#not got too much energy left after i think 8 hours of granny birthday celebrations so. grunt me
heartfelt-carnival · 11 months
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Clown art month lets go!!!!!!!! Day 1: clownsona baby!!!
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happyk44 · 7 years
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1.. what is you middle name?
2. how old are you?
A number.
3. what is your birthday?
April 25th
4. what is your zodiac sign?
5. what is your favorite color?
6. what’s your lucky number?
Fuck, I don’t have my sheet in front of me rn but I’m confident there’s a 3 somewhere among it.
7. do you have any pets?
3 cats: Turbo (mine), Olive (my sister), Daisy (mom and dad)
8. where are you from?
9. how tall are you?
5 foot 2 and a quarter
10. what shoe size are you?
8 ½
11. how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Currently?? 3. Sneakers, slip-ons (which I don’t wear now that the ground is wet all the time) and boots.
12. what was your last dream about?
13. what talents do you have?
Idk again. Writing seems to be up there.
14. are you psychic in any way?
15. favorite song?
Changes all the time but currently? Way Down Hadestown, Rewrite the Stars, This Is Me, The Greatest Show, Epic (Part 3), Chant, Riptide, Take Me to Church.
16. favorite movie?
Power Rangers
17. who would be your ideal partner?
Uh, idk. Someone who likes to cuddle, doesn’t mind being affectionate but can give space when needed and doesn’t let me fall back on my own shit. Someone who can make me smile just by thinking about them. Someone who I can talk to about the stuff I enjoy and who will talk about the stuff they like, even if they’re not common interests.
18. do you want children?
Not really.
19. do you want a church wedding?
20. are you religious?
No, but my dad wishes (and probably thinks) I am.
21. have you ever been to the hospital?
YEP! Gotta love asthma attacks and chronic sickness :P
Also occassional visits to my papa (rip) when my granny would go on vacation and placed him in the hospital’s care for brief times because of his dementia.
22. have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. have you ever met any celebrities?
None that I’m aware of.
24. baths or showers?
25. what color socks are you wearing?
26. have you ever been famous?
27. would you like to be a big celebrity?
Mmm, not really. All that attention seems terrifying. But like, if I could be, celebrity enough that I’m well-known among people and get good wages doing whatever, then yes.
28. what type of music do you like?
All kinds. I have aversions to stuff that picks at my ears wrong or makes my heart beat too fast, though, so a lot of hard metal and soca wind up being out.
29. have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes. I was a toddler. Clothing means nothing when you’re a baby and live in a hot-ass humid climate.
30. how many pillows do you sleep with?
31. what position do you usually sleep in?
On my side or on my stomach. I’ve been trying to sleep on my back lately though.
32. how big is your house?
33. what do you typically have for breakfast?
34. have you ever fired a gun?
To my knowledge, yes.
35. have you ever tried archery?
36. favorite clean word?
Shiz :D
37. favorite swear word?
38. what’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
29ish hours? I stayed up one day to chat with a person who lived in Australia, wound up having to go to the store with my mom around 8 to get school clothes and crashed when we got back home about noon/one o’clock.
Though this month should raise that up higher given I have to be up for my exams starting at 9, stay up to catch my early morning flight the next day and stay up to catch my transfer flight and then keep staying up so I don’t crash through dinner and wake up at like one in the morning, like someone with jet lag. (Bermuda and Halifax are literally in the same time zone, I cannot do this to myself)
39. do you have any scars?
Yes. It stretches shortly on my forearm. I got it from an iron burn when I was about 12, I think?
40. have you ever had a secret admirer?
I think so?? If that’s what you’d call whoever keeps sending me those really sweet anons. :D
41. are you a good liar?
42. are you a good judge of character?
I’d like to think so.
43. can you do any other accents other than your own?
I can do a semi-decent Irish/Scottish accent from my years of obsessively watching Ronan Inish and a thicker, more prominent Bermudian accent, like what my granny or teachers would have.
44. do you have a strong accent?
I don’t personally think I have an accent. My mom is deaf, my dad is American and the kids and family I grew up around never really used the thick version of a Bermudian accent. 
45. what is your favorite accent?
I don’t know. I don’t think I have one? Mostly other accents are just the way people talk and if anything,  just amuse me. Like for example, my friend’s Bahamian accent kills me, especially when she starts chatting with her friends from Nassau and their accents start rolling out super thick to the point where you gotta really pay attention to zero in on their words.
But, in Bermuda you’re taught by literally anyone so accents are just?? a thing that exist. I don’t have a favourite.
46. what is your personality type?
MBTI wise, a split between INTJ & INTP. Other types? IDK.
47. what is your most expensive piece of clothing?
PFT, prolly my shoes? I don’t really buy clothes. Though if my cousin’s coat no longer fits by the time the cold really hits and I need to use it, it’ll probably be a winter coat.
48. can you curl your tongue?
49. are you an innie or an outie?
50. left or right handed?
Right handed.
51. are you scared of spiders?
Small spiders? No.
Giant spiders? Yes.
