#oc: luther erebus
ninjakitten1699 · 6 months
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You know she really started out as a self insert and turned into an OC yet I don't talk about her enough
So anyways here's some info of hers down below
Name: Katherina Tanith Erebus-Lane Nicknames: Kathy, Rina Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Human/?? Appearance: She has tan skin with long black hair and indigo eyes that she inherited from her father.
Height: 5'6" Weight: 130 lbs. Hair style: Ponytail (season one to seven) / Edgy bob (season 8-present) Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Prussian/Regal Blue (Hex Code: #00416A) Skin Tone: Cameo (#CCA289)
Weapon of choice: Mother's katana and Father's sabre. Varies most of the time. Element: Darkness Manipulation Abilities:
Shadow Generation -The power to generate shadows and darkness. (inspired by Lord Garmadon during the pilot episodes. We should really extend the use of that or give reason why he gave that up. Shade is capable of this as well but it was only ever in the mobile game.)
Shadow Camouflage - The power to become invisible while in shadows. (inspiration: Shade and the Shinobi from Samurai Jack)
Umbrakinetic Combat - The power to fuse manipulation of darkness with physical combat to create a devastating form of martial arts. (As it says on the tin)
Umbrakinetic Constructs - The ability to create objects and other constructs out of darkness. (Why her weapon choice varies. It is unknown if she could create entire structures or environments yet)
Personality: At first, she is standoffish, but getting to know her, you learn that she's been through a lot before encountering the Ninja and becoming one of the Kunoichi. She's tough but kind, known to be analytical but fun. Call her genre-savvy if you will. Occupation: Kunoichi Affiliations: The Ninja (currently), Serpentine Rebellion — through Vasuki (currently), Dragon Samurai — through her mother and "aunts" (currently), Elemental Masters (off and on) Hometown: (Spoilers)
Status: Alive Bio: Katherina here is the daughter of the previous Master of Darkness, Luther, and Clarissa, Lady Azure of the Dragon Samurai. She is their fourth child after their eldest, Xander and their twin girls, Mariana and Veronica. She lived in a city far away from the world of Ninjago with her parents having left that world behind in order to not let their young get involved with any fantastical affairs of the like. However they couldn't escape the world of fantasy after all. Katherina was open to the world and she grew up in it. One day, during one of her adventures while she was a teen, she had lost her brother due to a blast of magic and it would be sometime after the event of her loss that she would be framed for something she didn't do, due to her powers waking up after so long, and her grandparents on her mother's side had given her a way to get out of trouble. Unfortunately this would lead her back to Ninjago where she was needed the most. With her panicking and her powers sometimes lashing out with her not being taught to use them right, she was eventually found by Wu and the team of Ninja with their most recent addition, Sam, their wind kunoichi. It took Lord Garmadon to sift through the Darkness to reach Katherina. (Recalling how Leila, the former Master of Shadow had done the same for Luther, their old "friend".) Kathy would eventually be taught her powers correctly (more like without accidentally leaving a door open to Overlord, but she doesn't know that yet) and she joined the fight against the Serpentine. However, it was one night on her own that she would meet a Serpentine Hybrid who, for some reason, she felt a strong connection to and felt the need to hear him out and help him in their endeavor to take down Pythor and his followers.
Luther and Clarissa: Her parents. They are semi-strict types and protective of her and her siblings. The protectiveness definitely shows when they find out she's with Wu, someone they tried so hard to avoid yet somehow got circled back to. Xander: Her older brother who she looked up to. The two of them went on their own adventures through the city they lived in, encountering so much and experiencing more than their fair share together until that incident happened. Mariana and Veronica: The older twin girls. For the most part, they were cordial with her like some siblings are. They were actually studying magic and sometimes Kathy would join, trying to hang out with them and sometimes being shot down, but not maliciously. When Xander died however, their demeanor to her changed, shutting her out nearly completely until she herself disappeared one day. Samantha: A kunoichi of wind who became her friend. Vasuki: He is a Hypnobrai-Anacondrai hybrid she had followed, mistaking him for one of Pythor's followers. After hearing him out and being led to the border of their encampment, the Ninja had mistaken her for being kidnapped but they find out it's not the case. Events come to pass, and Kathy and Vasuki are inseparable to the point of when she was done helping rebuild the City of Ouroboros after the Battle of the Devourer, he ended up following her and eventually becoming her partner.
Fun Facts:
Originally, she was a self insert in an RP years ago back on DeviantArt. That was until I gave her a different name and watched other material that would make up her backstory. If you've seen my old DeviantArt journals, you'd know what I had laid out for her. However the story did change quite a bit.
She didn't actually have an official ninja suit design that wasn't customized to her. The most I ever got was her color. Now her suit is based off of several things. There's the unused Leonardo concept, Karai's armor, and that one Ninja costume from this site. That's basically the three main things that helped.
The names her family members, notably her father and brother, are called aren't their real names but by middle names.
She is a middle child. However, her younger sibling Tsukiko would have been born around the time she became a teen, aka the time her powers were presenting itself, so she didn't get much time to get to know her.
There is a reason Vasuki and Katherina already feel so familiar with each other around their first meeting. Of course, that is spoiler related and only one other person knows about it.
She only has so few abilities because her father is keeping the other half of the Element of Darkness so she cannot reach true potential until after he gives it up. (He does not give it up willingly, of course. Especially after he's learned that using too much of the Darkness Element would lead Overlord to an open door. He doesn't want that for her.)
She will get an appearance in another fic. The current Ninjago fic I'm writing is another OC, one by a friend, and I still love her so.
I was going to give her the Romanian version of her name, Catalina, but the more I thought about it, I realized she didn't really look like a Catalina, not even a Catina. Maybe if she were vastly different, I would do so but Katherina had been stuck to her for so long that it feels wrong to give her another name.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 years
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5: Kiss of these prompts
Would DarkDragon be a good ship name for Luther and Clara or is it giving off a bad vibe? I’m not sure. Well either way, I need to call them something because they’re nothing but sweet and honest to each other. (Don’t need to go into details about Luther’s other endeavors and it’s all fine.)
@glitchthenindroid I think of Desolate and Bethany and I go “hehe two hybrids like each other, so cute”
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