#not the voicelines; he does do more serious and stressed dialogue then
pikkish · 1 year
I don't really know about jupiter hell, but jupiter guy with E1 and D5?
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Allow me to tell you a few things about Jupiter Hell, anon. One of the things you will notice almost immediately when playing is that jupeguy has. A lot of dialogue. He will say things when you pick up new weapons, and he will say things when you arrive on certain levels, and he will even say things when you leave the game idling in the background. And almost all of the time, this dialogue is sarcastic, amused, or downright cocky.
Like, for example! When you encounter exalted enemies. Exalted enemies generally spawn in trios, and they are stronger than normal enemies, and they always have one to three extra perks, like armor, speed, or exploding on death. But jupeguy is entirely unfazed by this. "Ooh, a challenge," he'll brazenly laugh on sighting them. "Go ahead. Make my day."
Except for when you are in the final levels, at the gates of Hell itself,* where, unless you know what you're doing, half the enemies can kill you in two hits, and the other half have the health to sit and wait for you to die. Jupeguy isn't nearly so snarky, then. He recognizes, as you slink further into the unholy station, what dire straits he's in. And when he spots the glowing monstrosity of a reaver stalking through the door when he's only just survived a fight with a pair of medusae, his words aren't nearly so confident.
"Fuck," he'll hiss, more desperate than he'd like to admit. "Not now."
*he also uses the Serious dialogue lines in Purgatory, but considering how terrifying Purgatory is and also how very secret it is, you're probably not gonna go there in a normal run.
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gible-love-nibles · 2 years
S Q U I D for the ask game maybe :D
Funny Squid guy
(Ask meme from here!)
S - Story - if you and them were in a fairytale, which story would you be and who would play which character?
Ok this one is REALLY interesting to me. I assume they mean a well-known story, something like Little Red Riding Hood.
Squid doesn't really strike me as the type to indulge in that kind of thing; he'd probably keep it "classic". Classic as classic can get: a knight saving a princess from a dragon. Squid would want to be the dragon who gets to crush the puny little knight >:] Maybe I'd be the princess, maybe I'd be the knight.
Q - Quirk - what’s a small, unique thing they do that you noticed, appreciate, or just find interesting? conversely, what quirks do they notice about you?
Squid's got a lot of talking quirks I've noticed from listening to his voicelines both in and out of game. I guess when you have over 1,300 unique lines of dialogue, patterns will inevitably crop up.
He has a little habit of voice-cracking every once in a while.
"You will need someone to solve these silly problems for you!" "I'll just play dumb and play along until one day my genius plan comes into fruition." "I just know leveling up is extremely fun for humans!"
He pronounces "universes" by really emphasizing the "uni-" part ( like u-knee). This also applies to "unicorn".
When he gets really excited or emotional, you can hear his voice going really high in pitch or even start to glitch. I can't get over when you hear him really laugh; he has no right being that cute.
(Rest are under the readmore because I don't want this post to stretch too far down)
U - Uplift - how do they help you when you’re stressed or sad and vice versa?
Puts me in gay baby jail /hj
To be more serious, Squid already made an "anger management" room in-game, so he'd probably bring me in there and watch from a distance. He's not great with encouraging or comforting words that don't sound manufactured, but getting me away from the thing that's stressing me out/making me sad or just being in a different place and doing something else helps.
I - Image - show us a picture of them that gives you a lot of feelings. if they aren’t a visual character, describe your mental image of them!
When you first get to the timed laser level and he's like, "Come on, let's party!"
The uwus that dropped on my head like a BRICK-
That's one and there's. A lot more I can think so, just gonna say that one.
(I know it asks for an image but, without the voiceline it doesn't make much sense)
D - Danger - which of you is more likely to get into trouble? how well does your f/o handle danger?
Who is Squid not in trouble with HYGFDFGTHY (me, and everyone else who self ships with him)
I feel the whole game addresses this question: when he's in control, Squid does all he can to quash and destroy it. When it's out of his control, he'll go down kicking and screaming.
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