diabolics · 4 years
if you had been able to raise hope, what would you have different?
❛ not one thing. while i do wish she did a few things differently, there is not one strand of hair on her head that i would change. hayley did a better job than i ever could. ❜
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@chosenlonely @xhcyley 
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resilientsovl · 4 years
Jack & Sam ( not an otp or brotp but im applying anyway )
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
ft. @ofablaze
who hogs the duvet:  probably  jack
who texts/rings to check how their day is going  both
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts  jack
who gets up first in the morning  sam
who cries at movies  neither  of  them
who gives unprompted massages  neither  of  them
who fusses over the other when they’re sick  sam
who has the most embarrassing taste in music  i’m  going  to  say  probably  jack.  i  have  a  feeling  it’s  all  over  the  place. 
who collects something unusual  neither
who takes the longest to get ready  neither,  they’re  used  to  having  to  pick  up  quickly  and  go.  but  secretly  it’s  sam.  that  hair  doesn’t  come  easy  it  takes  work.
who is the most tidy and organised  sam
who gets most excited about the holidays  jack
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports  i  want  to  sam  probably  sam  with  sports  but  he  is  terrible  at  pretty  much  every  game  so  he  just  accepts  his  losses.
who starts the most arguments  jack
who suggests that they buy a pet  jack
what tv shows they watch together  probably  lighthearted  comedies.  i  think  sam  watches  a  lot  of  the  like,  boring  CSI  /  NCIS  type  shows  but  he  wouldn’t  watch  those  with  jack.
who brings flowers home  the  bunker  has  never  and  will  never  see  flowers  in  its  lifetime.
who is the best cook  sam
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frcmashes · 4 years
━━╋⊂ Ace of Swords - what is the most recent problem your character has had to solve?
how  to  save  your  best  friend  from  himself  after  he  loses  the  love  of  his  life  and  his  will  to  live  in  one  fell  swoop:  an  autobiography  by  landon  kirby.
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geminislegacy · 4 years
1, 2, 8, 16, 30
is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
not really. i’m content with the attention division.
if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
lizzie, for sure. though once i get the rust off dean, i’ll get to him again for sure. he’s my all time favorite muse.
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
well, for lizzie it’s obvious. nothing holds a handle to lizwil and nothing probably ever will. otp of my heart. my notp is lizzie/rafael. yikes.
i don’t think i have necessarily an otp for klaus because i like multiple ships. klaroline, klefan, klamille. my notp is probably klayley, just because i LOVE what they have in a non-romantic sense.
for dean it’s destiel, for sure. it takes a lot of shit chemistry for me to not get into destiel at some point. i also liked him with jo and cassie, though. i think my notps are dean with anyone sam has fucked ???
for jaime i guess it’s jamistair ( no homo tho ), for cassandra it’s with sebastian ( dracmeo and witchiet ), and i like michael and olivia. parker and max but i can’t call them an otp because they’re FUCKED UP. 
which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
i’d say it’s between lizzie and dean. both always willing to throw punches.
most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
no, i hate each and every single one of my muses. i hate this rp. don’t join this rp. i admin this rp but i only do it because my family is being held hostage. i’m blinking three times, someone help.
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wrckhvck · 4 years
assumption: you would have become human had Elena survived
“ agreed. ”
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svldsoul · 4 years
if it came down to it, would you choose v or your brother?
