#ok good nighttttt
pinkkinoko · 2 years
Ok last one before I scram for the next eight hours to sleep.
About the whole crying thing, whether in this au or in my other au, I’m always thinking that despite Billy being a really smart kid he actually had a hard time developing speech due to trauma. I mean it’s absolutely adorable to think about little Billy just sobbing or throwing tantrums because he’s not sure what he wants to say, or he gets overwhelmed but it’s also pretty sad, because the reality is probably that he developed poor emotional control and didn’t understand how to express his wants or needs verbally due to his family life.
Early childhood trauma has many adverse effects on children’s language acquisition and development, the fact that his father probably regularly got angry when his mother talked back or argued was likely a big factor in Billy feeling that talking was not a good thing; he still needed to express himself in some way, though, so he did it through emotional outbursts, the same way he’d seen his father do. I’m sure his mom would try to help him out and socialize him, probably through local swimming lessons and such, which I think would have been a big help.
Still, trauma during your formative years tends to hold lifelong effects, and I think the way Billy has those nervous trembles (like when he was at the Halloween party and his hand shook while smoking), is due in part to a lack of healthy impulse control. Of course, I would (personally) attribute a portion of it to adrenaline, and some attention-seeking behaviors, which probably came about later when his mom left (looking for validation/attention/praise).
Either way, it’s not that Billy isn’t able to talk or even comprehend the world around him, if anything he’s actually very good at it, but there’s probably some fear response going on that stops him from talking as a sort of defense mechanism. I think he would talk more with his mother (and later Eddie) as time went on. Of course these are my personal headcanons so it’s just a thought, but in case anyone was curious about the crying thing (from my point of view).
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ok i finished ch19 ill stop for today cuz i wanna sleep good nighttttt
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milktea-grn · 2 years
i am not watching any longer please let me know the antics let me know if dnf or dream or george do crazy ok thank you good nighttttt <3
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chiarrara · 3 months
Ok so I got more thoughts on the whole art school au:
Oh the Tokyo and the Kyoto schools are definitely rivals(which makes the whole shibuya art convention far more tense probably) . Which reminds me- Todo is also in textile/fashion and is either focused on making high quality gym clothes or on making pretty dresses (inspired by his one and only Takada)
I was really thinking on wether Gojo would be an artist in this au or not, since in all “no powers” au’s he’s in I just default him to a physics professor. But if he is then he absolutely just fucks around by incorporating physics into his art any way he can think of. Like very complex art installations or sculptures made to show off the weirdass stuff you can make by abusing the laws of physics. Geto on the other hand is into fine arts (mostly oil painting) but is obsessed with adding in philosophical or religious symbolism in his paintings. If Kenjaku was real in this universe then he’s probably the paint fumes Geto keeps huffing (that are most likely melting his brain as we speak)
Also just because this is an art school au doesn’t mean that Mahito doesn’t almost kill someone. Multiple times. I mean, it’s the viewers that should be more careful around the hanging sculptures, and yes he did make sure that the threads that attach them to the ceiling are secure! And him almost throwing a box cutter at someone was just a happy accident. (Side note I think his art would be focused heavily on body horror, the grotesque, or just generally being off-putting or gory. Something like Cao Hui’s “I Want To Play God”. Be warned for body horror tho when searching that up, but it is really cool)(another side note: Hanami would make beautiful ceramic flowers)
Since we mentioned throwing sharp objects at people and Nobara seems like the type to have chased boys with scissors in middle school, imagine how dangerous she would be now. Because not only does she have access to scissors to chase you with, she also has saws, lino cutters, hammers and many more very dangerous objects. Maybe don’t rile her up while she’s in the workshop. Or don’t rile her up at all.
Each year Maki welds herself a sword to see how much she’s improved
Megumi loves drawing and illustrating animals and most of his sketchbooks are so full that they’re all puffed up and can’t even close properly anymore. They look like they’ve been thru war. He also uses his art skills to shitpost a lot.
Since Yuuji is a movie nerd I think he’s love doing subtle merch based on the movies he likes
ahhhhhhh okay i was watching basketball so i couldn't give this my full attention but i was itching to reply all nighttttt
eeeek i love a rivalry. Also, I love Todo in textiles. I feel like he would make such simple but meticulously constructed clothes. Like the kind that you don't even know how good they are unless you actually know shit about clothes. Also, por que no los dos, he can make really pretty athletic wear for women. Tennis dresses and lounge wear and golf skirts, and body suits. Oooh and his dream could be to get a contract with Takada, or do a promotion with her. And he would tell her she's his muse and everything he's made had been inspired by her.... or that's his dream at least.
