#nike deity
noxsn · 4 months
Ive made more deities wallpaperssss (idk that much about these goddeses so sorry if its a bit bad) im indecisive so some of yall get options
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Demeter (ones a lil green)
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Iris (i feel like this ones extra bad-)
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gh0st-f4iry · 11 months
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✨showing off my altar✨
on the left is aphrodite’s section and on the right is nike’s section
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messywitch · 1 year
i had some free time from college so i went ahead and made more user boxes! someone in the tags mentioned that their deity was underrepresented and don't worry, i've got you. i made boxes for deities i don't see much rep of in the tag!! feel free to use them with credit!
i'm open to making these under request, just send me an ask with the deity you'd like a box for!! please be nice, too.
gods in this post: Asclepius, Iris, Eris, Hebe, Harmonia, Nemesis, Nike, Pan, Psyche, Phobos & Deimos, Themis, Tyche & Gaia.
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lokean-mischief · 2 months
Haven’t really practiced paganism in ages, but today I freaked out my mum by winning poker 5-0 after praying to the gods. Got ace pairs and three 3s repeatedly too.
I promised offerings to Loki, Apollo and Dionysus, but I think I need to give offerings to Tyche and Nike too. And definitely the Fates and Norns, like the three 3s definitely seems to be pointing to them.
Not really worth the hassle lol, but a cool experience to connect with the gods. I'm kinda impulsive sometimes 😅
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thewrathfulwitch · 9 months
Fumigation from Manna.
O Powerful Nike, by men desir'd,
with adverse breasts to dreadful fury fir'd,
Thee I invoke, whose might alone can quell
contending rage, and molestation fell:
'Tis thine in battle to confer the crown,
the victor's prize, the mark of sweet renown;
For thou rul'st all things, Nike divine!
And glorious strife, and joyful shouts are thine.
Come, mighty Goddess, and thy suppliant bless,
with sparkling eye, elated with success;
May deeds illustrious thy protection claim,
and find, led on by thee immortal Fame.
Orphic Hymn to Nike, trans. Taylor
Today we celebrate great Athena becoming the great patroness of Athens, the lady who we serve well for her protection.
Blessed Nike, companion of Athena, bring forth victory in our lives and let us feel the glory that comes with it!
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30fury · 10 months
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smiling nike, based on the incense burner currently at the getty villa (under the cut)
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O Nike, I praise and revere your name!
I fell, but you caught me and flew with me in your arms,
Safe and secure in your love.
And so I was able to triumph and soar above the storm.
Winged lady, I thank you for your lending me your strength when my own was not enough.
The peace I enjoy now would not have been possible without your intervention.
I sing your praises in gratitude, O Nike, O great Victory!
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I feel Apollon in my veins. I feel his hands guide mine as I pour my soul into the piano. I hear his voice, gentle as the summer sun urging me to keep going. letting me know that I am not too ambitious for choosing to seek knowledge. I feel his rage in my blood when men speak to me as if I know nothing. As I walk to perform or present a project, I know he is there. Watching over me and when I am done, his cheers are always the loudest.
steady and firm, a strict teacher and a gentle healer. Letting me know that I will be okay. Someday, I will wake up, greet the sun and the joy I shall feel will not be a lie.
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an-ode-to-olives · 3 months
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I love museums
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I'm always trying to learn.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I watch educational videos for fun.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I'm always expanding my vocabulary.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I've ranted about the Ovid's Medusa myth retelling a few hundred times.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I'm always giving my friends advice.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I want to learn cross-stich and embroidery and crochet and -
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I ramble to her about my day.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I get excited about owl imagery.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I'm interested in history and political science.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I will always defend her <3
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The weather is colder, but the fire grows brighter. Warming parts of my heart I had long forgotten. In the darkness of night and in my moments of hopelessness, your flame keeps me going. Lighting the way and giving me a place to rest my weary soul. Lady Hestia, daughter of golden-haired mother Rhea. Presiding over the hearth of deathless gods and mortals alike. I praise you and I thank you for staying by me and being home when no other place filled the cold space in my heart.
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odetothetheoi · 9 months
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a watcher by night, a thief at the gates, one who was soon to show forth wonderful deeds among the deathless gods. Born with the dawning, at mid-day he played on the lyre, and in the evening he stole the cattle of far-shooting Apollo on the fourth day of the month; for on that day queenly Maia bare him.
