#nex gen champs
cheemken · 8 months
you always talk about the champions but what about the next champions? would any of the main trainers beat their regions champions and take their title?
Ghmh yeah I have been thinking abt that for a while now, mainly bc it'd be funny if in a lil timeskip, Iris becomes the lil pseudo leader of the next gen champs and she's there vibing bc she's kinda like Lance hahaha even better she also wears a cape lmao
Anyways that'd be fun tho, but idk which one of the current champs to actually lose and give up the champion title. Then again, Geeta would still be top champ, but then there's Nemona and Florian y'know
With Indigo's league, it would be cool if Silver is actually the next Champion rather than Gold. Idk cause like, in my hcs Gold didn't really care much abt the league, he's just cool venturing around and helping his grandparents at the daycare; Silver on the other hand was determined to become Champion, I wanna say he would be able to beat Lance and be Indigo's new champ
Hoenn's league, May honestly just wanted that title to spite her father lol. Like, homegirl was already a battling prodigy, beat the Frontier Brains, and has Rayquaza with her, what more another title right. Idk if I do want Hoenn to still have two Champions, cause in my hcs Unova and Paldea already has two (technically three for Paldea but again, Geeta's in a diff rank)
Sinnoh's league, it's Dawn ofc. As much as Cynthia doesn't want her to be the next champ, Dawn was a strong trainer. She also wanted that Champion title since the start, and hey she really worked hard to get it y'know. Cynthia is there to guide her tho, homegirl doesn't want Dawn to go through the same shit as her
Unova's league, well, still Iris and Hilbert are the champs hahah but like, outside Unova, Iris is more well known as she's been Champion the longest and the fact between the two of them she's the one who attends meetings and gatherings, Hilbert only ever attends when Iris calls in sick or she really couldn't atm
Kalos' league, Calem becomes the next champ. I do have a lil concept abt this, like,, Calem is a lonely kid man, ik I compared him to May in my hcs, and the main difference abt them is that May forged genuine connections with her friends, whereas Calem tried but he just couldn't connect with the Kalos kids on a deeper level. Which, yeah, made him lonely, thinking that if he becomes Champion, it'd make him forget abt that loneliness. It didn't. Diantha is trying to help him through t ofc, she knows the feeling of loneliness all too well
Alola's league, it's still Hau hahah c'mon I think the kid deserves it, he's like, strong af too. Idk, I want him to have some sort of reputation hahah like, new challengers would always encounter him at random points, and he's like, very chill y'know, he's just vibing, encouraging new trainers to do their best, but during Champion battles, it feels like he becomes a different person that it actually scared the trainers hahaha
Galar's league, it's Gloria. Felt absolutely bad she beat Hop, low-key felt proud of herself beating Leon, either way, she doesn't know what to feel sometimes now that she's Champion. And hey not like it was during Leon's time, Rose isn't around anymore, and Leon made a few changes at how the League runs with young Champions before she beat him, so hey y'know. Honestly a bit intimidated w her new title, but tries not to show it
Paldea's league, Nemona and Florian ofc hahah. I mean, Geeta's still around ofc, but hey. Anyways yeah, these two are Paldea's champs and Nemona is the overly competitive one that she challenged Silver once like really pissed him off bc she wouldn't stop bugging him hahah (it ended up tied) and then there's Florian who's just trying to keep Nemona in check too, but also enables her in pissing off Silver bc he thinks it's entertaining
It would be fun tho to make concepts abt them, but hey yeah, feel free to send asks abt them if you guys want hahah
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