#nutcracker nihongo
Japanese vocab: some words I messed up/forgot this week:
Colour indicates pitch accent (pink = high then falling, orange = remains high, purple = flat)
All sample sentences are from Renshuu app.
景色(けしき)- scenery, scene, landscape [noun] その国は山の景色が美しいので有名です。The country is renowned for its beautiful mountain scenery.
贈り物(おくりもの)- gift, present [noun] エミは素敵な贈り物に驚きました。Emi was surprised at the nice gift.
郊外(こうがい)- suburb, commuter belt [noun] 郊外から通う学生はバスで通学している。Students that commute from the suburbs come to school by bus.
最も(もっとも)- most, extremely [adv] 日曜日は私が最も暇な日だ。Sunday is the day I'm most free.
とうとう - finally, at last, in the end, ultimately [adv] とうとう私の姉は婚約した。Finally, my sister got engaged
適当(てきとう)- suitable, proper, appropriate [な-adj] 適当な時に彼にそれを言いましょう。I will tell him at the proper time.
無くなる(なくなる)- to be lost, to be used up [v1, intr] 彼女は元気が無くなった。She's not as energetic as she once was.
鳴る(なる)- to sound [v1, intr] 突然ベルが鳴った。Suddenly, the bell rang.
構う(かまう)- to mind, to care about [v1, /intr] ここに座っても構いませんか?Do you mind if I sit here?
しばらく - for a moment, for a minute しばらく考えさせてください。Let me think for a moment.
講義(こうぎ)- lecture [noun/v3] 講義の間、彼女はとても退屈だった。She was very bored during the lecture.
招待する(しょうたいする)- to invite [v3] 彼をパーティーに招待してもいい?Can we invite him to the party?
倒れる(たおれる)- to fall (over, down) [v2, intr] その男は倒れた木に座っていた。The man was sitting on a fallen tree.
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lonelypond · 4 years
Tiger By The Tail, Chapter One
Love Live, NicoMaki, NozoEli, 2.6K, 1/?
Summary: Nishikino Maki is escaping family expectation by wintering in the Nishikino's summer haven, while allowing her childhood friend, Kousaka Honoka to use the family camp as a bed and breakfast. Their friend, Minami Kotori, met Sonada Umi during a design internship in Tokyo and has convinced Umi that her Lily White management group and their primary client, rising social media star Yazawa Nico, should travel to America to help launch Kotori's debut design line. Local Eli Ayase is interested in the new visitors.
Notes: Note about language: I am not going to attempt English to Japanese translation very often and when I use Japanese phrases, I will try to make the intention clear. But if the Japanese natives are alone together, assume they are speaking Japanese although I will have typed English.
Tiger By The Tail, Chapter One
Honoka was back. And with company she’d apparently met at the door.
Nishikino Maki could have stayed out of it. Arguably, she should have stayed out of it. But her ears had perked up at the flow of perfectly spoken Japanese and something about the shrill indignation of the speaker...Maki glanced over the couch. A tiny, almost miniscule woman completely swaddled in a parka was gesturing wildly at a much more buxom specimen, wearing only a fair isle sweater and a scarf over her regular clothes. Honoka was looking very confused.
Honoka, rubbed her head nervously but her smile remained bright, “I’m sorry. Is there a problem?”
The taller woman shook her head and spoke in only slightly accented English. “Pardon the intrusion. Are you Kosaka Honoka?”
“Just call me Honoka.”
“Honoka.” A smile, but Maki was mostly watching the shorter woman fussily unwrap two yards of scarf and continue to mutter. It fascinated.
“Is your friend all right?” Honoka the ever helpful wondered as she unpacked groceries from their totes.
At that there was a stomp. And a “Nico Nico Ni” and some kind of hand gesture. Was this a Japanese form of exorcism? Maki would have to take notes. Eli would be entertained.
“Nico was just expecting…” a hesitation from the taller. A snort from ‘Nico.’ Was her name actually a demand for a smile? Because Maki thought that seemed more foreign to her demeanor than English.
