#new verse ♠♠
fzrticv · 2 years
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< 3 now to draw, or try too
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electricea · 5 months
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@gravity-wall sent - Send me a ♠ for me to describe a favorite rp I’ve been in. ( Get to Know the RPer - Accepting! )
Send me a ♠ for me to describe a favourite RP I’ve been in.
I've enjoyed the sort of verse I've created with Ryuji in my threads with Sonia over at @more-than-a-princess - it allows me to explore a slightly older Ryuji who has a job and more adult responsibilities - perhaps a little wiser and jaded with age, but still the same Ryuji and young at heart - it allows me to explore a new angle of the character and perhaps a bit selfishly, it's more relatable because it's closer in age to me.
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alexandraxsuoh · 1 year
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♠ Since my last post didn’t work, so here’s the link about the new color of Alex’s graduated verse. I can’t decide and I want to know if another color would be nice or not. 
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veworapplications · 2 years
What is greek interlinear bible
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THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY & TITUS – (GENTI) CATEGORY: HEBREWS – REVELATION (GENTI) THE FIRST & SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS – (GENTI) THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS AND PHILEMON – (GENTI) THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS – (GENTI) THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS – (GENTI) THE BOOK OF ACTS – (GENTI) CATEGORY: ROMANS – TITUS (GENTI) NOTE: This project is underway, so there may be changes/corrections at times and more material will be added as well (Textual Articles♣, Bible Difficulty Articles♥, Exegetical Commentary♦, and UASV translation♠). It will be linked to jump you to that Bible difficulty article. ♥ The heart symbol means that there is a Bible difficulty for the verse of this Bible book. It will be linked to jump you to that exegetical commentary article. ♦ The diamond symbol means that there is an exegetical commentary chapter for this Bible book. It will be linked to jump you to that textual commentary article. ♣ The club symbol means that there is a textual issue in this verse in this variant unit. It will be linked to jump you to that Bible book. ♠ The spade symbol means that the Updated American Standard Version (UASV) is completed for this chapter. We will also add links below for your convenience as well. Even after achieving such a goal, we will continue to improve upon The Greek-English New Testament Interlinear (GENTI).īelow are the category pages that will be beneath this main page when you hold your mouse over it. It is our goal to produce a Greek New Testament critical text that is a 99.99% reflection of the content that was in those ancient original manuscripts. We do not need miraculous preservation because we have miraculous restoration. And truly miraculously, we have more copies than needed to do just that. What is so important about the documents? Nothing, it is the content of the original documents that we are after. Second, truth be told, we do not need the originals. However, first, there would be no way of establishing that they were the originals. Yes, it would be the greatest discovery of all time if we found the actual original five books that were penned by Moses himself, Genesis through Deuteronomy. It is grounded in the earliest manuscript witnesses, with the objective of ascertaining the original wording of the original texts. We seek to make a notable addition to the Greek-English Interlinear family by providing a text of the Greek New Testament that is based on the most recent research. The Greek-English New Testament Interlinear (GENTI), is produced by Christian Publishing House, Cambridge, Ohio. Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV). ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. Scroll to get the NT-linked books if you have read this brief introduction below.
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daggersandsparks · 2 years
Cont from [here] / @inthisfire-ifindrain
"Fuck..." Fiona said with a sigh. "You're right, eventually it will make us too exhausted if we have to fight." she stops walking and looks around their surroundings.
"Normally there is a giant rock.. or hill." She grumbles as she looks out onto the desert.
"Where the fuck are the rocks!!!" She almost yells. Squinting her eyes she sees something in the distance. "Is that ... a shack?"
It was always when she’d forgotten to bring ED-E along that the worst sorts of things happened. Especially getting chased like this with Fiona. She couldn’t just leave her to it, after all.
❝A shack‘ll do!❞ Mairwen nearly shouted, starting to grin a little at the prospect. Inside might be safe enough on its own if they got there in time, but she suspected she could get on top of it and shot from there. 
She turned to aim and peer through the scope to see if she could spot their pursuer and see how much time they had to get in there.
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rrdcafterdark · 3 years
☮ ☯ ♠
Headcanons: Sex Life Edition - Accepting
☮   Position Preferences
Oh man, so many. XD Sitting up face to face, cowgirl, doggy, against a wall (or other surface), bent over a flat surface (bonus points for there being a mirror there), on top, on bottom... The list goes on.
☯   Kinks
I wouldn’t say Rapunzel’s straight up vanilla, but she’s also not extremely kinky. She likes texture and sensation, so bringing toys and fabrics, etc, into play will do it for her. She has a taste for danger and the taboo and gets a huge thrill out of playing games with her partner where they try to turn each other on as much as possible with subtle touches under the table, etc, while they both try to carry on as though things are normal until they can be alone. And while she might not think to suggest something new and kinky, she’s almost always willing to try something that’s been brought up. And if she likes it, it will definitely be added to the portfolio of things to do more regularly. 
♠    Dirty little secrets
Do sex journals count as dirty little secrets? She keeps illustrated (by her) sex journals of her escapades, which she’ll show her partner, but hide from everyone else. Often times, her dirty little secrets are that she’s currently engaging in sex at all, since she tends to find herself in situations where she shouldn’t be having sex at all (be it because of her visibility/social status, lack of being married, simply living the kind of life where it would be frowned upon, verse depending of course). She tends to keep her fetish for glowy things a secret except with her partner, because she thinks people would think it’s really weird of her.
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fzrticv · 2 years
.Note, When I don't specify a verse where the interaction set in, it usually reverted back to their 'main/general' verse. 
I'm still multiverse, so not all threads in the same verses will overlap - it depends from interaction to interaction. 
.All my ships are to happen in ‘separated’ verses - and ships already get their own tags, so therefore I won’t do sub verses just for those. Expectation can be planned out AU’s or it ends up differential from the default verse too much.