Weird looking spiders? Only if they’re too close to me.
52. favorite food?
Pineapple pizza. Apple spice cake too, I guess??
53. favorite foreign food?
Chinese, please and thank you, hit me up with that sweet and sour chicken.
54. are you a clean or messy person?
I try to be clean but depression and lack of energy makes it difficult. But I keep myself as organized as I possibly can and use procrastination to keep stuff as well-put as I can.
55. most used phrased?
I don’t even know.
56. most used word?
I also do not know.
57. how long does it take for you to get ready?
Pft, 7 to 15 minutes to shower on average (depends on if I’m washing my hair or not), fives minutes for face and teeth, five minutes to dress and like three hours to actually get up to get ready. :P
58. do you have much of an ego?
I try very hard not to.
59. do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. do you talk to yourself?
I used to when I was younger. Still do sometimes.
61. do you sing to yourself?
I used to and then I realized that a) my self-improvised songs are terrible and b) I can’t sing.
62. are you a good singer?
My mom is deaf. My dad has hearing difficulties. My papa’s singing voice is a wail and my granny’s is shrill sadness.
I was not born into this world a lucky man.
63. biggest fear?
Demon clowns. Dying alone. Being alone forever. Not getting to say the things I want to say to people. That I’ll crash and burn before I graduate or sometime soon after.
64. are you a gossip?
65. best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
I dunno. The most dramatic movies I can remember tend to be war films based on true stories and I normally check out during that kind of stuff because thinking about the horrors of history and the fact that people suffered and died at the hands of people who still objectively exists freaks me out, sends me into a pit of misery until I combust within myself.
66. do you like long or short hair?
No preference for other people, short hair preference for myself. Currently, I’m growing it out so my friend can braid it then I’m gonna chop it back off when I get home in May.
67. can you name all 50 states of america?
If an American can’t do that, then what makes you think me, a Bermudian who’s only concern with the US is how it will affect me and my country and literally was over-relieved when I got dropped from a US history class, would ever know that.
Case in point, I spent most of my childhood assuming New Jersey was a city and only found out it wasn’t last year.
68. favorite school subject?
69. extrovert or introvert?
70. have you ever been scuba diving?
71. what makes you nervous?
72. are you scared of the dark?
73. do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Sometimes. It really depends on the person and the situation.
74. are you ticklish?
75. have you ever started a rumor?
76. have you ever been in a position of authority?
77. have you ever drank underage?
Unfortunately, I have? but not anything serious. Just a few sips I didn’t want to take three times throughout my life.
78. have you ever done drugs?
Aside from my prescribed and despite my friends’ best efforts, no.
79. who was your first real crush?
Vanessa Hudgens and whoever that boy who played Freddie from iCarly was.
80. how many piercings do you have?
81. can you roll your rs?“
82. how fast can you type?
Who knows??
83. how fast can you run?
I can’t.
84. what color is your hair?
Dark brown with a bunch of purple & pink in it.
85. what color is your eyes?
86. what are you allergic to?
Severely allergic to dust mites and extremely irritated by pollen and highly perfumed scents. Which, as far as I’m concerned, means I’m allergic to the damn air.
87. do you keep a journal?
Used to. Don’t anymore.
88. what do your parents do?
My dad is an electrician. He does freelance work for people building houses on-island and my mom is a records management administrator at my bank.
89. do you like your age?
I guess?
90. what makes you angry?
Lots of things. I’m very prone to anger. It’s why the Hulk/Bruce Banner was my favourite superhero as a kid and still is.
91. do you like your own name?
Yes! I do actually really like my name, which sucks because sometimes I get upset or uncomfortable when people refer to me by it and why I like it when people call me Jay, but otherwise my birth name is just beautiful and I don’t think I’d ever be able to give it up.
That being said, I super love the name Jay and when I finally move out of my house and away from Bermuda, I want to try using it more socially rather than just online.
92. have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I don’t want babies.
93. do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Neither. I want another cat.
94. what are you strengths?
I write well, I can speak well and my pale as fuck skin doesn’t let people realize I’m mixed race so, like my friends point out, I get to skirt around the world, practically invisible and I like to work.
95. what are your weaknesses?
Procrastination, tendency to misery over small mistakes, tendency to blow up small things into large problems, tendency to feel abandoned by people who are not abandoning me, inability to properly fall asleep when I feel a lack of affection and touch in my life, inability to listen to people when they ramble on about things I don’t care about, inability to be upfront with how I feel towards my friends and how I feel they’re treating me, etc, etc, etc.
96. how did you get your name?
With my birthname, my mom picked it out from a book, I think?
With my preferred name,I was reading a book about a trans man called “I Am J” and when I got prompted about my name by a friend online, the name just popped into my head, felt immediately right and I used it and connected to it right away.
97. were your ancestors royalty?
I mean I doubt it but I WILL NEVER KNOW.
98. do you have any scars?
Hasn’t this already been asked?
99. color of your bedspread?
Blue and white.
100. color of your room?
Dull green.
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