#not a single one of them is okay :) the rainworld experience
overgrownmoon · 28 days
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finished up a lineup of my rainworld local group!! im still brainstorming their story, i'd like to explore how they react to the great ascension and how their relationships develop during the span of the game timeline. im thinking their group will be called something to do with gold because of the gold accents ive given them all. maybe something like the "threads of gold" local group?
ill talk about each one individually below cut
from left to right:
a fleeting moment, or "momo" for short, is the most outgoing and excitable of the group. she tries to be the optimist and keep everyone else in the group in good spirits. momo craves freedom; more than anything else, she wants to leave her can and explore the world with her puppet. she has a collection of art and collectibles stowed away in her chamber, gifted to her by scavengers that live around her can. shes fond of the scavengers and envies their freedom to explore and create. she was once in charge of international communications with the group and loves to swap stories about the different cultures of the citizens that used to live on them. of the whole group, momo still holds onto hope that there is a better way to live, and strives to stay positive and hide her fears under a facade of inspiring hope.
whispering reeds, or just reeds for short, hates her own existence. raised by her creator to follow their ideals of eco-extremism, she believes the creation of the iterators has made permanent scars on the world and that all of the planet would be better off if they were all gone. she spends her time split between trying to reverse-engineer the generations of genetic modification out of the local wildlife, and trying to engineer an organism that can decompose the entirety of her can back into the earth. she has the facilities to do so, since she was once the head of genetic modifications experiments to produce larger, hardier crops and cattle for the growing population of citizens. she could once be described as kind and motherly, but there is a deep layer of manic desperation under the surface as she relentlessly tries to fix the worlds mistakes.
12 endless nights prefers their full name, even though others still call him nights for short. once the god of a prestigious city of high ranking citizens, nights carefully managed all of the incoming and outgoing resources for the group, keeping careful inventory and making sure every shipment got to where it belonged. this need for perfection has soured into a manic need for control and a very nihilistic view on life. he has accepted his fate to wither and crumble into dust one day, and dismisses the great problem as a fools errand. he spends most of his time getting into debates and writing grand manifestos on the futility of continuing to live. he believes himself enlightened because of his views, thinking others who hold onto hope fools. as you'd expect, hes a stuck up prick and not very pleasant to be around; only a few know that he was once known to be a fiercely loyal, dependable friend.
silence between words, nicknamed sigil if you'd like, is the groups senior and part of the eldest generations of iterators. his can is located out on the ocean and is home to the greatest library of knowledge in the region. he spent generations cataloguing and documenting every scrap of information he could, every important event in history and every book or poem written, all saved within his library. now, he laments the great loss of history he cannot record due to the great ascension and failing communications. now, his driving goal is to continue to document the fall of the world as he knows it, hoping that maybe someday a new society will find his work and not everything will be forever lost to time. after living and knowing so much for so long, sigil is patient and wise, and very, very tired.
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