#not sure if i open shop would anyone be interested 🤔
iiping · 17 days
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i’m so glad they’re back! 🥹🫶
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drawaleol · 10 hours
As an aside, I would like to know if you are interested in having prints of my digital drawings? I opened an inprnt shop but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested. 🤔
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Familiar - Part 6
Word count: 3700
Warnings: None, just a lot of fluff
And the series continues! This one is from a prompt by a lovely anon asking for some Tom Hiddleston x reader snowball fighting ❄☃
I may have left things open for a part 7 for the holidays. You know. If anyone is interested. 😉 (I have another prompt about some Loki-themed Christmas pajamas that I could easily wrap into a part 7... 🤔)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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As the weather grew colder, your festive spirit grew along with it. You started to develop the familiar urge to bake cookies and decorate the apartment for the holidays. The streets were lined with houses and storefronts decked out in warm white lights and gold, red, and green decorations. Trees in the windows were adorned with sparkling bauble ornaments and silver and gold garland. You found yourself walking slower when you headed home from work just to enjoy the city lights for a bit longer.
The jolly fire in your belly only amplified when it began to snow. While it technically wasn’t winter just yet, the first snow typically came sometime in the middle of November. This year, it didn’t begin until the first week of December, and by then you were just itching to look out your window and see the soft white powder coating the ground outside. It didn’t disappoint – you got a few fluffy inches overnight and woke to find snowflakes fluttering around outside your window under an overcast gray sky. What better day than today to start your holiday decorating?
“You’re not gonna go full-on Hallmark movie on me this year, are you?”
Noelle hovered over your shoulder as you browsed through cookie recipes on the internet. You glanced up at her, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Don’t worry, Scrooge – I’ll keep the common area decorations to a respectable amount.” You smirked as her jaw dropped indignantly.
“Hey – it’s not that I don’t like the holidays, it’s just that I don’t want to drown in it in my living room.” She wandered over to the coffee pot, pouring herself a mug. “What’s your plan for the holiday with your famous lover, there?”
“He has a name, Noelle,” you scolded, rolling your eyes. “And, to answer your question, I’m not sure yet. We… haven’t really talked much about it.”
It was true – you’d been avoiding the subject so far, afraid of what the answer might be. You usually spent the holidays with your family back home, taking a week off between Christmas and New Year’s to go stay with them. You were really hoping to spend your holiday with Tom this year, but it would mean he would need to be ok with coming out to your hometown with you and meeting your family. Your entire family. It was a lot to ask of someone who you’d been with for just shy of half a year, especially someone as high profile as Tom. You knew your family would love him, but you were struggling to find your voice to ask him what he wanted to do.
“Well, you’ve still got a few weeks. But you might want to bring it up sooner rather than later. He’s got a very busy schedule,” Noelle advised, partly teasing but also partly serious. The two of you bantered often, but she really was one of your closest friends. She only wanted the best for you.
“I know. I know.” You sighed, closing your laptop, and getting up to wash your empty mug. “We’re meeting up today to do some shopping and decorating. Maybe I’ll talk to him then.”
“Sounds like the perfect time to bring it up. I gotta run – can’t be late for work again this week or Jerry will have my head. It better not be full on winter wonderland in here when I get home.”
“I’ll do my best. You know I have no self-control when it comes to holiday decorating.” Noelle shook her head, exiting through the door to the apartment. She popped her head back in for a moment.
“If you bake cookies, save some for me, alright?”
“You know I always do.”
“I knew I lived with you for a reason.” She grinned, retracting her head back through the doorway and shutting it behind her, leaving you to your thoughts.
The thought of talking to Tom about the holidays weighed on your mind all morning while you got ready for the day. You knew it was silly to be worried about it – Tom would most likely have no qualms with meeting your family, and even if he did, he certainly wouldn’t tell you. But deep down, you were scared of his answer. You were so excited at the possibility of spending the holidays together, and you weren’t sure your heart could take it if he said no.
Above all, this would be a huge step in your relationship. You hadn’t introduced your family to any guys you’d dated in years. The idea of bringing him home to meet them… it was exciting and terrifying at the same time. It meant there would be others invested in the relationship outside of the two of you. Other people in your life who would be heartbroken if things didn’t work out. It was a lot of pressure.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the buzzer to your apartment went off. You spoke into the intercom to say you’d be heading down before grabbing your winter coat off the coat rack by the door and sliding your arms into the sleeves as you walked out the door. Tom was waiting for you at the front door to the building. You let him wrap you in his arms, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Where would you like to start?” he asked, taking your hand as you walked down the sidewalk into the city.