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    “  v.  ”  the  answer  is  given  with  the  same  montone  objectivity  as  per  usual,  unphased  by  the  image  of  the  two  hanging  off  a  metaphorical  cliff.  “  his  long  term  plans  align  more  with  mine.  ”  she  was  a  demon,  a  knight  of  hell,  because  of  him  after  all.  “  aster’s  sweet,  but  he’s  clumsy.  he’d  get  in  my  way.  besides,  we  don’t  need  the  king  falling  so  early  into  his  reign.  ”  it’s  simple  strategy.  she  sees  the  court  as  chess  pieces,  slowly  falling  into  disarray  and  breaking  the  rules.  they  certainly  can’t  have  that.  “  the  circles  would  break  down.  without  a  king  to  guide  them,  they’d  fall  to  their  old  unorganised  methods.  naturally,  many  would  try  to  reinstate  order  as  they  saw  fit.  they’d  kill  until  they  were  killed,  and  so  the  tyrants  would  go.  on  and  on.  no.  ”  she  shakes  her  head,  topples  the  king  on  her  mental  chessboard  with  a  push  of  her  index  finger.  “  he’s  the  obvious  choice.  ”      @vurasisms  @ofsilvrwings
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willdoitforher · 4 years
PENELOPE    my  expectations  for  penelope  were  actually  pretty  spot  on.  i  thought  that  the  confidence  wasn’t  an  act,  which  it  isn’t.  that’s  genuinely  her  personality  y’all.  and  then  that  she  had  more  than  the  capability  to  be  a  soft  bitch.  i  was  also  correct.  what  surprised  were  the  next  two  things  in  particular.  one,  i  didn’t  realise  her  insistence  on  putting  a  stop  to  josie’s  co-dependence  was  a  cue  to  her  own  co-dependent  traits  and  the  longer  she  went  along  that  path,  the  more  they  would  be  nurtured.  it  manifests  differently  than  it  does  in  josie,  but  it’s  equally  unhealthy.  this  girl  literally  died  for  her  girlfriend.  yikes.  and  two,  i  was  surprised  by  how  truly  selfish  she  is.  we  all  know  she’s  the  selfish  and  josie  is  the  selfless  and  so  on  but  she  is  a  genuinely  selfish  person.  to  her  core.  i  was  surprised  by  the  truly  relentless nature  of  her  self  interest  and  equally,  the  fact  that  her  self  awareness  of  it  doesn’t  make  her  want  to  change  it.  HOPE    my  expectations  for  hope  were  pretty  consistent  with  her  surface  level  reality.  i  always  knew  she  had  about  45  ongoing  identity  crises  and  that  most  of  them  tied  in  her  family.  adult  vs  teenager,  desires  vs  duties.  the  typical  heroine  stuff.  and  while  that’s  still  true,  and  is  an  absolutely  enormous  complex  in  her,  i  have  come  to  realise  i  underestimated  the  true  extent  of  her  damage  and  how  it  affects  her.  the  level  of  pathological  doubt,  abandonment  and  in  turn  saviour  complex  and  desperation  this  girl  has  going  on  cannot  be  understated.  i  am  truly  surprised  she  functions  as  well  as  she  does.  i  always  knew  she  loved  people  hard  and  uniquely,  as  both  part  of  being  a  mikaelson  and  simply  part  of  being  who  she  is,  but  i  came  to  realise  how  deeply  that  runs.  hope  mikaelson’s  love  is  like  no  other  and  it  is  consuming  and  can  be  overwhelming  but  it’s  also  incredibly  beautiful.  if  she  loves  you,  she’s  going  to  love  you  for  the  rest  of  her  life,  whether  she  wants  to  or  not.    i  now  think  that’s  another  reason  why  her  i’m  dangerous  to  people  complex  exists.  she  knows  that  the  way  she  loves  people  has  pushed  them  away  before  (  ie,  in  her  mind,  her  father  as  a  child  )  and  equally,  she  knows  if  she  lets  people  in  and  loves  them  like  she  can  and  they  leave,  she’ll  be  fucked.  people  are  dangerous  to  her  too,  but  she  can’t  truly  admit  that  without  admitting  why.  like  i  said,  i  was  surprised  by  how  deep  that  runs.KAI     at  this  point,  i’ve  been  playing  kai  for  a  long  time.  he’s  a  violent,  manipulative,  incredibly  intelligent  sociopath.  none  of  that  has  ever  been  a  surprise.  the  one  surprise  that  i  found,  that  entirely  subverted  my  expectations,  was  that  he  is  capable  of  something  akin  to  love  that  isn’t  narcissism.  this  first  became  clear  to  me  through  his  relationship  with  lizzie  because,  yes,  it  may  have  started  out  as  manipulation  with definitively  malicious  intent  but  it  did  bleed  into  genuine  want  to  see  her  succeed.  