#nemesis deity
ray-does-witchcraft · 1 month
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My dash is kinda dry, soo... interact (or message me, i could use pagan/witch friends, rayvpng on discord) if you are:
a witch of any kind (im eclectic i love hearing about yalls practices)
pagan (specifically hellenic but others welcome as well :3)
into demonolatry/demonology
an aphrodite, hermes, apollo, ares, nemesis, phobos & deimos, or lucifer worshiper
into spirit work (any kind)
working or knowledgeable about fae and/or dragons (PLS)
into basically anything occult related
bonus points if latino or/and queer!!
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khaire-traveler · 1 month
⚔️ Subtle Nemesis Worship ⚖️
Stand up for yourself and others
Join causes that you're passionate about; attend a protest if it's safe to do so (don't risk your well-being please)
Learn self-defense (includes weapons)
Support human rights or abuse survivor organizations
Educate yourself on historical breeches of human rights and how they still affect people today; educate yourself on oppression
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have imagery of swords, scales, whips, lashes, daggers, or apple branches around
Have a stuffed animal goose or griffin
Eat an apple
Grow an apple tree or thistle plant
Be kind to yourself and others
Prioritize your well-being; put your needs first
Assert your personal boundaries; learn what your boundaries are
Practice patience, especially with people you dislike or who annoy you
Cook a meal for someone in need
Volunteer at a homeless or animal shelter
Donate supplies to a homeless shelter; blankets, warm clothes, and canned foods during the winter are especially needed; hygiene kits are often highly sought after year round
Cook a meal for your loved ones
Practice empathy for others (not at the risk of your own well-being, however; empathy does not equal self-sacrifice)
Try not to support companies or organizations that are morally corrupt or supporting things that go against human rights (Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, Salvation Army, etc.)
Educate yourself about corrupt organizations and companies so you know which to avoid
Be gentle with yourself when going through something difficult
Apologize for your mistakes, even if it's hard; only do this if you are prepared for a potentially negative reaction, however
Hold others accountable for their actions; don't let people off the hook constantly
Hold yourself accountable for your actions; take responsibility when necessary
Light a bonfire in her honor; write down bad things that have been down to you on paper; burn them in the fire (safely!!!); focus on the feeling of retribution
Take a warm shower/bath after a long day, especially if you're feeling down on yourself
Write encouraging affirmations on sticky notes and place them where you'll see them
Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses; celebrate what you're proud of, work on what you're not
Express yourself in little ways if you can't be fully open; a bracelet to represent your gender, pride flag colored shoelaces, etc.
Celebrate your accomplishments; you did a great job!
Feed neighborhood cats, dogs, birds, etc.
Engage in random acts of kindness; holding the door for someone, complimenting a stranger, helping someone carry things if they're struggling, tipping well, etc.
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally
Practice restraint; learn to hold your tongue if it would only escalate a bad situation
Engage with self-care often, especially when feeling unwell
Practice emotional regulation; allow yourself to feel your feelings; find healthy emotional outlets
Work on forgiving yourself of past mistakes; learn from it, and move on
Let go of people or things that do not contribute to your life in a positive way
Focus on yourself, your future, and your well-being rather than focusing on the success or torment of others; YOU matter, YOUR success matters!!!
When you make promises, try to hold yourself to completing them
Build makeshift animal shelters for animals, especially in the winter season (bird houses out of wood, cat houses of old coolers, etc.)
Engage in activities you're passionate about; drawing, crafting, bike riding, etc.
Play with pets if you have any
Exercise; get movement throughout your day
Pick up trash in your neighborhood or environment; don't litter
Don't kick someone while they're down; offer them a hand up
Treat vulnerability with kindness rather than hostility
Give yourself compliments; wear things that make you feel attractive or badass
I may add more to this later! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Nemesis. I hope this helps someone, and take care, y'all! ❤️
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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underworldhadess · 2 months
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Nemesis, Greek goddess of retribution by irkallan
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diana-thyme · 4 months
Greek Gods 101: Nemesis
Nemesis is a goddess of indignation against and retribution for evil deeds and undeserved good fortune. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Depictions or Figurines of Weapons
Depictions or Figurines of Armor
Depictions or Figurines of Reins
Depictions of Wings
Depictions or Figurines of Geese
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Learn About the Criminal Justice System
Research Journalism’s Effects on Civil Rights and Laws
Not Living in Excess
Being Grateful
Learning When to Let Things Go (And When Not To)
Learning How to Defend Yourself
Attend Protests & Boycott Certain Companies
She is not celebrated in any Athenian holidays.
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mythicalmuseomine · 1 month
Lady Nemesis
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Goddess of revenge and retribution
Requested by anon. This will be by final anonymous request, as personally I feel it is more respectful to the pantheons. You can request via messages.