“There’s a cute little shop a few blocks away that sells a lot of really unique holiday decorations this time of year – I was thinking we could head there first, then swing by the grocery store for cookie ingredients.”
“Sounds lovely. Lead the way.”
You chatted casually as you walked, pointing out your favorite stores that decorated for the holidays. If he was overwhelmed by your festive mood, he didn’t say so. He asked you questions about what you liked so much about each storefront - whether you preferred warm white to bright white lights, green trees or colored trees, garland or tinsel… If he was only pretending to be interested, he was doing a damn good job of it.
The little holiday shop smelled heavenly of pine, illuminated softly with those warm white lights that, as you’d just finished explaining to Tom, were the superior type of holiday lights. You picked out a wreath to hang on the outside of the apartment door before making your way to the tree ornaments section.
“Oh, look at this – they have Marvel characters!” you giggled, pointing out the little Captain America ornament in the front of one of the shelves. “Do they have a Loki one?”
“If they do, I’m certain it looks nothing like me…”
“Oh wait, here it is!!” You picked up the tiny Loki figurine, holding it up beside Tom’s face. “I think it looks plenty like you!”
“Let me see it.” Tom took the ornament from your hand, scrutinizing the figure’s features. “It’s certainly not the worst depiction of Loki I’ve seen.”
“Oh, come on – don’t you want a little Loki ornament on my tree?” you asked teasingly. “It’d be like you’re always there in my apartment!”
“Charming, love. If you’d like it, I certainly won’t stop you.”
“It’s mine, then.” You brought your purchases to the front, scowling as Tom refused to allow you to pay for them, before heading out toward the grocery store.
The snow was picking up again on your way back to the apartment, heavy flakes dusting your hair and eyelashes. You put on your gloves to keep your hands warm against the chill winter air. Tom hadn’t brought any gloves of his own, but refused your offer to borrow yours, opting instead to stuff his hands in his coat pockets.
With your hand no longer laced in his, a rather mischievous idea sprang to mind. You trailed behind Tom just a bit as you walked, scooping a handful of snow off the sidewalk and molding it into a ball. You were nearly at your apartment now, only one building away, so it was now or never.
Pausing for just a moment to allow him to get a few feet ahead, you pulled your arm back and hurled the snowball at his back. Tom stopped short when the snowball exploded against his jacket, right between the shoulder blades. He spun around, jaw slightly slackened in surprise.
“Oh, you really want to start that?” he warned, his eyes narrowing with a mischievous grin.
“I believe I just did,” you quipped, quickly scooping up another handful of snow off the ground in preparation for his inevitable counterattack.
“Alright – you asked for it.” Tom swiftly crouched to pick up his own handful of snow, quickly forming a ball before chucking it straight toward you. You tried to duck, but you weren’t fast enough, and the snow slapped against the front of your shoulder.
“Oh, it’s on!” You threw your newly formed snowball at Tom, striking him in the stomach. Giggling, you ducked again as he threw another two snowballs at you, turning around so they’d strike you in the back.
“It isn’t fair that I’m doing this with my bare hands while you have gloves on,” he complained, rubbing his hands together for a moment to warm them as he dodged two more of your snowballs.
“I offered you my gloves! You said no!”
“That was before I knew you were planning to viciously attack me with snow!”
“Vicious?? That’s nothing! I’ll show you vicious!” You crouched on the ground, scooping up more snow and forming a loosely packed ball, chucking it at him before rapidly repeating the process. From your position on the ground, you could really only hit his legs, but it seemed to be plenty effective anyway as he shouted playful threats at you. “Surrender!”
“Never!” Another snowball sailed just over your head.
“You leave me no choice.” You grabbed a handful of snow, suddenly charging at him while he had his back turned to gather snow off the sidewalk behind him. Grabbing hold of the collar of his jacket, you shoved the handful of snow down his back. He yelped in surprise, jumping up and shaking the snow out of his coat.
“Alright! Alrihihight! I yield!” he protested, holding his hands up in surrender. “Next time you want to have a snowball fight, warn me so I can wear the proper attire, hmm?”
“Where would be the fun in that?” you teased, picking up your shopping bags from the sidewalk where you’d haphazardly dropped them. You grinned victoriously at Tom as you passed by him on your way into the apartment, with him heading in behind you.
You shrugged your jacket off and hung it on the coat rack, placing your purchases on the kitchen island to start setting up the cookie ingredients. Tom was surprisingly quiet for a few moments – you’d expected him to complain about the fact that you’d shoved snow down his shirt.