And perhaps Maki really should have minded her own business. But... “The short one has put a curse on us for being a rustic backwater she’s being forced to slum in. Apparently, we are about to contaminate her perfectly crafted image.”
The shorter one spun, almost faster than Maki could blink, strangely dangerous red eyes narrowed and locked on. Maki felt struck by the accusation in the gaze.
“Shitsurei na hito desu ne.” Nico snarled
Yes, Maki was being rude, but so was insulting the host in a language Honoka didn’t understand. If Maki was giving up her Christmas solitude, she was certainly not going to let her friends be run over by Little Miss Misanthrope. Maki decided her best response was a shrug and an eye roll. Match attitude for attitude.
“Hello.” The taller woman spoke slowly. “I am Tojo Nozomi. Please forgive Nico. Jet lag is difficult.”
Nico obviously spoke enough English to be unhappy at the apology on her behalf but chose not to speak.
“Konnichiwa. ” Maki was still stretched out, leaning on the arm of the couch, enjoying the show.
“Nihongo jyouzu desu ne, doko de naratta no desu ka?” Nozomi’s turquoise eyes brightened with curiosity.
“Watashi wa Tōkyō ni sunde imasu.” Maki had lived in Japan and had dual citizenship, at least until her 22nd birthday, although she’d been based in New York City for high school and college.
“Interesting.” Nozomi inclined her head, “May I have your name?”
“Oh, that’s Maki. She’s…” Honoka had put the groceries away and stepped around Nico.
Maki hopped up, interrupting Honoka, “Let’s get them settled in their room. The double upstairs?”
“ummm...I’m not sure, there were...” Honoka scrunched up her face, trying to remember details.
Nozomi clarified. “Two more people are due. They had to wait for some of the luggage to clear customs.”
“That’s right, there were 4 of you. And two rooms.” Honoka bopped herself on the side of the head.
The tiny woman had stopped glaring at Maki and stepped forward. “Take Nico to her room. Now.” She did speak English. Fairly smoothly.
Nozomi seemed uncomfortable and made a half bow. “Nico is tired and would appreciate privacy.”
“Upstairs?” Maki asked, searching for a bag but Nico had the handle of her rolling suitcase clutched in a hanging off the side of a cliff from a sapling grip.
Rapid fire Japanese from the shorter woman and then a reluctant translation. “Nico agreed to the master suite.”
“That’s my room.” Maki was startled. When she’d agreed to let Honoka run the Nishikino family camp as a bed and breakfast, she insisted Honoka keep the master suite unbooked.
Nico’s arms were crossed and she was glaring.
“Nico has certain expectations of privacy.” Nozomi offered smoothly.
“No.” Maki snapped.
Honoka turned to Maki, blue eyes pleading. “There’s two rooms. Your parents are in Japan…I figured it wouldn’t be a problem.”
“The bathroom’s shared.” Maki hissed, coming around the island and dragging Honoka down the hall towards the door.
“Maki…” Honoka whined, Maki hated it when Honoka whined. “Kotori asked us as a favor.”
Kotori had asked for a favor. Said these were friends of hers. Maki should have obviously asked for more details.
“This is your problem, Honoka. Put her in the garage.”
“That’s my room.”
Maki glared at Honoka.
“It’s a tiny loft.” Honoka had both hands out, pleading. Maki tried not to think of the clutter that Honoka had probably buried her bed in.
Maki’s hand flashed out, pointing back to their guests. “She’s tiny.”
“Maki....” more whining.
Glances were exchanged between the guests and Nozomi stepped forward, “Is there a problem?”
“No, no, not a problem…”Honoka had started waving her arms, “just a hiccup, but Maki’s really nice and it’ll all be okay, right, Maki?” Honoka had one of Maki’s arms in a not so friendly vise.
Maki closed her eyes, humming a darker patch of the Nutcracker, then grimaced at Honoka, “I’m going to Eli’s. NO ONE goes into my bedroom.”
