#obviously theres the wedding
lily-blue-blue-lily · 10 months
slightly regretting my decision to wait weekly for s4 of lone star to be put on disney plus, purely because of the ending of 4x16
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i put a ton of tags on a thing and realized maybe i should just make a post because i wanna know what other ppl think…
thinking about how if izzy had continued/forced his confession onto ed would've gone bc with eds mental state probably backing off on it and being more vague was a good choice. when izzy confesses ed is at his lowest and fully unable to accept that someone loves him and that he can love someone else and ed might have used violence to reenforce these beliefs.
ed dismissing it was probably the best outcome for izzy at that point because if ed was convinced that it was true (although i suspect he did believe that bc he shot izzy to kill the love) i'm not sure what he would have done to end that love.
i’m also thinking about the scene where ed is sobbing and playing with the wedding toppers after having shot izzy. i'm not sure when ed realized that izzy wasn't dead but if he had before that time an aspect of that breakdown could have been him grieving izzys love for him because he did think izzy stopped after the gunshot. which is why he went to izzy to be killed he thought “well, izzys done it for me before and there's no way he still loves me so he will be willing to kill me”
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oifaaa · 11 months
okay but oifa what does the bouquet mean and does bruce understand it?
It's just three white lilies and some green foliage in a vase it's meant to be Jasons first attempt at flower arranging which is why it's not actually great looking and a bit on the nose meaning wise considering lilies are often used as funeral flowers but can also mean rebirth and resurrection - Bruce does understand the meaning but lilies also have a few different meaning so he's not quite sure which one it is
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autistic-katara · 8 months
ppl who genuinely think jancy isnt endgame r so funny to me 💀
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
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clits-and-clips · 3 months
I was never interested in marriage before I met my ex (yuck stop saying that) and now it's like.... idk like I'll never have that again I don't think :/
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vigilskeep · 1 year
colour symbolism breakthrough
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caracello · 2 years
ithink camilla adn i would adopt a kid at some point .. like i couldnt really imagine being married to her and Not having a kid motherhood is clearly very important to her so ive been thinking abt designing a fankid +))
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krak-house · 2 years
Ok but. Mamma Mia AU.
#teddy talks#ofmd#alma is sophie obv and shes marrying idk sam bellamys kid or something#she knows who her dad is but she also knows hes sad and lonely#stede is donna obv and alma finds his captains log aka journal#this is basically as if stede went back to mary and never left but mary and doug are still happily going abt their lives as they were#w stede trailing along like a dejected puppy#so alma finds the journal and is like oh! dad used to Get It#maybe one of these three guys will be willing to fuck the depression out of him lol#so. she sends off letter to ed and izzy and regrettably jack#ed goes bc of course he does (they had much less time together in the beginning so less heartbreak and eds always down for something new)#he drags a relictant izzy along (the journals were much rosier in their description of him alma thinks. they said he was confident and#competent and fiercely loyal but this small man just seems. angry)#and obviously jack heard thered be booze#queue alma trying to figure out which of these guys exactly is the Lost Love her dad always talks about#(the pages on jack certainly sounded like he could be this Lost Love but also it didnt seem like her dad liked him at all.#maybe it was a love/hate thing?)#lucius and olu are tanya and rosie trying to be in stede corner (bc they all have gay pirate radar even in aus) and jim shows up bc obv#frenchie is helping put on the wedding and roach is cooking#buttons is the minister princess bride style#pete and ivan and fang are in the background being menaces and helping to stall when alma cant figure it out in time for the wedding#wee john is making her dress ❤️#(she asked Louis to help and thats who he came up with. she doesnt ask)#(alt. izzy as Sophie and ed as donna. stede jack and pete are the suitors. chaos ensues)
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morningmarionette · 2 months
i need to get over this mid white boy....i need a woc to save me
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thursdayg1rl · 5 months
what i am learning is white women dont play about their weddings lmao
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
anither thjng abt parasocial marketing is like. i am nobodys number one fan LMAOO ik i jokingly say like Im daft punk discoverys number one fan and yk i do love it. but i donot think im in the top 0.00000000000001% of fans simply bc like. i think im insanely normal abt celebrities and ive seen how some ppl abt abt celebrities
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fishingmaster69 · 8 months
people in ye olden days were so dramatic. they were just killing themselves over anything
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smallest-moon · 10 months
vet bills is on 595,15€ and going up again soon, I am not going to survive this 🙂 might attempt writing commissions bc ha ha..
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
HEY????? in my attempts to get with the prince i ended up getting with his fiancee instead what the hell man 😭😭
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alicentsgf · 1 year
nothing is more subtle or more heartbreaking to me than alicent in the wedding feast scene. and half these shots dont even follow her, they follow viserys shes just in the background, (which just perfectly sums up the way alicent and her desires are stifled by viserys/his wants just btw)
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so shes just watched whatever it was that was happening between daemon and rhaenyra. salt in a very fresh wound. and as far as i can work out was literally tearing up over it (if we look at the screenshot above). but then people are screaming and pushing and shoving and alicent instinctively gets up before anyone else at the table even does, still looking like shes about to cry the whole time, right up until the moment she realises its not just pushing and shoving - theres a fight happening exactly where rhaenyra was just a moment before, and suddenly her expression changes to this shot of her blatantly worrying about rhaenyra:
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"but lydia, how do you know shes worried about rhaenyra? she could just be in shock at seeing the fight and concerned in general."
because its spelled out for us the next time we see her:
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this shows us pretty obviously alicents only really interested in where rhaenyra is. this is a tv show, they don't show someone's reaction to something just for the sake of it and alicent is the only person we see react to rhaenyra being safe. she even appears to relax at the end, as if relieved.
this very clearly sets the stage for alicent's refusal to accept any physical harm to rhaenyra - so we can understand why she feels so much guilt and self-loathing over slicing open rhaenyra's arm, and why she is so adamant about protecting rhaenyra in episode 9 even after everything she and rhaenyra have put each other through. just as rhaenyra has a desire to reconcile with alicent she cant shake, reaching out for her even in moments when shes been given no reason to hope (like at the council in episode 6 and dinner in episode 8), alicent has this desperate need to make sure rhaenyra's safe, even at times when she has no intention of reconciling with her. even when shes at her most hostile, harbouring enough resentment to show up to rhaenyras wedding wearing a declaration of war, alicent still cant stomach the thought of rhaenyra being physically harmed. and it doesn't seem to be an aspect of her characterisation thats going anywhere anytime soon.
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