kitkore · 1 year
A Xenogender related to stars reflecting off of the ocean/the ocean and stars/Oceangender(s) and Stargender(s).
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[/ID: The Oceanastaric flag. The flag has eight stripes. The order of the stripes is golden yellow a wavy design of orange, a small strip of golden yellow following the next stripe, a slightly bigger strip of semi-blue following the next stripe, a small strip of golden yellow following the next stripe, a wavy design of semi- muted blue, a wavy design of a slightly darker semi-muted blue, and a dark wavy design of the semi-muted blue. there are multiple semi-translucent golden yellow stars with a semi-translucent light bright blue outline. /End ID]
Coined by ;; Venus & Sid (Horror sys) !!
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sacrifesse · 4 months
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⭐️ ⋆˙⟡♡ STAR iD PACK 〰️
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— NAMES : star , night , lucky , stella , stelle , nova , celeste , celestine , aurora , orion , atlas , apollo , luna , lunesse , astrid , sterling , eos , estel , aster , phoebe , roxanne , roxana , starla , vanessa , castor , leo
— PRONOUNS : star/stars/starself , star/starry/starryself , twinkle/twinkles/twinkleself , night/nights/nightself , glow/glows/glowself , shimmer/shimmers/shimmerself , sparkle/sparkles/sparkleself , bright/brights/brightself , moon/moons/moonself , moon/moonlight/moonlightself , moonlight/moonlights/moonlightself
— TiTLES : the starry-eyed one , (pronoun) who cries stars , (pronoun) who shimmers under the moonlight , (pronoun) whose glow guides travelers of the night , (pronoun) who finds comfort in darkness , the twinkling one , the glowing one , the shimmering one , the sparkling one , (pronoun) who twinkles , (pronoun) who glows , (pronoun) who shimmers , (pronoun) who sparkles , the moon’s best friend
— GENDERS : stargender , starflower , starstimgif , starhacker , constellangelic , celestipangic , cosomiene , starryghostic , genderstar , lumifelia , catnightic , pupnightic , bluestaric , softstaric , starfuzzblanketic , luminaryvir , luminaryess , astrofoxic , oceanastaric , starspillenessic , rainystaria , starcatgender , pasteldreamic , mysterymoonic , staractor , magigalaxic , redstaric , starcatgender , constellestial , stardeity , luminaryneu , starlinourriture , shootingstardeity , starlitskygender , starlitluminic , shootingstaric , starsplodic , stargazegender , stellarregressic , starrycattic , fallecelestic , astrostarlic
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pt: star id pack
requested by anon /end pt.
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headmatespawner · 7 days
umm hii :,3 requesting an alter loosely based on manta rays …..
Names: up to u
Age: any between 14 and 20
Pronouns: she + up to u
Titles: i dont know what this means 💔💔 any are fine
Genders: up to you
Orientations: lesbian
TransIDs: up to u
Non/Alterhumanity: just human but up to u if u wanna change that :3
Source: n/a
Roles: any
Origin: brainmade
Picrew?: y
Banner and/or color hex? y
thanku ^^
I GENUINELY ENJOYED THIS ONE SO MUCH!!!! Manta rays are my second favorite animal ^^ - 🌿
shh i gotchu -☢️
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unfortunately I am unable to do the hex’s because the site I use is not working :(
Names: Marina, Coral, Aqua, Pearl
Age: 14
Pronouns: She/Her, Sea/Sea���s, Kelp/Kelp’s, Manta/Ray’s, Bubble/Bubble’s, Wave/Wave’s, Reef/Reef’s, Gill/Gill’s
Titles: PRN That Swims, PRN That Belongs in The Sea, The Friend of The Sea, PRN Who Roams The Ocean Bed
Genders: Cisgirl, Oceanastaric, Genderocean
Orientation: Lesbian, Acespec
Transids: Transgills, Transoceandweller, Transnonverbal
Alterhumanity: Manta Ray Kin
Roles: Memory holder
Hex: #aac1f2
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