“Are you giving me the silent treatment, Tom?” you asked teasingly, turning around to look at him only to find he wasn’t there. “Uh, Tom? Where’d you go?”
“Right here, love.”
You nearly jumped at the proximity of his voice behind you, not realizing he’d walked around the kitchen island without you seeing him. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, and you leaned back into his embrace.
“I need you to help me with something.”
“Oh? And what’s that, your throwing aim?” you teased.
“No – I need you to help warm up my cold hands.”
Before your brain could process the implication of his request, he’d slid both hands beneath the hem of your shirt, pressing his ice-cold fingers into the bare skin of your belly. You shrieked, both from the cold and the ticklish sensation when his fingertips grazed gently against your skin.
“TOM IT’S SO COHOLD!!” you cried, twisting to escape his embrace but only succeeding in causing his hands to shift around on your belly, chilling more of your warm skin.
“I know it is. That’s why I need you to help warm them.”
“Mm, no, I think not. It’s only fair, considering you are the reason my hands are so cold in the first place.” He pressed his icy palms flat against your belly to increase the cold surface area. “Hmm. This isn’t working. Maybe if I move my hands around a bit to gather more warmth…” He wiggled his cold fingertips into the sensitive skin, and you doubled over with a shrill squeal. Somehow, the icy chill of his cold hands served to amplify the ticklish sensation, setting your nerves alight with every pass of his fingertips.
“TOHOHOM!!” Your knees buckled underneath you, sliding slowly to the floor as he followed you down.
“Darling, where are you going?” His hands slid around to your sides, crawling up to your ribs. You grabbed hold of his hands through your shirt, pushing them down and away from the spot you just knew he was aiming for.
“Don’t I dare what? Oh… you mean… this?” His fingers found his favorite tickle spot on the backs of your ribs, causing your laughter to become shrieky and desperate. His hands weren’t so cold now, at least, but god if it didn’t tickle SO badly.
“OK! O-OKAHAHAY!! YOU WIHIHIN!” You let out a giggly sigh of relief when he finally removed his hands from your ribs, slipping them back out from beneath the hem of your shirt and hugging you tight around the waist.
“Sorry, love – I couldn’t resist,” he whispered in your ear teasingly, kissing your cheek.
“Remind me never to start a snowball fight with you if you aren’t wearing gloves,” you groaned playfully. “Help me up, will you?”
“Certainly.” He stood, lifting you up off the floor with ease and setting you back on your feet. You turned around, poking a finger into his chest.
“I’m going to get you for that, Thomas,” you threatened, a bright grin on your face. He laughed, removing your hand from his chest to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“I imagine you’ll try.”
You scoffed, returning your attention to the cookie ingredients on the counter. You turned on some holiday music while Tom pulled your mixer off the top shelf of the cabinet for you (after the strainer incident, he wasn’t letting you climb on counters when he could easily get things for you), and you started mixing the butter and sugar. You measured and added the dry ingredients while Tom mixed up the cinnamon sugar coating for the cookies. Before long, the sugary, doughy smell was filling the kitchen.
“Uh… darling, did you forget something?” Tom asked suddenly.
“Huh? No, I don’t think so… I added the flour… mixed in the eggs…” You skimmed over the recipe, trying to figure out what he could be referring to. After a moment, he gently grasped your shoulders and turned you to face the oven. “What… oh. Aheh.”
“The last I checked, the oven needs to be on to actually bake the cookies,” Tom teased. You grinned sheepishly, programming the oven to preheat.
“Well, we’ve got a few extra minutes to get the cookie dough on the baking sheet,” you shrugged. “Here –“ You handed him a spoon, gesticulating to the mixing bowl. “Scoop some cookie dough onto that baking sheet, and I’ll work on this baking sheet here.”
“As you wish.”
You busied yourself placing even-sized dollops of dough on your sheet, spacing them evenly to allow space for them to spread as they baked. Halfway through, you glanced up to check on Tom’s progress, surprised to find there were only two dollops of dough on his sheet.
“What are you… hey!” Your eyes fell on a guilty-looking Tom, spoon halfway in his mouth. “I know the dough is delicious, but save some for baking, would you?”
“Apologies, darling – it’s just so good, I couldn’t help myself.”
“Well, no more taste-testing – you’ve had quite enough,” you scolded teasingly, wagging your spoon in his face for emphasis. With a final warning look, you turned back to your own baking sheet.
Something in the back of your mind told you he wasn’t finished being mischievous. You slowly lifted your gaze, finding that he was doing exactly as you’d expected – licking more cookie dough off the spoon.
