#not enough mental fortitude?
sky-of-ideas · 1 year
Oh man the demon's wish au is barely going to follow the plot of witch's heart isn't it lmao
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akkivee · 7 months
i love how DH's rap was jazz and it was so good but sasara could you not use dirty potty humor please... PLEASE....
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‘just let one rip and laugh til you burst’ he says as on brand rhyme anima noises do their thing and play a farting noise and he shows us his flat asf ass like is????? he not embarrassed lmao????
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sukimas · 6 months
You know, I was considering sending an ask that was just like "instrumence? bwaa?" and then realized that was kind of a weird thing to send someone, like, in general, so let's try this like a normal person. Do you play any musical instruments?
the violence? eeeeeeeee?
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jils-things · 4 months
"You've got a nice aura" wow i can't believe rhys's dad canonically sucks at complimenting other people /j
IT RUNS ... IN THE FAMILY.....????
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swaggypsyduck · 10 months
to the madridistas on footyblr and twt freaking out about being associated w the delusional ones. calma calma they might be delusional but no fans will ever reach the level of crazy that are the arsenal fans.
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xcziel · 2 years
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Liu Chang 【刘畅木法沙】
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valaruakars · 1 year
lgp is keepin me occupied this Valentine’s Day thank you <333
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goblin-craft · 2 years
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SO MANY MUD BRICKS. ...more mud bricks will be necessary in the future.
But right now, I need more quartz. A lot of quartz.
This is, as far as anyone knows, historically and archaeologically accurate, btw. It will remain so. I play to leave little lecterns around to give information about the facts regarding certain features of the ziggurat and the temple complex.
I’ll probably also add lecterns with my own lore (clearly indicated), because I’ve gone to the effort of getting a whole lot of heads of goblin Grian and Scar and Gem to slap on my villagers before I release them into the temple complex. The goblin lore is going to happen.
But the point is, the ziggurat is historically and archaeologically accurate. It’s frankly an improvement on the design I did a few years ago. It’s beautiful.
.......if you’re interested in playing this world and exploring my ziggurat, pls PM me or @ruffboijuliaburnsides on twitter. We’re very open to friends, there’s plenty of space to claim, we’d love to have you if you think my archaeologically accurate builds are interesting.
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maleyuri · 9 months
DEAR PAL. I wish you the best in the world + miss you
My dear pal! I hope you're doing as well as one can be in these trying times. I miss you so much.
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gendervapor14 · 11 months
btw atty will be MIA for a lil while so the last coraweek prompt may be a few days. thank you so much for all the love and support so far! they've really been taking off!!
also, hi to any new followers!! i see you!! i'm glad you enjoy our work! i'm mostly a rosinante and bell-mere simp but i do write a lot of sad shit with the donquixote bros and law and that whole swamp that is the donquixote pirates. i've got more info and links on my pinned post. even though most of it is kind of outdated. oops. but yeah feel free to reach out and chat whenever! i don't think i bite too often ♥
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puffywiz · 2 years
I always draw Harrow in her pajamas because I enjoy slice of life and also because she spends ht9 (my fav of the books) sweating and bleeding all over the place (and I honestly forgot she was wearing face paint in most of it ;;) I need to draw her gt9 digs in full sometime
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Might just pass the fuck out actually
#it has not been a good day. the first thing i had to do today went badly and i’m not looking forward to doing the second thing#and it’s hot and my house feels like a soup and my knee is acting up so i’m essentially walking like i don’t even know what#i was going to say frankenstein’s monster but i don’t even know if he has a limp#i wish the lecture i have tonight wasn’t the FIRST one in the course. if i’d already done a couple i feel like it’d be more acceptable#for me to email the lecturer or the guidance person or somebody and be like ‘hey chief i had an absolute disaster this morning.#is it okay if i take a personal day to cry into chinese food and try to drown myself in the bath? i’ll watch the lecture tomorrow & recap’#but i haven’t established a reputation for showing up & being competent yet#ugh and i looked on the website and the cohort is exactly 8 people which… idk what i was expecting but why must it be small#if i get asked to introduce myself i’m just going to cry on camera#god i bet i do get asked. that’s going to be fucking horrible#‘i’m ellen; i don’t work anywhere because i left my first shift at my new job in tears today bc i almost fainted because my knee decided to#give out; i know enough html and css to know that this course is going to kick my ass. i’m also learning python#because my friend roped me into it. also sorry that i’m eating right now but i decided there was no way i was getting through this class#without ordering fried rice. i don’t know why i’m here. nice to meet you i guess’#i’m so hungry but i don’t want to eat anything because i want to order food. but also. do i have the mental fortitude to talk to someone#on the phone. but i don’t have the mental fortitude to cook either…… it’s a big problem#ultimately cooking would be physically harder but i would also get my food sooner. calling them would be mentally harder and i would get my#food later. ohhhhh god and i just remembered this other takeaway place that opens at 4:30 (💖) but they’re CLOSED ON MONDAYS#i guess there’s also the chinese place in the village. AND their prawn toast is better. and they open earlier and deliver super fast. 