#not to mention his budding friendship with roman!! they used to be like <3< and now they're sorta more like. <>/<3<
IM SORRYYYYYY IM THINKIN ABOUT VIRGIL SANDERS ALL THE TIME FOREVER. it's just lil things. the way he slips up with his tempest tongue when remus appears. THE GLITTERY PURPLE EYESHADOW WHEN HE'S EXCITED!!!! the fact that he liked the purple hair SO MUCH he put purple patches on his sweater. the shitty skateboarding in the second crofter's video. his lil skeleton onesie!!! the one green eye and one purple when he's a puppet!!! his entire design both physically and in personality is so good idk what kinda crack thomas sanders put into this guy but i am snorting line after line of it
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
Friends in Dark Places [remastered, ch 12]
pairing: moxiety, eventual logince, background eventual remile, background eventual remy/emile/deceit
WARNINGS: sensory overload, panic attacks, self hate, school dances, swearing, food mentions, kissing, embarrassment, rumors, eating, possibly something else
tag list: @hufflepuffgirl01 @cocobearthe4th @cas-is-a-hunter @band-be-boss-blog @theunoriginaldaisy
a/n: jsyk, it’s totally okay to ask for a modified chapter if you need it or if i need to add tags! i get it, and it’s no problem for me to quick edit a chapter or whatever :) also, feel free to send requests or questions that you have!
a/n 2: :)
chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 -chapter 7 - chapter 8 - chapter 9 - chapter 10 - chapter 11 - chapter 13
companion fics: exes and ‘oh’s
consider buying me a coffee
“So, Virgil. Are you going to prom?” Roman casually asked before popping a french fry in his mouth.
“Um, I don’t know. I wasn’t planning on it.” Virgil absently dipped a chicken nugget into the pool of ranch on his tray. He really hadn’t thought about prom that much. Plus, the thought of a whole bunch of his peers stuck in one room together, probably grinding with their respective dates, was not a pleasant one.
“Awww, kiddo! You should go! You could come with us; we’re going to grab dinner and everything,” Patton whined.
“I mean, I guess?” Virgil grimaced as he weighed the options. “But don’t I have to rent a tux? I don’t have money for that, especially not after what happened on Monday. I’d be surprised to find my credit card still working with all of that in mind.”
Logan jumped into the conversation. “You would have to rent a tux, yes, but the three of us would be more than happy to help cover your expenses. We value you as a member of our friend group, and we wouldn’t exclude you from something just because you couldn’t afford it.”
Virgil opened his mouth to argue, but Roman interjected, “Dude, seriously. Just let us do this for you. It’ll be fun!”
“Plus, Ro already bought you a ticket,” Logan added and held out a small slip of cardstock. Westview Junior Prom.
Well, Virgil Thomas was now going to prom.
“Hey, Pat? Can you help me with my tie?” Virgil called from his bathroom. He had been struggling for the past five minutes trying to figure out the witchcraft behind ties, and he still had zero clue as to what he was supposed to be doing.
“Be right there, kiddo!” It was only a few moments before soft footsteps could be heard approaching, and Patton walked into the bathroom. He’d already mostly finished getting ready sans the fact that his hair was a catastrophic mess. Virgil could guess that he’d been trying to fix it when he’d been called into the other room.
“Alright. Work your magic,” Virgil smirked. In a matter of seconds, Patton had looped and pulled the tie into place, gently tightening it around Virgil’s neck. It was deep purple, picked out specifically because of his dislike of most other colors, and it went very well with the blues and reds of the others’ ties. The tie also matched the freshly dyed purple hair that Roman had forced his three friends to do along with him earlier that afternoon. What an ass.
Virgil admired his reflection. “Dude, what the fuck? How did you do that?” He felt oddly confident in his skin. The same feeling had come about a few times since he’d met Patton, and he had to admit that it was nice. Pat’s happy-go-lucky attitude somehow perfectly meshed with Virgil’s own doom-and-gloom one, forming a hilariously compatible friendship.