“Oh, you little sneak!” You dropped your spoon into the bowl and lunged for him, latching both hands onto his ribs and digging your fingers in, eliciting a surprised yelp.
“Hehehey!” Tom pushed at your hands, spoon still grasped in his hand as you fought to keep your hold on him. He reached one hand out toward your side, which you promptly dodged and side-stepped around behind him to wrap your arms around his waist, swiftly clawing into his belly.
“Uh-uh! You need to learn a lesson! And I still owe you payback!” you cried, somehow evading his hands as you scribbled into any ticklish spot you could reach in rapid succession. Finally dropping the spoon, he reached around behind himself to try to grab for your sides, but you took the opportunity to shoot your hands up under his arms, halting his attack attempt in favor of clamping his arms to his sides.
“Ahalright!! Darling plehehease!” he pleaded, making your heart skip.
“Did I just make you beg? I’ve never been so proud of myself!” you teased, easing up and sliding your hands back down to his sides to keep him giggling. He hooked his hands around yours, and you allowed him to push you away this time, grinning victoriously up at him as he turned around to face you.
“You’re just asking for it today, aren’t you, love?”
Before he could retaliate, the oven beeped to signal it was preheated, and you took over setting cookie dough on Tom’s baking sheet so he couldn’t keep sneaking more tastes before it was baked. At last, you slid the filled baking sheets in the oven and set the timer for ten minutes, taking a seat at the kitchen island to wait. Tom sat himself down beside you, looking at you with a smile.
You knew there was probably not going to be a better time to talk to him about your plans for the holidays. Noelle was still out at work, and you had nothing else to distract you while you waited for the cookies to finish baking. The upbeat melody of Winter Wonderland was playing softly in the background as the apartment began to fill with the warm smell of cinnamon cookies.
“You seem to have something on your mind.” Tom gave you a curious look, catching your gaze. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“Oh… just thinking about the holidays this year.” You tried to sound casual, but your mind and heart were both racing as you tried to come up with the best way to discuss this. “I usually get to go see my family back home this time of year.”
“Well, aren’t you this year?” he asked.
“Yes… that’s the plan. At least, I think it is.” You looked down at your hands, playing absentmindedly with your fingers.
“You think it is?”
“Well…” You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I just… wasn’t sure what your plans were for the holidays.”
“I see.” Tom appeared thoughtful, watching you carefully as you avoided his eye. “And… why might that be?”
“I was… kind of hoping that you might want to… celebrate the holidays with me. With… my family?” You lifted your gaze slightly to look up at him through your eyelashes, biting your bottom lip with nervousness. He smiled brightly, a rumbling laugh escaping his chest.
“Why do you seem so nervous, darling? Do you think I wouldn’t want to meet your family?” He reached over to grasp your hand in both of his. “I would love nothing more than to meet your family. I simply didn’t want to push you if you weren’t ready for that.”
“Really?” An involuntary smile tugged at your lips. “You don’t mind that it will be my whole family? Like… all of my family?”
“I don’t mind at all.”
“And you don’t mind that we’d be staying at my parents’ house?”
“Sounds wonderful.”
You squeezed his hand in yours, leaning forward to kiss him. “I love you. So much.”
“And I love you.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead just as the oven timer went off, grinning at you as you sprang up from the stool to retrieve the cookies from the oven. Carefully, you scooped the cookies onto a cooling rack, resisting the urge to take a bite of a molten hot cookie. “They smell delicious.”
“See? Wasn’t it worth actually baking them and not just eating all the batter?” you teased. “Now you just have to wait a few minutes for them to cool.”
“Hmm.” He stood, taking a few steps toward you. “I can think of a good way to spend those few minutes.”
“Tom… noho, don’t even…” You backed away as he advanced, wiggling his fingers in the air teasingly at you. “No, no, we’re even now!”
“As I recall, it was you who started the snowball fight, and it was you who got the last laugh. I believe that means it’s my turn.”
He lunged toward you suddenly, eliciting a shriek from your lips as you turned and ran down the hallway toward your room, hoping to close the door before he could get to you. He was one step too quick for you, his hand preventing the door from closing all the way while the other wrapped around your waist, scooping you off the ground into his arms and kneading his fingers into your ribs where his hand rested on your side. Your giggles filled the room as you swung your legs to try to escape his hold.
But you didn’t really want to. This was exactly where you wanted to be. And you just couldn’t wait to start making travel plans with Tom for the holidays.
Part 7
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