“Nobody wants to...” Honoka almost sagged with relief but still clung.
“Oh, just be quiet, Honoka.” Maki shook off her friend, and grabbed her coat, tossing her hair back and pulling her watch cap over the curls. She could rant at Eli and then be back after jet lag had knocked out the problems. Good strategy.
“See you later.” Nozomi called out. “Thank you for your hospitable greeting.”
Nico snorted.
Maki growled.
“I can’t believe Honoka would do that.” Maki was pacing, she’d already done a dozen circuits of Eli’s tiny storefront office.
Eli looked down at her friend, reaching out to grab the pine swags that Maki was thrashing the air with. Eli took some care hanging them off nails, “It’s Honoka. What did you expect. You agreed to let her run a B and B out of your family’s camp. Even if you only did it to annoy your parents, you still did it.”
Maki blew her bangs out of her eyes, “I didn’t do it to annoy my parents. Honoka needs some actual experience. I wanted to help.”
“I know.” Eli paused, debating if the swag was level enough that customers wouldn’t think the Christmas decorations had been hung by elves drunk on nog. Then she swatted Maki with a spare pine branch. “Plus, bonus, if it annoys your parents…”
“Eli…” Maki’s voice held a note of warning.
“Sorry.” Eli laughed and climbed down, folding up the step ladder, and being a good friend, changed the subject, “Japanese friends of Kotori, huh. Bet they were stylish.”
Maki shrugged, “The tiny one was mostly wrapped up in a puffer jacket that she could have rolled down Cadillac Mountain in.”
“I’ll have to stop by. How long are they staying? You should invite them to the Nutcracker.”
Maki turned her back on Eli, appreciating the seasonal touches Eli had scattered around her office, a pair of antique snowshoes, skiing pictures, white and blue knit hats with Bibi and a snowflake embroidered on the brim, “Talk to Honoka.”
“I will.” Eli bounded behind her desk, chin propped on hand, “We need to meet more people. This is a very dead town in the winter.”
“I’m fine.”
“They’ll go back to Japan, you can try out flirting with no consequences.” Eli winked.
Maki raised a judge-y eyebrow at Eli, “Flirting always has consequences.”
“Not for the forthright.” Eli leaned back, the picture of smug, blonde charisma.
“Good luck with that.” Maki kicked a rug while Eli preened, “Can I borrow a snowmobile sometime?”
Eli leaned forward, looking at the printout on her desk. “Sure. Have a rental party tomorrow, but anytime after that. Need a guide?”
Maki shook her head.
“Where are you headed?”
Hands in her pocket, Maki sighed, “Just out.”
Maki had had enough polite conversation. It was time to move this to Eli’s garage/ballet studio and the upright Maki slummed on when Eli needed live music. “Let’s practice.”
“Go warm up. I’ll be right there.”
Maki nodded.
Very nice space, Nozomi decided, as she looked around the clean, bright wood of the walls, large framed photographs of rural rice paddy, bamboo, and temple scenes blending nicely into the natural feel. Nozomi wondered if there was a Shinto shrine or temple anywhere close. New Year’s would be strange without visiting one.
Nico frowned, “Why aren’t we in New York City?”
“Because Umi’s designer friend is amazing, based here, and we’ve been invited as guests…” Nozomi nudged Nico as she curled up in a chair, looking miserable, “Plus, the scenery is quite lovely.”
Nico glared at her manager, “You're not talking about the snow are you?”
“Why not have some fun?” Nozomi bounce sat on the bed, trying out its springiness.
“Nico is working.”
“Nico is always working.”
“Yes.” Nico was taking in every detail of the room and there weren’t nearly enough.
“Nico should take a break. Ask a girl out. Get a private tour…” Nozomi’s go to look was a leer and it infected her voice.
“Nico isn’t interested.”
“It’ll be a long, cold three weeks then.” Nozomi flopped back on the bed. She hoped the upstairs mattresses were this comfy.
“Nico will stay close to the fire.”
Nozomi sat up. “Women are warmer.”