Patton smiled and ruffled Virgil hair, much to the other’s dismay. “Now that I helped you, will you please fix my hair.”
“Ugh, fine.”
“I mean it, Virge! Look at this.” Pat ran his fingers through his hair and aggressively tugged when he reached a clump of knots.
“Okay, yeah, we’re fixing that right now.”
“Dinner? Really, Patton? You guys couldn’t have told me about this before?” Virgil whined as the four walked into the diner. Yes, a diner, which meant that they were ridiculously overdressed; every other patron was wearing some sort of flannel and jeans combo. It smelled great, sure, but it was so unexpected that he couldn’t help but feel on edge.
“It’s our favorite restaurant,” Logan explained. “We always come here before school events. Roman has coined it as some sort of weird ritual, but it’s mostly tradition.” He led Virgil to the booth that Patton and Roman had already rushed to sit in.
“Plus, we’re friends with the staff,” Ro started with a smile. “You’ll love them; they’re all super nice. Speaking of, here comes Emilia.”
A young lady with brown hair walked up to their table, pulling out her small notepad. “Well, who do we have here? Another addition to our little group of customers of the month for every month since 2014?”
“Hey, Emilia!” Patton said. “This is Virgil; he’s a new friend of ours. He’s been living with me for a few weeks while his dad is out of the country on business.”
“That’s sweet, Patton. Now, what can I get for you guys?”
The three regulars spouted off their orders, clearly versed in what they wanted to eat. Suddenly, all eyes turned to Virgil. He’d barely been able to look over the menu in the time the others had taken to order.
“Uh… I… Um…” He stuttered. Every drop of intelligence that he had in his body was gone in an instant, and he was left a bumbling mess.
“He’ll have a cheeseburger and fries, thanks,” Patton cut in, saving his friend from any further embarrassment.
“Alright! I’ll be back in a few with your food and a pitcher of water!” Emilia gave the boys another smile before she walked back behind the counter to tend to other customers. Almost immediately, Patton and Roman launched themselves into a fast paced discussion about the upcoming festivities. Virgil, unsurprisingly, not only felt anxious, but he also felt like a complete idiot. He was just ordering dinner--there was no reason for him to have been so freaked out.
Virgil felt a hand rest on his left shoulder, turning to see Logan with a worried expression etched on his face. “Are you okay? Do you need to step outside for a moment to regain composure? I’d be willing to go with you if you don’t want to be alone.”
“Uh, no. I’m okay. I’m just a little worried. I mean, this is my first proper school event in, like, ever, and it’s freaking intimidating. You guys go to these things multiple times a year?” Virgil ran his hands through his hair, distressed.
“I understand. When Roman and Patton first made me come with them to homecoming, I was so nervous that I nearly passed out on the way here. Thankfully, I wasn’t driving us everywhere back then otherwise that would’ve ended in a disaster.” Logan gave Virgil a small smile, adding to the tiny--yet slowly growing--list of his outward displays of emotion. Virgil knew Lo wasn’t an emotionless android, but Roman and Patton were so all over the place that someone needed to play the calm and collected one.
“They can be pretty intense,” Virgil commented with a smile at the enthusiastic conversation across the table from them. Both of the teens were grinning and flinging their hands around in wild gestures, barely avoiding impact.
“Yeah, they sure can.” Logan glanced at the other side of the table with a fond expression, but he quickly snapped out of his reverie. “Don’t worry about the dance. Oh, here!” He pulled a pair of earbuds out of his inside jacket pocket and held them out to Virgil. “It gets pretty loud at these dances. I’ve observed that you put on headphones when it gets too noisy, so I brought these just in case you didn’t have your own.”
Virgil pocketed them just as Emilia finally returned with their food. The other three immediately began to dig in while he hesitantly poked at his burger. He picked up a fry and lazily popped it into his mouth.
He picked at his fries for a few minutes, but he eventually worked his way up to taking a bite of his burger. “Holy shit! This stuff is great--wait, why haven’t you taken me here yet?”