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messywitch · 1 year
i had some free time from college so i went ahead and made more user boxes! someone in the tags mentioned that their deity was underrepresented and don't worry, i've got you. i made boxes for deities i don't see much rep of in the tag!! feel free to use them with credit!
i'm open to making these under request, just send me an ask with the deity you'd like a box for!! please be nice, too.
gods in this post: Asclepius, Iris, Eris, Hebe, Harmonia, Nemesis, Nike, Pan, Psyche, Phobos & Deimos, Themis, Tyche & Gaia.
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hermeneutas · 12 days
Outros Deuses e Seus Epítetos - Nêmesis
Continuando nossa série de posts sobre os Deuses e suas características principais, focaremos hoje em uma divindade imponente em seus atributos. Hoje, falaremos da Deusa da vingança, indignação e retribuição - Nêmesis.
Representada como uma jovem, por vezes alada, em vestes de caça, portando uma espada e açoite, Nêmesis é descrita na maioria das fontes como uma das filhas de Nix, a Noite, uma Deusa primordial que deu origem a diversas divindades nos primórdios da existência como nos relata Hesíodo. Pausânias, escritor romano, aponta seu parentesco como sendo do titã Oceano enquanto um fragmento da Cípria por Estágino de Ciprus aponta Nêmesis como sendo filha do próprio Zeus.
Retratada em seus mitos e cultos como uma divindade preocupada com a manutenção do equilíbrio, Nêmesis é vista como uma punidora de malfeitores, uma força que preza pela manutenção contra excessos de sorte (Causados por Tique, a Deusa da sorte) ou azar na vida das pessoas e uma divindade particularmente descrita como inescapável. Em suas características, ela é similar a Dice, a Justiça e as próprias Eumênides, sendo retratada como uma força de punição em essência. Frequentemente é representada ao lado de Aidos, a Deusa da modéstia e vergonha, sua aliada na manutenção da reverência e respeito à dignidade.
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Em termos de culto, Nêmesis tinha um templo muito famoso na região ática, particularmente na cidade Ramnos. Era também venerada na Acáia e na Anatólia.
Outros nomes
Além de ser chamada Nêmesis, do grego "Dispensadora de Sentenças", a Deusa da vingança também era chamada de Adrasteia (Αδραστεια) na região da Anatólia, significando "Imparável" e sendo possivelmente derivada de um homem de nome Adrastos, que havia feito o primeiro santuário para a Deusa diante do rio Asopo.
Rhamnousia (Ραμνουσια) - "De Rhamnos", é um epíteto famoso da Deusa por sua associação à polis de Ramnos na região Ática.
Ichnaia - "Rastreadora", mais um epíteto ressaltando a natureza inescapável das punições dadas por Nêmesis.
Dentre suas vítimas mais famosas temos o jovem Narciso nas narrativas romanas de Ovídio, que havia causado a morte de seus pretendentes ao não apenas rejeitá-los, mas humilhá-los e incitá-los ao suicídio. Nêmesis é quem se encarga de punir o jovem sob ordem dos outros Imortais, fazendo-o se apaixonar por sua própria feição diante de um lago e definhar até que se tornasse a flor narciso.
Platão dizia que a Deusa era mensageira de Dice, a Justiça e agia sob suas premissas, punindo aqueles que desrespeitassem seus próprios pais. Algumas outras narrativas míticas, como Pseudo-Higino e fragmentos da Homérica Cípria apontam Helena de Tróia, filha de Zeus, como sua filha com o Rei dos Deuses após ser violentada. Outras narrativas apontam-na como mãe dos Telquines e as demais não fazem menção a quaisquer filhos.
Hesíodo vai em amplo detalhe sobre como as raças da humanidade mudam a cada grande era mítica, alocando seus contemporâneos como membros da "Era de Ferro" da humanidade, cheia de sofrimentos e que Nêmesis, um dia, iria embora para não termos mais quem combatesse os males junto aos Deuses Imortais.
Uma divindade punitiva e poderosa, Nêmesis encarna a retribuição divina contra os malfeitores tal como outras deidades já aqui citadas. Lembremos dela em conjunto com a divina reverência (Aidos) e cultivemos bons movimentos em nossa vida, rezando para termos a Imparável Deusa como nossa aliada.
Encerramos este post com o hino órfico dedicado à Deusa da retribuição, invocando-a por seu poder justo e figura que nos relembra da indignação contra os atos violentos.
Ó Nêmesis, celebro-te, grande Deusa e rainha, onividente a contemplar a vida das muitas tribos mortais, multi-insigne perpétua, só tu te agradas com os justos e transformas as palavras instáveis, multicambiantes, sempre; os mortais,com o jugo no pescoço, têm medo de ti: cuidas do pensar de todos e não deixas passar a alma irrefletida que despreza tuas palavras. Tudo contemplas, tudo auscultas, tudo arbitras: em ti está a justiça dos mortais, supremo nume! Vem, venturosa, pura e eterna defensora dos iniciados, concede-nos nobres propósitos, cessa os mais hostis pensamentos - impiedosos, soberbos e inconstantes.