“Nico doesn’t need entanglements.”
“I wouldn’t mind being tangled in…” Nozomi ended her teasing, for the moment, at Nico’s fierce glare.
“Leave Nico alone.”
Nozomi bowed, giggling, “Yes, your majesty. Maybe I’ll go see if that snappy, sassy redhead is back and we bond can over your bad habits.”
Nico looked for something to throw as Nozomi hustled out the door.
The music always helped. Maki had gotten another stern email from her parents suggesting she enter Columbia to start her MBA studies, since she had decided not to pursue medical school. As a pre med, she’d been able to sneak through college with a music major, taking the required science courses for her planned out future. But that had just made the thought of so many hours in school not in front of any kind of keyboard unbearable. So she’d fled to Maine and looked up her summer childhood friends, including Honoka.
After she’d finished at Eli’s, Maki had just walked straight into the music room she’d turned the walkout basement into, to continue practicing the Tchaikovsky pieces that Eli had decided on, and the March that Honoka had chosen for their latest video, with Maki playing as seriously as possible and Honoka cracking as many nuts as she could in the costumes that Kotori had come up with. They were filming that tomorrow, if Honoka remembered.
When Maki next looked at a clock it was after 2 a.m. Too late. But she was barely sleepy. Time to curl up with milk and cookies and a Christmas cartoon? Stretching her arms out in front of her, Maki stepped out, the snow crunching under her unlaced boots, stars distant but bright in the cold, clear night. Bracing. Maki should have just taken the stairs. Stomping through the snow while humming a very fast March, Maki found herself even more alert, shaking off the cold as she switched to slippers and strolled into the kitchen. Quick warm up some milk with cinnamon, Maki glanced over her shoulder, Honoka had left the fire going. Maki would have to talk to her about that...wait, was someone on the couch?
Sharp red eyes glowered above a scowl.
Maki wondered if somehow Nico had heard the piano, even through the soundproofing, “I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”
A shrug, or more accurately the blanket Honoka’s Japanese guest had swaddled around herself moved slightly up, then down.
“I haven’t been sleeping so I’m hoping some warm milk and cookies will fix that.” Maki considered measures as she poured out a pint into the pot, “Would you like some?”
Maki poured more milk into the pot, took out the cinnamon, and turned on the flame. Humming Elligton’s Sugar Rum Cherry take, Maki started stirring.
“Why so quiet?” A voice grumped next to her.
Maki jumped slightly, managing to squelch a squeal and only splatter a third of the milk.
“I’m not quiet. I’m humming.” Maki turned to Nico, squaring her shoulders back to loom slightly. Nico’s glance paused briefly as she looked straight ahead, then ticked up to meet Maki’s.
“Not you.” Nico spun, waving both hands in a broad gesture that took in all the windows. “Here.”
Maki scratched her cheek, “It’s supposed to be quiet. It’s the woods.”
Nico hmmpphed. “Too quiet to sleep.”
“How can it be too quiet to sleep?” Maki was genuinely puzzled and found herself watching to see what Nico was going do next.
Nico sighed, started to say something, then her eyes went wide just as Maki’s nostrils flinched at an acridly sweet burning odor, and Nico shoved forward, pushing Maki to the side, using the blanket to snatch the pot off the stove by its handle, “Baka.”
“Just let me…” Maki reached for the pot, but Nico slapped her hand down.
“Sit.” Nico pointed to the front room.
“This is my…”
Nico shoved the pot under Maki’s nose and Maki stepped back, gagging, “Sit.”
Grumbling, Maki moved to the counter, leaning. Nico, with swift, sure movements, took a quick tour of every cabinet and assembled a new batch of ingredients. Maki tried to get a good look through the constantly shifting speedster but Nico was moving so fast it was hard to focus on what she had in her hands.
“Is that chocolate? I’m not…”
Nico turned, raised a finger to her lips, and shushed Maki, who decided slumping morosely in one of the stools was the right mood. But she just couldn’t keep her frown when the smell of cinnamon and chocolate with just the slightest hint of some heated spice started to warm her.