he  might  have  given  her  stockholm  syndrome  but  he’s  given  himself  just  as  much  of  a  problem.  he  cares  about  her  now,  wants  to  turn  her  into  what,  in  his  mind,  jo  could’ve  been.  it  didn’t  surprise  me  he’s  given  up  hope  on  jo  but  it  did  surprise  me  that  it’s  projecting,  subconsciously,  onto  lizzie.  basically,  he’s  a  made  monster  and  everything  that  made  him  is  still  very  much  there.  whether  he  acknowledges  it  or  not. ETHAN    me,  a  clown,  hasn’t  actually  written  ethan  that  much  but  i  will  give  a  few  of  my  thoughts  that  are  somewhat  relevant.  i  expected  the  fact  he’s  a  good  guy  to  be  consistent  but  he’s  also  very  selfish  with  the  way  he  feels.  he  might  not  use  it  in  a manipulative,  almost  malicious  in  some  cases  way  like  penelope  does,  but  that  doesn’t  mean  it  isn’t  real.  he  won’t  let  anyone  else  be  stepped  over,  yes,  but  he  also  won’t  let  himself  be  pushed  around.  he  knows  he’s  a  good  guy  and  there’s  a  level  of  shit  he  simply  won’t  take.  will  100%  call  people  out  on  their  bullshit  eventually.  unless  you’re  maya.  then,  well,  you  could  get  away  with  murder.  his  aggression  is  very  intense  and  genuine  (  probably  even  more  intensified  now  that  he’s  triggered  his  curse  )  but  the  lengths  he’ll  go  to  surprised  me.  he  may  have  killed  someone  without  recognising  the  situation,  but  the  will  to  do  so  was  still  there.  was  it  on  an  entirely  moral  ground?  honestly,  i  don’t  know.  unchecked  aggression  and  a  morality  complex  can  be  a  literally  deadly  combination.  CHRISTIAN    christian  has  taken  all  of  three  breaths  so  far  but,  thus  far,  everything  has  been  consistent.  major  self  preservation  down  to  brushing  truly  corrupt  things  under  the  rug.  accepts  corruption  as  a  part  of  life  and  more  so  a  part  of  his  life.  his  survival  is  paramount.  everything  else  can  burn  in  his  wake.  MAXWELL HARVEY/JACKSON ACKERY    y’all  know  the  maxwell  story.  as  a  tl;dr,  obviously  i  didn’t  expect  him  to  turn  out  to  be  a  cannibalistic,  sado-masochistic  psychopath  with  narcissistic  personality  disorder  but  here  we  are.  i  knew  something  was  wrong  from  the  echoes  of�� neuroticism  and  fixation  that  were  there  from  the  start  but  when  he  started  to  turn  the  corner,  it  truly  blindsided  me.  and  even  now,  as  i  know  what  he  is  as  a  full  picture,  he  still  finds  ways  to  surprise  me  each  and  everyday.  he’s  in  a  continual  process  of  evolution  and  i  truly  have  no  idea  where  the  train  stops.  as  for  jackson,  he  was  actually  a  revamp  of  a  previous  muse,  also  called  jacks.  i  gave  him  a  revamp  when  i  brought  him  back,  basically  totally  changed  his  backstory,  and  i  knew  something  was  again  a  little  off  from  the  word  go.  he  still  cared  about  people,  however,  so  i  wasn’t  that  concerned.  once  max  came  into  the  picture  however,  who  jackson  was  in  full  became  clear  very  quickly.  jackson  is  a  very  high  functioning  sociopath  who’s  sadism  and  violent  tendencies  have  been  nurtured  well  by  max’s  intentions  and  their  symbiotic  venom-esque  relationship.  the  fact  that  jackson  is  still  a  consistent  presence  in  max’s  narrative  and  his  own  body  surprised  me,  but  it  also  has  come  to  make  perfect  sense.  they’re  two  halves  of  the  same  whole.  they  basically  wrote  themselves  into  existence  and  i  just  watched  with  rapt  entertainment. CALLUM    honestly,  my  expectations  for  callum  have  been  pretty  spot  on.  i  knew  he’d  feel  differently  once  he  killed  someone  again  and  it  became  very  clear  to  him  everything  he  remembers  is  in  fact  real.  it’s  given  him  a  sense  of  innocence  lost  that  was  to  be  expected,  but  not  nearly  as  much  as  i  thought.  he  hasn’t  reverted  back  to  the  person  he  was  when  he  was  first  alive  but  he  also  isn’t  entirely  callum,  so  to  speak,  anymore  either.  he’s  in  a  path  between  and  honestly,  that  makes  sense  to  me.  what  will  really  come  to  interest  me  is  what  happens  next.  AIDY    honestly,  point  blank,  i  expected  aidy  to  basically  be  gay  and  bored  and  not  much  else.  i  was  not  right.  