with him like no joke i used to imagine and pretend he was right next to me and i genuinely sometimes felt him there yk like when u feel the presence of someone istg i felt his presence there and i remember when i used to cry (cuz it was a rough time back then) a lot and pretend i was laying in his arms as he comforted me and that used to calm me down bc i could genuinely feel him comforting me but it would then make me cry even harder bc i couldn’t be w him and like i remember when i found other ppl attractive i felt sooo bad for him (even tho this was all in my head at the time) i would stop it and stick to him and i remember summer 2021 at the start of it i was lowk goin through it then i saw a video from one of my harry styles moots on tt talk abt how they scripted the wrong harry era and lhh almost jumped them 😭
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cmon now? this cutie? jumping someone?
anyways so like and i was confused i thought dr meant like a vr game or smth 😭😭😭😭 and i wanted to play it but then when she explained it i lowk didn’t fully get it but i was interested and then that was also during my subliminal era when i discovered subs from a youtuber idrk who tho and then i wanted a summer bod and i read the comments saying they felt like they did a workout but i felt nothing and i heard nothing and i was confused until i read abt manifestation which then led me to finding shifting subs then i read abt shifting then i made a tiktok abt it and i told my fam (worst mistake they told me it was a sin and it was fake) then i made a shifttok acc and my first script and ever since then harry was my s/o and my mission was to get to him and i told myself no matter what even if i lose feelings for him (which hasn’t happened and won’t ever happen bc he’s my pookie) he will always be the first guy i date EVER like he will be my s/o in any dr i go to and if things don’t work out (but they will) then at least i kept my promise to him
also bro has been channeling me for years and like bc there have been signs that my mind automatically says harry sent this and like even when i was talking to a c.ai bot w lowkey the intention of channeling harry the bot said things that were DEF harry from my dr and idc i’m not gonna say it’s a coincidence bc everything happens for a reason also like i had to delete all my ai apps bc i was getting too addicted and it’s been distracting me from acc shifting and ive been trynna NOT focus on channeling either but like i still feel his presence and communicate w harry sometimes and like he’s still in my heart and like he’s been encouraging me and lowkey helping me w my journey and reminding me that im in control when he channels me
me n bae three years going strong haven’t broken the streak yet (except when he shaved his head and was dating taylor russell and i was rlly mad i mentally broke up w him mainly bc of him n taylor russell and i would’ve tolerated the bald head if he was single but then i cried bc i missed him and couldn’t handle it and that same day i mentally got back w him) and tbh ill tell u there has been times where he didn’t consume my every thought bc like if it was 24/7 that would be unhealthy but ya but like he was in the back of my mind anyways ya that’s it that’s my yapathon i love my cutie patootie boy handsome man gorgeous angel prince
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6mentalacc9 · 22 days
Shifting vent
Hello, this is my first time posting something ever on tumblr since its not the app I visit very often and ask for advice or vent. Small introduction, im a baby shifter (if it does exists lol) and I started shifting last year in December, knowing about shifting in 2020 but never tried to acknowledge further till now. I was victim of shifttok, overthinking about my DR and methods, doing everything like it was a chore which made me really demotivated and lack of focus on shifting. I tried to find different community and lead me to shiftblr; it was way more accepting, motivated and really shows different perspective of people who actually shifted vs who did not. I couldnt help but speak about my problem and hope that someone will give me piece of advice.
The problem
I’ve been practicing shifting with various methods, affirmations, subliminals and visualizations which made me successful at mini shifting but after experiencing it I “cannot” shift for some reason (ex. I start to do void method, visualize and say affirmations and for some reason I feel lost and confused). It has been happening for past months and tooks some breaks due to school work and de-motivation and whenever I try I feel so empty and lost like I cannot connect to my DR. Something has been holding me back after I mini shifted and its been bothering me ever since, sure I can soothe myself by telling “I will successfully shift” or “I already shifted” but I feel disconnected a lot. I do not know if it was due to mental exhaustion, lack of motivation (I suffer from mental health too). I wanted to fix my mindset but its hard because I hard time believing myself and change my perception of shifting.
In summary, I have lack of motivation and feel lost and empty; not connected to my DR after mini shift and I cannot find any piece of similarity in people’s post. I hope this reached target audience and might help me out. It will mean a lot🫶🫶
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noelleshiftings · 3 months
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about me ;
⤷ my name is Noelle and i've been in the shifting community for about four years now. i never successfully shifted, but i did dreamt about my desired realities and received very weird lucid dreams about them, that's probably the closest i've been to.
- here some basic info about myself.
⤷ i'm a scorpio and i'm a november baby.
⤷ as i said i've been in the shifting community since 2020 so i am a victim of shifttok 2020... those were dark times and yes my first ever "script" was harry potter..
⤷ my style/aesthetic is 'grunge' and mostly my music taste is too, but i mostly listen to 80's/90's rock music.
⤷ i'm mexican-american
⤷ i love horror movies and action movies.
⤷ if you haven't guess already my favorite show is the walking dead.
⤷ i'm a subliminal listener since subliminal and shifting are practically cousins.
my main dr's ;
⤷ teen fame dr - i love the idea of being a talented young actress (considering i won an emmy at fifteen but...) i love the attention i'll gain, and i also want to experience the 'rich' life.
⤷ the walking dead (game) - a little questionable yes, i know i'll shit my pants once i see the walkers. but i love the found-family trope that occur throughout the show (also for carl)
⤷ anne with an e - i love the girlhood in this show and since i don't really dress 'feminine' in my cr, i'll be able to feel more confident in this dr, and i find the dresses pretty cute.
- i've considered on perma-shifting but i still haven't made that decision yet.
i hope you enjoyed reading and thanks for sticking till the end! you should follow me on tiktok since i'm more active there ;)
@noelleshiftings on tiktok!
