#oc: sion silth
Hi! For the OC ask game, green and chamomile for someone of your choosing?
GRINS HI!!! i’ve been thinking about sion a lot these past few hours so this will be about zir.
Green: What is your OC’s favorite piece of clothing?
sion owns this dusty-yellow puffer aviator jacket sun’s decorated with a few pins. she doesn’t wear it as often as they used to since moving to an area with a far warmer climate, but if the night gets cold enough ze will!
Chamomile: What does your OC do to relax?
sion likes to effectively just lounge around with a comic book! sometimes vamp will go out to seb’s home and garden with ver when she’s not busy with tending to their own ranch.
also miscellaneous sion fact because i’m in such a sharing mood: zir’s lastname is a play on the word sylph! also interestingly according to ancestry.com that there was a family with the lastname silth in alabama during 1920. i’m unsure of the name’s exact origins, but from looking around there is the sith lastname, which is gaelic in origin and also a lastname in the united states during 1920. perhaps it derives from there? but i’m not entirely sure.
thanks for asking! ^_^
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ozzyfromthecafeteria · 2 months
adrift solutions (any/all)
aroha lee (he/she)
aurelia silver (she/her)
clyde ryder (he/him)
deion (he/xe)
dian plantae (she/her)
draugur jubal (he/she/they/song)
emery maxwell (she/honey/bee)
jianyu wang (he/him)
mateo ruiz (he/they)
micah quinn (he/she/neptune)
million acceptances (they/she)
nebbie (it/they)
pat swans (they/them)
rory harper (he/they/she)
sebastian “sebs” vermillion (xe/ve)
sion silth (they/she/zir/vamp/sun)
st4r (it/its)
sullivan “sully” sydney (he/him)
vyrule dagon (any/all)
waxing sun (he/him)
zyair rhodes (they/he)
also to search them up, the tag will be #oc: [character’s name]
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