Maki, twirling a curl, was staring out the window, when a box of shortbread and a mug of meltingly dark hot chocolate landed in front of her. Nico had already shuffled past, rewrapping herself in the blanket, and claiming the far end of the couch.
“Arigato.” Maki said as she picked up the offerings and followed. Nico was staring expectantly. Maki cleared her throat nervously, “I was planning to watch some Christmas cartoons…”
Nico seemed bored, and shrugged, staring ahead into the fire, suddenly disinterested in Maki.
“Did Honoka leave the fire?” Maki asked quietly.
“Nico knows how to make fire.” Nico shivered, “wanted warmer.”
Maki jumped up, hurried to her bedroom and came back with the queen sized wool ‘Good Medicine’ blanket off her bed, leaning over the back of the couch to wrap it around Nico, “you can borrow this while you’re here. If Honoka’s only given you a comforter, it might help.”
Another period of staring while Maki watched the fire and wondered what notes the flares of yellow and orange would translate too if she were scoring the backdrop to a winter’s night.
“Jet lag Nico. You?” Nico broke the silence.
The chocolate was richer and sweeter than Maki was used to, with the slightest bite of what might be a hot pepper. “Never sleep.”
Nico grunted, “bad for skin.”
Maki drew in a hugely dramatic puff of air and patted her chest over her heart, “Harsh.”
Nico giggled.
Mood eased, Maki ventured a question. “Talking snowman or talking reindeer?”
Nico tapped her mug, then her lip quirked up into what looked like a smirk from the side, “Grinch.”
Maki grabbed the remote.
A/N: Well, here we go again. Buckle in for the winter holidays, this story will cover Christmas, New Year's, and the Lunar New Year, a holiday very meaningful to me. There will probably be more romance than the main two, but I'm still working out the details.
I have had the most stressful of Autumns and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get in the mood for a holiday jam. But I know I'd miss it too much. I'll be continuing the werewolf shenanigans of Midnight Apocalypse Dance Party as this goes on. And at some point, Can't Get Started will finish...probably. I blame the title.
This title is because I suddenly did math and decided Maki and Rin were born in the Year of The Tiger, the third years in the Year Of The Rat, the rest in Ox and that seems to work. So I'm going with it,Thank you everyone who keeps reading these. Knowing Love Live still connects us has been a bright spot. I appreciate your support.
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Book I picked up in Koriyama. Obviously I was legally obligated to buy it.
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Vocab from Japanese Short Stories For Language Learners (Anne McNulty & Eriko Sato)
Some words I've encountered before but had forgotten, some totally new ones.
purple = flat pitch, orange = rising pitch, pink = rising then falling
若者(わかもの)young person
養う(やしなう)to support, to provide for; to bring up, to raise
ある日(あるひ)one day
途中(とちゅう)en route, on the way
浜(はま)beach, seashore
騒ぐ(さわぐ)to make noise, to be noisy
捕まえる(つかまえる)to catch, to capture, to arrest, to seize
棒(ぼう)pole, rod, stick, baton
突っつく(つっつく)to poke (repeatedly), to nudge
虐める(いじめる)to ill-treat, to bully, to torment, to pick on
���けない bad, wrong, naughty, must not (do/be)
甲羅(こうら)shell (of a turtle/tortoise)
スイスイ smoothly, without trouble
海の底(うみのそこ)the bottom of the sea
Please let me know if I've made any mistakes!
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Grammar I messed up today
のに - in order to/to do sth (I thought this only meant 'despite' sooo new meaning unlocked!)
V (dictionary) + ように言う = tell somebody that...
N + なのですか = expressing surprise (あの人は本当に学生なのですか)
N + を通る (because 通る is a transitive verb, so I need を)
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Today I worked out the meaning of a word with unknown kanji based on knowing the different parts/radicals, go me.
