#oh well I’m def a lesbian bc I’m dating an enby person AND THATS WHY I’m not attracted to anyone else !!
michaelnotholden · 2 months
how did u realise ur aroace?
It was a PROCESS.
so basically I knew I didn’t care about a persons gender, like I found girls and guys attractive and I didn’t really see myself having a preference. Now that’s where it got a little complicated bc I couldn’t tell if my crushes were actual crushes or not. Turns out they were hyperfixations!
So I started dating my long distance/online best friend who’s (at the time) identified as a non binary lesbian. …I was questioning if I was pan or not bc up until now I had realized the "crushes" I had on previous boys weren’t necessarily real.. so thinking I had comphet, I identified as lesbian for the whole time we dated (a year) and a month or two weeks later after breaking up I found out I wasn’t interested in dating anyone..
hence why I identify as aroace now! Again I am attracted to all folks but anytime a girl or a guy has had a crush on me I always felt uncomfortable and almost kinda sick at the thought of dating somebody so that’s where I fall on the spectrum..
Good luck to anyone who’s trying to figure themselves out, i hope this helps!
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