“I was trying to ease you into our friend group, so I thought eating dinner at my house would save you some unnecessary interaction,” Pat explained. “Obviously, that was a crime against your taste buds.”
“Of course it was, Patton. Depriving anyone of this blessed food is practically a war crime!” Roman dramatically stated, throwing out his arms. Virgil snorted at the theatrics.
They continued to eat, and all but Virgil had finished their dinner when Emilia returned to their table for dessert orders. Logan ordered a slice of pecan pie for himself, a chocolate lava cake for Roman, a hot fudge sundae for Patton, and a caramel shake for Virgil. Patton, of course, began to spout off a review of all of the desserts they’d ordered, even though Virgil wouldn’t be eating most of them. They all listened politely, not really absorbing any of the information, until their orders arrived. Within a nanosecond, Pat’s face was stuffed full of vanilla ice cream and fudge sauce, easily and efficiently shutting him up.
They ate in near silence, save for the “light” discussion of whether cake or pie was better (Patton eventually had to cut in when Roman threatened Logan with a butterknife). Pat covered the whole bill once they’d finished, claiming “it’s my way of thanking you guys for putting up with my shenanigans.”
“Three, two, one!” Roman dramatically counted as he threw the doors to the venue open. Time seemed to freeze as the four friends stepped in; all eyes snapped to them. It had been days since they’d been the topic of gossip at school, but that didn’t mean the student body had lost their interest in the boys.
Roman was at the front of the group, confidently striding to the grand staircase and adjusting his red tie. Logan followed close behind, who looked absolutely stunning in the sharp suit and deep blue tie. Then was Patton, who was marveling at the cascading flower vines and glittering fairy lights. And last but certainly not least…
Virgil. He had a wary smile on his face, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his slacks. The boy made absolutely sure that he didn’t get lost; he kept eyes on Patton the entire time they descended the stairs.
Logan had been right; it was fucking loud. People were screaming left and right, and the music was so loud that Virgil could feel every beat vibrate in his chest. He was lucky that he’d put the earbuds in before they’d arrived, or he never would have stepped inside the venue.
Patton turned around to check on Virgil, obviously sensing the tension building in his friend. He held out his hand for Virgil, who hesitated for just a moment before gently taking it. If people wanted to believe they were together, that wasn’t his problem. It was no skin off his back.
They talked and danced for what felt like hours, and Virgil even joined in on a few of the dances he knew. He was having fun. He smiled and laughed, and it was all genuine! In just a few short weeks, Patton had actually transformed him from a suicidal nightmare into someone who found joy in life. It was a stupid sentiment, and he knew it, but it still brought Virgil a bit of warmth in his chest.
The DJ announced a slow dance. Ugh, how awful. He had nobody to dance with; it was just—
Patton tugged Virgil’s hand lightly, pulling their bodies closer together. “Wanna dance? We don’t have to, of course, but it would be a fun first experience for both of us!”
“I—Uh, sure,” Virgil mumbled, trying to hide his gently growing blush. Pat gently guided Virgil’s hands around his neck and placed his own on Virgil’s waist. For the first time, Virgil noticed that he was just an inch or so taller than his friend. Reveling in the warmth and closeness, the two swayed together to the gentle rhythm.
The song ended, and Virgil stepped back, shoving his hands into his pockets. He was extremely grateful that the low light hid his pink cheeks. The screaming resumed as couples broke apart, and early 2000s rap boomed out of the speakers.
And then just like that, Virgil was attacked by anxiety. His hands started shaking, and he rushed away from the small group he was in, mumbling something about going to the bathroom. He calmed slightly when he had made it outside, where he simply collapsed to the ground, but then his panic picked up again when he realized how fucking alone he was always going to be.
Nobody would love the weird guy who rushes out on social gatherings for no fucking reason! Why should they? Virgil had nothing to offer; he was just a guy who had snark to rival Roman and barely two cents to his name.