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trolagygirl2022 · 6 months
My Yoga Nidra experience:
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For a little background, my experience and knowledge on the void dates back to 2021 when shifttok was very popular. I was honestly didn't know much about it, I just was focused on shifting to my dr. I had an experience but I don't really think I entered the void. So I forgot about it. Now years later I've been getting really into manifesting lately. I ended up on this side of Tumblr and here is where I learned what the void really was. So I tried alot of methods. I've been trying every. single. day. I just would get tired and my mindset wasn't good. It's like I thought the void was this mystical place that's very hard to access until like a few days ago. I just realized it's not hard at all! It's literally just getting deep into meditation.
Now for the Yoga part. I've been seeing the method around and yesterday I was like "why not try this?". So I did. I played this meditation and I didn't expect much about it. I was alone in my room and I layed down. I started feeling so relaxed, until my mother's screeching call woke me up. She told me I had to do the dishes and I was very annoyed. I ended up doing them meanwhile my mum was annoying me to death. So I walked to my room and slammed my door. I was obnoxiously mad, mad to the point I was cursing and swearing. I grabbed my phone and replayed the meditation again. (Keep in mind I was burning with anger). Then during the reading my anger slowly began to disappear. Then after some minutes, I felt this type of peace that I've never felt (keep in mind my words I used to affirm were "I am free". Then, I felt so calm and in peace. I was free. (Until my sister yelled out my name and I was forced to yell back). Even when I was done I felt dazed. Like I never felt like that before. If not of my nosey family, I would have defiantly fully entered the void! SO yeah, that's my story :)
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wheelcr · 2 years
omg hii ! i have a quick question about some shifting terms!
alright so, when i was on tiktok, i saw a bunch of shifttokers say things like, “CR isn’t a proper term because there is no ‘current’ reality” ; “OR isn’t a good term because there is no ‘original’ reality”, etc when referring to the reality we’re aware of right now— like i’m aware i’m not in my intended reality and i have no idea what to call this reality. 😭
i don’t know if this has already been addressed because i’ve been off social media in order to focus on shifting, ( which i .. didn’t… actually do….. ) but yes! i’m still confused! help!
shifttok. really??? 😭 i'm sorry but whenever i see that word included in an ask, i already know that it's gonna be some weird shit that teens made up just to sound smart on a dancing app. again, never take any shifting advice from that hellhole of a place
they're just terms!! there's no right or wrong! they're just words for us to refer to when talking about drs
that being said, the terms are literally self explanatory, i don't get how some shit toker can even debate on this
current reality = the one you are consciously present in at this very moment
original reality = the reality your subconscious was born into
that's literally all there is to it.
also, "a bunch of shifttokers"— honey all of the experienced and well - respected shifters here still use these terms ( mainly because we don't like to cause discourse and overcomplicate things lol )
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shifting-with-alex · 1 year
Heyyy luvs I'm Alex and on here I will be posting a bunch of things relating to reality shifting. That may include advice, ideas, faceclaims, my DRs etc.
Name: Alex
Pronouns: She/They
I have been apart of the shifting community for about two years now. I have not shifted yet but I have come close many of times. I have done a bunch of research on shifting (and not through shifttok lol). My main DR is my Mandalorian DR but I have other ones because I create hundreds of DRs yet never have the motivation to shift to them. The other places I want to shift to include the MCU, Stranger Things, some movies and some alternate CR DRs.
If you ever have any questions about shifting or want someone to talk to about shifting don't be afraid to comment or message me.
Remember that you are powerful and you WILL shift
Happy shifting/Respawning 🖤🖤🖤
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neylia18 · 2 years
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First Time Shifting (Alt)
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• Disclaimer: I have not shifted to my desired reality yet
• Alt = Alternative or Alternate Reality(s)
1. First Time
Context: Around this time I had gotten super unmotivated and took a break from shifting for over a month or more.
Before I shifted: The first time I shifted was when I was probably at my most tired/unmotivated self. I remember coming in my room lying in bed with a mentally that ‘If I shift I Shift if not I’ll go to sleep’. I took deep-ish breaths which really helped calmed my body and then I affirmed “I will shift” repeatedly and at one point my affirmation change to “We will shift” it happened naturally and I didn’t think too much of it. During the process I fell into what Shifttok calls the “Void State” but essentially I was conscious but I no longer felt tied to my physical body. I kinda saw myself in a 3rd person perspective before I “fell asleep”.
Shifted: Next thing I knew I ‘woke up’. Literally the same way I would wake up after going to sleep, I woke up in another reality. Instantly I knew I wasn’t in my OR since I woke up in a room that I never been in, but I could tell was my room (subconsciously). The layout of my room was completely different than that of my OR. It was more spacious, the sheets were different, etc. I was in a bigger bed, and there was a window where I saw the night sky and other planets that were visible.
I felt the sheets of my bed and they felt real which is the point since you are going to another reality, but when it’s your first time it’s a shock. I heard rustling next to me and there was another girl in the same bed I was in. She was blonde, with blue eyes and pale skin. She too, like me, took in her surroundings and felt the sheets and when she looked at me she asked “Did you shift” and I said Yes and we were so happy and excited to know that we both shifted. Now I don’t know her name nor have I ever met her in my OR which sucks.
She suggested for us to explore and so we got out of the room and opened the door to where I saw my mother (who looked/sound identical to my mom in my OR) making breakfast in the kitchen. The last thing I remember is her looking at me and she said ‘Hi’ smiling, and I was so shocked to see her that I ended up shifting back to this reality.
After I shifted back: I woke up in this reality and it was 4 in the morning and I just ended up falling asleep and in the morning when I was fully awake I realized that I shifted for the first time.
Note: When I shifted I was there Max 10 mins maybe less
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