i  knew  she  had  something  going  on,  which  as  you  can  tell  is  a  theme,  but  she  really  was  just  quiet  and  bored  for  a  long  time.  it  was  only  when  she  swapped  bodies  with  harlow  did  i  realise  that  her  boredom  isn’t  boredom,  so  to  speak.  max,  for  example,  is  bored  because  he’s  a  narcissist  who  he  thinks  no  one  (  sans  parker  )  can  measure  up  to  him.  that  makes  every  interaction  worthless  in  his  eyes  and  therefore,  makes  him  feel  bored.  aidy  is  simply  apathetic.  the  reason  she  was  quiet  and  bored  was,  actually,  because  she  doesn’t  feel  anything.  she  feels  one  baseline  emotion  and  sparks  of  things  that  could  be  compared  to  things  like  love,  or  excitement,  or  involvement  that  people  even  like  max  can  feel.  aidy  can’t  and  doesn’t  feel  them.  the  only  things  that  truly  enthuse  her  so  she  looks  like  she  can  are  murder,  luxury,  and  bonding  with  people  who  feel  the  same  way.  they   fill  the  void  where  her  emotions  would  be.  other  than  that,  she  exists  at  a  cool  medium.  apart  from  max,  i  have  to  say  she’s  the  muse  i  was  most  surprised  by.  pleasantly  but  still.  BRADLEY    like  with  ethan,  i’m  a  clown  and  i  haven’t  written  bradley  all  that  much.  i  know  that  he’s  a  dumb  bitch,  primarily  interested  in  the  capitalist  side  of  the  world,  and  knows  that  he  has  to  take  responsibility  for  his  stupidity.  i  don’t  think  he  always  does  stupid  things  on  purpose,  but  because  he’s  such  a  genuinely  self-serving  opportunist,  it  backfires  on  him  9  times  out  of  10.  i  think  he’s  learning  from  his  mistakes,  especially  with  the  whole  arlo  situation  that  he  feels  genuinely  bad  about,  but  i  don’t  think  it’s  enough  for  him  to  entirely  quit  cold  turkey.
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hvnterism · 4 years
1,2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 15, 16, 28, 29, 30
1. is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
from others? not really, they do good. from me on the other hand....... 
2. if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
4. is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
i mean, mostly because of me. all of them get considerate attention. thank you. 
5. if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
11. is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
15. can you sort your muses from youngest to oldest?
CHRONOLOGICALLY, it goes: victoria, nicole, natasha, baird, sebastian, kol, harlow, alistair. 
16. which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
HARLOW would fight all of them if she could, and succeed in killing them, except for ALISTAIR and maybe KOL. i can see these two also going one on one with each other or SEBASTIAN out of pettiness, but i don’t think any of them would cause actual problems between each other to actually go kill mode. in addition, i think the only ones who could start a legit feud would be HARLOW with VICTORIA. and to wrap all of this mess, harlow would be the kind of demon NATASHA would try to hunt down. 
28. can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
PHYSICALLY/POWER WISE-- despite having been half darklighter, NICOLE was pretty weak in every physical aspect. VICTORIA follows at being only human. while she has some skills like endurance/stamina and speed. i doubt that helps her in case she was in danger against a supernatural being. now that he is a warlock, KOL would follow. however, his ability with magic would most likely give him a good headstart against BAIRD ( who is physically stronger than him ), SEBASTIAN and maybe even NATASHA. why i put natasha ahead? because she has the abilities of a vampire and the resources of a hunter. however, her weakness is exactly the same vampirism... and the fact she needs to master the vampire part. next up is HARLOW ( and if i add au!nicole they’d be trading places ) and finally ALISTAIR. 
so it pretty much ends up being: nicole, victoria, baird,  sebastian, natasha/kol, au!nicole/harlow, alistair. 
MENTALLY WISE--  ( including intelligence and emotions ) without explanation because i’d end up having a stroke, it probably ends up like: nicole/sebastian, baird, harlow, natasha, kol, victoria, alistair,  au!nicole. 
29. which muse are you considering deleting? 
in a near future? none of them, tbh. the only reason i’d end up dropping someone its because real-life interferes and i’d have to give some of them up. in the long run, some of you know BAIRD’s endgame. and AU!NICOLE is eventually leaving so NICOLE can come back. 