Tears streamed down his face, running in dark gray streaks as they mixed with his black eye makeup. He could feel his chest heaving, but little air actually made it into his body. Everything was working overtime yet nothing actually happened. Virgil stayed sobbing on the ground. Nothing. Changed.
“Virge, honey? Do you need me to call my mom and have her pick us up?” Patton slowly lowered himself next to Virgil, talking softly so that he woudn’t stir up anything worse.
“N-No! I’ll… I’ll… Fuck!” Virgil cried as he ripped the earbuds out of his ears. He threw the cord a few feet away, instantly regretting it as the sound of shattering plastic reached his ears. He’d have to buy Logan new ones. He couldn’t afford to replace them.
“Goodness gracious, Virgil. It’s okay. I’m going to call Logan, and we’re going to get you out of here—“
“I-I-I don’t… want t-t-to… ruin… night…” Virgil sputtered. He was having trouble pushing the words out; all of them got stuck in his throat.
Patton carefully began to comb through Virgil’s hair with his fingers in an attempt to soothe the attack. “Don’t worry about that, kiddo. There isn’t much more fun to be had, anyway. We still love you—I still love you.”
That’s it. That’s what he felt. Love. He loved Patton.
All of the impulse control he had—though, truthfully, there was very little to begin with—left his body. He reached out and brought Pat’s face to his own, lightly kissing him. Patton stiffened for a fraction of a second before relaxing into the kiss. They were both going to regret this later, but what did that matter in the moment?
chapter 13
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Summary:  Damien paused his fingers, slowly moving them to wrap his hand around Virgil’s wrist. The feeling made a little buzz in Virgil’s veins, it spread fast to the rest of his body and just when he felt like he was going to burst, he felt himself speaking
June 24th : Friendship, June 25th : Roceit, June 26th : Loceit, June 27th : DLAMP, June 28th : Patceit, June 29th : Anxceit, June 30th : FamILY
Pairings: Anxceit, Loroyality?/ (Logan x Roman x Patton)
Word Count: 1,160
Warnings : Deceit’s name is Damien in this. Sympathetic Deceit. mentions of anxiety, polyamory, swearing.
Notes : Leave a like, a reblog, message, and reply! 
“Eyeing Mr Snakeface again are we?” Roman’s voice nearly scared Virgil enough to drop his plate right over Patton’s head. Thankfully, Logan shot his hand up and caught the plate waiter style, saving both his boyfriend’s and Virgil’s lunch. The two sat down to join them with Virgil by his best friend, Roman scooting a little closer to each of his boyfriend’s who were listening to something on Patton’s phone each with a headphone in. There were about four seats on the other side of the lunch table separating Virgil and Roman, but the latter didn’t seem to mind as he leaned forward to hear Virgil’s response, blushing a little as Patton took his hand in his.
“I was not eyeing anything.” Virgil replied, mimicking a gagging sound as he watched Patton hold Roman’s hand. Playfully of course. All three of them knew he was fine with their relationship, they spent so much time worrying if they were leaving him out, Virgil often wondered how much time they spent actually doing coupley things.
“Tell that to your face.” Patton giggled, taking his headphone out and handing it over to Roman. Roman smiled as he put the headphone and if Virgil wasn’t already paying attention to the way one of Damien Swindle’s friends were trying to put his hair up into a ponytail, he might have made a joke about what they were listening to.
“What?” Virgil asked, turning his head toward Patton as the barely five foot six senior sat on top of his hands, kicking his feet idly.
“You’re blushing.” Logan said without looking up from Patton’s phone.
“Are not.” Virgil said, lifting his phone up from the table to check in the reflection. He was.
“Not only is that statement factually incorrect, but grammatically as well.” Logan replied, pulling his ear bud out fully now. And even though Roman was leaning over to show Virgil whatever funny video Patton had pulled up, assuming it was his cute dog collection, Virgil could only notice Damien fucking Swindle turning around toward him with a hairtye in his particularly short hair smiling and waving.
