#nursing care
macgyvermedical · 4 months
Caring for Someone Who Can't Move
Requested by @control-whump
So here's the thing. Humans are meant to move. Even when we look like we're sitting still or asleep, we are moving. Constantly.
So if there's a reason someone physically cannot move, such as paralysis, unconsciousness, or a problem with sensation or drive to move, there are things we have to do to prevent injury to that person.
Why do we move?
There are a few reasons. The first is that we have blood vessels and nerves throughout the body. Any time we are still, there is pressure being placed on some part of the body- the bottom of the feet, the butt, the back, etc... That pressure on blood vessels means there is less blood getting to that area. Pressure on nerves changes how signals are sent between that part of the body and the brain. When we don't move at all, damage begins to occur to the tissue due to lack of blood flow. Too much pressure for long enough can also damage the nerves (you have experienced a mild version of this when your limb "falls asleep" and gets tingly when you try to move it after a long time of laying on it.)
Veins- while the heart pumps blood out to arteries, veins use a series of valves to push blood back to the heart. This system relies on the muscles around the veins contracting. If they didn't contract, fluid would pool in the lowest part of the body, usually the feet, which would cause swelling. This is also a problem because the lack of blood movement increases the risk of blood clots that can lead to heart attacks or strokes.
Maintenance of muscle tone- If you sat on a couch and "didn't move" for a week you would lose muscle tone. But not as much muscle tone as you would lose if you actually didn't move for a week due to paralysis. Plus, over long periods of disuse, tendons shorten, causing something called a contracture, which can sometimes only be treated with surgery.
If someone is able to move, we usually encourage that first. If you've ever had surgery you know that getting you up and moving is the #1 thing you will be doing as soon as you are conscious enough to do so. This prevents blood clots and speeds healing. The sooner a person can return to normal activities, even assisted, the better off they will be in the long run.
But what if the person can't move- How do we prevent problems related to immobility?
Well, a lot of times we artificially "provide" movement for the immobile person. For example, we turn people every 2 hours (basically leaning them one way for 2 hours and then the other, trying to redistribute pressure and give the nerves and blood vessels a break) to prevent skin breakdown and we do range of motion exercises for the person several times per day to prevent contractures and loss of tone.
Range of motion exercises mean moving each joint in all the directions that joint moves multiple times per session. Here is an example of assisted ROM:
There are also other things we do to support the person overall, like making sure they have adequate nutrition (makes the skin better at tolerating sub-optimal blood flow), cleaning them up promptly when they urinate or defecate (if urine or feces sits on the skin it irritates it and causes wounds), and making sure there are no wrinkles in the sheets or clothing that presses on particular parts of the body.
What other things do we need to consider if someone doesn't move?
They're probably not able to take care of themselves in other ways, like cleaning themself or brushing their teeth. They are also probably not able to feed themself or clean themselves when they urinate or defecate, or be able to take medication for themself. So all of these things have to be done for the person.
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atoznursing · 11 months
Intramuscular Injection
Intramuscular Injection Procedure Continue reading Untitled
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adrianasgnn · 1 year
Curél Cares Campaign Gives Back to the ANA [Video]
#HomeCareNursing #NursingCare #PatientCare #UnitedStatesHomeCare #Home Care Nursing #Nursing Care #Patient Care #United States Home Care
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information20 · 1 year
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The Best Home Nursing Care in Dubai
In Dubai, getting the right home nursing care can make a big difference in your or your loved one’s health and well-being. At Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center, we’re here to make things easier for you. With a whole lot of options available, it can be daunting to determine which home nursing service is the best fit for you or your loved ones. At Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center, we pride ourselves on offering exceptional home healthcare services in Dubai tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Let’s answer some common questions about home nursing in Dubai and why Yadalamal is a top choice.
Which home nursing service is the best in Dubai?
Undoubtedly, Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center!! Known for its excellent care, skilled staff, and holistic approach, everyone in the facility is committed to giving you the best possible support tailored to each individual’s needs.
Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center is widely recognized as a premier provider of home nursing care in Dubai. Our reputation for excellence is built on a foundation of compassionate care, skilled professionals, and personalized service. We understand that every individual has unique needs, and our team is dedicated to delivering the best possible support to ensure your comfort and well-being.
How much does home nursing cost in Dubai?
Home nursing prices start at 75 AED/hour, with a minimum of 4 hours. We also provide competitive prices for monthly packages, starting at 9000/- and upwards, depending on the number of days and hours. We make sure you get genuine care without the stress of overpriced nursing services.
Cost is an important consideration when seeking home nursing care, and at Yadalamal, we believe in transparency and affordability. Our pricing structure is designed to be competitive yet fair, ensuring that you receive the care you need without financial strain. We offer flexible payment options and strive to work within your budget to provide comprehensive and cost-effective care.
What Conditions Do Home Care Nurses in Dubai Treat?
Our nurses are trained to handle a variety of illnesses and health problems, from chronic conditions to everyday care such as:
Diabetes Care Management,
High blood pressure,
Post-surgical Care,
Post-partum care,
Neurological conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, etc.
PEG Tube (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) Care,
NG Tube (Naso-Gastric) Care,
Tracheostomy Care,
Elderly Care,
Wound management, etc.
We also offer specialized care for various neurological disorders, respiratory conditions, palliative care, and many more, ensuring that all your health needs are met with professionalism and compassion. You’re in good hands with us. Our nurses can help with lots of different health issues. Whatever your needs, we’re here to help.
How Do You Find Good Home Care Nurses in Dubai?
Although finding nurses who are qualified, experienced, and genuinely caring is difficult, at Yadalamal, we have a team of professional nurses ready to give you and your loved ones the care, support, and treatment you need.
At Yadalamal, we take pride in our team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing exceptional care. Our nurses undergo rigorous training and certification to ensure competence and proficiency in delivering quality care. Additionally, we prioritize compassionate service and building trusting relationships with our clients, ensuring that you feel supported and valued throughout your care journey.
Can home nurses in Dubai give injections or medicines?
Yes, our nurses can give you injections or medicine prescribed by the doctor. Whether it’s simple insulin shots, IM (intramuscular injections), or subcutaneous injections, just like at a hospital, our nurses ensure it’s done safely and correctly.
Medication administration is a critical aspect of home nursing care, and our nurses adhere to strict protocols to ensure safe and accurate administration. We also provide education and support to help you understand your medications and manage them effectively, promoting optimal health outcomes and medication adherence.
How do I get home nursing in Dubai?
Getting started is easy. Just reach out to Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center, and we’ll guide you through the process. All that’s needed is your name, location, discharge summary, if available, or details of the condition and medications. Our team will then schedule a visit and do the needful. We’ll work with you to create a care plan that fits your needs.
We will work collaboratively with you and your family to develop a personalized care plan that addresses your specific requirements and promotes your overall well-being. Our goal is to make the transition to home nursing care as smooth and stress-free as possible, ensuring that you receive the highest quality of care in the comfort of your own home.
In short, Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center offers top-notch home nursing care in Dubai. Our goal is to make your life easier and healthier. Contact us at +971525501508 today and experience the difference for yourself.
Summary or Key Takeaway Points:
Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center: A trusted provider of comprehensive home nursing care in Dubai; your go-to facility for home nursing care in Dubai.
Fair prices: quality care that is budget-friendly. We ensure you receive competitive rates tailored to your budget.
wide range of services: skilled nurses ready to help with various health needs.
Compassionate care: Our team is here to support you every step of the way.
Medication assistance: safe and reliable medication management.
Simple process: Reach out to us, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Simple call: +971525501508 to schedule an appointment!
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Blood pressure management is a critical aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being. As a leading home health care provider in Houston, Texas, Benchmark Home Health, understands the importance of monitoring blood pressure levels regularly.
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lothenursellc · 25 days
When it comes to healthcare, the quality of patient transport can dramatically affect outcomes. That’s where concierge nursing services in New York City, New York come into play. This specialized service goes beyond traditional patient transport, offering a seamless blend of safety, comfort, and personalized care. By prioritizing the individual needs of patients, concierge nursing services ensure that every journey is not just a transfer but a continuation of quality care.
