#nmoc: fawn becker
idlenight · 7 months
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"Cyrus, you break it you buy it."
Chaos siblings chaos siblings! @villainsidestep @autumnfangirler
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Been thinking about this comment for hours and had to draw SOMETHING for it.
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sidesteppostinghours · 2 months
WIP its-not-Wednesday-but-close-enough
tagged by @autistic-sidestep! thank you for the tag :D i have,,, so many wips rn. pulp stop starting a million projects challenge. all of these are very rough, and a lot of them feature other steps, but i wanted to share a few :]
for writing, ive got these:
“What the hell, man!” Mitchel hisses. He’s let go, but he hasn’t bothered lowering his voice. Too loud, but real. Caine groans, pulling themselves up from the mattress. At least it wasn’t the floor– this could’ve hurt a lot worse. They wince at the throb in their shoulder as they reach for the wall, probing for a light switch. When he flicks it on reality re-establishes itself once more.  It’s Caine’s room, familiarly bare-bones. There’s only a singular twin sized bed in one corner of the room and a desk just across, with a heap of laundry they haven’t bothered to do taking up the chair. Mitchel stands on the mattress in the middle, both parts pissed and bleary eyed. His cheek is a lightish colour that’s a telltale sign it’s going to bruise, and a portion of his blanket stubbornly clings onto his shoulder. There’s no threat in here, or at least nothing more threatening than Mitchel annoyed. The knowledge doesn’t stop the blood pounding in their ears.
-caine wakes up and gets jumpscared by @hyper-pixels mitchel. they react to this calmly.
Marshal Steel has hair stuck in his finger joints. That's the first thing Daniel noticed when he came in to work this morning. Steel has his civilian hands on, which is normal when he has admin work. Those civilian hands will usually have hair in it too, mostly from Spoon. That's also normal. What's not normal is the colour; because instead of the odd tufts of grey fur Daniel's used to seeing scattering Steel's joints, this is a single, longer strand that he's sure wasn't left on purpose. Because the hair strand is brown. Suspiciously similar to Ortega's own brown hair.
-herald is suspicious that his boss is having another secret relationship with a pretty old man, but its none of his business! not at all. thats why hes eavesdropping on them from the breakroom pantry.
“What are you two talking about?” Ortega jerks, nearly spilling coffee all over Wei, tearing a curse out of him as he yanks his head to the direction of the voice.  Speak of the devil. Caine glances between the two, head cocked. When did he get here? Ortega doesn't remember inviting him, and nobody told him he was coming either. Not that Ortega isn't happy to see him, but the timing… “Dios mio, Spot, how long have you been standing there?” he mutters. He gives his coffee a once over, but nothing's spilled.  He turns back to Caine and double takes. The poor guy looks like he's just run a marathon– he's drenched in his own sweat. He's not wearing his raggedy sweater, for once. Instead, he's got a skintight suit with a simple white tee over it.
-a multi-pov fic featuring the same conversation, but told from the perspective of ortega, chen, and caine. trying to practice voices with it, and so far its been fun digging into each of them!
as for art wips:
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-arde and vera based on the song "the villain i appear to be"! i actually made this today after playing the new revelations demo lmfao. i do not remember what arde looks like 😔 im so sorry ive done you a disservice
the next two have blood+mild gore in them, so im throwing them under the cut!
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-cyrus gets Fucked Up by a dream version of fawn from @villainsidestep, based on this absolutely vile(/pos) soul read of him:
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because why not fuck him up even more??
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-mitchel painting i have yet to put down colours for that i am lovingly dubbing "cannibalism (NOT ROMANTIC)". chew it out with your teeth mitchel!!!!
ill be tagging everybody mentioned in the post, plus @idlenight, @disastersteps, and maybe @euelios if you all wanna give this a shot?
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idlenight · 2 months
Just because Cyrus is his brother - just because he loves him so much it hurts - doesn't mean River is ever going forgive him for what he did to Fawn btw.
Cyrus is not exempt from his anger. Cyrus is not exempt from his grudges. Cryus is not exempt from his revenge.
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idlenight · 2 months
taking a break from drawing to yell about f/r specific arguments btw. gideon is right, fawn and river need to have some level of beef too. equality(tm).
I propose fawn and river get to have arguments about fawn being a pushover(rivers words) following the commands of others, being too willing to accept their own death at the hands of Cyrus (anyone) (also hypocrite much river lmao. at the end of the day you BOTH have the suitag scar :/).
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idlenight · 2 months
while im thinking about becker siblings again - still can't get over the Beckers just worming their way into the entire Ranger squad. Ricardo dated Cyrus in the past and later Fawn, Fawn also has a thing with Argent. Herald has somehow wooed Cyrus. Chen and River accidentally develop feelings.
Julia might not be dating any of the sibs but she isn't safe either, having designated River as her adoptive baby brother.
These three have a monopoly on the Rangers. Sorry Los Diablos!
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idlenight · 7 months
you are all heroes. you are all sidestep. why would you need different hero names? you're a team just like the rangers.
you are the same batch.
you are the same team.
you are the same family.
you are the same hero.
you are all sidestep.
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idlenight · 7 months
there are so many opportunities for a becker family reunion in retri - especially if they're all in the suit. All of them showing up to Carters house is my favorite initial meeting of the villain personas.
Sidestep (fawn edition) is there to get contacts and information from Carter.