30. most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
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ofdstrctn · 4 years
babs & dallan
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
ft. @ofashes​
who hogs the duvet  they  play  tug  of  war
who texts/rings to check how their day is going  dallan  needs  constant  attention  so  probably  him
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts  barbara?  dallan’s  a  ‘there’s  a  card  for  everything’  kind  of  guy.
who gets up first in the morning  neither,  fuck  early  mornings
who suggests new things in bed  both  of  them  probably.  
who cries at movies  dallan
who gives unprompted massages  neither???  idk
who fusses over the other when they’re sick  dallan  makes  soup  but  he’s  not  really  a  fussy  person.  she’s  a  phoenix,  he  knows  a  cold  isn’t  going  to  take  her  out.  
who gets jealous easiest  neither  tbh,  they’re  pretty  chill
who has the most embarrassing taste in music  oh  definitely  dallan.  he  listens  to  enrique  iglesias  on  a  loop  -  especially  hero.   he’s  also  vibing  pitbull  and  then  on  occasion  80s  hair  metal  bands.
who collects something unusual  i  don’t  see  either  of  them  collecting  things.
who takes the longest to get ready  i  feel  like  they’re  pretty  good  at  sharing,  given  they  live  together,  so  they’re  probably  good  at  taking  just  the  right  amount  of  time  to  be  finished  at  the  same  time.  
who is the most tidy and organised  neither,  fuck  that
who gets most excited about the holidays  dallan
who is the big spoon/little spoon  dallan  likes  to  switch  it  up  so  i  feel  like  sometimes  he’s  big  spoon,  other  times  he’s  little  spoon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports  equally  i  think
who starts the most arguments  both,  it  could  go  either  way  and  it’s  probably  over  something  stupid  99%  of  the  time.
who suggests that they buy a pet  dallan
what couple traditions they have  movie  nights,  pasta  fridays,  breakfast  for  dinner  at  least  once  a  month,  sunday  drives.   (  yes  i  made  most  of  these  up  but  they  would  be  iconic  )
what tv shows they watch together  dallan  forces  barbara  to  watch  shitty  teen  dramas.  she’s  probably  sat  through  friday  night  lights  about  16  times  now.
what other couple they hang out with  delphine  and  tom?  victoria  and  adan?  idk  this  is  an  AU  world  let  me  make  shit  up.
how they spend time together as a couple  in  bed,  or  eating.  sometimes  eating  in  bed. 
who made the first move  probably  dallan
who brings flowers home  neither  but  dallan  would  conjure  some  when  he  really  Fucked  up
who is the best cook  takeout
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rexinferorum · 4 years
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
ft. @ofsilvrwings​
who hogs the duvet  v
who texts/rings to check how their day is going  aster
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts  aster  or  v.   aster  is  more  into  homemade  gifts  /  expressions  of  love  where  as  v  comes  up  with  creative  ideas  but  it’s  something  insane  like  massacring  a  restaurant  full  of  people  so  they  can  have  a  private  valentines  day  dinner.
who gets up first in the morning  probably  aster
who suggests new things in bed  v 
who cries at movies  aster
who gives unprompted massages  v
who fusses over the other when they’re sick  v  doesn’t  get  sick  so  i  don’t  think this  applies.   when  aster  gets  sick,  v  just  wills  him  to  get  better  because  he  doesn’t  know  how  to  fix  humans.  their  bodies  are  disasters.
who gets jealous easiest  both  equally
who has the most embarrassing taste in music  probably  aster.  v  swears  that  his  taste  is  eclectic  and  iconic.
who collects something unusual  they  aren’t  really  the  collecting  types  but  v  has  a  bunch  of  antique  and  obsolete  weapons  kicking  around  so  i  guess  him  ??
who takes the longest to get ready  v.   eyeliner  doesn’t  apply  itself. 
who is the most tidy and organised  aster?
who gets most excited about the holidays  aster
who is the big spoon/little spoon  aster  is  the  little  spoon,  v  is  big  spoon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports  100%  v
who starts the most arguments  again,  probably  v
who suggests that they buy a pet  aster
what couple traditions they have  couples  that  murder  together  stay  together.  they  also  cook  together  sometimes,  even  though  v  doesn’t  technically  need  to  eat,  and  i  think  they  do  weirdly  enough  do  date  nights.  it’s  all  very  domestic  for  a  demon/fairy  relationship.  
what tv shows they watch together  i  feel  like  aster  likes  those  baking  shows  and  cooking  shows  on  the  food  network.  v  likes  trashy  TLC  shows  that  show  humanity  at  its  worst.  
what other couple they hang out with  they  mostly  hang  out  with  aidy,  or  with  harlow.  idk  if  they  have  couple  friends.  
who made the first move  v
who brings flowers home  aster
who is the best cook  v
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lcvebuilt · 4 years
finn & henrik
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
ft. @ofisolaticn
who hogs the duvet:  probably  henrik
who texts/rings to check how their day is going  henrik
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts  henrik
who gets up first in the morning  finn
who cries at movies  probably  henrik?