For those curious, the sentence/word was:
大 I know, of course, and I understood the rest of the sentence. Looked at 拡 and thought, okay. Hand + spacious/wide... oh, like manually making something wider? So that word must be something like make bigger/enlargen! Which totally makes sense given the context!
Looked it up and I was right!
Anyway this is a reminder that kanji gets easier if you keep practising and make the effort to learn your radicals.
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I'm really enjoying studying Japanese at the moment! I go through phases where I feel like I'm making no progress and feel demotivated, but then suddenly something happens and I notice my progress and I magically have motivation again!
Today I was listening to the radio and I found a lot of words I've recently learned were jumping out at me. I couldn't remember all of them, but I knew I'd heard them and encountered them previously, which is something for sure. And there were definitely words that I recognised and knew the meaning of too. I've not been using a textbook or a set study plan; just reviewing kanji with my silly little app and playing lots of Pokemon and putting on grammar videos as background noise.
I'm in two minds about taking JLPT N3 in December. I don't want it to be my main focus because I still feel like I should work more on speaking and being able to navigate daily life situations more comfortably here. But also, I'm just really enjoying studying N3 kanji and vocabulary for the hell of it. I'm using it more as a starting point than an end goal, I guess? I skip over words I'm like "yeah like I'm ever gonna use that" and instead focus on learning sentences with words I want to use (which sometimes include words from N2 or N1 lists too). So I kinda want to take the test just to see how I get on/give me extra motivation, but I also feel like it's too expensive to take if I'm not serious about passing it, y'know?
Well, applications open in August, so I guess I'll see how I feel then. If I do take it and I pass then I'll get more on my bonus, so I do have that motivation too.
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My Japanese coworker who also speaks French, Spanish and German asked me how I find learning Japanese because "the grammar's so much easier" and I was like ???? girl you only think that because it's your native language
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色々買いましたね😅 お金が使い過ぎてしまいました。それでも、とても嬉しいです!
Corrections welcome/wanted!
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Some words I messed up/forgot this week:
Colour indicates pitch accent (orange = rising, pink = rising then falling, purple = flat)
Please let me know if I've made any mistakes! All sentences are from the Renshuu app.
向かう (むかう) - to face, to go towards バスは北へ向かっていた。The bus was heading north.
観光客 (かんこうきゃく) - tourist 休みの日は観光客で一杯です。There are many tourists in the city on holidays.
真ん中 (まんなか) - middle, centre, midpoint トラックが道の真ん中に止まっていた。A truck was parked in the middle of the road.
間に合う (まにあう) - to be in time (for) バスに間に合いました。I was in time for the bus.
競争 (きょうそう) - competition, contest, rivalry, race 彼と一マイル競争した。I raced him for a mile.
この間 (このあいだ) - the other day, lately, recently この間彼に会った。I met him the other day.
国際 (こくさい) - international 成田には国際急行がある。There is an international airport in Narita.
厳しい (きびしい) - strict, severe, relentless, hard (to do) 私の父は厳しくて、テストの成績が悪いと、とても怒る。My dad is strict: if my test grades are bad, he gets really angry
喧嘩 (けんか) - quarrel, fight, squabble, brawl, argument 警察はその喧嘩を止めさせた。The police broke up the fight.
計画 (けいかく) - plan, project, schedule 私たちは県の計画に反対です。We are against the prefecture's plan.
硬い (かたい) - hard, solid, tough, stiff, tight, wooden, strong, firm この肉は硬いですね。This meat is tough.
格好 (かっこう) - appearance, shape, form あの少年は格好がいい。The young man is a handsome figure.
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Seeing people romanize し as si, ち as ti and つ as tu makes me want to throw hornets at them
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I love learning the kanji and their meanings for different place names and linking them with other places. Today I learned that 松 means pine, and it's in 松山 and 高松 and 松江, and 江 is the same え as the one in 寒河江, where I taught lessons one time, and it means creek. I love that I once realised a train was bound for 左沢(あてらざわ) because I recognised 沢 from 米沢(よねざわ). I love that I can look at kanji and piece pronunciation together. Sometimes I don't know what it means but I know what the likely pronunciation and then when I say it in my head I'm like OH. THAT'S HOW IT'S WRITTEN IN KANJI OF COURSE THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. And sometimes place names surprise me with their kanji, like 上山温泉 is not うえやまおんせん; it's かみのやまおんせん. And it feels forbidden knowledge; a secret that no one with my level of Japanese should know.