Sidestep (river edition) and Puppeteer are BOTH there for Carter's hero protection but for different reasons.
all of them barge into Carter and Steel at the same time - its a mess before the house even blows up.
the Sidesteps follow Steel to protect the innocents - (im not sure if Puppeteer would save innocents as a killer @autumnfangirler?)
Steel has the most confusing night of his life.
the beckers all now have new mortal enemies for various reasons.
its a very unsuccesful night.
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idlenight · 7 months
the becker siblings looking somewhat alike actually fucks with me. they all have brown hair! cyrus and fawn have similair noses and face shape! fawn and river both have the hazel/green eyes! they actually could fully pass as bio-siblings!!!
edit: HOW COULD I FORGET CYRUS AND RIVER BOTH HAVING FRECKLES (even if cyrus covers his up!!)
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idlenight · 7 months
btw im convinced the beckers always stand in height/age order and do creepy twin shit were they say things at the exact same time in the exact same way because they ARE psychic and their minds are just extensions of the others so if one person thinks about saying something sometimes they all do.
(people that know them are used to it by now - Chen will probably always find it a little off putting how comfortable they are in each others minds)
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idlenight · 7 months
You are a re-gene and people are always telling you what to do.
You are a hero and people are always telling you what to do.
You are a younger sibling, and people are always telling you what to do.
You are sick of people telling you what to do.
Act like this. Don’t stand like that. That isn’t how a hero behaves. How can we possibly trust you. Don’t be stupid and stop rushing in for once even though you still saved all those people.
You could’ve taken Puppeteer just fine if they had just let you.
You had fought him just fine in Carter’s mansion - though that was interrupted by his bomb. Going toe to toe with him on the bridge and keeping up despite protecting Handyman the entire time too. Fuck, last week you threw him out of a window when he got too annoying!
You could’ve taken Puppeteer just fine.
Maybe it’s because you aren’t used to each other anymore.
Maybe it’s because they don’t trust you to handle yourself.
Maybe they never trusted you to be able to keep up with your older siblings. Maybe you were always lesser.
But really, they are just scared.
Scared to lose you, even more scared to have you watch.
They thread you but they whisper sorry.
They manipulate you but they do so gently just a breeze rippling across the surface and not the storm bound for the ocean. Nothing breaks the surface if you don’t let it.
They order you to go, run, flee. Leave. Be safe. Be safe.
You are a younger sibling, and people are always telling you what to do.
But you have always been good at ignoring the orders of others.
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idlenight · 7 months
regardless of actual sibling!au shenanigans or not know that cyrus and fawn - or more specifically sunlight and breeze - are canon to me for river in every run from now on.
siblings that he lost. either early on (recycled) or in the escape (a botched escape? or did only river escape at the right opportunity?) .
either way he mourns his siblings.
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idlenight · 7 months
So with the Beckers sibling au you've got going on. I feel like all of them in a puppet is just utter chaos part two
Harry (rivers puppet) is a mirror puppet which causes several issues and psychic damage on its own pre-reunion. Fawn has TWO puppets hanging out too. Cyrus with argentine is honestly the most normal.
Mortum gets catfished THREE TIMES (four even?) - but is only told about two of them. Some of them are dating the Ortega's (i know at least fawns puppet is - idk about cyrus)
Fawn being a mob boss trying to recruit harry and argentine (haha no sorry i'm uhhh i already have a boss / my boss will give you better health benefits i promise!)
It's a whole party fr fr.
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idlenight · 7 months
becker siblings au! villain paths have an additional problem with TWO mob bosses. Can't have the exact same crew can you? or maybe that's how fawn and river reunite - looking for a crew. (wow step!crew you get two have TWO bossess named sidestep?)
alternatively sibling au!River is his og/alt path of hero hunter (prepare them) which clashes in a very funny way with cyrus who is a beat them hero hunter!
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idlenight · 6 months
thoughts from yesterdays dm's between pulp and I.
all the becker siblings being tactitian steps! they play chess matches against each other (something they probably did as training at the farm too). chen hovers around the board when they do, and awkwardly gives tips and comments about positioning.
which is ofc how he gets roped into playing with all of them and how their weekly matches start. the one time none of the siblings squabble with chen. (chen resigns himself that he is accidentally making friends with the telepathic enigma's)
the beckers keeping an unoffical score board at their little motel room, one of the few things that is out on display and not hidden away.
chen takes it with him after heartbreak - that and the robot fish.
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idlenight · 7 months
becker siblings who are from the same batch and the same age (but cyrus is oldest and river is youngest and fawn is fine being in the middle surrounded by their brothers, because that’s how the families on tv looked like)
the ortega’s ask your names - you all reply in some form or another, you didn’t have any before and you don’t need a name when you know someone by their mental imprint.
they ask for a last name at some point - one of you replies “Becker”
“all of you?”
of course - a last name is a family name and you’re family.
somebody once asks if you’re actually related - you look similar but not that similar after all. “we’re triplets - can’t you tell?” one of you jokes.
you’re all the same age - but cyrus is oldest and river is youngest and fawn is in the middle surrounded by their brothers.
that’s what families are supposed to look like.
you’re were the same age - cyrus was oldest and river was youngest and fawn was in the middle surrounded by their brothers.
you can’t be a triplet by yourself.
you were from the same batch born at the same time but you cannot be the same age anymore when you’re the only one growing older.
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idlenight · 7 months
Ok. Real question. @villainsidestep @autumnfangirler
Where are fawn and cyrus’ bases.
(river’s is the shop 👁️ 👁️)
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