OH and he would judge guys by their taste in girls because it's literally their taste in fashion as well and he's passionate about the type of girl you design for....oh it all fits soooo well. I love him.
okay, so to ME i always see Gojo as more of a math guy, because his powers are actually more math based and conceptual than they are physics based. Like he's not actually fucking with the extant laws of the material universe so much as he is bringing math concepts into reality through magic-infused imagination. But i'm a math person, and fundamentally there's not enough of a difference if you're not a math and physics person and it is physics in a way like he's applying math concepts to physical space so it makes sense to make him a physics professor like everyone does because you use a lot of math in physics especially quantum physics dealing in higher dimensions which is basically what he's doing morphing spacetime and it's getting really in the weeds and particular to make the distinction between math and physics at that point but I am who I am...
So ANYWAY my point is, it would be really cool for him to do like, some kind of digital art, computer graphics type thing? and maybe he like designs a lot on a computer based on math concepts and things and then translates them into physical space in ways that completely fuck your mind. like somehow he recreates infinite fractals in physical space and you can't figure out why your mind is short circuiting to make this work but it does. Idk I think that would be really cool. And he would design mcescher like gallery spaces that you get turned around in and can't figure out how you got to where you are from where you were. like somehow you went downstairs and ended up a floor up. And no one can figure it out but he does it somehow.
Not kenjaku is the paint fumes geto is huffing TToTT im deaddd. okay so what if in school he did a whole series on moral responsibilities and the burden of responsibility on the leaders of society and then it started getting weird and he started spouting off a bunch of nonsensical stuff about the weak consuming and overtaking the strong and how he had to fight back and his art started to get very warped and a little horrific and then it turned out the paint thinner he used was getting recalled and there was a class action lawsuit cause it was causing hallucinations and lots of other health issues and once he switched he pretty much chilled out but it was a very formative experience for him. and also that was his masters thesis project or something lmao. wouldn't that be so silly haha goofy.
YES DISASTER CURSES AS PART OF THE AU!!! I love it. I never know how to incorporate them but this is soooo perfect and I love your idea for Mahito. that series you recommended as inspo for him is so sick and i think that makes so much sense as something he would make. I actually love what you were saying the other day about how Mahito is maybe questionable with how they're portrayed in canon with their presentation + their power set, but making that more into the actual ideas of self-embodiment of perfection. like, I get to create my own body because I am the soul and I form my body around myself. But it doesn't have to be any less violent or gory. like I can see his ideal project being like a fucked up body works, like preservation and essentially taxidermy? but breaking more boundaries to form artistic depictions of whatever ideal human form he wants. But he probably can't actually find a way to get away with that, so he has to settle.
I could see him setting up performance art where he get models and twists them into still doable but grotesque shapes, or simulates their bodies being morphed, or makes them intertwine to form one larger body in an unconventional shape. and i could see him also instructing them to wail in pain for the full exhibit run time. And I could see it being very disturbing to the patrons lol.
Also, "I want to play God" reminded me of some artwork i saw on here that i can't find anymore. it was like marble tile and walls and stuff that decomposed like flesh. it was super gory and super cool. I wish I knew the artist or anything to search...
How cool would it be for Hanami to combine ceramics and earthenware with literal living plants and have a literal live exhibit. The plants could grow through cracks and holes and stuff in the pots and bud and flower. or there could be ceramic flowers mixed in and you wouldn't always know which were ceramic or glass or artificial basically depending on the day you went because they're so true to life that if the plant is in the same stage of flowering you might not be able to pick them out.
Ooooh or better yet, what if she used live plants as part of the process in making her pieces and then fired them in the kiln burning the plants alive. as symbolism basically. it's almost an invisible performance art because part of the art is the process of destroying nature to get a product. And also what if she tried to gas her audience one time at an exhibit as a commentary on fossil fuels.
I think it'd be cool for Hanami and Jogo to work together on something, being both earth based. Also, what's Dagon up to? Something to do with cycles of life and death in the sea. What school are they all at?
Lmaoooo I can just picture Nobara flailing saws and power tools and hammers around when someone pisses her off just completely negating safety protocols. She has definitely considered (or threatened to) shove someone's face into a running band saw.
Do you think Maki would give daggers as gifts? I like to think she would. Even when it is totally not appreciated by the person she's gifting to. She would totally be one of those people who caries a hunting knife around for some reason and says it's totally normal. And she'd be great in a pinch, so who's correct?
