#note that this is classical chinese and it’s hard for me to understand it isbxoajx 😭
wangxian-the-zhijis · 2 months
For those who want to see the full translation of Lan Wangji’s invitation letter to Wei Wuxian at episode 31, here you go.
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Written letter:
魏嬰今日安否 金氏子軒公子與江氏之女喜得貴子 將滿百日 金氏設宴金麟臺 眾親朋來賀 嬰當以禮赴之
To submit
Wei Ying, are you well today? Young Master Zixuan of the Jin clan and Lady Jiang have been blessed to have a son, who is about to reach a hundred days. The Jin clan will hold a banquet in Jinlintai (Koi Tower). A lot of relatives and friends will come to celebrate. According to the ritual, Ying should attend.
Lan Wangji
The lovely thing here is that, lwj started the letter with, “are you well today?” showing his concern to wwx in the most formal way, telling him ‘I’m here, I’m still by your side. Are you okay? 🥺’ He even dropped wwx’s surname and directly called him ‘Ying’ 😭 If this was wwx, he would 100% call lwj ‘Zhanzhan’ or ‘A-Zhan’ 😭
Detailed explanation of the letter under the cut—
送呈 - submit
送呈: submit; to give to whomever is going to read
魏嬰今日安否 - Wei Ying, are you well today?
魏嬰: Wei Ying; Wei Wuxian’s birth name
今日: today
安否: safety; welfare; well-being
金氏子軒公子與江氏之女喜得貴子 - Young Master Zixuan of the Jin clan and Lady Jiang have been blessed to have a son
金氏: Jin clan; Jin Family
子軒: Zixuan; courtesy name without the surname
公子: young master
與: and; together with
江氏: Jiang clan; Jiang Family
之女: daughter; lady
喜: happy; delighted; pleased; blessed
得: get; obtain; gain
貴子: son
將滿百日 - almost fill a hundred days
將: be going to; be about to; will; shall
滿: full; fill; complete; reach
百: hundred (automatically means one hundred if there are no numbers written before)
日: day
金氏設宴金麟臺 - The Jin clan will hold a banquet in Jinlintai
金氏: Jin clan; Jin Family
設宴: hold a banquet/celebration/festival
金麟臺: (place) Jinlintai; Koi Tower
眾親朋來賀 - A lot of relatives and friends will come to celebrate
眾: many; numerous
親朋: relatives and friends (親屬: relatives; 朋友: friends)
來: come; attend
賀: celebrate; congratulate
I have doubts with the last sentence [[follow the colors to see which translation goes to which]]
嬰當以禮赴之 - Ying should be treated with courtesy if he will attend // According to the ritual, Ying should attend
嬰: Ying, Wei Wuxian’s birth name without the surname
當: ought to; should; must; treat as; regard as
以: with; by means of; according to
禮: courtesy; politeness; ritual
赴: go to; attend
藍忘機 - Lan Wangji
藍忘機: Lan Wangji; courtesy name
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