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Happy Mother's Day Maa!! Thank You For Everything You Do, Especially The Way You Support Me in Fulfilling My Dreams And Take Care Of Us Even When We Know You Are Tired But Still You Try Your Best For Us. I Love You Maa 💗🤱💗 #happymothersday
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nursinghomecare · 1 month
Comfort and Community: Residential Care in Wolverhampton with Select Healthcare Group
Experience exceptional residential care in Wolverhampton with Select Healthcare Group. Our dedicated team provides compassionate support and a comfortable environment tailored to individual needs. With a focus on holistic well-being, residents enjoy enriching activities and a sense of community. Trust Select Healthcare Group for compassionate and personalized care in Wolverhampton.
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bunnysnhi · 2 months
Dothan nurse who admitted to stealing patient pain pills enters diversion program [Video]
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bereavedmum · 2 months
The medical expertise and nursing care here is excellent
I just want to clear up some misunderstandings that may arise from some of my previous posts; the fact that none of the samples from Leah’s lungs have ever grown any bugs is not actually good news – a lung infection in a post transplant patient is potentially easier to treat than inflammation. Inflammation of the lungs is called PNEUMONITIS and I’m told that in Leah’s case it’s likely to be an…
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beehiverowlett · 2 months
LifeLine High Acuity Patient Services
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LifeLine High Acuity Patient Services stands at the forefront of this critical mission, offering a beacon of hope and expert care for those in dire need. Our comprehensive approach combines cutting-edge technology, advanced medical practices, and a compassionate, patient-centered ethos to redefine high acuity care.
Unmatched Expertise in Critical Conditions
At LifeLine, we understand that patients with high acuity needs require more than just routine medical attention—they need specialized care tailored to their unique conditions. Our team comprises seasoned professionals from various disciplines, including intensive care specialists, surgeons, nurses, and support staff, all united in their commitment to deliver exceptional care. Their deep expertise enables them to manage complex health issues effectively, from acute injuries to chronic conditions requiring intensive management.
State-of-the-Art Facilities and Technology
Our facilities are equipped with the latest in medical technology, ensuring that every patient receives care that not only meets but exceeds current healthcare standards. From advanced monitoring systems to innovative therapeutic devices, LifeLine High Acuity Patient Services is prepared to tackle the most challenging health crises. Our commitment to technological advancement also means we are constantly updating our practices and protocols to incorporate the latest medical research and findings.
A Holistic Approach to Patient Care
Recognizing the multifaceted nature of high acuity conditions, LifeLine adopts a holistic approach to care. This means addressing not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and psychological needs of our patients and their families. Our multidisciplinary teams work in close collaboration to create personalized care plans that encompass all aspects of the patient's wellbeing. Moreover, we believe in empowering our patients and their loved ones through education and support, ensuring they are active participants in the care process.
Rapid Response and Continuous Support
LifeLine's operations are anchored in the principle of rapid response. Understanding that time is of the essence in critical care, our teams are trained to act swiftly and efficiently to stabilize patients and provide the necessary interventions. Beyond the initial response, we provide continuous support throughout the recovery journey, including follow-up care and rehabilitation services, to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Commitment to Excellence
LifeLine High Acuity Patient Services embodies a relentless pursuit of excellence in all aspects of high acuity care. Our accreditation by leading healthcare standards organizations is a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and patient satisfaction. As we look to the future, we are dedicated to advancing our services through innovation, research, and education, with the ultimate goal of saving lives and improving patient outcomes.
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Entering a career as a medical assistant requires a unique set of skills that extend beyond clinical expertise. As a vital link between healthcare professionals and patients, mastering these essential skills is crucial for success in this dynamic field. Here are five key attributes every aspiring medical assistant should cultivate:
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healkinhealthcare · 4 months
12/24 Hr Nursing Services At Home Care | Qualified & Verified Nurses in Mumbai | Healkin
The best nurses for home care in Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban & Thane. We provide verified & the most qualified nurses. Request a callback!
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septembergold · 5 months
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rightcare · 6 months
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Post-operative Nursing care In Doha, Qatar
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