who gives unprompted massages  neither  of  them
who fusses over the other when they’re sick  i  think  it  could  go  both  ways,  though  finn  wouldn’t  be  as  upfront  or  obvious  with  his  fussing.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music  100%  finn.  he  listens  to  margaritaville  radio  basically  24/7.
who collects something unusual  neither??
who takes the longest to get ready  probably  finn.  he  has  to  flatiron  his  hair  now  and  that  takes  time.
who is the most tidy and organised  neither?
who gets most excited about the holidays  henrik
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports  100%  finn.
who starts the most arguments  finn.  he’s  petty  and  shady,  it  happens.
who suggests that they buy a pet  henrik.
what tv shows they watch together  i  think  finn  likes  period  shows.  maybe  outlander,  game  of  thrones,  or  vikings?  ragnarok  too  maybe.  
who brings flowers home  henrik  would,  saying  that  finn’s  house  looks  too  impersonal.  he’d  be  right.
who is the best cook  neither.  they  should  just  order  food  in.
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diabolics · 4 years
would you dagger finn for a corn chip?
❛ I would dagger him for sport. ❜
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resilientsovl · 4 years
“ do you regret letting me close ?” + Jack
“  not  in  the  ways  that  count  most.  sometimes,  yeah,  maybe  i  do.  but  only  because  our  life  isn’t  one  i  want  for  anyone,  let  alone  someone  who’s  like  a  kid  to  me.   i  think  about  how  we  grew  up,  all  the  shit  we  saw,  and  i  wish  you  had the  chance  to  be  a  normal  kid.   people  around  us  also  have  a  tendency  to  get  hurt.  you  got  hurt.    selfishly,  yeah,  maybe  it’d  be  easier  if  i  never  let  people  get  close  because  then  it’d  hurt  less  when  you  lose  them. ”
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frcmashes · 4 years
assumption: you'd kill someone to protect your loved ones
“  agreed. ”
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swtsvrndr · 4 years
━━╋⊂ Ten of Swords - was there a time your character has ever hit “rock bottom”?
i  don’t  think  she’s  hit  rock  bottom  yet  but  coming  back  from  the  dead  and  constantly  having  people  tell  her  she’s  crazy,  or  think  she’s  lying,  is  pushing  her  pretty  close.
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nocttrls · 5 years
kiss - a kiss on the cheek, knuckles, forehead, in their hair.
the first week of being will’s guardian hadn’t gone off without a hitch but did wyatt sweat it? not on the surface no. he had moments where he’s thought “WHAT HAVE I DONE?” a twenty six year old guy being a guardian to a teenager? hell, wyatt’s still a kid more than most of his students were. he wore flip flops and dude bro shirts with sayings like i can’t brain today, i have the dumb. and his cargo shorts? don’t get me started on the amount of cargo shorts wyatt halliwell owned when he was twenty six years old. he looked like a perpetual fuck boy rather than a headmaster of magic school. will himself? wyatt kept a close eye on him, explained certain things to his teachers, kept students out of his way... the weeks and even years to follow, that wouldn’t matter, but that first week?
wyatt hadn’t slept a wink. at school he looked like a father of a newborn who didn’t sleep at all. that when he’d close his eyes and drift just seconds close to sleep, he’d snap wide awake at the screams echoing off his walls. it was harder than you’d think to be able to tell if someone’s dreaming or not until the very moment he had, and wyatt in his moment of panic, waved a warmly lit hand over will’s head and body to give those nightmares a little boost in a different direction. whatever will was fighting inside of his mind would be influenced just enough for will to have a way out. fighting his father? will would get a doorway to the magic school library where it was just him and books, not jack. longing for his mother only to be met with loss? wyatt would give him a boost to seek out a friend or see what relationships could be like away from the parents who’ve scarred him.
he’d never admit such a thing. wyatt had taken to standing and sitting outside will’s door waiting for the nightmares to rear their ugly heads. over time it got better but every now and then under certain occasions will would have another nightmare and wyatt would be there, giving him a gentle boost and a kiss on the forehead before he slipped away. he doesn’t know why he won’t just tell will what he’s done but he sort of sees it like christmas time, or yule, where it doesn’t matter what you get. it’s better to give than to receive.  whether it’s better for will or not wyatt doesn’t know. he only knows that he wants to do everything in his power to make sure he’s safe awake or not. @ofindcmitability
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