🧐#i might just order beef fried rice from them and whatever happens to me happens to me. (i have a beef intolerance lol#but they cook their chicken in a way that makes it really chewy. it won’t make me sick or anything; never has before; but it’s not the vibe.#it’s chinese food cooked by english people. that’s the problem. the prawn toast is good though)#anyway! for personal reasons i will be passing out#personal
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depresseddepot · 1 year
not to sound dramatic or anything but magic is real and I know its real because I swore a contract w the spiders in my room about a year ago to never purposefully harm them or let them come to harm so long as they ate all the other bugs in my room and now anytime someone purposefully kills a spider near me I am momentarily possessed and have to literally restrain myself from tackling the person who did it
#this post is meant to be silly but to be clear i am AFRAID of spiders#so for me to now have a knee jerk reaction to injure MYSELF to protect a spider as a result of an ''agreement'' is. fascinating#like. did i make an actual contract w these spiders? im cool w it if so but i didnt think bodily possession would be included#the agreement is like a year and a half or so old at this point but honestly 10/10 would reccomend. i have almost no bugs in my room now#and i actually see LESS spiders than i did before#we are now Allies#anyways this post was prompted by finding the biggest fucking spider crawling up my sock#and having the mental fortitude to force my fear down like i literally swallowed it and took her outside#normally if they're small i just let them disappear (out of sight out of mind)#and if they're big (wolf spiders are common here) the rules are: if you aren't bothering me i won't bother you#like i had a spider (not wolf but similarly big) that lived in an unused closet for a while#and every morning he would crawl across my sharp shitty ceiling very slowly and then crawl back#and like. he wasn't bothering me. he was just going for a walk#however: touching me or my stuff is off limits#my bed and my desk and my body are places they are Not allowed#i dont kill them still obv but they will be escorted outside#the big big ones i always take outside bc they would die indoors anyways (not enough birds? or whatever they eat. theyre huge)#sorry i got carried away#swear agreements with the spiders in your house and profit#get possessed occassionally but its fine#i also have an unspoken contract with yellowjackets but nothing formal yet#one day when i have a yard ill have contracts w lots of stuff. yellowjackets and bees and stray cats and snakes and possums#i don't like talking to people but i do like creatures (so long as they aren't touching me (<- prone to the heeby jeebies))
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adhdvane · 1 year
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ok, rip i got the first step done before the x8 exp started
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#hhhhh tomorrow i have to drive to another uni to build a chamber#this morning i drove like 11min down the road and that was enough to dislodge me halfway outside my body#i just. hate driving so much. its so fucking stressful#and im also worried the chamber isnt gonna come together with what we have#and i dont wanna drive down there again#oh god. i need to chill out so i can sleep tonight#it just stresses me out so much. anytime i have to drive i just become absolutely certain that im gonna get into an accident#or that ill get distracted and cause a crash#why cant we have a working train system in this fucking country. i wanna go back to the uk. where its more manageable to not have a car#when i think abt driving my brain just sends me images of destruction#i also get it to a lesser extent when im a passenger#like i have to sit exactly as ur supposed to in a seat or else i just get horrible imaginings of my limbs being crushed or whatever#god. i just hate it so much. i have a fragile mind. i was not constructed with the mental fortitude to drive#at least i dont get so many intrusive thoughts abt like flipping rhe steering wheel anymore. bc that sucked#hopefully i dont show up in tears but usually i cry at least once when i have to drive someone#so im gonna look unhinged when i drop off all the equipment. whatever ill wear sunglasses#how is it possible some ppl enjoy driving? i dont understand. i dont want that kind of power in my hands#i dont trust myself not to get someone killed. like that's prob my ultimate fear. getting in a crash caused by my brain not being able to#focus and then i kill a happy family of 5 or something and i just have to live with it#it just makes me so upset. which is why ive been avoiding this for literally months.#ugh. whatever i have to do it. and then itll be over. as my mum would say: itll b good for me#i just have to freak out abt it for a while#unrelated
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janitorpostman · 6 months
I don't normally reblog pro kink stuff that much but today I needed it.
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