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thundering-zeus · 5 months
Father Zeus, protector of the home. Lord Zeus, giver of good. King Zeus, ruler of all I hold dear.
Please keep my home safe from any harm physical, emotional and financial in this coming month. Averter of evil and saviour of all, help me keep my home safe and at peace.
As I take today to praise your name, please renew the energy in this house and make it a place of love and joy. Father Zeus, giver of good; Thank you for your guidance and I hope you accept this prayer as a token of my gratitude.
Great god of hospitality, and father of the people. Praise be to you.
orignal prayer for noumenia
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gh0st-f4iry · 11 months
Anyone have any advice for setting up an altar in a dorm room???
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ljjsims · 1 month
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Goddesses
As you may know, I am currently working on a legacy challenge for the Sims 4. Thought it might be fun to share the generations I have planned:
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
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theoi-of-olympus · 5 months
Waiting patiently by the door for my new statues to arrive even though they’re estimated to be delivered on the 19th
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thewrathfulwitch · 10 months
Of Pallas Athena, guardian of the city, I begin to sing. Dread is she, and with Ares she loves deeds of war, the sack of cities and the shouting and the battle. It is she who saves the people as they go out to war and come back.
Hail, goddess, and give us good fortune with happiness!
Homeric Hymn 11 to Athena (trans. Evelyn-White)
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I begin to sing of Pallas Athena, the glorious goddess, bright-eyed, inventive, unbending of heart, pure virgin, saviour of cities, courageous, Tritogeneia. Wise Zeus himself bare her from his awful head, arrayed in warlike arms of flashing gold, and awe seized all the gods as they gazed. But Athena sprang quickly from the immortal head and stood before Zeus who holds the aegis, shaking a sharp spear: great Olympus began to reel horribly at the might of the bright-eyed goddess, and earth round about cried fearfully, and the sea was moved and tossed with dark waves, while foam burst forth suddenly: the bright Son of Hyperion stopped his swift-footed horses a long while, until the maiden Pallas Athena had stripped the heavenly armour from her immortal shoulders. And wise Zeus was glad.
And so hail to you, daughter of Zeus who holds the aegis! Now I will remember you and another song as well.
Homeric Hymn 28 to Athena (trans. Evelyn-White)
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Revered Pallas, you alone great Zeus bore by himself, noble and blessed goddess, brave in the din of war. Renowned and cave-haunting, you may and may not be spoken of. Your domain is on wind-swept hilltops and shaded mountains, and dells charm your heart. Arms please you, and you strike men’s souls with frenzy, O maiden vigorous and horrid-tempered. Slayer of Gorgo, blessed mother of the arts, you shun the bed of love and, O impetuous one, you bring madness to the wicked and prudence to the virtuous. Male and female, begetter of war, counselor, she-dragon of many shapes, frenzy-loving, illustrious, destroyer of the Phlegraian Giants, driver of horses, Tritogeneia, you free us of suffering, O victorious goddess. Day and night– ever into the small hours– hear my prayer and give me a full measure of peace, of riches, and of health accompanied by happy seasons, O gray-eyed and inventive queen to whom many pray.
Orphic Hymn 32 to Athena (trans. Athanssakis)
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Fumigation from Manna. O Powerful Victory , by men desir'd, with adverse breasts to dreadful fury fir'd, Thee I invoke, whose might alone can quell contending rage, and molestation fell: 'Tis thine in battle to confer the crown, the victor's prize, the mark of sweet renown; For thou rul'st all things, Victory divine! And glorious strife, and joyful shouts are thine. Come, mighty Goddess, and thy suppliant bless, with sparkling eye, elated with success; May deeds illustrious thy protection claim, and find, led on by thee immortal Fame.
Orphic Hymn 33 to Nike (trans. Taylor)
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Come great Eirene, bless this world with peace and let us be a unified whole. Hail to the Goddess who would be the end of wars, to spread calm through our hearts.
Blessed Athena, patroness of this great land, you who is the protector of cities and of all, who fights in battle with passionate desire, we honor you this day as we remember the unification of Attica from Theseus.
Mighty Zeus Patrôios, you who sees to the phratries of the people, the lines of great descendance, we look to you today as we honor those who have come before us and have fought for a better future, for the unification of our beloved homeland.
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