.This is hell, literally﹙verse || default.﹚
Takes place during the current show.  Blitzo head of I.m.p, Moxxie working for him.
Fizzarolli serves full time under Asemodus and bein a celebrity in many ways. Still, there is some connections with Mammon, mainly business but those can differ from interaction to interaction. With Fizz, some interaction in this verse also can set before the event of their debut episode. 
.Jump and Jump and drop  ♠   / ♞ ﹙verse || past days.﹚ 
Plays prior the incident/fall out of the best friend. Can be their childhood/teenhood/young adulthood.
Both Fizzarolli and Blitzo are brought up in a circus within Greed. Fizzarolli a talented golden child, beloved since a young age.
But one star attraction can't save a circus from failing, performing on the street - Blitzo cling on a losing cirucs as Fizzarolli started looking elsewhere ... before it all came crashing down. 
.Shake it till you make it  ♠﹙verse || early times.﹚
Sets during Fizzarolli's early times within the ring of Lust. Taken by Asemodues and settling in with him. Not yet the celebrity status they have now but growing quickly in fame and popularity and to their surprise a new sex idol also. Fizzarolli is more shy and timid - yet mixed with cocky and confident -  trying to find their footing in their new life.
This verse can also be used in his early times with Mammon. 
.The honk is a lie  ♞﹙verse || early times.﹚
Blitzo after the fallout and before I.m.p. Still not wanting to give up on the circus he worked at Lo Lo land as a clown and not long after, got his former friend Robot duplicate as a coworker - just put salt into that wound.
Slowly, losing his spark for the life he once lived, the past he didn't want to give up on.
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altarbxys-blog · 8 years
v - already dead so i’m not scared of dying
Hey, a hitman vampire might be a bit cliche, but it’s the easiest way to get much-needed sustenance without attacking random civilians. Plus, the pay’s not bad. Aaron’s living the life. Y’know, unless a vampire hunter suddenly catches wind of him, which shouldn’t be too likely. 
Shouldn’t. And, even if one did. He’d be ready. 
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daggersandsparks · 2 years
courier allegiances
so, i realize that while i craft all these rps and talk about mairwen being legion aligned, it makes me wanna explain how her allegiances officially stand since she keeps legion ties on the down-low. 
Officially, Mairwen is Mr. House’s apprentice/heir. Having been the only one to public enter the Lucky 38 in years, the rumours start circulating early, and she starts to feed them, talking to people “on behalf of Mr. House” before she even goes to the Fort. When she upgrades the Securitrons, she asks Mr House to tell his contact that she’s officially working for him before she kills him. 
she makes keeping that rumour active a part of her deal for working with the Legion, so that she can “better navigate the politics of the Strip without NCR interfering”. and she doesn’t just rely on the frumentarii to help spread it, she does it a lot herself, to the point of telling her companions that she’s following plans mr house left for her [or, once she trusts them, she tells them about yes-man]. 
if word starts getting out that she might be aligned with the legion, she intentionally spreads the opposite [that she just did a big thing for the ncr] or plays up her activities that the legion would disapprove of [being a woman helps], letting the truth feed into the mire of rumours she keeps around her.
and in case you wonder why she aligns with the legion for so long? she’s petty and a hypocrite and she doesn’t get a case of a conscience until near the end, when her hatred of caesar gets high enough. 
[when i say petty, she has personal issues with the NCR, having been in jail and treated poorly under false charges a few years ago, and she kills mr house because she doesn’t like how he ‘treats [her] like he owns [her]’ after victor pulls her from the ground. and benny. well. benny killed her, so. ya know. [honestly they would’ve gotten along great and she would’ve backed him 110% if not for that part] and she doesn’t actually want to be in charge. like, at all.]
then, at the end, she realized she fucked over all her other options besides herself or the legion. but she basically gathered enough power as her ‘security measures’ and ‘escape plans’ to have an actual chance. and then, when she finds out about caesar’s condition... that just seals it for her.
she ends the battle of hoover dam as the official leader of new vegas, whether you wanna call her mayor or warlord.
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
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If I Fall, the masterlist 
part of the Better Love series
The Better Love Series Masterlist || Join My Tags
 << Mirror, Mirror || Media Naranja >>
pairing: Javier Peña x Fem!Reader (Ears). Part of the Better Love ‘verse.
summary: Life in Colombia never goes quite as planned.
words: multi-chapter fic, complete
warnings: Dead Dove. Warnings discussed in detail below the cut.
If I Fall
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen | twenty | twenty one | twenty two | twenty three | epilogue 
Headcanons and Meta
why Javi was so surprised by that recording
spoilers for chapter three
a peek behind the Berna scenes
spoilers for chapter eleven
Hannah’s childhood baggage
spoilers for chapter nineteen
relationship equality
spoilers through chapter twenty
Dead Dove, Do Not Eat
a quick word on warnings for If I Fall:
If I Fall deals with some pretty heavy shit. I’m of the opinion that if you’re this deep in the Better Love ‘verse, you’re a consenting adult who has a good idea of what to expect from Narcos fanfic as I write it. As such, the only warnings I will be posting on the individual chapters are those dealing with non-con/sex trafficking. I will update the warnings here as new chapters are released. If you have specific triggers, feel free to slide into my DM’s. This is the kind of fic where it’s impossible to warn for everything.
unplanned pregnancy 
canon-typical violence
threat of non-con/sexual assault (nothing will happen on screen, and I will warn for this on the individual chapter headers)
weapons/discussion of guns
discussion of sex trafficking 
Self harm (one scene in 14 not intended as self harm, but still potentially triggering)
high stakes and lots of angst
Love you guys loads. Please stay safe, and feel free to message me with any specific concerns.
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