“Fuck, I am blushing.” Virgil pointed two fingers across the cafeteria, hopping that was enough to subdue him, but it wasn’t apparently because Damien got up and started heading their way.
Damien Swindle was a senior, most people knew him from trying to do everything at once. He kept to himself, except for the two juniors that followed him around. Virgil didn’t know their names but one had glasses and the other always had a full iced coffee in their hands, even at 3 pm. Damien was also short, shorter than Patton who was only 5’6, and had nice hazel eyes and sometimes smiled at Virgil in Psychology in a way that made his stomach explode. And he was now sitting down next to Virgil.
You could say he was kind of freaking out.
“Hey guys.” Damien had a blush on his face, Virgil noticed as he just kind of sat there staring at him. He opened his mouth to reply as a chorus of hellos came from the other side of Virgil, but nothing came out.
“Nice ponytail.” Patton said, reaching his hand out to flick the tiny thing on top of Damien’s head.
“Thanks Pat, truly a work of art. Ariana’s wig : flown.” Damien made the motion of flipping his hair, but since it was kind of short it didn’t really go anywhere. Patton giggled, soft and kind of dazed and his attention fell on his boyfriends who were silently discussing something. Damien laughed too, but it was bigger, or at least louder, even though to Virgil it kind of felt empty. And then, after silence fell among the table just out of lack of anything to say, Damien hissed nervously, reaching up to scratch hair along his neck. “Sorry, that was pretty gay.”
“Oh please,” Roman interrupted upon hearing his favorite word. “You never have to apologize for that around us.”
“We are in fact,” Logan said, handing Patton’s phone back to him, and to free his hands and he made finger quotes in the air. “Pretty gay.”
“Speaking of gay,” Patton said, and the mumbles of yeah and what a segway went unnoticed as he reached down to squeeze one of Virgil’s hands, warning him. Or at least Virgil didn’t realize it was a warning until Patton was leaning forward on his elbows, nudging Virgil’s shoulder, and continuing his sentence with a teasing tone. “I think Virgil had something to ask you Damien.”
And with that Patton got up, pulling Logan and Roman away from the table groaning with promises of buying them pudding, leaving Virgil completely alone with his crush. Damien smiled softly, finally dropping his hand to the table and walking two fingers along until his hand stopped really close to Virgil’s arm. Virgil swallowed, watching the way Damien’s adams apple stuck out a little bit as he walked his fingers onto Virgil’s arm, the shorter boy’s gaze never falling from Virgil’s pale skin. Damien paused his fingers, slowly moving them to wrap his hand around Virgil’s wrist. The feeling made a little buzz in Virgil’s veins, it spread fast to the rest of his body and just when he felt like he was going to burst, he felt himself speaking. “You wanna go out on Friday?”
Damien squeezed Virgil’s wrist, the motion felt a little awkward but Virgil kind of thought it was a sentiment, until Damien pulled his hand away to reach into his pocket. He pulled out his phone and reached back over to place it in Virgil’s hand. “Put your number in my phone and we can decide on a place and time.”
“Sure.” Virgil croaked and he wanted die just a little more inside, but Damien laughed watching the way Virgil typed his full name out, and taking the phone back from him only to delete his last name and add a purple heart next to his first name.
There was no room for uncomfortableness because the triad was returning, Logan complaining about them only having chocolate pudding but letting Roman feed him with a plastic spoon anyway as they stopped in front of the table. Patton sat down, tugging on Virgil’s arm. “How’d it go?”
Virgil blushed again, reaching his hands up to tug on the strings of his hoodie, and hide his face.
“I’ll see you on Friday.” Damien laughed, pocketing his phone and standing up. “After I beat Roman for the lead in auditions.”
“Yeah right Snakeface.” Roman yelled through a spoonful of chocolate pudding as Damien walked away. Logan reached over to clear the pudding off Roman’s chin but Patton trying to kiss him made it a little difficult, and Virgil almost groaned until he got a notification on his phone.
I’d tell you not to blush so much Virge, but you’re really fucking cute when you do. See you friday x
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