[Tradução: Rafael Brunhara]
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kitdiefly · 9 months
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Books about witches/witchcraft just hits different ☕️
(Pic from 📌)
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royal-wren · 2 years
To Lady Nemesis I greatly honor as she keeps the balance, as the goddess of everything that is gray and in between two extremes. She is the greatest mediator because with her rests the restraint on Fortune’s shoulder under her palm. Good luck and bad luck under her heel for indignation and retribution are more than simple vengeance, it is also keeping existence and life even.
To Nemesis Adrasteia who measures and dispenses with all humanity. To the winged goddess of morality who keeps a check on one’s life to stave away the heavy stacking of misfortune and brings down those with excessive good luck.
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g-faded-smile · 2 years
Watching Death Note with Nemesis is funny, she has another interesting opinions about the plot and L's and Kira's views.
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bitchwholoveslife · 1 year
I was gonna go check myself into inpatient psychiatric care last night but the only place for that in my small ass rural ass town has a score of *2.5* out of 5 stars so I said naw, I can duke this out here on my own and instead I just emailed my therapist, got wildly fucked up, jerked off, prayed to Nemesis, and then passed out
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pepperdad · 1 year
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No lesbianism detected. Nu-uh ma’am, no!
#lesbianism at its finest
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meowsticmarvels · 5 months
on a completely different note in regards to my toshiroposting. spoilers under the cut again
are we going to talk about how his persona is. explicitly referred to with she/her in contrast to. toshiro who's only referred to with he/him. i mean there is the oddity that ernesto is 1. gender flipped che guevara???? 2. based on his friend from high school (because erina) but despite that a persona is. still an aspect of yourself. toshiro you've got some gender to think about
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ljjsims · 10 days
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Goddesses
As you may know, I am currently working on a legacy challenge for the Sims 4. Thought it might be fun to share the generations I have planned:
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
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Romance Club MC's as Greek deities:
Agatha Harris as Nemesis:
Goddess of Revenge and Retribution ⚖🗡
In ancient Greek religion, Nemesis, also called Rhamnousia or Rhamnusia, was the goddess of revenge, indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune. She was a personification of the resentment aroused in men by those who committed crimes with apparent impunity, or who had inordinate good fortune. Nemesis was often sometimes depicted as a winged goddess. Agatha was chosen as Nemesis because her story - Chasing You - is intertwined with the theme of revenge and its consequences, from beginning to end.
File Source | BeautifulCome | cr.nana | malbgt | tavernytkr |
Other skin colours under the cut:
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Giratina is often said to be Arceus' last child. By extension, this must make Palkia and Dialga the first and second.
Herein arises a problem, a longstanding debate, and its eventual resolution. Neither time nor space can be said to be greater or more important than the other; therefore, the two are held to be twins.
Volo's plan is quite simple. The meddling of Sinnoh's lesser servants cannot be tolerated. They must be dealt with somehow. And he knows of no limiter more effective—no chains more tightly binding, no prison more perfectly restrictive—than a human body.
The Pearl Clan's newest visitor—Ingo, if that is his name, though there's always that lingering uncertainty about it—he isn't sure how to answer any other questions about himself, either. His knowledge of Hisui is too strangely absolute for a newcomer. It suggests long familiarity with the territory—but if that's the case, why does nobody else in the region recognize him?
Irida presents the Lustrous to him, once, as is tradition.
It is agony.
Just standing in its presence is a pressure like the bottom of the deepest ocean, like a singular force bearing down on him without mercy. To touch it is—he suddenly feels as though his body cannot possibly contain him, like something is pulling him to pieces—the light of the pearl is blinding—
To provoke a reaction from Sinnoh's treasure is a sign of divine recognition. It usually isn't... like... that. But still, if you ignore that discrepancy—and the Pearl Clan is nothing if not good at ignoring discrepancies—it can only mean good things for a warden. Right?
Deities move on a glacial scale, or so it seems at times to humans. Nevertheless, imprisoning a god—binding it to a human form to prevent its intervention—cannot be without consequence. Nor will it go unnoticed by its fellows.
It takes Hisui a long time to notice, but reality has... gone strange. Eroded. The seas stretch on endlessly. Mount Coronet is a spear against a yawning void. The winter has become eternal; days are short and nights are long, and the more time passes—though perhaps that phrase is not so apt—the less rhyme or reason there is to the changing of the celestial bodies.
And far beyond, in a realm above both time and space, a once-dual, now-singular god rages...
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