Learning Japanese is such a wonderful journey and I love it I love it I love it.
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I'm so glad I challenged myself to play Pokemon with kanji and not just kana; I've got SO much better at recognising certain kanji/words because of it! For example: 探す(さがす - to search)and 育てる(そだてる - to raise)aren't new words for me but I wouldn't have known the kanji before (they're both N3 kanji so I need to learn them this year and now I have wheee). 進 is a kanji I only recently learned and I was struggling to remember it until I realised it's part of 進化(しんか)meaning 'evolution', and 進む(すすむ)meaning 'to advance/to make progress'.
Also the first time I played Pokemon in Japanese with just kana I thought that when you plucked berries it was the same word for 'take'(取る)because the kana is とる, but as it turns out it's a different kanji (採る).
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Some general updates because I've not updated properly in a while
I know I've not been super active lately (I doubt anyone noticed or cared). The main reason I've not updated recently is basically ED bullshit (which I won't post about here to avoid triggering anyone, I have a separate blog for that). I'm doing okay and have a handle on things though so please don't worry!
Anyway, updates on Japanese learning:
I'm getting through N3 kanji and every day I seem to come across kanji I've recently learned and I'm finally getting to the stage where I can read simple things (e.g. signs, adverts) made for native speakers without having to guess what half the words are from context. For example, there's a sign in the office bathroom and I realised yesterday it says "please don't wash your hair in the sink" (who's doing that??)
I picked up another manga to try reading called Wind Breaker (100% because it was on special offer in a bookshop and because the character on the front looked cool, 0% because I've heard of it or know what it's about). I'm not very far into it, but it's much easier so far than Spy x Family. Maybe because a year's gone by since I tried to read Spy x Family, maybe because the language is easier. Idk, but I'm hoping to try Spy x Family again once I've finished Wind Breaker.
I'm playing Pokemon Omega Ruby in Japanese now and, again, I'm finding I can read a lot more than when I first started playing X with kanji.
I've made a bit of a habit to play Pokemon/do housework etc with Japanese grammar videos playing in the background. I don't make many notes or even pay full attention all the time, but I shadow the Japanese sentences. And if I come across concepts I learned in a video, even if I don't remember it fully I'm often like "wait, I learned about that" and look it up.
Hanging out with my friend in Niigata actually boosted my confidence a little because he's been saying in our group chat about how good his Japanese has got, but... not wanting to sound like I'm bragging, but mine's actually better 😅
All in all, I'm going through a period of "omg I'm making progress I love learning this language!" and I want to embrace that and ride it while it's here. So I'm hoping to be more active (and maybe kick the ED bullshit to the curb) again from now on 😊
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This is why you never trust GT. 3 times I asked it to translate this and I got contradictory results about how to take it.
I'm pretty sure it's the third one (avoid taking on an empty stomach) but my Japanese is shit so I could be wrong 🙃
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Hi! I read in a recent post that you use anki for grammar concepts and I’m courious how? Like what do you put on the cards?
I hope you get your voice back soon :)
Hi there! I don't do it so often these days although I probably should because I'm terrible at grammar and don't do anywhere near enough to change that and I'm pretty inconsistent with what I do because That's How I Roll. But basically, I put the grammar point + how to form it + sample sentence(s) in Japanese on one side and then on the other side I put the meaning and the English (or Norwegian, whatever mood I happen to be in) translation of the sample sentences on the other side. For example:
Vた form+ばかり(+だ・です +の)
Have just... just recently...
I've just woken up, so I'm still sleepy
I already forgot the grammar I just learned
Hope that helps! I'm sure there are other (probably better) ways to do it too!
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