#odnlb spoilers
maridotnet · 1 year
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hoohoo heehee! they’re hot and crazy!
beautiful original design for lila by @mila-beedoodling​ and colors from @erisluna35​‘s STUNNING rendition. if you haven't read one does not love breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus, I hear Fridays are a great day to jump on the bandwagon! chat noir is dead, ladybug has murderous intentions, and adrien agreste has been keeping his distance for the last six years...
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looks like i won't be making the update tonight sorry all. i underestimated this chapter and overestimated myself. i promise i'll update within the next 24 hour period.
sooo have another apology sneak peek under the cut!
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theluckiestlb · 2 years
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one does not love breathing / “emotion”, my beloveds. 
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feather-of-argos · 2 years
[Felix and Kagami leak interaction]
ml fans: ewww, get away from our Kagami! She deserves so much better!
Odnlb fans, opening their weekly email notification and reading simultaneously: d-did we manifest this?
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arizonova · 1 year
The pauper and the prince/princess?
Please. Give me the equally rich families with their rich shenanigans. Give me the rich heirs with no-nonsense attitude and a pure power of Absolute Academic Weapon™️ to end the villain's career within one season as a side hustle. The main one at their current agenda is playing chess and shogi, trading sarcastic quips, and banter about nepotism and collective narcissism during a petit déjeuner in thee morning. Hawkmoth and Tomoe have already interrupted their tea ceremony dates like seven times and they ain't let that slide any more.
Power of luck and friendship? More like power of spite and annoyance. They are the "I don't know how to connect with the common people, but I do know how to find their flaws and their deepest fears" folks.
The "should I replace our prime minister and participate at the upcoming election? - please don't, we won't be able to gouge out more time between our trip to your manor estate in Wimborne, another trip to my minka estate at Kyoto and our Oxford entry admission" power duo.
"Miraculous: the Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir"? More like "Bummer: the Tales of a Deadbeat Butterfly Man and the city' clowns aka citizens". You bet the only silver lining during that narration would be about their gushing over homies Adrian and Marinette
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maridotnet · 2 years
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Wackus i just read ch 32 and I must ask you are you a sadist? Do you like making us cry this hard 🥺😭
Ladybug and Chat Noir's (2nd) reunion is so bittersweet the longingness felt in eachothers interactions their expressions, they want to stay together so bad but it's not the right time yet. I just feel so bad for them yet so happy.
And I was not expecting to see Chat Noirs 'death scene' at the end, that moment of suspense when Ladybug watched Papillon take the miraculous,just seeing him murder her partner, her first thoughts upon seeing his civilian transformation too, It hurt so much imagine what Marinette felt she was so close yet she couldn't save him her yoyo barely missed the two of them before Papillon 'killed' him she must've gone through so much at that moment anguish doesn't describe it enough. your writing and wording are perfect as always.
sorry for causing tears 😈we can't let them be happy yet though, they need to exhaust all possible options before they hit rock bottom!
i count chapter 32 as their true reunion because they actually got to talk to each other! even if it was only for give minutes, it was more than they've had in six years. i think it highlighted what their priorities really are now, which for adrien is to save the world from monarque, and which for ladybug is to save adrien 😭
and yeah we finally got the flashback scene after 31 chapters! i kept trying and trying to fit it in, but the moment never felt just right until now. it was a snap decision, too, but it was too good to take out. the contrast of ladynoir's reunion with their parting was just too good to pass up.
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yo yo Yo YO YO i am freaking out i’m watching emotion for the first time and when i saw the feligami crumbs i was already thinking of u and ODNLB and then felix transformed and was ARGOS and then the RED MOON i had to put my phone down i was freaking out had you seen the ep before you wrote it or are you just Apollo’s favourite? thanks i love you have a good night
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apollo's favorite :33
no like seriously i. i've been watching all my ideas slowly become canon these last few years and omg. it's making me insane. like look at this excerpt from my very first fic what makes a monster where i bring out argos for the first time:
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i think i just understand felix too deeply because i predicted
felix would steal ladybug's yo-yo (what makes a monster)
felix would be called argos (what makes a monster) ((and i guessed this btw because i knew felix was a little nerd and would know the obscure reference to greek mythology's argos, the hundred-eyed giant, whom hera turned into a peacock))
feligami (odnlb)
and i'm going to count the glitter bomb lucky charm that ladybug uses in odnlb chapter 40 because WHY NOT. (when i saw it happen in adoration i was like :0)
i didn't predict red moon though lol i just stole her from canon because i liked her and she just fit the vibe. odnlb felix was always going to cause a whole red wedding type drama & i just used red moon to help him do it.
i'm sure there's more but those are the big ones ;))
i swear i'm not on the miraculous writing team but if they want to hire me THEY MIGHT AS WELL. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS. ROYALTIES WHEN ZAGTOON? I'VE BEEN WAITING.
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did you know that i named felix "argos" way back in 2021 in what makes a monster because
argos is the companion of the greek goddess hera. he was a 100-eyed giant before she turned him into a peacock
felix is enough of a nerd to think this obscure reference is cool
it has the double meaning of felix "seeing everything" bc he thinks he's so smart and better than everyone else
and then i liked that idea so much i ended up recycling it to odnlb 🦚
but yeah isn't it so fitting? 😍
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Wackus how do you feel knowing that feligami might become canon?
i'm not ok and i've never been better. words cannot describe how batshit every feligami leak has had me. if this is real and it actually happens i want you all to remember me when i ascend this realm and cease to be.
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Have you ever gotten hate for shipping feligami? Considering the hate I'm seeing for the ship.
no surprisingly, not for feligami itself! about the early middle of odnlb i did get quite a few anons and commenters who were salty toward felix. i didn't get anything disrespectful, mostly just people frustrated over my portrayal of felix and how the narrative was treating him. even then, the remarks i saw about feligami were pretty positive. some people even said that they didn't like my felix but shipped my feligami, which i took as a compliment!
i actually didn't know there was hate for the ship honestly?? i do understand why. putting someone as moral as kagami with someone as morally gray as felix is definitely going to cause some controversy. and SPOILERS S5: some have mentioned there's a power imbalance in the ship now because felix is the peacock holder and can snap sentikagami out of existence. i just don't see that as an issue though, since he would never do that. kagami could stab him out of existence at any time she wants to. adrien could cataclysm all of them anytime he wants to. luckily, everyone's power is (literally) in good hands!
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Wackus have you seen the new episode pretension? just waiting for your reaction 🤩
hehe yes i have >:)))) i've been refraining from posting anything spoilery until the episodes air in order bc some of my friends are avoiding spoilers & leaks and i don't want to accidentally ruin that for them!
but omg. OMGGGG. i've been looking at the spoilers, the leaks, everything. yet something about seeing feligami on screen just has me 🤯 like, i can't believe this is happening. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S REAL.
anyways what a great way to end the year. happy birthday to feligami 30/12/22. and congratulations to me for being a prophet of the lord.
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Pssst…. POV spoiler? 👀
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I’m afraid to ask but… pov spoiler?
ofc bestie
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i'll even give you the title spoiler: chapter 42 is called "cataclysme"
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worked really hard on odnlb for a couple hours and this is what i'm ending the day with ❤️
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Hi I'm not the normal pov anon, I'm someone else but I have to ask who's pov will we get next week?
hello welcome welcome! i'm happy to help! most likely we will see some of this:
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