I love Megumi being incredible at animal anatomy of basically any kind. And just knowing lots of shit about animals. He gets pissed off if you call a koala a bear and he can tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator immediately. One time Yuuji asks him to draw a tiger or something for a design and he whips it up in 10 minutes flat. ooooh would megumi be a sick tattoo artist??
it would be so cool if Yuuji started off like making fan designs and selling them on redbubble or something OR BETTER doing cosplay. He could make some sick hoodies and streetwear stuff based on like star wars designs and other sci-fi and horror.
You got my imagination going. If any of this is like not vibing to you feel free to discard, i just had fun thinking about it.
Did we talk about what Yuuta is doing? or Nanami???? Omgomg also what if like, the students have to have a sort of academic advisor except they're more like a mentor situation??? so like Megumi's advisor would be gojo probably. but it could also be Geto if he's focusing more on the fine arts aspects...or Nanami if he's got more of a business & product focus. Idk it would be really cool to pair them up. Like depending on where the disaster curses are would they be with geto? Oh also, are the twins here?? so much to consider!
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forbidden pizza
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flowerpotmage · 1 year
Ok good nighttttt
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expelliarmus · 3 years
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Helloooo lovey! Could you please write a beefy!yelena and tiny!reader please where Yelena is really tall like REALLY tall (5”10,5”11) and is muscular to hell as well as masculine and r is the opposite to that and can reader be sat on Lena’s lap and stars to just compare hand sizes and feel lenas abs and biceps and play with her rings and chains just r been the Most adorable little thing please and thank you and I don’t know how else to end this so can it just be fluff please (can Lena call reader baby/dekta,tiny,princess,sweet girl,baby angel please:))) thank you so much have a good dayyyyy/nighttttt<333
Enjoy, my friend
Friday evening
Masterlist. Survivor!nat
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Today was just one of those days. You needed your girlfriend. Her attention, her warmth, her protection. You couldn't wait for Friday to end. Your tiredness was practically buzzing in the office. And when you entered your home, you distracted Yelena from whatever top secret work she was doing.
"Do you need anything, принцесса?" Her files were quickly forgotten and you were her only concern.
"Just a bad day." You didn't want to be unapologetically needy. But with your girlfriend you never could control it. And Yelena always felt it. She stood up and pulled you closer.
You felt so secure while hiding in her embrace. The whole world could simply disappear and you wouldn't care.
"Everything's ok. You're home, you're safe, you're with me." Yelena kept whispering reassurances as you felt her hand soothing the tension in your body. "We'll have the weekend for ourselves."
"And no one's going to bother you?" You asked in disbelief. Avengers always found a way to steal her from you. And you selfishly didn't want it to happen.
"No, принцесса." She kissed the top of your head. "Don't worry, I won't let them."
Her heartbeat was confirming her words. Always steady, always calming, always belonging only to you.
"But for that I need to finish analyzing the reports" She sat back and gestured on her lap. You didn't need the hint, it was the only proximity that you could accept right now. You buried yourself in her strong body and tried to remain as quiet as possible. But already in a few minutes your mind and your imagination were becoming too active. You couldn't relax, when Yelena was so close to you. Even now, when she was supposed to be at ease and soft, you could feel the outline of every single muscle. Unconsciously you started touching her abs, applying more and more pressure, waiting for Yelena to stop you. But she was busy, so you started doing the same with the bicep of the arm that was holding you so firmly. You couldn't fathom how anyone could be so strong and yet gracious and agile. And how this perfection could ever think you were worthy of her.
"What are you doing, babygirl?"
You shyly raised your head. You couldn't tell for how long, but Yelena was watching you with the brightest smile.
"Just admiring you." You mumbled and nuzzled her hair.
"You're the most adorable little thing, you know that?"
You blushed from her praise and continued studying her. Compared to her hand, yours was tiny. And  when you tried on her rings, all of them were too big. But you managed to steal one of her chains and even though it was too long, at least it stayed on. Having something that belonged to your girlfriend made you satisfied enough and you yawned. Night was approaching quickly and while playing with Yelena's remaining pendants, you slowly fell asleep.
You were seeing charming dreams until you heard a familiar voice.
"Time to go to bed, angel. I'll carry you."
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emailclub · 2 years
ok gn for real now for realsies gn good nighttttt goodnight
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mouseparade · 5 years
u evre jus cut ur own hair
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maskedknightmoved · 4 years
ok im tired good nighttttt
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darkhopping · 2 years
ok maybe its good that im too sleepy to articulate thoughts cause i was gonna pop out another late night voltaris rageposting essay but now that ones just sitting in the drafts forever so anyway now u guys r spared the page stretcher and im spared the mortifying ordeal of having others have a glimpse of what goes on in my head . on that note good nighttttt
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